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Wingham Times, 1892-09-16, Page 3
, cieders are, flying ill. of the hmir. We slia1111 by judged haveafter not by 'Having Yoar ba agagf go astray justore (I What we drat,e felt, butt tby what we when you wanted volar !lest cloitllies t0 Hrarsaed is F learned, lllituy ,of the have dame. tmake a good Impression, worst attwoks of oholti.rw iuorbu% crainps, dysentery, colic, etc„ Gems of thought ix°elteresity wrongly placed becomes ing car berth just Above you jua«t>afteir you !lave retiree, Tlta lre:� aper of suttatrier is liuuivtt ABlessing to Every Household. t :'ft funeral gbtd�t vlien you havetonly ten ns dog d'ttys because u�ts too: tvarni Chert ' a vice. having the brakesinflil brawl out to tuft r" sausage, j Silence ddeclQSes the 7114+ti�Ql� 4f the wrQrdd, but not its cause, ulIO ish tatty ns slild n, a 1-G ifo snot be Able to U'isting Y ��Cng spavinanallptF4 elu t Qrall hard, kci'tor horses,�fAMod t�llavi�n,'9nitnts,lting � HOL.OWA $ PILLS AND OINTMENT Nvliat we know is little, what We _ aYlil tale wAeliet•wotuall fail to g Iipnrr, Bivoonuyt,Stiftcs,bl+rninx, Bare wncl bwolloaThrout, Coughs, etc, save 00 by rlAO "Ot eon bottle. waTranted the most tt'pndel•fnl r are ingorant of is intense. send your clothes in tilne to )leave as tllesldivh Cureover kleepr., bold bl, Thos, ChbshQhu, These rcutedlos nava stood Cho tesrpP fifty1-i seat's exlx licnco, and are l+tcuounced the hist Alydirir• r. To �► Tolerate tolecctnca 1-s the lien les- expected. Rerosene will !ranks a tin kettle as k'x ensu, sops of tolerance tvhioh we have to klatpnn the conductor inform oli y Tright as new. 1Vet it flarna�l oloth " �, n . =Ml ileset•11, .l y list aft>Fr ou nava started that you; Fwd rub with it. Iterosent- 'will also Purity thu blood,lcorrect 011<lWorderi of the LlyBt1, STOtIIACII, I"DNIM AND 7't)WPI.S a invt4lantyle.Ill all CONI) lallits inewental to felualo of fill ago,. If you would slot have any affliction. are ata elle wrinrg traice, HO v`sn hotel reuinve stains and dirt Trona varnished furniture. T��� QZ�r�t� m "visit you twice, listed at o{lift- to what ' it teaches. g wadgPrs hinting *it Ovary Ileal that thea+ expect ate t+o 3 I (�ombinn stud rut>hitrglhe soli afi�'r Is the Only reltah(u 1'urue8l for bad lure, vori s, ulrot's, and old trotlnils, FR71 I:RCNCt1111fi, $r%irk ;i', • Al,t, New wrth tta, hive them son,ethitart. the Band -,draws tit(, blood p to d up to tits 11 land i�4 us' IT hiwiicNO �qU t Alanuhotatrt d Onl!cit 78, Oxfo d, L to � ¢I, OAeord bx Cw i ndon There aro!aide people w1bo aro busy but it is, dLt3 Dunlltiau tv,s3, Cfltcllllln Having sonlebcrd'y ill front kee, n '' S surfa:e oi'IClia head + lei !lot or, ly Ce- 1 'Purbasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address pat 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. p flies the car window tills when the dust and lives theikeatd but adds to the stretigUt ( --� ---� y----��------�-�-------- ,� , cieders are, flying ill. of the hmir. We slia1111 by judged haveafter not by 'Having Yoar ba agagf go astray justore (I What we drat,e felt, butt tby what we when you wanted volar !lest cloitllies t0 Hrarsaed is F learned, lllituy ,of the have dame. tmake a good Impression, worst attwoks of oholti.rw iuorbu% crainps, dysentery, colic, etc„ That Arength which Inas its roots i,n Hftt'ilig a street car )okinrn aloe at 1 r, g comeslec]deulY in the night and speedy and prompts peatls must oe used against them, faint still! have its •d iv and its fra'p :'ft funeral gbtd�t vlien you havetonly ten . PC Va-wler's Lxtract tot Wild Strawberry rarce kit love. minutes to ciutdli the train. I is the reinedy• Isveep it at Maud for erper- geuc os, It never fads•te cureor relitae. , Firmness, stpaditaeos of principles .e Having . do t wait in the c,lrTrHor until —~-- ' juf;t moderation, aud,all unconsgiaex, the elevato,rtt,;ops two floor.roboveyou Ue—D0 you know that ttoerrnail 4 l able dOreservauce tame the virtues tb*e and coules,calawu again. ov�rttliei+' Silo—Vv ell,, yes Rood—e1- l hracAice of which ire anost likely to,our. Haviub Mlle Pullinaneo+aduator wake ' If I meat her full face T sbo v resat rwhatever is waon' in tile, coneti. You ftp and laic for it tick -A just after if 1I.,tneot Ler prodile T don't seeiher. ' dation of the somal systeu-l. you F:avet aitillen into a sowad snooze. Qhbins, who sdidouf roes tc ,church Only what we have wrought intelour 13avica4'tile car portae:, as you are 'dedlares that wben the poet wrote chovacter during Oflto we can take ,away about to (leave after he Thad hrusi►ed EfAJee facie each earthly ,joy bre was wrth tta, the dust -09, ask if you thave not for-! 'thinking of the+caa,e and ice in the rv- Wo believe that we hate iloutery gotten sefmptlliti . �, Fnitr aerator. when all which nnc hate is the adttward Iittviulgtfoi'Ly Jellus fp�ltte Chair whips Educational Worlcs. naees of the fiattdny. u leder your nose ivhea you at rive at j d+vdtinatiun, IIE work or eduuatiug the ptgllllic t1-. a j� thorough kuowle•lge ' UCo tell a fAsahood is like Cho ctut, of your each wanting to take) " you ata your Notal. ' y g i of the wirtge3 of tlydoclt Blood Litters as a curd far all ;diseases of the-norn%ell. liver, bowels, and st.eaber; for tlrattah the uvour_ei Imay llawr►tb packages of :lozpngers ,u,,]' `blood, has beeii uompletely s,fcrxssful. 1'Ue 4wal, the sour wmll remain. The life copies of'(I'he Rued Detmon of the 1Vrlcl reined is now known and used ill thous• Y ,,Cods of hornes Where it always rives great greatest -evils of ottetn,arise West, bllrc.wn into your lap every. five 1etttlHfaeti0ll. I i,ronr thingstl,iouitht of too Aiditl,e int. nrinutr•,e,on the train. I _ _ 011s 1Vt•ek,— D r X111 Hanks will dlortance to be attended to. Hawing a room at a nnountain hotdli! nlnt it,wAriv. he hili burned the brid- 1 _.___ . _• L.e who makes others +laical Iby the along erde the bowfin aIle and balsa - 1 bowling,alley 1-1 •ages bt•hu,d Illm". 191-8 Wildiim, How q �y ,service of his Baud, will quicken his kept 1WVilke by the tkinnaer-litre rule- so 4 11 r, 11'a+Ods--Git�u a6d teas !'foil- I TRY IT -• V� ALLAN ."n heart into,a snore joyous life, blintr of the bates. ! I I � .j. 'py t1-+ Chil l'i Lt.. 1 ROYAL MAIL STY.A\Islars. Every good lthiu;; call afroed to be -- ; REDUCTION IN RATES, Be A Missfttmary. I Arple Barrels. ! and 'Flit'convinepd that small, becaoseih is so great• int is an We rtes to vie StCanrerdsafl rerenIurlY from Ilow,ofte„ ill church., lecture-rbotn or' p' •t d to supplv uuy,anlount; -element and anent in the.worlld's int• theatae,one will notice ttlhe shoulders oElaI of apple barrels'o., the shortest notice and ' PORTLAND into HALIFAX 1-o LIVER-, Imeasit . good-a•odkirig and well-fit!tinggar mell tpleutui-1 °ab the choicest�pricn. tVe offci: the best ! -i b h00L rinLOndunderry y fully lOespriultled with .!Dandruff, Be a; 'barrel ill the atnarket .Shop utt the suit I He that catanot forHive otII4 rmlbre`aks missionary feud tell people that Auti-Dim' works. Leavrc your order at oerce. ] UA,Nm TIM w,Jfl.a 31ONTlla, I druff is ;guaranteed to rremove DaudreA tGnar, YovNG & -SPARLING. i I fdii'ii� 1 Cabin, 10 alto! upwards. Second Cabin, S2G. Mlle bridge ever which 6e taa'ust pass i with ttreuee applications ---- I Steemle at low rates. No Cattle Carried.. drimself ; for eatery uran has deed to -I _ she (still dvlusbing),_Atic 1 the first ,he forciven. Political Prm—erbs.' + 1 -irl you ever kissed ; He -No, sari. I Is the iines�t 11',lll I+itlisll kouw„• I STATE) SEItYICL OF He is happy whose determination Tlies:'s never a shout crop of pok-,l ilio but you titre the last. Shp.--t11-u T ALLAN LINE LINE. CTP•.ANISIIIPS. ,suits his temper, but lie is More excel- tics. i really 1 Uh, C>h eolge, it ilaakab lilt, hap. ! dent wil0 cfinr suit, his tew"r to his Do0t look a 4>oogi¢ebatn vote in tdlaej py to think tbwt-` �— •• NFW YO?ff & GLASGOW. OlrCnm8ta11C0i. via Londonderry, every Fnrtufp;ht. Cabin, £10 and , nioutdi . upwardv. Second Cabin, $25. Steeraze at low pates. I The, Head Surgeon. Apply to H. 8a A ALL kN, Montreal, or The inure tette practice virvtte the Pataiints for inone -em,, to be kilt D T I ' Y i Of the Lebon Medical Ce [a•,W. is note at R P A I 1 pt , dearer it bicotmte8, its two frieurds lova the pemitenshary, Toronto, Cwt e m, and tray be cmisulted UUU 1 HE�1tY DAVIS. «'1yG17Aar. y I •either iu person m1- by letter inn calf chronic' tK each other the ,ti:ore, the move they Ez ttetwixt tilt- fartae :and the forucan I,discasef+ peculiwr to ratan, Hell, young,old,- &-flow each other. choose !the farm. 1 -or waddle -ager' who fried theutt;elve berv- I .ous, weu.k told e.hsugted who ad•e broken ' �OtiEFli COWAN, i� tho h-st in the world. Not t0 speak ,what a than k,uows 13 A statesman that s6a;ys poor Ouolitj ,down from exceem of overwork, rrdniiin , iii some times discretion ; but to ,speak; .many of the followiu; symptmrns: Nleutal never to lie out of a job, deproesion, premature old dge, osti of vital. 1 Cnrattc OTu Div. CounT, Co. HunoN, and net to know,, I!! always font•_ nty, loss of hietuory, bar] dreams, dimness T� 'A , ar1 f �1►T L� p_ rt�' An aaa,t+1-1 in pollitie'Es will shed ltd d L� CL NEE f,lL it AUGTiUNl;1.Ii, • I Of sight, pa,Iliitarion ofthe etnissimns All Ikunlail •kmowledge is only piece- wings arkrr tilt, first tatnipane. ,lack of energy,,raio in the kidupys, head. I ISSUER OV i1IARMAGE LICENSED x work ; we 61y':possrss pieces of'ecioncl'ache, phnples on the fare or body, itching Q,'roNE BLOCK, Honorable bpfure sotaae inen d nanl"t1l,or peculiar seupatio.0 about the serotunt, CoatanssroxUR IN H. C. T., ETC. for none here-i.s,able to resent ociriloedon't' twastfi ( of the organs, dizziness, N ecks ba, r. Witoxr:Tlut, ONT. P I,u�Uw what it t�har Ter. t' 11 uitham,' Stu the Sallie !'gist. i Bore the eyes, t,nitching of the muscteq,eye A politiichlin that kin Rip and won't Bids, and elsewhere, bashful'ti6m deposits ! The pooret• Place ill which the at.. is kept ,party hizklt.„.wxeruisiu' his 'hf the urine, loselor will power, teuderoess ! Sole Agents for above t „ oaf the scalp and spine, weak and. flabby i r x� t tu�ohphore is more homelike, and as a allility. onnNcles, desire tp sleep,failure to be rested , '-- -- BA IK OF A�•t'AMI NA T©�l'i JOT stoop, constipation, dullness' of Clearing . t�.�U � � W I N G H A M . comsr qu•,rLe,, more heavenly than rtlien `1`hp shut tvd politiyltau' wateliev hist, bosw of voice. des ice for'solitude,excitimbitity , a t tilt• motif beau ilia even wLorO .'law ;01 temper„ suultetro eyes surrounded with frionda as,clost, as he doef3 ilii; enamiEs, .11t':AU'N rttm.a:, oily .looking skin, etc, a.re AT Capitol, ,$1,` 50,000. 11p8t, $650,000.. - and order,;a're the elements ellpreme. Soine sten that is iii favor of paper Ohl syu)ptoons of wervous dehiliry Ghat lead Real Inresi;-lit consists in reSerain � te,it—wits and death unless , c,lred, The President—JOHN STUAnr. S ►honey will vote for silver and take A L HAMILTON'SViee•PreAdent--A, G. RAMSAY, our own -forces. If'Tve labor with an- s�riny; n1- vital force baviU� lost it.4 tausioia I u a their pay itt gold; and vicy versy. I every function wanes in consequence. f DtREt:TORS xiety aFinut•tlie future way destroy that --� _- Pose when througla abuse committed i❑.i DRUG STORE, Jowl 1,aooroit CuAy, ouasrv, qsv 1.toAcu, A. strength whiah will] euab a us to Inteet Tho W'in s of Love. algin'°ranee may be. permanent! cured. 1 g t Y \V000, A. 11. Lxv (Toronto). . Setad your mddress' for book on all diseases Cashier—J. TURaBULL. 1 �jhe fcatttrti.' If we tiiilta more in hand Jurviti-street lady—What is the mat. peculiar to man, Books ,ellt free settled. lIestrt disease, the sylnptoins of which are Yv •1••L�GHAM. Savings Bank—ltours,10 to s;Sittutdarot to natvtlinn.Weratrdtlwell,wi? break up ter,BridgetI Why are you g( ig to IfaitttNpellq purple laps,numbness.palF+lata 1. I)uiosittot)lundttpuardsreceivedandintereat t ulloa'ut�. and tilt work is -often broke with leave. tion, skin beats, liot flushes, rush of blood �Y.0 S Special Deposits also received At current \ r yUE v , to the heart, dull pain in the heart with g . ptes of interest. v T3rid�et—eaalre, ma stn, our OIiCP• Drafts OL Great Britain and the United States P beats otrcng, t'aptd tend frret+ulat•, the Uou;;htairdmold Dtin't live your life alone without i plan°ha•i been appointed to another Secondheirtoe,etquickerthaI the tirNt;paii1 Medicines about the brealit bone, etc, can positively lit CVILLSON, AnsnrT. forming friendship mid love, you were district. be cured. No cure, no pay, Send for, 1. and Chemicals mEYEIt to DICKINSON, t»ttde for it, and aLller natures- need l book, ArlartNs Di. V Li]BON, 2•l ylacdnn• � j It is said Elly ?e .1 i1 draw forty ell Ave. Torouto. Canada. Solicitors. yon. You`are robbing yourself, on _ _ Fancy and 'f tunes the wei�6t of its own body, and y _.. are robbinct others, if you like a hermit. , _y 1 - • •- -.._.. _-• _.. ,�.-- _....._ 1 T i rHtoro gn out into God's world nrtd after you have sten a bas lift ;L Lou- Toilet died and sixty pound man off his feet r oiler Articles, others; +ZETLAND SAW MILL you bolieve it. Sponges, Rinans Tabules 'cure iiidiaeatiotl, Regulates the Stomach, Brushes, €, It is beat to allow all et shells to 1-X'; Liver and Bowels, unlocks GEORGE �H��SOO prOpr�EiOr. Things to keep;your Thoughts from settle+ eoffe the Secretions,Purifiesthe I L illi t P . Perfumery, &c.l Wandering from the Subject. r 1urltlas d re a Pimple to » Iiipans .Cabules roldovc eltlit, Laving a Squalling baby in rite samo Presort "tions careful! c 44 L ttuce learetr should be wiped dry p ° ip y om. the worst ScrofulousSore. with a towel and pounded at all hours, 'Lumbus' O all kinds, fir ti a1-, t' Rayingthe ferry boat pushing out out forth apavt, never W Our stock of mledidnes is corn- list Cts you got 111 alight. Fir.St�claSS Shlri�ts Greon.t ern only heeds to btkhoiled plete, Wart'anted genuine and of; !front lX a benlstly druniten individualell Maim or twenty mindtes to be thor• 4$.* the best quality, frena of gait. c uR 5 , and, Cedar Fasts. oughly done. ovSPEPSIAw BILIOUSNESS; Having to swallow your dinnorali CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE Mousy to Loahon NotesAar Lead Orders a eow `' ttoh, 711a dol ,nil ite d Ill 3 of agars kind, on, ' yh �a� � „ ° C, rrtillUteH Or llrtve solar ttraln itb.._i huronenor dnhndls, auwad ht so ultenntes by wool I SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. I 'Id" SnnttarV I.,•rtlon, Thti narir tails, soldby, d4ut you. Tltoe, Cisholm, w AR`s BURN. sours s rc�M M l 11Noies Discounted DIZZINESS. DROPSY avfug t4 pay tsar aelatat f`trr 011# Mfol-µ•I know I dor Clollsh thil.gs RHEUM,At1SM,UIN0I; •EAS," AT 1tB3&S6 A�,9LJA �tA'rl'i�� WOOD delivered to stay pam m nlftg papers ORO .66 t l ` _ 1, t y % triF it ►� K°,a�I''� ! t it�7l salt :.� glad t1- 'Ire. _ �,. VI e ,