Wingham Times, 1892-09-16, Page 6apt , t be Ila m h 0 .: V.T. _ _FMZ . % c ,11 111 t , I haarcl soros cue sayin;;, ytlu werA F1►11 value calx only d fro _ t e ,, • feadina hops only by feeding, tberl x1n- i from .Naw York. Aa q," '1 —IS pURL1SHED-• ,� .» � ill, der cover, . � I as. Eti.ri, TRIDA' pI0It1`'sIDiCx Ilrnmalar ain't }'cu rItis a hard matter to lose money' iJ' ;. —AT Till, — Y n ver because it has 8o many , .� - -nMES OFFICE, JQ$EPMINE STFIELT' r ,r- tI SKY, SBI?Trr, 9.l3U1'4 lot Xgp2• been around a good deal. I suppose ? good uses. . ; y . � iN . A111, pNTAI Well, I've been travelling for • of- Thorii is no profit in owning, a single '° _ ,.-... 5ub6criPtlo7A'Drtatr, $1 �Al+r dear, i�att� a�tr:e teen. y lar,0. 2�,5 gI?'VF,R,fiISFID. a ltorEa of land lucre than you calx culti• ,•, � . ..-r-•-^- _ - p VatA. • -ia;i"�, ' _ ADvnttTxslrrE� xtnx;rs lilive , OU got ally jeans pants? Shoo 1 You must have tee a lien E �pacs� t l,yr.' I fano. I s ilio. 1 1 Liao, • got a sort of favor to alit . f, d a luala with a fringe of heard. un, S tV, I've Surplus ear'ttitloA cannot be 111Ye3tad ono Column 464 Oa $34 00 l $20 00tti Oa .0 00 12 OD 0' n . nuibrella in of oil. 111 anytbit)g that will pay much bet- '' Qua` •ter 4, as oo I 12 oa 7 0o I ells, chln and al, buggy y �-r- ! 0a 100 "'��, / r % " � china finch 6 Da a Da ( ter than a good barn. y;„ � y,, a .,..,_..._.'0 ltatldx as be, a ntored the Store. 1t' ell l Legal and othor casual ad, ertlsoments, too. per line 1 stud au ailabiA Alerlt I'm engaged to a nirl 111 thaw next 'nu. catinoc afford to buy all your , ,`c3 lot Brat h,sortiou,andso,per lirioforonehaubSequent �Jenx18 pants n ' n with her to 1ledintl, °e 9 insortion. Shook the E}txtlelilall ;Pith the Olr. I'm �Olhl� hoilip supplies no (natter how lolls, crops Loanl notieesloe. pea line for first insertiont and, A lie l artiest sal 111 .the Both the method anti results when � Loo"I no ic"each aubsequout insortter„ No local: ibrellll by, elle hand; ally Sire's tile la l forest p '� you grow to sell.. ' gy Liu e Syrl7p Rf �'ig I is taken, It is pleasant noitttdvorGis,�u ,intetolI fist � than nnd,St 't'lll', sir ; anythlilp to fit it cOtliltie, find I know rile loves, ilia �lOiCe £Alit 13 t1Elt'kl' llad tl"oTll trPP.S and refxeslxiXlg to the taste, and acts end Business chances Wanted, notoXceedanl 3 linea Lmount of I�ut whll 4 nonpareil, si per month ssllorrper to all elephant. Uneasy l ently yet promptly on the kidneys, I Houses and Farms for Salo, not Oxcecding 8 linea, d to and you l'tlOw a feller 19 allul3 y that bear r,lOrO tllau tllr?y Can ural )er^ river and. Bowels, cleanses. •the Sys• v$''1 for filet month, 600. per subsequent month Vtrrll, 1 ;vttitt as hair to fit 1110 ; Theseteruisiv.joilgerIII be Strictly vertieroO ly tlourisll' relit effectliclly, dispels colds, head - Spacial taros for longer ndcertisomente, or whack his umbrella oil the• abouk ills cal till lie marries t even look Hens cannot be fed riff to-, soon aftt,r aches and fevers and cures habitual longer periods. Glia than prdtelicts illat s ,, Advortisomonts and localneticca withontspociflc Ot} ,herr- Cold weather SP.tB in. i£ you meati to COnStipation. S` r1«p G I igs 1s 1}10 directions, will l+o Inserfed till forbid and Char ed air .I and rile suable fit the President of tale but lluo ,ret the nl•lxiuin profit. • I • ,, , 1 paid io advance VOW, 1tPtt1'6 ix p £ he was ,r ident Grafin, only remedy ot. Ira l;aad ever pro- accordingly, Transitory advortiacments plus ie' Pants , l dueed, pleasing to ta?Ei t. ave and ac- Changes• for contract a n o p, Intents must iso in clerk hold lila it pair x1( jeans pa Yon cant be sure of these women. .)\o fa,rmor can afford to buy man^ ceptaxble to the stomach, prompt in that olcoc"y wodntsday noon, hu ordorto appcny' 11ow does that strike you . its action aria truly beneficial 1n its R. ELLIOTT ULl CflD't. nett unto hp iltlS tkl8t nsade rise u£ . PILOIRIMTOR AND PUU1,131 liu It sePn,Pd to strike the nxau with ay be pretending to love yon lklto a every pound produced At home• effects, prelJo,Ted o+ ly from the most 'the fril�gP' under his chin eery happily, a cuss afire, find yet be planning t0 I Ho;Y eau Yale expect to know wheth. healthyanda yeeiblesubstai. its a, mACI)OPIALD, lot,lb(Ir• h man excelleutclualitj,^scommend�}'t or lie snllllunly caressed a sunar'sted drop You for the first. better -looking er it pays to f"d stool;, .unless yon to a�l and have ^.acts it rile niSEjt JOSEPInNE STREET, once in Ilia left cheek that �� fellow lube comes atom;, slip's in the know- thA cost of chc frxtd they eat. popular remedy 'lortxl. kVINQUAlt,oNTARio rite prEsence of tobacco:, and said, - Syrup of Figs for sale in 750 next car and 1 kknder like to try her. dust So. bottles bq all leadEeng, druggists. first-class. HOW much 1 I'a, pretty sure she's all right, but I'd � 1st �vllo may not, B. TOWLER. ar.D.c.nl., ' Two dollars gild a half, auswE+red Father, said said Johnny Dowd,'I Any reliable dxu,g • Y W. , just like to know how she'd act if you have it on hand SS'lll -procure It AaomborColiele Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario the clerk, with a smile, o went in and sat down beside liar. I saw Dr Grey today, and he said lie promptly for any elle wl'10 wishes —Coroner for County of lluron- 17h�ap ',ltlff, exllaimed rile ut_.n, and Lr,ow its asking a big favor of you, used to go to solloul ,t ith you• to try it. Manxifacturell only by the o�Hceilp•stahs, next to Alr AlortOn's oface, Wing - the ptathtbaral,ce appeared .ill tiltiw Coal ham, out. Se 11P. did, ll?y 6011, and lit' 1s a l;