HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-09, Page 1w
VOL. XX:T -".Nn. 36,
WING -H- -11, ONT,, FT zD.A.Y, STia.PTEMBB �� 1$Q•
—We would 11
i• J
ca our readers a WiU L NU
eataon —Mr B. Ferg sou, has been or The FVingham Fiu th
to the change of ads, by Geo E I{i anti T fxtte $tallle Oa a6, 1 U#bar#ct Dl@Ht- tile and that . r
i� Mills, $property an Shuteg w i»anoial biatrio looting.lttrnself cleared fromfithe rm, b Tile
street. Next apr' g Mr Ferguson Intends „ @ ommuui_
—Cas1 for grog butter and ed ra ix held at Bros 1% Tuesday after. a+attou was orders !o be filled. Cammuiii-
Gr aim's Market grocery. eggs lit It. A. nd fix uigist nap $ back furtbet on the lot ngon"and evening Sept;! her fill#, Rev S
cation from John lxat, town Trelaurer,
work of the new E fish (lhurah --We are offering TAR TAXIES to the slat Ing. Sellery bi A, Chatrnlau District praxid- � stating that he ht overdrawn $820 by a
b Itev W J Campbell bI A, )Dist, Sea• note amouutfn t
s being pushed ahead as fas a># Possible, of December, 1892, for 25 cents cash, retary after devotional` charged against im, ,•
The church is going ' to look a When com- Sorely there is uo. person that will have the ares of last i; $1000' witach they have.
rVlees ar,d ruin- + h a: T1led, 1'be follow.
plated, meeting; tit re was same dirt, IS the report f tits finance committee ;
face to borrow their uefghbur's paper when cutian t0uohiug r • ' •
WATCH THIS SPACE —Mrs D W Cantlon, dressmaker, 125 they can become a subscriber for 1} cents on motfoa it wasorosoof t John sufferers, l F ever J. Dickia an, counsel fees
t Mecial Street, d that each clru,t luety, printf $00. ' le Jas
Cutting and fitting a a week, 'Che white paper itself is worth and station contribnta; arnatuing by cal•• g t Co, X31,0 J' iVrng
specialty. Apprentices wanted. Li h „ham, k:lectria
that mou@y,� Send in your names accom. lection or otberwise no later tban October, orders, gi ; b' av � pn `iwork h1104
dt eats,
Subsart Ora who d not receive their panted with a quarter,
papers regt,iariy will lti ly make the fact The t''gnlar business is then take u and `)7.35 ; IV W a
known at the office wi font delay,`so that$TEtPAIBT()13UIiPH,WINGHAU.—Rev8 Sel. ''ducational and Miss nary Anniverar•ies tract, $15;ypart pay on drafu rots-
lery, B U, Pastor. Searvices every Sabuwtit p sed of as fol ws ; Edneational— $376• Moved Bond, work on streets
any oversight maybe r mediad at once, disposed
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sabbath School and Wiugham, local a ra �r j,, Y L 0 Clwtke, soPonued by
—Big drives in, Violins, Violin strings, Bible Class at 2.90 r g8m@nts ; Teeswater Brockeu ire, that the above accounts
mouth organs, accords at Munaliaw's. p m. General Prayer Idov G r Sinton, S tetnber 25th ; Wrox be paid—Carr ed. Ah account fro'
meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 star, local arrange ants; Brussels, Rev Inglis, amours ng to $16.80, was presented
—Learned men tel ' us that Lditor o'clock, Young
means "to eat." Ill th part of the noun• every Thursda People's
ning attyer 7 0 clank noon lorrauelmens ;tl,gae boron `ZialvotF
to tete Couucn , aacl after considerable cpn
try -lb means to stmt around like sixty Sunday September, lith. v ,john Scott Stvzauu 1st Sabha # of Marsh ; +Auburn sideration f was moved b W
tb get something to ea , , seconded b Y Ilolmel,
of St Marys will croupy the pulpit inoru- Rev S Seller y Gk-IIeY, tbat J W analis be
—Girls wanted to cane chair bottoms at Ing and evening,y s el„ravo, local arrange- paid 65, mor for the sidewalk built by
the chair factory, treats Bluevale, ev J I )Dyke. �ii'esion- himself in f ut of his osid _
i k FESSANT. ' --The Rev GEE Cobble ick, M A, B D arywWingham, l cal arm gemefits; Teas- ried. lir. F, f his enslfre gave Car-
-The fruit business to is boomin of Dundalk, preached tw very fine sermon water, local arra gemeuts FVroxeter, Rev of the f°llo ing Motion,, that he g in the IViethodiat allure on Suuday laat. 5 S@Very , $rn cels, local srrangsattents xwould t0
atpreseut and we believe sigh prices are be amend the re limit clause part of seat -
, fug paid for all kluge of lama The subject was, '+The igip, progress and 'ftlton, local a rangemetits ; Londeaboro, ton a, to a ow parties to move frame
les, eta t Pears, ap results, of the Epworth eague of Chriatfan Rev J Pigg buildings t Sabbt, ill January 1 g am front of lot t° back of lot
Endeavor"' which w listened to with Blyth, local ar) •ugemell 0, Auburn, Itev„ within the 're limits,
—highest price paid for plums and great interest b all McLaughlin, d Sabbath ill November rates, aecou ed U Moved by W Rol-
the Eclipse Reatl=ant. y p went• On Monday Y J•I.Ider, that
evening following a _eating Belgrave 1 @ ' leading the drain
C. SPARLI\G. was field fu + ooa ieCai)g mei,ts; Blnevale, g de u the soutG aide of JosApbine
the church for the feat of organizfug to ABV �� �' Lee h supereauatuated oppor- street neat lYir J'hos Greg
here are conaidera a Isla oats out
eathor being too ah ery, to get them Christian Endeavor Society, but waa not tunity, , rneri similar to last year. It referred t the street committee wPerty be
, , ,,, •� sufficiently dry to be piled ed ill the barns, as well attended as t would 'hal a been tvae'deoided t hold a district revival meet- Curried, vtt4 p°w•
er to act 11r
�+asH" --•°s. had the weather be u favorable. The so- Ing for a weel ill Logdesborii, at which the , Gregory za'reed
.a-.. but if the weather con nes gu.e harvebt not to be her the Connell with , t a
lug tvill'be completed i the courbe of a few ctety was organized nd we hope it •will be mlaisters Of .. a dfxtriot will be praseut. agttiu if tl ey would put in a culvert deafn
ORR & R'[SCOCKS, day,. a grand success. May district .eating, will bs held is IV - run the d sin o t and
Direct Zmportera7.' g u the Other side of the road
The BP:AR, June 30th, 18192,-, —The township fall fitirs •11 soon be in A Piano for Nothing, ham. The a ening mFretiitg, was a prayer A10ved b E+' C CJlarke, aenouded b
•; fuI[ sluing, when the to bin meeting con cation ao which addresses Auderaon that $600 be ,placed to thecr dik
r;/ quilt and The new management o.f, The Cinad�lau were deliver bl Revds W F Campbell, of the sa col board ,
the rig mat, which has d e yoemen ser- Queen make the following liberal offers to M A, Ph B id Rev J iMioLaughlilt, Nl 1. Carried. The Ceuu- .
' LOCAL NEWS vice for the past ten ye1�4 or ,more will be advertise their high -°lass T� }dies Journal,
oil ti
again brought forth for he admiration of which will be made inose. attractive than k'r f SPotte R tcert. g E4
--For waddiUg rings and presents go. to 'visitors to those exhibit s. ever. To the !,arson sending' rho largest I'ro#. scot has ell sag E. ER+
haws. 4ad the following, Undertake and EmbalmEt ,as o sued o
—For first-class tailoring and cheap list of words constructed ,from tite.lettera Professional t take )Daft in;.hiH eo,icert, to to first clan uuder p ut
xiispec.orJiobb,tifCliutou.,.was attend- gents furnishings, try-'"VV'ebater &o0eitaiued'i)r'"Lxcel ?' be held Ctt t:a6iug, parlor, a
Co.Ca, $tor,.. v)1l be gtyen ab- m tI s tortiu 1#a(l, on tshoim s rap, Store, Wiatghaurpposite,
..i Iris utfea ;zLt she Public School ill Remenitssi the l,o opt ,try ,ci�#ors ubrth solutely free of es ansa ons evooiug, 4e to Iter 2 PrlishOl -t°: eke olt+ir„ z1nd fs .
'town ask, of tihs yldsatttYti ui battvnen Itoex ctk- p , Mason P 8t ,-evehing of the line that m+l' .+e of in that,
�" Rfsch fine toned hi{;It grade.IIpright Piano. haat day of fall 'show :) Mies } y be entrusted' to flim, having
te tYcT`Hal ted &Scott' :book, J!:Ioeutioniat an Lily Evans, put* "I a stock.equal to anythinT outs
:Rev Sellerv, attended. a. meeting of "To the two next largest lists one -Lady's or .Graduate School of he alty, both fu taste and Ede of
'of the Wi igbam District of the Method! e'J 'L Coutts, of St. toutas has sold Grind Watch each. To emote—of the- next + iladelphfa • Miss, Quality. Yrtces
F.loautfou vary moderate, First class hearbe to at.
Church, 1 din Brussels °a Tuesday lase Saml Youhill Ile 1 L+'state Agent Maud taudance,
e , ', five; largest lists one Sewing Nlachiue. value Stevenson, Be rano, Loudon and Mr Jas _ E. H. DEvra,
gel l,g at ¢dat,wira alairs mud p''t�} Of 1Vingbmm, Lot No: 8; Centre street,' $4Q:00. 2'o each of the .next lir est fiats. Rax' Cha'ruct Humorous, Toronto. The
to cls r onb �took. Ii. lion s x, West.. 'To I)r Mebona M, F. on wh; 1 oye beautiful Five O'clock Tea Sett, and above talent f suf dant to fill any hall its Mrs Z r Personals.
In .Friday list the lmcresse of b of the Dr- containplatex 1 owing Itis preaetift to each of the next tell largest lists cue Canada. We lip the following press ue• be � alter cote, of Toronto, has
dwelling house to mv. a room for „ it been visiting +
liven to Pulmpretou to p }al� the .. imported Opera Glass, In addition to t:cea:—"The oard of -tho the.,huuica In- town Burin re atives and friends in
club of that pl ce m snatch, which re ed of brick stores £o be erected„itr 1 e •near this offer, we will give, a speoiml rite to g he past week or so:,
future p stitut•e ought receive the special thanks and Mrs EMr
in favor of Pwt erstou by a score of 3 to ;. ,:,,'.." th'e fFrxt list received such day, Seud it of the citizettce :for giving a rJlfutou audi- da las Clarke returned on Satur-
SAxtinp `Nloft.-BliMAISi COUNTnU.— Once tell cents for a am le c0 once the o O tunic of hearing 3' t fro ' a weeks visit to relatives
j'he TrnEs will be sent to any address' 2'hole;auio sam"tio soe us last Sat s P copy of The pp Y , Miss Lily is Detrol . a
fr' 'bow, until the rda u
end of the year for y Queen containing rules, Th Evans, all elo uta •Mr ?aa :Daws
night understand what our idea of sell- a QueenPub. onixt who fins .not before Dawson, left on
' ing* Cheap meanb. Don't. miss Saturday lashing Co., Lt'd., Toronto Canada, been heard h re. It is not too much to � Monday f ' TorentO, where he intends
T,Procto Fai com fenced on Mon night at iVl. H. MCINDods: y say that Miss vain captured the hearts attendin achool...a2r Chas Smith, of
To Dispel Colds, of the audiea ou her first a Lucknot , spent Sundav 'iii town with
'On the 13E ,mud Iiitlf, excuraiion —We have received from A D Stew- Headuehes and Fevers, to cleanse the Her preforms oea show her appearance•
ti' ill be iasu when the return art, Secretory Ontario Gam Y. '
nd fish 4om_, s stead effectual! m)streas of. his pard is„lir .Tas Loutit; of Guelph,
f i Wiirglia will b'e X2.65, good to mission a ao v y, yet gently, when cos. the in of slot tau. She bus !a �; nb a week or so with •his ai-
is span
copy” of the pri ted abstract of rive or bilious, or when the blood is impure her performu .a being distinct even Burins ents a d frieadain tOivn., lir Thos Tip.
r tR;,on ri i9t Ontario Game and Fiche les sats. The or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual the most rap utterance and g ling w Visftfng hisbrother Adios p
Vor Strictly are Fpices, �riixed pick• cards are beiagissued •a Im ge numbers and constipation, to awaken the kidneys and and sweet ill t being clear Bluev of the
1#ii ` qn„lish iVI t vinegar, and white will be conspicuously dis eyed fn ail Post liver to a healthy activity, without irri a lois+er tones. io rautTer. 0 Toad this wsok,.lir J S Agnew
s vany r tp .W T YAx>tis' offices, railways tail otelx, gunsmith's fug 01r weakening hem tint- tug, the select na which she sad, "Wild who`h a been working
in Orr .His -
q mud; I{inemrdiue lacrosse game dealer's stores su other public place them, Syrup of Figs. Zingarella," a "adothdr :cud Vast," sel- cock store for the past number of years
cl, r;ame a' I{inemrdfue ou throughout the Provie ce, in order that THE WEST $11i FgIg, actions giving ue stops for skill in the es left 0 Tuesday morning fo
' r Evanston;
lttugin favor of I{incar- the public may be nada aware- of the _ pression of pa hos ,anti passion abs gave
he Intends taking a course in a
glue oYl lttztit,;i'e§tylting in favor of a)nendmente, passed raring the lastsession Tim $20000 ADDITIO:t Tse rRiZ LIST xAVE_ full proof of h exaelence as a raider and Bus' ass College of that place. -Mr D C
Kine glue"lay roots of 3'tti 1, of the Olttarfo Logi aturo. ING' A GOOD EFFECT T813ENSnIEb AWAY Y2I the Careful Stn y she has given to the cul- Mh to, of Milverton, formerly of:the
r (ifs° 1 cThVislt formerly Of thei ' ADVANCE OF L ST ]TEAR.--SPECrAL tivtttion Of her aloe. In response to rap- TIn Es was In town this week, shakxnq
%+IR$T IJONC�TtEC3ATIONAm OHUROI ATT 1CTr0 I8, turous encores, she recited t ba ds with old ac uainta
it�Ftiruit re 1'u0tory, Bare the eq�- _ we selections q nees•.Mr e,nd
WINCiHAnI.--W, $, Watson, Pastor, Ser. The t?ecretar d Directors of Canada's of a lighter cat , in whiali she xhowed her M Geo •Ireliand, were attending the ,
ploeesAaf alt factory at treat, au 1;'riday y
even%bgla.st t R H.ill's ,rostwirant• .1i .
' vices each Sunday at 11 a. M. ~Lod 7 p, in. favorite eithibftfo are busy arranging all ability in come as well as tragedy, Miss D troft Exposition„Air and Mrs R D
dift un'lu” 1 '&naual good style. Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30. the prelimiaaris for the coming fair. The Evans will tie a ured a hearty welcome at 1' ung, of ilOnsell were visiting in town
Prayer., Meeting overt' Wednesday exhibit promise to be larger and better Y y appear Wore a Clinton
la i I wool reapactfully invite, all file at g any time site m t s tveek..Mr Goo Powell of Blyth, was
ss in tan around Wfngham to call and p m. Seats free. Strangers wet- and more fnstr rive than ever before, audience snafu.' Clinton Neat/ Len. i town this u+esk..11ir John Wallace, of
Steven -
inspect tit at Of FA- CUtNA, brsmn come, Sunday, Septet "her 11. ` Rev. T. The prizes f the speeding contests have Peterboro',—, ase ➢2. Treagloss Stevan- oknow and his father from Goderich
Nn TEA Sl Ta. a , Specialty, yours truly, ,L, 'Brown, of linear ins will preach been doubled d Elie, Directors hmve son of Loudon, ally juat+fied :tha high ex- a Pre transient Vasitiors in town on SVetl•
Who Chtnm t0re, W. T. YARrS. + ad• +
bot11,V0, riling and'eve ing. ded $2,000 t the P'rhze list. This step, pectationg of the audience. Her'first soug n slay• • A2r Qresnsides, of the
—tiev J n Snots, Guelph
A. 1 of re IV, Will --The Northwe t Traus gtibu Co 's .they.felt wits tecessary to. encourage the was ``Star of 1Iy Heart," with violin obli• terboro Iron Bridge Works, sent
President f the Guelph Conference, .}vfl, flue stew ars Onarob" ud +•' y farmers and breeders whoa p.
. , united , go to ;;reit AMC•kmto by•Mr. �V, .,Lech, which captured Y lust ill _ town visiting MISS Gal -
preach th Lduaatfoual sermons }text Lm.faire" re now running egularly be- expense ever year to secure their a:tock the audience an prbyoked a very hearty atth.,Luoknow Sentinel :•- ilIrs J C
Sunday i Elle Whighum Methodfat tw$on B oft and,'ault. Sto Mario, Port ,acid product , as nothing but the finest recall, to which . e charmingly responded, iucaid is home from her visit to friends
shutoff, Arthur, ort Willi m and D !nth, mltkfug ,seed and br ding stock Satisfy the Pres, Her singing of 10'11 Buy my Flowers" Wingham,.illrs C E Williams and
close eou Iambi f all point ill Manitoba,
- « r H lark, who lits beau running the British C lumbig aoiticC est, Western ant demand 4 This action on the pact of was a beautiful t of artistic work. Her aster Gordon, of this place spent Sun.
States et . ' p
'Wfnghaut unip works for it number of v " 'Chea i�teattiers re th0 high, alts DireOto S, bins flag Its good effect, the- intonation was 0rrset, uud her taste y last in i>;oderich..11r ll 'Geddes o
yes.ra, left n, Wednesday morning for St� estclusae , mPst p werful Is +ttsast com. entriesiu t live )ttoolt a e,rtmeuts hero and judgement co -a eratsd in f
r fortably a nipped u Elie' I 'ea. Passen• p g p givfug de. Cl�notV, wilts in town this week..Airfs
Louis, wh 0 his snn`g iesfdes, lir gera leavi g Wit] am by $ ii G. ,x+, R iter and aw y ahead of Isat year in uum likhtful effect her full, Clear, mezzo S' � Hatton, of this ..lace is visiting 1
hers. $ a all taken 'u p g ler
Clark slid f nilly will '�reatly iilissedI4y afternoon train co neat t'vfih Oat leaving " p p ill.- the maitf' soprano vaiae, th its even. ria;, +e of re• da ghter, 1;Crs,j°tts Sutherland Corrie.'
t#y iends 1 win. • r
their tam Sarnia . me ev Ding. P`o 'stateroom building'a other buildtngtr. gister. She was nthusiasticauv applaud- -- -. '
—G T R tratex for Tnrbttttl stud east all nt0ri tfonwC ll 1a, oa'ili 8 dates and TUG pro amine of the specialattrlaetions ad, mild gave Dow
leave slight tvfttt atlathcr de. T�Tea• Voile
T. . Agent• Undertaking and rurniture, ,Estab-
isat'e GV lacus rat 6,�1a a to and 11.20 ea m 1 ]fas been asued�, and if everything is car. lightiul.song. M s Stevenson deserves to lishment.
vin W G� 57 isioar ewrd at tl.�g'a m Ori TUseday e.ve tsg o! last week the tied Out a'stated therein, the &Irons of takwa..high r'anki her professfou a�� wfI un iii mrrr Tion
and 8.916 , : ifr, tr Clinton and Gu' ,. ,h, ' cod Tempityra of t is pldde . lied a very the fail' fit have •rare entertainment,alwa 1 agar# has 'Opened bis
g ya 1aVe a lie by welcome ill Peter. %`urtifttare and undertaking establish-
(l•oocl nA e0tialr, pv s.f7 tralua. � �• NlICaSasful•enteltain ,ant. �. adance Atiibn tl lapeafal attract;0"na, wti notice bora'.
---Tlie fellowit , wOtn thin tllfntan wine large'. 1Mr A awson .� ad the ilTadme arant'ette wud'her parses, L ou'o mens in the old furniture store, nearly
, ec0rd shows blit = ' stook of corn Chair, The follo, ug fa the pro rimme . „ y opposite the tteen's Hobe], Winghaniy:
stn's has b g Trick O u, l at ()xahstit, Tubular Chime 'row Cotinoill� sgd has a full ato'eir ,
ThurBdm s "erput cul q Openfug ode, by ha choir:•, recitation bf l+urnfture,
y l�all0on snriasiona,!rite Works, Croasxaut Tha regular m billy Ideetiag t,f the Mouldings, and uildla kin ,goodst�n
y 7 .a• �'� xlye ti Mr Jas Beldon ; song
by Mis sWils 0n by Sawin{l Contests, Fire Engine Centeats town Council flus 1 Id 0n Monday evening hand. Call rind ins
t1e Pfoket in. , . ,. ` 1ti . lliisaes Watson ; song by Alisa Wilson, o! pew � And fret•
ineasurftiit III Palace i Illuafana and a. lot of othertt, last, Members pr out,,, Mayor C,logg, in priCee. picture VVAMjttg•1t�pe bltia 1 yr
r IX Loudon ;. arldr a by Dr Macdonald ; m1ng" The Sporetary informs us that 80,000
the ell It; Breve tunm .and Councillors, y
on his farad oehot t �. T a by Wilt It Small ' reading, b r. S' I and, well, Special' a iia$ ,pt, "t to ,
fitno bold first I,, ,t f ' g- y daily ogramiltes re soar being sGnu out :B1der, �Golley, -An rson, HOswtith,tliYoeti-' `
�. �` Crane sou (rotu t e opines gf'the Wwoolation atria aatn eaahire, IToltxl6ir d Clarko, l�tlirutes of Iobbin
GVeo i�'Mttker w y 1 9 Y ;1Ir Urglo Joltnitton. The g and rapairih all
o at the b k of the ball were doing bar h au done, HaViltg eilme
corn l'4t in t a O , y >i.. Z%tot tneeting wore ad and adopttrdw Cocoa• work
ti abl�o ratting ftp cut% ii/ is Improii Th.' d; t in 'faro ftirnittato
r _ T r wtme t
' • fit., y' " iv �. �1�` �..�..:. _ 'g : ;� Asa hbltiifaai writ frss!�t ttf 1VC a no's, � ttg3a sta��,
twat a9hti