HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-01, Page 8HARNESS T�T1 c� 7'►wT1 (� AND ,tel `n,;r ('� T �1^�1 The pow Hain k'ly. Sinclair, 1 1A.l 1,1, CESS X 3J�L' VVLL ARS. D.A corrrspandent of tl►e Globe. says: Tlae; cow k;oru ily, an insect scourge toHaving bought out the Ambler Harness Business .cud started in hks old stand, T Large and handsome collection of doirest#o cattle (H4e atohia serrata) M• D, M. A., 1., 0. P. S. O., X. C. P. am prepared to furnish the public. with overytbiug usually kept in a liars ass shop,. y matte Mau.tles, The new things are 1 as naade its uppoltrall a ill Toronto, w S. M,, such as here, We have atwmptedtodescribe They %)ere t►oticed of a Cow which HEAVY LIGHT slid TBACR ITARI�uss momo of ahem, from time totiwebut were was�,abturiu ou Garr rd street, near TORONTO* NETS, DUSTED,,. , , a>xeciiial to the tush, A, half hour spent' 1 gW klil'S, CURRY COMBS, Y- this depitrttneut will tell you a pleas, Leslie Avenne, oil the 17th ult. It ------- Pinter tale than we could if we wrote a was estimated that eve 1,000 speci Sppeialist for the treatment of all B,itUSD.ES, SWEAT COLLARS, whole day and bought a newspaper 0 nieus Here settled on th c4nv, print►- Chronic ,Diseases TRUNKS, VALISES and mblk'.► it iu, even thoughIve,(lidall this pall along the luiuk, au the aides to � TIiAVt' LLING !SAGS, &C•, Sc. p u ottldn't get any idea of either the �" Private Diseases, taiac..,oiue l;oada or ylrcos. ward the fore shoulders and. on, the Diseases of the Brain and Nerve, The only Nvay to, get Satisfaction is to', horn,-. The fly is erose roseinliled Diseases of the Heart tiatl Ltings, ," , �� .native cattle it ' (stouinx�•s And Diseases of Women positively T malts all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction, pp.aT its a visit, Every woman in Wing- to our Treated successfully. Give me a trial and I will use you right, 7 sot and many out of it, who wants a 6nleitiau's), but inuch les iu size ; it , .handsome niantle "should see the new increases %ith great rapid ty and no ds. `l'hepresent otters the best op- doultt lir+ becotue a s rious cattle Diseases of private ttttt.are hrottght rtunity in the whole year, to -morrow y — eat it Ontario as it uo is it► the on by folly Dr, Siticiair' certainly _ _.... ur noxa dear neighbor may possess. P'l#horn#, States.' Pr f Howard, of cures. *caur favorite. Than you'll regret you tale CONSUI:,T�ATION FREE, did not take our advise, Tile largest the 4Vashiugtou Ettto olol;ical De - assortment, the choicest designs and I partitiput, has published an excellent golorings outside the city, over fifty dif- report on the past, ill hieh he hop Dli, t;INCLAIR will Irk at the 0-m r ferent styles in stock, MilicAted remetlitiI Inca ties and plans , DuEss Goons.—New' Dross Goods ar- QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingha>riy rivals are daily occurrences now, you'll to p;aatically stan',o t oil,. `!'hese Q have W keep a pretty sharp look out for should itn►uediatedly U resorted ttl by o:r them it you want to keep up with the 'the Ontario naricultnr I authoritieP. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 26th. 18 OILEARING,,SALE times ad the fashions. The novelties I and high toned materials we'll saynothiagi A daritig attempt burglary was ' about theca to -day. They're the ones I made lretweell tl►ree rill four o'clock OF we want to show you when you come to see us. Those we are going to mention I the other tn+rru►ugnn he pretrifl� ac Applasnaw aro value,n prkced, but notraordt y 1 nit's d by .larnes I%os , a;eut ofIlt isA S T T M � /� E R GOODS cry good vacuo, seeif they're not. Navy I no's cr+�anit•ry, nNar ISirltton It is v l�/1 blue wide wale chevron and cheviot supposed the arty or arties an - Herring t cloth, a big lot of Scotch w:xrd and I knoF'm, followed 11r aura fent Sea- Herring Bne stripes in gray tones and I'� 18)101 1 tit (''�GODS' 'blues. '!'hey aro well worth a special 1 forth. the eveuiui; i, Torr, with funds • .L�J1:L 1.71- �w I trip to the store to look at. When youdraw n from the hn,il: to .pay the pat- ��� Ctne We will show other handsome t�rr,ns of the creanlrr Three allots things at l trerp exchanged bet sen the parties The 'undersiggad will be prepared to ! who at•toinphud the burglary, and a purchase ang clutiptity of apples on and �/�'TTC1Y T�S' . H. lcINDGD S. after 1.1 V 17JLIJL t young mien named K Irk who Gave tilei i alarm, bila fortunate y no dalnape was FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, ��L,INES� apples to be delivered at the Evaporating ar woolen mills. i DED Al3 S INETT 00 done, Factory, Alfred street, neI J. �J1 ( All kinds of apples will do except astra- I The followiuG app .ared in the Chin- chane very small or mellow ones. Apples BUNTIN — I ton .'Vete Era a . con le of weeps ago: may be shaken from the trees, windfalls w 1 11 do - Ap les may 41 `FMM-1, SEPTEMBER 12 1892. We have before ns copy of the Neem Era August 22 187L -went and Sh,ppers cul s w $ I bo delivered in bags for which a '&QCf1 GREN A ����Ly l�) dam. 17' of .d, — their money this year than ever before. f — : yearssaoo—and a anee over its pages i,� eliuw showilli that price wL. a Haid. About 75 cords of hard wood or tains? T `NALINE�� some of"tlie8 Phauaes LOCAL NE6�.,,• y h rao wanted. i , a' T M I LL N , faPen lace n the intreval The p "neral I We also wish to engage from 15 to 20 ZETLAND PUMP - Tilx 1'ostmuster has author_ natul Pf Brow & Cttuan Fisher R ' ized t i gins and boys to work at the Factory ,�11 XYlus$ tji t Clearing !'rices. �-• tlrp osdri a in conspicuous place I p g p p p Barton, .f,16tt IIo gens, C b; Archibald, card coutaiu. p Potter, G C I �V NicHatiie and eau Of Apply at once, MAHLER BROS. - • eans, Pork? at 8 cts., &c. tar `fa ,bis, ladin absytract Ontario acme and 'G Diehl appear 1,1611 the advertise- laws for lis°2 issued by the i rilents, —_�•_ —- - I F �- ,dishing as not one o Whom. is herr DOW. Laces, Ribbon Chiffon cls; Gauzes, &c. Will also be in a position tSsullply Iron and Force ,humps to order. Outwrio Ash trod game omnrissiou. Al C C:rmernn aid Thos Greenway t : '.lCl MAN — —Slim Jim struck t wn on 'Saturday I were opposing ea •b other in South . ��►.Lj2i P- P.N.L ITURE DELIVERED 7L ;EE. �lastaud'ou.accouutof tt much jug iuice I Uuron; Mr W'tiit head and Mr Horace +was.given iu the lockup •IHOrtot, were unniu; for C'•ntrp WANTED. Not only mn y� iry rarlor and Bedroom $totes, Sideboards, Lounges, 31attrasses, Chairs, Tables(, &'C., a n,ightsIodKit '. Re has Home auttful signs on Nitron, and tlip election ill North To sell our tmexe'elied Nursery Stock. Steady cheap. but when booghCiaguuutitieethey will bs'delivered and set up in your,hootes free, anyi4riera within 10mileeof Wingham. painted some of the store wind .e ural his free Huron het Wewn:. arro,v ani} Somer- ernploymel,t anad. control of the territory. Have None business hi Canada 85 years. Liberal pay to the right man Send for terms. •.• . , P®R'I�1�t1T'T ENLARGEMENTS. ;Eland scroliiug is exert to perfection- s vine had rc�aultell in the election ofthe fGruipr b 182. }' CHA8E RROTHEPS CO., Colborne, Out. I have made arrang n'entsafith'o to of the Uest artists in rho Dominion fo: dein Portrait Enln e ; g "e Slim Jim hails from Dost u where he soya - __ - gg; 1 ments (any,size) in Air% ish, rndlU Tnk and water Calors Before Kirin; your order to anyone for such h8 has a good Irish wife. I '— " call at hiy store, see samples and, 04 -prices for the very best. - -- — 1,verybody f;cumg to ToYOIJtz •dllr,lJg i $,E .ramie. the Indubtrial. Exhibition should visit the Rev J 11 ,Dyk Fill occupy tb, The Improved. Chusle Clothes � y ¢-" - PICTURE FRAMING.* Oyelor,unaof the ••Battle f Gettysburg," the pulpit it of the- Methodist clunclt .. and see the nteteopttea .views on the p p Reel t � All styles dnd sizes of, Picture and wreath Fra=es made to, order-, Lots of ltiorrMriffs to choose feeiil. "Life of Christ," with lec res daily at 11 next 'S'abbatlli'' a m, 3 p m and 8 p m. A uiis•sion to all, —_ _— the most complete, durable and simple manufactur• ed. This rest can be got only through McLean da h i! T1^'�'j�!'1_. r` r� a-w.�. UNDERTAKING. 2fi cent,, children 10 ceu s. Nest south • , i west comer (if Front and 'ork streets., • ilig mon August 34th _ Son, Alanufacturera, or A. A. CRU ASTON' Agent, Lan side, s Langside, Notwitbstandin¢ all thea oeltion in t6fis•line, I ado-stillthera• in, Win huin r , ed, to do as I have _ R P I Years. doing for the past ten years.' 1� e wife ---- the wife of Mr. John Conary; a dough- M .John The Ladles IDs ghted. ter. The pleasant effect and the perfect safe- GANNETT.—In Win ham, on August -�-' May 13, 1892 U ul Jrr11;:.r an t •''ar ti; t: 1 Dstljr WESTERN FAIR 21st, the wife om Gannett: a f Mr WGtt; tywith which the ladies may use tbeliqui I aughter. fruit laxative; Syrup of Figs, under all, f CVELSII—In Winalia , on August 3Ist conditions make it their favorite remedy• the Wife of John•,Wel of a -son: LONDON, ---_ I -- i n� n�' t - A I Y 1; MARBLE'' 1 i. �S It is plettsing to the eye aha to the tact ; SEPT. 15th TO 241rh, 1992. ]I�AYLR L•'iD. gentle, yet effectual in a.tit#� Oil tale Lid REID—CORMIC)i:.— n Tuesday, Aug. pey s. liver ar.4' bo}yelg, 23rd, at the residenc of Mr W B Dick- 'son, ■ Canada s Fa' oflte give Steck Efllhl tiM N- 'W' �r .+ by Rev J R6se, A, Mr Adam Reidf td Mrs Agnes 06 'm of Brussels. . 1 ,ail 'realises for Jul sari August I ' MCFEGGAN—your L.—On the 29th The July -August i sue of Canada edmes ,,August at the relsul ce of the bride's wto hand With ave • interesting table o father, by the Rev. S Sellery B D, Mr D. I $2,000 added to the Prize List. '�/� MESSRS. VANST0N� B'ROS., ' of Klncardfno-bavo bought the Marblb Business of it rT T Waison%. former%, carried on by W Smyth "contents, "&"Tale f '47," "A 'Trip tb T McFeggau Exp: Manitoba in I801," tl concluskah of Si. -i- Maria Louisa Youh Youhill, Winghain. `'enie Zillt's charming tory, '•Tantramar, 'Dl rooms by the Edit r, with captivating GROVES.—In -Will papers by Pastor t lix, B. 1.• S., and Jennie, only daug Theodore Roberts, can titute a remarkab Levenia Groves, a 1 ten cents' worth of su mer reading. 'chis �ayt3•. most thoroughly Ca tdian of monthlies Srpnns.—In Nor is now published at H mpton, New Brun 5.rants Elizabeth ,munths and 18 da with swick, and the iew of largely ex= OSBORNE,—In `V tending its circulation he publisher offers , 1st,'V'nlentine, In. to send it to new subse ibers three month .and Mary Osborne,. • for 12 cents in stamps. I l 5 days. Pati ShoW •Dates. wingham, Sept 27.28, Culross at. Teeswater, Sept 20.21. Elms at Attwood, Sept 29. // • Montreal Exposition, Sept 144 Industrial at Toronto, Sept 5.11. Western at Lo-adoh, Sept 15-24. North Pettit at Stra,ford, Sept 29.80, '#6bth lluron at Naafortli. flat 4.5. ]toast Huron at Bvuseell, Cot 64. Clinton, Oct. 0.7970.", G`'oderieb, Sept 27x19 - . South `earth at Unrys. Sept 27.28, Maraiugton tri N[ilverton, Sept 27-28• 1fortheuti at Walkerton, 9ept 27.30, Southern gli Brantford. Sept 27 28. North Brant at Paris, Oct 4.5. ;Wilmot at New Hittllburg, Sept 20.80. Miteheli at lfitchell, Sept 27-28. i Ptil,nerston- Idortioultural, Sept 26 27. South Waterloo at Galt, Oat 6-7. North 'Western at Gederieb,. rapt 28-30, .North Orford "at `'Voodstook, Sept 28.29. Eget Wawanosh at 13elflrave, Oct 4.5. Wellesley and North Eaatlfope at Wo}• %sley, 96pt 90.21. ,kftirrie BrflnCli at Myth Oct, 11.12. { gow to oura U64dischal. ., DrmA+rtfoie, �-1 have used your Dardook wel;a for billioitaneas olid siolkl and never neglect to praftis It, fth .01 h0li bh tar one's abeeJcrr, h fr}�riti. isman, 'Toronto, to daughter of Mr S D. Lam, on August 30, or of John and d 4 moutho and 7 on August 25thr Ibbs, aged 21 years, am, on August child of Alfred d 7 mouths and 1VINGUAIX ]IABXETS. Wu atfAH, September 1, 1892 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce'Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, ¢ 2 16 to 2 25 Fall wheat per bushel, 72 to 79 Spring 72 to 73 Oats. 28 to 29 Parley 86 to as Peas, 67 to 58 hatter, tub 16 to 16 E do 1011s, 13 to 14 lvggs pot Ib. 61 to 611 odd par cord I To to 116 Hay per ton. old, 6 00 to 660 Hey per ton, hew, .6 ,00 to 600 potatoes, Now 3610 40 '4'VINGHAM S'TEAU-OIEER, MILL. The nnderaipbed wish to iutitnata'6 the farmers and, others that their stertor Cider Mill will'be ready for operation on :lion• day, Sepiember 5th, and parties wautkug cider medo, cau have it made on short notkeo, Our Sally evaporator' ie in good running oirdot and *a are prepared to make jelly from any kind of fruit. A trial order'et•f• ildimd andiiatkefaatIn guaranteed. b. b the rtifll refitted, �lwe will be be ar able than evert to do work in Arlt olarts- order. The pafrroafge of the polillo is eolicite 'i11,014kin sqt lot, JM Over $1,500 going to the Horses, Cattle, Sheep' Pigs and Poultry Classes: Parties requiring work in their like will do well by calling: on them or seeing,ono-of+ their- agenbe. rr purehasinb. You will find our prices are away down, Our workiDabehip isuiisurpasood. Ws•will ttsr�tfe but the very best stock and by square dealinz hope to secure a.liberal-share of the public•patl*aage. l l+ Visitors acid Exhibitors aro promised more for T Watson, who has been running the business for the past year, wilt. repreesnt•us on, the road. 1, their money this year than ever before. Call anal seep our stock and prices. Stabling and space allotted on Receipt of entries. ,E BRUS YANSTOl� Specint attractions will be of an attractive and elaoorate kind:. _ Special Excursions on all Railways ror Prize List and',ail inforinntion apply to i , a' T M I LL N Capt. A. W. Porte;--, Thos.;A. Browne, Presidtht SedretarY. a. i ZETLAND PUMP ISS. A. B- D .WORKS. I wish to intipiite to the people of Zetland and enrrounding country that I have commepced the mai,ufabtur0 of all kinds of a Wishes to intimat the ladies o9 wingham sed ani a olanding country that belt , stock of SPINE A taUMDiLYr M11.LIN>t;RT lass b n received and olvened up, WOODE]�p PU1MPS9 coueistimg, of a Pattern •eats d .Bonnets,. lathers, Flowers, and can supply them on the eriortest notice. Laces, Ribbon Chiffon cls; Gauzes, &c. Will also be in a position tSsullply Iron and Force ,humps to order. The stock is well assorted and Mains all t fashionable, styles for thiel year, spa irltlg attended to, -pride$ reasonable, -_ JO111'4 PELTON. 2iltland', >titay Atli, lbst. ,: W 0 1 0 0 D A large stock on al,,pomposed of dRINELLE CORDS FANCY 'A SILKS, TASSELS,.FELTS ii LADXES, EMBROIDERY SIL , F1 ' OSIMS,"NA8HING , .N SILKS$BUS No O, SEND Vo1i Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies' Specialties. ILDDaESS •- THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO., Novism ST. "in, I TOROM0, ONT. DEP. The Mantle De rtment oo `lie a varie . 6:146 MANTLE CL0'' SLLTC. , . •ATINS, 'A I'LIy.s vpK, 8 c., tc ch MANTL'S SIA l G A S CIALTV• Perfect I Stamping Done to, Order. )rtment of + 'FIN BROCADES, se from. kLitest Styles, An initpeetfon itiiited, Ramember the p1aCa—Virst, door north of 9 • R. HunabhVii jaw,