HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-09, Page 7T Conscientious Goal xor47 i1rtG 1'xnfassi�tlai rid 3'r'lacic, an emifuellt etltc"i wealthy . JaggOrs N Dr Paresis); -`fou 1ulow coal dealer, called one. of Isis, oldvot Dr RaFseol, I suppose? drivers into the office the other mora-, Dr Vareais (eoldly)—He's no doctor, ing, and tondered Melt quite a large 1Vlly, sir, lie advertises I. oum of money, Jeghers (halt an, flour later, to Dr What is this forI asked the astonish Xapsoob—.13ythe way, doctor, I was ed driver, tallcint to Dr Molar yesterday, Nerely a tc4ell of appreention for anti,.-, services rendered, replied WIr %acic Dr Xapsoul Al (interritptifla - , kindly. Clear Jaggers, will tell 1pase yo" rile y p r But, sir, you've always paid 410 why you dignify 51olar with the title eX14Ugli. doctor t Don't ypu know that be is `here is more than that in it, Jol)u . nothing but a dentist I continued the dealer. I really owe Jaggers (next day, to Dr 1lolar)-- you the motley,. o Now, tills man on the next street I don't understand. Dr Powders I , Let me tell you, said Mr Black-- Dr Molar (laftsti.ly)_Dr Powders and lie dropped has' voice to a whisper, You surely donit mean to apply the You have been with, me for twenty dignified &efix doctor to an ordinary ' years, working `800 Clays every year, veterinary sorvoii `l You were surely !I and averagin,r three loads a day ; that ,jolting Jaagers, nicker 15,400 loads, -.You weigh ItiQ Ja.gTere (second clay after, to Dr pounds, John, and. ve have never f rel. Powders)—Dr Paresis was telling .me ed to weigh you in with every load of she other Clay that this bort � of our °superior coal, that makes 2,"t0?,• wPattier--- 000 pounds, or say 1,200 tons, That Dr Powders (with a deprecatory at 208. per ton, John, represents gesture)—Don't talk to rn afloat #11,200. The packet you hold in your Paresis 1 Ile's no doctor, 1711y, sir, hand contains X120, or 10 per.ceut., if I had a yllow dog that was sick I whion we think is yours by right. wouldn't trust the case to hint. He We are honest men, Solln and dnit't ought to be a butcher. desire to defraud any man out of what What Xe Dandruft. ' is ,justly his. A dise%se of the Goalpp that causes failing John bowed in llumlile .summisston, of the heeir, fading of the hair. death of tile hair. It irritates the scalp and'eauees and is now anxiously waiting for the sealer and eczematic eruption ---produces next dividend, baldness. Bear in mind that Anti -Dand- ruff removes Dandruff with 3 applications ° ---stop falling and restores fading I air.to What no* Fellow can Find its uaturat color. Bold by druggists at 75, cents a bottle. Out." Four rmeli niny rat grPPn fruit -- , with impurity, but the fifbli may try Mexico is stud, to have scores of the experiment and anllour or po lat- people ever one hundred years of nge. or, be tied up In knots with crnmPs One mau a hundred and thirty-two dysentery. Who the fifth man will be is one of thus(( things no fellow can years old, has.five geuetations in iiia , find!' out, and consequently all should house all' of the same; name. take time by the, forelock, nuc pro. pare for such an attack by keeping on Conaitieration. hand it bottle of Nam DAvIs' PAIN G,,,,,uinoN,-1vJy brother. suffered from �ILLLrIt.WIlICi2 is a safe, quick clad in. summer complaint and" was extremely vveak. We tried many remedies but with - fallible cure for diarrhoea, cholera, out effect._ At last my aunt advised us be cramps, or, iadeod, , any dis- try Dr Fowler's, Lxtrart of Wild Straw - order of the' stomach,, This exeollellt berry, n,ud before lie h -ad taken one Dottie . medicine Ct►n be bought at any repot- he was cured. We consider is saved his' life. MISS ADSMAII)r t RITTESDL•`N., -able dru'o-storm. 250. Will purchase Baldwin, Out. the Dig Bottle, New Size, Briggs -1 lwar you are livitig down He Could not get Away. i ou the New Jersey eom t.. is it cool A. weary old man dropped with it down their % . Oltn;;s—Cool l I should say SO• sigh into it sent in a Street car. t, Wily the mosquitoes all lidw to wear the other end three or four young ellen rul;Ps.--Cloak Review.- were tnlliii,; and laughing They leave just raturuc•d from their I Itebeeca• Wilkinson, of Browusvaliey, vacation, said the tired filen to 1115 Ind., says: "I had been in ti, distressed condition, for three years from Nervous - next neighbor. ness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia They sePin to' hav a etljoyed it, and Indigestion until my health was Roue. I bila been doctoring constantly, with no Yes they seem to. They wort: in' Am - relic`. I bought oue bottle of South Am- tile slttner store as I do, erican Nervine, which. done me more good than any 00 worth of doctoring 1 ever olid: Yes. They have all been away now in my WN i would advise every weakly --rem- everybody in the store• --clerics, edy" ou A triailtlbottl,3 wlilltncot viuce you. bookkeepers, and hearts of departments Warrruted by Thos Chisholm, druggist. even the cash -boys Abd the wrappers Mr volinrl itt, wlleu every ((fall feels and the porters. Everybody has had utterly ills} ;uif}caul•. Yes, replied Mr his vacation—but yonbut ►net Boodlebonds, I feel Ste noCv, I have rill but yOII I $Orale paintar5 at work on illy liolue. Yes Well, 1,should think :your employer Itoly of Thfs. would let you off too, Gi sTr=v .x. tie have six children and have relied ou Dr, b'owler's Lxtract of The old roan shook his tett(;(. I 'Wild strawberry forctae past twelve years tiVhat's the reason lie won't 7 , in all easeu f diarrhoea wi(l sutiamer com- plaint,, an dib never fails to cure. Well, replied the wgary Mali, with I M115, aMI& ALLM, 11arley, Out. another sigh, you see, I'»1ai the propel- A Greogian editor: is said to receive etor myself. a bushel of peaches daily on s ibscrip- '—" tion, and a waterme.low for every per - We're not waiting for the bats and sonal put in his paper, in the season. moles but for elan and women who have eyes and use thein, who have brains and reason 1' Thereto a naw Anrler6 To fiiorluctts erq you at8tur0od at lrr;ht and broker. at r rest by it sink child sueerin and world for them•--sufferiu; and sickly as they are—a new world created from the brain of a skillful physician--ta discovery--thri "Golden Medical Dis- Covery," Years ago Dr., Pierce found out that the secret Of all scrofula, bronchial, throat and lung trouble lay --in , the beginning at least- iri impute blood and the weals tone of the systPmy 'th►tt' the way to cure these effects was to° N remove the cause, that human nature'. being the sattie, the sane results might be looked for in nearly • all cases. So confident was hn that the', dxoeptions were unaociimon that lie' took the risk of,giving.the medicine toI biose it didn't benefit for nothing, and, 't'he reriulto have proved that he was a icigllt. And "Goldell Medical D1acoverv" 1 ie )ilia remedy for the million l `.che!, only guaranteed Liver, Blood and Lung rabledy, Your limonfy laid it it doeliWt' L -yoll. crying withpain, t Cutting Teeth's It so sgnA at once and ata It ttlo of "1fts.iVfnslow's boothln syrup" for Cilildr n Tocthhrg, Its valuate hlcal.2 410, It will r levo the pace little .sufliotoC innnediately. Acl and upon it, mothers; there Is no miaeake about it. it Oates Dysentery and Diarrhoea, res ulaWs the Stour ch and Bowels, cureswind Collo, softens the ciums, edauns Inilatmnation• and girea tone and anorf y to ho whole system.. " trs; vin• slow's boothnlg 1-3 'rup'g for children teething is pleasant Ca the fast And to the prescription of ono of Ehe oldest and bast ottuele physicians and nurses in the United St , a id is for sale by all druggists throuirhout oho wo ]d. Price twenty-flvo cents a bottle. Be auto a td ask tot "Rites. W1s8401r'a SooviitNa gYZtA• A ,A falto nn nthnr kind There is f► the penitentiary at Bdffalo a your ,man who has made a reputation ,for l►imself as h gay de- cloiver which Ili Y litnd him iri state }prison for bigat y. He Calls himself John Ortaen, a ,alpgraph operator, taut bier real tialne is Bitilev 1; arrison and 00 ftir as. kno In title tbree wives, ou'e in Blicalo nncl 1wo, in canadi%, with kovioral other 11 cities to hear' from. 144rri:ion mantiged n private balak in .Brussels Some 4 to 15 years geo and j WAS well kno*4 to the ptao016 of that lroi5alitya , ( trf,e a a}lina yields t, sna,stlllioamay, iT AD i x>all; eke ,tallow, and candles 12l'e li,aCle from 'L 1111 j Trains arrivo And aiep in as fol' ..- ITAt. t:sAvt o-.,.: 635tz,ni .... .xorTorontoOA7f3V14PTIt;?fii;Illtlrla, l o0p n1- ,An old physician, rollred front ractloo, Navin p 0 p s M fans in ills hands: by alt Bast lndga nliefor TQV00cra X9rnhun641l4 Boot and4hoeStoroo, i In 120nneotloa with ally Leather Bllolness I keep 11 :65 ?fir••......rattoem +. he dy And of a simple v0g gtahlo remedy for the the ipcedy and porwanout Duro et Corrsultrptton, Bron.�'���•� tyli•otock at k "°"* �^�•^ r. -4. i 1 :albs, Catarrh, Asthniaand all throat And Lunt; 1de0tiona, •also a posltive' and radical cure for 4orvous ((��� "� 'p'� �'Y7�y l i � /: 4L'/ i� l 17f A' t t3TRATHDI;S, AQaIAT iv + Through tickets to all polrlta in Alts Aepguty an4 all Narsoue Colnpinhrte, after lasing (Dated eta u'onde1-ful curative •>l 1 l wost.l Acllio poast, etc,, sic rho shartW popniar routes. pow are in houeands 0f cases, ho has felt It life duty to inalco it 111ltnatod day this n►own to his sultdesireg 1lathaway, iVhitnloras, ?anonf 7'rancli I,rgssint Eclipse, Bixby s, Perfect iiia, oto,' in 10a IG and goo alzes B•rxgamo ebeckod q daaGination, Lalvcr t frell ht rates to all po '^�-•'TiMiw t relieve nal sand d a of aji to rollers enlace snlPorinr, I viii Bond ergo at etlamo, to all who desire it, this b the rosy or slow, JAe 1 Y it goof's French 1il4e1c1119 and OrWO olhn4x sraterprgof, 7'RrRL9.-^�- 1> sAyli wGWouAM. ARRIVA AT wipe, In Gennan, French or gs4glisb, with full3I lirectious for prelraring and nate;,", sontby mail by TM" 1:XU :45aou,Toronto.Gtuolph,I'alnlprstgn,,kq. ddresoinl; with stanlp, naminuthis apor. IV, A. laxrsa 52e 1gC VQIa .IllOglr liochCAtor. 9, S'; Brights Me.ease, 1 2gp;lu' " „Clinton, " 7.25 PAIMOrs:011, Ifiixed...... I al'o only a cleric on a $mail T ,Jt_,i. �- r U:4saau.8:46 pon,...., iondon,o..,..,,.,. 11:20 shlary, he sifil, but l' Olin o(fer you a conifer* ; lit Loather, Ilarsohldo, iinglish Kip, P.M 0.1118 1►O1I,P if Vol)Cnl,) ,diH Pirie ,g s, }' ltli Porpoise, &c, i Cotton and Iiifie, In alilonr;ths. Button fastenors and setts, Coll, doles, Ste, 10,0 1 uxuries, ,It>rold { oltigged, they are R.illlr are usoda' q Sold by hit dodent*torritbynsalioil r"sit: SGlettiille Al In Agency 0 j Shron Alma, bel and fit and Mazzonga liip and Calf; CUM WHERE AI.t ELSE FAILS, also native k[p,and upper. Spanish and slail0ter Best Uobr h 87rup. Tastes pond, as sole. in time. Mold hr druRlrists. , } 4 I ` _ + HARNESS LEN91 f>t�ifli �44 c Y£t �j ` y+l, _ NF1 > r ,� e , Beat brands on litind in oak, and hemlock, S CAVE) TRADE A DE'fON P/l stock for traces In Dalt, p ecia i ` X CQA1lRIC:rli s ✓" 1 i Patrenag�o solicited, Pricesguaranteed. A postal card will secure. quotations Ora call 11-001 to • traval• S 6�r information and, free Handbook w1- 011yde�t bureau far securing patents 1n livor stent-tairon out by us is broug V ff' the pUlio a notice Sivon free of char ' CHAPMAN ' v 1-6• r A= Ind potion, Dyspopsia and $our stansach are ausCd by the, food +term0nting. The result of far. cntation on all organic matter must ba acid! !his deo itillosesthefood (which shotild be digest• d) and from that decompbsltio.n ovolvps gasses hat rtoduce pressure on tho nerves, disorganizing he systoin, and producing varldps syinptores of iseaso. Tl:e '•Curative fluid" pu1-iflos tho stoni4ch; roinotesdigestion and assfndlatiou off0gd,.thcroby roating a healthy ourfont of blood. For sale by all lruggists, 500, and $1, H UED TT :B A-W1<:W S- osephine Street , Vhiwham, Ont, A. IIALSIT0, J. %V. SoOTr, taut Forest •• •.• Tdat0wol. 3eposits Received and • Interest allowed. Aoney Advanced to Farmers and Business filfen, )n long or short time, .on endorsed notes r collateral seedfity. Sale notes bought .t it fair valuation. Alouby remitted to all %arts of Cana,da.at reascivable charges. ipocial. Attention Given' to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes.. kgonta in Caltisicia .The.nerehcmty, $amlr off Canada Unice%Ioais—Prom 0 a. m. to 5 p. in. A. z•;. SXITH, e HAVE OU i) 1 1111 j i;' "Backache / the scavengers 1 means the Aid- of the system. no-ya are in "belay is u trouble,Dodd's • . Kidney /-tills rdiu9 dangerous. Neg- looted kidney Prom � pt relief," troubles result Is t"76 per dent, in Bad Blood, 1 t� a • disease is rrst caused by Dyspepsia, Liver 1 Complains, and 1 .t disordered kid the moat dah• Heys, geroue:o f all, t "il9ight ag uwell Brights Me.ease, 1 try to have a . Diaboteg and 1 4 healthy olty Dropsy." without sewer- "rho a aboue age, as good diseassa cannot health tuhotr the exist where kidneys are bodyl'a Kidney oltigged, they are R.illlr are usoda' q Sold by hit dodent*torritbynsalioil r"sit: of price go techs, per box of silt for $0.116. e, Witte ok rtdw'�iltc.,'tt 71- tfrT•ororlt% Tanner and Leather Merchant, .9. g.flr-%-0 TB,tEl i9 A a.J .i`I1 -IN— (31 RD IN(31D 8:.7�U� �..QL0lH.., i 00 TO i ..L R9S1 ]HATS$ CAPS, SHIRT ; COLLARS, IC J F eta Chea,1 for KASIT" -AT-- i ova I All hytending purchasers ®f stoves for winter will save money by buying frons. D. SUTHE_rr_'%"_LAND. Having bought a very large variety of 1 1iAT1..l.V Edi AND CO®.lk11 1 r 1 ( ,ser e,aw 1-a® car ,..-.� t� A"•.« ( r' t to choose from ]Every stove guarantee: against breakage al 1• to give complete satisfaction, 1 D. SUTHIMAND. 1 s i ' winghti'm, Octobbr 5th 1501,