HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-16, Page 7He'd Have It Mended, For Rio Sauo TO" Dan affordto gat the impression. Ong day as a former of extraordinary Tho transit had got 11161de the gate dist }ou know all about fanning : sniff ltleataraess was starting out for the and up to rte kitchen door beforo. the you 00not afford to farm fit all. 11U. town to do his weekly shopping--foir wonlnn saw hits, and then 0110,000`e401• less ,you do konsv a good deal abort .it, 'Oven lie had to buy cometlting for the bio' li n1, Tige I Sic' Hint etlpport of alis family -•,itis wife come Tige, riu'Nc1, ltiKn before the tramp ' ItUPWacnxlsR Curet) rx n DAr.--South out and asked hila to buy her a darn. could Waite a roll for it, and friltht- American Neuralgia tradically e currees in to a a1lg.nai3dle, made hint iiravo. days. Its action .upon the system is re. 'What's tl"e matter lvith tide One 1C , • markable alfd myetertous, It rerflaves at ltladatu, lie said attmly, a>x rtt;s was Once the cause of the disease linmedintoly ibeupldt you last willtev 2 asked the vigorously allowing off hid remltinin disappears, The first. close greatly bells, R Y farmer, coat tall, do You always call fits. 75 Dents. Warranted by Tilos Chis, j your dog 1 holm, druggist, The eyes broken out, she replied, Tige 4 Bring. the needle here, •lie said; I'm, Of cour.'e, she gasped, paralyzed by If you rowdy waist the orkantery mot point; to allow such extravagance,, the mall's coolness that's his name, started, take softie imerodt ht it your - I'll have it mended, �yhAt clef you tllii,k I'd call loin ? 601f, instead Of waiting for your thigh, The woman was wise in her genera, Well, I didn't know exactly, but I bora to do all the wort:. t llxi,anal": ilo no protest, Site brought tl ought,. madam, volt nliollt call him the brOlislt Ileetlld, off fOr '11ty stilly Qp tiffs DacasiDn Pisc'rr Iteuredy for Caiurrir Is the I ^ j hest, I; Fislest to Stse, and Cheapert, The economical farmer rode away — i1 I'or the past extent with beenrufl u felllso sof e � into. town and stopped first of all at to ts, ver pp e Solo try drub( tats or sent by mail, the blagltst�aith s shop. Ile tools out a, duilliess of Dolor 1n my hair, and through axc. z.T.Ilazeuhw.tivarren, the advice of a friend .(who spoke from ex- tlle neellq and handed it t0 site parlance) I tried your Anti -Dandruff, blacksmith. I want that mended, he which, upon site al) •lioation of less Chau a a� ` bottle of your liquid I find my head not said. 0111Y thoroughly cleansed but a vast irn- '.Phe blacksmith knew his Custolmer, provement in the color and growth. � � �)�°! °l. and keeping his face perfectly straight ben have and do recommend it as highly eficial to the profession and sublio: ea• said the eye sltiiuld be in'ended in an orally as au ag; eeable and welcome iuuo. � A ,. vation in the remedies put forth for public ltours's,tlme, favor. Youcs, Ra. , 1VU. P WOI,F:I;, The farmor rode %WAy 4nd the blslok- Advertising Agt.; Frank .lAuiels Co. THIS, PREPARATION smith vaalkerl l�oras tilt street an , , d I fleftaott I890 -a1 ,Picts directly on theSto271ac1d " bou.-;ht a new needle fur. a farthing. Thd kabnost' Yet. • And prothotes the healthy aetion of;the When the farmer called again the As mea(t a thing its we've noticed I liver, WITHOUT PURGING. blackswith gave bite the new needle, lately is the following from the Ocean - For Sale by All Druggists. The farmer looked tit the smooth Herald : !t, is said that a certain I And Wholesale b London Drug Co„ Solisbed surfaesof the steel, and re• Bradford lady wllos4 husband got into I I4on on, Ont. marked that it was a good job. How the habit of coming !tome tipsy at — anuell will it be? said hi-. night resolved to try fright oil hill, HAI TI® �C®TT Twopence, said the:-biaolrsmith, and for a curs. She drosspd tip in astanic the farmer qs lie paid it remarked that masgraerade and rnc•t itim to the moon- :B TT ERS_ he knew that the needle could be men; liglit.' Ceule to into; I am the devil,. del, but his wife would have gone to she said in low, sepulchral tones. '9 Josephine Street "lollanl, Ont, site ex petlse Of bnyln'? a (few One if he that so '1 he- reprif d. Shnlce, old cloy i � J A, HALSTRx,SCO � J, Vit', TT, Iva hadn't interfered. ' yet- lrriyf•her-iu-law. 1 married I rlountaorest: � Ustowel. r your sister, Deposits BAaeeived and Interest Riding to Save a Life.—A , p Georgian newspaper 'gave an.aceount Prtftreatiul Trade. allowed. of site heroism of John Potter, a ten REFUREN dA,i, trade •properly eou- Money Advamee'd W Farmers and year old boy who rude a horse -twelve P sista in giving- the preterence to Bur- • Business Men, tpiles to Macon for the•pu1•pose of tall. dock Blood Bitters w1w* seekina"for a Ing a physician to attend his mother, cure for constipati�nw., d�ysl,epsim, hoadaohe, long or lthorbbi.me, er» endorsed notes g p y' ' brlfousuens, jauudi,ee, se'ofialb" poisonous oreg1lateral seeumi�ty. orale untee bought Cillo was believed to be dying with humors, bad blood,, r1remi axtism or kid- at. a fair valuation. &Toasty remitted to all colic. The doctor could not be found; key complaints. tt is the Gr>Ae .s ore, and parts of Canada out reasonable charges, bit a kind druggist gave the lad a has cured cases aw1aach laved resisted all , bottle of medicine and ordered bite to other treatmeet, Spacial Attexaltnon Given to Cal - hurry home. Tht, brave led, rode, leeting .Aeeau. nts and Notes. home, delivered. the medicine, and Three Kates. i then fainted frotu nervous exhauition. A frien;i was llpwruhn :list his IAAentr. In Canada—The bftrobants"Bat,•ite The cupdicine cured the sick woman, wife, had ,just presentod lllim wi o2i Canada ' and the boy is well. It is only neces• triplets, all ��irls, -' liar to 6A thl,t file rectaus medicine p Office IIoun—r,roea•0 a. Ill. to'5 P. M. Y Y p What am 1 to do, with, theat 2 asked A. E. SMITH, wfls PItRRv DA1zs' Paler KILLyR, 4.^ which never' fails to cure disorders of tAe.poor man. 1 don't e•vett know l Agent. _ the stomach. 250. old popular price. what to name them - for New Big Bottle, Ob. sold Air Cilbort,. Ball. the first He Boarded -Enough Said. Kate, Etre second la�r.plieate and the,LOWEy ,A voting dentist, who opened as third Triplicate. F office on Jefferson avenue last weep, UP To Date,-� F finds ultiny discoaracements, His first Facts, statistics, iuforination, things use- �j � � �,� D ful to know, the drug :tat and best budget Patient was a thin young loan who of kuowledgge, reliable and up to date wilt j wore no waistcogt and triced up leis be found in w Clew publication., "Facts and , J ,i. Figures;' just issued by Uessys T ilUilburu 5 �-•� person with a pink and yellow belt. ,� Co, of Toronto, Obt. Our readetEi' MU ��� ou There was a, ' profitable }tour or two, obtain it by addressiup, tate aboye firm mud `�i�� ra of enclosing a three cent stamp. �� AAAA, • in the chair, during which the clenti:st ,per, told his funniest stories its he filed and In. the Colintsy. chiselled and buzzed.. At last instead Foru:an (rus111I * luta0editot's room) CH01t5A-14OR3US of filling lip the biggest- cavities with —The advertising page has; been void and charging $10 apiece, the knocked into pie 1 A f¢ jx(sansctentioUS beginner said : Editor (cheerfully)-�..Briu ; me a .� T `t` Shall T gut in a soft tilling, sir 2 slice of it ° RNDAGL COMPLAINTS oF b5ard, replied the exhausted occu-, rloreman-Slicq of What i j � or �q ®u��� )pan ► �f the chair, briefly,, Editor—Slice of pie, I've never been SIRE pardon. and the dentist, doubt- 'able to get.more than bread and meat ��"fy 1ce 35ers x u , steed you about a soft till- out of it befurs. �EVJARr- oF' 1MtTATIONs +1n�w r nd lightning! Shunted tae It"beeca Wilkinson, of 73rownsvalley, _ !'blinder 1, Ind., says: °,I had been in a distressed • tip in the chair and condition, for three years from Vervoud- HAVE Y0U ypataelAl, sitting, 4 uesy, 4Veaknessof Ilii r5tilrYteticb, Dyspepsia r, ,- r^ h into shape., I tell I � » Ipu1hng his mon mita indigestion until my liedtli wags goue, tiding house, and if I had been doctoring constantly whit: no � you 1 live In 1t Frog relief. I bought one bottle of South Am- I M; r nd glass amalgam erfctin Nervine, wliiclt done Ing more fool t ;youlve get any gr*a%. E 1 1 1 er •roll steel ciI , usiy 'en1. Soft fill- than any $50 worth of doctoring .l ever did � ,l ant;, 'You toot do yI lo�v like a suivideP in my life, I would advise every weakly ! 'Y rperson to use this valuable and lovely rem- . troit Pree Press. edy." A trial bottle will convince you. Warrented by Thos Chisholm, druggist, -e for full- ) Il,ol•.LoIVAY s Pfixse-•-tJ'u, torpidity togtion.—Indigestion, wi�iti rptin ty It 'W`a4 BYO 00. of:ttie liver, by tile ±n�i e eanaf f i 11selated In a 11411 in Glasgow A fate etdt?ltel � "Dnakachs the sraueiigitrs' 'lvho spend each day wiltlit kti cuts t, led g A i»otilig the kid- of the system. sufi'eeings, all of which °iia aFr1Di. n ago there wtzs a lecture six l�takrlage 11eya ars ill ,rpelay s by taking Holloway's P0* it,Gcar& ' and Aftpr,.' The it ctiirer sniff that troublo, dbdd's dangerous, Nay to their accoulpanving direotiorm nen should hiss thein wives as ttls' ', Kidney Pi1l8 sue 'lotted kiaclfey prorlipt reli(1 , troubles resu t They strengthen and ilfvig.orata everys�` .,7�� par aeni; in Bad' Blood, when they tverr3 a year or twd� steal subservient to digestitt�tl. 'l�helr 'tib► 1 d r disease is Dyspepsia, Liver �atitlgllii llurifying,healiut itlti{ stet;nghgy+ilrlr, Ed' ra caussd by Co»tp slut,• and eitliui. They may be salf3iy+ takptl t .' }lla lecture Inas over an old Wmir4�red kid the nrast.dan- r' ' Nt !li_ n , emus Of all, s' 11'itht7nt intgrCerllAg, with ordinary man *A, lit"mel put his arms Around '"�ryhl`&tv'well Bright's Disaaa6v, pursuits, or requiring rituth Iteltttigtion ,And hissed leer, bleat. try 0 hulls, a Diabefes and in dirt. The uickl remove, noise his wiftf''is':nrib it , hoal- lit Drs sy," ilndgf"ddinessin the Bead, awb dispel lugthel4e0dret T1,"xlyday he said : withoul't iioe#4W, `��'l+o abotte lour spirits atld Ylwrvous fears;. 'these It's ne �' aya, a�'. �wo6d syr: 404 4411h t 'ii j health w lA# sx rt I18rei baleutluc Piils work the aure Without ;d thrtl' t'CetCrlr, ` " 1 tr 'yu C�ltat I:tl'Aa'B' l #Ab kidneys c5l!d° . o s liidnlit blitilitating or exhausting the oystetlll ; stn, w�larlt x Flegel aloygrrd, thtll6'�r ' $ wt tf " ,� y W'r3al aa"]sl►e rri, blip �iAtS'Mtr trirF d� v(S' Ern•. •, , , Salclltyrillrlc�aiit'dil'a£ti1 uxl d z basalt }~one �V't'sti .lift t,bltt� a'tttdl001161,P110 o�tti rJxy *wills sh�f3ritlkl, w, $ nrixo sa tefrtr , z , •s ®gl3e.l, Ilvi � AM:XI � SAL r z- 0. V. 11- TlAm TABI'L, Trains ArrAve and dep4rl ay tollonrc: -�.,. ts,+vl�o 6,430 a, In ...... .... For Torotlto ..........b in ; ToQonor¢l bferebant* and hoot and iihoa .stare*. s 00l), in......., —. 1 orA aega'pter...... . i lA'6a p. et In sannectlon with. lay Leather llusingss I keep a suit gt101 ack(no�R11 t .,,.,- '1 T� �t C AT y lG 11lJ l:1 J J # ►+J f A� 1 i DRESSING, A li fcketo t all p igg x, ►yl arlell— Throu/,h tfxkota taa11 pahti* to �irneriee - aT If athaa a lyhitnlorxs. Lanoni, French 1)rxeshrJ li est Pacific QaaRt, etc., via the xhortort e tl)Ol)lllar route*. Pargwo eilechod' Lllmu I00-itinatlan, Lowest frr fight t glee to , Relip*e tf'faby,*, Perfect hid, eto, In 10, 1G and ?,Of sizes by tiro gross or dozen. Jaoguat,s .French Blacking and Gray.,* cliulaX N'aterproaf, old palniw - -�*--•. --- M SRM TADI,iT. { L]CAYt1 vel\anAAi, Anillvit AT WIA 0 4G a4nl.Txronto,Guelph,PallneJ;atob, ase. g;9 11 10 14Clinton, ,. PaAnonton, Mlxed.... ,, d0;4 m ......... 840 London, &x..,...,...11;0 11 dot.°AAAA,, iihraardluo,dra .. ... 44 Ria;. hl Leather, Horsehide, English fill), Porpoise, arc. Cotton anti Rfflo, in all lengths. Button fad.. Y .t7nl 3• 10.f)2 P" lieu p f cis and rutty, cork soles, &e. i9HOF ISE A.THE1t, also ative kip and dupper.d Spanish and slaughter slam ter saio. HARNESS LEATHER,. Best brands o n hand in oalt and hontloek, Specie stocit for traces In oak, tieuitarfi'neacIcardxll acequoations Prices call guaranteed. ler. SIR J. CHAPMAN, 'fanner and Leather D1'etcbant, WINCHAU SclentitPc Amerioase Agenoy for; gr TRADE fARiC$ ' DESIGN PATRNTV COPYRIQNTS,, etc. Forfnformation and free lRandbook write to MUNN & 01 BROADWAY. NIIw Xcns. Oldest bureau CO.,for securing patents In, Ainerica, Every patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in thq 2'44 :txfxg Amtrinto Largest circulation of any sefenttHa paper in the world. E leudidlv illustrated. No Intellf eat utak shoupid be, arltbout It. Week! sa.�Q of year; $1.60 six montbs. Address MUNll dt Jnr n 'BnDLIsaEns.la61)grxudwaY,Nea YoT7+» _ TT FOR THE BEST VALUE -IN— ORDERED N(�, f ORI) .!: �..L:.! �^i RD 0 CLOT � ENNV �i tj GO TO W..— EBS"an ER'S HATS, CAPS, SHiRtS, COLLARS, CU F S, &c. Cheap -'®r KASH., ° AT-- Stoves,toves9 Stoves i I I All inteiiding purchasers of stores for this winter will saveMoney by buying from T_%a SUTHERLAND. Having bought a dery large variety of HEATING AND 11f! i� • to choose from. Every Sf6V(yf'#fifknteed against breakage ani; to give conlplete sdkdaction- 'IQAttti, ta'lrar Stir ,