HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-09-01, Page 3` . I le did, I'll sea that , Tits Railroad t>andvlrit;h. tt eslxsll ' , _ ,A, Messing to Every Rousell41d• Tho iamuIl did not tile dfi ti k k it xna before ;ill support it Tho, mail looked at tl►Rin beaped up. Y entertaining f4 dH1t?gatn to 'rise nlltal:4"h i illy friend, I persisted, I lreliave you on af'plate Ile lie: sat at; the llat►ch aoun. 194vo t convention Uatil t}tey saw thoi,r visit nl % that Man Iilo'rphi.nt3, 'fen►t that ter, and Anally queried : OLLOWAY'S RILLS AND O NTIViE and were inlprossad with tai" Offlinollt tho label oil the bottles j�,rtj tll0sb sandwiches Z reapeclibility.ldu't he .sic for �tctorDllit;o? Yee, air, These relnedleah4ve otaedths test of .$fly years+ixporletwo, and are ,pronounced the best Ni telbus 14 good wife,001 .LVO; dein, Cslllatlt�sd Ja , ' Railroad sandwiches I I+'aulay ]ISO. >� has BHllt 'ilia eX'ce9,l ent Was e'll, o'k got some, confoutla him i Tes, Bir. -�^� -p �• -�* all dt OTitto �(Hr bean exatliple nit Piety ere'd 110 go? I'Vfo read of them. When, Were Purlfy the blood,) correct, all disorders, of the LIVER, STOAIACII, KIDNI:Y9 AND z;c:11 ; z for Our growing boys, :Ia tela to lila door and called 8"fa I they made 4' invaluable lit all complaints incidoutal to telltales of all ages. True, Mary, flute, 'rt;i�oicred t'!7e 1'aelrcl San►,'! and preeatAly the colored wall, Ili 1880, sir. T Of'the llotcse'hold. returned.° , Twolveyeax 'ago, ell I What kind THUOATS, Is the only reliable rorttdy for bad legs, eort•s, ulcers, and old +vannas. FOR llytoNCnialA. 61 COUGHS, ('•OLDS, GOUT; AFRIJAIATIBIJ, GLADIJLAR MV)SUINGS AND ALL ii They were catty 'latl�py wf>a'e2n the Sam, what did you ask for' of ltteat DISEASES IT HAS NO I;(ZUAL. Alnnufacturod Only at 78, New Oxford. Late ru'1:3, Oxford Street, Lou and delegate collas to diln'ner in the'eVelaatig. Quinine, sate. Hann, sir—llflru about ten yearf; old sold by all Aledlebw Vendors throughout the .cork'. rPurhasers They plied him 'assid-uo'usly --with all' ' Well,. T guises 1 gave „You Morphine. Wil«Ii' we put it ill. not should luck to the Label ou khe Boxes and Pots. 1f elle address 533 Oxford Street, Loudon, they ate spurious, the dainty viands tlaoir larder atforded Island It over and I'll exchange it. The Kn ell t tiiltrraldtod" t0 prWdtloH— and were immensely +ed+ifi'ed At the dig. Idea 9f puttilu'g up ,S'ani Dentes when Ve i. sir, and tine' within twenty _ ".. niiied l;rntitncle {lnth which lie received, there was such good tirnberl I'll dolt .four hours, their hospital attention. %he tvho.tick•et'fronl WOO bottom I I see, Must be petrified by this The host dipped into appropriate He made the exchflure in., such a • • cool manner of foot way 'illi' after the time? Perfectly . conversation. • so, What a cllgrEe, L'o i3taggi-Bted,, bile 'customer hied departled I said; 'Voll think I'll try one.. r• liquor truflic is'gottinr to -60. 'That was'a narrow escape for some They are) not far sale Kit. ' The delegate delicately ,prestwd,tlle one, ell'? NVhat 1 Dptn°t you .sell aaudwiel napida toYew; havei igg � hprttl e a REGULATE THE declared. And 1141 let crowd know .they " Sometimes, sir•, but "we pick upr The head of thfl,h'atise was+at'+a'less 'emi't stuti'no such t:otnluation 'down customers. •hexa you a card With l..a'LSA. STOMACH, LIV P pixie BOWELS, proceed properly. vine'! It's an outrage, and Otis \which vont V AND And yet lilyvor, be t,lllwvod,, dlaa +ite •toullt be,rebuked' nt Iho polls, as it Of course I have. There it is, duel TH E BLOOD. PURIFY for— Aeforves. 'I'd like to know— .uses The devil, ext alai-misdl It•1 e •delega:t'e;, -"— Sorry, sir, laic t can't accomodate TJ e l ogs at School. —Boys A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR austarely. you, YOU Fre -the marine editor of li %Vho are n•way at 8611001 should always The host ri,a6 ga+satl•q 'confused. hr�,avd sonic.+qulolc and sure remedy for newspaper all ri;lat enough, but .that. Indigestion Biliousness Headache, Constipation; a ► .Do you really •-, meably 'candomn 10rwnips, Diartheitoor Dysentery, for won't go here. We sell only to the Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad ` liquor for ali puryoses, Ilnl2ilxlidly+i'n- a physician is not always near, .and an funny Wren, find lievel'•twq to '110 Raine Coxriplexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all hour's 'ddlay in :a case of this kind n duired. roan. Batter try the fried cakes and disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. a pEtt+nlleada to serious results. There- , Most assuredly. fore . areata BhOtild su 1 their scuts etlstal'd pie, sir. Sorry sip, vRry sorry • p pp y Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- Pleasant The head fit the !hoe-ea '1001hed with ftiRRY DAMS' VAIN KILLIDR but you oviht to havb been the funs , y Y tion. to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold' by druggists. Atrial bottle 'cent by mail on receipt of x5 cents. Address xiously at ilia wife. ,S lie ell* ved-md- twhinh via as t�flicucious as it la 91iti1p10 lliw11 alit 1",ittell five or six cola nius 'Directions THE RIPANS CHEMICAL. CO., Lind 'harmipaH. • are with on tile' railroad snud�vich. 1 denrro of tilarrza. I io Spruce Street, New York Ci City. 'each 'bootie. and one dose ,rarely fails F r 1 Rusorry, lsttt— to btnno'rplic3#' ton slittr+ter froul tiny Local onialloa. Tile hexad of Ithe house was 'very .bowl+notnplaiut, Oaly 't..5 cents for -j 'atria should be applied to botttle•douhle old size. i choice everyih nervone. ch ;iute�ent person Saes' u I'll he frank- vvitl► so'n Ueca•Oaes iI between li.tirri ock 131ood Bitters, the uatur- Anatiher 1Brickbat,—Girls think men ul and certain remedy for dyt+pepsia, bil• l ROYAL AiAIL STEAMSHIPS. want Your advieo, all soull, -says a woman who has lead iqueaoostl, 'constipation, beadt.che, and ba blood, and the various Imitations offered I I REDUCTION IN RATES. be filet Tile delNga*.e ltowe:l � V1.eiOUBIv.: n t'h•ree thusbuil18'j '�i'Omell lillnw they by uI1RC1'HpUIOWH pttrttee !LH b81n�,* "]uric a8 anti convit;ce (1 ; Steamers sail rcrularll fr6m I keep'liquor ifs my Ind m9te 'for— 1 good." There In nothing else Its good us B tits all•atomadlt, Ii is all honest medicine unci itis � I PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVER- The detN,rALA 4t}1'f apse firutal +lvjs inaclo'nonlarltable cures' right ill our owes td a Beat. AOrf01r 20 alOr11•aa8.-Are you atsturoed at night town, y ty POOL viALondondeuv. WRING TRY• w1NTSK MONTHS. Ala,",% t ak0of your rest by a ick child sufferinl;ural`L�•l I ' 1 l� L§�� e, r'or einergeiicies only. orying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at rm —'� once and got •i bottle of ' Mrs. Wlnslott s Soothing 11,irxvii8 y ebnles cure indi-ostioli, Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin $?v. Stccragm at low rates. No Cattle Carried. The delegate gaclped_ strop"'for Chi18ren.Teething. Itsvalueis inctiLul- ai le IIt 'hill relieve tha poor little 9ufforat.---- And you Isave invited 1610 to -A ifnunediatoly. 0opend upon it, mothers; there is to English $pavan Liniment removes all hard, soft or mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea caUnused Llnups nnst Blenllshes Prom horses. Blood , , { { ►�'T.AT t} , SERVICE OF Is the tl]lest Wa l 1, inislt l;nuwn, ` ALLAN LINE ' hones— re> ulatos the stomach and 7)olrels, utiles Wind Colin, a30.Pi11, Spl;nt+'tins~ Bone, Sweouoy,Stifles,Bprallls, softens•thb Oums, reduces Inflammation. and gives l Tho host witleed. "Airs. Win. Sore and Swollen Throat, Conghs, etc, Save 350 b: LINE. { STEAMSHIPS. ! tono and enetgytotho whole system. s1oW's Soothing Ssn'u for children teeth;bg is use of ane Mottle. Warranted the most wonderful "1 bNt'a there lR liquor p ^.loutish Curse �' r knoiw . Sold by A. L. Flau)llton. pleasant to the taste and is thoprns0l'iption of cue o4 I 1 �__ i NLW Y(3Ll K aft ,GLASGi�W Tile bnsrey" tiil'tir tho.dldest and-best oluale physicians and nutses 411 tl faint. the IJalted States, and is for sale by all druggists The ffietad surgeon. via LOndondern scary Fmtuight. Cahill, F"40 And • :throiu lhoudl the world... Price twenty-five cents a 1` much Without SOa8^ bOtt10. Be 311x8 And eek fOt• "AfKs. iVIN9LOK°a of the tubou Wlsdtcal Conn pane iti now at bo0'rlrl,tO I upwards, second Cabin. $25. Steerage at law rates, 1 to Il..v A. ALL-WN, �1011tl'Ogl, Dr 11 , Montreal, e 1 er.^.!'r. and talc.. no nthar kind kluRhand and Wife.11e d their 13111 AL 'Toronto, and luny be• onnsglted 0 P- I N Tt\Illy panada, Aak'rl)� Bele if— _I either ill ersou orb letter o11 till rllrotic a A NxId Suggestion.. diseases peculiar to mals. Men, ycuH,,,old. lrlacic. ilud tlierrthelve I i HE NRY DAVIS. «'INGIiAM. tTlit, attilnspht ru gret. neev. ll•iP.nli Ur of a wild and wool town I or middle-ayted, who y y nus,'Yeast ttnd exhausted, who are broken lI would have aomo, i11 list �'�'tbtt n11P. day- CiltlHtl the city, 'Later in the visit the dele•patm'ex- down ftt,H, escesv or overwork, rehultiutt9H many of tib following symptotna: Menial I I is the host it) the world, 703EPE l COWAN, eiitlTsd4all into hit oiEiicta. plained that tilt. only possible eriticisut . iprHsuane„ 11et Ieaid, with Oriental de lossion, premature old a+ge,loss of vital p' 6 sty, lose of meuaory, heel dre:uns, ditnue:,s I 1 n GLl't1tt1 DTII DSP. Go•cRx, Co, HU1tUN, to 'Sri oflersd upon the courses of t11e. t saucily, yeti are aware that Opti l7y ed of sight, Palpitattion of the heart, yh. head- lAcic of energy, :tin in this kidut, h, bead- f t�• y�• ��� ��' I � " AUCTI(i.iL1SIt; lie the house tisas a c( rtniu War- •ie 'i4I tow:u. ache, Pimple. on the face or body, itchin;,i1TA7.LIt1 , AG[; I,IG1;\SBld, OF 'tjwazvy ' rowr,,GSS in cotlstrueting the term en1- `Tribune. Yes, sir, ,('plied the tntusllall clefcr• 1 or peculiar Henvatiott about the serofllm, tvustlnfl Ui the (ir+gttltH, diGLllleH4, specks bo, 118SUE11 STONE BLOCK, N1U� � Cosnlzstmv,•:u zx H. (;. 7., arc, el' Pah ,—•- ]7r�troit y e•ntially. fore the eyes, twitcbing tit the muhclo%eve L�1totiL'flaR, {)N1• I - - CURLED. L,, Alld ttl3tt tie lfas 'U6P L1 Ile'1'H fol' IUnC lids, and elsetlllere, basllftlhlei3B, deposits of the urine, loss of will pllwe , tenderness • �Vllhhalll, cGON'SUMPTION An old fslllystcian, retired front practice, hating 'had placwd,Ilr his hands by an mast India missionary days ? of the scup and spine, weak and flabby, muscles, desire to sieep,fai lure to be re:lted Sole Agent,4 for ab )ve -- --- •--.-____..__— ��a`` v ( tr+ r r�t1� ( m�] �� ITYK O)� lA,L OAT, ..the fortivll',a.of a siulple cegetabla ranedY for the YCa. ell. by sleep, contitipatiou; dullness-of hearing, I _ __--_.--.- -.. - ----. - -- - F.Y��A 4AA� A ;speedy and �+prinanentcure of Consumption, Bron- .o litis, CatoaAh, Astbiun and all throat and Lunt You itt•arcl I sti )esl� of lira riding + p'1 ' a Loss of voice; desire Tor aolitude,exettttbility of tom ter, aunkeu eyes surrounded with ye �Y � YOUT l � sl ] G l� A M - Air00tions, also a p0sitire and radical euro for Deltility and all Venous Complaints, after hl3 ors'' into GOI. BlltidM's bntFl par- l LVAD," IRCLY, oily looltin� 8ltiii, etc, are I •Nervous ,having tested Ata wonderful curative pos•01's In lot. ? all symptoms of nervous debility that. lead The AT f:apital, ti1,'151,000. RNbt, �il`SU;OilQ. . ;thousands of Caxos,hohitsfeltithisdutytomakeit dtuown to his attl�oring fellows. Actuated by this Itli0tiv0 and a lustre to relieve human snirerdnr, I Y,°3, sir. to all svho desirb [t, this the llat toias:tuitaand death uutess cured, H yin+„ or vital force having lost its tension every funhtion wanes in Consequence. IA. ll 9 C97���� Mt4ivt0e•Pres;dent-A. ProstdLMt-JOHN STUAIM G, 4laalsat. uvSllaendfrea of c4argc, Anti of bis shootirlg $8 silk recipe in German, k•rench or Eurlish, with 'full Those who thruu;111 abuse committed in 61n ���� 9999���tt1 C��9N f111ss 6�! DIRuuTORS , Ilroct?ous for lmepa rklg And using- Sentby utail by oft ani Eastern gentloman's head oil tlae adtlros9]ng 1vit11attU%, lamins; this paper. NV, a. R ltodhe4tort",N, Y, iguoranee ratty be permanently Cured. Send our address for boost on _tll diseases y DRUG S � ORE) jI Juux PneuroA, CuAs, GraNsv, Gan ltuacly A. x< XgVits 820 Pc•vete act.: strt�t,t.1 peculiar to man. Books ,ent fl•pe sealed• I ) I \Poon, A. 13. Lion (Toronto), , ' yes, sir. . Heart disease, the symptoms of which are p$,. Cioee Call fp]` the Xegrot n . purple le li ,H, numbness, al ,ta« And Ilia turning a drove of cattle%in faint spells, p p 6 p p Ca9hier—J TURSBULL. WINGHAM. Savings Bank—lIouts,int03;saturdais, to r tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood I found the dr,uogiat reading a news-I' at to the colored Lklethodist :clutirch dor- to the heart• (lull pain ill the heart with 1. De)OeitF Of $1 and upwords received and interest' ( alloweil. pap(,, and apparently .cOnsidef'aL'ly eX. Ing divine service ? beats strong. rapid and irregular, the Drugs , sneofal Dagitit ltss also received at currant rates of intt.rest. " �,itel.. A enti'''ty tt�{iet had been secondheirtoeatquickerthan tile id:st,pain yes, Slr• about tiro breast bone; Oto, Cal) positively Medicines Draftsm,dreatI3ritabi and the United States bought and sold lionlafaated tilt' day heFOra, and It turn And of his holding tip tilts editor of be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book:, Adclrz;ss H. Y LUBON, 2# liltadou- ► that he did not facer Borne of d and Chemicals, 1 � . +" \, . B. tiVlLLSCN, .Aa>v.1�.. 1myL,,R ed out Tilt, NVeekly Squeezer and robbing hint ell Ave, roll:to, cameo, Lc* icitiv, sot3; the eaudidatlts, although of ilia party, of fo'i'l Con'iplimentary ticl{pts to i1 �.. .. .. -•" _::- -- Fancy and .Solicitors. ' Notwithattinditl� I ivas a stranger.•ha chant Nnte'rtainment, the only call'• �.:.�.•..... _.__ ,_.._"...� o began talkill•r IOnnl politics tO the and apices he had on his pers-sn I ® ® /���,, icles, 'Voile' Articles, l � was gntury in strong when n colored . Ye3, air, ® ® Sponges,ZETYrAI' — 19• � LL ; ulati aulne Ill, 1 And his hitching a team of Milos to I I - Now then, what do con want 'de- Dr. Masons ofiiee fend haulinty it out rZegulates the Stomach, the druggist, the ? Liver and 3ovels; unlocks Brushes, HO�ntP��Op GEORGE Pr :,r iur' p1t 111ande(1 into the aiiddle of strer+t e erumeryythe.Secretions,Purifieslh r +' Quinine, salt-res t►uta vnth, Yssir. "Bibod im- P and removes all Tho drugs!Nt wNilt hack of tilt-' conn- At,cl of Ilia firing' a lnad of buckshot purities from a Pimple to Prescriptions carefully cotri- l 1 to to ptlr. it up, �ttill talking politibes,'((ill'O tl,e county luclgs this u'ornY the worst5crofulousSorg. r o xt be � all 1. Iii. gild the lun'~cr ha tsylleHd the madder I inn i -;T V rT01 all `, I haven't lJttarcl Of till'', pounded at all hours, yt` r ® r illi ,tot, . I rli I not pity strict attention pad flip rnarshall'>s fncn wore a loolr of bur stock of medlCitit?s fi5 cobs. }.him First-class glee, to what lit= Was filing, but after Lb pain. plete, warranted genuine and of nog.ra had gull'' it Struck rile tlaut :. Voil, don't you thick---that is to � --� `. G l.'li C ca �`.— the best quality. I,i1c, Cedar Posts. mistake lead bean wade. guy-- 1 n)Wnta if you have no aonseieu DYSPEPSIA, 1311..IOUSNESS' : tions sarupltis nl ail)yt it - C s+�hulti CONSTIPATION, HCAbAOHM l 90 Load Orders a Specialty ��Cl'a���f Money to Loan tan Notes. Did that, lnitn sal; f�)1' gnul{nr, 7 It sugaostto you that you arrest hl SALT PHI=UM. SCROFULA.' - -- . � Asked. ,,�Iwllaey ltcd hring hint bwfor0 mo. HCARTBUftN. SOIJA STOMACH Roto a laG'OI YI f:t 1 bslft\13 its'ilid, and iyllut Olt salEtl T.tlet mlivrtt sttrlilnel`,turl thy+ naarsllall, I SIDISA DROPSY `kA'O0D deliverea to gray Plitt of 1 caul) lraeP pc)tlFelacvcl that coliwtltrtton bo\v"ci .1lnlltaly ata l ��tthtlleW. UMA'1-SM, Ayr RtAY3,Ati'�f;S t�ll)y111LI11. Ito ' nolullitite , I— a mall its Sart] I$►liue+el I Itch, ita"its and setratcheel of every kind, 0n IEft aadriaiid of,ir Aj *t,Viatond otalig, *q, Year. ftsr ofe-craby'mall tram.ttly att�cadta 0. I t fol blit riff l human or animals cured In $0' lninute,r by wool Art, you $are you ave him ainillel ott1's@lanitOVl,61; It. This newer fails, soldhy, i; q A,1. 911' l ft. � " i 3�f3$'t'. flZt►�b1Dtld: � ftr:alttll: rtiowtl�Ori. tla►ase,«-I'tar►t ffilYvi(, I74Nalrarw, Ont. e : Ndrntkata �, o F \{