HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-09, Page 5a Z*i, RI •i.. qY 111��x[� IXi�i *'��,�. ,;:SFy,••v 'i ::w „A" 1 �° x+. �'i .sJ-,a1S�1,ttFor One Month Before Takin6 Stock. - ° We Will •givd our Customers and the public generally the best bargains in • JUu , 0""`1"r w`S and jani t$kiUES Ever offered in Wingham. C611 and examine our Bargain. Counter and be convinced that there is'no sham as the geed .roust be sold at any cost, to make. room. for �:arge fill purchases. 0 0 M :F:ET_R;Sr_U 01—:E We are Mill leading the trade in NOBBY SU1TS ANDGENTS' FURNISHINGS By far the largest assortment of -to select from, that we ever had. Particullar atteitition givon to Custom Work and Repairing done in• first-class style. J, J HOMUTTi & SON*. Dungannon. The faros helo2aain°, to tile Orr�lcatarrah reei,ody. Ir 1Vilcos was in estate cmisisting .of Lot 18 ,on th,' Win;,ham al+out ill u vents ago and T The annual show,xnf the Ashllisld and 113 concession of Nest Walw.anosh,.�`will say if tiaei'r is ny l,risotl or per- MILLb Wttwonosh Society -will be heitd is tilt-, contriniug 200 acties, was puTchasedi• 'W's that go-tihi,s c tarril cure and is driving.l,:i•rk, Dull-t-vi,nnou, u„ Ahl- 131.11 by nlessrs Edward:and William, iT:Mc ' not satisfied,of a } rruanent cure, let and.14t11 of Octohvr„ sed Ole direr- Quiloan for the sum of $9000. thrall corne ano'w at d •, r, o-, bottle. that tors aro, d'erermiaavd to. make it the I will cure theena fr ' of chnrge. best shnew,Pver Lelkl in tl:at•a illavr. I One d'i„ht six bmrines dot onto bS prdf, Wilcox i, IliAily recornnnend Fall Stock Arriving Daily The prizolhist contains a largetteuillber Kin;; s garden,- Blyth, through the-, ed and ansae goo I* report of being the •of,spPoiai.attractiong, includin;:speed . gate,that solne'dne+had left open due- °��-�7 iing it) td,eorivg, botdliltrottit,g and run- in,, t�,sfamily's,dbt±eia'iee: Twoihundre catarrh pian of t tgericrti and can be .1.� FJW9 . nin°+, lad riding and driving, etc„ and hills of Guru, twelattV head�of eabba �� seen at alae ITiarm iln House', Wintrham y y g ,, ,from Alox)d,,vlu,t nin+,•I September 121 BB .,. -,for•which:.aIalsa aa�louuf 'of tueney is aboutit'weni hve�, dila (tins, one. 'S I 9ffered. }The I)uu;an,uou rounds sir[ Y it l? till Sa iirdriy eV 'sin r, 5eptrtnber 17: � of buts hued out t,f,3 •,of carratts we i.adniiralil � Asda)ted'Fgk the ti r• �1, and Di>II'G.sut}'e+ lo,r l t' di5enarn��ed about 'ptw'r 1Go J� iTi Y t P P d« tit, ryes hrfo>;,tl)W;.tiing.., I 1r 3LJ.L1. J. ..Will afford'e'1 who ;.n u tspleulfid view your eczetuu, or any hind of skin ,mf the, races alidlotlaer contests. o Arch 111 [:Curdy, ' I�sUorne, swas.oai diseases, ia6e nr stilt rhe' nl till vnu ;q,� ;�- �y -�;�t Saturday throws ° unto the ditch Uy al buy and try Fro Wilcox's remedies � 1�.OV.�•�.:.lL IR 9 A,CazorF.ar..7npy:�olsonit ld,,:i.; horse. 1H gvt}ag'ii6terlyro,lnubt� Which }taus- he obt.-tint-d from Dr to help himself, aumlilitisl 't[ lie,carlded, illerlen, of AAlberd pu; Scotian I , tile In .0A Scholltberg,corr-aspoudent sends houte,on a atret6ar.. Medicalauid wad sem[ has etamt+d P f Wilcox of eczetgn l r • Y' ttke tollowitt;; toet]lN_ t:uror:► 1Jridt�t[+l : suuivaatied, wl:Pn,:"' it''was asset: of four yoart;'�stat lily and �onres of Dress Go+D:ds, 1�� rim•mings etc., 1 T11N;ir'fltu_ere,werP wavorised to Lear taiue[dtthrtt scut rill hof tije' InU-6ci}esuxf others stone all tilt ,u:h Ontario and that.armau at the t,rdand of thethe ttaerll and lraae3 been rupovredaiPVr fei}pd yPtbull' dircutinus 'i/%1`antleCloths, S haWlS, etc.; villltDe lead been bur•ried in theiearth on each bottlie and box. °ft ritilree haunts aud••w." got oust all J A13.'upe, who has been in etas aR� Tweeds 'ripha,better tl,,etl he ,,was befom: It .vices of tile. IN101uori'Q.' Bank :at Exeter. r � 3. weeds and 'Cloths, etc.,' was, an• old geatleinan. that got p+ ,'don- for new^iy two- yeayattook ilia depau�f txra,' c �+ ed with ,ivy. Theyda� a.trruc8;, re' for 1•Sra+�tanouth, Dorat;t, Eu_g, as FainPH". SCOTTI tnoveld alis cl6titing, put Lies-, .in and day press„" hrye. hi -4; r« tside. °Xr MUSICAL LEABER FAE�aYTERfAN CHUBCN All bbllg"llt for spot cash and �i11 co•erad hies gp;arllthut itis Lead ; shift Pope 4-mnot eujoy+dith� brFt of dtt,adnit I him there three Ihuurs iaatnd wheli lie since la,elren•_}.+ stttioued the+••e "Lias it l.twei iccsPrirnte Lemminiin VocalTrai„ in, both in stair be sold at -lowest possible prices. •tiatnewatt he wile a Cured mall. 'Hillis beets t'tifl0nlrbended`t+' .Ilis ,ll ;IGltiih ,ins ConToncerts a matatimt: inpen [oream�oinventsI , � } S t '•for Concerts or l'.8unr4+h n,eetlugs. Tcrma moderate. • is SaieAo he a st,re cure. that be. stake a .trip.ove w tn.+ uwitta. I "P" at ' hiss. it. MORROW $, u=+ 24 shuterSt ,vinlgbam The best value in A FotsarsFwaPc• On S°aliarday, as 186Iv' 8 Aches„au„ e uccoct,p:urst4:d by his,l oiiife end JiUlpl — ;THE Ntii' onioUS FILING ,Jia "GAINS datl;;hter, tt5a dl'1Vitlp t,[i "the Log 14) Flannel S, �' ,�nSg � c. IIBER•r,Y FROM.: s.TRATFOILD JAIL. v Ingham Sa usand PianingMills. Road, ii!•intzt u mile ft•„a,s Iiippeu” lilac horse slli+atd art r+ hicycli�,t sad ratansI otThe undersisnedlea;ou,owon hand a lor�ystoel: i . STRAMORD, Sept. 7 —Tile notullauE saarply, utmet tile, bu};,;;y and'uccu- tfor, err P ell Falmo, Il lade ,lids eseapf. patits jilt[) Alice ditch and frrPiug h11pRY PINE. R i D HliMLOUti;., Arors ail .ht`re soluN' tulle ,itetwdt•1r 13 1r N111 AC1;.and j ,self luade go[ul tirnte llticll to I�ippon. ,. •and10.30,u'clouk lsat itiglit: At the .INIrAchosonland dau;;hter. escaped in- H.t:1RDWOOI) LUlIT.7ER �OOT� AND SH®ES, tEoriner beast he wasaocltad d>z his cgI1 jury. Xlrs Aalleso11 recomed u severe DrespedornaRnossedxxxandxx, �" 1t,y the jaikr•, and at, shoe o:adnluey milk, sliaek, and wa., badly braised ahout �A�IRTFI SlibltE bItiINGLL+'S i hit=. rditards at 10.301he tbird had ggy No. CEI)AK fi>1INGLES, ! VALUE UNAPPROACHABLE. last faeA. ' '!"lt�•, 'lin ° tsar almost it " r flown. It will be remembered that total wreck. STAMS. Fehling passed a forted check,for41,000 � _ HLt�➢BARR ?sial, W. Scott, banker. of Ldatowel,' BARRELS, , IVO le t >tfxe People of 1vo�n, �, r in September x-890, wail ,arxested by a { et*eti.e ear a�:?apl ii0lne and ntpprnvretsthat defy con,petadson tsetses inieadinK ��''�� ///''��y MurrayyTingh to buia� arili4ind ,t to their interest to give u, a call { 1 O tone nfterwatdaty slid Snlascg.uentlar ex-zRIES bet'oro jraaciny their orders, xe .v�o nee detonulucd , ,• `�JQun • not to 4,v undersold. Ouatoia work attended to tradited to Listowel, wheih rut .a pre- guild vronti,tita,ndsatieTaationauaeanttied, lilr4i'lary exu,tttilastiun -it' slay'itist. lie y IMLEAN ,� SUN. Sugars; A+S cheap as ever. .I., : pleaded guilty ansa was cauuafltaed :tu Prof' 111th 1V ox• of St, tL°tonins, ' ' c h 4tratfurct+jail to await Lia trial, Fill- Out., lase the f 11 -pg rPinedteti for - fest Stalle�ard Granulated lbs. Ing• wa+{'conHned sail ti cell on tl+e "ond siile,• by .the bb le, with printed direr V'f floor, frotal which 'ail, some wxy hr. A ax tions oil', eAc „ hassle, namely :--A made his escape to the attic'aud' roof remNdv fqr ataril`i, eczdiaia. "•Assn f `Oz'... , Yellow sugar, in.., roportio at alidin to the ground • by 11to wider rented•ies for rte tial: skip 'dt aaet3, p t +r, II'e is Mill at lltrde. rt'ilt xbeutr+; .r egiudtttsntl b aeiiur, slid prl(r'es. ` P P ttc �s, hick ne`ek,, ete, till hi+tilr' sag oiutnietlt for cyang it, tib,blAah s, Huron Iternt,. PIPS,Ha 'Call and InSpe6. o c Stock. scold Paa,rg, a,n At $ay 4ield i A lodge of,Xndepeltd- I)nrhue's itch hrotlic urhiplrs of the THE R� 9�' �,,,r.�.. ,1�` ant l' oraster3 llttvei beets orga.1ij ad. facts aid all t ruptietis of rite akin, " 1 L briglltit disoas tatid hay fever._. ate- t0;'p •N MINE 0WNERt x , _.- .:__.A._n`_ The a ditor df tate+ alitati,il""1,10 ls'i•ra ct ipt9 of tilt* st ue hnvin:t lit -oil Obtained t - .:_ :_._: ___:. �.. - _:..:---- v.- ond Nlrs l-loltnes tire outs tt trip to train out, of tl moat emititilit Ilysi- 9 T� � �� , FOR S.ALB, P y ' Ct11VADil�N OFFXC� 'AAbItL Vllinnipeg and' othor poilitb, ciaua iu Euro it► rCiierdeeti �ut,t- HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE jonatlaau Jloolto has leased his laud, whith a all , unparalleltd. In Coal n er►r lots sold --- Lot No, 3, rand the E.'1z of Dot No, "r Morris ft ru, fur G year :o Juts 5har• t1wir pxcellou , all of wl,itsb ie tsul$- The undersiantd bait for sale, on Lot 10,�Cott'4. lith.0m;Tiltnlierry'-1ti0 acres; 90 A068 initt+d'f• r the i sit-in of III,- puh ic,,lurl Consithiers. Turnbern.tbt,rthoroughbred'iiotstalrt buitn.rnna Dlearod; well fenced; rell r, hotiso ilii flim, sat ;1$0 per annum, ,ll,. a d'v,•n to f sn 1l Iry tt uutulier ,No intbrmed atb pt+oifl>t! in,t tram o to IM inontbo old. Tho about„ {entioned l other build}rigs; good orc]a rd; cheap, as } atninrale'nrei,ll,,'all marked and registered It, the I tittle. Apply to, tlticige'' uy]N and hi4 bull dost,,' wedwal nic'ti , r dtlft}i•voit pal t3 of ovim t Itdrd honk. They .111 Ito yard [harpand i Or f 'Write f0 I�IrICCS. oil foxy tyrsne to nit pr,rrbnycry. �aaopla ft, ant Moud,ly last for M t',)ntario trod by uuutt, a of tate iued'- 14Io , r tr6,il, + are ih,i latter will Prater rho rnl fratat oily it the c'►tj .ot "L;irttu SpleClt►1 A>ttelntlosii, +r+er� Loa 3 iti.trort. 1'IIIION' * sties and Cltttb „ '• aaro.dnr sit 1tJotstaitl orttia, Cfleuiii w P. O. y JtildtrN tlirtll t�,i1� tl• +Ir 1 , _ J'R,llt lle•iles of tlitit alt 8gt11�'for ilia ,rltww ' ti�lllicvy, Loot b'a 0"V �" o W. , l a t� - -_ - a ....� alrtiltt._� '�