HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-16, Page 2Rim1b,A111 C
forty dollars a. week. By the MQ0,14411-
he foliciod, Tom promptly displayed it -
o Might, P
rigid economy b
ent his exquie at the bar Of the house
The ratan With good Arta health, U
make that all," do- Hump4l it, big enowt gh, now to
The rule requiV94 thAt 00 Wntic-
1�04 o
lips, bq. t9l; %I, have. her..
mua, Apro not orth lils,
The, Happy )over poured f
Uluxy, $Z
so emly obt,lilml. Vlkilll� hq IYA4dVrV4
AP . -
he colors of the rainbow, and AtIAlly-I
So is the editor 4 a good paper with
9 1
sprout looking fill & lilituation. this
There'sisometlilug else you. 411all
T11e, Maggiiic,40t Fore -arm,
Speaker, 110 starattlered and.
in t4fitrep.
have after your weading'l continued t
children Flock ars Ile P28006 theta in
aurlirit d6 �-Vidfdrs hi Illy life, u0i
4%iontba had paaW bis g4rilletits
Laura'spareut--A partnership in rile 0
lly Itures. HAM
My district ever heard of my going to
wpia Lt,0011111),, gee,dy, b, could pro-
W.Arellolltsc, for Iyllioh )'all' have 1;leQ4
W Ilva, youngTom Freelinptoti. After
Lio.eulpl ment. of the kind that I
cure, 0 Y.
Rn�tliktinf, tit olie, of the high schools
suited big fastidious taste,.t
I How I cried Twat !it astonishment, t
Big last 4C?11;tr—(Lll that remained I
in this city, wt ut to A. gymnasillin and
Atli all sun, Ile had succeeded in
Ur Drowtiville thou info ned Will
Wert, began to develop Jihi muscles, Ile
of a
borrowiu- from, an acquaintance—W40
that the. warehouse Was 9 branch, Os -
I Uttl dZettioad of the future for which
So is the young niali who, laying his
ti oil to him.
tabliobineut of hia own,, itsid that t4c,
t"Ua was, thereby fitting hinigolf
treated every woman I ever met RB I
Disconsolate And gloomy he stood
(,Quaker was olle, of his agents, I
III A. all Orr tioJe lin could, how list
Peck Blip, looking fit the river,
1.04OU011; I w4lold give you AlAtil, I
pt"tty fuser -anis his you would care to
wishing lie Wa4 tit the
Illy boy, added Jilts old Wend, for I I
ays and girls under 16, residing In the Province of
Mario, who solid the greatest nibobor of Suu-
see. lt,.Waa the, ftamirittlon of t4o
and ai,"Ost
bottollf of A
lcu-w you Wilr4t,flit n d lighter, and I d
) Y A ,
deternflued to it litid the u
loture. to thoAfj Who send notles 111 2 wrappers.Truthwill
end wrNlipars, to "Su"llglit" So i Rico, 4 11
Soap 0
t., Toronto, not later than 20th of .1 11 n d
)-ollug luell'of his, set,
01lu!('41 on wprp unloading
Somw Jolla,
was see you
As Ite 'Was, the soil . of a reputed
4. ship 1,y, tile yriiart. They were fine,
right sort of spirit 1k you far a son -In. a
jtw of mine. The Quaker was sent
vitilioutiite, he,"had no reasonito sup-
I voices
muscular fellows, and their
by roe to propose t you that work of e
!.pose that his vi,yo.r would, ever be call- hoisted
ran- out oheeeOY a they bola
into for of I ,
hoisting caqJis. H reports of you t
(-d action except purposes
casks front the lioil,e-
1) av beQu very goo, and as I heartily
spoft and alnusomput..
An old Quaker, vv, ho had also been
approve Qf your 001) uct, you are wel-
the ptd4tiatl rosidence of Lavra -11toldn" lie toilers, , Fuddenly looked
I a
come, to my Laura, I In
Brownville—:a younga, friend—he Was
; at Toin, and inquired if lie wanted
And 0tue Tom at, at - earned Alte 0
o4o day 41owillk off the power of the.' work.
toward of hard, unr ittinma toil kill d
w-ounderful fore-itrin before the. lady's I Fret,lington. started hau�`Iltly.at the
ptesoverance, In titiL he became a Pi
father—P. fine 141ilt mail of sixt five— speaker,
prosperous merchant. a
when the spectaior, with a ruerr ex-
y I
* If so; continued the Qvink rj can
pression of the Nye, picked upuluch
get it for thee, as I employ himck,
You've tried Dr Pkercels r avorite
heavier chair than that whic hie
Tom reflected. HP thought
Prescription )cave you d you're dis•
guest was using, slid' held it, straight
0 ,
Brownville, and the true manbuesi, of
appointed, The Best tll:na're not im-
out in fi-ont of him ovith the greatest
his nature sprang Alp within him.
I wilt work my way Opt he mentally
I And did you exp i et the disease of
ars to disapper in a week ? Put a
Gad t• cried.� Tam, in Astonishment,
exclaimed. Down with, foolish pride
"ucli of time i" evvy dose. You
you must !lave :had long practice in it
Then he frankly said to the Quaker
wt. not call the mil c poor because
'pounasitim to make such a lift, air,
that he would he glad to'do, Anything.
tbq cream doesn't raift-im all 41our I
A] r Brownville chuckled as he put
He was soon busy hoisting oil th,
$1 -PrQs no water l ' ulit the. cream Is it
down the chair, an 4 said
rope with the others ; Wages, two, dol-
'sure' Ilu rise. If thorels alposeible cure,
Dr ril, 4ce 8 Fav011to ! Pf"Cri
- pti')Il is
1practiced my ;gymnastics many
Jars u day.
gD effedit, if anon a fair trial. er
ai.d many it year il good old South
It was very hard, work, but Tom was
yOu XA, tho nese aona4 it costs back to
a strong follow. Day after day he
I'oirmiDit. I don't beneft or cure you,
I did not know there was a g mna-
steadily toiled on. The fore -arm be-
We wisiti, we could giv� you the makers'
Thoy 0IlOJv it by giving W
Siurn there, Sir, said Toni.
came vet larger and all did the breast
t1,10,m ey k '-lack. agaih,,in,alll cases not
The vt-ry best sort of one,
and the shouldera.
,benefited. is I'd it'd surprise you to
Mr Brownville, with tw[tikling eyes.
One day, as lltq was rolling a cask
1 know ho; fr.x - dollirs. are n1epaed to,
ove bf the best of sellools—a ship's
across the street, a stylish young lady,
1 reap Up the .1 Pfand.
hold 1
whom, in hit, prosperous days,he had
i1fild, gentle;. I '300thi.Mol and healing
Oh I occasionally
escorted to the opera,
is Dr S'age's C,,,Vu rrl�;Reniedy, Cures
Tell, sir, a ship's 'hold, from wbich•
passed slong the sidewalk and saw
h nijanently, No ex• ex
li !e worst ease
one many a hot., broiling day, f hoist, him.
He raised - his old tarcoveyed,
Itsi 40 "Old Reliable,"
Peri-mentin,10 oil
,edcasks—beavy ogee, tooJeantell. cap
t(i list, but she bestowed upon laim
Twenty-five years .&.
you, I hada chane to develop my a
cold, haughty stare, tind, moved, oti.
A Convenienit Ueputatzoff., eo
muscle in that capacity, but I can
, Tom was amused. For a. moment
, he
Tke stranger bai conversed for.
assure you I 4id not work for that lie
was so fall of laughter that lie
timle With tile, young moa n who SOL-Mled,
purpose. I workel for the money 1 (.-cold
scarcely push at tho ea4k.
to. be' the. lion, of ti;*,. dven Ing. Fina'I'lly
To in wits It- aghast, but he
Meanwhile, Small as werdhis wages,
the. stram-ger tarned �way and saivj,, b
'controlled himself so as not to show it 'lie.
lid, to, his surprise, Unit kke e
foulid, ould
with. eviderl't surprise-ito th a well poao.� It
his face. Mr Brownville went on save
a little money-
ed miaawhasteediiae4:1
to State be* lie had gradually worked
'-Phis, when he had enough', lie III-
Why, he, doosa.'t "G�n to, know any. mtr,
big wily up to wealth, finally becoming vested
in. United States hot14 . ,
a ship owner.
On Sundays lie, somt-timed visited
Hie doesn't, knmw aitu�h, replied the wh
Soon after he had finiulied his story his
friends, the Biowtivilles.
well-postvii in -am the
Laura. Brownville made her Appearance
They treated him as cord 1"117 as
He seems to be. & 1i
and ..her father, a minute later, left the ever.
He even fancied that , LauraTi
; He is.
100m. welcome
was warmer than before.. his
he inalies. feaviial Wonders in his aoi
Laura wai,tr beautiful girl, and as father
om and she hai always liked each
He had informed them of his. present
is a
trier, it was drought that they would business,
and Mr Brownville had said,.
lie does. boa
And everyone just laughs at them
make a match of it. with
a chuckle of the most intense
and saga HOW clevor*� An
It was not more than a month after satisfaction.
'y anill
Of course, cryin
,this visit to Freelington at the Brown-
It will make a man of you. Keep
He's positively vtiiilg,�r at times. SbV1y.11
vine I came P., on
.BIGu, when
I've, noticed it. Inun4
Oh, papa, don't let him toil so tiara,
Bat why is itL..-
gton, Tom's father, who said
Mr Freeling
Latirii one day to her lather,
And still, as before, he Aphed t
My dear air, said -iiie well -posted tone
had Speculated irLeautiously'losli every-
fait awhile, He has a.magnificent
man* rousing himself t,; little. he said g
His misfortunes throw hint into f6re-aim•
�r wrote someilli 111.0
ng oilt,
-V that gave the t
him, a reputation as a 11111110rist Slid
brain fever,'k4�.bedie .a weeks
So Tom workeJ on. Na soon as
ever since then his blunders pass for BOOT]
later , and thus poor Tom, vrho had possible
ld the cash he I bot-
be returned
humor, It's a mi6l
Lty convenient
been broualit up with no trade or pro- rowed
of his acquaintance.,
reputation for Some men to have.
fession, Who had never before his
Two years passed, wheU there was
parent's failure known what it was to a
change for the better in oTom's pro,
feel the want of"cash to do what lie uspects.
All old Nhy.Alcian, retired frbui practice, having I a
had place) in his hands by an EasbIndia tuissionary
lik•ed with suddenly found himself it,
'The Quaker, having discovered that
the forinuia of & siniple vegetable rome y for the bus
speedy and permanent cure of Conga tiolit ran•
drift with no means of support. he
could write a good hand and east
lihitisv Catarrh, Asthina and ill throat and ung bell
Aftedtionit also a positive atitf radical cars for
Now, oil, papa, I now is the time to I up
Accounts rapidly, madq him Ilia
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Corriplaftits, after L
Blaring tested its %vondorfal curative powers- in
allow you are his friend, cried Laura entry
thougand4of ensag, he has felt It his duty to. Make It but
Brownville thr'Owbig herself on list
By this time Tom had saved a
known tohis enioting follolvg. Actuated by this
inotivo and a, desire to talleve hunlan sufforince, I
will froo of charge# to ill who desire it, this
father's, breast, soon after site learned thousand
dollars, and now gradually,
kept swelling. in,
recipe, in German, Preach or' English, with (till
d preparingand vull Sent by plail by
"t ""or
of Toutlii twisfortilue.
h et or. W. A. wet
Wil'itawbile, said Air Brownville,
At last, when he had fivb thousand,
No".. v", )clock it"he ter
82� P.
with twinkling eyes. he
proposed to Laura,*
He Had Sciluplea, of e
But lie will starve to, death I
She asknowlodged she #oved him,
A Prohibition member of Parlia•
He has hands, Lautit but,
hi t breast, the
As [to folded her.to, g;i
ment had bet -d aboont without leave Y
But—but—but— door
opened and in came 14 Brown.
and he was called for an excuse. Ile, Mr
He hat stratigth, too,smy child. I Ville-
ing new in the business lit) began big it re
cannot forget that magi,ifiedut fore.
Hall I fill excirdrudd, al the- young
remarks in 116 plate at 111"t desk, who
krm� of bis'.' . lady,
rosy with blushes, sprang up, i
I will state, llr Speaker-- lie be.
And the old gentleman o'hooklod think
I miderafand. . I
Yes, sit, scammed Tom, I hope
I rise to it oestion of order, intot-G
wbile Tom, wtio had lialy hial• you
will consent.
rupted & member, dik
llppft,� hapwa
Abom I MIMA T'st we 1104 alat nl,apf,
Tile gotitlethan from *14
It is that the gentleman ]Allot pro,,
who Are Molto
ent his exquie at the bar Of the house
The ratan With good Arta health, U
the member.
The rule requiV94 thAt 00 Wntic-
I so is the Ivan with a clear consol,
"All preSeat Ma MIAP at the bar of]
be House, Rungulloed tho tipeaker. � ,
So the parent of vigorous, happy,.
ThlI offendea member tot 'tied all
I children,
he colors of the rainbow, and AtIAlly-I
So is the editor 4 a good paper with
attleddown to a Pail) white, -,
A b ig subscription list.
Speaker, 110 starattlered and.
in t4fitrep.
r WhOli'"
pq is the pastor
11M.0st wet .:. I _1 I ,
children Flock ars Ile P28006 theta in
aurlirit d6 �-Vidfdrs hi Illy life, u0i
bar anywhere, if site people of
their pap.
My district ever heard of my going to
84 is the Wife wil6 hiii th'J 't'IdO
q place, I couldn't got two vows
heart of a good husband,
a the county, I tell 01 again that,
So is tbf maiden whose horiviN is
nevill, was (It any L.ftrkll my life, all , d
oil is not bolluded by the "colaina
T be dada darned it I ;-,,�,g-ilow, and
mail," but who has a purpose in lifo�,
Owill 110 eat with a slosh and waited
whether silo ever wmets him or not,
ntil a colloagna ex plained the situ-
So is the young niali who, laying his
ti oil to him.
hand oil his heart, call say, I have
As in the case of rant y Diller biter•
treated every woman I ever met RB I
ating, events on the floor of tho House
abolild wish my sister treated. by other
his never got into Haneilird,
Monthly ;prized for Boys nd Girls,
So is� the little At 06 goes to
ild V
I ..
The "Salillqrhtl' soap Go Toron offer the fol
prizes ever), waiN tin fu liber notice, to"'
�sleep with a smile oil its lips and for
ays and girls under 16, residing In the Province of
Mario, who solid the greatest nibobor of Suu-
'4 -hose waking blegsilig Waite.
,qbt" wrappers: .18t, $10; 2nd, qui, 3rd, *3; 4th,
I, ryth to 14th, a llandsoillO Book; and a DrOtbY
loture. to thoAfj Who send notles 111 2 wrappers.Truthwill
end wrNlipars, to "Su"llglit" So i Rico, 4 11
Soap 0
t., Toronto, not later than 20th of .1 11 n d
Di!,Ar( 14MRS, —1 Have been afflicted with
RJj!eUrllstiSfn for several years,
larked 'Twlipatitionh, also give all nailChronic
re nuiablee of 11'rep vs. a W
and leave **ted numerous pibie)3t medicines
allies will be In rhe Torol 0, Alai) 01) first
%turdaY in each wouth.
without succsw& But by usirig six bottles
of Burdock V%vA Bitters 1 lyes entirely
Ric-uld NoVerb
cured. SARAV M.41011AM,
King St.. xiogs�-Oo, Out,
The quiet girl dovsn't.doty WRIU,
NOTE.—I am acclikaitited with the, above
named lady and cau certify'w the cotrect,
g Ulltil 811f, g af, ibll& f� r a part.
ness of this etatemeu&
DrAgg#s'd?3Kihgrt9q,, Out.'
If you make the. iiia nfi 'F.thp b.19-
ThqrLkful Handofi,
et, you cant blatne him fof *h1tening
I have just beard such ia' fanny story
on the way.
of a awlsoientiods la�y of this rity
The girl who 0"ll bibed iloth ug,69tuffg
who had hired a new girl acrd was
than lemonade is alwa tliw6wolll
posting her in her domestic duties.
see makes,
ow, Hannah, W11011 1, do not wis-14,
You fire, always out i the boVe
Ito SLe Anyone that ealit, I eipect yoll
lien the shouter conies 011.i' - Ito, say, Not at home, said the model'
The fatter the Owl the njore swing-
g Slip can stand.
But wouldn't that; be a lie, inaAmi,
If your girl wateM souri cherries
asked HAnnalt.
111; clifilb the tree in' ,)flour gest cloth,
Nbit at all. It meam Not at homey.
i MOM eco nomloal to fbllolv the ex.
to yore, which is quite different from
Ample of the immortal G rge and
saying that I AM Out. Do you under,
tit down.
A girl can apt out the Picmil 0 lunell-
Yes"w, said Hannah, I think I see
it in suet, it wary that w mu can
what you are driving tt�.
ver Mid anythin' but the
She soon h -id an oplilo&unity to put,
her new learning int�l practice. A
T�ia;o 9wiIIII ijo. never sorry for
lady called whorn Hannah's mistress
stole1q, The jWg1e;h eon unless he
did not wish to see, and the girl met
her with the very bearing and front of
s 11,11,sgry vpl the wary ] tome.
truth no she said
k1mong bber pic-rjw Aon ahs May Is
Not at home to on, ma'am.—De-
tioned, the kid- who,19A a overboard
troit Free Press.
mall I who, loves- hib- hot, he girl
wg-em seaglek &-ndl I13M.11w, I not least
'A young onion cut into a salad, may.
okump who she 1�1- I W pit
ounaise of any sort improves it, even
man, whav ke, ps, m. -aka all
for the people who profPsa it would kill
ht thinking of the,, o0al til I L Ile he is
them to eat it.
ng to Slavenextda)% AV Wir Pic -nit
pt to. -arrive at, the warkj�oa Its the
t lias-got undtm wei ght
a sure Stud ask. for "
Svrl;p,, ;rad take -nn-otbi
A Xm
Xakilg, Jab..
Ir. Nicefellow.—M, hove do d%, in.
e man I Ben, hod ping your siatell.,
oppose, 8114) told me &he would, 1w.
y for a little while- with! sotw..
t4hold duti"4
Little dried, to, help.
I wasn't mach, use.
suppose not. ,
No. Sbd: wanto4 nae to, eArity auu*
or, but I couldn't carry much at ug
e, and it takes a let to get itil, oust i
aviiet, especially red ink.
Pa ink 2
Yes, Sia'always: writes her letters to
Warmbeart in rod ink-. Ile says
minds btm of the Wily she blushes
n be kisses her.
timely "N7tad5ia
feat, and birnely wisdolka 14 shown by
Vlor's Entrails of Wild- Strawbatiy
liord. It Its$ lag Givol for abohITU!
A ":Mt -WA, aviremod". I
fao an'd Comfort
Wrrxt, poor sonlik and
Of It '"Wag, It In cruei(slh&,hV&t,0bd�
No S12 Of advancilig
TguiaQ6 'ry' Work, J3ut VJ& sifts>tvo lel:
talxwA ilabol'-s"Ing
S1 unlight..
A�asrb&tv odm do a wa - 019P 66ffi'-
With "OURL11090roo th
14reld no b*d•
rubbing, lsord kfittiA14a, hot j,