HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-01, Page 4�u1 ---�--�-. ^_ AlSalkeld, 112 Sbep- such soma of money as may be neGaear ; GORDON � . �i�l�l•�'Y�E, � (tntondecl for isR+fe.) sot,, Ii Ruseall, �.., E.- WRLIAMS1 A alult fratxt our r,, t►# to�vu had , Ittwd, N Smitlt,:I, SGrapg,L,Tt ud�►^an, ,��"� fat�rCarried. Moved by qtr We aredQtermined-lf out Prices will pR, ,J Tigert, Al AVillaon. raeik club, of r � Stewart, Ye . a kick a.gAinsc itis C Junior leavitr S Dell 1?;, BroW'n, J Dimatit, pacatided by big, Mandell, ilial' 'da it -to reduce our immense stock of SV,ngltAtq, nn. Thursday of last week, I"- . lite tax collector for" oafs ruuuic ipality seasonable Dry Goods, Gents Furnish- •�� •�-�tT, The playing only lasted half an dour Clhrtsttlaw, Cr hue ���� 1, NCeMit l,elgl, shall collttjt all taxes esti ,return his tng;s, Ready Matte Clothing, Boots and ,lyl,11 '"`^ - , an tlalhday,M on atccount tit darkness settlug n, d , Shags, and pure, fresh Groceries before ao tile nlatokt bad to bQ' btoRPed• i'lre l J Moran, H AlcEwar, A Oailette, A toll' tn'llie' Tres, surer oi. or before the - SAND.- playing wits. very good oil both sides � Stiles, J Thomson, P Tom, Al Why. Leib day rrf. December of tAic �?,bilt � t nt stook taking. ' year -=parried• lgoved,by r ,�ugara'by 1!he carload, is the order of T and nnalJgvlurg; took. placri, Only oils i ard, the say, sa wa are In a position to give 1 v snag. ivati sGor0d, •aud. tl.at. by I;o.wgir t , ;1latrtcutttt'tart---Jk M l }oo Rid (passod Eietx'oo 1 oti r'k s'ala Y for lthetbcurrent the best, value that can be offered, In DRUG } Wingtbam, •thus'lel�ving them victors.. xtt Latin tend Franc year be $50 -parried, Moved by Mr gems or sehf sealers. we have a very large It is bayed that Lire .retorts match will watt°IYaM Qrulelaahank, tieconded by Mt+ Man, stock -bought at jobbers prices -which ^-'- he played before• long on the boys Prinittry-E Wellwood• Nt;ntLer of dell, that a.by-law be..•paued appatut-. we are selling very cheap. ELE RAPH GO, ground liere.--Mr Thos A Beide; prin- candidates, 12., ing Robt'B' Harris, Esq, collector of The }sigh standard of our Teas will be T.G. K. W. T. ciltal of I+`4r9tst; Modirl Aohool; and who taxes for. the oyrrent year, sureties into ball been spending holidays under the Dl DEAR Ti>ltus,-•Now )ten you the sure of.6'12'000 satisfactory to the` sorugulciu§ly lxiaintained, in addition m On$e arentAl asst hero, returned to Forest can a!eacent. I feel >n a YOM' + . our celebrated pure Inaian Tea or Ram, Opp. Brunswick House, p Council to h .jilvett, for °ills Faithful• Lolls." We are the sole agents here for this week: -•-Dir Albert Thompson, of vein I witald invite you it► ttn�fiit;Ii* erfortnanoe of Itis clutiau-Qarrted, Moved b Mr Harris, seconded by 'Mr t the justly popular"choice Russian Blend" lYl �l&lYl - Qxlt Tbreealeia► Algoma, -has •bean visiting .tion to take a seat with we on L' aver p black tea; if you have not received a g v at the residence of Mr Thou Netterfield seat, a lull that overtops Tints. Mundell that a by-law be. pissed for lease calf - here, -Miss Ida Everett st.d her Nevertheless clad ` in, purple robe of the rRmoval of fence Off road all sample of their tea by mail, p tilt.• .- • t•t brother who have bean ,ponding boli- blooming, heather, he its the peerless opposite lot.23,.eou •hl,_ o.}i or - beforo; at, us and got • yn �l# Q days with friends here returned, home monarch of the Southern aFP ig;4ilalarde+ the 10th day of Septeml3er itoact Clood 100. Straw Hata for Go.; ,Prints at c C rn to Clinton oil T.ueedoy. Our I►tlt, where we aro"seat , m Carried, ly composed of ]tmestone of superior Nlsipt!d by.Alr Crurcltslaank, 5c. per yard, and Factory Gottoa at 40. Londesborough. qualityand bituminous silage distilled eeostnded by Wr Diluent, thtit 800 feet pee yard. Y, SEPTEMBER 2. .1192• of Tuckersmith, who has into what is known as paraffin ,oil. A. of lumber be granted to repair lite To every customer, we will oWi g ! RIDA Dlr Doig, sidewalks in 131uevale provided the choice of ph4tographa oY the following --� been Visiting in town, returged to his mineral line makes connection with A •work of rnPering is'donp gtratuitously, Canadian Statesmen viz -Hon. Alexan- EDITORIAL NOTES. baglQ . on Friday • .evening./ -- Mr B I branch of Ait couplethoBr'r80lofRailway __Carried. 1lloved by`'�lr .Dement, der Mckenzie, Sir John A. Macdonald, r islalive Asseinl�ly of the LAwrosoil was in «iug,h:oti ,settseconded by Dir Harris, that Mr Mara- I Sir Richard Cartright, Sir John Thomp, THE; L g;. i couple of days this weak,. - Mr, Lhpntiau in dimensions, but of strong dell do, ins epi drain At G Bremners son, Sir Oliver Nowat, Iron. J. J. C. Ab - to y ortlti+est Territories proposes to .Geo A Newton, of NVinglham, build and wondrous tractile power P bolt, Hon. Wilfred Lauriort and W. Ii. was in the village a few days this employed on the line, of a steep en'i report to next meetiug of this olish th+i exemption note allowed council - Carried. Mved by Nle Meredith. igloos property so far as school week.. --Mr Fred Dlanning and daugh- gradient matubed only by other two, Diment, aeounded'•by Air' Harris, that GORDON & McINTYRE. ter, of New York, were, visiting in the the one in Spain the other ill South our Treasutemdo write. to •all outstana- The Bi, Brown Anchor ices are conserncd. vi.11dge' last week,:-;-; Ir Will Brunsdon America. You will please' note a ruin. Ing mortgagers in arrears for interest, IN four years Toronto lass paid: for ]eft be Thursday last with a cat' load where the road to Edinburgh strikes of that uli�sucla arrears must be paid up , Whag,.ham, July 2Ith,1892. a rt ulair legal department and out• of horses for Manitoba.--MeJas ld fr,ende dee errdsat a sharp Breichwatt,relwhie o oh divides forthwith =- Carried. bloved by Dir 1^ r of Clinton, was visiting o Mr Mun- ' 'de counsel, iacludiug the pxpendi• jr, Ururckshank,• seconded by of raising the anlounta required for railway cusp, no in the village last week. -Mr D Mc- the counties of Edinl,urg;h and Lariat dell, that ills Clerk be iiist'ructed to count and township purposes. A coun- urN on the street ra y Fayden has .been, ;visiting; sill friends from Linitthgo,v>111,re. In :< hollow write to all pathuueaters that have riot' ty rate2 245 mills per$ and a townshitr ss it sum than $90,000. VV -wilt i„ the neigliborhood for the lust fav► dawn yonder, a spring bubbles forth returned their road lists to return rate of 2 mills per $was levied on all ay the taxpayers have received value' days.- Mr Ward preached in the with a baro as thhah as A man's'thioh• thetn.with certificate of what work is assessable propertyin the municipality, i>r this money 7 Methodist church on Sunday morning A reservoir is in sight, to husband the dons a;tached..At .once , as, collectors sufficient rate to be levied to raise the last And Mr hlcSaia it, the evening.- water supply for s ,cluster of mining roll cannot ba corcect;ly inada without amount necessary for special and -- - ovriek• Rev.J A -tIsi Tilton. preached in the' vithtg;es basking i+► the snatiight, lees- them. -Carried. The Clerk was in -I ,enoral school' purposes. AlOvad 11y g El Prestlterian church morning and I dieting the hill where Bathgate stands, g y �Mr Medd, seconded by N1r Todd, that `rhe farmers of this vicinity are just the tsirth lace. of J. Y. Sitnpaen. and a atructed to et aureearpat Sl h , e.r;Anius.last Sea bath.' P itis ditlerent parties assessed.for clean. the reeve and treasurer he wmpowef ed linishle+t haryt+6tttig;. Tliey'.••have had, grateful posterity will _treasuro his its rest sicca it htlg;aa, but 'the good 3luevale memory; for he it was that firm used ing put biault drain oti 10th, 11th to borrow $400 for: A term of .(tree are nn doubt made thea hard ,rtid 13th couceeaions t ,r the payment I months, for township purposes. bloved. lavers, p A person groin; under the peculiar chlnrofortn in surgical operations. The. o(•Eagine,:re. fees and oilier ce:tpenses by Mr 14edd, seconded' by Mr Gibson, - work +norm easily borne than if 3t had a{iits of ••Sliw Jin," painted all the artese Of royalty, tile` •famous tnani of iiicurred iii aoun-etion with::dAiti. also iliac A D Cntnarou be appointed a ool. 'lireil Ft had +ue. Some of the •early shop windows iq tgwn :,+, \Iouday, all ,cleats: vgaaait evt{ng;++lest and wt icl to draw isOnds fur lho sr�uufara of the lector for current year ata Salary of ''aoµt•d oats tnatnred too fast and coir•. illy windows urd;pamtied between Blue• of laces aeut)uuG itt li +tvtjn's Chancery, different parties ' wideirtakingg to 61eAu .$60 -Curried. The following accounts ' sr uentl} will be rather light. Peri vale aud Chtct, And every window is a humble Christian. Bti' let'is rata ti out drain ncaordimr to"profile m+rdr. by were paid: H Smrtlt, gravelltug;,$9.12; 9 are a►,ovr the average and snu,e who decorated with the epithet Slim Jim. td wynderful spru,J. •Weare sea C A douelr'Eset',+"i'.it>}nship Eukinear. Henry Fowler; gravelling, $88.70; have threshed fall wheat have u yield _Mr: Barry Bosman is ill just now eci in Lanarkshire and on thegrouude The following. aepouiltis were passes ' gravelling, 50 (oleo .`,of thiel five bushels sm aare.TOu the g. , Pa�rrult Welsh, g g, , from the reaulC of a deg bite. -Dir Jno of Wood f:irtri: Mande tett l And chrelr■ '►slued in payment.:' Ben. Armstrong, gravellinT, $18.17 ; Thos 'laun►i'iiit of Orange Hill may 6+e seen a Ainetpy, county egglneer,of Winggham, the farinhousp rnnuing parttille �.ltd Rin ler,. 5.`,14, gruyg!.I ;. +R,Vbt.r Agar,' Diaper, lumber, $7.5'6 ' Jno 1Va1sTi, tstone uraastot rearing; it majestic was in Binevale or, Wednesday inapea- the.Ayr and Edinburgh, road. ' 75, ravel ; b .. An:derson,. •80 . '1« o;t ics and fatuciful chitnueys to the ting the bridge and it was found nec• present tahant is William , Paula ,1Is— .r t. gravelling ' and repairing scraper, �' h 'l its romises to ba a great crate, gravel ; Joseph Ltie h, $15 70, $28 32; Thus Attdprson,''hrading and f lroa�eus. 1 salary to have ;t b! nt put in.-Ntr .Jas thinits I hear the perennial' fioiv of the t gravel, Ueo.:Pocock., �+4 70, gravel. gravelling, $52.44;. W H Wilson, 111'" a tt to this a ell known common. arnian er Tin,inius is.getnE, til•bgild a fine brick spr.iaig ag. ! Turples over.:tlie.tiiatptit 1 and asiirit4g s ; C'.:l i�igia, $7 65,grave! hgrr, $2,: D• McPhee, cutting, !ilii; d itv aud with tend an the .neat faiure to house on his firm this falg. His farm the back kicchan. 1 have left the sor, Rod damilgBe ;.t • ROM E1IiOtt,'$P 50; I will then be A•mie. James Paul, for,u.luiritite, alas t 11". X15.75 ; E' NScRnberts: trravellin'g," g;rpa ly iucreuse. ille"vslue of Prperty, i d d' iissinn for Printiia,;;;J<ohn.Gr,xttinilf, $3.10.gravel, $22 40; ,4V J FOvKler, retuovhtg fence in this s, ction.=-Dir Alex Jlcutgonl• ery who begran,gt'ocliug feeding this Langside. last year disposed of Ilia large herd to The harvest is gust and the malar, DIr y Hamilton, of Wroxetpr, for it, ended.-.ry ':Vht>eIt Wilue is u" g • . i,. rota hta to favorable. prices yttd;w,. t P in our tuidst.-Misses l3roompr loft f ' dressing his: farut and wantiva to rete their home irr Toronto-Nltsa;es ,Nlu another, he must have done well.- ray left for th?ir;, borne in Ulinton. This part is well •supplied with. ste�t+t,• I Miss Edith Jloraden, of Liverpo ' Y threshers there being no fewer than England, is residing at Kelvin Gro ' eight and all seem busy. Threshers Farm.- Airs (Jas Orowston arriv It at this season do not expect many cash home from a pleasure tour ficin En 1 jolts but. hope to lose no we+aei•. Un- land and Scotland on the evening fortunately one of our threshers while the 25th ult. he and his hands were in at tea the other day had a ;old watch removed The Reault of the Exanninatio from the pocket of his vest which was The insults ofthe recent high sch llanaing on the engine. He has con- primary, leaving; and matriculation suited sotne conjurers and yet has no aminations have been made out by t Clue to its disappearance. -Orange examiners and the names of the s t iiill school has again met with marked cessful students for Huron are h ' 'success, of seven sent to try the On. given. Candidates must apply trance seven passed, art taking high their marks and certificates to the pr marks for their age and time in fourth cipals of the high school at which ti ireader. o Duringrho last live years i were examined, or in other cases to d twFnty-five have passed the entrance publice school inspetcors. The foll examination, one the public school ing is the list for the County of Hur leaving examination and one for a annFORTrr. third class certificate. As this vchool Primary 1T Bell,A Brest 14i bit has all average attendance of eixt�• y r + It ranks among the largest rural A Grieve, E Hill, 11 Nlilnn, 1 I'lur I schools in the county conducted by H Morrison,C NlcDon,0d,1:1 it cTav' sae teacher. We tlliuk that mitr,y o: j Uialiardson, F Rollins, W Turnb cur village ••drools aanitot lent this 11 Junior leaving• -J Casey,W Cort record. L Campbell, J Campbell, 0 Engel lower Wingham j Gemmell, O Groff, M Morrieoti, ,( Stpwart, U Willis, The following is t lie repopt'pf'Lower Matriculation -I Bethune, R Br 'Wing;liam public school forAhat part C Clarkson, A Consins (hanors I, . of August which wagtanaht: 4th class ,botany, zoology+, II class cliemi marks obtainable 200. Jessie Moll• a'so passed in Latin and, French wain 268, Netlie Beckett 217, Joh" Killoian, A McGregor, J McKinle Murdoch 182, Norval Mt)rrison 60 IleXity (passed ui Latin), E Die 3rd Senior, marks obtainable 805 (passed in Latin and Gerrianl Jennie Dey 267, Alabel l'{Alsted 100, Shortreed (honors I. Class classics Milton Graham 174. 3rd Junior,. Senior leaving• -.G ,Clarkson, J marks obtain-ible 318: Nellie Martie Ii•rizie, A UoGreg;or. Numbs 2(31, Jag, Lookeridg;e 251, Eadie Welsh ,vat didates 12. ' 158. 2nd Senior, inatks olitttinable CLINTON. 874. 1W it,nip Crimpbell 831, Antii.'• . in W McLe Patterson 257, X-Ilie (arttltaili '256,011 Primary . - i Martin, Murdoch 21:;1, 1lary Macdonald 122, Marshall., R IZichardsan, 13 Ila, Birdia Jobnstort 218,. Jalia Linklater �Pcott, L Stevena. d 145, Jeniiia Caml)bell 80, 2nd Junior, Junior leaving- V Batehu tnarka ol3ttihnahle 376; Geo Ansley Jenkins, A AloL.wan, A Moor Ged Joltnatcn 811, Edgerton NMI) Ti, Smillie, E Stephenson, l ,- V"ridulation--•M T'ra'in (Paris We11vreod (i1f12r Fanufe �xr:+en 2521 Jno- Pottet' 219',. Maud Netterfield 211, Latin), .F 'Scott (passed in Annio Gralaaml 193, Gell l lfari 1.7f , Number of oandhdatee, 55. 11ant►alt England 1?l, Benson 'Crulek• Goblintctr. shank 185,. GOO Campbell 102, The ll'ritrla,ey�-•L Artdrew.s, 11 Uvmge attendance for the mouth •was Polary, D graham, B Haigilto x HAM , Ha,+trkiiw, A Jeekell, d` Tetterbm�. wry 111 Jd•��" lv," „. , lir �t,.b$3� ..... ",ti..,L,t#c• �� � yN blind.after•readu,g an isc ..nivel Jarr,es Gril- hours: �Vith the Ilplp of a boy guide :Geo Rrt�tnnrC, $4, �, and work, $3 ; Thos . Lott, repairing er I found his wiry tio Loadurl and can moor, $1.50,_culvert ; John A'hs7'avish, 'brid„es aud bill, $44 ; Chas Brown in now eil4x N1. A. to Ilia 'name. l+irotu $5.40, ;ravel , JnFnit ,veil, $2.75, st,ovolltng +;ruvtal, $1; Jae 011tweit, el where I tau ht gravel T H Ross,, �•10, road scraper., repairing culvert, SDs; D (xleu,ellovel- li g ,r n chapel 'iso to a- e i n w n lid W U • •t sager or P • i• airs t , ' \Lilt r tit �V Poster, $7• o, repairs r, ing snow, 81•; li l� , e , F• Y, r. "school, ha followed rite to Mid Forth $75 ; D N1cAllister, 4 days; winding -'thence to �Vrst Fortk, all three plucbe Al c,eait• & `�t+ir, $7.S'J, luinher ; Jtlrn A_inalev, $16, plans and inspeo:ious of. sap, $2; Ben Naylor, 8 culverts, E $, ve tu' oo,ff Winer nay native pari ti where bridges.; 0 A Qnee, $98 75, Plans 40 $9; gravel, $5 60; Chiterles i1ol.oberts, edamong pi4nt i 'and 1'tlboreraltd I Would for drains ; . A 1•litehell $5, assistiirg abovrlling gravel $1. ` Coaticil then ea era, F ap+nt meas happy I � 1.20, assisting ,Saturday, Sep- f,- fain hope useful. years. .l•Ie has never .Enginepr ; l' Jarti.es, to jilier 2 to meet on of eeaspdsending we uld country papers E"glossa; Uig, 1V'ahace, 75 cants, tenrber 24th. R I� aiiz�rr, for well nigh fifteen years which fact t assisting Engineer ;. J Showera, $1, '1`p Olerk: tray; comfort me it hit when 1 fret and I assisting; Eugdig a r;• ; T,ltilvn,$5.50, Excitement In11pples, examining indigents Joliu f3urKess' 1'liP a ltd shi era are still makiug ns, repine Over .what I fear has been. a, $50, p'trt salary ';'"John 1,'urg-as, $2, pT pP Sell( Wasted lifR. serving drain notices ; A Craig, $1.50, thin -a lively chroug;h rho 1pngti► and ex- W. LITHGOw• 4 rep tiring; scraper ; Goo Nloilatt a5 breadth of the country says the lie -" "� • , cents, cedar -for culvert ; R Srinlev, ylOntreal Gazette, every station where tic Turnberry a les are grown being invaded by Minutes of council meeting held in 1$8g, charity' 11 oved wart, $3, 'acro FP d n ere i of indigent. Moved by Nlr Cruicls_ scores of buyers wlaa have forced prices f"o+• D''1cDonaVs'hall, Bluevale, on A•lon- u to 1 7 3 «+r bbl for fruit on the clay, August 22nd, 1892. Members Shank, seconded by Mr Dinlent, that p $ P y this council do now adjourn to meet. traps. t3:>m� of the Jlc+ntreal shippers 1, all present. The Reeve in the chatr� I in McDonald's Ball, Blttevale, on the Are contracted f r wbe.t thAy want in y the vicinity of 125. One Western the The minutes of last meeting; were read � 19th day of September ill I0 o'clock Y $ • Ow- approved and signed. Communica- man who represtitnts a Loudon house tions were read from County Clerk re T a m -Carrie Jgii'I 13vu 1 . on; G,:as, Clgrk, is said to have alraacly assured 100. vote of ratepayers on House of, 000 bills. Somebody will, no doubt, Refuge at next mnuicapatl election- West Watvanosh• be sorry for what they aro now doing vis' Filed, Also frow Township Eug iueer I t 13 menibets all before the Winter sets in, All there is die, re Alain Braneh Drains oil 1081 11th Council`met August > ever retesun to believe that the Eng- islt, and 12th concessions, also, from I present, ?'Minutes of former meetingg lish market is not high onough at any ull, 13ridge Inspector Ito Gemmi.l and were rend and approved, The treat. rate to mala money on fruit costing Eadie Bridges, The Reeve reported . ureas report for May, June and ,July $1,75 in tho orchards. The followilp nor, that Gemroills bridge is completed And showed a balance oil hand of $16,3L. fibtho a+�vns'Of a large front Undo.0 * by crtble was racnty W contract price paid, *also that AIM,', Communications from the county clerk trgre English house :- with Messrs Diment and Harris had certifying that $ this 2 would li require. „Be careful ; no speettlation : results cok . let the job of building east approach to be raised by this municipality for be disastrous ; coutieutal crop touch ' to Gemmills Bridge to George Nichol' county purposes, and $237 for school larger than reported." OInes P sett at $42, and of West �.pt!4oltch tri purPos”' aud also requesting that a ^ try, John Short at.$ism,-also had eat -,vote of the electors be taken At the Unoarthe,d in Canada. 1' A to ed i41r'i'uolter to repair approach time of the rtlunrotPal aleo"t's, as to Ciltainnnti, August 18th.--Bvan y, DI to Eadies Bridge. Nloved . by 1lr the advisability Of erecting; a lioutie S,llith, brother to law of Alexander Eby Dinlent, seconded ,by Dir Harris, that of Refuge for the c0loty Moved by UeDondd, of this city, for years ' G by law be asaed to raise tap suni of Ur Boivers, seconded ' by Dir Gibson, confiaentiiii Mian and boolike aper for a - p lire l�0nseilidated Tank Line Cvtnpanyr )Nle $1585 by levying; a. rate of 1 J mills on that ill accordauce; with tba, dHstre cf the dullar for municipal purposes for. the county outrltcil a•vnto of the rate. At,d'Standaril Oil CompanyCittoinnati, Number of current year -Carried. fdovad. payers of tlti4 mu11,eiL ality he taken at who aisappeared' sn ul•ysteriously last the cu y b Ur Harris, seconded by Air Cruick- the January' electi•,ns (if any he"1101d) April, leas been Incated by dotectiveti shank, that a bylaw be passed togas to the adv sal+ility of creating a in Delmore, Bruc++ nouatty, (T+it. N[ct an, :q rase flip atoll of fl12 by levving a House of Refufie for the county --Oar. Donald has ordered that he be Arrest - A B of rl mill on the dollar fur'ried. 1jovetl by Dir Mowers, seconded, ail and brought bft,l: to Cilicinnati, rate of give the rensnn for such special school gr':ant Carried. i�iovwl by Mr (ltltaoti, that su opportunity be but refust:a to i t, C by b1r llarrta, seconded' lis Air itlnrt- given the electorit at the municipal action, Experts glove examined Suiith'a e, • A. dell, that a by-law, he passed to riiiw electi�nls of 1863, if guy be bald, to aucounts and prouOitriwa tlrgi» straight. the suin of $100 from the section of give an e.xprpasiau of opinion as to the Smith, whiled found, 'coats livini, in ed in the towns)ttp htll,t® tinder tIle L II & advtsll,tlity of aholinhingg. the present luxurious style, thought wliett hp -loft Latin. Bruce Boldus by-lAw i,y levying A rate 'ayattirrl of perfortni'14 statute labor-••- so mysteriously Ile had only A few of otic-tiftlt of n twill oil the dollar to ovriee1. D1+•airs Unberta and SPrnarle I hundred tlnllatrA oil Ilia pemon. Friondo pay balance ist intot:est Ott Railway, asked for n ggrant turvur.le buitttiug. ,trot Bootle and 1lcl)nnald say be will Dtibontui'ea-• Catried. Niovea try Ate Aitlowalk nn Josepri �srrt•et,D01191+xitiOn.Ibe placed in a satifarium upon his F00, 1' Dinrattt, sr+conclpcl by ;GlrCruickshank, On mntaiir of ;Mesar, 1.3owere 01111 trill" arrival here, his tuind h•+ving lrgaen n, A 1 a i g lafl'tet a by the atraiii resulting from M that a by-law lig pissed rtntl'inrtxlnl( Saril M a coin, rant of $:.5 wii, given . t tun, .T to Ie,rrpvv tawalPo evtia.l wvvk. For tit" p'ti''P'c'a`e(kis rea'po 4,14 lriaatc cn• tMe lithe ttta»al . �aY:in ::..-...:ilR ,,... �.{ .... .r 1F,... .. � i a ...•r. .. ..,�.-: w� 1. , a / :Ix•Lw.::.