HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-19, Page 7SFI1.D.-. C MORNING II:— iSEPHiNE STi'ieET ONTARIO. per.year, in actvanoo fG BATES: _q mo. I S Inc.I 1 trio 30 00 ( $2o 00 80 00 L2 00 1T 00 I 4 00, a00I 200 I -1 0Q1 , ol•tiseutonts, So. per line rlineforeacllsubsequont o tot' first insertion, And ant nserticr.. No local hall 25c.. XStrayed, Situations, eII, not oxceedin; 8 linob to, not exceeding 8 lino::, subsequent month ;ly adhered to advertisements, or BOL I notices without specific till forbid and char{ ed advertisements must be Ivortisements nmat bo in noon, in order to appau LLIOTT " aOPRI11001tV AND PUELtsnt.n STREET, ONTARIO II.Al., 104 is and Surgeons, Ontario tj) noys are in ra trouble. Nerd's ounty of Huron— Now is thee, aeon when the obi u}- asked. If, she repeated, I could get a q Mous small boy'Ws himself. with ,Ir Dlorton's office, Whig - leo sod kidney a. m., I to 6 p, an., or at 4 p f It.. - ° Toronto University, apd in Bad Blood i p • ,liver, Oomp Physidansatnd Sunfiuons of "3 ,p rl,;:sn d8le ? ornor of Centro and Patrick III placed in hWhands by an East Indiahrissionary or sentery, and the forrmilaofA simple vegetable rotnedy.for the the family liearthsttiites sound'wlth speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bron• by Dr. Bethune. • ONT generis o� rxll, Be Blights Disease, • 'ONTARIO. •�� LICITOR, Etc„ Etc / Ids to loan a$ lowest rate ; charged. Movtgages, town , Health when the , bon+_Itt and sold. motive and a desire to rellevo human Nnfforinir I spoonful of this great lipecifia �ll ' will send frpo of ohhtg4 to rvlto doslm It, this S lytxaRAat, ONT Dodd's ICfdrlBrtJ u011TON'" ITER &c , Ontario 1N, .1 E. L. DICKiNsoN, B A LICITORS, Etc.,• Eto., So niilton, Commissioners for nitoba, Farm, Town,and and sold. honey (private ;o security at 5:1 per cant. rto persons, upon the bebt ,heat aI y exppuse to the it Manitoba and the North. . inghaut. iBROME, 11 tsonAM, factoring Celluloid Plates o plates of the hestmateriai` as thoy can be got'in the i. All work warranted. teeth by the use of Electric• extrnet teeth for 26 cents ivcra Block, Opposite the lonaIA, • L. D. rTIST. MASON'S BLOCKrM Ill's HOWL Wingham. 1st and 3rd' Mondays a 111iANf11 AGENT OiTARIO DRAM, tj) noys are in ra trouble. Nerd's 'E R FOR THE COUNTY Now is thee, aeon when the obi u}- asked. If, she repeated, I could get a q Mous small boy'Ws himself. with dURON. leo sod kidney Y part of the Co. Chargee 4 p f WINGIIAIII, ONT., - :11 FOR TIM COUNTY OL' in Bad Blood i p • ,liver, Oomp U1e0N.. .+ItIEa O'!cc pr0111pt1y' attend "3 ,p rl,;:sn d8le ? FOn COUNTIUS HVnON AND tj) noys are in ra trouble. Nerd's :RUCY, Now is thee, aeon when the obi u}- asked. If, she repeated, I could get a q Mous small boy'Ws himself. with rornptly and on the Shortew leo sod kidney Satisfaction Gunranteed. 4 p f nionts call be made at the Plums and teeiierz• apples, ilei bolts P p g � aand . half -ripe cherraas se 9 and ttl}. His CONSUMPT'ION`CUR$D. ljxr in Bad Blood i p • ,liver, Oomp An old h dician retired from voracity A1a109t inv iably leads to p y , practice having bad Cramps, Marrllma "3 ,p rl,;:sn d8le ? Ws C011690 Physicians and III placed in hWhands by an East Indiahrissionary or sentery, and the forrmilaofA simple vegetable rotnedy.for the the family liearthsttiites sound'wlth speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bron• its. Ontario. generis o� rxll, Be Blights Disease, • 'ONTARIO. •�� tit b e t.eB a n , Dro s j� y ' having tested its wonderfu5l ourativo powovA in1'Oi PEXtRy DAVIS' PAix XiLrd , feady thousandsof oases,hohosfelt [tAcuatetolttht It BION Count, I8,II.1t11 (IFtuXAlt. reaENsr•:w. ' BS WATSOX, ON'p Alvan an Piaavoi0lml Tommy's Punishment.1Ci„..,. _.._.w... xed his Speoh. Wily do vett publish snarly recordsT.•rr..,... Tommy, said 111r Fosdick, severely, Alaria, called Mr Jolles, what has of crime I .al l(ed a ,ontieatatl of the TRALE „�L�'� � a I G, 1 X TIJ1.ha TAI LJ41 �F your tnautn►a says you have hePti heaomo of the mown laver Q late HorneP ureely. Because they are 0 Trains arrive and depart as Ballarrs naughty, and I roust punish you What ? exclaimed Airs, Jones' L,IAVrNO the sitz news Of ;the paper, was the S95a,trL.,,.,. ,,,,ForTnr9lltp,.,..,,,,, 3b 6a oma with me' I meals the 1QW11 nlawer, corrected reply, zoo p, in s, What are you goingto punish me °,00 p'In....... ••. •. For cewater........s:( __ _ To General D;erchants and Boot and Shoo Stores, 110:(5 P. to "4 ` ? Jones 1n a high key. Enfihsh Spavin IlnhuuG4nt rclnpu'cs all hard, soft or Buil Mock tion With illy Leather Business 1 keep a �� l0:b6 ' with Pa ? Astros rl'olYlnly as 11e accOm- JePtlitt, said Mrs Jones sternly. you SKrarin,e nllpta TiGn:d� t3or1a,lSivice coy' G(fleea. lido d C3 R A -1q 7 '='RVN'K anted IIIc papa to An upper room, Sore Arid Swollen Throat,, , Cot ha, etc, Sa�apSGO Lv ry A. U. STRATIIDEE, All,$, w'laanau, P P p pp have been drinking. V60 Of one bottle. lyarrantcsl the ttlOAt WpndarfUl DRESSING., p With this strap, replied Mr Fosdick, usi ntlsh Cureover knowt.. Sold by A. L. llaurilton, Throufih tickets to all ohne In A)uorica--Noxbh.' ] have not, asserted lair Jones; 5yeat' Pacific Coast, eta, via the shortest and ttti' prodACino a gad which 7'Omnly re^ Cftli't YOU 114thaway, lvilitmoro's, Lanont Franch, Dressing Popular routes. Baggage chocked through to. y answer a civil uestion Q The oun Eclipse, Btxb 's, Parted 1Cio oto, F en 11i Ana 25c' destination, Lowest freight rates to all points membered very distnlculy, having seen Who has borrowed our lower rnawn Q tier in he waltz whip lryad a poor part. Blaektn r jy ( --TIME: TA6LE, sizes. by the gross or, dozen, Jacquot's French - '" •and. felt, it on former occasions. Z OhRI),ged him= fora R and Gray's ellntax watgproor, i LUAV$ WINOLIA1i• AaRIy> AT WtNpf[ALL'. i41rs Jones cattle down stairs and more skilful one, beca'We she said, she 1� 20 til•Toronto,Glrptph,Palmerston, sec, s;aor.11l. n The strap is made of leathel,isn't it, looked the. excited man over. Then 1 believed in the betterlcvhirled 3:45li,m " Clinton, „ 10:02 �' papa Q 7'25Palmerston, she said gently ; /� /�^•'� ••���� �i mixed ... • �•' A V . G'J tS 3'40 a In.'...... London, &c 11:00 sl. Yes. It sounds the sam but it makes p• "' " Jeptha, if 011 carl't sa it sing it— 1 ,37a,1p.,..,,,. [iinraral,ro,&o (7140 pa They matte leather out of the shins Y y ' some didetence to .thp?criminal if the . fn Leather, Horsehide gn+„ilsh°BCl , Porpoise, 1La 13:37po 11120 ' YOn'll get It in that way. Cotton and Rifle, in Horsehide, P p0*02 7::20 11 . of cows, doll's they papa 9 Bet Jones said he hadn't an voice judge decides to sus sentence in- Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &c, — --- �._T, Yea, And the process is,oalled Cann-• for singing just then. -Detroit Free t stead of sentencing to suupend. Scientific Anleffeeln SHOE LEATHER illg, which manes the. tanning ! am Pros-- - f Agency for:,. about to give you with tJtis strap par- --- • - • Simon Alma, bat and fii and Afezzonia ICip and Calf ; The worst Form. CURES WHEflE ALL ELSF� fAIIS: 1 also native kip and upper. S•panlstr and alnughlf ocularly apprB,priate, Beet Cough Syrup• 'Peace' Gaoa, nae sole. I saw a cow to day a a, yi':Alt Stns, -About three years ttgo I was �n time. Sold by aruggiat$, P p troubled with dyspepsis, in its wnrst form, • • _ ' That's strange, 1'Ir. Fosdick answer neither' food nor medicine would stay on _ my stomach, Arid it seemed impossible to HARNESS LEAi'HERf CAVEATS ed sarcastically, get relief. Finally i took one bottle of ,B. T __ ' TRADE MAQMCS B. B. and Due box of Burdock fills, and K "S�, Best brands on hand in Dalt Atli hentloelc, Specia DESIGN OAT AT9 It had its skin On Yet, ani when it � stock fOV traces !it oak, COPYRIGHTSs otic• they cured me completely. yr FortniolwattonandireeHnndbookwriteto Game dowrl the street a woman was WR$ MR$, 8, B. ,SMITH, Bmsdale, Out. Patronagosolfcft& Pricesfivaranteed. A postal DIUNN & CO. 301 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Afraid and came inside Dill a ° I card will secure quotations or' a call from my travel. Every Ont nt taken out by us Is brought America. ,ate till —. ' P' E i ler. the publf4 by a notice given free of charge f14 the tyle COW Wells bV, f don't linOW Wl1At One 1'ea$011 why W011lk'tl. eXCP,I ;n fir- � e, � mattes women atraid of cows, do you ? cllery is supposed to be because they W• J. CHAPMAN,,; �� fry No, have a natural liking find apitude.for LargRstcirculation Qfanysclentiflop periuthe I Tanner and Leathdr Merchant tvgrld, Splendldly, illustrated. No intelligent f You are a brave + bending beaux. Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sou Stomach are man should be without it. Weeklyy� $3 0 a InAn ain't afraid Of caused by the food fernlonting• Th'a result of fer• �VINGIIAeI , ;War; 8150 efs months. gddrees MUNN dt COM anything Are. OU q mentation on' all organic mattor:meet be acid. �>JDWaltzRs.302Broadway.NewYork. Y o you. papa . I told Rats This ilecom ores the food w•hinh el ould bedigest. Takes 1,000 people to -buy Dr.S:trye s p Robinson yesterday you could thrash Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, that produce preand. from lat ssure on thenar er nerves, -asses zing disease. The "Curative Fluid"P"Arles the stomach, _ •_ any man on the street, and Rats Said to make $500. One failure to Cure thesystein. and producing various synrptwnFOR 6 of .L THEBEST VALUE hi$ papa could wallop daylight out of would take the profit from 4,000 sales. promotes digestion and assimilation, of food, thereby „ creating a healthy current of blood. For sale by all Its makers profes$ to euro cold in the Druggists, You- He couldn t, could be, papa? Well, I should think not, head,' and even chronic catarrh, and `— if they fail they, pay x;500 for their E. HI.N. - RED CLOT, Of course not. That's what I told over congden®RDce.- HA`LSTE� & SCOTT . -, _1- him. Not in the newspaper words but F 1t was quite right of you to stand hard easla! Think of what confidence �' 6 it takes to put'that in the papers --and B-AN_�1-RS- GO TO up for your father. , ?llean it. o, I always do. Do you know what Josephine Street - 1�flns'ham, Ont. 'S Its makers believe in, the remedy. _ Rats Rubinson's real name is Q Isn't it worth a -trial ? Isn't any trial J. A. HALSTED, J. w. scow, . WEBSTER No, what is it Q preferable t0 catarrh? Mount Forest. I Listowel It'$ Nicodemus. I don't think mach After 1411, th-t mild, agencies are the Deposits Received and Interest of a papa who would name his buy best. .Perha s the work Nicoderuus do you Q P Y more slowly, � allowed. SHIRTS Y but they work surely. Dr. Pierce's Money Advanced to Farmers and ' CAPS, No, I don't. Pleasant' Pellets are an active agency Business Men, d Where do nlunes come froth, a u ? but quiet, and mild. ..Tiley re sugar. P COLLARS CITFFS, P On long or short time, ion endorsed liotes n &c. coated, easy to take, never shoelc or or collateral security.a O, from different places. Some are derange tile system sand half their Stile cotes bought found ut the Bible, Y at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all power is the mild way in which their parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Cheap for KAS17 Thomas is a Bible name, isn't it ? work is done. Smallest, cheapest , Pakdort' to take. One a •dose. , Tvrent. - Special. Attention Given to Col- 1 Yes. p , AT -- Did you hunt in the Bible to give it five cents a vial. Of all. druggists. Mi leeting Accounts and Notes. --��` Co met when I was born 1 `- w P� �► S T .E T1, S Life is full of golden opportunities, Agents in Canada --The b4erohaats'Bank 9 I knew it was there. remarks *a philosopher, but they aren't of, Canada In it in,' that big Bible in the parlor?_ worth their salt when, you try to cash Office Hours—From 9 a. m. to 6 p, in. Yes. thein. A. E. SMITHYt,OVf►V Do you ever rend the Bible, papa Q Agent.tOve ov�/+� Why, do you ask Mme th!tt Q The Chlldrea'st Friend. es BPCRn$0 m l;unda aehual teacher GtNTLEeiax,-Last summer our children y Y were very bad• with summer complaint. says that everybody • ought to readand the only remedy that did them any some in the Bible ever da end.= good was Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild ' Y Y+ Strawberry, We used twelve bottles dur. �t There, that will do. Uct and. see if ing tike warm weather and would not be �i "EXt . ,0'F your mamma doesn't waits ouwithout it for five times the cost: Y J s.`$EenrY, New.Edinburgh, Ont.• �' - And Fosdick hung up the strap and put on his hat and went down town. When are skipping ]nubs like library � - - ���1 Detroit Freo Press. volumes ? When they are boundin, g S �•� . sheep. CUR - � ADVICE TO AIOTIIEA6.—.Are you ataturbed at night Ripans .Tabules prolong life. ® ! i and broken of your rest by a sink child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If eo send at An 'old bachelor, who is not at'allE A� �� A once and ;eta bottle of ' Airs.winslow's Soothing � J pus S rup" for Children Teething. Its vahreis incalcul• posted as to. the fashions, says be GHOLE p A� MQRU able. It will rellm o the poor little sugorar per? T immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no would like t0 know what tile difference ����� miatalt0 about it It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, 6"tB� - regulates the Stomach and Bowels, ouresWind Colic, is between a travelling dress and a aj !, �� _ softens the Gums, redness Inflammation, 1, and gives ®`, �+ tone and energy to the whole system. 'hire. /yin. N'alkln,n, suit. y �E��ZE _ - — slew's Soothing Syrup for prescription teething is O1 1�1. A �`r pleasant to. the taste and is the prescription of one of Itch, Dianfie and Scratches of every kms, on Ilflr „'1'llT — the oldest and best ornate physicians and Horace in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ANDALL r y+(r l 1� 1 T the United States, and is for sale by all druggists . ord's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Soldby (� i r�F� lF(` V OF �� c throu2haut the world, Price twenty^ -five cents a A. L. Hamilton. eJ(� Du J _ bottle. B0 sure and ask for "Alas. WINsLOw's /, _ �'� D O rA SOOTIIINr; 81tttU,', wild take nn Other kind A lady Of much eXperielice says that, fc Cis kissing comes fie natural toIA g as a 0 r1ce TiONS f• A Young lady, attending balls and of /Mira All intending purchasers of stoves for this y y cunning fly to a bald head, OgWARE parties should ha ;a female chaperone Ladies appreciate Anti:D411fruff from until she is able to Or I some other chap the fact that' it not only Atiroughly re" -" i moves Dandruff with three applications, HAVE YOU winter vitt save money by buyi from her owl, but stops failing of the hair, restores fading hair to its original ailor and makes it soft i The Four Uardinal into. and pliable withqut leaving any indication C? s A a . � �HE four cardinal pointe u eAlth are of a dressing b ring used -clear as crystal G,SUl'"HERLAND.,the stomach, liver, bowels blood. clean to useyi is a yaluabl0 toilet prepara• �'Wrong action ill any of these oduces tion. p 1:1 F ( disease. Burdock Blood Bitters act; the Serv`ant (to /lead, of the hoose)- the four cardinal pofut$ of health as -one It► aiid at the same time, to regulate, strengt' The•;butcher boy, Sir, is at the door t+! Having bon hit a g on mud purify, thus 'preserving health an g g „'very lar a variety of removing disease. { }vitI the bill, What ehali. L tell him, k ' st �i Head of the house✓ -',fell him t•n j your ears, Saidyi send`I� • ten -pound sirloin roast for t ► T°G a e k a e h e the scavengers HEATING AND COOK ]t -I would hos � 'young lady to her stupid and tiresgtne dinner. �, elf moans the hid- of the sys em, i admirer, if- If whatl he anxiously 'The IrAvressibleSmall Boy. tj) noys are in ra trouble. Nerd's "Delay is dangeraus, Neg• Now is thee, aeon when the obi u}- asked. If, she repeated, I could get a q Mous small boy'Ws himself. with r Kidney Pills give leo sod kidney box large enough for the purpose. green 4 p f troubles result Plums and teeiierz• apples, ilei bolts P p g � aand . half -ripe cherraas se 9 and ttl}. His CONSUMPT'ION`CUR$D. � 76 per Dent. '1 �o/ol'dise r ce is edkdy in Bad Blood i p • ,liver, Oomp An old h dician retired from voracity A1a109t inv iably leads to p y , practice having bad Cramps, Marrllma "3 ,p rl,;:sn d8le ? the ililc Barr - III placed in hWhands by an East Indiahrissionary or sentery, and the forrmilaofA simple vegetable rotnedy.for the the family liearthsttiites sound'wlth speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bron• nays, "M/ghtaswel/ generis o� rxll, Be Blights Disease, chills, Catarrh, Asthma and ,all throat and Lung i his lamentations, If his rents are Affootion?i, also s, positive Arid radical onto for Nervous Debilit hnrpl ail Nervous Com Inlnte, niter r prudent people, they 'Will ha a bottle q t). to have' tit y xt healthy- C i t y A without sewer- tit b e t.eB a n , Dro s j� y ' having tested its wonderfu5l ourativo powovA in1'Oi PEXtRy DAVIS' PAix XiLrd , feady thousandsof oases,hohosfelt [tAcuatetolttht It '+� age, as �/OOgi T h'a tit b o n e di9eases Oat not for Stich summer enter Pncies ndIt known to his Attflforing fpilows. Actuated by this � - , Health when the exist where✓ motive and a desire to rellevo human Nnfforinir I spoonful of this great lipecifia �ll ' will send frpo of ohhtg4 to rvlto doslm It, this hi dneys tire Dodd's ICfdrlBrtJ all roalpa hl 'Gorman, Womb or' Enlrlieh with tall bring the youn Noamp arched it dtrsott'rrxrs for prey aria and frith •. sent`by thall by NU lets all gait it. on sxldrt5dslTsq h "IWI twit per, W. A, �f lit. i c.ggled, they are `+r,id b hit deniers orsentb y f priest aro cents. per Dr. MY# etre used.' y rnnitare receipt box op r�2 for 5n. a JifftYlr iBs r Y, ' lly by lX'i1Frt b U'A'Wty ft ill ' . .! L.A. SJV .it c�Turo le�+lc >'�'�) to VWrira „. to L,tVr. oA rrav , -- rT — to choose from i Every stove guaranteed against breakage hod to give eompYeWsatisfaction. D. SUTHERLAND. Wli�rglr'itftsr Gflttsl)dti" '8�'till lex, FF