HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-01, Page 5� 9 4 W.. ,.. ' • " - .�..`...T.,....-.9."+1+•+n •na...r+�nr-+-.,+mow=..:...-+...+-.err.-.i.+�-^.ew-:in+T' C L I N yy t„ • .ForC)xe1E.LQrt the "'Sto Beare T"a1. nek r , ' + e ` - We will giv$ out! C istomers and the public generally" enerally the best bargaing x 1 BOOTS an d 0�SHO • 19ver offered in. Wingham.' Call and examine our Bargain Counter"mines be convinced that here is no sham as tie goods must a sold at -any cost to make rQQM for .large fall purchases,J. Grs]Erx.. , - . ' • . " � • , • 019:01EO 'e are still' . Cada11 t°1�e trade in NOBBY .. .. .}..• . Y S�JITS AND GENTS' TURNTSHINGS, By far the • largest assorts n.en* of T�l]E ISS, •- ZJ"�TING'r08; ,LND.. 4T►I]E O '� "�'r�"r to •select from'that we ever had. Particular attention`given to Oustom Work and Rep4l, ing :done in first.,class' style. ; j%,._ '. HO1V VTj:.. 'e, . SON. ' 9liorl�is• If is our painful duty to chronicle '. the death of tllifl Frances Lhzabath i ..Huron Items The Exeter Times haAeen in ex- 'forth, teniae°twe•nt�+ years; *. ' 1110 aud' :19rs`$osinh lyerman�of Sea• have diet with i+ and bereavts- Ment' fa the death' 'i?f eldest , MILLS sad on °' •their Stubbs, which event :took placer Thuoday test. The+ da4e)atsed was It The.ratepayArs of Seaforth.lastweek d'aughCer, tlary,of.nr,arly 23 y.Nars and noted young .woman; who was held in high site to.ralse $14;000 to;. urchase.a ,wasiust'iii arid erect n market and fire• hall the, first bloom•of woman - hood. She was ill only a little over a a • • . esteem;by all who knew her, as • will shown by the large utiinber of friends'' . Goderichtowliship�oceupiev the some �intlantmatiou weelt, typhuid fevers. act dmpantied by t)rain. as- ?; who followed her• remains to ths<ir last what• unique position of . not hastnl, 'a of the . beim,• si ned A8 Cntist' 'of ail: kur..n resting place -iu Brandon Colnaitery, hotel' within its -limits Thus is a dip- ,rite cuuplt, of years sire 2nd beeei eugatTed ' " on 84.urday last.. The ta•uod' tem_' tinetion plarc of Belgrave, of which lodge the riot onjoyed "by mally'•town- ships: } # j , -a as a school teacb4f. R t FOR T-1S� .'t. ':. ' SEASON: WE : QFFEI deceased was a member, and a num- Dir A'Iir>ox lata �tspi)sed o£#iug ho:. t�t•lioGidr+ vnti•fuuiitl nes 'rise hixi:'e 'l,,y • , : bar ol`'(ic,^d Template fruln. Winogtt it, I t llurol% Ur J mogii htatitrt•r'!r . tel propmtty in Holn'iwsvil e" 'td kii O' " attended the funeral in a 'body, Tile sorrohying family have tile sympathy propriHtar Anel. u)atingee • f_thn.Ur„ttd. Pickard, who,we undorstwud, pirrposes ereutiu,r Bw)d, h„tHl, six niilrs nnrli of cunt hal[Ou »btu- of tIae` cnmmttni y in this their � -sad � 'boreavoillent. ptatstnre, ,and sLled ed. i? It+t)e, ou thli , 5th of .�ugusi, %0' 101 ' t;PNn Best' Standard: Granulated Sugar, The Council nn -t Pursuant to ad- Broadbaot & ROX's l+urniture •factory had sant adrift oil tate 2,3+h.of July, 20 utiles north of txoderiuh,. lay I joarnlnent on :August 15th, 1$92. 5erfortb, was t+Yhted up hy' electricity nivin6ers of ow Unitntl ,5'tnttis Depart- h1ember,i till poesnut, illinutes of list for the first rime on . Monday n,ebt. 'll)eCe »tent of At,rivulinn, weitthat' l,tireall, �2 pounds.;.i'or �1 or ale. per �o'llnd �� meetin; read and pttssod, Moved by Art• ltltout $PVe!nty Il1COndrB{el+)It A nolo N'uti E'11C1 •,rd.lh tl {,Uttie,.tisl. 111 Kirkt,y, secoided by Proccor, that this li„lits. inn, the liuder to return is. titld .v, Here Coun.�i Allow 25 cants per cud fvr'dig- While"Min;; to Clinton "the • Other Econ 1+ tl+oir object b, il,LT tti'lil,El clic drift h rile Barrel ging .54 rods of ditch oil sideline be dity oil a load of Ilan, 41r JOltnLipier of the correct dutilly dw tour . tw#en lots 6 slid 6, COD 6-Oarried• was almost su.fi;,cated:by til(- load » p- the b6ttlr was Inst, Moved by Calbick, seconded by llowe, settillo, rind. fidling upon hint. F -Te was -- that Jus Proetor be instructed to have diseovored just in time. _ l Sunsl ii)ta bridge put iii a proper state Miss. McIntyre, Settfohth, fru•'tile- PROF'. eSCOTT$ �p Fine Light Coffee SI�gaNi 2.5 lbs. of repair—C)arriad. llluvad by Kirkby, of seconded by Proctor, thin (lip01rrlf Iia past three Years of tiletlitl:heil liner MUSICAL LEADER PtRES3YIERIAN CHURCH instrueted'ti) nutif '"Owners Of lots 5 and 6, cons 10, to remove.their folic,.,, office, and an ax pet raut.ed operator, tilk-s for place of Hiss Hattie Walker anvesPrivateLessNota on. Osellf r hathinStatf and Tonic -Sol -Ft, Evocation. U eu fen omele. tit i for - -front sideline between said lots—Oar- at . the . wicket of the C7orr•ie post ." W for Concerts Terms moderato. or so ApNly at • rigid. Ou motion of aowe, secmidetl of11CP, , .AIRS II•MORROW'S, 24 Shttt0r8t, )t'iuy ham ' • b Psoetor, tile fvlfow iutr acc6pnts Y o The tlrrasbars in Usborne aro very W0110 ordered to be paid f tr gravel : Jae 6Vattidi,, ta.37; Jno 01„ttkoy, 'Pricker, hilsy now.• Good nien with the rnu• aline ^et 3o to $35 et t» ontlt. 1'ha ._ ling n�i haw and i'ianingi��ills•. mood ��Yellow'Sugar 30 l . $3.80 ; Wm $5.75 ; Cor., -or -i- tion of ,' st, Wawanosh, $i3 40 ; J no yield'of wheat is very - varied, some having,30 bushels to the acre, but the -- 'it undcrsi ned ]snvo now on baud a large stock ' • Somerville, 05.40; aeo RetviCt; 4 35; T Rerldersoo, $2 60 ;. Gro Peacock, greater number from 20' to 2e-". - I blt7i PINI,, ., 1 IiL14Y+ONI. fob° $I. '111,90; E Bosman 00 65; D Herring- Z<1r J I: Doherty reports from Inde- rAyiAItACIi.anrl. ton, 02 85; Wtiv 11cKelvy, $2.34, Jus pendauce, Iowa, that the Chesnut snare HARDWOOD LUMBER, Shurrie, $7.07, P Barr, 62 cants; A J Di Edsale, owned by 1layor hoharty', Draaeed of undressed xxx and xx. l Carter, 01,10; H Sellars, $3.25; Will Taylor, 07 96 ; Goo Pierce, 0.1.06; D Oliuton, ttotted art easy' tulle recently' in the nick time of 2.213 '.•' the ha NORTH SHORB NHINGLES, NO.1 UEDAlt. 5HU4GLBS, -�-r� �, The re- 1 ess are -.For z;': s- h or l.+arquharson,$2.20; E Kearney,81,20; �' n i'nun,r S' v 219 owned stallion: Sidney, 1, STAVES, RHADINGS, t"�i�iovei .iL j 0 JleOlelland, 02 35 ; Jae 1lurtin, by the same, went A mile in '2.34, the BATtRBLS. i t $6.30; Jas Timmins, $4 80; Jun Roe, 25; !�a)n !Martin, $6 25; 0 Wheel $ 5; $ l last half in 1.15, the last quarter in � «'()All, (lec., 36 seconds, ntprleoethat dFiv competition, Pasties mtontlin Trade only. �$3 ' Ma ,in, r eft w 1.45 ' r , , r Golley, $3.10; Sas Proptor, $2.70 ; . ' to build will find it to their intoe est to p he us a call` before placing their orders, as via cue detolmhitd Tile death ,f A former and well- l not to be undersold. Custpm track attended to �x i ins Me&i-tor, $3 25; ,Jno Douglas, rr- ltnown• resident of Wlnphatn occurroa pronsptlyand satisfactlonguarautood. At Bluavalo on Monday right of last; y1oLF AN � pairing culverts, $4,50; R burns, .. Inapectln;; ,Travel, $9 20 ; R Mooney' weak stsook be spirit of Thos 13illings-' b Da= '� , I :housekeepers this is your golden i 'i to Piny for brt.dge on east gvavr'I road, ley forsook its tenement of clay. • r e j"�`?3 'eru in London, L'ni;lAnd, o .7 $$8.50; 1ettStandards notic" of Jas Jackson, ' Blyth065 J Petch contract R 7th line, 865 Winizham with )lis wife and came to solve, Frank and Harry, and n� G v� 1871. W1 opportunity. , spreading ,t;rai•el, 03.7,; ; P 12ynn, datightor, L+ »lily, about the year , ' gravellit.g on south liolindary, 018 Caoodfellow, ditr,ting Glitch tit Bel- >,,, � A very sudden death 000u red at Nil ilia residence of Mr lr?COlizr, o'f the 14 " ?T. n`�7�•Geo H . M X..J�1.LS ` grave, 012 20; , Jno Gadd'rs, repairing conopdsion ,1'1cI jllop, on Wednesday l3orapars tint] illakin,; grates, 07.25 ; last, lir 111cOlur's son ,lames, a THE PEOPLE'S_ GOAL C.WY. •ee"`"'"'��` �"�'i •Wingliam, Via$ Thynn, baildintgy culvert. $2.50'; NV H Keer handbills and .t printing yOuti inafi of 27 ears of tit © was ” • g y e ' ou. In clic orchard pinking apples. ITC l (Op PENWA. 11NE 6WNtR8.) _. _ .. . Voters Lists, $25,75 Moved by Gas- hick, secoludNd 11y l.�irltby, first by-law cauls 'rtl and sat down on the door ate Psitit, his father, and 11Ad An b p CA1IADIAI 4FFIC , ItAI�I1L'1+ON, ONT. FOR, SALE s ,wo 16,as slow read be a$sed•-•Carriedt p le in his lined sail 1Va8 eatingit And -�--•'� HOLSTEIN BULLS f(�R S�i�.E. "' Lot 140. ',, and the 1;. 14 of Lot 10.0. r Time 0oudeil then Adjourned to meet talking to his father at the sae time. Coal in Caar lots><> otd+ttireCt to __- . lith Con. iurnberry�•--�•1G0 iieres; 90 Beres again on the 26th Sept next, %t,A11K) C)lerlt. Vv hilts thus pirgtlgorl Ire;;Ave b owigh Ilii if a piece ?if apple lldd stuOlt lit 1;14 Cpnsumimi, 11T0 f11t1�)1r1Uetl>latil511/1T profitso This, ur)dot•alghtd )tall tot 0410 nn Lot I0, Cort. 4. Turnberr.i,, four tboroughbredllalatein bulls.ran,r• h,it tram D to vis itionths Old. Tho above nn iltioned in the cleared; well fenced; fraito house and other buildings; good orchard; obsoop, ou �•� • At n recent meeting of the Kingston throat, and cl�ltej5inghi:l Valid' on Ills throat fell over)bn his side, liar Me. 1''irito tor prices, animalsaro411willi marked and re{tiater Canadian Mid Book. Their *111 be said cheap ►lttl o•t easy te inotollowpnreha00r„• trine, Apply , A 1 tO V. C. C;AII�tERC)10', Or C3oderix, CYoltegiya,,te{Institute Board, Frederick) 011ie at once rAised frim up, bd,ho 150601 A Attantlonlii+raln 110186i JAS ]1t,tlov, • 1VIc1PI1E1ifdbN, Pope, iMi A, late of Setrfortl , We-$ Ml p p" was uilrl tleAtl, rite vital b "k illtvl[tX. a p 016fles and ClU bs. or00dwt of 1'tolst•in Cattle, i3in'evaw, one. (llmltfarrow P, t). jEtoltit8d ltTl8ticu llbdtsttl . thso n, daOhly lfe'd. . .