HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-01, Page 6F^ai...- t. g. f'1�'(� ' ,jacket for comfort.. Ain't that all pretty wpll. Bo finally got 4111110 VJJ III. t right• trustees save one, and 140 selected Alle `M i .---.-for the honor, though Abe was a 1 1 1.n tilt. Sllort skirts to be tidy ilst. Conlin' sinner and a prcfape one sit that. AGa MDA1. SEB1'E1�ildE1 , 1802. !to the tops. Rf their shoes, attended the first tueting of the `a Yes,what hind of shoes, trustees. Solt leather shoes, shaped lilted I would lilro to help you Bishop, be Called to Coe this FAditor, 1 hitt— it ._..- T 1 The editor was sittittR in his p qe human toot, air, and flexible lilts a, said, "+---••-',. dont ti. >i a slay last week when a man elatere4 govt'" know,I pail ruts a mine of a quarts hns,, bro1v was. clothes! with Wonder, All right—ana their hats i Dial, but I don't know mlty ltaere than Somethin like a veil or A inalttilly, a Chinamen about runnin'f a cllareh, ierceiy seising a chair, lie shammed 's lest Citi tlle. table, hatless his um - but no sick styles as they wear now, Ilut the Bishop prevailed. I -Ie in- �. r "Anti on sero #loot wo sat dawn you bat. And I'a !lave t1iD hair foxliit d the trustees that he bad plan , ... .Are you the editor I he asked. g ltanhin' don their back in a nice tr and speetfieNtloils for, A c lure i that 'l: es, replied. tile awn of worries• shiny braid, There's women that dress like that would Cost $9000 lot incindcd. He said he belioved il1600 blight be raised Can you road writing. now, said one of the listeners. by subscription, leaving the olaurcll . Of course, Slloty one to me and I'll marry her $7500 in debt. wliicll amount wouli, Read that thele thrusting at the edi- t0^mairOw. rll atlow interest aud might be paid or l.1 envelopewith all inscription on 1 saw one just the other day, and ,upin four or five yeAra, Bvorybody t, liln a t0 8 P11 that was leer style t0 a clot, 'she expressed approval except Abe, wlio said the editor try . ll What Wasdoinf I kept C,ilpitt. His opitlt9il was a6,cedby ThaG'S lips a ti it's all S said the ' si on g d moccasins Selllo,, (last tits An m , the dock, She had a blanket over her tr , na .the c1Qrr,j 1 _ ll, Why, -••-•it, Bishop,` otied Abo I told man• S? Oil yes, I see.. Well it looks head, you that,I knew nothing about church r� But the crank who knew how a buslnefis,but I dontt line the plan. like Sal for Dinnpr, or Souls of Sin-- a'womaii should dress had sudden! Y It yclu�tvpre to het money at 15 per ..hers, said the e(titor. disappeared —Detroit Free Press. ua'lit. per annum. which ill only half the No, sir, replied the man, nothing of bauicin; ratP,ypui inteFpst would, am. tele sort.. That's ,ny name—Samuel BextePioient Discovely. chile to nt arlytI200 a year or almost Branner. I knew you couldn't read. called to SBP, y011. about shies p0en1 Of THE' NOBLEST ACFIIEVP.:,fEhT UE SCIENCE. as '"E'll as . sac geek to raise✓ fol• a 1 mine printed lets otlier day, en �-' - commencement. 1f you want a church you t 'Surcease of Sorrow, The iron horse with its tireless his _ _ it, wLy dc,li't you worn the busi- tithed Strength, its pulsFs of vapour and nosy as though you liPlsvied it would I don't remeniber, said the editor, heart of 8amf., is a glorious exponent down the 'Pjisliop's heart Of course, you don't because it went of tl,e creative caliacity of the human Abe sat and C il'tt) the paper under the viliniuous mind ; and the .metallic nervis through same. 02NTT'vvT'a BoVA the method and results Nvhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing- to the taste, and acts gently yet 1lromptlyon thaKidneys, E Liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys- tem ef-octually, dispels colds,. head- aches cures habitual +� ' t.r n c es _ a d e a. h ztcll :; an f v s constipation, c' • rup of Figs is the j only remedy o 'ts !find ever pro- I duced, pleaorng to the taste and aG- ceptable to t'>so stornRch,•prompt in its action Pad tialy beneficial in its effects, pre tared only from the most healthy a6l agreeable substances, its maliyerccllent rltialities cowmen d it to all and hilae ';,ado it the most pop -alar remerly novin. Syrup of V.2 -s i.;•�fox Sale in 750 bottles by all ledi:ting druggists. ,Any reliable druggist � ho may not have it on hand vill.proeure it prolrtptly for an.y one who wishes to try it: lye ntlfactt,' ed only by the SHOP Coal whith intelilgonce courses over a eons title of; Smear case To morrow, i�j' ell, have 'you got any Letter tinpnt prove,hy every hash of thoui;ht � A blunder of the compositor, I sup- which traverses them that will nos• pose. sesses one attribute essentially grand, ,You bet,' said tile, I stove that a - JUST OU.,.. j Yes, sat, and tin's what I want to the power to anl,ihilate;space and time,- aesPssmont of $1000 ba levied on each ' sot= P-11 about, `Clip way in which that But vast and important as have Veen of the trustees, the Swim to be pi,yabla HA1/E. YOU SEEN 1T? pPM was mutilated was sialply scall- the results of tllaltilit;, steaw and IM p Y lightning the common currier all {Immediately. Tflr BIG BOTTLE delous. I haven't slept a light siucP. a esspn;er of the world, the discovf;ry 1hP 13isllop had just emus frolu the It expese(1 the to derlsign. P9ople Ity which vreak anct impure blond cal Fast ,tut, het was bewildered, The �AIN—KILLER think I ala ati aBs. (T.he eckitor colli `,h• . be vitalized .or restored to new vigor loud slain rntLVred- ed.) Let MP show you. The first and purity by moans of internal and I fear. I cannot at present raise external renirdiPs is of infinite voluo. line; when I wrote it,read in this way: The resources of vegpiiab1H chehnistry w. ' �Lvin,= by a weppin;; willow, uudt-r• as devi loped and applied by Thotmts Never mind, Bishop, said Abe, neath 1t;;eutl slapA. Holloway have proved equal to this we'll talcs yours out in preachim, That is bet and poetic, said mighty task. HiA fautotts retnadles The shocks were fore coaling ar.d impart to the steam of life a disinfect M the editor. • I I': 1 f h Abe trent through the catup oil is col- the Ebtu 1 -••1s PURr,1sllEit^- LS'a Zb'X' VUIDAT IttOItNING --AT T1113— TIMES OFFICE, dOSEPHINESTREET WIXGHAW, OON''TAX0, tiuhspriptlonprloe, $1 iroryear,In advauoe _ ADVERTISING_AATFS: spaet ( i yr, Tl 01110, 1 0 mo. I i ins. One Column ;UO 11Qr 3G e0 (,520'0!) Q QQ 11alf ++ �I $6 OO 2Q00 72GCA arter'+ ';0 0012 00 7 OR A o0 One each _ _ G QQ _0_00 ° QO l 0a Legal and other casual advertisements, So. per itne for first insertion, and 3e. per lintrforcaoh subeoquenfi Insertion, Looal notices 10c,' per lime for first _insortion,• wed nonpareil, $1 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, „i for fleet lymrth, Goo, per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or fol longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without speoffle dil•ectimis,,ilil l'o inserted till foi'bld and cb4god accordingly. Tranaitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the odiec by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week it. ELLIOTT PaornisTOR. AND PVDLlsHF;R alt. MAC,DONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, tV,SnuAAI, • _- -� —_ ONTARIO 'C�j•. B, TOwLER, Member College Physicians and Sur;;oons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron- Oflice Upstairs, next to Ur ]Morton's office, wing- •baw, Ont. ,. CMOs 11011Rs.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to Q p, m„ or at Residcnco, Diagonal Street. -bR, J. A, XELDRTM, honor Graduate of Toronto University, and - Member of the College of Physialans and Surquons of Ontario. Oflitn and Residence-Cornorof Contre and Patrick streets, formerly' occupied by Dr. Bethune, tt•tIr07[dhf • - • OX Tj. vANSTONE, . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Rtc„ Etc Private r.nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No counnission charred. IMottgages, town and farm propert) boucht and sold. OFFICE -Deaver- ti°it ot,Arr, ON'r J. A. Al0RTON BARRISTER Aic , tvinghani. - Ontario T'• wom nOa Now, haw did our vile sheet rf re- Y p ,m; lillnctp as iv t 1 rays t e cyst®n. from, fall impurtt and poisonous ole lectins tour striking ever hod mer- a Y 3— k,, �� ,tl ,b w - Z,/� EI CII .. Dlclat�vsnx, sent it. to the public? °L else to a ween- p 5 'meets. The otter of chemists as al. p Y chants, ••amblors, soloou' ki a ers, all h p a€, e * H. W. C. rnsvea. Q. 0. I C. L. 010KINSON> S. A. , ill;;: w1+ ow, I iiiducpd her to elope. !!lost tipywid Calculation.,. .and as be alike♦, 111 all hour be had the whole BARRISTERS AND sULICITURS, Eta, Etc., So Wet:1iI ug w'tttclw, lulled 'Uul ti' tl7tilldPY , 3 1148 brought shell! to ,)Har upon all the n , ` $9,000 attd carried a certifies, for It r� P iI u'q�' p �� �� t;, *t , licitors for Bank R kfauluton, Commissioners for taldng affidavits. for Manitoba. Farm Town and ' f o at1t1. li<tlltitin.,1 tlYle..iS t•) ft'+1tu111 But. n varieties of dispaso in those invaluable - knows! HOLLO- to tAo elPrigtnal). iii �� j�t � i �' I. 99 Iry�tfl i� '�.,'j 'I rI' i i �� ��t,.` p ; lei I� +�R{�f Village pro rorty bought and sold, Atouc (private - funds iI 1 r• y 1 owned oil mortgage secutitl at of per cant. ` �^ tools tit the founh, verse. That's worhA vegetable compounds as wAY'S IoILL+�-.A;\L QINTGILNT, the, lf:avP y t ' 7 akt� that for a trtitrter, }�ttillU , p i � (I:��$ i u, ,Q +U Ii � :, �I iWJi *O l a r,,a, 4d 1 private erHons non the D[onuybncested fqr p , p e uortgaee securities without any expense to the .. M opt: `(;asf thy Marls before swine and ,1 J l� ucrn flssed i4 !highest and holiest p -. Y ,t. `. stud Abe. It won't be t uuligh foi I - °C ' Il UUuj '4t it J ( 7 IR ii >] jC' ld'� a 't� ,m yr 4� 41�, h�1u?r',1 ' i 16.• f" r j ct I, ° i ;�f?r w• 9 fender. Lands for sale in isIanitaba aud the North- treat. lose then in, the dirt. %Ie lYlalieS 1t ob�eC.,,. - guess tt_ .gllul'Ch 1S like ttlf Ulfl quartz 7I,1 ' L' l k "Y �: (tg.' 1�� ,�d� ^ Office--RenVa Bloch,1 iugham. , ,• , re, in Ilia fashi>in : 'ca- Illy pills Steam, its the great. MotOr, is tt, Bull- Bull - sidiary agent, Its usefuluess annsists , ,ni+l—Ilett cost always oxceeds tke k ,�cNi.G64�U -, a, mU��, . fkz:��llh+7� ualM �` 4�;� rf I I y Zx�TiSTIil,--J S.JI.itOAlE lytsolinal, ' ' before snllt'!Si', stud lose Lhptll lt. they !!firs•' Now itsif't that a cold-blooded 111ai111V in CpnveVirtt; atllSttlllti 1 lit3tip_ + .. fits, with s ped > fid nertaint t(i th+, estimate it good deal, int ,goo ahead lend whN11 you need more . uloiley we 1, � jt e�!�=- �� ' i Zio- i' i f .°= y I t Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, ` Vulcanite !arcs of thv bestnlaterial �° p as 1)C eget lie the as they callwork olntra e on a man's feeiinnsl I'll leave ,, fields in which the are to o" •:ate, it Y p will, e�y another assessment DTII slit! I �' � ,�y� �• iii' z Dominion. AllworIt t•arr'antctl. minio Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Flectrfv It t0 OU if i`n Isn't. y [S Simply leis bearer of blr SstngS Ylrit , r their orhyinator. Of a:l Ilio frNl'yl{t infernal Sitlllerr. �;Y 1'?r ( , �D �� JJ + 't t �: d i t `� X, ity of Vegetable Vapor. TAfihs NOT1Cw.—i will Extract teeth for 2G cents It's !lard Sir very hard said' the ' ' which it earries over land. and Sefi, d h A- bo !lever joined the church, and y b a� ''v•�;� ' i j y� ; rrfti ti ,dyy , r m,l,j f ,;� �' r ,✓yip, . a ✓I each, OVFICE: In the Deaver, Block, opposite the editor, there id perhaps Ilene so precious as �+ swore a litilt, to the last. Tito Bish- �� � '• �"� `` "t � tet ;• , tJ.` 1 Brunswick House. 1 'i'he take the fifth versw. In the Holloway's retlle:lif,s. It is scar' -fly 011 preached tlis furiHrul sPrrnon, and �I � t` original. ni.muscri,t it said, plain as 1 a tToUl'e of speech t0 ray that whith- r (lid !t wftl, rixftltit, eyes and trNtnblllIi, i �F G it f�l� ivy`'" Ie� j A `®R - �>,igiB�t A 1 /'�g% �J, Pl'r;T, ��., I % J Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., lake atony tilt- Jing; ilig- ergUHVer 1t COItA'e'� sheaf It flies *'ttrltl, 1„ + voice. Abe f part ire building tele 4 om-, �!� �r J (+ , N, i IN DENTIST. it is only gl`ltteriag dross.' In heRlln+F' 91'1 wltlit5. h Vilder the influence ol: tine, Oillt- OIIUI'ch was only One of his whi-ma, but C ,y�S ',�tLt� itR�1 t N s t - `"w�= �i d l,�;t as � � vmoneay, - Y , OFF1CIr,• MASON'S SLOCKR its printed form you made mesay: Take , nleIlt, Ilett shift IICiVPtel +i1�#+;ul't•d by for yearswas a blHssin+r to scores of Y n �' '� X�� !'� + S 1 , Yee' ,�! , �lrt ,� :t 'Ie '�'�, .Ai + er)c' (Ippesitethttljueen'slfotal,'{Vingham, away'the tinoling' money; but some flies ,+t'U1)(IOnS or pXCrs+StiPYiGpS, lira+Oi3Y11Ps n .110 ,. people On the LUniRtHIC,C.—SAtt I+tfan- p ii Jf�''��" h° �stiP+s'''` , .: xt �,•,r" , Will visit (lorrie Ist and 3rd Mondays ":•. ili'for the boss.' by George 1 I feel like t.tbula rases ure o oties< rasa,, p , p ,� tt"tens- cisco L+'xxtniner. hr r n i rya��,��• F ? of each month. - attacking somebody with ydurfire shovolI paraut; and this Nrasuieuf�?,lla�jl;F4lles _rhG�PN7i atbWN�Al,# :.r ' But vh look at the sixth Verso. I wrote; + it not a+•cowplished b5 snit Irl•i, blek His Gettysburg Wound. Old 1 0I',x,l,0 2JO..LFriCQ: oil N 1t1TC111E, 111ta weary ol` the tossing of the, ocean disease il.Ltl t hat .ViOtl h ec.+,sp, of the l Ile lipdENEItAI. as It heaves. When I opened your a I,tum but 1, • nf•utrdliziti""l' %norl;id' t�1Ts plainly a veteran, and t.1s17r.Arrt/E AOEN Raper and sate the line transforred into waterlal which •feeds it. Junked with• intirsRt several times ata sI, tt t_ 11,1 t, , wtWI-.1011m,WI-.1011m," p.TARIn til g Illy r011S(ire tt ey l r0 T11F fills act upon the internal fluzd' mail %v,lo fle.11r Its hats-akerchlef to the open at the knees,' I thought that was K rl tiff+ orgalls which secrate tUm silo of llis l,a' After a while he E 1LI AT :r taking it an inch to far. I fancy I''have upon the sanitary prineiples. Theyarm. shad ' • a right to murder the eomp,4itor, Where destroy the, at•i+l particles sui joetr cl , , # is he to t:lelr nhenlfu+ll nution, as infallibly loethaehe, mister 7 XURRAT 3Ie fs oat gust nolo said the editdr, As au alicali li"utriliizes all raid : and No; wounded,LANMAN' + conic in to -morrow, c't,t;trtuc t:leCtriu tilCt[ptI rn tile, SNuret--�irboYe'd it happen 2 t � }=� I acsll,said the poet, and will comeirw ti,neliil,t+ry Gettysburg cs;;jt,�a C�i,.,•v� flptBed, `!tile rini•, tiU+, of rrvPinnleilt, the YOn doll'it BA so I iitiftllg dord111ti4; l..i ... patr )rill;e f,o princes, the approval 0£ , PURE RICH - K I oilri:+talll lixtionS the +i. one" (Ines it, c1p n 2 •. 1ci13 Iaeai i7keSs. , „ dti,nde a£11 0.. SWEET; RARE p11,rn1) n)illimm »crest rhe worth afl Yes. Itliasn't sbl,wll slay Sion I- � CA5ttf1G t PUNGENT ?;telt alt •tit i(itnttlltl's' t:loaP, h++ tv,8 dips,+ twitt vitnititer. In fact ihera is healing; yet, i 4 let t•1tl t 1, is , l t l!1 ISI tl lihl,),v- ,afro o0 • ' ;1 it()' rpxinit w:tth wt,ach L+tf;rbtrid or guy. Yt,tt dotl't.s3y 001 I3tlllc;t,wasn't it, It 1' �. 1 ••�: "t 1t-ft11 V ice, f•f 1 lieft Illy tVt3'V l'tl.ilev comary htm wry eviRtl ervi+ll inter'' ,IItI•Ut' i I l u arse ivllur, R-Iiittwily would not lied A t?in loolti:t" 6t°staff P. 'ante. ;IOC till , INC, cut, F°°I �� t' °l p „EItV-+41t1A'N• 1. ,I Willa&ttt home I:10me CstilliitlP rosy , , t _ 1wr, unitnuxe-1 li fttith'g i,; Ire+ found of the axtent and varitit of I lint g •, hat:!. I tell you, Oplonol � � td ,jest likf' to dreg s wart cordiu' town ilk's'' •Iris foreigtil erre>ltnndi�ltt,r; front the 4 t►.:otir eal,rps leavh t1 Iltishty, nasty ' � " i,�� 1� ' r rgttori. f1wit 'that.-SNty R'orr, S11011di11� 91e'rli5, of i S8ttypii f iJS T.Htr: NRST PLACE �w{ " l phaco misty times out of tan, ;3Sy/ARS OF J W. Ypu wouldn't iet' there %V(141 trf>pl„1t w1lr%1IfTnl itilbor ilixteetl are neclotuplit,lt• t, +- , lidi�Uf?fl„AR- Nu dullllit Of it. ll1Ai"f' �.QN , ” i 1. pd l;nt,tt6wss: art- 0tliplOyod ill e0l)(Illut 1 - ' to•tlleir f,r«•syr•-s, lsl;t•„g,t•str:t anti o his} }. X ; hig it. Y'le,I's tem cel;Irp Of 'It ani,nry { I Snow.- • yott got your pension. foi • �'T:'"e°*'�"*'a""�"` �'�" circle that,. belts the world,—Polly --lhetilylth,lt l u tl;cr, tllclll't yrstt gvnttral2 ✓� �" to . . ' . y ' �. i�pt� ]titit,l+f•Y rt •0!tfltltl't. � �. •Iii?r,l(r/�Li ° y3 Cy � �""'" �,�. ,. L`tp Corget 9, e112 br1,✓" s . � -�'^ �plt t,n&111 t0 ht}VCi +t I,C?113i0n NttrH, 1. No, sir , nor UW -boned, waistd, u 21;tahlishin a Church. 1l't•11, ff plip(l t<hw telae! with tile t PTg'rtV : BEAty l tra a new o a l t►t cYther•, 'AAvIletl vii clop Wiaitti�'l.er taunt to{handkeichiwt, I l nvoil't lino time toe Ooverythatcard the wontcut-# Nervous ability Leat Vigor a ,., Supl o, • t•• u :t II us •81st !row yon','�'irginttK' ij- ilii wanted to establish A • apply for it yet. 5�lill Nt,e � pllly goL' Gi IG � 1Y ,Fya hbtaknaft Of , oalcyltm re torm t by ovdr•ltork. 6r the arrors pro t v w�lrtltl 'have tllelil rl tillelttsP,IVes o1ltrc)t. It"wren! ftOtllllif; to filet irlaal- .tills tvttUlid yostenlay, 'welt n I boa to l : o ,e 01 youth, This Rentettrl tloluiefq Ogres ty,a moist obltlnam crates Ideon ail on s `w' t `I ;, , t 'e$ Oft A milling tiortfpalty, but ill a he in Gettysburg oil bilsilless gild haci 'Pn,111-041 It hganorteTfiatiOdever,tCootlibvetl,n;Alld4bkdBr1 ts at SLA' b adri -or 2qfIIRi�tR6n1<3ffibmIC12 tattauly, out - ,a. ltttve'atn ; cirurelI �pntrr a i4 malt Ills to offs tti a barGar.sll kip fns iu u klrewry.W..Wte lt� sf4 lei i s 1 n fill hie'='is r�' fte'st���,� did t falx Star. � 41. 1. rlt+f6rtiatdp ea So Ill. - low •ftp p >� A, L, m.Abllr�'Oiv. M' `` v' 1 ,r• 1 .'... .. ., d�t{yy `�II.,YY�..�:.,::.sh.. •.,:. ..,s,.,.,.^•u.tuL°2i,i: +'ill' .',Y+`dlit`SI{N4tS�Y�:..1S�b .. DEANS, Jit., Ly INOIiAH, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COVMY of,, 1fuRox. i sales attended lir any part of the Co, Chargee Modorate, } J OHN CURRIL,. W NOIIAaI, (),jr., 1 LICl.Nkril AIJCTIOti1 Ltt SOIL line COttriTY or i litfao.l. Ail orders left It the Ttntss oflica promptly attend ad to. Terms reasonablo, AMES III.NDERSON, - LIC,uNRD Avortoxiant FOR COlrtr,'hC+J. $Orrro t ANA BRL•CR. , sill sales attended to promptly anti u;t hitt ;lc rosec. Notice. Charges Nioduhtcand Satisfaction 6liat'aAcote. 1111 nocessary arrangentolits egtt 111;'iAA4.0 at the Tmss' Office + ttilxon int Ont.. `gills: CUD1 AE Y i11cASII, __.. ... _. Al. xi. Toronto, llfolnbere College Pliyslelan,r and 9m;,ectns. Ontario. BsLattAVk ONrAulo, ... BA110F nF 81011Tlt DivistoN CounT, IsAt: tit OF 1,t;,An• RCA6P 1.fCl;�sl:R, iVINCtFIAit ONT THE, lY1.ISw E8 WATSON. lSTRtICTION giveli ou I.Or 'iano,gnll T• anti Violin. Also In Iiwrulony. Rasldeaca on Aliimio sheet, twAvdta . pops• ty. w1boom, PAZ=