HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-16, Page 4a a W Lt. i A Wit'sIlnll 'it the 811ble'" cat hve-election was defe-at'd by James 1),ridliatil'A'he aittitur this part still they have returned to Algoma butter s.,;tIslIed than over to 01enfarrow, GORDON MOINTYRE. Air R L Stewart, former teacher ill Couserviativo twitiiber. For fifteen rewain or, thp north shore of Lake 8 8 No 0 Turnberry, having resignedWe aro detoradned—if out prices will vvam lie was chief vhip of tit,, Li"'.0tral Hurou. I ani well aware that wort Ilia position as teA -hor, tile. trusteed do it -to rodnoo our hilwellso stock of forctB in Parlianit-lit, Tile duties of 1 people ill your, country t1iii,l; that have en-a-pid Ur E, I coultes, of Wall. P, seasonable Dry Goods, Cents Furnish- this diploma,-io offluo lit" disehargoil nothing bot Indians and half breeds vitle, to fill tile. vacancy, Ile Ste wart inks, Wally Made (I llothing, Boots and AND- with t1la&Gd ('Illuiollcy n1l.1 docept, lino ill Algoma, but, I au) bal)l)y to is atto Ilding the School of pe(latyogV In r -esh C Shoes, and are, fi xrocerles before alloo. Et, succep(jed in, winxiing the say quell is not the case. We Have the Torolito.-INI r A Hutchison, of 01ilreas stock taking. ,UC.,,,,C.,Jcnn. Confideltot, and ei'tevill of Ills political ti,,niforts of life herb its well its lit your and Urs r Iloynoldo, of Ocouto lidlial ily Of tbom firm s, and mak,o, country. Now, if any Pqrsou - wishes wero viliftinur at, all. P 0aw Fb011's Ihst Sugarsbythe carload, is theorder of frierids, -whijo Ile, was one of the to correspaiii'll t"ith rererouce, to ably week.—Mr 111111 l lrs Jallits Wyllo are the day, so . we are in a position to give staunchest and truest of the party roati. 'Vile Liberal mewliels of the house part of the District of Algoma I will only lie too happy to give all the infor. I -jilt, r r cpending a week with ft da in ro ell• the hest yalue, that can be offered. In to, taking it) ill(- exhibition.-Jawas G. Not Woo TELEGRAPH 00. and all in the Provincia who knew Ilia niation I van, gems or self sealers, we have a very large, Powell and J 1) Campbell left oil stoolt-bought at jobbers prices-whioll: .1 kindness of dl$podloll loved the Yours Truly, Saturday for Harriston high, school. M we ire selling very cheap. P. Drusuld House,Ills, . quiet genial old wait and respected Ills W. T. UmLrm, 'Tiles salon, Olit. XV*l wish then) su cpsd.--Nlliss Jessie N'lophersoill daughter 'Veils strong sterling character, oldest of AIr The high standard of nor will be, def, -at in South P,lrtli was regretted Wni McPherson, passed I)eavefully scrupulously maintained, in addition to iI1 hagm., C 33 by his political opponents as hell as illy Drm11 Tums, -Ill the oarly away to her eternal lifirnsi on Saturday, our celebrated pure Indian Tell or "Raw, by his friends. The rettiahis were years Of the Last century, John Brown, (,rd hist, anter a lingering illness,, OfLillis," We are the sole a-euts here for -,­­­-­---= taken, to Stratfora, wh(,ra tile fantrol I , it beta laddie, was cotiol'in t, hituat.-If up o consutriptivil, which rolaulted from R the justly popular"cholcervussian Blend" N, a 1411 11 V s took place on Tuosc4ty last.' ill Latin and Grevic oil the hillsido 110hr Aberuethy, a villa -0 in Perth, ?I , apvere atWok of La Glrippe. n d a Deceased black tea, it you have not receive seas all estimable lady, slid was V Huron Anglican Church Workers and Ills nativp nlace. shire, 1J0 greatly I sample of their tea by mail, please call beloved by 411 who enjoyed her "- and Sunday School ConVentio , n taught, school near Kinro ss, TIOL fit" on us and got it qualtittwoo, Hi,r remains were coil• LVAY. SUPTEMBER 16, 1892, Althoulgh till, tiDal arrangements for from where 21holv%el Bruce wrotot his yoled to their laitt restig,,. place it, the Good 10e. Straw Hats for 5c.; Prints at. the church w.-)rkers. sod Sund y 411111 0 [ft pol 111, the Ca"110-1- T" Wingliam 061-4ary, followed by 4 5c, per yard, and Factory Cotton at 4c. school convention for the diocese of 111 1,6 Indolie pushed his way through Colliryoi, was li-.posed to and I "rye coticourse of sorrowing, relativne per yard. LDITORIAJ, NOTES, Buy -on, to be hold iku SU-atford on the . n , preach, In 17;-)1? Was called to EladdiDIA011, tile irl friends. The bereaved have 00 To every customer, wo will give a 'u., JoHx AMOTT, the, Premier, has lltb and 121h of Octolo-r, tire still in, 1) . irL liplace of John Know, ikllti Jallt' ,:illCer9.8t SVIllpathy of the e entire coin. choice of photographs of the following miluity in -their slivers affliction, a to England to consult eirkinent cOmplotp, enough lifts already Ifeen Welt;h, a descendant of his, and the Canadian Statesman viz -Hon. Alexan- dival nien, as Iii -i state of health for dont, to provide a programme tliftti JS to lie both in- pati;4iit wife of Thomas Carlyle, the liowicit. . der McKenzie, Sir John A, Macdonald, 'Sir oe tithe has not beou tit all satisf,c. certain attractive. and teredting. Among tile' contributors t 0 MATi of Il)ttPV9 Of WGrld-wide Iftnic A few; Ur Brown Richard Cartright, Sir John Thomp, onetbose happy events whiclisolem- son, Sir Oliver 111owlit, Hon. J. J. C.. tile discussion of lay work in its var years more arid is master of (light or*nino difforeut lag- nizt- the union of hearts and , hands, batt, Hou. Wilfred Laurier, and W. R, occurred at thti residence of N B,m Mip, great Industrial fair lit Toron ions 0113 aspects will, we are giv"11 to Understand. be Dr 11 Davidson, Q guagos slid is Rl I ill inted the ilipologieal n n Scott, G,)rrio, Sept, 7LIJ, at 5,0'elocir Moredith. ata . I has been even more sucomisful this U., of Montreal, one of the secrelifIrl"s professor, by the Associato Synod. For a goodly term of years. his tongue and row ,xway wheo Mr Ij N Roadhouse th"i GORDON & McINTYRE. his bachelor's erutuhs-s "Ook to 411 f)r.ln(-I' years. The managers of Indtittrial arp in the fire fr.liit of the provincial synod, and an oli and enthusiastic church 'worker. Tile pen were never idle, an(,( even Yet and hinvqelf a better support, in "the shape The Big Brown Anobor caterers to the public taste lit the council of blie Brotherholod of St An . Browii'4 Bible and Dictionary are to I e -found in the four p!t' n0a wilidt- of of a coni anion for life, illi pers-ii Wingliam, Jul filth 1892. 'r of Elizabeth Arklist'vollcy, sister drew will be represented by it'gofltle-' man of ability, who will particularly many a. Scotch Puritan home. With f W1 ra B Scott. A larg" *number of Ca I'i Nationalists or Houle e flulers of address himself to blic clainis of the your leave, in next week's issue, I shall fr'ionds and guests were.'prilstfnt to Blyth. tario will ban4not the Hon E-1w;trd Church On her young, mean.. Ur A 11 have something to say of John Drown, witness the luttrol, to the" hytileneal Die 1 0 G T will give a grand con, lt1 e, ill Toronto, on Monday evoidog Dyniond will discuss tit(,- duties of #lie son, grandson and Urvatgrundsou of the above. altar and make merry its it inarrhia(l cert oil the second evviling' of the fill), hell A'uumber of vF0t.i,a.blf4 %flow, Octobtk. l2th.-lliss Annin. Ixti. All Canadians feel proud of Loy Representative and how lit) does (or does not) perform thein, Tim W. LiTnoow, presents were left as trophies to go . od will to Walker has returned to town from liar r 11lakp, though they insly not with ll Rev,G $ Sam,, pastor of St Geon,A's ar (I the visit to friends in 1Iilchell­,Nlrs Vi W the happy couple, who lep tp e ca nse he has espoused success. London tinea, will read it pt%por Pit - Bluevale next rnornin-, on -IL trip to Toronto, Tatintr is visiting, ill the Forest city - CHOLVIIA, it is hoped,, will not gain C2 titled 4 -The Church sold Her You -11" Messrs Duff & S*ewtjrt have placed the beat undir the 4)rida-t,whioli will Bolton, Nialoava anti othor places. - this'w"t,k.lr--Oa Thursday evpDina last Mrs Nunn, who hai been ru-sticating a large 6ont.-re-ration was present in footh ld oil Wis, acintiuent this y0ar. People," dealing ospecially* with the sillijitlet of ournehial associatiuns. Olt 0 I add greatly to, its safety, -11 v A tiring 0 4,, 1 0 for a few wol-Ics cit - liet, brother's, Me Trinity eh,iroh to talct- part in Cha liar- ere have boon it number of deaths t beSunday school side of the covell. is having aiR shop widergo extetitivo . 0 Olias Roadhousf0q, purptyses returning, vol8t, Lbanks,'iving ser%juil. Too bean, the plague -stricken ships in quirt- tion' labors will, it w hoped, be all tv t present. -Ur James M repairs a c- to hor home lit Bolton, this week. Lit'll ediflut- was dodoratp(l with grain, tiue tit New York. The Doulinion address by the Ron 8 11 Blake, Q .0 Hardy,, who was so unfort unate asto have -A large pumber of people in and fruits, After the regular evelting, his foot severely cut its somewhat fret- this community have "availed therrt. service of prayer, the Rev Rural Dean, epeali on. "Tile 8unday ­Sohool anti ter,-LMr. Walter Rutherford 'is also selves of the, advantages of exhibition Craig, of Clinton, Rev L lf Brownlee, 0 ,ery preparation for combat;n,y thesomewhat n the Cluuclt," while the thelur. of ill,, B better.-Thd G T R ure tithes and are viewing the great sights of Gorrie, aild 11"Ov E W flutylies, of n iseacie, should it be brought to Cana- Rev 'J 0 Garrett, of St Hark's, Nia- having a now seoti*n house Wilt here. of Toronto. No doubt.,.sotne of them Wit"Olaril, 'Paoli gave excellent ad• ian ports.-ara, I I will be "Tile Sunday School ir _Messrs Stewart, Thowpaun Mor. I &Ira Bella Maxwell will feel like Farmer Joh i on thAir dress(Is w1liel, were very attAntiVely listent-d to by & Relation to the Family Unit Church.' ran and are among M return.-Oue of the saddest aceidents congregation. The )eath of James Trow,. Ex -M. p. The Rev A D ))ewdnoy will supple- the persons who left -oil Tuesday for occurred on the 2nd' title last Satur- choir rendered some choice anthems, Air James Trow; of Stratford, for varint thelie ,apers, by' one on lTh(.1' Toronto. -Mr Saml Scott was in toivii * dei nt Ilk J61'in Thomps.ong. . The and lipuns suitable for -tile occasion. ianj years membptr for South Perth .Necessi Rome -0 o-overation. with *A on Tueadav renewing - old acquaitit- antes. -lir John a Nlacdoriald took in eldest s16,rii alS66-b Ist intended to go The offili-tory aniountod to -vor $87.-., slighting and tool; lil father's grin; uot, Oil W I ediiisday evening Ititht, the e E'lipsy, tile Dominion Parliameti:, arid ex- Bond., Solli'Ool Work," moat ill- tPresting, fature (,f tile the Luqknow. Ualedoniall lvalll" MI knowing it was loaded therefore was SoCilti, -Ilud(W Hill atle-pi(ws of the, iberal whip died suddenly in Toron- Saturday pruopodill"s will &ii'ap illustrated address ou -To the WealJOLday. nA,earoful., It went off and shoot his Elopefal Glt-unors of the Presh-terian Isitster,aged to morning. For some time est Ur Trow has Leon it from. ifoapi.Teather "by lir Ja,;ppr Golden, I On Friday, Septembpr -it a tele 11, Her f.uneral tool place church, was a gratiti afrair au'Ll was a sufferer earl trouble, and went to Toronto il of Kingsville. a veteran Sabilatil -ram from Detroit flashed the sad slid talnexpeoted news that Mrs W XLeech Ddonday. The farnily have tile.dfep. well patronized; proceeds awouuted eat sympathy,ik their' sad bereave- to $35.. Our hrickm?Lker, 21ri, W visit to his son. 00 it was Ilia inton- acho,"oltPaChAr of forty tars' standing, thii.discussion oil which, will be Ifild by was dead. The following. p%rtioulurs ment. Xfoutry haq finisi.wd rbahmg, brick for. ion to have at, examination made by, 11, 'S Brown. of Bratitfo-id. Severml were gleaned from a relative who at- this season -11119. En,;Aish church orae of Toronto's best physicians. laturday morning lie had it spasm of, oth6e well4wown workers ill the dio. tended the last sad rites -.=Otk 'Thur;- day eTening the deceased %kas calling Lucknow. RaYtory has beelt unders.,owa some, The officers'of , t ilia W 0 T U elpoted reflUAlItiOlib lotely.­ Jrq (11,:v) 1- Parke,, he heart when in a car in King streolt 'tihome case have,.pr6mised to open the dis- cussions 611 the topics -ilreseutod. The un her sister (.Nl rs'Edd ie Leech) w liose- at the fourth annual meeting Of thi, of Listowel, [ilia boen.vis itin, friend& ast. Although conveyed to Ilia son elite and treated by several doo tors,he 1 iihop of Huron, who w0l.-P prezidt, at adjoined theirs oil 14th street, and appeared in good health and Union, lately hold, are: President, it, town durim, the PA%t Week. -A a 'Ifra D McDonald; Treasurer Nlrs G -norubpr of our eitizens are takintr in xpired in an liourand a half.-' Jaij les tbe sittiugs bf tit,, convention, will preach at th14 sprviee to ba lifld ill St spirits,'returnitictr to her own. haintit . P Toronto fair this weelc­-INJI W Berry;' Cor Sooty, Mrs D Hornell; the row was born at Newtown 'Mont. James' church oil 'thp. eviluill" of tlle about 9 to m. When Mrs E Leech Rea See, Alliss J Archibald; stipt.1-ill - Churrers and Visa Sprnat, of Eirmond- omery'kill, Wales. Diocern ber ' 16th, 1825, and wsis '61th L 11th, and.it:has, we believe, bovil sul, went shortly after, she paused stair tendents of Committees --parlor u,Pet- ville, lvere, the gaPAb of Sliss Nellie ' thert-fore in ]its ear. 'After that -the use of lay help in con att, window facing tlie. residallue of ings, NlrA W U Little; Scientilila Ks,lly oil Sunday. -Mr -John Denholni, s common school educe -Bested 11 Ill. followed lifir father, Who had neetion with the service-, of the church liar sister. She thought she heard M , 'nioatAiij Temporunce,'-iirs Kilborne; Litera, has rt-wroptl hoine from Chicago. - to Americo,_. but did 'nut should 6 exe'millifieA by the assistance still oft somebody called lit'r husband to listen , Ile shouted -across lire 0 E Tau tier is tare, Mrs Geddes; Press, hirs Hornell; - Y64int, friends in. Flower, lklission, itIrs dharntiprs. -.1ir Guelph this week -her .1 Kelly i.e., silly long in t1liit State s. Comim, to Ontario in 1841 he M of two or three laymen being invited on that occasion. The G T It and 0 and aftsr several calls the atiswer 0eorge Lawrence' bad one. of liN turned home froill a trip 0 klontreal *11 settled in the CoUlity of Parth, where he tangilt P R companies have offered the usual came back, -I all, sick," . Mrs Leech horses killed i a runawav id Aslifiold' oil Thursdity last. 4 I schoul for seven ears with rutiel, "duced rale -a fare Fuld a third for ."L 'flip 'R hastened, git, once to tolilphouti' fora doctor, wbilo h"r husband kicked in lMt weal:, -Rev J-plin Nfills praticnest a spochil s,-rtuoli too tile wombers tit Salem. sucef,ris, In 1857 lie orgft.iiz*,d a collipaily of volunteers and also took t he round trip. Rev G Book- iLdsb, B A, of'Stratford, is chairman. the door to urit to the sufferim, One. I tile Canadian Order of Fo ,PA,4rs, it, Th" Stinliky et hoof pieptil, of . the, an act1vta'flit, -r";tjr) 111111liellpal affairs ut,d .-secretary of the local bospitalttv She was alone, hO husband being abs ant* on a business, trip. Wlhou the tiv4 2&lethodiltt, chur h, nil- sul)(jay fat,l: t. lJongregationtil church, Miriiberry, wak -I'll- residence of i%Ir T,W 11 ildrod in North Easthope, where he rositied, His record there is intstre indi committee, and it is desirable that iLtendirg viiitors names should be tiplit Dr arrived lira found Ars Lfiech iu 'doct )rs held .1d last iNlondity afternoon at Ale D, was partl%lly dostroye.1 am 1;v fire, ol G' "'ill's Tile friends and of at its cativo of thweiier, -y, business capacitt vo him withoutilelay. 40 convulsions and other were eumnionedi 'but nothing could h(k done Sunday, 4th inst—'rh(I rate was 111 struck, at tile ilist meeting at" olfirs of the Motholilist Sabbath. 11" of 't))` and Intelligence which have ohikracter`- iced his cirrear t1urougliout. H Algoma- to relieve the patient and aftor?t fev-, school had bean invited' to i. -win t*nd Council lit 23 mills on the 0 dollar. 9,11 turned out itigoori 1111m , be ,$ Owing - public will asuessor of ilia twousfiip for tl %o DrAREhrtop ' -1 have often thought of these attacks she suddt nit diod about 11 o'clock. Tilts 'symptoms Belgrs ve- to the hfavy slid coll-thlou.4 showitrs. years, t6witithipr clerk for tmn years, and roovo for 24- tonspentive yearn, of dropitig you U a few liner', knowing yl u idways-takti 4 keen interest in the were so peculiar a post. mortem Lias held it feared her Ito.Ath was toe platerorm had to b4- abauriond and Quite a nninber ill tills vicinity have the programme was unalife to he carried, For over twenty years lie was ward,.i, u elftirp of Canada at lartle. Now, air, as was duo to poison,but no teacti of boon afflicted with inflamniation,during out.. The ounce PI -000, however, in. the past few, weeks. J 0 Pat of tile Contity of Perth or cliairman of the V i nance Clovulnittee, besidfs which 4 have lived lit Algoma nearly thirteen years, and I am well satisfied the o thing of the Lintel could be found stn' --Ron dull, ced in various ;;antes. arld soon torson has donated $10 to tile 141"At aftf;r refeeslimonts he has hold. office its iligil 4oilool ; chancei wit linve in this country' arte the inedical guntlenlen , were all"' "i's mystified. "bomm thought perhaps it Wawanosh A,,,,rioultural Society.!-Tlie they returned tit an- an -early hour. We, Wilwanogh , tro,mtpe and filled Other imparlKiii juuch•bwt(s-r for a poor man than lit was cho.irra, but •ttwre- walt; Ijo paill EA r, Agricultnral Soc truAt thf- ilext pionio. will be held will hold their nual fair in its, All thfT, -fA,1,or(,d positions of pulifie trilii$ f4is kes-1) husini,its ampact4y has receivid ati.v'oAlwr ,,,rt of 0anatift: You may wo. wily, Ist, whiltFAver. Tile sul1ji,-ot di"this notiol. earlsthe star gilt] with, y P140" oil Octobor 4 find 5 -Janie's' more favorithift, weather. alho, fretitit'lit recog:'Itioll LV Ills elt-ot-ioti it, wactin got 011(itip akill Rt.od Nut]. 211d, we have gbod pure was a daughtor of Abrabilm Jackliost, of Morris township, -And wus. 33 years .Clcls'e.y,jr, 4th of Alorris, is recoverill(f leon, tl,,, tlip vici-presidency of tho Perth .ern-, tual Instiratioe Co water and, pure air, lots of fine fisi, of ago. Sht, was laderied 11 years itao, rapture of a blo.,d vessol, We Ilop he will fully rora,v,ir.-Ilt Win :Mast 'Wawal-Losh. and the British Afuttgnge Loan Cot of Stratford, and game,' and tile bast of thnbr.r 3rd, we Carl sell all our farm pro(tttt.t to her now boreft ptl0lier, vvlio, with 6, little Ax-yrar-old 'io"11. iv left to of 4th' of 1torrk, i% uwoh -.I) easrs Dtkvid still Walter Scott fti e. I and to Cho- directorate of the Ot,taritl 0 ltiuher prizes than' they gdt in To. woorn the andden d6parturO. of 1"" hett", we llope the "priounlonia" will taking ix trip throuq*ll iflinitoba, and. 10110 111M (Itl!irply -Next Sabha til a '[to Northwortt.-U-t It, Liviiigstone Mrittisil Life Assuran(w Oo , f Water. 1vo. lo 1847 &-t.-eased, ninrried 11 ies noilol. Why; beeftual- thoro is a vA8t nitionia, of lumliering aiid ininh,", gll" pride slid joy, wiitlo wore sact, by tile circumstance of his ubsoado "from Illomorial beevice E,,,. .1111. 1.& .11tioes Ilap porch"ed Tynria-'H saw will at Doi.' Wry Moore of Bleillistiol. oxfol'd 1119t .4, all ovet, tine country, and it it Moine .At tho,tittio Of herr death... ,lid I Beocroft, will Ito 1.plfl. in tlip &.101- 4,1*11ve. Air Samuel W111-41 IlAs put - 011111,q), loth ,, i I Wliwilliosh. ­Tlio chmspil it milov threshinit outfit, compog-.' 0011411y, who sorviveq. Tbpir five c1lildro,ti, f4ur a(viiii slid a daughter, tire oid)-c- '"me"Ol"Ply- WO h0e tile llielcle of ill,- world.; caiqx% silver, lead, iroll, Loot -bo ,PjftL j; n I ,Ahrallnl' k o t d w1f," of this 1pcslity, idr Jim Uoidr,. of 7'.row, friends (if the E'liglish church held it ad is( it ?tte0lokev soparawe Sarnia), also ('11 living. gt4.1 itiA pluthdoin in gi list aboodattev, bride, 114-v W W L000t "of S1111MINI HArifF-At' 1111jult oll tho 'tit ami Wititp engine tLpnillon)w As Saim 111"t, 1-01"N'tig' I Ilirty-ii-I dollars ill dirw4b"t., it will lj,'l867.N1r Trow was (4vi-torl in R4111,11) sitimiT will muke it itomi, watkot f,11 I - f-alaing . roducts r. I. lillildl-rd" lie bort,', attendoii, tit" furwrAl.. Tht- docoalsod had written to, fil.l. %rcnits t, to. all oxperle-nood war I'S orimpt", it por hlislti oft lit.. pp c1o)rt d-)ui)tlegH i " Apsembly from South Pi-ith, end sat -n lit tills is tit-' littelc ho"" -f tj11 few days prior to listi, death Wlhig -i ra Oansoil alia D ra. Driuhnuftll ­,Njr 3Kcittion Witi:11tullitilli n -w dwell. Illive gotig, tit ToMilto filif", ilig hAtill is atilinat co ill -Quite Ittail 1871, vile li- kvw.4 defeated f but th" folkwflig* vpmr tit, aftitte,ridiiii, ' OVILF it -A tit" 00*1111-1 GOVertilt)"ll, t It, ­vil i Uyt. rviot. ftmiv U44 collylfiy tlip.111 th., 4'. hei*,8istar 111tailtif-d v6itlug 0101p bo "t 11la"vall. oil plotod. it i-miultor froto thin locality t hing r-Xit hin) to ill,, Dwi-iiii.-tij -14ritiks, of li-xii fl,tm tiny tirlial country will nuil, wool'I saturtl!ky, 1111t, ,lusha telt-groin) would CT,orrw in tba Toronto Fair rices Work mf tit - t)14,V Itillf John Uollltps',tir,• P, nio a 11Vin)r vial' Ulm nimus. 1i+• wa-i r,, elsot'. d by si v i w, s. s ptut.. t+.•. Ir Im 1 -Holl, 81111le ?; betwillt1win of th" trilill she is heing pushe(l alone; rapi4y.-Ur 0 to, MoKillop t1liff wealc...­Nfr P el4inatidit fie 1874 iltiJ rovAr rptill". ril witirs no 4,1111r will wolitlier A: Wo"ald gu I)y. The ini-setigol wmw. Wi& 0 Kaill ling beell nppohaed, tti, n adit Scott bio bFtA his harn movt•d t,n 411 in, lft78 lNv!i. 18!,7. .ud 1801 NIrf:`., -h:-, ti -t I ,s ttrip, I litive still) 4 it Ill) V tit t'.1" fiti"Tl tho vad mt0V* of the wit)" eiratilt in the Nartliwotit.-Miv : wore allanVopf",*& 11)4111tt1011t With H. !:,st 14;tl" - . 1. Ito m ms at,• x.- tw i tip.tir liv, %tr.,i)y wilit that wobt *ratir's tRalult; ,wit tLl, milbit e - rialc woth $if t6e, r r to ;said ill# irtli Wast, fruin 4 tifil, *m rm ita d" is flaishtd. a a