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Wingham Times, 1892-09-09, Page 4
'M L WILLIAMS, AND, DRUGGIST , C, ,ATELEGRAPH GO, Opp, Brunswick Houser _ On ; F1,1DAx, SEPTEA BRA 9, 1892, { Ll?ITORIALe NOTES. ,t HON. \VIIrFam L.tuitlL,tt, addressin p, great mass meeting in Montreal re oei,tly, said; ''1i'e are in a democrat acage and country, but the ideal de inocracy, the Christian dernoorac' �sceli as it should exist on this cont iieut, is not. founded on a base sent iment , it does not envy anyone eith .greatness of name, brilliaucy of ran. or splendor of fortune. The idea democracy is to spread prosperi tuore universally, more profoundl amQU., ail clAsses, and to place ivit ' iu reach of the most Mumble the'glf of the Creator, which formerly we toe appanage exclusively of the Priv eged classea." these are the sen merits of the true Liberal. NVr,_clip the following frin t the Brussels' L'ost,' whlcll we till " Would im •+ very good thing for Wi hitm surf till the other places along ,? •, line, of the �V, G. Rr f3. Railway: Post is still of till opinion than '! effort should be made. to have additl al mail faculties for Brussels by uti ing'tile 11001 ,train sunning East the nialit,tra#e 000in 1\'eat, A titian largely signed l,y, :the bnei men 6f this ptaue and backed up b similar of%rt by the towns and vill aloun tilt iine of tliR W. Ix. & B. r t way should go a Iowa way ill inff •cin; tile, postmasterGPneral to g this request. It will, be remetnb that energetic efforts were talke solve time ago it, rbiorence to this 3 posal httt it soon died:ont-". GUHUU1 �i1i111 l 1f iIIIIG, r,� o£ Pedagogy:• -•-•Miss L I `Viiia left on wktiola adds to rite appRarancM jttud ac- We are determined ---ii out prices gill Saturday for Montreal, 'k of ala- or s eeQ ab went up totio" of tile lKincardiiceloil place, �sg1 p40111M ssdy Harris binders do it ---to reduce our imMOnso etoclk', of Wtintell 14 taking up the wnrl, of a oto o g to la the club of that . , enntll nuxse.--Miss. Luker of Os- Friday last p this season. --Um,, Gtossle�* and Ilult- seaeonahle'Dry Goods, Gents Vur4,ish- essio and Miss Taylor, Of Whitby, town a returta tuatcli. �Vlteit they ter are expected to visit Brussels this lugs, Ready Made Clothing, 13ootsiand who have been alae huests of Bliss. came back they said Iincnrd#I:e was p Shoes, and, pure, fresh Groceries before- who e 1 into and their general appearance cor- of a two year old colt, sired by "400t•; stook taking,. who h returned to ttrler respective the rougllest place they had ever pot fall,• -Mr lean McN�ugitton dis ose . Acis An11te Ii; 1 + homes on cTirtsn � �dtt holidaying to the vtci-' ruborated their statements. You land's. Farewell," to Ales Straehau, of Sugars by the carload, is the order of Y who has Y the day, so we are fa a position t0 Viva field the wounded woxo so attar cons, this place, for It is a Promising the best value that can be offered. Ill nity of Glencoe, returned home _last would think they 1we been 11 a. battle gems or sola settlers. we have a very large weak • --chaster Herbie Young left, on atrirncl.-142iss Clat'a Creighton, was Monday for Seaforth where he will Our boys were beaten 3 goals toll, but stock --bought at jobbers prices••-wbioll attend the Collegiate Insttty e.• -Ailsa tl1eybaoverre oanni I oiieanentxal grou rd,. Jelwant. to in e, they �IllccLauong in lhlill ph tis$ visiting frienids we are selling very cheap, Irwine, of Otterville, is visiGm is n 1 i a No don't blaiate thein. It 1s too it1 Chesley.--hiss ,13radsn arrived The high standard of our'Ceas will be broth, the Editor of the Blyth hack from her trip to Calgary and scrupulously maiutainetl, in addition t0 lig of losi trail, -•-Mr and Mrs F 12otca.lf are in bad that two clubs cannot meet and Land on Saturday of last woel; raacly our celebrated pure Inuiau Tell or "Rata. Blitcholl this week attender; tV� play l a It ,tempertlnnd using Ouch other like the re -o say of school, after ti Lal We are the sole agents here for funeral of kr Metvalf s fatb r for tklejustlypopular"choieeRussianBlend" regret to hear that Miss lllaggie ititc- savar)s, most enjoyable tripe—Mr A flood has black tea, if you, have not received a Tu::nberry, gone a visit to relatives and No rtl sample of their tea by trail, please call Quarrie, who was all, talion ill Michigan. I£ a suitable opening oc•• about three weeps ago, is not rallying un us all got it. curs lie rvill remain there acrd work at as her . friends could as Atl W Sbaue livered at osgoodo Hall, judgment front , , Good 100. Straw Hats for 50,; Prints at regret to beat that Ali his tr,.arle.—lir Geo Pirie, sr, formerly nd t le Townships of Culross of this plao©, #s seriously i'1 at his Do. per yard, and Factory Cotton at 40. and' iss Babb are on the sick list but last Saturday's Globe : Bryce v• legate PI Walsin�han) Ventre, with per yard. hope that all three young ladies may Loutt w 1 soon recover.—Mrs A W Sloan and and Tttrnlierry;--Judgement ore appeal . e and is to er Wulne spent a choice of photographs of the following e son visited friends in lCingurn last by the defendants from ro sOrood onaNin�ot en tilodd c r on his tonguo alae spe t Ti every customer, we will olio a her Jones, Go J of Huron, Canadian Statesmen viz -Ron. Alexan- week. orttov of last week ill Owen Sound, VVe clip the followin'Y from.• the by the plaintiff• for judgement on the p hetre the atAnts of rile latter reside. der McI;ev2fe, Sir Johu A. 11?aedotlald, ,raiust the deletion Loutitt for — Miss lilattie Romirs was attentliaig, Sir Richard Cartrig] Sir John Tktonlp- Mitchell Advocate of last week, tlis• report, The ac..tion was brought p son, Sir Oliver 112owat, Hon. S. J. C. Ab - g subject of which was the father of 1VIr a4 the millinery o euings in^ 1 oudon last t bort, Hon. Wilfred Laurier, and W. R, woemillin r John 1VIcNaughton has as - F Metcalf, of this place :—Tilursday dams„ el arising from the t tion of the of last week Mr Henry Afetcalf was defendant in renloviug certain scones cured. it situation in Salton.—�lrs E Meredith. - seized with paralyses, from the effects which had been placed by way of a Nelson and, daughter are visiting; GORDON & McINTYRE. se which he soon after became uicon- gangway leading front . the southern friends in Mitchell this creek.--Vliss The Big Brown Anchor y, scions, in which state he remained boundary of liiz lot to the mouth off bla9'gig Sulith is away to Toronto aria i- til 6 o'clock this • Thursday morning, culvert made by the townships °£ 13uf%alo atteltdin" the millinery open Windham, July 21th,1t1tJ2. pass', few is the owner of lot 18, in the 13th inns._Iiisses Livingston and Minnie _ when the sickle of death gathered him Culross and Turnberry, Tile plaintiff ^ ' to his long home. For the pa of , is Belmore. er ears, altllottah able to be about, he Do u titttisrt}�+r•lyowuarloftlot Sig, aI '011to.IllSat rdayttufter eon, I. vas ver frail, and death was not nn• I defendant oncesstile of Owner of l t August 27 Robt Watson, a A;ipsy hail- Tile cider -mill recently erected by Y in;r $nom near Guelph, Dan INIcDonald N Issrs Lane � Ifah is nor`v in full of expected. Deceased was, a luau of 118 in the late and Wm i)foouey,,were hrou;:ht•before blast.—Air James Weir' whose barn ty sterling charactenious rofess probity. ns, and culvert is co etruetNd,t` is s tile town Siiaw and herr, J P's was destroyed by lightening has sistent in his •relic p i♦lassre McCre, y' an active and progressive citizen, He line, between the town The ill the council chamber, for em-116-ing another one erected in its place.—Mr h• was a native of Yorkshir®, Et',gland.,referee fouled datnaoxs against utl in it bfir racket in the Revere House) John Marshall, who cattle !,.011ie from e to C+iuitda in 1845, and three <th, defendants, Tire le°r,ubdtbel►iteif ov Friday light, After Hearin;; tl:ei St,Joseph's Island, suffering from lung is au 1 tarn I'ustice is of -tile opinion til To years later returned to the' IF,nd of his Jevident+ of Covetable 1Eroadfoot, Ken deseaso, hay, we are glad to say, re- _ hirth, when liti' married and came back ;jury of Which the. plaintiffianaeComplainsec covered, and hits gone book to the l:s- il his comity, , se.ttliu" for a few, j is occasioned not from any defect in zfe Scott,d' J C Tuck and persons tile land --Nlr Thowas H•umiltou, who rested; the ilita�istrutes imposed rile ti- tot y and it, 18'?3 the culvert, brit by re}ason of the water secured u second class certificate at years in 't,i rTi,ille, , fol,uwi.;o fines : Wittson 8 55 • Mc boU;llt ft fa4m'utt the 13r•t Curt Of Fn11 ( which has accutuulated On the defend- 17unald and Mooney, $8.10 otter, with the recent exuwir,utruu fins one i)ttck ►seine., ou which he remained : until I ant.L' uuGitt'8 property rushing through ate g1t'ernative of 15 rhlys in ,j»d it, to Harriston to study for it .first.— Ise I I crossed over w Logan, the culvert at a greater t' I ed tike vault :ease. " _ 11 •Miss :rlaK��ie Barton left last. week on l t 1857, w tell le ilk settliu{; on lot 5, Boll 1% and ctivtinued� would have leen that ease nt an extended visit to bel in et ter. a a roaches to the culvert peen proper- Worms. London. Win the operations rations of a iar,nrr until 1870, t p niadw. He is further of the opinion Miss 11larke,,of,.Cr oodstaLk, is rush - the whc n he removed to blitchell: Y The For loins years fie served as deputy that the injury complained of arose as ilraw:ek• reeve and couuci for for Lo,;an, , much from the negligence'ot tile plaid- csatlgl'i wDUtinle ulraeao.,rteays There will lie ail r Tire following is the report of S S Appeal of the efendants allowed, be a.weddijr0 o.n tl1r.,.Ist Line s}io'1 �8 Ho l,,for the month of August —Sr . aur:, when lie retired from farm- I tiff as Froin the ace ou of the .defend- Y — on- ina he intended s. endin�� his declining ant. Apps with Osts to thea Whitt bay .,youp2 : heti.--Busy 4 S 'i'ayler 85, k Bdrns,.45; W .,,Fpr. liz- la's it re;.t nil .p quietness, but tills ail,d action;dismisso 'hi s, and without � dues not aegIn ti, r.tncerfere with Pave + v I , e Ilea lir lie was soon again) defendutnts :the tow s ,. p Gar: I in making his re•; til4rr ` visits l n VViug- tkttscil 25. Jr 4, L Oat 84, rm, and was"'refus d >} Cutbel's .5. 3, _ forced Tutu public life and for it unm,' costs to �tbe de i11Ct t.ouW Cassels, broil. Thore mii>5trlie• some attraction. Solloway 84, C Dune 80: Sr r,`W pe her of years faithfully served the tow„ I row Q L fpr t p Dave, or why lose so much ttI11' 7 Hess a couueillcr, He rvasi a roan of, Q C„and W D' Blake for' -the ,dt;feud - a Lan•,stor 60, J Solloway' Sb, 13 Dennis as Mr Jttime Jobils� tr, forulerl:y :0, alis b0. ^ Jr 2, 1.1 Cathers 90, 141 Burns 60, Y a strong will and when ,Ue cousidered iant thie township of Culross, . H P township, u hitwof ,Harriston, died T Fer�,usou 54: Pt 2nd,31 Viulay 84, Alf right nothing could swerve Lilo O 0ouuor, Q Ct for the defendant. P+ ; d a;,es Mims. a, ( L Sol a way'82, 0 Finlay 56. Pt,lst, he •,urs he . had aecHed upon. Loutitt 3I ('x C'iltlzerou,.� for tree de . line s`tu Tile rfunrral too place: qI1 the o iter 84 J •.Haladliy 12. ail• front t e y, b It, puhtic life never shied hiixselt with fendant'the toNnahip of lumbo following liutA.I•,'•Flisliroth••r(xeorl;e, •C'Lau loo. HART14B , Teacher.' nen- chgttes or nuns l,ut discharged {lis' Cn�itQsg• • and relatives trot,,,ljt:ie, attended Vie . tsar ilucies #n a st iii •.Ittfurwflrd slid manly I funeral.• -,.'1,11 auu,4si,lg eight was Keen ' mor to .satisf hill own Last Thursday M'r D lllcliinnou,. on 'on the at line. Whe`r6 three f,►#r itatii- I My`Dz,&n Tmus.—From the top of Bred way, caring �,., Y cousoienee.thti t 1S gratify the wbit11s the 4th' co:. rites burr#Pd in the t3nlross eels of rile filar sitlage, whiles on their iho Bill where 'we sat le9t ryeelt, the d, of I y, itna�sii+ted eyd mtiy doi ry another hill Of factions ar parties. He wits a trent i burying grounds, the deceased was in. way, di+tont friPird in the country, bra- her of the Church of En+,wand, and, pour health fur the past two ybars.= tried to- catch; old horse on•the ,Midway between Siane''witli lie Iron held at cue time or au,Mler alruost l We had A..1100ay crop of apple buyers wayside for tile, purpove of riding furniier•s, and ilia kirk of "Shotty; . the ever office in ilii gift of tut cl►urch, this season arta agate took to f W�tag thereon. After, riving it besids• a scene of ti,eemarkable'tevival it,' 1680. I tJi He wits iho.rpugjlly orthiidox in his ( of the demand aiid sold t) siutllp one of Heat- bestrode the atlirt►rtI At the foot of tlils hill 'a $fella! wRIIB 3y . views, a'rexiiiar``camin nicant at the three pdrdias; Harvest its about r►ounP .ivllild another.lield its head, hilt vo up, scooped ,y the. hand of uature,into CouGrmatiou service in the Latholic b and ryhs'n #n health, his up and these who. hale thrashedµ sooner .did she touch` the notrle beasVe a,basill, whence uri n tied beast have church last Sunday tuoruing was well. Lora slya le, >, boys and e'irL seat'in the pew will`s seldom vacant. well pleased with the y'” '—[Fall Ila&thin h, struck uff it, it fall gAlIV slaked their thirt,t' for centuries. A4 attended. Iweuty Y „ T•, hien death was ever welcome, and wheat seeding is pretty well under bearing ills light burden nnickly over. Cousin of bine t„Id n►e as we slit by were cuoufirlued.—A Harvest English now reaping, the reward of a way..—bliss Lizzie MOKay has 9u11c• tho gr•mild, but gl,tting frightened by -.1111 well, that it wits iiatued Furtisset, service was i,e held it, the L+ u;;lish he is p evening, the 8tll Christ life. He hall a family of to 'London, . oil a visit to her parents the noise frnip its ,would be rider,tt },,;cause. forty wen 'lead sat .beside or church on Thursday ver u.,, trine, children and two of whom sur- I with the intention of taking it, thtt landed the fair on(-, into u ditch half round ic: 1 girth: t think the word is inst_. A nrimher of ministers fruin the ' Y fair. .l iss Flora MoKiunon is rusticat• fall of water.. tudautlted by this, the i Celtic, and that it Saxon riteo feeling surroundiug towns and villages, took vivo hint; i.a� with her parents at .present -The, hold pr of the horse;. ur •till, first cusp grateful fur drnnr ht of its: cooling par6 in the:•service.—A social under �Lucknow, Miss McDonald's have 90.00 bine ,ito then inou".t"d, but fared Ila better than waters invented the plrasiitg story. the .talent, +suaeut of the Hopeful ,r e residence of " NIT T W Mildred Windsor.—Mrs Ouflin's 1116th r did her predeces;aor.. Then tite third• • Ie'orty nisi] may hove .sat at. the foot. Glrattery wits held ern the -,,rounds of ,rhe T oda•, lieu will' ,artiirlly destroyed fry fire oil law was over front •the eS'tlttl'a on a lady who was a .happy spectator -till of the hill, butyl k`iiow for a fact that St Andrew's church, VVedne t+ tastefully der- Surd+ty afterrtoou. illi Hildred' and visit last tiverk.—•Mrs Noll red and AIr than cess about to take her turn, when. forty-seven men sat, du.w :ii lbobbie irg. The grounds wee tast y Vitra were flitting out oil the lawn, its will, was ill is about r they espied the owner of the florae Hillis, who provi( a:. , sad in his •and the social was a success It, Y , e who was down wltli hroli• uN s of them; with uatial good style. The gu idea letter orated within twenty y d g Y every respect —Miss Mltry MCLetut is trout tit the Irsiit 1i oti ne fro netile chitin a around again:—We 11"(4 Ji<l that they took to their .he, is (,tit the of invitation will tell its own story, Viaitine� friend+t in Gleneoe.-Jlfris Il=tuies were Hegl'ittm ;vas oucr, given. tile nei„bborhucil a bovine of the male of wlltcu mote anon til leiti1}>ia, of Clinton, is the I nest of kitchen 4!t a sayiuo is), with ininus a sharvl and a ext wcat;. —� JlcCallum ut an,l the teachers and pupils of the persuasion, which . la trrortng the slipper, huthtn9..tuore could be r3ee13 W. LimlltloW- Miss Auuie Melly. Its ) p p • n as tilt, dust they r6i od xhilo rune#ng, • Sarnia, who Inas linen • yiaitiu; tier. S.thbath S•sfioi►1 hear by ,rsststed h + oo le{ the owner of till bruits will. ' Li towel,'$eptetnitrr 2nd, 1892. the na#;hbora soon had the furniture' study Ilia owls interests by co11flvina: shut outcfurther sight. sister Mrs C Timaer, returned to her , . rent' of the nlaiii art 6t the hoose. Tile him A little inters closely so as . to�pre- 'lto '!•FIp, EEPLOYI>:Es a1• MIIL IiJNYoti 1101ue Gil 'pueaday afternoon.—Miss p e l+Rie.ttTUr 13 bOMPANY WINGfiAlil:. e has returned :to her fire deparctiie►t't : responded pronrl+tly, vent flim clo.ine ittiy Uerslin ail ili�ury. "'B1Uev 1 Lena 1.1cDlroyy lll ' •, ho and's0oi1 two• atrolig streams of water elle Directors of then ulinet. iul1tthe L�lr:.l3uglr l bss lu► #porchased'from jDEA►: ,Flt1u*tD8,- �AccepV this evotl- ual situation to Air Dever'a tur,or ,s p, 11r ,l�tl►n Collie s `tion master a .. �. carat of Ragors. were pl. yin;, )u the fitt.nes which were Fire G►suraricb .Clr11npi y, r ' 'it , ,. ala v •lupe. Sodial as It turtrk•.;of rNspeet, #n IVtustham. Miss /3 , 3 I brou•,lit til,det control, the town hall, Tatsswater, 27th Au'�+t,I�. Present the neat of her gttie4 y a 1leinbrlrs all ire3eut: kresi I"%' " - tghbred, C.tl r. Vt h e 'saw, pert ezprttsgitis; 't•hu. ttlitnks: which r bilis, is at p i5 hougrt thong t.nut a total rvrwclt 1s ha 1. 1.U2;, 1 'AXI t►ibnths olrl, ivcil; I'ig 25 'i15s. cousin'. Miss, Bella Uarder.^-b1r ,S y l Cclat --Oil ent•in tilachair. .Che minutes of 01" fowl rice+: duet to you tut' your eYCellet►,t - was visiting friends ly datrtaged and Wil p ,:',, bavfu�+ been .xoi►d, �lr �`;"iter liutfi►,cfurrl te' very til atand $ yes, of Segafortli. V 'Mildred ;had Insurance previous mee it b +� resent llik"'vVi;'l10 tNb+'ii sudden!y'rll address ve� of -le vin�l yet*, And '.i of in town• this week.- Mr John Living. to'rQpair. Ir. 1 ,, on tho a t t Y to the amount of $1.50,• Much credit. lend adoptt'd,.'#t was triotyed by Messrs on 11011a iy` (vetl+�► t\Vee hnpe,Eor t► onl .for thoso lttl't•for your kind treat- stotl, of Bad n, was ill town this week i • w dopar wh6st., Ktrkliind and Aripstrorigt the Y t#6ti with the Hax is due to the. hr , P a s' eedy+ re'Overyi,--AYP rs VVxlltatil and an ba in. donnec , r Strwrtrt,laft ;4L6iidny, 'Ent 4►eat 0f rue all chP . t#ma 1 rias with .a t .resent promptness and atilaieury uol only apN1#sailors Eor #itwlixttnde tat tiler handsibe t trill:• -Mr John Denhohti i a p r art of Ilii±; GousH', of al r,n►,s l:e laid be6ib .the directors 'liv'rbntu, whor6 they 1 study i1f `tftri you, L regret very mucl: not being #n (7llieago on bnsitlras,--liswders tiavod the great p able to 60 present but my thoutthtg • eat but the woodrllwd,, stables end's hlrg� fur wxunrirrti►tion—•(7arri++d. L:ttl§-• flAoof of Nil Atr.VV � Iit�tfi "Tramieu and W Mikefauuhhn sIt are there, May He whose we aro, . •friends.—Urssited $el•,ngirlyt ;tel, the Li,reegbycdrian I{,.tel--ih it having exltnnned �Qtop• left an 111e,ndliy for Stratford to ett'�vcl ii,i+ to ertub resent. t'Alii417ddntiy Sunday 1[+ town welt . .-. • he t re is sir oiled to have, plications and found them >satldfa Y g p • athroy, w11rx . bti,r,� 1 i,wil cline Ir. r pl1 , nt and:Serretelr V,lrehail.pre,• rile l;usli►nss tl,tleutl)n s 1'Iistniss more thein+'I mitt either ask or thin'k;' iVewton, of l�tr , . Nixonolid fruul{y+ I. fc►n i'tirsday Ent I visiting. her clltiglltrer, lrs T) Vfc• c„nr« in sont+, catty frunl the ktr,t hen L1io 1'Fes►de Xfan "wl►er -glib will ,joi►a t X VVith hent.w#ullA3 I ranittiri, d.lroiue on Tiirlsliay. stayer hlxt how is hot known.-tVe pore and issue it aul�Kir aftill L"►ueratin, ► `kOwT,11tipetitfully 1 turtle , VI Ii~ 11aw,•i' well tva V►a#t#nit hurl notice Conalderuf,i.r I,utldtrrl; and IIl1• Cttrr#ed. A'lc her hnaliand.•- Miall tri#r! llrspherKoir crTra ikitas HKtitralt 110 ve whn'has'Itoa1 vlsitit ,Itt Mr Jnaetih Cxeorglll `9h, last week. • Sire Iii 14 Younrt provanionts goinr„ na in•towu tills suety tine Secretary is Ilerrby instructed to ,• lsratttrr 1 , •- ,t,,.i., Air Jas lyrttersnn 1s ore•Ctin{ )t irlitn,•rli,rteslly danorrl policy No NG titer Leetiltys, ••,for Kgiiie 't p, I ft. oil ills n” to till 1ti:d slanylhter Edith returned o1[ T'rr t residvtsca. %Ir i+rerl Clrundv C7ur►niell. ` Artnatrouyt..- DIr.I>Ilgu , stay fere Iter' hotntt i tGuelph. Milts A young English boy, il'a* dU night train Grimsby, where they anuli s rete ..F.d a Iinei' fr1111e ,irrucritre 'this botlrrl do nota adjourn to Inevt in Lizzie Siwest•r, tibia FI ill ev visit#t+q. ways of Oanadian farni Itee, vas mkod h, yv ,bean apenrli►3it thS surrrmar. •� At.ra ilea lti tt ret t lilfttway,rf G'lintdn, W. thesttrwat� into which yir.iuit ti,)rrist:n ie slovrng' 'l'eeawarer, tnwn hall, tilt t;r lorsksT tit Albiittl, iV1ioh, fo *settler time re• to hike u Cote from onn Bald o uuothe>r. ek.•--•7dreytl iii#a•werk ltiiw'1"hos Traalt•s.ven Iirt:t :�ntnrllny ref ;lreptenitta3r tIt 2 o C p. turlgd uu 1lot,ttay A I;rard open) there were 13u Isaten Isar tial. -rind ilia Mrs•J ;Dodds last we � l •.ilei itrl,l+�d n littne�svwee stllrlirinlr tis :ltiic tit -_ Vrtrrietl, tit,+e�tuttt s,E flit+ 1 V T if, to Inked, F'it11111`06 t tiller CE the :+ui Ertl no Elu1g, who '1r�a bee:al apt+rldint, thr� J wrro rettarued r+n reKfderrder Ai w "C F+ 011nt linin "gest An>ati y1DAa[s6I , l3ecrAtary, platol+ tilt thea 28ArA 11pit, A trttntber tiE kncrwlr;art Of c,psltitlg gn • , all ba tlaalner art 1;is rectae ti nt .feted etre of t17e rinser (note a iii p�+In 1Jwtretilr sib law via 1a Mr ,1md31n 1luMh1lan,. t v itcera tiriatu tVtrrgtlitur% aiid Ellanannotlm prterredd to take bclsrirly Clio 4084 frda 4..rGUI{s enrol t ltltt R ' Iv v l y,. , ' I p` £rJr +t trims Feld 1' •, , A 'Wkt- t rbm i , y# M