HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-09, Page 2ALLIE'S TF -141 - Uy 11*16I)antl Jittirl, left her halt an hour tit -fore at t1to head of the break- tubt tubt,-, - Her d4lipled (.hill rested L, OI.er while it very decided . r*twll di, M 4 iter Yf un- fact Of tiligtr,but of perplexity, wili . ch dt-Pilelwd of the inurutured Wilut .11t,11 I dil 111th t llavt- it I Alfie L-Ittua Nytxthe ouly child of tier pare-4ts, a petad anti lipoiled little beauty,• 1A beat. will , lad ever governed 1,al)y tont w- �:011ld lisp 00 musts not twenty, twenty, she had, for nearly tillee Yparr, been Obarli's Leland%s Wife, ; and'.,uutill this day scetrvtly ,t eland had' olmheved her juarrird life. Er Young Leland sl pruud of his juv&;y young wife, and.. had been not only a,lovlug but very. ' indulgent, hus- hand ; for tco mock go, his friends said, And now, at the berduning Of his partner (3f hose wife was the rear, a most prudent and PcOilornical little bods ) had advised a reduction of ex- p - enditures. The cloud that had arisen catne in the shope of a ne* dress,'. which Allie had declared she vias onivelled to leave. A merry voice calling, Allis I Allie 1 .,are you ready ? was beard in the hall, and itumedtatpaly after Allie's great -friend and school -mate csine In, ex - •claiming : Wily, I tllon�llt to find you waiting for me. 0ollip ! hurry up I elo I 1 tint trot goilig, Vallie; that is, not this 11101-11h)", Vlj? 01), how mean to-dissappoint -me I But why ? Are you sick I No, not sick; but I am afraid I caniloL go to the, sociatile, Vallie, Allis ansv ervcl, tf ars alreittly dirliming Iter beantlitil ffes- j just wish, 0 -le dear, you would not keep me in suspense, 'Jut tell %tie all abour, it, Oh, I ml,,Iit You Will bp sure to know it sometime. Ch, -ley WOUld licit agree for me, to have the dregs --that ic,4, tie lins lkdk Yet- L spoke of the times !-aro you not sic] of those words ?-and thought I caul re -trim 011e of my ill-Psset'"t leas until after a while, I'dO believe 11 ,Close lias beell tialklug, to, �Chftrley, His wife has want just two% dresse ever cincle I've knON" tier 4 blas " � ensli mere, Ad tha filk And a black is just, tile cause of Obarlev'S I udde .streak of economy. W611, i10%,,, this is, too bad. yr are to 11;1ve it, it ouglic to go to, ti FAresEmalker, this nft�,inoon, at 'r tt latest, to be ready, for Friday, oh, Allis-, I aill'Ost forAot illy 14N Harry Nelson and Ilia stride liavt-. Yt turned frons Europe, and are to bis; this sociable, You know he is 'Alarsaen's nephew. They say ,.wife is not very pretty, but 90 styli and'dreagin) just exqataitoly 1 Why it, Allii-, you tossed him over ? had illollpy enough, slid good loot a and willuing ways to please any gi I tilted Charley better, that Is f and Ilave never regretted my clini B13t, Vailie, lets talk about the dr e oil,' I must have it I t uever on dept see mo anything but have I n elegant toilet, for Cilarley's sake, in that, lliv own, I would write horne M ftrAll, 1, and then I should got it, 0 I should be Almost nshamed to, 'to is not a month since papa sent In hund04, dollars for a Christnallis I sen'A and, besides there is to I! for Avell I will, I will In littelv;t with Charley .6cessfol, I call run't, t know What I wf -Alvet, so I 0 Ever yboaY NVOOKIll full ovelling,V2, t But ust not must be bad -You would iina a way minute -our train. ither hold declareNwao just 4 1 you M joit that ruillute, (trid, anc word )f to raisi, it ; Init what your wifi, wants I Ailie (lid not getsl*dreas. wait tar !no. I 'Till send YOti until the chimps of one were i 1 8' "1 4 is ;1 Vol,y different. and minor cou6ider. passild, u going to wear Iter wale' We satill I will liho over. sounded t, her rest color. Ila Charles lieland was very sorry that AtiOn. Allio must wear And so 1110 did, reM lied he had. felt oliligoid to leave Ilia wife Allip, You Arfi unjust, And 1 0111 'Heaven I will the •.111116penee ode and her wish. grieved ;that my -wife should not in so never end ? aroalIP4 Allie, 'anq lace taken i without childish a way. You should under. Bile is late, ma'am. Qb, here, alto trimmod with tile P10" lie knew silo had worn .;tit of her, collies, but, Ob, merry I how BlOxylyt front her %voldding dress. 8 11 sound A till hitrvarut)"'On to the bride. dresses A gpotl millity tittlea, and lie stand (ter know 08,1 that I.er.frimld Aild fortnar ' Ido not want to understand any- and-and-doeanti whistle P had moved off, that lady )over, Harry Nelson, and Ilia bride, thin- about anytilingly Ilut My dress' . 8, strange to you, Ina,sin ? Ijillid of olis. and Allie 0 A it seems to me, 13ut Mr said NVby do you not borrow the motley for tiressing, were to lie present at 040 sociltbip, So Harry, she is beautiful, and exquis plpValtt me? Harry Nelson'r, wife will be Leland will be here it] love minutes lie wanted Allitt to Maio In As I itively I urning it there, and so elegantly dressed, Oil Ildw. possible, Ho was t n 0 'Yes, and just.as happy, I can see.. attire as pass' ni to devise I must have it I say yes, Charley , No, 110, be came not. And almost over in Ilia mind, and trying lease do I crazed ,vibb terror, Allia ilew to the If there was a c ' loud in her life, I a -,va7 to. give bei tile. desired amolilit P rted for should find it in, her eyes. She was He knew very 1mpo$sil,le Pharlea ansivered. do r, and, with Martha, StR -seventy-five dollars. �i where tile depot %yise little girl, Barr y answered.�4 only be done liv borrow- sternly, now truly, provpked at bpr the', corner, from I guess we looked. well it coul 1. could seen, Scarcely on the pave- 'Well, darling. iug Will: al unt from some friend. pers6teuce. i people hurrying all rig I bt, Charley said, gazing admiro He coullinot think of taking it from Allie's eyes wards flIkslijIla Ilpu. She inept, when they saw a his I)Usilles - btl,, tip had never allowed had begorlea, find beet) refused, and in ill sattie. direction. ingly on ilia wife. n Nvilati is it I oil, please tell mel yes, and we are all right now,. �oa ; so to a burst of anger, glee said Allie to go I debt for arlvtlji , I Allis asked Of d,ar ; and here is one that intends to- n -, in Harry Nelson a wiIe d bappener, ? Billion well not have WbIlb Ila borrow froin tis brother W erIed up, alld to be veiv sure that she does riot get. had pretty 1fu. k IY d"cided v. -- I to beg for decent I clothes ; hi.cl it I a policeman who had hast, ber on the till-roollt. He found had not been such a little goose, I wits looking at the until all wrong again. And always in 1he terse Ilia cotill 11, as to -night ried Should not be doing it now. doors. future she will try and do �Ir talose l000lig v�ry allich svor , accident, 11"ciam, wit" -surround her husband with coulour, The bob upoti mounted quickly to A terribi over an open I iter that he field in his, hand. Raisin his eyes as Charles Charles Leltind's brov, Another the down Ir 11 clue Ot 11 33. tie rose. moment and I,,- stood pale, and vrith It is M land, air. Her husband -A sai : her.. He rs 'k monthly Prizes for Boym and Gtrlis, cattle. lip, L fl-olit compressed, lips, retyard.ed was to come o that train from D -- Here is a pr smill,, demand & The "Strillatit" Soap Co., Toronto, otter the fol 3r - some had f-xppolted her anger to Ila chased Martha said. lowing prizes every month till further notice, to, Barites it- CO, we must in ntigivis under iti, rosidlitz in the Province or d to Leland I Next door to Monroe's ? Inlig-ralo, who send the greatest number of "$nn- guicklY, as it came, an light' wrappers t Ist, $10; 2nd, 80; 3rd, 63; 4thi, Yes 6s, s $I; 0th to 14thi a 11and8onio Book; and a pretty. way Sand tIlplIl tilousad dollars not away a later than to -moi w right. How call have Iter all penitent and coving 11,0111111 'y i right here. your picture to those Nyho 6end not less than 12 Avr& r3 0 she olilell ! Got - ple.1k suing toe, forgiveness. But n Boor little 6endwrapperstol,Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 we (.to it? in, lily girl.. . `They are coming With St., Toronto,, not 13tor than 20th of enh nionth, and moved riot, nor raised again her eyes,marked ­compatitlon­ also give full naine. ad,, have tit 0 0'r of wrappers, winners! Heaven only N owe, What Itil he ah -l -ed, ill a stern voice tile' pool MAU now• dress, age, and nurnbe tit Ill be published In rhe Toronto ]fall on first we on hand legret the 'choice you have Allie heard no more. Bile sank be- snalinerstlt'v In each month. Less than four It % ndred. . It seems fort, they had rolacheid the doorstep. ��i de I A Thoughtful Witness. impossible to make cOlIPOtIO11.8- But rands 81111111101led, will stint I do regra� havinga husband villo Frienes *ere The witness on the stand had been have it they must, ort they her and 0, ph�sici n who was on the spot on us, 1'111 %fiery much afraid. is unwilling t� dress ilia wife as bully ragged by the lawyer until his down emands ; and T �l 1`0 six position in so4iety d applied restor --tive8, I'st Of little avail bully iq�ween us, wetraust raise could It' f- know,' of this three I patience was exhabsted. V41 1 From one to another, fainting spell she Now, said thwattorney, you say yeti. hundred. You hettek see what you "'all 1 until . Itil great fear entered the X call do. r will step ho'lulf. roe a few yonrci ago 1 went, saw the prisoner draw his pistol I moments, and tilt -it 5 one or two He turned d walked front the I.boarts of B)l1wresent. ell into Yes. ntonded Ifaving tile But t lasnearRaNvil, silo f 1 sleep. Remember you are on your oath,. (lip re t ere I% a chance for room. He had frieuds whe It without another word. But a sound Poole finding it. I nioty not back until house, I ul teat forgetting it. e,4 ii you can remembering hidl, proposed journey, It was quit non the next day wIlc11 You are sure you are telling, th, time for your dinner. tPt". And that possibly Jle might be detained. the anxious, IN chers beard a' sigb es. see what you can do And so say- low truth ? over uig - lit, he would not go without a cape the r irl's lips. They, k ing. r1r Close- hurried op word of parting. she was 3'king . , au� Ireaded I the re- Sure. So that is an end to 5kilie's dreas. No mistake abont it ? - Enteiing the room again, he ap- suit. And she will think th,tt,,it is very -un ep n rmed for None. kind in ine not to g4e it, never 1 proached the sofa, oil which, silo had The beftut tit eyes were op quickly closed again. You couldn't be purmi'aded inko, any is, nor thrown herself, and said, softly*: instant, and . . other,statement I dr-aming 110 'bl' v. W "llposs, , Good-bye, Allie. 1 -he truth was, Uawrllng- what it critical. state our business isoun- Here thojiidge interspoqea. She would not raiseher head or Oharli�y I oil, Charley I she. ?5 - Oh, let lkin) go on your ilptior, plead stands in now. 'Nell, have answer. 'So Ito left- tier side, and' a ed. Z3 go William first. I may get a hundred, an heard the hall-doOr MY darling, here I am co�me the ed the witness, lie's a 111" or and he from him. And -and, althOu-11 I in ottient after, she Ill doesn't know the truth wh in, he sees 0 r hint. 10%, lwiiiig voice. hate it, I guess I will have to Kun up close alter to a spell �Vith- a. wif#, hewildprin.­ lboli, her it, and I'm only too glad to' liu,w him -r,two. Let me Aguill site had recourse )low as tar as I can. to fatber's for the othc all to eyes were am d U )Ila. see. The afternoon tra n for D-- of crying -a flood, hearty cry, is it a drej which soon washed away all, a 1� Or have, yull colue now to cure Roadmeho. for dinner, herself, spirit vorij I she whispered. goes at 4.15, anryer : and site w, loving troth the spi tt\" DicAu gms,­E have us your Burdock .y( 1,3 as agivill the ri 10 tiII3(- to Ase. ?I o guess tiad sick before, atia I U little wife, watching for Charlie's Rush 1 Rush ?% my love, 1 No drpatn! Block Bitteis for Lillie r At tbres O'clock Wir (loss returned. I hitig' else ll&ri I ain here, beside headache mud never neg et t67praise it. return, to throw herself into his arms, Not It brings the flush ofbezit toone's shooks, Charles saw directly 'that be. had beg to be furgiven, you, perfect] safe and wahl, Charles and I recommend it highl . been successful, and se 4hiarked. aild to press ilia lips to Anmr BrAc,ii, stevionsville, bu s. said, bending over Yes ; with but litti6 trouble. I NYill seven never -come I She saii, trust you will have tit same good Over and over again, as she watched hers. , this -, the p:llice- Conductor, fire we running on time ci Ill 11tel, But, oil, I know I to -day I No, sir we are ranning, for red I g t from ra tile tiny alabaster clock 611 the ft t luck, Two hundred Mau told 1mart;b-&-to take we in ; they cast). r Close. She has saved i liat amount .� But when trial: hour came [It last, it ,1 were coming with you. jt hat uskilold ex- did not bring' Charlie.: Tilt- liftif ]IOUT] from tier allowance for 0 Voi nd.erstood him Silo was chirped, and another and so the t year. nN17A a penditures aurinn the p 110, 'to Rrdlynlli�snew what lie was wretched evenim, want on dear, or 11, uch. miserable k was very bnpp� to help 8 that in until Allis was utmost wild wiLh anx-' saying. lie 'johLpol to get you in be, ww .9 It it t The other hundred, ca, o from illy u He was terribly . fole poor MoilrOA in, n father. So, you see, we need 1) e in no let and fear. terrible thoughts oal.1le criishod. But this morning the phy.- p!trticular hurry to rete n either. A hundred I - f I -e hopeful of saving him- 1 1-4 �J , A t.�, t- ad 4one foraverl Lf ft -f Charles had no trotto ill getting, telograni, which, III to 11tir. He sent you r. seeo4d to Onu ont, Ilia 'her, never to retu 1 Been 11113rdered le .bund ed from �pt fr,)tli some., blundering delay, throW6 himself into the exe r le brother, but Ito, more One after perhaps or I -a She beard, you. would have rb I epived befor6 the 'I another friend was appli d to, with no river. She even ijpagin( Vtepe of the, low, , measure the vien 11,85 *wits due' success. So it only re' ftined for hit" a. her *Ilia lifeless 011, thank our Fatbor 1 1 have not where lie 1wiliging home to e- to go tip to Itis old tie 8, deserved this merciful kindness But felt sure of getliin�lr the irerrainint, two Y. at 7 1 1 1 body. was I it R �re iundred. Half -past aine, atil-then came hurn Charley, how on dii not take rying stops to the d or and the ball that train 2 ,a Yet be felt very reluqtant to ao this . il.,J., I I restlessly. The poor little Be, love. 1, in (11� Providential.$ Of course, 74% nlood he was was pusbec _* 11 tit Otrain, took a and in a very depressed� heart almost died w! tin her. She my anxiety to iti.ake ot IV 1: 021 leaving Ilia borne. V :r ,v -ery hasty 106-vP 'Of the old folks. So e But this will 119'Ver 4 0. 1 const tiot could riot move. A few oments, and. carry my busine.s tro N -bles honasi to the servant entered,. Sltyi g hasty, that when I got a little wav oil 'Dear little W6 all I she =has A telegram, ma -am, I could not rompinber that I had told (QA AIIIL 0 A cannot, sho in good bye at all At any rate, one of tier own now ; go I livill try to Open and read, do -1 other g c put mine off tot an 118 1 ur 8r so, he said in a low frightened trine; I had not heard her usual God Mess rl thought, as he entered tile door, 011, it is no bad nPws,.=6'am, the and keep yop, my sort, so I turned and .6 It will save Lake tit It for that, believing I could you much trouble Rope entered Allie' heart as -alto girl said ; lidding, I t 0 Young ran bile It Wi;1 bring you comfolit �hd 0=0 a on businey hope to three n saw how pleasant Cha es looked ; go) Man. Here it 'is ; fro- still make the trai ' it. I ruissed it by It vvii'l save -y*Lr clothes aid hands oro while eating dassort, sl , said : . Came up bet . Ininutes,-litit quite likely missea it doeol riot require wathint poNv;1er-4 t Charlie, you 'are go g to lot Ito make the down train at 10. 1 optAntls, 11 par.snge to tho other world at the It will wash in tither hard or soft 0 have the dress, tire yo I not? That's That gets in at 1185, In in 91,A], Same time. Wa,.cr illyI It cannot ir-;,%ra tLc,rrort delicAt' you would riot I stay tip with you I ;(lot spent so . Chlirloy, it was dour mother'sGod I r it my darling I I Une I alarl or fabric; 4 6 a, give Me such till Aw it heavy cross to nervous. bleiss you flitif brought 'my husband Its purity V.-nd "Xcelle ec %ave given re, hoar. Yes, thnnk you Martlia. t A We- hoille to Me, And, oh, how unworthy it*the largion qaa in try er-cl I gram always frightens me, Aillio Anse I am to Oo her dauplitist I Allie said '% Allie, heaven Ili'; 8 how sorry IN , 01 4 adding, in a low quive`iting Voice -, Ain werpol. f 02WArm Of e-1 Ake all), but it . is impoAs I . 0. This morn• but it few bloc a from I forgiven 1. IjITPAT Ns at ing I trip -d to I arrang it to let you lived• t 0 ot, -t! . r 113 ONLY ght have the money, but ailed, thed1oloy and, could hear tha tming You are loved betto than #Ver rit. 131irstIng into tea Allid sobbed : of avery train. aear it that is possible, Martha Would tell of 011011 kit it ar. I .ved. t. Thit,sociAlb. was annodpoed to be a will Yost it money was" ceded ill your rl 0 VrJ,3-.,r imo�l, Me -0 Siii[d =011,q NOW, t9lit"AM, 6114"ll be 6001"q in a IpArty in hou at of 'the tog coup]*. It " A_— V sidered A are usual passougot