Wingham Times, 1892-08-12, Page 7Les, rial the rn1- Did" the 0, CKP lays Will) JNTT oargto if or A Siascolaset Fisl1 Story, Good for Fitts, A mixture of nlam, glycerin(- One - an number of ancient fishermen For a fit of passion, walk out ju tllo gar and nater for i>Fosfluito bites 4 were telling at of their early days open air; vou may speak your mind. Salt far ashes for removing discolor- in file quaint little village of Siascon• to the viind. without hurting aylyo.ne or $tions frt>ni coffee. clips or �,tllPr dish. set, There were a number of aunt• tuakprya fit f Idleness,,conut the tich- es. mer visitors fn the room, and they P • ns witch were ing. of the' clock ; do this for ons. Maur gleaning the lint frolxlea clothes seemed to enjoy the yarns wringer spun inttneusa l+ia#�Ily i>.n and you will be glad. to pall }f your, OSegQI w'ttll a cloth saturated in ;► being p old dried•up man wi 4 u purple wen coat the next and work likes a beaver t Il For a fit of extravagancy and folly, .eicahoi to remove grass stains from lis neck and a 1105dfill of w slit k to the the children s white $prone,. shirts, ete i On l q t0 lily wOrhh011ee,' Or apes chin whivkers, said: Talk about the whaling days in i=nmates of a gaol, and -you, will be con• Puherized cftaflt and ammonia or removing 9taius ' from marble basins Siaconset, why I can cement ber when vfnced. oto the sitid closet bowls ? the wtales were so thick around here For u fit faf amLfton, g To clean a gilt picture frames by ponge that it was a cerumen siting for them churchyard and read the gravestones shore 11ke.turtles to they will tell you the end of umbftian, usinor oil of turpentine,w 'thPn�cavrg to crawl upon theThe graves will sooni be `y7ur bed -wine bran themselves. it to drys --Good Hous -keeping, . flow long ago was that I asked. an chamber and the earth your pillow ; —__ anxious bystander, corruption your, father and the worm Ptso's Remedy for Catarrh is the ears, replied the old your mother and sitster, Best, Tallest to use, avid Cheapest, About forty y man, and in those days the whales had For a fit of despondency Joel- cu n this sold by druggists bent oil in them,. tori, that was worth talk- good things God has 9i y by ruggistsor bent b Pa, ing about. Z ,have seen them tap a world, and to .those he• has promised and b the time the oil was out to his followers ill the next. He oho whale3' of him there didn't seem to be enough goes into the. garden to 1 , slain left to cover a baseball, But now gem �y ails lee who looks for aers 110 dolivit tll flower C �.: RES they are B=inder non -explosive, What do ycu mean by nonexplosive May return into his hu:lse with one A asked a bystander, �s lie handed the blooming in his bosom. THIS PREPARATION hoary grandsire of Siaconset a fluell For all fits ok doubt, perplexity, and Acts directly on the stomas with which to warm himself up a lit- fear, whena,.wlieth rievPythey are aconeern tllo dto h.nd promotes the healthy action o1 th or mind, tle bit, liver, WITHOUT PURGING. 1 mean, replied the Siasconseter, vie the shoulders, the bend or the heart, For Sale b 11Ay Druggists. he handed the flask back with soa smile,, for T lollowid it frons the cureIGreaay tl'hylsic aief n London Drug i that the whales used to b. And Wholesale by. t a wick in one of Cast thy burden upon the Lori, and London; Ont. TRADF4 SALFA ! Q. P. X Tz;kil',l TADLN Trains arrive And depart a$ follows' LgAluo AR•.Iirylil b:35 a. In .Icor Torouto ...... L.55 A. all. . - -- 8.90 pm I2100 p. in.......... .. I'or Tooswater........2.00 p'" To General Aforchgnts and [foot and Shoe Store$. 110'00 P. in 4010'55 In connection with my Loather Busfne$s 1 keep a full stock of `C i rA LSCA' =1:wq T:EC A. C. STRATIIIDI'sF, A91:N'r, n•INWIAM. `LLT 01:1 IDRESS1N U Tot P ch tickets to all points h Aanoriot and ..L ;1 ,,iJ.�.LJ1 ul� 11'est Paeftic t=oast, etc., viq the shortest and nu popular routes, Ragt',laga chocked through to Hathaway. whitnaora's, lanonl, Trench Pressing, destination. Lowest freight rates to 411 1101041 Eclipse, Bixby's, psrfect Kid, etc, In 10, 15 and 25c - -- --TIME TABLE, ^^^--+ sizes by the gross or dozen. Jacquot's French &HAV8 B'INaIIAM. ASAivz Ar wl$0110• illaci<Gig and Gray's Clivaaa wgtcrproot. 6:45 A,mTorontp+Guelph,pallnermton, &a " 5.99 p+tis. 10:92 " �. 3:45 m. "' " Clinton, 04,:25 p' ...... Palmerston, Mixed.. 19'40 p.ni. ��t cc 9:4R a m .......London, &p...., .11:09 " L A C :F -A til C 5 4G p n, 7:59 p.m11 20a ni ..... liincardino, 34o ., - .. 0:45 a.in. 8:40 p,tn 11 0 11in Loathor, Horsehide, hngllsli KIP, Porpoise, Eco. 10'92 " 7:90 Ism Cotten and ItifIt in. alllongths. "-- -- -- - -^�-- Button fasteners atilt wtts, cork soles, &c, SCientiflo WHOM$ a `H6E4 LEATHER, Appncy for ; 1 Simon Alma, bal and ill andAlezzonla Kip and Calf also native kip and upper. spapidi, and slau;htor , sola. HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on hand ill oak and hoinlock. Speoia stock for traces iu oak. • Patronage solicited. Pricos guaranteed. A postal Card will secure quotations or a call from my travel. ler. W. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, WINCHAAI . • Lot Ost circulation of any seleatiffe paper In the Scor d. Splendidly illustrated. No intelli CAL man should be without it. Weekly 53.00 a loss l.10Eris 8 1 Sroadwera Nevi YQrrL oP FOR THE BE131 VALUE -IN (� I 'lthntlf you pu O1UL�1'JJJ� VLO.L1.Lvi1 Oi , them rind lit it, it would burn for al- He stall sustain t see. HALTED .8a SGOTT most six months, CoNSU*PTION CURED. Aa old physician, retired from practioc, begins � ^ NKE1�S' The crowd became very attentive as .e— had placed m his hands by an East iitdia mtesionat•y ^ the Old Klan continued : the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and rLunw Josephine Street Wlnaham, Onl, We used to Luri1 ohunIts of whale in speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron - Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, atter I J. W. Scorn, fife Bt0Y0, and it made the finest fire Affections, also .a positive and radical cure -for Listowel. thpusundo of cases, he has felt it his duty to make it Mount sorest. you ever saw. We had the whale, or having tested its wonderful curative powers in J. A. IfAMbun, part of one, hanging. up like a sheep k"O" candlti desfiice ti telie\�e humatteufiarinrhil this Deposits Received and Interest in the back yard, and WlteneVBC We rwill ecipo,�Inree Gernnha Noiren h ales' Eu 1 h,doslr\vltli full allowed. Wanted t0 start a fire We wOUI(1`lnat directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail bey addressing with stm11p, naming this paper. 1V. n. step out with the hatchet and chop a Novas 820 Pc -vers Block Rochester, N. Y. Money Advanced Busing s Me Men, and chunk or two that would fit the stovft. ' The Americans must not be eery fond On long or short time, on endorsed notes Havr, another drink 1 interrupted of tea, when they drink eight times as or collateral security. Sale notes bought the mall with the flask. much •coffee as the beverage that does I at 8, o1 CanafRir da at reasoner leey chatges� all Don't mind if I do, replied the an • not inebriate. dent Siasconseter. I charged a battery myself once, ex-ISP©sial Attention Given to Col - pull, slid hand- claimed an ex -sutler. Yotal did, replied lecting Accounts and Notes.. Here he Cook a good ing the flask back, continued in a sad an old artilleryman, who knew him; you charged our battery fifty cents a drink Agents in Canada -•-'Rho Merchants'' Bark reflective tone : off Canada I once nitw an old whaler who has for mean whisky. office Ilours—from 9 a. m. to 6 p. 111 been dead a great many years. His A. SMITH, Monthly Prizes for Soys a,nd.Girls. Tile "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, ober the fol Agent. end was very uad. 111011th till further notice, to. boys and girls under 10, residing in the Province of 1 -low did he die ? asked a bystander. ]owing prizes every y t z jj Ontario, who scud the ••neatest number of "Sun Killed by a whales said the grand light" wrappers : 1st, $10, 2nd, 38 ; 3rd, 38 ; pretty , ;� t� ".,h f;pgq,�•++r ���ccc...��� ' �Icture to th os5th to i n\'li0 send not less tandsolile han 1•L wraps ere o „)/ fi 19 sire of Sias' onset. ' 11 ' Spcot Qlifdltp �[ o Out on the water, of course, SUoneat- Send Toron%vrato, not rs olaterlthaI! tf to 1 o t°ohcniont9, and mar)cad "Competition" "pots. give full name, ad ed the stranger. dress, age, Will number of Wrappers• inners' ,v h Fy Sa names will be published in Che Toronto Alaii on first yj . �iL Lt7r_!i NoOnt in 1115 baCle yard. Saturday in eaeh month— Hit biro with his tail ?-------- l,.`.STRAW v R one's sell No, replied the Siasconsot romances•. An instance of throwin„ You see the old man llaulPd off at,the, about was tvltnessed a fete euenin;s f CUR✓r vino at a party, in the case of a ybung i �`�®�, whale with bis hatchet— And the whale bit him in half before lady, wllo when asked to sing, first d be could strike ? tossed her head, and then pitched C. E ORS US her voice. CH RA~ Not much ; the whale was dead. R A P.1' Then how could he have killed your A young woman secaioot eke him i a poem entitled, 1 ancient friend. ® �� n ��T L ' This way, said the old man deliber smile, and was very much displeased ANDAGG G ,{] (V when the editor sent it back with a S ately ; tie dropped a spark by accident line saying that she would probably Isumm�` 0 OF L"r out of his pipe and it fell upon the succeed if slle showed him the poem. �+t•1 CHILD ors whale. The whale exploded like a a CH 5 TIONS kerosene oil' lamp, and scattered MY,—For first-ciaes tailoring a rd &h Co - price iMIJM gents, furnisllfnas, try BgWARE friend from SiasConset to Tuckahoe. geri10mbe1 the place, only two doors north �4 of the old stand and between Ross, book- As it was night the ocean was lifted store and Halsted eL Scott's bank. up for wiles, and over at Malitha's Vineyard they tllounbt Nantucket was A gentleman asked a friend if iso could ck ' I having 'tile first volcano. tell you andhim replied : colkla eu t a OR stet as fttruas tv4ere----' nue, at present ( the whales in the old days locket- that vet• slow to buy prices, is the problem which troubles me." f y Mere the old Siasconseter � '. around to find that all his hearers had ------- 1 Suddonly prostrated' slipped away, the summer visitors, in I I was suddenly prostrteted all probility, overcome by his graceful. i Crwhile Lit ll s,— severe 0 easy-going style Of dealing with the I morbus. NVeworr enttat once foray doctot�lbut I m $triols sliest to the I he seemed unable to help. An evacuation; t minutes was fast wear, GO TO — 1 WEMBUSTE-LvS [ATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, . COLLARS, CUFFS, &c. Cheap for KASH.- -AT-- W F B -S T E It'S 6t ®ves9 tov' es, Stoves 6 truth, and ills co p about every for y ilia out, the sent for a. bottle of Wild Stritw- "Backache to e h a e h e the scavengers I core with envy. a _ berry, which saved my lif Mount Brydges, �ineans the kid- of the system. MnS iT N VA,; NArTrn, net's are in "Delay is An unusual Death-Rate.— the one+, trou6ls, Dodd's dangerous. Neg- At this season of the ,year there era I (',l l:idne Pills give looted kidney always litany deaths, particularly toter t relic troubles result among er I children, from Summer Com Airs, Younghusband---Well, Aunt N `r, 78 par Cent. in Bad Blood, r plaints,Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Uholera "Jane, holy did you like the symphony ' l+ prrstdcuused by Dyspepsia, oli p a�lat,�sn ! concert? Aunt Jane.-- Oh, pretty well, c,3 disordered kid- the most dan- Morbus, Cramps, etc., but this season the cases Seem to be unusually frquent But it kind,sr spoilt the e+(fect to see � treys"i ht as well ariyhts Disease, and fatal, and everyone ought to itnow that mar, tip in front pretgndlug to 0 try to have a Diabetes and K that a slice sacs speedy our can easily healthy city Dropsy. be obtained by taking a teaspoonful of I drum on nathint` age, Without sewer- 'ass $begs Vainly DAVIS, ly'AIN' 1. luun' in sweet- I It is the Bost' age, as gond diseases canine Z have us6d your t B B health when the exist where cited water (hot water is the best,) I AIt,SritS, kidneys are De!id's Kidney every •half hour until relieved. This for the pslst hve or six years and find ologged, they are Pills arouse rslnCdy Ilan 11P.ver been known to fail. I it the best cure for sour stomach atia 1 5nldby>xlldcalctsnrsentby+mnilonroa pt p"nll dlrt'et10nS are with each bottle. lxl ioasuess. i have also used 13urcl0ok of price to septa. err bur or six for $a. ol It its kept by every respectable dru�giaE. I pills gs NDA, FoMry �® Auuei gdon. Olit• booms ltildI'Kidtie xskik- south. writ° l�or NO* N9, bottle old popular 260. p>rioet All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from T u . AN0 i Having bought a very large varilOty Of +: IIEAI' JIXQ AND COOK r-V ill - T -.0 to 6h.00se from Every stove guaranteed against breakage and i to give coMplete satisfaction. IMAM• ?, ID. S�[TTH ,' Wingh ant, October 8th 1891,