HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-09, Page 8Mn
•��T�T Q A welt•to•do fartnelr from the neigh. sells. � �T'� (� T e�
H Mo'�•�*� . horn od of Alv'iston, a widower, was � �luav,ts,---•I'n Winggham on September "ill A , fi, �l E" S S AND D ,G V LL r l a, lc$ «
in Stratford•the other. da.y it) search oust, the wife of Mr'"Phos Groves, of ason. -^
I Flavell h 1 rness hi ss a d std ed i i
ht o t t ie ,A .tiler k1a. ITus a rt It s ld to
« •wife, lie wants a houtekt'epert and Arxk:N, Tn 7`urnberry, on the Jst. knst, lira preparedato furulsh the public with elverytbiuS usually kept ill a barnesa b p
e ursd handsome collection a,
ixiade Mantles. The no things are will enter into air agree.meut to ttlarry the wife of M Thos Aiken; ti, son, such as
e. We 11 ave attempted o describe in it short time if the woman shows NATI k:rs, -Ia MOVOs, on the 26th alt.' HEAVY, LIfxEI'P,.and TRAGI'; 1 A1�NE�u'S,
ea of them from time to ilio but were that she l.uows lv>1v to l p+i
# ua,l to the tasl;. A halt liq"lir spout p U+ausH• Or the lvife of 111' Geo llathors; it sou. NETS, DUS7'TTiS,
is deportment will tell you a pleas- roof be.addu�ed that can sa isfttctor MARiLI>♦t;A.
t tht+ applicant ( 1 WHIPS, BRUSHES, COMBS,
e la and bought a newspaper to will make, a good al Pll Nhe re i4enc of theLn—C?n rubor, th , NEAT ciQLTsAiiS,
le will mire at wit
tale than. we could if we wrote a P
id thrifty llousH , at the residaace of the bride's father, by � TRUNKS, VALISES slid
141 it in, even thoutthwe. did till this keeper. Here is a chance for some t'Rey D Millar, of Brussels, Miss Isabella,
oottlda't get any idea. of either the these who. are tired of single blessed- daughtorof .Ar Peter Macdonald, Morris TRAVELLING BAGS, &c., &c.
otue goods or prices. Iles$. True, the would be Benedict is to urDavid. Morrison Naismith, of Tor -
0, only
or-e'anly ;vay to get satisfaction is to not y+ounp, rieither ie he ;;oncl-Ir1o1.)ng, onto. I make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
ee'us l)4 visit. Every womtin in Wing, fictive, +�r is the. a of e Head cover, DIED.
to �a and Many out of it, who wants a P Give me a trial and I will use you right,
tndsone mantle should see the new ed with hair, but lie has looneyLFF011-111 ,, is Uet>;oit, on Sept let, Mrs.
k rods. The present offers the best op- thrifty and honest, slid wants u wife 33 A years
an formerly of Bluevale, aged
i ulrtunit in the whole year, to-morraty 33 yell's and 2 months,
y � btinly, alio these. ought. to cotu,t for, o
iter next door neighbor may possess DuTi1Fx.—In Gland Rapids, Miobigan
trtur favorite,. Then you'll regret you eoniething,. on the 26th uli.,Peter Duthey, father of
le not take our advice. The largest -- --• ,rs D D Nilson, Seafortb, aged 70 years.
�ortment, the choicest designs and . ; `Before the elloir begins," Eaid tire �ADIIDT-1n Hamilton, on September
r brings outside the city, over tifty
. dif-
ent stylas in stock.minister, "I should like to nialie t th Chas Schmidt, formerly of Wing_
statemout to the brethren, I ani to ham, aged 41 years. The funeral will
1 else Goons.—New Dross Goods ar- that Deacon Jones is a candidate for leave the GrItrid Truni't Railway station
al,4'aro daily occurrences now, you'll on the arrival of the 3.30 p m train and /� ARRIVALS.
ve Lo kteep a pretty sharp look out for the Legislators. �.ow uredo' ordin- proceed to the Wingham cemetery. FALL
L.l� � �
sl eta if you want to keep up with the ary eiraurnstances,ilshould advise the; n
es 464 the fashions. The novelties brethren to vote.. for hill, , but, as I
k, dhigh•tolledmaterialswellsaynothing ' in
b out them to -day. They're the ones am a candidate for theBae -loco wiNan.i,,, aepteinbet s, 1892
want to show you when you collie to invself, it would not be good poli tics I Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealor.
e us, Those we are going to mention to do so. You who are not afraid of 00 lbs, *t 2 15 to 2 25 DRESS GOODS ---I Navy's, We have Se'rges,
c Fali wheat per bushel, W to 70
.are medium priced, but extraordin- hot weather hereafter trill vote for ;-ring as to 7o Estaminos Boucle Twills Bedford's &c.
r good value, see if they're not. Navy, Bl•other Jones : but all who,., desire, oats, 28 to 20 •�
due wide wale clievron and cheviot Borley 35 to 3b In Tweed Suitings Plain and Fancy Cheviots
tb. a big* lot of Scotch m`xud and short sermons, small collections and Peas, 57 to 58 t nutter, tub 15 to 15 -
rring Bone stripes in gray tones and cool salvation must step over on illy do Rolls, 13 to 14 Diagonals, Repos, &C.
es. They aro well worth a special side," kggs per lb. ., 7 to 7
to the store to 100114 at. When you (lay t per cord, 1 5to 1 Ira 40 individual Suitings to select from., irres-
• $P T,� any per ton, old, 0 000 to 0 50
+me we will show other handsome Ilay per ton, new, 5 00 to 5 on pective of double with webs.
+`• ngs at On Thursday, Aub 25, of last week Potatoes, New 85 to 40
i John R Millar, license inspector, pr
Ilii• f'• McINDOO S• hived home from ills five week's trip ii — Our High Class Black Goods have alreaey es`
- to the West. He went as far as Cut -TIMES" SUBSCRIBERS. tablished a reputation. To those who have not
Bary and Banff and spent a goodly seen them, call and we will show you through.
tt t i 1e. portiou of his'time ill the Prince Al- All parties who have not paid
. I tt �ttt't tilt l $ bort county. ' fle says the crops are for the '°T> �1>Js" for the years Special value in Flannels and Scotch Staples.
li yht list curl wheat will be mood if not 4 Large stock of new Tweeds and Overcoatin s
-----� ^ ^ 1591 and 1892 are requested to re-
*--- ------- -- causit by the frost. A2r Millar visit- g g .
l RIDAY, 87EPTEMBER J, 1892. ed the Manitoba Experimental Farm mit the amount at ouce. We need Full stock of Boots and. Shoes, we have admi t-
and greatly en o rd his std there. mono and ho e, this notice will
-� — -- y a y y y tedl the Lon Boot of the trade:
He t let in with -lonn .±. Smith, of be sufficient, died that it general y
oat •1.,00AL NEW Brandon, formerly of Brussels, who•isFull stock -of Yarns, Slleetin g. Bilank6ts &c.
• doiug'W(ll. 14Ir Smith drove him nut 'espouse wilhbe the result. ns g �
1. Lettere to lie Eciator. to see Alex Forsvty formerly of this R. ELLIOTT. Boys and Youths Suits and Overcoats.
I send you here an article that's bound township, ,vh0 iii seriously ill with
• to melte a bit. l? Y
daclosed pleas- find joke or two to spice heart di..easp,• the . ar,e sorry . to state.
}t, ),durpage of wit
The opinion of Mr Millar is that while
e:eud a little poem which will please bb-
the Nest affords a -Merge field for ener-
u- gond' a doubt ; emetic young ;tien, older men, who are
,{ease mail me twee y copies of the. paper e
when it's out.
considerably settled'in Ontario should
°ike your editorial a Times are growing remain where they are.
s better.
, g
Cattle, Sheep Pigs and voultry
ted. so I have endor ed it in it fifteen col
�L. uniu letter.
—•}-- .
A row at Rostoolt,: ,Pertli Co., last
•� Closed please fin .' subscription in two Friday evening cauggd tile.fnost intense
e . (Contederate) ills.
hat make you print my poem tinder
excitement in that usually quiet little
�,j• Jobaston'slil pills?
village, John Weill,•{L resident or that
P wife's been d d a mouth, and though
neighborhood, on leis. way It"ome from
lily paper's g ug on,
,tell ve never said lie word, and folks taut
Strat.fortl that aveniug, nailed at
Schreuk's Hotel and, it is Alleged,
tell which wu sbe's gone !
e�leetn in basin ss half u year (your due
asked for a drink of liouor, which was
bi'!;I•returu u) ;
refused him. An alteret.tion ensued,
yetve t ver wrote me up—so
Mir Iffy papa , darn you!
and the landlord forcibly ejected him
leis fariix, Mr Gihhings has. trot a first , ,
class threohing, outfit, and iti,o that Illustrated. Catalo ue of tadi"a
from the• i,uilding, kt, the same time'
Apple Barrels,
striking and kleki6g, hirn severely.
e, are prepared to suppiv any ail,ount
Weik then went to hit home slid short
ple barrels oa the shortest notice and
l y after rethrued with' Winchester
e choicest price. We offer the best
rifle and. began to fire bullets into the
el ill the market :Shop at the salt
hotel. After puttin; sixteen shots
Leave vour order at ouce,
into the building he evidently cattle to
tine conclusion that tie hada cot even
%'all ShoW tiaras.
with the, landlord for thN insult ltl• r'e-
iuiham, Sept 27"28.
fusing him a drink, and retired to the
ulress at Teeswater, Sept 20-21,
woods where he Ilse managed so far to
lm+t at Attwood, Sept -09.
ritreat Exposition, Sept 15-23.
avoid arrest. Fortniiately no one vas .
' - k lid A& it �� QttlCl�t 61'r14A8T '�. .'
esters at London, Sept 15-24. 1
orth Perth at atratford, Sept 29-30.
outli at Oct 4.5.
A local new8paper is otter. accused
uron russelth,
` est Huron at Brussels, Oct 6.7.
of bias in zei;artt to personal''uotie,s—
on, Oct. 6-7
of mentioning the cbming and going
tlericb, Sept 27-29.
of some and ommitting others. The
1tth 'Perth at St Marys, Sept 27-28,
faults are with the people and not- th
27 -28 -
ington at A'ttivertou, Sept 27-28
ern at Walkerton, Sept 27.30.
editor. He is always willing, and ,
y g,
. ea's'el at Drautford, Sept 27.28. I
even anxious to tell who comes aurk
trtli Britub at Paris, Oct 4-5.
who goes, if he can find out, but a
,iaiotat New Hamburg, Sept 29-30.
$s11+0 lit Mitchell, Sept 27.28. -
country newspaper cannot afford to
tmerstou Horticultural, Sept 26.27.
C . se a dozen salaried reporters. If
auth Waterloo at Gait, Oct 6.7.
you have visitors, let tis know who•
orth Western at Goderich, Shpt 28-30.
they are and where they Game front ,
Orth Oxford at Woodstock, Sept 28.29.
if atiythii:g happens in your vicinity
st Wawanosh at Bel -grave, Oct 4.5.
' ellesley and North Laathope at Wei-
let us know about it if there is a.
ey, Sept 20.21•.
party at your house furnish us with
orris Branch at Blyth Oct. 11-12.
the, names of those present ; if yon, i
get married let us know ; if you know
anything let us know about it. You 'r
`Montreal has exported so far this
Will find us as ready to 11rioti6d" one
tetrtr 14,199 head of cattle, against
as another, patrons or. otherwise,
1)l for the same period last sea•
friends or foes. Our object is to -give ,
the news,
WJ. GHAtb1 °�1l�O'I°HY SEED.
STEAM CIEER MILL. , Yours truly, °
The undersigned wish to iutimate to ther�-�fJ Q_ M.11- K:EM11T0r_
farmers and others that their steam cider
twill will be ready for,.operation oil 51on• -
du,y, SepBember otli f,;'ili' parties wanting t FURNITURE p
cider nude can JiA}e. • tt trade on short FURNITURE DELIVERED FREIE.
notice Not only can you buy, Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Lounges,blattrasseb, Charas; Tables,ke:,
Our Telly evaportifnr: is in ,good eunning cheap. but ;,hen bought tri ehuia,it�kes they will be delivered and set up in your homes• bee, anyv; trateI�
order ivied we are prepared to make' jelly within 10 miles of 11:Inghanl•,from any kind of „ o
li ted and satisfaction gu ramtoed , trial so- PORXRAIT ENLARGEMENTS.
'FItwiu;, had the mill re -fitted, we will be l have made arrangentgnts with one of the best artists in the Dominion for doing. Itttrtraib Enlarge••
better able than ever to do work in first- „a„ts (any size) in .tlir•Btusb„I,ndia Ink and Water Colors Iieforo giving your order to anyone for such
class order. call) at my store, see san,ples btid' et prices for the very best.
Tire patronage nf'tbe public fist solicited. I
Winghain Supt 1st, 1892. I
I A31 styles and sizes of Pictant&and Wreath Frames made to,order. Lots of AIouldbigs to, choose frons..
12,000 Bushei A `pl.esl 4;' it.
Notwithstandim, all the oppooltion fn s m line, I astill here in Wingham prepared, to, dn, as I hamo-
f: a been doing for the past ten years..
f Afay 13i n802. U i.Aoer,,:,.k.r ar.i t,'a:nhan [1•; t'•jr
The undersi,ned' will be;,tprepaaed to
purchase any quantity of apples ora aiid'1
apples to be delivere4 at, the Wingham `
Evaporating Pactory, Alfred street,. near � ����` VAN�T®� � ROB.,
woolen mills. All kinds of apples will do ;
except astrachans, very •small or moollow of I0homidino have boughti thmitlarble Business of bir VT Watson, for ilenlyi•ewrled on by W RmVth-
ones. Apples may be sbaken from the
tiees,windfalls and sli+ippers culls will do. Partibs• requiring wort; in their lino will do well by calling on them or seoina; oke of their•• agents, before
AP?les may be delivered inhagn for ' purchasing:. You will ftiid our prices are...a�vaytio�l n Our worlrmnnship is unsurcpassed, - We,viill use none
I but the very best stock and b.',t bquare doalinir hope to seouze a Ilberal share•ofr tile• publie•patronag-e DIr T
which a good price *ill be paid. T Watson;,who has been runmug the business: fbi tbb pasts"year, will represeotats;on tho road,.
About 75 cords of hard wood or tama-
tae wanted. Caltatul see. our stock and }prices.,
We also wish to engage from 15to 20, VA-.,,TSTONE BItOS.
girls and boys to Werk at the Flitory rt ?
Apply at once,—
I wish to intimate to the people ot• Gotland and
arrounding country that I have 661A i Aced the
malfacture of all kinds of
nd can supply them om the shortest notice.
Will also be in a position ,toslipply Iron and Force
-, D re. Rmclair,-WESTERN. EA1 R
M. D. M. A,, L. 0, P. s. o.,• M. 0. P. LONDON;
s� � SEPT, t 5th 'T0 24th 1892.TOR NT,O. , 1892
Specialist Peri'„t1r tIWA itYd 11 vi. all
C1,lada's favorite Live Stock Exhibition,
Chronic Diseaso” $2,000 added to the Prize Diet.
e new binder ovine manufactur•
— Pumps to order.
riva a tseases,
the lid I�'erve,
domp'any at Brantford Will employ
One day last week MIr B Gibbings, Repairing attended to, Prices reason€ble, ,
Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, i
Over 8i 500 cin t6 the ltor8es,
%anis. Top main factory will be
of the road,nenr Alma, ti7reshed JOUN I'7•;Y,TON.
zetlbnst, !Ifay sth„ib9�`
the farm Ase 'has AIelllichiiel, hi
And Diseases of W nee,p positively
Trent tl .Aticcesstull y”
, g
Cattle, Sheep Pigs and voultry
00 feet in extent. with n mate-
e of 40x'200 Feet aditional,
on of
ten 1►ollrs, 1, g n 1:'iis
200 bushels of rai "—`""'
le kneeling with Itis family ill
was the rain frons 8G acres and a `' T �l
$ +{� Di �,l��rIr
Disettser3 of rivatea at itnre brought'
'4isitors and Exhibitors era �trmnkred, Chore tot
on Thursday night, lir. John
good C°t•op,.there being about 50 loads .,,.1 j
Wr •Ittcillichael says this is the largest
an by folly' Dr. Sino air eortaitilY
stabling nndspacot,ildttodan Iteoefptvtontrias.
®y, a Well•to•do farmer of Perry
;lip, leas strt;ak bylightning and
day'i;:1hreshin lie ever had door+ on spm) volt
beof'kh attractive and,
elboorattl kind,
y killed,
leis fariix, Mr Gihhings has. trot a first , ,
class threohing, outfit, and iti,o that Illustrated. Catalo ue of tadi"a
Exoursions ortall Rdilripttyg
Sttiele t!lCl4st
+'sates B. ,
will' gilt throwgli as much its can
I)II. f1fI�7C3LAiIi erre 1 Ile at the
Por Pr Cyo List and ail fnfcCmntlpn apply to
of Rov, El. D, Steele,of l�irli�
be Y rt to ie., find, as lie tlioron h1
3 g �' Specialties,
QUEEN'S HOTEL., Vilinlghant,
CarA. A, 'tK,, Porto', Thos. A. Browne,mrrly
cif aaderich townulti ,
bobiliest; and has
the ltnauintous appoint
ot fmait the Board Of Alissions as.
14 4411f'r it) Cor11lecti0n With one of
hislaas mar tsflllr Brow! lee,of U intoig
e 1 alrrrltnss P
and lir Richard Tastier, of Hullat, I t
( both first-class it is I THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APP.11ANCE
� '
��� �'^^
The Improved C�eS � Cleth�e
'l Parch of England Misslonii kn the
men:, riot 9urpris• VO,,
rin that hes gets throw 11 with U lot Of
-wont Territor Misd Steals
' - k lid A& it �� QttlCl�t 61'r14A8T '�. .'
w0 a
• for her erftillatlori, being
e, Ngrth-west Territorir's, ktah, blarzo rand sora y kit,d TOttidtatrn
a+tasp'ioo of the Wonrrllfl le. hn o" bf arrit".10, our by I sea, r
of th IJ"h4leeuFes of 4,1i,. _ I` .
,` ��,ot�►� tt �, �,,�Ij�����
, =]1�. ,,. � .l)1 - _ .4�. .%,n..�. •.r .., .. ".' N�i�IL
t oornploto durable Anti
e'del earl. riot only
ow •-,16L.
T'o sett wrdllod Nursery stock. Sway
d� atiV1 In i8nrrdw41 of the i Isttvr
S ears, I- tY t�i
thti Affit 1nWn gontl�sr s,
1l)" • �i :.: yi ::. �' � " "