Wingham Times, 1892-08-12, Page 6erous light Papa, prayed steadily through the • deice, and there was a Bang g . int his eye as he gripped tiro handle, brief lull, ( p y� trip Papa, once more cali)a the �,iaeatioti - drew a long braatU slid went ahead. _ At the fifth stag Qlr Bowser's. right from the pazzlFd little brain., where found a hole find followed it up. did Adam and Eve buy a cradle to put FIUIDkY, AUGUST 12,. >3Ja, fact . t until ha fell forward on ilia stomaoll CaPa 1a glared across the faille at rho -- --:• ^" and plunged along the grass, His ? g as ed For BOWSER AND THE MOWER. nurse, and . hoarsely d p Did that 1:tivn mower came up this first thought was to gat ftp and kick s c both line fences dawn and male it mercy'a sake, ivlary, take' the kill to i afternoon I asked \lr Bowser, a h bonafire of the splinters, but. as ha bed before 1 get congHstloli of the came hone an flour ahead of tiute the slowly reached leis feet a better idea brain la ! cine e'wiid shout echoing ether evening. occurred to him. He plaited up ills P , a d the hall as the cavalcade moved (l e1001 n all, C1,1110 ® —IS PUBLISHED-- ESrvmy I: wDAAT Ill 01MING Was, that a lawn lntrll or I queriod snowed by the handle and raised It up own a a why did God make all'the 3MWX WS ' Mrs Bowser In reply- What on earth ounded the earth by ; p p Y ON over his head and p possessed you to 'acv suc11 a tiling ? ie a instead of maker,' ]Both the Method and results when p with it until nothiup Lilt the handle strawberries in the sega of ' w IPu I �lvr, leasant good reasons, Mrs. " d acts For twO very „ was left. Then ha gathered i)p wheels everything's s rip fleas, pulleys, cylinder 'em in the wintertime when t„,,. _ dnoys, Bowser. , i stlppuse to saves about 11 cogs, ratchets, fifteen dallers Oil lawn niowina this 1tPads, and low-water indicators and nothing else good for little r an owels, cleanses thes ys- sualluer, and I want the exercise, I After ft brilliant flash of silence, tom effectually, dispels Colds, head- ,rut a health lift, but I tossed thein over the Lack fence and l aches and fevers and cur habitual could Ila g walked into the house. Mrs Bowser constipation. Syrup of rigs is the sat reading, and .looking innocent and papa strail;ht;lied lip ills wilt form only remedy of its kind everte ro- thuuoht. I would combine business and sighed ; 1111-41 I wish on would witli pleasure. Always kill two birds humble, but he was not to be deceived with nue stone when chance offers. Standing before her in his sternest at. remind me in the morning to buy that oe to b�le to thest mto hach,sp?� pt i I'll work up a muscle in a couples of S little fiend a Britannica Enclo},edits its action and truly Beneficial in it I titude, he said : I and a muzzle. effects, prepared only from the most Weeks to astonish you. frits doctor Mrs B,ewaer, fifes is an easier healthy anda;reeablesubstances,it says its exactly what I need. i Flow He Saved $30,000. many excellent qualities commend i But I wish you hadn't bouAbt it. haWily, what do you mean ! to all and Have made it the mos' That's you LO a dot! Always iR I Bill roe oil ! It you. are 80 bent AN EYAMPLE THAT M V N Y A Nov MIGHT popular remedy 1�nown.. and determined to get rid•of me, why FOLLOW. syrup of Figs I.1 for bale in 75 opposition to anything 1 do ! 'f'iat's 1-r ist.E we take so much comfort as a food or cut my bottles by all leading dmlbg why don't you poison my It is a pretty Pxtravug!tnt mail who Any reliable druggist who may no family ! The only thing you wouldu't throat when I'm:asleep 4 No explan- have it on hand will procure i wills ena s50 a nioptil on cigars and promptly for any one who wishe oppose is my suing !• 1 ration, not a word ! ! understand the • p to try it. Manufactured only by th Mrs Bowser had nothing more to , I drinks, but the elan that ��iil sat a p say, and after dinner Mr Bowser mads situation perfectly, and nothing you I side that amount of u,o,ley to his wife, I CALIFORNIA FIG d+ YRP Cthl can say will • excuse your dastardly I instead of dispeusin� it, will find a Y G ready for his exercise. He got into an machinations. sex r1tA-No1,ao, CAL. 1 *I.-- drae;eed the lawn solid pite accumulating vvey rapidly. lhovxlavx?.Lz:,Io old suit of c o i , _ I But didn t I say 1 was— oiled it That There dieJ reeently in Tacoma, a lady -- mower into the back yard and Never ! Never said a word ! to tualte a w,ho had fly that means accumulated �---- --p t�p, and was present ready He looked up at the flack win- will do, 141rs Bowser ! We will not further. In X30,000. Bile willed the money to Ler Papa—is the holes in bakers' bread start. ; dihcuss the subject ally I ;Ylra. five children. the Bundle and brought up in a heap good for little lloy� to lire on Z All'. does the baker man get 'em I /pews, and, seeing nothing of his hands and the iltornin;; we will seek 1u amicable ,1,116 lady's hifehai,d did notdriuh, 5- .Bowser, he spat on adjustunput of diflinulties, and I will' or chew. tiro was working oil TtiE GREAT B L Q O DI - said : o with you to the train. There•are a 6oud salary, and it, four or five expended for uhatity find in the edtloa- Ha I This is what will give a mall LH'O trains a day I,y whish you can, YNArs ditbr their 1,llrllar„r�P was gettillp muscle. Only costs $9 and I'll get reach your mother, and I will tole I I 'Our ahead very sutisfiictutily: One dtty lir I` He was 1;Gin•� to lump tip alts kick $100 boue!it out of it- suppose child graph her of your coming. I sped to his. wife : might ,Is well casks a start. i will, of course, remain with me. Good 1 think I W111 rive ycu each mouth ,roestions Ile m,di3 one. He had gone about flight, N11.8 Bowser. Any su b stopped the anlottnt OF lnoufiy 1 would spend in the reason He never comes down to f; ten feet when the roael I oil have to make had best be, put in So did Mr Bo+Ysor, He l you the first thing 8muking and driukiup. How lunch 'N suddenly. and subiuitted j stopped so suddenly that his feet laft , In the wornin) .—��l• Quad. would it be ? , They calculated the sum. One RRY�AV1i Sp the ground slid th,; handle of the mow- I 1 friend Epent about $`_45 a inonth,atloth- • D4 e1- just missed his chill oil all tipper Ladies appreciate Anti -Dandruff from, fast that It not only thoroughly re- er sprat $100 and many spent EBine Papa hastily turned to the editorial CUT. I'the Struek a post, ell I hb muttered, as moves Daudruft with three applications, but stops fwlliup of the hair, restores'fadtuj; k t sots t,etween the awe extremities, It was a�"reed that he would speed $50 ane, a �. he investtgatetI and tou,ta one ribtn� hair to its original color. and ins, es i _ 1 al,out six inches out of the earth. 'and pliable without leaving any iudicatim' this sutll was regularly bet aside by That's all 1ioht, however. I didn't ex- olean dressingf a ibes ag used lclear as preyarae hiul for her, to eou5titute a fund for Peet t0 m0w down posts as hell as ' lieu. WH education of their children. Once grass. S••rins as if my muscle was yr twice I, year he would contribute a I • n a little already. I He Wanted to Know. �i100 to the fund, instead of 6ettiur, woryll 1, p Ile (lodged the post and headed for Papa, suddenly piped up the young;- drunk. When the fund had reached the I)ac., f, -floe, and his couliteuaucr. Pst. don't it hurt the walls to have till couffort�tl9lr. ptoputtions it was tnves had est Lel au to beam agnin wlleul the old skin scraped off 'em tvhrn you ted. sue of it we4 placed on u J �' iiusbu id was ill a there was it great clattPriug and the puts paper on. I bunked the, skin off t-test. Once tl iH ulucLiur. stopped' my knee and it bluggied like forty, an' close phlce and borrowed the money Oyster cane I he growled, as lie I hurted, too. Wtly don't the wall 1!ayinp interest for it. The chi{dren, browing up were sent to school from it.. picked two or threi+ out of the grass. buggy 1 Alan charitable auto were performed She'd probably watchi,r; me, slid she'll There was.1to reply. with tht� moor but it still , ;rrtiv. probably tickled •half to death, but I'd , Papa, came the insistent inquiry. , Yt maw this yal•tt it it was full of deadly' Don't the post office men know any Willie they retuoved to Titconta 80,110 torpedoes. `better than to put U. S. Mail on .der foriunate real ,'state investments were' He reached the fence without fur- � wagons ? Mamma spanked ine norful made with thO utont:y. One of them Cher m•shap, ieui ng a trail behind hard when [ said us's mailbox ; tical, l.etted 5.000. hits as crooked as ,t sorpen te, but at why don't some some 011e spam: the When the lady died, her •state ao- f a ing Us lvlail in- c,lmulated in this ivav during eigbteen —AT TIIli-- TIME`? OFFICE, JOSEPHINE S rREL 1VII�G�JAM, ONTARIO, SUI)acription �o, $1 per year, in adv AUOe ADVLtt$ISING RATES _ �bpaci 1 1 y i I li n,o spm I µ 1 me pna Column $00 00 I $3 00 1T$20 00 I 0000 Half ” OG 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 8uartor '� dQ 00 12 00 7 QO 4.00' (lno tacit _G 00 _3 09 _ 2 00 10 Leal and "they casual advertisements, BC, per line for first Insot•tton, and se, per line rot each subsequent insertion, Local notices 100- per line for first Insertion, and, 5e, per line for each subsequent itnsettier, No local' notice will be charged less than 250 Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations,. slid Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linea nonpareil, wl per nnoith Housed and Fyyrrurs for Salo, not exceeding; 8 lines, $1 for first uronth, 60c, per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisenionts, or lot Ion periods. Ad,ortisonle Its and local notices witbout'speclfla directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advortlsenients Will be paid I..' Changes for contrnctadrertlaementa mLstbo in n the office by I.Vodmaduy noon, ifr order to appent that week R. ELLIOTT S. t IIRUrRI1STOR AND PUntldllaR t DRy MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, wIN„IIAN, �— G_ NTAR10 W. B. TOIVLER, AI.D.C.M., Momber College Physicians and Surgeons, Oidarto —Coronor for County of Huron— office lip -stairs, next to Dir Alorton's office, whig- hal", Ont. OFFICE lfouns,-0 to 12 a. m., Ito 8 p. n1-•, or at Residence, Diagonal Street. DJ. A. MELDRUDi, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Manber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of ideand Residence—Cornerof Centre nud Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. li•INOaA31 ONT I. VANSTONE." BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, •Etc.. Etc Private and Company funds to loan st lowest rate interest.and lar nnpr pleirt�hbought u dfi es, towil OFFICE—Beaver Block wlNallAtl, ONT J. A. MORTON. BARRISTER Sec, il'ingham Ontario Al EYER a DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER. Q. C, I E. t-. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc-, Eta, So liritors for Bank of Hamilton, Comuissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. farm, Town r!veto d Village property bought and sold, honey (p funds) loaned on mort;;ago security at 61 per cent, • Dloney invested for priyate persons, upon the best lllei) inse to the cr 6 Lands rforesalerthout in Manitoba and the North �� ,vbst. IfIll Office—Kent's Block, tt ingba u. Nas demonstrated its wonderful power of KILLING EXTERNAL and INTERNAL PAIR No wonder then that it is found on The Surgeon's Shelf The Mother's Cupboard The Traveler's Valise, The•Soldier's Knapsack The Sailor's Chest The ' 30b 's Saddle The Farmer's Stable The Pioneer's Cabin The Sportsman's Grip The Cyclist's Bundla ASK FOR THE NEW "BIG 25C BOTTLE." the first dash lIe made oil film return postoince men ora y g . happened again. stead of Our Mail? years, was found to III- worth $30,000. journey something stopped with a buulp, l Still a brief unbroken silence. It was wtlie d.to her five children, with The machine and i\Ir Bowser pitched forward over: Papa—is the holes in bakers' bread prm•isions securing them all education. father abSt1l1P11( e' Sv F E the Bundle and brought up in a heap good for little lloy� to lire on Z All'. does the baker man get 'em I The genProus wh0611 had made illis possible. added $4,000 oil tin ground. ` 1Yuw I hope to never draw another where Papa said nothing, bat div d into to the fund belonging to pack child. l 'Besides thn some of money which were TtiE GREAT B L Q O DI - breath if I don't slaughter somebody I lie ae soon as he could the foreign news column. Papa, came the Inquiry in an awed expended for uhatity find in the edtloa- G p U R I F I E R for tills yelled gat his breath, wilispher, did Gbd make yesterday ani' tion of the , children, a good deal was for The pntleman carrioa He was 1;Gin•� to lump tip alts kick to•aay2 uswd zifts. $300, watch its a mon►anto of somei,ody a1- sonrrthing, but it oc carr - might be Yes, dear. Don't you 'spore then, pupa, that a gold the fund. \ f, ed'to him that flies Bowser lie sift up slid lurked the reason He never comes down to The, fund , Ilad It little advalitage 1 looking, slid around and pretended to rest. I call owileamma is'cause he is too bi sy guess, said ,he. , yesterday. I always tl invest it aareftilly, But ' T Nothing could be spent of Mrs Bow, Makin' tomorrow for folks to use I took pains to BRISTOL'S sHr, llowevrr, and after a couple of Papa hastily turned to the editorial cowpounding money makes it grow Th+?. amount placed in the a SARSAPARILLA t1Iillut,a he ;;Ot up Ilnd luoistoupd his ti page an said nothing, Papa, came that still, small voice, rapidly. I, if "I was about $11,.400—pdrh6ps a PH CURES AU. hands fora fresh start, verythina welit its smooth as gropee for the next with a feeling ring in it ; flow does little 1nOrp, tend 1 Ar)dt>d to my, drink, This Taints 0f the Blood twenly feet. Then the Ittower pichod little boys know when their toes hurt! 111011µy llerhapq $300 per year. r 'etn dont fink will deir feet, ailment almost any drinking atlrl smok � 1111 it hundred tett of sto-01),. wire I They does filly ? IuQ nifi„ w'/,lld spend in eWditeen � CERTAIN' slid waited for thll re,suits., That ltoillAl,'s Iiaild again I hoarse. Peps fled to the ►,ase'. hall 'solum yeara A good many well in 1,1114 town It - 1 ,vhf: /peed ;111- L30W'aer, ltd liI• taw Y , l , h All addible gasp. with I-lapit, whore does, God live? sn oke $1,200 to $1 600 per .year, d0"N8 :IrDt talo -inch high-priced wine NERVE NfsnvE BEA2TH gra �,1)E Y that onto the xol What tlVa4 tIW 111at.tei' -, brit I wlcn1.111 Yt. it 1 itnew t.n,1r ,f'e'tus Hasa t In 111'avPn. loll. to i,1,.ke thio i1,ud1 larger.'- rCacoma celery xelwaut Debnit host BEANS Ballfug Diwlho ' rel le nor give ill 11r,w ,y * y 11 11 lYl1'sr � i3fowfl go tit 11PAVI'll 1. I,ge14I.1'. UY 0,0 1- of or the tt Bir ortrt tit t*o rolls. t.fl' !t LOOk Biel/ ,ell 11'tllltte. t • Crrilr Ltd when stip died i �- I , _ ., y I 1-1 Olrti'LW ,of twenty milliiiYll, Aftf tleetst et plinth, This i wtutrtratt, the wort 0)>„t[nrte oaMer crib P" eelnntfi rollure wwtt; f.1St' Wire tVtlell till. fi'atl tn'I•n, �wy,.drfLr, i.ilPre wif yearly I�ee Of fl- liars sllnwN Anie11Ca's fluterpkif;6l 9"i rt�rig ty{olgHW th,ryrdicsstnit� Wi Will [of tlrYn � yissml.nr lull• 11 Ifw 1111fell of hla enr9r 'aur C tlflirr it. 11C91'fU( lrYhw401n,+t119 {lod 1 I jYl Ad1'wrtirilltt(. ' t70w 9 otiNiW.11it~ w'tngbetrbyA. L.ITAILIG OR 'egret, klrlllee,l lily nIt x'1 tin• bank will. nh:, ,ll,i 111-1 1lrnwlr II1-1 ` i w h. 1 I . r• • k P t . N• 4 4 n2i,fitlrsr.5 . �4 �.. r� DENTISTRY.—J S. JESOME, w'INUHAn, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,. AVulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion, All work warranted. pajllless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE No'ricN,—I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. , OFFICE: In the BeaverA Block, opposite the BrunswicL• House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIS OFFICE, - MASON'S BLOCKPI Opposite the Queen's Hotel. Whigham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN ItITC111E, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wINGUAN, ONTARIO I LIp. DEANS, Jn.. wrsolAH, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FUR THE COUN?S OF HURON. sales attended III any part Of the Co. Chsages Moderate, J'OIiN 'CURItIE, WINonAat, ONT., t LICENSED AUCTIONEElt roc THE COUNTY 01 ! rtunoN. � All orders left at the Times office proiptiy attend ed t0 Teruns reasonable. J AME S HENDERSON, LIONNSRD AtICTIONRRR FOIL COUNTIES IIURON AND BRIIUIi All sales attended to promptly and on the Short eft Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction duaranteed. All necessary atraugenients Call be nnadr at the Timus' cafce wtNOIIAM ON7 _ —• BOLTO. & HAWKINS 0 SVRY3 •cRa AND Cryns L86110929111, LISTOIVE. i All orders left at the 7e of the Tom Ps will t1-. ceive promlit attentlo, L, PATERSON, dab. I BARITE' or X161IT11 blvtslON COVItT, IsACRR no litA'e- UtAc.► IaeRNsu:H. wtNGRAM ONP � THE M1888 WATSON. INSTRUCTION given on Plano,Organ and Vi011n. Alga to Idrrltlrrd,y. ludilrRot oar Iftatnit sacci,. opposite tm iNt%* Idly. winghaai.