HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-09, Page 3I tMI1d taken bride• lady ,quls. r� ag• the4 10, any , plead Ind be le sees SSP laim its sick . 'aise it, cheeks, bold. m time inn for 11 t� 1 ''-.v,--<•..,n..w..-...mm.�-..r•..K._vm....«,.....nv...++-..:.:: • ...S�..S'et. •�?�ir.Jr#i.wli•I.'ArIM1YFx„MII f X1tGir!'.l Of �& .Ian@.BQ c �,gin ZROw to Fleece'for the Iaggs a'te icnl develcls t11e1Y1, tlateltd o+ s end• Ipvoll those W40 are con, ,yotlExP6ct'loxt Deaembei,, p ABle.�s�.n to E- err House�`.It.0ld. . ing time, motley alto patience in for. sldered rather FIlg11' i4 other respects,,; la time of peace prgm.re for war � n :a y o1U„ tlletn ruts studies that Are rot tire usually mite willing to rive Foot daring s rill r i pugnant to then,, y q t, P' lay suaimFit and aulumlt y passengers it, lift but tl1Py like to be get iea'dy to produce winter eggs. As ytltlr dllitgliters E rely up tcaault LE® ll PI L .S AND QI NT' I ENT asked for the favor politely, A n'a'tive' 'Vie of eggs add largely "to the. ,profit thein at least tilts true tilerits of 110080- These renivdics have stocd tho test of fife year o ue e of WIlville was ret4ruillo' from tale slots oft le'yt•ar's account, j s x, tl neo, and are pronounced the begt Mrdietnss f7 V 4 keeping alio cookery, they will tlrat,lc Family,iso. country fair at. 3roo�l-,by with an empty This :years cloak*. will lay aavellty -•�•--� v,an per cent, of the e n • you for it in later life and. a Great r P1 r X S en, �yhep 11B •9verteO)i tt ell p gbh sola du Jng 011e Inove than for aceorri Ii$11111Gilts. Purify the blood,; corrcet all disorders of the L111M, STOMACH, IODNATS AND J'oly dressed young 'Man who wan nladdit>ig ht h prices of 'ani -d weather. Unless p , invaluable In all cOxtplahtts Incidental to females of all saes. alQuh with tole di'sg 1s'ted fair of -one I Your hens are •eery fide, and +yon want 'Try and aviuputbize with girlish � ilights of fancy, even .if they seeto T- 1•� 01W9:l_ �- T j * unused to couiltry roads and satady them Ifor breeders, sell then) ,Ieforn �ibsurd to you, ley doing so Vote will. 1•e. Isth©only reliable ruJuetly Eor bad lege, son -s. ulcers, and old wounds. t•nIt IiRCNCFtIais, fat Irl3 $oil. MOuking, and Mite your tante to care THROATS COUGHS, 0OLPS, GOUT, HP13 WATIS�I, GC,APULAa MvELIANGS AND'ALI, mien ' •talrl your tpflUcttice over U11r 4dai1` bier DISEASL IT HAS\Oh).rIUAL. Manufactured Only atiZ;, Now Oxford. Late 633, Oxford.S�tleet, Londwi. llullp, ayeetrd "I cried the foot of the .cllieks, �' n I and sold by all Nodicine Yeodors throughout the woorJd. If -You have Wyandotte -or Plymouths atld lion tsttula rtl;Irytl frit Ilee: eytnpathy t 'I'urhaserH Rdloulcl look to the Label on the Boxes anal. I'otr' if the address+ passenger, tu'rniltU around tis he ilearrl Y elsewhere, a w I acct 5413 Oxford Street, Loudon they are spurious. the rattle of wa on wheols, and stand- I Ooh chicks of April or „lay inn still until the farmer; drove up, haCch, Leghoru or iJ'linarea chicks of For several yeilrR I wtta smrsistently an - Can a fellow get,a Iift to'`a'consex? Rud, Huy Or June:llatch, you Are started Lo. nayea With 4vA excesslva eocutnulat)ou of Y Dandruff alfa although taming various pre witllout waiting for ti -reply, lie vault I wards the ruesired goal. Take the paratious t•ecotnmended stud shampooing " 1 ed into the wagon. I •calf bt .cls -well e© kerals ittruy at OtrVe •atfi let the ul- regularaly oi)t,s a week, no imaterial ralieC x_ P was relized -Mutil WY attention was called ;h ride with you as ••walk, `1 guess. Now, lots bavo befit of to An which Alas produced ua• Plenty t�ovri, i,otkl by,day p a looked for results in luta,, then, start up your niti,**. telitd Iliallt. If the clmiaks are still too asset four appli-' i cations •vernoving everg particle of Daud- rTh'r. fkrtuer ,,looked at the young Zluch oro m4ed sell the hens and ;give ruff, and ars a specific for this trouble it y �� 411f,ir hous;-s to the «hicks. Oen file lotailily has no equal. man is little ahltrpl.�t,:but r�l�id nothing p Yours truly, 1!r 'T, ROBINSON, R beyond h it-ap:I ftddresseti to his ewiudows wide, covet with wire raettiuh Can, lose, .B.yw, Tebe;raph Oo, Montreal. I Horse. igive plenty of pure air nighty. Feet! a 011irta rhas a lar,;,�a, garden Willi lalies �' � REGULATE THE After two or'three utiles Iliad .bean warm rualsh, at toast teu per cent. and ponds covering an area • bf fifty I ' �r�4® �ftf ���' ���, y lye�p �® traversed, �the,young nlan,paiuwd for ai r+rouud racal and cracked oortr at about thcxtssuld square milds, %vilich equals lye 0 9 moment in bib -incollsetpuount• chatter (11,. barley at p. ,n., andatill the New "ra'•ark And Pennsylvania in bite. � � AND - wheat tl,l•^_ can eat just Woe dark. Itch, Nanco and, Scratches of Over,• kind,,en 11"URIH Y THE 1LO®A. Lind retraarlreet:: hautan•or•anftnals, eutma in so iniaut4 bJ• V;wz It's toorerof',a diatatacevto Sconscit Fresh water most 'always be,within Ord'ssanilarvf,otlon. 'Mhfs never falls. sofd�ity resell, iProvide 6aards about six in- ahos,,Ctfho;ni. tbau t salpptased.' 8 , , I A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR .Conrr�ly-1 A ]tray :L ask you a d�jsf- It ig gaaito4 distance", re,�.laonded t1vo { cbes wWe for thetu to roost oil, g � Indio'estion, Biliousness Headache Consti ation I .lie ee tile. watela for lice Spraying 101111 Fu—Certaiely, illy child. Toaaiiny. , � r p , farmer, 'in 4bvir my i nitL tl Gal ,.tone, --Wesi, whore is the wind whe:u it Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Aiiotiipr,tvat4tty lniuutestg assr'd, FLn: I the lta•usf s Willa liaroseuF •sallrulmiou n �• Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all will+,kc•,ap thF'ui free front velartuin, ;� u„esJ!i t Llow?—il',.tiss Siftiubs l7 , then the yOu:tl!_" man a quired : I L04=1 Opinion. " � - disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. About lrov+liar. i3. it to tS-ensPt *3U ? i CORE Ot WIIItktYa513 t Ontxltll'tl; •.CArbOn1C 1tirS term should be applied to tl'te Ri ns Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- t! Well retlli(M tltu fartuno kse i r I acid•vigill answer 0)e samo ptaq+pose and tolloice eVety intelligent Per-Joll .has,`, tion Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by ' ' p't� be.tvcteon Burdock Blood Bitters. the nater l druggists. + ' be sweeter. (71etaVz ills llageFT1 OfEatt, fists Atrial bottle sent by mall on receipt of x5 cents. Address etraight alat�ad,�:tbF, way were boles ' ul null certain ratnecly for dyspepsia, b)1 I' 'i'kilE i�li?ANS CFd�NiFCA[, CO.,nelow, i sWel wstay 'iwould■tae a,aalatt«or , Lict, Will. multi fi1v, rapidly in ithe drop inus,less, coustipaiti011, headache, tatad bad;- 431000,-aud the various Itnicat)oas offered i, to Spruce .Street, _ New Yorts; + iu,,, if not rena.oc•ed. A grass run or Citi, t'tpentyr.fiii"e = thoustiatd .1d1tles or•sc ; - p G by un-Rcrupulous parties st4 barn• •'jLtss n+, t'bttt of so be syctu wily favorable t' getti,n bettei•� et a cicav,et: field will im1p won- "oe6i"' There is nothing else ti good a, B ; �scvq��.�® j derfuld In. eitIlL" the )UlleE3„ n lei Iu L L. It is au honest medici•ue hurl ; tat "�'"" "•"�"c��^�^^ - � -- sout o illy avtl;t,tt alt IlOryfttt lt,baCl:,it; r ® iu•ade,rentarkab,!e cures right i,ra our-wNiu., ain't tone}1al;bove vig;a miie9. �COndiQ iatlb. �sovva,. it , �"1k, 'f [y( `la `D ("F ,tl agcy e g [r --=—,.��� s f +3. Y:... ' ..S •...50»9...0 nn lnwr M: � rl" � .64 .',J The y`001ng+tel'tall LIot OUWMith .gr .t ; HY October -.gree will Ile rf'tady to i 8'raljple to Ray, a ulau rabl ibe vet i t 'ROYAL hem -. celerity, asaa,d ,proceeded to hoof lt.in ' move the pulled, into tlli36•_• winter � w-vU,reud aril yet bN-extryalaely hlaae I +.pualters. In a Week or two You Sbould t tttitl t,r ennvti;ettl thtst �noUt 11oru ,ra eaAYCs. the opposite, dirWea�ion. � at,a:t?if a tnsll is, yr blow lie shmild tw%t r { SteainarsFall rc•_uxarly from I cal'la+e, -said the farmer, tebing . be p;cfttiug eggs dno,u thirty per cent of lie refrrred teas the pink of penf-o-1 ; his wife tbe:stiry afterwallls--4I cdl°• t tura hear(;- It yott fire tion doiup as ti•oyxi. F°taF i LtSf+aDapo HALIFAX To LIVEF.- r , °.we.11eR this tlr.i5l< Ol'eL' c>dtr feeds' 1 I ��° SPOOL viaLnndunderry. laie his moc3 •of .uddres in tEie taoxt f r „ . (d��b1b r ;� �y� 'i ri i � rai> 1n� Tabules OnYe illCiRr 031107.E , �5 { wotnxo rrne u•rxTRre !cares. see.'f you are havlug a well balauced� ,:Ianghsh s c � i ".i Irratl 118 Lll,rw,t�3.5Yiil, he sOArle (lu`iLtrBllt.— pavin.Liniment removes all ,hltrd, sort or ( Cabin, &lo sial upwards. second Cabin, l ea leased Luurusand Blemishes from horses. Blood Touth'd Cloinls'ari•on. ration. 1001: AL.It; ht t0 SBH df..tlleV ars Rwoirarr, tlpllut�;.ftiu Bone, Sweeney, stifies,apraiue, o Steerace at low rates. No Cattle Carrico. _ 1 . Sore �fl SwollemThroaE, Coughs• etc. siva $60 by *---- CCO,tr.dAti. Out CtttYe,r Ill Ilse 2nUrnill,, .Zi nwp one bo tl" Warranted the iacst woudeefnl , s ' , ria SLl ~ICE Oa Cao LsnoYa9a l?rocEoAs. tnnIN11Cnn:tw+rknoe•l.. Sold b+ 7.1tes. Ohisholui. I^o uhf fillest 'Wb ; c Finish lwuwn, IS TAT ula.s,lp autd raw &amt And bt11Re twice tt Saw,—Foe-seveml ressons.van]lave•re- Tor :Ruh Well, uk- Itos:,, }'a,u p �r� t ALLAN LINE . i lied oil Dr, li''oivler's Extract of t'Jilcl "a'"e lr" vtll bt r,f dielp, Teed lightly of Y ' e i •!!-t�l•s`�E. J STEAMSHIPS. ♦strawberry far�the .,past twelve .yearain `aorn,tcurn .neal•mrd middlio s, Keele. seem to have bl•en in a ;,,,grid &uttUv •err ill cases of idiaurba a and surn,asrr com•- 1 kat;etllebts. Thr: Diamond.- I,m ,a , •NEW YC,t-tTr �&. r I .L�S{a ;_)V�7 !plaints. A. feav doses always give relief I the.aalaie hirde, by,thviiiselves; you will I little disli-wittred its true, but I,m 4br11 Via Lnnclonderr;y, every trortnixht• Cabin, { 10 ani! and it n®V6r fwf)s;:to ••cure. v E G111n1i 1G,a l,g•eY, ,ii'rortt a ;e. ed all grnia in straw ' upwards. Recond Cabin, fi;+6, Steerage at low rate's_ + very valuable :medicine ;' as pulsions av in iGhe r•i,ilt•, J H " Aplrl}• to $:.1t A. ALL1N, JieutreaJ, nt• gold. titi.s.1'. .•4V.zk;rzs,FrontFtii11.Ont.;:Pine,a►eodIV$, or i:ruvel, Inatldrigtil,, i' Maus work f-ir ,their food. 4,G a till '^"'moo Hexad 8urgeou I a' ( � a � � HENRY 1):�Vtls, [Vr;vGF)A1I. 'llil'r1:)aC to is. Of ii3ui b,uhou ,yIedlcal Coon dR nownit Vie the,fresh itis voilvvan duritr�,mav *11,1tu `1'oronto,'Gann,da, and may ba COL,su.lGad i Che trttulp Ile .appealed fora, tdime ,irours. (See th.at,thoy linveiwater at eitlierdtl,person or by letter oft at) chrocaie^-`-- »and had it saftstlut}rl�•poCltPt. dises,ses.peauliar ton)ain. Men,+,OUJ)g,uld, O3EPII COwAN, 1 least hwice a day,? Shovel •away the I or tu4dd•lo,a ged, who find theins.,rfve,uerv- , i` tilts best ill the world. J Why. dont you gott,o work arslred the how„away front tiai,frout of tipp. house one, tweak and exhausted, who are broken I i Idtlnor of the dirize. and:let elle hNus•tivt-of- more. As the dowaa,frorn.excsEs or overwork, resultfng-in j [ GLEttIe 9Tn Div. Oovltr,CO, HintoN, ' A don't dtat�e to,, tlle,F .lied. , tuauy.of t1,e following symptoms: 1leutwl �rr� q• �YY i p Warmer is loaruiii,tathat winter•enryinn I dnpttaesioi,,r-premature old rage,loss of v.itatl• •'J• A' �tlJ.�ltJ.t! F' f ' � I AUCTI0NElNR. { Why not`? HaAtQ.=ou f+uoughanoi)-' ity, 1(wp of u,ewory, bad dreamt, dituuese ; 9 ISSUl li GF IVARRIA.Gi; LXOLN,, iZS, - I . ItPays best, so the Iteeprr of poultey � of Rt ,l,at, ,ftctbtntation of Mlle heart, emis,ious t , , '.6y)to live On ? I'louat .turn Lis ...e4lergips towaards :hp luck of ouar•gy, pain it, the kidneyf, itead. :: u rUYP, BLOCK, I Cosiarissioxxv rx H. C. J„ BTO. , ache itu ,i u ;ttT», sit; but lI 1}rE,vt+ fi posiiti0n, , 1a' 1 e.. s the face or body, italiia; Witoxnzrit. ONT, pt'odu.at,l0u of e,s�;a durigT ells;e cold Or peeaxliar•tttttsatiou about the vas • t �['in„Latu to 11111,. tucaalahs of tilt, year. Ff`J;jtl loon to I wasting,of'th,e organs, dizziness, specks be, : i i i%aG ! f hou�,hc yoiu.stiid yeti titid113t feed :far the p�rcr fore alae eyes, twitohiug of the rnu:,clea,eye s £rt,ix expect [text No. lids, alio elsewhere, baHhfuluess, de osfts' Sole dents for aboVe i fir, ry r, r -W0di 9 111 vembenand Decowber, of the urine., lots of will power, Geuderneos•; - `— w- -- - B�"�AV a� O•ei Akz�i My LTON ' I adon'r. t of the scalp au'd spine, weak and flabby i q�� ni �� 111i?tl +nU Ctat'e no at1+�iNte fort,ultet? llxat Mothers Should 3i?o. rnuseleR., desite to sleep,failure to be rested I(X HAA YOU t,! Cj.Ci1,Ay ��� W I N G H A M 3 >P by sleep, eotrstipation, dullness of hetiring,!• i Tile tt•alul).sallifr I uP�,attt,vely. t)ra the boys grow ,ell make cotatpan loss of voiLe, desire far solitude,exortabilfty A7' i gnpital, $1,'350,000, Refit, N9G601OOf1.. I. of temper, "auken eyes surrounded with llicl:7 what li' vlf' a position talo • lons4f them ; theta ,they will hot' seek LHAnl N za cL2,,cily lookilla 1 -kin, etc, are I �1 Fl President—.)our $TUAM all s ut• toms.af'norvous debility that lead I NAPA I Ll 0' I yloc•P resident -A. G. HAatsAV. (comla'aaa;lo.tlshfp t:lxti:tcllt,re. v p' r L. 00 Y1 r tvou Mild ? !' to insanity tumd death uuieHs Ourerl. 'Pilo L t :tdie too ildren P"Pike a noise nine. p t £ I mo_ 1 DlYt1rCT.oi2fi t 11111 the cuu!)„uttu¢; izutk b2t1V:'F.'nSS r, o H ria � or vittvl +area llaviug cat its tension y-�, � I p ,tv^q � M ®� ever function wanes i1i consequence. L.J i..bt j i I Jonx Pnou�rnn, CuAs• Gttaxnr, Gro 1tOAon, A. T flattor and capical. See I timet; ithe�ir happiness Is as ' impgritant Ph0 Q nils tlirtaUi31 abuse ennitnitted iu 9 i noon, A. B. Lau (Toronto). ,as ynur nerves, iguorauce ,nag• be perinanently oured, a ISP �� raft uaaliler--J. TUR.NBULL, T'htnl; Vor Yourself. Send your address for bUalt on :ill diseases W�•1� �'•>��.Sif . f3ovlti�s ]Bwadt-iiours,lotos satntda s to, O;\T"1' 3 ou think a mediairle that aures ,� lieapr�ct ,their little eBrrets, if lilac~ peculiar to rrrata. Books sent {rr a sealed. t I. Deposits of $l and upwards received and i tbrost others will cure vru2 .Don't you l awl auna:ea-lanent worn iu, thei.il wall Heart disease, the sylnptotns of which are G6•�� ' allowed. ' faints ells, u .1"-1'Y"$�:�,s I JS�oaia�l beposits also received at cut;-ent think you need lsurdock 131ood Bitters to y p Purple lips, )utnbttess,palgsittw jrttwsuf interest. tr !ver )naCce zlleiu tell toad )utit'uee Wall tion, skin bents+ phot flushes, rush of blood I Drafts on Great britahi and the t;nitett States. ,help, you to health and happiuoss ? 44e 1 I B. to the boaa, dull }lain in the heart with � Medicines bought and sold .know ilial I;+, B. B: cures dyHlle;paia, bili- , ps•,obitbly, do its wont.. ., ousuess, constipation, headaoha v4d bad p beats strong. rapid and jrregular, the I blood, Don'tiyou th•uk it is tittle Y,ou had Allow thelia, Its tiley grow 'Older, to , second lie'irt beat q.uickerthan the first, pain i J B. WILLSON, A,egxT. tried it 7 about the breast bo.ue, eta,, can positively �'�•� Chemicals,! 1'ILY LR t[+' DICKIN1;GN, have,0piu10)s of their otvn, ulttllt tllelti'' be cured. No cure, no, P Y Did .,Its he Pleased. pay, Send for j Solicitors, individuals and not i,Iere ca:dlaes, bank. Address H. 'V L'CTBt7N, 24 liacdon• �'t`�a�i1G'jT and I . I iekwood (to Itis old ciaseituate, ell Ave, Toronto, Canada. Ittimenlber that. without plrysicnl `.d'�.1fDilOt .R.i.rticles wilt) Ifo lras uts,t by 'ttIFAOCP�-�--C;tUFY)A r,.i) „� t�� 3 ,Il health, itwntitl attitiutuelits is worth- �w�s' qli p �, latTLAND S�.�'r�� E, ILY right, 1t1t0 E11e l,ttttst ,old n1ulL 11'etF!'s 3f ,, li�tE TU �i�an> �a�61�Li Sponges, �,s� less., let theta lean free, hlippy lives, o 'All , ' ' ; Brushes, the I,ottlt 1;�ave a driult. y. bodLlt will atrouol1 I)oEli 1 old and i k t siruktjktt..� 171 s^voar wife Yt3t ynri Bear it in uliuri u11aE ori rt i•,,,,) ;.Ca y ti ,�i tti �iyl: Al • Perfumery, C'. GEORGE ���i°�0" Proprietor, " litcktvclttd- Chp, of cUnteP f Have y a 311 „ y ,,�•. ,teeey I rts,ponsillN for your child's iuheritod �., ) a cl;;ar, tvnll'F yon ? R Prescriptions carefully t;oni� , character and have patience with cheer ,, llurtl:t3r.�•'t`llsul;e., .10c)es your �vifr ,. �" Bounded at all 1iCiiii's„ ,iL,l!.1<Ylfltbr,I` (�f citta, kinds, t. (puff) tltllosv ; sttre)lre3 ixflf, )iii faults turd failiuoR• Cillo tf:ill'ttioeloggecl tzvonuos of t11a Y I p' r t i , , 1 1 owols, Iaifdno,l�3 c rid Livor, -carrying Our stock of medicines is corn- , In ills bullae paik li,pe.ful .Y to your ehiidrf,n of tuLiucltmay -witf,oat imalconing the Sys- First-class Shin -ling ' I iukivot d`�.' 1 tillly T ��'N'll have life and Its post:Ihl,ittior, you haves tvin, all 1,10 impurities m.na font 1,uniora plete, warranted genuine and'of o,. the so::rotions' nb tho rnnno time. Cot- the bestquality.,s,Yld GeClt r dusts dinner, tstl,t td1l't' �v+•'• ,r0 around to 110 right to di,pre bs theiii bveautiv yell i , ► , 1 I', ttf l Acldaty OT iso utomaell, , the club and +n, •t shine of tin hnvr, ( have suf� red. ^I: lx F, :�#lieusl:es5, D spopsia, � I yllxzlness, .I!6.artbilrn,• • V0rNY to Iii0 ,115... on motes. , C at toad 0, rdets l3itniter -- l>c, your wife Zt3t you gt, iii Tottvl) hays and' girls tilt- aetaalit tl, Dryness l +: ltln, 0 t' to the oluh•Q :"i lil V1s1C1I tlifluilw ' •� --�-! facts t1li.'fe as hUU11 ell they ate oltl a,t 1 .BLit 3ihe 81 Ism, ''� otes Dis( hunted 0'NO to anion laud thein, mad v x ' � + d d7.y, of i Iib, is >x m itllTlx Irl tcrl rt, lv a •.it Ii i 4'V , _.. ..._ t"-�. _ 'xOp,a. m..w.�aP . �-.,.........t,W:R ,:: . � c..xr' ,d � Y