HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-19, Page 8y` hose forthwi h, as ` GQ feet Of the old llad boen re. erect. iboIaaa. 4. why fXpiaalat on or reoeivo it deputa- titrn cwt LPlia of the dismissed men, Did you e r trot► when a than y srvb coir ' ... • .. .(lay p �y g p�+ �+}��j{�j Catalogue 1IlUal'IIGIG� �otaingue U� Ladies' lrlitirx�tifs of ;ii, rasion. In fro$ if some se_.m I The ush_e:.r. fioyn to urchins them7bthrowing wMt1NDOO. ' were gall into l Specialties, 0, lcoke th bulk Of Toronto corps it ilk a some w lexe pavlih g in ( ee * its it . 1 tibo . was being carried at 4,�need street ADIyArSS Me Robert Donnelly visited the s"am- and then fishing it s a;alfi. Tidally One last years spring Bale of Drese _ tiles pitell was Ppat Bred 17 to the face �'roOds was a deckled anccesss, this year �. � pick it up give i a ottrelasa rub on iris of one of the Ilia n ill ht' ons serieitsl y we have thus fare gained largely upo coat sleeve or eta tha ' bottom of leis burned, ithg figures. of 1891 and have again clearly - .. A novel naethot of drawinf; a crowd proven the great strength of our DressI t to a social is bein tried at Huntsville, Au itein in tlt last issue of the Goods department—strength in size of + - Forester reads; "any person wishing h'took to the enormous Variety in range i , r1 , i 11111 to grivf+ some ad ico to another may of qualities and pre-eminently in low I I do su 1•°v avritiu au nuoDymOng letter, prices, To any who are yet unfamiliar ,, .: T ° ' addressing it, a id putting: it in the advice box, wl ell is on Band at Sieve with t1ia merits of our goods, we beg to ,! Wright's drug sture. `1'hp hay' will be. to say; It, is at Once a display- of every I opened and tl letters distributed at, 1f' now idea weave and color in. Dress Goods, �- t raspberry festival on Wedaeeday including the most beatiful and erten- next. sivo' French novelties, and all grades 11V The Ont% o Governnlent'a Coni- I down to the lowest prices. Upon nearly ;�! l i; ; , I I y mission on de horning will soon have ( their report completed. It is all im. all these lines special prices have been extream I' '■///! j 'i■�, `see.:■...///' I portant deep nett, in fovo# rif the on. Ile that not only made for this month and many bargains are offered alf along the line of practice ground are the own rs 'benefitted $nancially laud Dry Goods, we recommend this occassion September 15th to 24, 1882. • their li es preserved fruro harm I but themselves by the as an excellent one upon which to pur- The above ut represents the large fair is by the Western Fair the ani alt; are removal of be hrsor, relieved from chase the season's supply Of Dry Goods. poster ed Association o London, which is being much°suffer n , throu+ll goring. Band and loot, our fine shoes and gloves, posted up th ugh Ontario, calling the _ ---- ---�—� we ask you to examine this speciality attention ofhe public generally to the sortrt. Our establishedreputatiou will guarantee rices dates on whit the greatest, of Canadian HANEY—I Bluevale, on the 16th inst, Live Stock, r griedItural and Industrial. the of Geo Raney; daughter. uu good ualitiesand reasonable y q p Exhibitions w 11 be held this year nam(0, wife r a Great feast fbr boys in in our ready made ly, Septembor 15th to 24th. One of the MARRIED. clothing this month. We ask you to in- principal obje is of the Directors being ' YATEs—,S' EPPA1in, — At Sarnia, on to educate he masses and stimulate August 10th 1802, by the Rev. J. Loar- s ect, admire, and buy, at p Ye a them to big] er aims and nobler efforts ond, Mr Edti and H Yates, merchant, to M. H. McIND001S. and make thi Fair bigger, grander and I better than my of its predecessors, Miss S. Seep and (forinerly of Godencch I township a Clinton), both of Oil which is poss ble it the propper interest Springs, Ont is taken by tl e Breeders and Agricultur- DIED. p y� 1.1t I y t1 alists of this ighly favored country. They enjo n upon intendaig exhibi- Y HAM1r�Tox.—At Graetna, Man., on i Arta, 1st, Escott Hamilton, formerly of lir �1J4�1t Q tors to bei early to prepare .dor the p Fair and m . ke their exhibits as tom- I Brussels aged 19 ears. I g y �— ---- preh amp* as possible. I Champion pecimens of every pure I WINGHAi2, MARKEfiS. w+no , August F�%IDA1,, A GUST 19, 1E92, breed of snit als, of which Canada is noted, will be at the Exhibition. Well tea+. 18, 1802 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, $ 2 15 to 2 25 arranged eta as, stalls and pens have I Fall Wheat per bushel, 72' to 73 ' — been provided "for ' their accommodatiou. 1 outs ' 2z to 2s Killed by a Street Car-' The comme gable zeal -of the Directors Barley 35 to ab Tolto,lTn, Aug. 16.—Geo. Dl. $ll;;il, and others, to other with the increase of 182 000,000 in is year's Prize List, is an Peas, 57 to 58 Butto 14 traveller for P. G Dodds & Go.,whole- assurance th the Western Fair for i do Role, - 1s to 14 Eggs par Ib. c 0 to sale and o Is, Montreal, but liv• 11892 will beat, 11 former exhibitions. I ]rood per cord, 1 50 to 1 705 ,paints in In this city a 303 Crawford street, i The Direct rs recognise the fact that the Western it should always be in !;ay per ton, old, 0 00 to 0 50 i „a3 per ton, new, 5'0t) to 5 00 Now 35 to miss,�d his foot no while trying t0 the lead as an Agricultural show, at the I iPotatoes, _ 40, board a street ca on Hing street this o same time to � to it that the amuse- afternoon and £el under the cat The i meats and Sp tial Attractions for the T � I SA.L_J wheel went over lis head, crushing his' pleasure of e. hbitor3, should not be LY1 1Z.LM skull Lie died before reaching the lacking and ha, eat �pangbe shad. I cur - ebeaat t� WANTED. ' ed some of th that hospital. 1)" d was about 85 years Amon ,which we notice Madam Maran- I. €, To loll our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Steady of a;;e and well mown in the city. ! tette, the lady equestrian of the world, empltlyment and control of the territory. Have He ]raves a wif and one child. Re. and he: hors Frlemaker, known far I and near as t e kin of high jumpers, here from St. Catharines g j P done business in Canada 35 yea+s,' Liberal pay to the right man Send for terms. CHASE 13110TIIEBS CO., came about s the beginning o the year. baving won-th s title by beating all tom- . Colborn-, ont� I petitors, inclu ing Roseberry, the Canad- _ fan ftivorite a the 1_,{ve Stook show in Murde ed in Prison. I Chicago, last year, at the enormous The Improved, Chesley Clothes, )AcxsoN, All . 16.—Ari awful mur- I height of 7 fe t 41., inches, Woodlawn, her sensations ark and saddle horse Reel' der. was comms ted tit the State Prison i which bas,uee taught 12 distinct gaits l to -da . Wm` udd a 'member t4 tile, ± y y+ is very interests g to witness. The little the most complete, durable and simple nrnnrcfactur• 1 cd. This real can be got only through Mel.ean & I well�kn.own c ntraeting firm of Phil- pony Jupiter, tc Bighing only 450 pounds, son, Manufacturers, or lips & Cuddy without a moments; liar earned for himself the title of 4 feet A.'A+ CxuwsTON, � Agont,Danfiaide,; ` warnin„ was truck several terrible 16 inches. Th Madam also has the world renown Four horse Tandem • blows over the head with h hammer, Team, which s e drives over hurdles to sank back unconscious and died ' the amusement and astonishment of the ` VV ESTER N FAIR €He ' I three flours ater. In -the meaidime crowd. 1 1 ` Henry Blackn an, his mitrdere'r, a life Professor E. W. Lyons' head of the Trick LONDON convict, convic ed years ago of,killing i greatest ren on earth, educated rg a anythi g before equalled in the members of h1 own in a cold -brute ( brute creation: SEPT: ' 16th TO 24rh 1892. ' blooded mann had been placed ill a Smith's Imp rial Palace of Illusions is ' cell where, 1 tar on, he practically I an exhibition ell worthy of patronage, confessed the deed. ' Ilia crime,,not Proving conclu ively as they do hew Canada's favorite Live Stook Exhibition, unlike those 01 which he Was convict -1 easily it is for sto be deceiVbd in think - a see th q. s which in reality do not 82,000 added to the Prize List. ed, was eviden ly the'result. of .murder exist mania. Mr C iddy was a brother of Specialty Atilts Eviiihbrists, Japan - Detective Cud ly, of Toronto. eqe Wire Exp is will give daily exhi- bitions_ Over $1,500 going to the Horses, 4 The S Nation Army. The attracti eness attending balloon Cattle, Sheep' Pigs and Poultry ascensians•an parachute leaps, has been classes. 1 A Toronto ispatch says: Great ex- materally finer aged this year by the en are titement exist anions the loeol corps I gagement of dadam, Mandell, to make i 'Dsµ visitors and E'thibitora rounlaed moue for their sinoneythis gear than ever before. of the SAlvat h Arm over the dismis_ Army the daring t accompanied by her wonderful do who is supplied with a r Stabl ng and slface inletted on Receipt of eutrias. • .sal or forced i .sianation of between 40 „ , smaller parach to for making his decent. s ettial attract ons will be of an attractive and i -or, 50 officers ince the arrival of Coal. ,Secretary rowne here adds, i4 you elaoorate kind. i • ulatndant Boo h three weeks ago. wish to beh d the greatest of great Special Excursions on all Railways k Amon the a dismissed are Briera -, 'Among ' , things, the iggest of big things, the niost useful o useful things, the choice- rbr Prize List and all information appl�r to flier Philpot- nd Adjutant Roffe, who were accused by Commissioner Rees, at of choice ,t inks, the most attractive -Capt. A. W. Pgrte, Thos: A. Browne, of attractive things, in fact much of Ptesidel,t, secretary. Booth's pred essor, with '.keeping a ,everything and. the elimix of adl the _.�---- i.great diary of even s at headquarterg with' .. ''t ... fill,I and go(d things wor•thy,of visiting, and studying the Western Fair its the' ZETLANO PUMP WORKS. the object of rhttng t rein,ki�. 1s place to go. ihe, accused officers den�,t•cl and de- maudt d, in • ivesticration, yvihich was The losses profused, and hey were given their I States and walking papers. Both officers the im- months of mensely popt lar and have been in the $79,247,87 service m9ny years. include the Very great dissatisfaction naturally St Jahns, exists among lie rank and file at The fire what is consi doted the very autocratic Stratlhroy h and arbitra y conduct of Command• sider the at not Booth. a d a round robin demand. badly burue i ing an explat Ation is being extensive- tided to ofl I wish to intimate -to the people of Zetland and by,•fire ill the United surrounding country that I have cortvnenced the manufacture of all kinds of =4h for the first seven )2,i ' $7.067,520,against WOODEN PUMPS, n 1kgl.,, This does not and can supply them on the shoptcst notice. ,cent,w 15,000,00© fire in will also be In a position ,tosupply Iron and Force wfou>�dland/ Pnlnps to order. lid water Committee of Repalringattemledto. PrfCesreasonabre, ve hpWo meeting to con•JOIN PELTON. Zetland, 'Stay Gth,tb02. a of the:llose which was , last week. It wag de. ° r about`- 500 feet of new T /► lr%TI .1 C. ly signed, So far Iso' h lhas.refused to make hose forthwi h, as ` GQ feet Of the old llad boen re. erect. iboIaaa. --� y why fXpiaalat on or reoeivo it deputa- titrn cwt LPlia of the dismissed men, Did you e r trot► when a than y srvb coir ' aILGI 'f Ypke tntnoIla and widespread drops a plpCe Of n1H�'Or anything of floa'�,z dit%erence p �y g p�+ �+}��j{�j Catalogue 1IlUal'IIGIG� �otaingue U� Ladies' lrlitirx�tifs of ;ii, rasion. In fro$ if some that soot on t e no ' vta�+eratauditl" ; is not alrrivod at it liow clean ill, floor, tray be, he will Specialties, 0, lcoke th bulk Of Toronto corps it ilk either Rive it Hok ktl pick it up and ( ee * its it . 1 tibo . lay it to Otte $1 a lice - will never' eatwil it, But let Lti drop iia pl g of to - ADIyArSS Me Robert Donnelly visited the s"am- bacce, on the at et, Atid no difference 'holy "tile THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CD, . buryluq grounds in St PAtrick'a dlrty s eet my be, he will t. ,so ster'y at Diddulph on Thursday of pick it up give i a ottrelasa rub on iris iii tttraalr AT. XAa1T, • itertak, andnaotYed' tla'e body tri ilia coat sleeve or eta tha ' bottom of leis e dtrlan t abo +lila stsm''A plot as the .'.aYWN,itY,Y,. pun♦ts, thas t � •4t big 41"W fma it aai 04 " Inea.he fltntll�na. issisw a4'�'Jt.. T"Is stir, T'C,RIGNT01 Off' .1 .._ .. I. HARNESS AND GOLLARS,k Raving bought out the Ambler Hltraesa 'Business and started, in his old stand, I , am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop, such .as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRAOX IIARNESS, NETS nUSz1I+aRS, WHIPS, CURRY CONOS, BRUSRESy SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &*, &c. I ]Hake all my own Collars acid. guarantee satisfaction. Give we a trial and I will use you right. G_ A_ .NMWrXCOW_ GEOm E. KING CLEARING SAFE -OF- ALL .F ALL SUMMER GOODS DRESS GOODS, PRINSI TS, MUSLI S9 DELAINES, DELAINETTES, BUNTINGS, GREN.A.DIN'ES, BNGALINES, &c. All must go at Clearing Prices. Beans, Pork, at 8 cts., &c. Com-_mO_ M0_ IK - FURNITURE DELIVERED FREE.' Not only can you huv Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Loung-cs,Mattrasses; Chairs, Tables, Rhe., cheap, but when boughfin quantities they will be delivered and set up in your homes free, anywhere within 1 miles of Wingham. PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS. have made arrangements with one of the best artists in .the Dominion for doing Portrait Enlarge - in is (any size) hi Air -Brush, India Ink and Water Colors. Before icing your order to anyone for such " I atr my store, see samples and get prices for the very best. Y � PICTURE FRAMING. All styles and sizes of Picture and Wreath Frames made to order, Lots of Mouldings to choose from. UNDERTAKING. Notwithstandine, Ali the opposition in this line„I am still here in Winglism prepared'to do as 1 have boon doing for the past ten years. • S_ G -RAC E Y, may 18, 190.2 UndartlkerAnd Faruttma D,, dor WING -HAM MARBLE WORKS. MESSRS. VA:NSTON4 BROS., of Eincardine, have bought the biarbleBusiness of birT T Watson, formerly carried on by w Smyth. Parties requiving work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their assents before - purchasing. You will find our prices areaway down. Our +corkmanship is unsurpassed. W(tivnl nee none but the very best.stock and by square dcalinc hope to secure a liberal share of the public phtronage. Mr T T Watson, who has-been running the business for the past),car, will represent us on the road. Call an I see our stock and prices. VANSTONE BROS. L IN E.R '” .; 'p, S A. ^130- ' Wishes to intimate to the la . a of Winghatn and andaurro ding country that her stoek of SPING AND SU 1; MILLIXERY has'; een ceived and opened up, consisting of Pattern Flats andni T aces, Ribbons, Gh>< The stock -is well assorted and contains i `+ ..A.. 1*%T �' 'Is?' A largo stock o C CHIMELLE CORDS FANO (, thers Flowers, Gauzes, &c. ble styles for this year, 00:DS_ posed of ISS, TASSELS, I`ELTS, EMBROIDERY S1 �S; �'ILLO S, WASHING SILI , RIBBONSEPM, c. MA LF �DEPAR'�'M T. The M: a Department contains avamad ass tnant of MtlNTLE CLU iS, SILKS, SATINS, SAT N Bltocmms PL TIES,. VELVETS, &c,, to ebt;ose `tem, MANTL, '1IAXING A Sl''EOIALTY, Perieot• Fit, Lit at Styles. r Stathping .bone to Ordett. An petition itivited, a rtebet tha pllaoe-1"firlb d or vrrlh of a7. ,A, b jswellry B* ' •'}+ / Y � f �� Vii., ,o c m