HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-19, Page 2FA She was well recommended, but site .j... - been spoiled by flattery and felt iia had herself too lnuch above her position to by prove a good attendant upon. a per- ev baps too capricious mistress' whims, wl At last, I grew weary of contending of with her indolence aud impertinence, as and discharged her.. She left, breath- ru ing threats of vengeance, Which alas l were not fulfilled, Before a month Y had passed my precious baby had dis. lit appeared, and we never have found the slightest clue to her whereabouts, Ill Although every effort has been made m that unlimited means can demand. Could 1 be sure that my darling Y. was lying white and still in the peace- y ful rest which must Como to,all of us n after life's fitful fever is over, I should w he content ; but to think of Ater alive, m and in companionship of the class to m which Zillah belongs—Ah I that is the n chief sting 1 bi Percy ha.l listened with breathless t attention, 1iVith yout'h's impulsive li haste he had rushed at . nice to the I► conclusion that in his own knowledge e rested ti ie happy endin of Mrs. Altamonte's sad story. 1, even to the appearance of the be,utiful quad- c roon womtin in tho distally city where I Morita lived, and in the resemblenee which had so impressed ,)iim, proved h her to be the stolen chil(f over ,whose loss Mrs. Altamonte hat mourned so li unavailingly. But befAe he had time to unfold this strange apd marvellous a conjection of circumat-Aces a servant I came to the door. o What is it, Atltoine? asked Alls. t Altamonte. A poor woman says she must see b you. s Must is a strong 'word, said the lady, smilingly, but ow her in; 1 suppose it is the usua,;'plea for help. n After a short inIt 1vaI ''a strange, uo weird -looking fignre ppeared at the pi doorway. Sh'e was tai and emaciated, 's wit l) a face whose thin liect)e-tinted a' cheeka told of the ravages of eon- t s sumption. She. did not seem to be conscious of Percy's presence, but fixing her wild, . laturally bright eyes, on Mrs...alltam rite's face, she t sprang forward and. cast Herself an g 'her knees before her. ;l f Ob, madame, on I pardon 1 c my dreams are halt ti ed by "demons 0 who give me no rest. I have 'come to you to drive them a y—to. exercise e them. With sudden stern, ese, Mrs. Alta. t Monte rese to her fe Unhappy woman, r you dare to come to me for help's Where is o�roy, child's • Oh, madame, and the woman t grovelled still at her feet, clutching desperately at her garments, if you cast rime out I an indeed lost 1 Tell me of my ittle Nita. .Render dp your account f her. Then ask for torgiveness. As ou .have treated her, gven so shall our punishment be meted out to yot� That is what mean to do—to take you to tier. AH in my wicked hate I had ment to kill er, but site smiled in my face with he innocent eyes and 1 had not the hen to do. it. She is as fine a lady as y „ rself and as hand- some as one of .tile angles of Heaven. Come, I will ta,kcl?, you to her. We will go upon the tinge of steam and. find her. Then iify tortured soul tw91 .be at peace and Illwill lie down and o die. They call your child Morna e May, the kind a j< rich. ones who took Ilei in, t. e At this name1'erey could control . hlweelf ;to He came suddenly e lotigefl. t forward. f I The woman says truly, he said. 1 know IvIorna 1Vli q, and she is as the y I sunshine to all lie love her. Site is adopted parents. Let her -sun herself You shall never regret it,my darling tel the happille.ss whiell evidently filled mother, said Percy heartily, • her innocent young heart, She wntild You have made me strong to learn "-^ - - not be the one to oast. a cloud over my fate, Good bye. When I se, .1 oil FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1,822. it. again 1 shall betither the happiest or But Feicy must lie removed at once lite most miserable of tnen, I THE TWQ H iWI✓i S, out of elle lnlluenee of her attractions, Morita had not been reared in i,�iior- If the had been a poor girl without ante of Ler Fupposed parentage, and it l4lrs, 1i10utague, can }oft tell me the drawback of a cloud upon her when Percy came to her with the story, I3e riatxle of the lady W110 is se, birth, Mrs. Wyndhwm 1vould not have of his love, she refused him gently, but ,yotin;; elusively engrossing lily son. P«ray's felt ao much about it ; for Percy was firmly, saying site should never nearly, ib.tentioll this evening ? rich enough to marry a penniless wife Her resolution was immovableXiough The suave hostess turned her eyes if lie chose. But his bride and tier when Percy's mother came in person lxltlingly in lite direction indicated daughter-in-law must come tit least of to plead for Ler ami, cite was very pot then whispered iiehind her an honorable race. It wits Ito wonder much moved. Putting her tender that during the rpin,fdnder of the even- young artlia al'ollnd her neck, Morns yes , that is Nliss Morita May. She iug Mrs, Wyndllarn s mind was filled kissed her again and again. raa educated at the ,same boarding with uneasy forbodings its slip saw It will be a...4weet thought to ine ohool: with nay Clara, and is leer dear Percy so constantly hovering near Nisg • all through my life, she said, that friend, She is a very sweet girl `_lay, Percy's , mother .i is as noble as be is 'at pool is, I believe, .quite an heiress. The long promised trip to Europe. himself. It is because I love Ihim with t tllorna May I 51here had Mrs. should be delayed uo longer They all my beam that,I refuse him.It is ., rvidhatn heard this name, which would go at once. not that I wast born pour, but— Oemed so familiar, and yet was owned But, to her dismay, she found the but— y a stranger? The puzzle lasted but mischief wag already Hone. An irresistable lburst of tears con. moment, Into her iniadfike a flash The next morning Percy came int) eluded her sentence. f fight came two pictures frow out of her room with a bunch of violets in I know Moilla,kid Mrs. Wyndham, he, past, and she knew who this girl his hated. Huldinrythem tip suliliu;ly o her own voice broken with Pfnotion, vas, beside whose purple black tresses lie said : and knowing all I ry' ould be proud to rent the yellow head of her own Percy What will you ;.;ive me for my claim you for my daughter. ,lid who was evidently whispering into $ewers ? ° Morns put out her hands in a slid - for ear, some of thosF pleasant trifles Anythiug� my boy may ask for, den appeal, Don't, she said, ? I cannot bear vhich count for so little to an uninter. answered Alrs, Wyndam, ill the same .sted party, rut which from a luver's lialit toile. it 1 If I should yield I should be fps -often for the time being outweigh, 'Chen mother, ' and Perev grew recreant to the teachings of my own a the listener's- mind, the fate of suddenly earnest, 1 ask for your conscience. It cannot --must not lotions. These were the pictures : blessing upon my precious hope of winning the girl I love. You have be tri all of sympathy too deep for words, In,a distant inland city, some eleven always wished for a daughter, and i the elder woman folded the sobbing dears'ago, a large and aristocratic have chosen one for you ; that is, if girl in her arms. Then she kissed her ludience were assembled at an area- sh0 will have me, tenderly, saying: the ieur entettaininent. given to raise Mrs. Wyndam grew very pale. to May God, who tvinpers wind the shorn lamb, make you happy money for charitable purposes F young She knew .that Percy's feelings ran so I and 'content in the way You think it eiiild stood upon the platform as the deepandstrong that when they had .urtain, was 'raised, looking out. at onba'cut a channel for themspives it your duty to tread. ahem wistfully from her large, dark would be like diverting; the resistless The'next moment Morns was alone. lyes. 'Then a piaster hand struck a torrent of Niagara to tri to turn them sew plaintiff chords to prelude the in another direction, anti lie was such Prominent' among !the notables in long;, which burst f;ori leer pretty WE a dutiful, loving Fon, how could 51110 go Washington society�duri>Tg the follow- Vip, as much ease as its ibusfcal notes against his wishes? lug winter, were a Cgban gentleman ;brill, frons the throat of all untaught Percy went on eagerly* not waitin;; named AlamontR .and hila beautiful 'crest bird, and even more sweetness . for an answer. wife. Their entertainments eclipsed a its rich melody. -0h, mother, she is :the dearest, all others- Everything ryas on a The second scene was. 'in her own sweetest eirl iii the world, and I leant princely scale, � although feir.Tfgnoved iome, which was then situated in that you to help me %yin her. 1 from arrogant display. Though the iame• city. Percy, at the titue it lad Then she does not know of your brilliant scenes woved the hoatess,e.ver 4 eight, had led the tiny songstress feeling toward her 2 affable•+and gracious_, .though with an into her, bourdoir. No. I waited to ask your advice indescribstble sa'a less. looking out of see, mamma, he said, , it's Morns. before I risked my happini-swupon the, .her lustrtous, dark eyes,which interest She .can make music on the pretty;,. ,chance of her accepting me., She has ed the beholder even mors than the sold keys, and I brought liar in to play a faculty of kedpin.g rno from saying magnificent. beauty sof ;her. face and for you. anything decisive, ;and y� t .I have an ((form it'was whiseied • ,about that She had risen hastily with an im- idea that she is not lndffferent to pie. l her early life had b,ten shadowed by pulse to send Percy to his governess, Oh, mother, help me in -this, and I some mysterious nffiiction. ynd to tell the:chil'd to Ro home, when, will— Percy olid life mother ,were spend- 'in s, look went straight to leer heart from Love your darling and forget your ingr the winter FWashingtion .and Ghe lustritius, pleading eyes which had mother. A son's) a- son till L•e gets I from the first were very .ouch drawn so touched her as she had listened to him a wife, the old adage runs, inter-, towards. bits. Altamonth. The Ger song but a few evenings before. ruined Mrs. Wyndham. 1:grew attraction) was mutual, a>id they soon at her Thinking to herself, it -can do no But yon don't believe it, da you to be welcome guest$ arm ; they are but children, she mother ? stately mansion, Once yielding to an ielded to her impulse ,, and taking No, Percy, and as she said it she impulse, Percy said to Mrs., Ala, no of Morna's tiny handA led her into smiled fondly into the auimated,boyish monte alta drawing room and lifted liar upon face. I do not. Now about the I can scarcely lreep my eyes from the piano stool, saying kindly : young lady. Who is she, and what do your face, it is so much like that of a . I shall be glad to hear you, my you know about tier? If it is Miss very dear friend of mine. rtear. May of whom you speak, I think you ' The ladies dark eyes were resting From this time lllorna had been can learn more from me that I can upon him with an xpression of inter- 'ercy's favorite playmate during the from you. est and he continue remainder of their stay 'in the place. Tell me, then, all you can about j Site is .younger t fan yon—a mer e But when, in a year's ti ue, they had her, for you have guegsed right. girl, but at her awe you must hav e removed to their present Home, the Then iters. `liyndhain told Percy I been her very self Byer again. Site i s of the child had: faded almost what 'she had heard in former days by I enough like. you to", be your daughter _memory entirely out of her iniad until thus her rightful protectors, ane of her , A cloud of sorrow Came into the fin e k suddenly revived by seeing her a favor- adoption by, tile Maynards, notwitlt- eyes of the liztener: Ay pretty Nita w6uld have been a ed Pat, at Mrs, Aloft tague'a Musicle. standing the% cloud upon tier birth, of seventeen, had she been spare d After a moment's silence Elie turned He listened qt,. tly and gravely until girl Again )old asked 11Irs: Montague: ..- she had concluded. Igien lie sald,with to me. Have I ever s; oken of her t Do, you know who Hiss May is ? a dignity which surprised..and impres. you ? of my only gild, and of tit way in w111Ch ahs was taltell frb ,n ,And when she was answered, Yea , t sed life mother : cruel ilio ? I see I have notby the surpris she is Lite adopted daughter of the Maynards, aIvery rich ,and: somewhat Morita is a genilewbman to the very core and I am Sure that as pure in your face avid thong&l it is it them e'eceiitrfe old couple-, with It generosity blood fluwa in her veins a'' in my own. I rarely touch upon, l feel sure tha sympathy will be kc fully miner. of often found, she forbore to en. Mother. you are above succ prejudices her for your will once more tell the ttad story of m sten her with (leiter would have are you not? You will Id, f, . e y blighted hopes, �l e'tl ft elinlce, bit of acandill to the my sake? t� der-lI firs riig years ago, t -in the fir f' gossip-lov'itig' Community) :he story of I elle rtrtuors i:'urtent ltbout rile parent• btrs.Wyndharn was a earted ould trot real' >A the woman and she t �, % fresllnease1of m bride iia )Hess, freshnessp hn a1Za of this girl when a wtie bit of a ,' intense pleading In Percy s,eyes. rased In ]iusb� a p and to tit y ' ,`�ahild, Report Hite saiu that a vary Igor Sour sake, my son,�bo said at last, I But, -Par if our Stag"s. Our stay was prolonged' some tw `,iieautifilh quatlronu wotflan had. beet, will. oh, , y father had only live I eon, y and during that titer illy Nit in tho npi hborhoocl +carr to a gl carrynig ttgl babe itt her runts, The next ,poor have been spared this terrib r aeon- Was born. Among my ser ,ants was as sig aha had disafpealed 'as Illbilk- I hill +�nlyw it wear etptln CIUadYofltt woman„, pom4asing' th wonderful type' of Beauty botnet 03 "ally tea ltho had route, land mohair %a �t'bw y ire +vwrong in me to ivo my score lid desoeudanttt of a Xat7 raft- ” wad lot tits door of h'er li'Ghtts' tfii . ..... ....,... ,._ '.'' '. i 4 ..ur�r .. ... �.f..s.,..-....-.rr...ir,i h.. . ^, an angel I , I As Zillah hac"1 said, the wings of e steam could hardly bear them swiftly enough to Uarna's home.. If was a Happy meeting between A. mother and daughter and tho good a old couple Wbe, had adopted the desow a lata little waif when left a wailing baby at their door, ,shared in her joy ®s tit finding herself the owner of ttu tin= e, sulliod fialdtet, One file g, not long after Mortem d found her mother, Elle was seated her side, recalling some of the eats of her short life• -•a. story to rich Mrs. Altmonte was never weary listeuiug. Suddenly it question was, lied which split the toll tale blood ailing into tF.o iiirl's face. lilorna, why do you never speak of quoPercy 1�'yndhaln 2 Do you dis- c ;e him ? Dislike hire l Oh, mamma I and the ushing face hid itself upon her other's breast, He i)as received permission from, our father and from me to call upon yo this morning, This is his ring ow. Go to him, my daughter, and hatever may be the answer you will ate to the question lie will ask,it will pet with our approval. He is a no youth, and I have always envied a mother such a soil. As Morna stood at the door her Bart throbbed so violently that she Ila to pause awhile to gain courage to liter, '.Chen she went softly in. Percy came eagerly forward. Morna, lie said, eagerly, I have co to ask the same question again. Is 4. it still no ? One look into the downcast face and e was answered. The next moment she was fold to is fAithful heart. All hour ►iter l�'lorna tapped for dmittance to her mother's boudoir. n answer to her low comp in she pened the door and motioned Percy o enter drat. Alarnma, she said, softly, I have roughs you the son you have coveted o long. , Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls. The "Sunli,hb" Soap Co., Toronto, offer th@ fol wing prizes every month till further notice, to oys and DIris under 16, residin, in the Province of ntario, who send the grcate number of "Sm,- ght" Wrappers. )at, ?10; 2n GO ; 3rd.;:4 ; 4th, 1; 15th to 14th, a handsome ok ; and a- pretty eture to those who send not les than 1: wrappers, gold wrappers to "Alto fight" Sop 0 Hee, 43 Scott t„ Toronto, not later than 20th f each wwnth, and arked "Competition" ; also gi •c full name, ad- ress, age, and number of wppers. winners' aures "till be published h, rho T' onto trail on Oren aturday in each month. .4 . 0 All He Needed. 1 am trying to raise five dollars ' o send to my sick family, said a rag- vi ed looking specimen o man waitinj or s Jefferson avenue car, and if you an help me a little I s sell be greatly bliged. You don't want me to give you the ntire five, do you ? asked the man. 'Not sir ; only enou �`rli to make out he five. Pvwgot a FtaFt, air: How much money do you need The seedy one put, iia hand in his pocket a moment. .Only•84.99, Kir, lie so d meekly, and, he man broke for the r. t r' AN EASY WASH SIMPLE Alb CLEAN ` 1llittttlll � ' Without Hot Steam tend Smell Without Washing Powders Without Hard Rubbing Without Sore Hands THESE ADVANTAGES ARE OaTAmto, aV USING *?41 S H 0 ���W'hic'h bas boon attaraed 7 bold Medals for Purity aud iacellcnco. Its UNeQUALLLri1 QUALIFY has, given it the largest sale in the world. You can tsa "" Sunlight "" for all pur- poses, and in aither.hard or, soft water. Don't use wasshing powdera as with other snaps. "'Sunlight" Is battar without, iaort :rex. siixrrt�ttx r>rpmn .lie t0s rrr),t