HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-01, Page 7U when t o erred m eyes a ahl, dear, p y 5 S toltlg auto, eternity without ItitoW^ A n Office s�avet.- �_ • �., _ - g wits ltetidrrt over erre. I ,T�eysus ApIlrjst is to leave this. world T D gentle �elllety tzar thele ►,ut � mQorl with E,t �l%d ntlt Nellie " ll our back towarfis heaven. afi1dQ taignephew lnuyyhprlte ut ilz rxlrld C �' i TIt1 l A ; ` ? ..t.. found, oat what a krAnlaure Ifhe was: for �..,,..,.,.,..,,L� vtara Ari'Iveand dcllarl a"tollow,r; j . alta nursed inB bfelt to life and health. � x7ift'>t vqr YoursetL Fite rattier feebte-minded. One da "^�^ d3xrt) •.•.. ,...ForToronto ........ ` tele ile 1! 2:00:17.10 a.11u a. Oxtt` you think n medic}ile tltaG Duras { rriiv 03010 to' Ili$ uncle and' To llonoril Aiorchtrnts cart. foot and 1n;u� xtao pq ,5i1C1t patience T t2ever inzagined, For T, others will pure you ? Don't on spilt lamed of the lte�ttd Bier t y Leather tl p.i1t..•• ""~ Irar;eeswater........Z:au In connection »ith to shoo storos. v P. m �. tilltl8t :!1&Vr been ftiNftll datlleplL to inau- think you ligad iiurdock Blood Bitters to � l t]p11es, full stack of usiness I lteoit a 10.05 Age, But soil see it is heard for a fel^ i help you' to Ileattil lied Irappigess ? We uncle, what tl0 you suppo,se tliR �0-'�'�. W �,"1� know that {3,, B. 73, aures d s e sia, bill. y A. 0, HTRATIIAI P 1pw who l}as always been strong, to, bo ouatless, constIPAtiGlt, headticbe and bad Bead clerk, ,Cones has been telling pep, SHQ�-ii; ]),D iC�' , �alsaT, ivrsatt . f blood, laDn't sett t}link'it is bene yo had p xllroui{}t tickets to all point" In Alliti a� tied by the le- for six ivooks as I Was, 'tried it? le, about the i ri'eat P1c11tA Coast etc, tiA the shortest IiathatvaY,: wUftmora e, i anoni , lrrenoh Dressing, popular rou T�uwe"Baggage r rtes ilo ai! po through JAO'i paused, thellWilt wily, Dorothy, Via' -_.�T I have RR idea. ial�,se,Uixbv's,PerfectKitt etc; in 30, 16 fruit ng, �dcatlnat}Olt,rattKh It tet Rally He has bean telling i3lnclriny the f;rgss or dozen. Jaettuot's French --TIME TAKE, -- ,you you tire'orying, [A silexice.j y a man who thinks he is going everybody that u and orar"cuutax waterproof, I r.aAvis wtrauAat. to set the world afire, Gude to his so I Al"a fool. G.'All a,m.xoronta puce Anatvu Ax wrsatr T)0totfay, do ou caret ,Paiterston,40. s:90 t -,.-_. 1 15 b putt �r p „ . 10:02pi, ye-- l'es (sobbingly). I suppose 1'0w. that some Hody liar turned tl►e f l will tree titin about it and tell biter 1 , 2g Clinton, t4 llossORhiln• to, ajar. fl:4sa,in Farmer"ton,Alixed,,,,,,10;40a."t I do. q He has- no right to ex, � .,..' ,31:45 p.m on#4n, --- �.--- pose the secrets of tele'" ffiQe `t'r r�ra Ali looks. keenly at her, a great � ff, 1 :24a.p1 •.,.,,, liirrr.Ar trio, &c ., -,. `� P. it ,,a p 0 46 arta a �V 1itLt 2o, Aaladrtt , in Leather, #Ioreehide, Tot ilNh Kip, Porpoise, &o, 10 o,2 p04 " 114 hope in Isis Heart �l,Nrltaps mem ivae 1 $iseotre of the sQalp that causes Kollin �l> flings. cotton anti little, in all lengths, TWO p. of the flair fading of tho hair, death off tno Dutton faatenors and sett", cork soles, da. right after all., Dorothy (taking her 11 Bair, t 'tateiitile d _ _ _�.,�_. - _.. w-,_: �� T� T _ _- ribllt hand trust holding, it firmly(, are r sealer atld l eczematic, eruptiscalon-.1prodO es ! Pieo's•itemedy far I.:itarri, !s the r�alQi�i . +a�+aY 11�J:e� Glen#a1lG A}11�rlCan baldness. Boar tri rq}rid tllatAutf Dan Best, Easiest to Use,.nntl Ol,eapest. ° ! Agony fgt' you sorry, you sent li7l+ away ? [Dead ruff removes Dandruff with 3 rt�plicatio s s .�. ., p Siulnn Alma, hal and tit and iifezxonia 1C1 and Calf'; 8ltence.j Child i child I answer RIe 1 ;' stag falling acid restores fading hair tb also nat]vsRIP and". uppor; Spanish and aiauttllter ' 1 r its. natural dolor. Solt by drltggists at ?ii bald by drug�tyr" or sent l,y mutt, so►u, i for heaven's, sake, 11q nonsense . �� bait 50c. I . T. Aazeltirw• tvnrren, Pa. cents a bottle, do you rneatl v stew is x., �ARc�S LEATHER, 13,y this time Dorothy has recovered An Trish editor, when rHfu'sed per £ 1# cAVEATs, herself. mission to fight a duel wit 11 his s tet ` ' ' ' TRADE MA3tK5, Best brands on hand' rr oats and hctiack. BpecIa DESIGN PATENTS l 1 et d „v v stools for traces in Dale COPYRIGHTS, citta Lek go my Haled, sir ! Jack drops it tatter On, complained thtst he could N •. r ' Patrona;;esollciteds PrIecsfruaranteed. A ostal coiDN &GO M andBROADl N W1YoRx. at 0120e, i'oit, call yourself a ,alerts not are to shoot hes father without - a PAM Mwillsecurequottitionsoracall frou,rnytrave1 rerytrptotttutukeneoutibpuaisbiti Q tbexore man,and yr„tyou try to farces confer- thein. i p t eAubb a by a notice gtvonfreeofcltarge14the wAP ,, (►fig pp pe �q •g°� ♦ �y y Skin frQln la(+, whi'bn YOU are ennaoed to A,GoriBiide atton. —'' �' W- J IIJIIA 'MA1r� another woman 1 lino bath: to your CFNTLv:Iir *,--N TiIIS PREPARATIO 7y brother suffered from N f Acts directly on the stomach Tannerµud I+eather Merchant, I,arlrestcirculation efanygcieht}flapaper ittthe Nellie Ovitherinnl , summer camplalnt and was extremely Y v'ortd, Splendidly Illus, No intent�3esti n 3 ), and wish Her weak. We tried man remedies but, with- man shcuid be without it. Weekly 813,.tigo e, y And ,remotes tUe11ea1tUyactian of'the 'taIlL $anii 3si3i oaaw ydivetovoazo joy, 1 and aerie. out effect: dt Iasi my aunt advised no td 4 IVINGrrAu, Light , try Dr F`owler'6 k;xtract of Wild Straw- liver•,ITHOUT PURGING. Ll;,.1t begins tO dawn upon0ack s berry, and before lie had taken one bottle ��•p �tp-� bewildered brow. he Was oared. We. considdr is saved ilia Far Sale by All Druggists. a.Ci 117.$, y� sTIT - -I ani goin back, he says. Nellie life, 121ss AneaArnr Cltx'rTENnrx, And Wholesale, 'by Londou Drug' Co,,"3 BEST t`� e/ �. { Baldwin, Ont. London, Ont. 1' Wgoing to be married ill March to a — i -lN ' Virginian plauter,atld I have promised Henry, risked tba &reed wife of her � ' to help Harry give her away. sick Husband, would you not like to �L � � T !' a Dorothy stood stook still. Jade see somebody ll tend hA faintly respond- .. .., goes up. to her, cud, without more ado, ed t lVo, l aril not reg licit, :B -,A— ' i , _ ` —CO TO takes her lir her arias. Dorothy, I Mot►t1IIy Prizes far •Tioys and Gir s. � — Josephine Street nci oat. t believe yon f1are for ale, after all• Tho •'Stntileht" Soap Co., Toronto, ofrer tiip fol lowing prizes every prouth till further notion to J. A. IiALai'l:b, J. w• Saori', Dorothy has ceased struggling, but hei. boys and girls under l0, resldln, in the Provil Saof DlQunt Forest. +Listowel. I Ontario, who send the greattst number of ' Wi face i8 hidden. Have you nothing to I light" wrappers: lot, $10; 2nd. $0; 3rd', e3; 41 -- $1 brei tol4th, a Handsome hook; and a pretty 1 Deposits Received and • Interest 7 say to iters Dorothy ? This is'said very picture to those who send notlesathan 12 wrappers, I tenderIy, bend wrappers to Sunlight" Snap Office, 43 Scott 1 allowed. St Toronto, not later flint) 20th of each "tenth, and '�y�•/� t �" marked "wand numb; "Iso give full name, aa- • Morley Advanced to Farmers and. J.�..L7rTS' CAPS SHIRTS A t )lest, in u, w bisper,Doroiby says, dtess arc, and ntuuber is wrV0 full wtle, ad' �i3k IiZ t1 1 �� nates will be published In rho Toronto Mail at first i3USi11eSS Men, n 1LZ 1 r Jack do you reuleinber holy Horrid sattdavin kaah month. you were to ins the last time that you On long* or short time, uq endorsed notes ����, '.Cite Japan government owns about or collateral security. Sale notes bought , CUFFS, were dere , at a fair valuation. bxoney remitted to all t one-half the r0ifly$ in that country parts of at reasoeabie charges. No, but 1' llflve a very. vidic7 Ertel- , ` lection of Ilow horrid solnebod was to The, net profit of those own -d by the Special heap �'®r AS+` T, y Attention G'ivel to Col;- 4= me. [l'ert`eot silence.] Then -state greatly ex'rer>e(!"tete net profits of those owned fly, cite snt�joets. leering Accounts and Notes, I AT--- I'suppose, Jack, from till thio,, thtitit � (nervously) you will Wath to marry Por several years I Was persistently an- Agents its Canariia,---'t`he XGrohanl;W'Saull i -+ S 9 r�, noyed with au excessive accutnulatlou of 1xie''1 of, Canada Dandruff and althau,,ll us}ng various pre- I do 1 iempliaticii paratious recommended and shampooing otiioe Iltours—From 0a. n,, to d P. M. Y - -� —" Then J cele dear Jaclt very lend_ regolaraly Docs a week, no material relief A. E. SMITH, i e r A to rtiDa until my attention oval ealied toves laces), wily don't you aai. ole 4 to Auti-Dandruff, which liar produced uu• gen,. DOrOtn I Iles our de 1'AVQd mind v V Fzi looked for results ill my case, four appli-St P y 3 p Dations rernoving every particle of Dand- 110' idea, of the solemnity of ail 0s'till l tuff, and as a specific for this. it certainly has no equal, remember perfectly saying—let ale seYours truly, ly, tle T, ROBINSON, Mont � ' q what did I say $ t7ari, Pao. Icy a, Telegraph Co. a�ogtreal. N But poor Dorothy' is s•ubdusd, She -- 9 �sei lifts her facli , The news of all executlotl in dns_ tg. e -� W'asasXEe, �> . e trAlia at four o` lock in, the morning £ B -°at r �.M+�rj"T�� pry (tea` > �` lovely eyes ali4tCnlll with tPar3, bays C h n kr1l�, �(�t�fttj �� } SII r ettix ,c k l y,^1• ^�',*a*a3s ,-.� faintly, .lock I' can't—but I remise rFlrohsd thio, United States six hours } a,... "� g i 7 p _ r?ail'difference 'i• �' C t���o lli The. 111 tattle ac- r• ✓= .? � z c � �.'� � *F��`" �t I � tri do els you wish, it you only r. �, i' 11,.sn M r •i '':�,I' ,d JrS+ i•s ty.v'L6� 4 ifs„ only— Golirrts for the Elect �, �Y°y /x 1 ,. { �' �'.� "�'yh' ' l`S{'I-1V11i ,11 .,lite r, ,:i• XX3j y We"'O 117t waltill�r ria+ b)" 1 `y,'S I U 2v ztnti Jack stops her quivering; tips in a o for tele bots curl ,«•; of R�+�„�4 t, lii^9ik tM k`I niOlHS but fur nletl nail w0int'.et who C' lx�� , ,•lJ „�saa �' ” " t' Ca (l � manner UnDcessary t0 de.sGrjr,e, and , e , ,�+,,r�p �(C Have • eyes and use tiletn, tvilo have 1 :�p,,.r3-uL' stooping Ilia tall Bead says ver grave- ci CHC Yyf t `" m li is , y y 1, i•rrltill's And rt'aS011 1 T11ere'ti tt IIeW L f r�J,••i•! trq Qac tzt x:. t>� a I l,y n rN p "*� ., ,KSy�a.�•i y world for thein+--suf ening told siekly. l::ei �` O'!?'J,a'�iJ C 11 1' m is �T r,_�, f ;,fir -a. ,u t� �' •t..(t{q �t tik-.S`+ }' Dorothy, will you marry Erre 1 Arid, as tilos lire —£1 new tVol'ld=crO load for R 4.t� �" ir+ l�! 'v ` _ �?•i?'r',1,t»�-�b��vP kL,.t1�`+-.i .�+ r remember, this is the iotlrth time of, the Brain of a skilful physioili t' Y W� �!i " - t}! r � # fr t� �, ,s�"� ,•; D' asking i dlReote:ly---tee "Golden Hedical Dis- Vii/ kuQacc 14P. t ' � n COt"cry." t��'. .a So in tli'e end happy Dorothy has .�«� Years ago Dr. Pierce found out r° t her way it presently, when Tom. that the secret of all scrofuls, Bron. �i ,,�n�r, �os ADU�.« comes %n, Jack ells him a11. 4nd cilia( throatat,rt lti,i,+ `^^�`tl"����« � - trolible lay-- in Dorothy's Happy os titin; a glala h ;lNl�' i the be+tnniog tit lens;t�tt1 alpure « o IlffiAT/ONS blood and the weal: tone of trie system , j A11 i1.2tef id7.I:]g pi1l'Chc`Isers of stoves for this smile to Tom's bind, „ od face,tllough that the W4 to cute tlteslrfif{ee is was all he seas is : - - y Ito reini the .^.ause, tjltlt hunittit nti• Well 1 yon certainly 'd not take turp being this same„0e« satire results � HAVEYOU �. winter will save money by buying frem long about it 1 1 relight bP looped f ,61 nearly all �;tt•.rs. v .T '� So coilfideuG ;X' s lie t i$t the ex- -de tions were d711ootdot'on that he took r badywAX S OINTbrea AND �1viL8 .,. p D. SUTHERLAN �.Fr7r bad legs, bad hieasts; se;iti'tttjri the tisk of ,�ivin;; tee medrt:Ine t0 those ! � ! ! • . � sand scrofulous scores this is a gen "tie it didn't �,riuefit .fur node►n„ and the + specific. The l;Iattlfui and career, its have proved that he was rialm gratitude rof thousands who nave ! ` ltlsur 'Golden t•Iedicai Discovery's is � e ' t'alrtetTl+ for the millio}11 The one 3Caving' bought -a very largo vArllet of porleneed its unrivalled power t,ver y y these complaints, and Who have been aranteed Liver, Blond and tun, r Wiled from prostrate helplessness ialid' rte �' r'dy Yotti• 11311nNy 'back if it doe's h a condition loathsome to theniselves noG'help you, � "S a o if ac lie the scavengers H«” ATING AXF-1 COOK, And Others, renders it quite ung ccs•. 11ie.e»s the kreY- of thtl systofsr, nary to enlarge ill this plactt u,Tl;€in its Gold not lav 11xostourt. n eys ixrt3 its "Delay is f#lttrttiordinak • virtues. t x6 trouble, bodd's da»gerous. Ne 3 ll .11itrts 111t4l, N e several reasons we bavo rte- y-4 Kidney Pills 910e leeted kld»oyy- � o,1%aced should Ile bridled wit), lute« j lied ori Dt` Fowler's Extract of Wild �' prei�»pt rclisf." trouble& result warm water', and when the pores aro Strawberry qr fire ease twelve years ztl I 76 per, betif. t i bad Blood, ,thereby opened the Ointment should all efir of c�rarrltata and sulntner Tont c diooasil is llyspe sia, Ciut>r p • plaints, & fe doses always give relief first caused by Com/ala#, and o �o�Tlbe will rtabbil in, at leaet twI00 a da grid it never fat to acre, Wei think it a fiy• ordered tri W the,most deet• to chooli ' It is always ndvisablo to talre Hollo• vary yo;luable dlotue; as precions as neys. tyeraue o till wviiy's fills iii these tlis�rrdr=ra, its this gold•,VW-111.0. x glstt, 1proutf ill. Oil t. "Mr`ghtrfsW2/1 Brighfs Diaease try t"o bane a Mabe"tea an''i Every stove :guaranteed against breakage auk. l ue11 erssists in the OifztmenL s caftan. h y Poll h 6 01 s}�.'s Tho Pills check the 'fever, purify the A loather, firma Ofit6 1, fa lilist for without sewers r 7 hes blood, ttizd eject all triorbIll matter: five bunli and too thousand dollars , .agit as good diseast3r# cannot to give • , 'pli Satisfaction., jougendered by these diseases. onto, earlt o, has ,Mist rneldNtheir l,dst � h&dth when the irr"$t ir,lrere y wfu en d txrtz troddrs Kidni t js said that a spkr°rcoci lit al nye pa enei t o>' cr re pandered nettts on then ,'. l irVil'�tht>y i illiort to a w'orldnu who wars 6IMOIN 4011or with idle pardent, zntarpst aid- 1. ,f ream e�gm�olrtsas eipt � D..StTT=ULAXD� 11011911A to chit llt fa'r the grit lmlt 't+ L. a Atw� mr t'd teTr� rOf, io.'r rift 'l r r i• 1 111 t� r' 6fi lk9l.