HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-16, Page 5,r" ,i,r..,•,,,..R„ ....._: •,.rt.. , ... �. _ rx4;q�....n:WB�•+%E°'+la+'i5'+.{gnTY' , mt J2 k", TO For. One JLJE Ttlon,461 B-:-!,,e:rore Tak" 101;� M6 SRtock, l t 'bit,S!yJA:r10Ut'i�tt7lrc'�tCadA,:3'.- . ,.:.... .' - �., - Fk'G',1Mq�F4'MYMRtIk1RAMtc�fM`er-'•..,� ° la r l • . i Wewi�.� ,Te Ou-c 017-1,, gyne �s and the public �; nerally ills be� bargains , mm ° 1��r��q�Qpm BOOTN r. � AJr.`�a'1w�?yi`�i'��S �� and S1-J%.;E, i ��rK%I.IL>� and •�, d ^�-. r �.F._ tax. 't.I UI, Ill V Y IL.JL��'.,,,�.+"yKN.7.L1., G.�i,.L't.d e-s;r�araj.e-ke must be sold at _�•�, ,fit, /�,, �t �J�.�:� �®�.�c.��y�:� �Jn.��a� �J e g •g�•' g^g ,ry� f any tl�j`L s +\ C ffyy, �e '1 E/aa n Mt1 , v Far �° cp�o1z�1:.•�v .,,Ilc u0.. th,,z ! s.•� s v 7 9. _� cq the J^�p�p�" - � c5 iti r> .� t�t� nom' �i JL',�; �L •t:�V V�'�.7. � SJ � .L,i1.'kt•� � �. rt."d ..9.S.t+.� t°�,' � �� ..,�'.,2;L r�9; ems'! ��" .;.G�e✓ � `\.� V 4�.� a� chases. wt. r.�......nR ._'_---•.••---�---_-. , r r0- {{" D �° r e ��o�JED" � � ad ttYi the trade in NOBBY' S AND G fi_. :t S' F U N J S T-4 N G S 13y far the Ybqarge�svt 61ssortgnent of to select from tcwt', we erre, had. Partielxiar attention given to Custol,s Work,, and ��eptairin done in-first-class gbyle. St. Helens. T • J , a:� , �..>�01MI.0 `; 1 & The l7'atlle Law - � —^-• .,Oyu.�•.econtti�as.�:nma-r,:,y��,�?y�y�_m^rsv+,»••,-•- A plensing event took plat-ii at the in Post OtTices alldplelsewtlepost state u house of Air 11 K Millet on Tuesday that rabbits ars ! 1; Q��� Bohol (i APP1'0S'T1M_ lnu; the' GtU lust, ween tkiiss 141aud protPctad, ticluded iu the ams till Salla+ld .and N1r Ratherford of nintri- the Game Zaas;�1A obviousl contained r o theMIL mony ; boil, parties are very hi lily Statutes for 189 I z ®' thought of and have aver large circle bei lneutions bares asI Viantedo3' „ protectad, brit does, not include i of frlelids wlto which thein all happi• rabbits.t naps And prusparity in ibis tbeir.neiv splaers.. ej The Rev J W Anristloi:g,' ofI The undersigned will be Fall Stock Arriving Dail r+ stratheoy; during i purchase an pzOPa1•ed to thcr pass week ,earl Y quantity of apples on and )^^ -- the burial service oral. C+vo after o person,;" Bruasois. whose unite l apes ware 2'01 years, one FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER gth> i -�# �T _ beitlg ova, 9 3 veanck old and t(it! other —Alassfis Iltabter :Bros areerectiug , I .� �9. lU; 1'hc frnnrer wits ppl-stobe deliverer] at the Wiu ham an evaporrt�(ntr factory iu this the lattzj AIx Eve orating +'• � g . C,nbt Sauter, and the latter Airs ry 01en mills) Winrlf Alfl, and all kinds of ��,� �"�''9 plat rt..—{jou,e nriecrwatlts have bean t q4near : .5. 8straling harness, tto, front the ,..had �T ootl00 the a3 lnmrtte of tbo 1iouRe of apples kill do except very small or mel- 5. 3rrr,onginc: to the Uttho:li�t church, ltwfug loci ©nes and may be'shakel, from the 4,\, _�_ dn- ,- sndthe •tr nate es of tlla church are of. The autborttir;s of the poorlluusri at trees. Apples a go may d price ill be pad bags' X� 0 " EL -�'• �•=' s'�g r for which a ferilpl a reward of lU for their rrpNre Belfast, Ireland, are endeavoring to About 75 cords of har4 wood or, tams_ Itension and conviction.- Thr. rite of find the iwlmives of Jaaaar�s • xac wanted. � �I taxation far the town has lo-pil struck who was adrnittod its a, parr )tt'tto thte „a a from 15 to 20 tit two cents on tho dollar.—On Alun- pnorhotisd nlitl died btlrlci Illy . snob We ars boys to or E,' O ��eSno'3 0� 9 �-�•�'�:�3.�27��'p s ,title and boys to work at the Factory. Mings, etc.,. dAY of last week two lartaa Apply at once. t cases of after. On ,�xruuinittlem of hill cloth-. , clotli2ng were forwarded to tiu gay iug aftrr rlearh it teas ;Hood. that lies MAHLER BROS. 1 Mantle Cloths, Shawls, etc paint, Berens Inver, Selldric, by Rev h+tri ❑truly $l©,OUO in TTiritwd States °3 t F Salton for distrir,ttt Ti snoods massy and certilic>ites r,f Tweeds and Cloths, the destitute Indirtns Tim t gods urnliury shares stitched in the twenty Tweeds 800TT i @•.s5 A�-r�, e ,.9 were given by the ladirs of Brus3els 0f Ili, cont 'f1i,a i,alnm lilrin,� r i of 8tNWart !s MUSICAL LEADE3. PRESBYTEIIIAN CiiURG4 .��+"� for this Nur.pose.-1'!te lerdieb of the ,int rrnrolntn01, till,On)r ufrosPd%-ntetessonsh,v,3i.10T'rafninfi,both litStaR �� boug S�� ` i theb'Gotilt,it lsIl atidTonin•yol•' r:Jpr�1J.t cath ai3.d � A rwar ed Association Of Yinl,s (bort h ill [jlatet', ittld it !y bal)avtd that illi, foe Concomi or�Churehru�c,tin rr�tt Tfortr,na inoiuiate � elYl forwarded a box nt clothiu; tn. Rvv 5iwwa,l'r It• ,t e sold •• `� uiun�ts i thin- I.ritiitiallY slid epl,iy nt a 3/ lowest Possible 141, McKay, of l;0uud Lake, As+r:, N l,1td ptob(ibiV r«tnrll �! after a long; tlhs it. tiu)1iRnWrr;. prices. W T, last ,veal(,-41r J D ],1Imnlo ,tbsence iii ilia U1litecl ~lairs or. i 8buterat, a 16111011. °exhibited one of his' odif-itrat-d fire (lot. No on line illclr•ulifi Cann- J _ eut;wes at the Industrial Fair ii, 'Co- ed Alin,,; ��� b8�� value �� rau,to _ .,_ _ whigh,am saw ani pla"1i)g,mill.s. t>v x'o Date, of uudersh„ ned Hive no\v on hand a iar);o shut.): ract,•c, w, theca, lirformation, things nae- . �"� � a ��, � T,ondesborotigh. fu1 to know, the c{rusrgist and best -budget- DRY PINY, '�„j1, j yaj �j• of knowledge, reliable and up to date will leis buns Allen it • vi titin;,, fr•ienris be found iu it -new, publication, 'Tact$ and HIhA1L0o ., rn ill illi+ c1)uutl'y this week —Rev ,lir Vil-J X68," J"A ietrltzed by Mesift T idilburl, >1I,�Lt CIi,:urr1 i salyth, of ` liin:ton, prettohed thanlcs & (;t), of %1oromto, bnz. Our readers cr4r, 'i4ItD11'O0D LTJAIBEit giving sarinons in the Nlethad!~t obtain it by addreming the above firth find Uu [cll ou Sunday Ansi a11d viz A) drib Quclosing a three cent ,,tamp, Drossw or urrdrossod + x and sx, ' ' tim ' ��q day holddz1� tl�e llervest Iiolur� supper 117OTICE 'I'•U THE PEOPIrE, N()1tTIl BI3UIiF `�I3INf:Li.ru, was held it' tilt- Tealperauoe, Hall, at NO. 1 CEDAR\CALL 3, 8 O'.oli ck all rrpzttred to the ollurcl) Bt'°f 1Vilc0x, of St, Thomas, ilii§ :,1'tt'DAt}ti VALUE 'E.a where excellent arlihesers. tvllµre• de- l'wr'11 sr,t>pNiu� n t"r w clays in 1Vtt1$bafu TIE A1)TNG'-;, ��r �� livored by -ministers frow different and hits beau persuaded to sto until .13• I'IItL1:, �, t4trt)O Aluutia evr:tnn,r ' p d�Ctt1: 9.Itogetllar it tv,,s a suet:eNs.—' y .,, °1�rpt. 1rJth,'thnt oar.; fttlll ft'irlidb ❑ow tlhg�lr Htl\rlcosthat 44. eollipotfhnitPar•tlot inteudit.i. �V 4 iSons of boot land lravo strtrtetl tt ' 0atf J1aVe Y to ufld wilt fled It to theh 4iEmwtE to, by a*scall ,) 08t to brat (lot•iott this iI1eorllin1,,, 013KOOe to participate i11 the ilmrvelloua ;uetoru plarilte thiel, urdcls, ns 010 are il.tatinihod curim effected b Ilia catarrh curt, and � •,ren lorry ni 1.11et Pnetioti ga�rante,ri tvLourtod �r tray.=--�Vrt rite trOrrY to last a tilrtt Y GROCERIES Jos Go plough !ts dowaa •wath typhoid uthar remedies, In ttuawt•r to this re- r,--•.floita it Munihex from here quest, tilt .Professor lilts vary loudly �' ����� �� ��ae�� �� '"�7e�' ' Irl ills Tt,l'0nt ' Coutiotrted to do so. 'fh,t ___ _ .: %i , o flair title ,,book.-- Prohissnr is ------------ •e wilt be it ulook trial !,1 the very highly recotnmanda& ttnd under ( r~e cod rt.' ort of brio tile `i t:4 Best �.:bt�d`� '1'etnplars raw,+tirltr uexltt xuwsday g p le onfy iniui ill s .�Granulated l S Vit' l; Which will bM very a niusiilg Ainwrica that zna'tiufaeti seri a rt'nledy ;� w � • Cir 1# Newton, of `Crit,gl+;ata, wits !fiat rt!ully+ colas oatarl'h is thw heed :�. o ph far , Yellow sugar in Proportionate t in Hast ttwelt- illesil`8Jim 13,.11 All ptrboim trslubAli rvith cutat'rli, prices..E' p u as itwrastirl rtitorulwtl the 10 f1• eccrtn+t, 8kilr, dieease.'s, atilt rheum;, T 1 n alintcl) oil = Priddy evening Illoodirlg and Itching pile,, tilick neelc' al oilt ea Ilio hotel lilt ter) which wtl) set toys evalmtatn effects tliotnt'lraa, fwd Call axed Inspert +� outs Ulu bell . is having tiler :- y ets ft ;l grert p alsek v of r,, E,p E, COA CO' r . a 1 e t...,d"tock 1 ove its uppi•ataur,e . %,J this opportunity, if possiblaoRoot)la E x313111. ,p1•e+ehe(l `in tho' 011turin and otliue tit t.1le 1�orllltalt 11otisei (fly PENN'A. MINE, OWNER8.) 'r str6p 11' 11d'lo t ohtirch, Clitawk oil \ti tnghlili,, till Malitilry t\ Orlin);, Smpt,T. �Ar ADS N 0�'F102 11AXILTON b S,in10th. fi _ TIiia Ilia), b,! ' N�i-..._.........,......_._ y yowl Inst tlippor• � turtlty ?Ol snttlir tlnle t0 cOn1r1, . x t .` 06al lou' ()air lots Sold dlireCd ttO HOLSTMN BUB FOR S AW -PCM SALE, i "if ltdi7ls. Be as mtsbloliary, +cari<suw®rgr Jot NO. 8, and rho T1, ii op Lot No. 7 'low oi•t" is church, lecturs.roolu 0r Tl,r rrndersli gad has.'ter pale on Lot 10, Con, i. 11tH Con, r1`urnberry--YS() eopps; r9U uor04 hTo > tCrltl dl$tb Y1rO t , Turnberrr, torr tl)atoughbred 110sitin bulls, tang I cleared; well fenced; nit) no )loci 110ni1te Adams. lop o, at. 511 theatre Ong will llgtioe the glloaldern uE a ' int, ficin t+ tc 18 months old, The nbore Inrntfonctt ; other buildbiga; good orchard • t y eo , on eft. anhaaia aro ail ,roll marked and rattigerud in the , l brig), pia gad BrtfC)rthr is rleatl, fully bklz) inkled )with, ,� artwplltlslenti- {}p p, d r1CYCC� y ' J trtnb. tT Sig Ca uadisn tior d iloAk The will bi gold ohea;r and + Apply to stwh rtiid 'sassed 'mairlt•n 'fully besprinkled with,, antlrulY, BOR oh wuiytrrins toswttl>archaneri. alWrd lie vie /ata rt Urttivra rl,isarouary and tall lie A that Awti•l7ttq•Iei�illl A�tlntlo)#r�>a� l X. i. OAi�II%rl, T+`orifl,' gruff is ,guamit"d Tomone Da,udruff > {► U11117Ri.tacsi, C0 prick,. $,fir I'prBin•d� . with lrlit�90 alrphctt tics a. Or ,i i3resrlat of Nololeltt il*614, 4t111I« 1Mit)l�i l'LCi1di)ya, ww .. >l'tnr�rYii btri. I ,)C,x enilti•ro'iv I�, tJ. 1 N