HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-11-30, Page 11Here's •a :great idep.- top
ealYeleiXig those used or
over. Christmas gift wraps.
You may use a regular 3-
VOW. loose leaf '.140091441 Or cut cardboard to any size •
you like,foi.Via'40,'.g
PO make Yo4r ;CPYAMN;i1V puPO4‘ 111494
P al:4oveMA44'41- 04 gside pages together
left-over CnplatmasribbOng
(prees them smooth firat),
cover notebook or eard.
board with gift-wrap paper. You can press used or left,
over Christmas• wrap paper
smooth with an fro set on very low heat, Measure.
notebook, taking the height
and width of front and back
covers. Add 1" overlap to all
four sides, Cut out of one
piece of paper, or two if you
use two pieces of cardboard.
Notch the corners. Using
rubber cement, or' any
household glue, glue paper
-to outside covers of note-
book, centering between the
notched corners. Then glue
overlaps to inside of covers.
Measure exact
O ttrSie;cCVere.'Vutn7-9:0
piece of wrap 417 each.. i tt. gonrast
.place, overlaps.
Select, a egnile. • .fra4•
Christmas.04rd and to •
hrii et :••.tlehriftete.:04911. 0:0T.firloqt‘ny9 cover.
• Yenr.
ttoci e:q
s' 04e;
0411 a
as •.cards-.
-would'. 31p
be good'
84eeta‘opual34:9kOt 0!)
. cherish
,6rhi • •
reMembett . .• •
Men a ,oliad niatter Wise
e e gif ts brought ••b:y the
associations: gold, for the masunsyrt•rhmhe.yets.thmeer4h, oe,f4liria c!,OPAS40:••.
Top Market Prices
527:190 'tido
Brut - After Shave, Shampoo
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Burley - Old Spice
Phillips Electric Shavers
fo the NNW
Kodak Cameras from $14.95 up
Photo Albums Wallets
Decks Playing Cards
Clutch Purses Ligh4ters.
Bathroom Scales
Wahl Massagers
Choose from
such well known
and cosmetics as
Faberge - Woodhue , TigreSs
Aphrodesi a , Flambeau
Ki ku
And the New - XANADU
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Prince Matchabelli - , Wind Song,
Beloved, Golden Autumn,Cachet
Chanel #5 , Eau de love
Hai rdryers , Brush , Comb and
Mirror Sets
Model 26P110 — 26"
The beauty of contemp
captured in this full con
built cabinet. Rogers Maj
techniques in cabinet con
every operatibn in its own
as its own cabinet factory.
hand•rubbed to a fine furnit
Walnut. This' beautiful cabine
powerful new Modular chassis
rary design is admirably
ole model. Same solidly -
estic utilizes modern
ruction and Controls
design stueio as well
his cabinet has been
ure finish of Natural
t also houses the
BY John Breacifoet"
I take this opportunitY to place before
the ratepayers of this area my views on
education and report on the lastfour years
of operation.
Before the formation of the County
Boards, the Educational Department of
the provincial Government decided what
courses were to be Offered in each school
and appOintedeeInspectors to supervise
such a prograin. Now It is the respon-
sibility of the County Board to develop
courses and see that they are properly
taught in our schools.
It is very important that courses are
adequate and are of sufficient scope to
provide every student in the school system
with the proper knoetledge and understand-
ing so that he or she may be a good and
useful citizen.
Some of the accomplishments of the
last four years are Kindergarten in all
schools, Oral French in all Elementary
Schools, Special classes for Specific
Learnirk Disabilities, Special speech
correction classes, as well as a Broader
Musical program throughout the County.
We started a program last year of Indus-
trial Arts and Home Economics in grades
7 and 8 at theSeaforth Public School. This
also includes students from Hullett School
and Huron Centennial School. We have also
supplied libraries to all schools.
We are responsible to three schools in
the County for Trainable' Retarded
Students. We have ehlarged the school at
Goderich as well as arranging for new
" quarters in Wingham.
The changes in the Secondary Schools
have been the introduction of the ',Credit
System", where students are free to
choose their own courses.
At the present time we are completing
the renovation of a new Board Office
where all the employees nsay work out of
one building in Clinton. We expect to
occupy it before -the end of the year.
In conclugion may I state some of the
reasons I believe I have something to
offer in the coming term. We have a
building program in Exeter Public School
and a decision must be made if Industrial
Arts and Home Economics and a new
Library are to be added to this school.
We have contracts to negotiate with both
the Elementary and Secondary teachers
as well as Bus Contractors.
The Provincial ceiling imposed last
'year caused a curtailment of our Main-
tenance Program which I regard as very.
important. To see these programs car-
ried out successfully is my desire.
With the support of the Ratepayels of
my district on December 4th I will do
my utmost to accomplish these.
Hy Peter Damsma
If Your neighbour's children attend
a Protestant Christian Day School, your
neighbours are members -.6f one of
Ontario's minority groups.
Protection of their right to choose
freely what Is best for their children Is a
fundamental principle of deniecraPYI, yet
the Ontario government drastically re-
strictatitat freedom by attaching asevere
Penalty to the choice of these parents,
The Clinton and District Christian
School is one of the many member schools
of the Ontario Alliance of Christian
Schools. They have highly qualified and
dedicated teachers along with academic
standards that meet and in many cases
exceed those set by the Department of
The Christian School is open to all
members of the public who wish a dis-
tinctively chrtstian education for their
children. The Protestant Christian Day
Schools are a third public school syatem.7
we affirm that not the state, nor the
church, but the paretns are responsible for
the educatiofi of their children.
Schools fulfill a distinctive purpose in
our society. In large measure our educat-
ional institutions set the standard for
social, cultural and national life. Thought
and behaviour patterns are formed which
often continue through the rest of life.
Christian parents recplire an education for
their children which is consistent with the
christian perspective introduced in-their
we maintain tbat a variety of school
systems each supported by the tax dollars
o f their supporters will build a mosaic
of peoples, each dedicated to the building
of a better society for all.
A total of 50,000 students attend non-
supported public schools. The Ontario
government has collected 15 million
dollars for the education of these students.
If these students were in public schools
this money would be paid to the schools
they attend. In 85 Democratic countries
and Canadian provinces grants are pro-
vided for several school systems. Is it not
a matter of basie justice that also In
Ontario this money be made available to
the schools the parents have chosen?
In an interview between T. C. Wells,
the minister of education and represen-
tatives of the Ontario Alliance \of Chris-
tian Schools, the minister suggested that
assistance In certain areas such as buss-
ing, sharing facilities, etc., could be
, obtained from the local boards. Some
county boards of education have co-oper-
ated with other school systems and co-
ordinated their .bussing system which
proved to be a substantial saving.
In our county some members of the
Huron School board have allowed their
hardened prejudices to interfere with
sound judginent, and we have learned that
in some elected trustees of the Huron
County School Board there Is far less fair-
ness or democracy than in the darkest
reaches of Africa. We realize that the
attitudes of these elected trustees do not
reflect the thinking of the majority of the
citizens of Huron County.
Having served the Clinton• and District
Christian School as president for a number
of years, I am aware that operating a
school is not only big business, but also a
perplexing business, and I am prepared to
meet that challenge. '
As a parent of four children, two
attending the Clinton' and District Christ-
fors School, and two attending the Central
Heron. Secondary School -in Clinton, J...e,na
vitally concerned about the betterment of
Oath school systems.
As your local candidate for the Huron
School Board, I will work for better under,•
standing,,promote economy and efficiency
wherever possible and hope to represent
the interest of all the parents and rate
payers in a fair and responsible manner.
By Mari▪ l▪ yn (Molly) $under
As one of the two trustees representing
the area of Seaforth, Tuckersmith Town-
ship, Stanley Township and the Village of
Hayfield on the Huron County Board of
Education, I would like the electorate to
know what the board, as well as 1, per-
sonally, have done.
Contrary to, the opinion of some, the
Board has set up numerous policies re-
lating to budgets, tenders, political activi-
ties, use of schools, contracts, hiring of
personnel, insurance transportation, com-
plaints, advertising, field trips, retire-
ments and many others. Each one is
formulated after many hours of discussion
and thought.
There, is a misconception about buses
criss-crossing all over the county.
Perhaps this is so, in some areas, but
not so in the St. Columban, Walton,
Seaforth, Clinton area. We have accom-
plished the establishment of amalgamated
routes, bringing together the Huron-Perth
Roman Catholic elementary children, the
Huron secondary and elementary children.
This has proved considerable savings to
both boards and is now being studied in
other areas.
Depending on budget ceilings
set down by the Minister of Education, we
would like to update some of our facilities,
and enlarge on our student services.
The student services include
psychological services, developmental
reading, speech correction, guidance,
home instruction for shut-ins, attendance
`.counselling, opportunity classes, visually
handicapped, remedial programmes,
hearing handicapped, occupational
programmes, specific learning disabili-
ties and the trainable retarded.
I have been on the Advisory Vocational
Committee for two years and the train-
able Retarded Committee for almost two
years and this has been most rewarding
to me as a trustee. A project I would
like to see Washed is the replacement
for the Golden Circle School for the
retarded, • in Wingham. This will be in
the Wingham Elementary School with three
unused classrooms being put to good use.,
Within a sliOrt time our own board
office will be opened in .Clinton. The
addition to the Seaforth Public School was
officially opened last May. This was a
specific project in which I participated as
I was on the building committee. I
fought for Home Economics andlndustrial
Arts to be tried As a pilot project in
this school. Huron Centennial and Hullett
Central schools benefit frofn this too,
these • subjecte . It has pr v
as they are bussed to Seafred
h to take
• -e71`•
satisfactory sud.wili ba centiiialtdp -
Another thing I fought :Pr was the
eatahlielinient PonYereationa1. French
in all schools. tinfertiniatellYi funds Were
not available th^ finance it from kinder.
garters 9P, but we did manage from Grade
3 to Gtade.,(1. Thishas-alsobeen extremely
well received.
I feel I have contributed greatly to this
board and hOpe to do so in the future.
By Dr . Morgan Smith
The Huron County School Board has
failed to provide the type of leadership
we should expect from a body responsible
for the education of our children. This is
the largest business in the county, with
13,000 students and a budget of over $10,
million, including $1 million in debt
In the past two years there has been no
report of any discussions on education
matters, and yet these are the whole
object of the operation. It is as if General
Motors discussed buildings and costs, but
never their product, the car. Is this
because the board acknowledges their
incompetence, or are they apathetic in
turning such matters over to their staff?
Why has the Board not considered at
least some of the following points which
are confusing the parent and the student
Is the child more capable of selec-
ting his curriculum than the teacher
or parent?
Do we need multiple courses to pro-
vide a broad education, or is the
answer to give the basic skills that
will enable the adult to educate him"-
self, in life, and on the job?
Is the lack of discipline in the schools
a factor in the poor results?
- Is the retention of the few trouble-
makers desirable, and how does this
affect the work of the majority who
wish to make the most of their oppor-
tunities? •
- Are we getting the maximum value
from our vocational courses, some of
which have as few as ten students?
- Are we substituting "play" courses
and neglecting the three "R's"?
- Are examinations no longer valid,
and is the parent to be kept in the
dark about the child's progress• and
For a Hoard that spends all its time on
administrative matters, 'I would suggest
some pencil sharpening. With an annual
decrease in students, and a great deal of
extra space, they are merrily planning an
increase in the building programme. yet
the Clinton High School was built for
another 400 students than their enrolment,
and all the elementary schools'have extra
rated capacity.
However, I may be misjudging the capa-
bilities of the Board, since it is claimed
that the 200 Calvin Christian pupils
cost us extra because they do not attend'
our schools, even though they pay all their
taxes already. Most of us have some
difficulty in believing this act of leger-.
demain. Perhaps they can also lower the
taxes when they complete the new schools._
Schott.) 6ipood candidcites
Dutch Celebrate ,FeastofSinterklaas
TIMM and
• • For centuries, the Feast
of Sinterklaas has been
uniqu6 as a Dutch and
Flemish event, honoring St.
Nicholas' Calendar Day on
December 6, but celebrated
on the eve, December 5.
Why is St. Nicholas' in-
fluence so strong in Hol-
land? Primarily because he
was the patron saint of
merchants and sailors. The
actual Saint lived from 271
A.D. to December 6, 342 or
343, so that his Calendar
Day honors the date of his
death. He became famous
as the Archbishop of Myra,
in Asia Minor, and per-
fornied many good and
saintly deeds. Legend tells
us he performed miracles as
well, such as calming stormy
seas, dropping dowries into
the shoes of penniless maid-
ens, and saving children
from dire harm. He is now
the patron saint of the city
of Amsterdam.
from $5!
Your valuable documents—
certificates, mortgages,
deeds—all the papers you
want to protect from any
eyes and hands except your
own—put them in your
Victoria and Grey safety
deposit box costing as
little as five dollars a year.
Safe as only steel and
reinforced concrete can
make it, your Victoria and
Grey safety' deposit box
stands between your
valuables and the hazards
of fire, theft and loss.
Get yours today ... at
Victoria and Grey.
All Dutch children believe
that Sinterklaas, as the
saint is now known, lives in
Spain, where he , spends
most of the year recording
the behavior of all children
irk a big red book, while his
servant Piet (Pete) stocks
up on presents for the next
December 5. After mid-No-
vember, Sinterklaas mounts
his milk-white steed, Piet
swings the sack full of gifts
over his shoulders, and they
board a ship to sail for Am-
sterdam harbor and a for-
mal welcome by the' May-
or and prominent citizens.
Then conies a fabulous par-
ade through toWn, watched
live and on TV by people all
over the country.
At night Sinterklaas rides
across Holland's rooftops
and Piet distributes gifts
and candy — in exchange
for the hay or carrot which
children leave for the horse
in each little shoe that's left
by the fireplace,
A Sinterklaas present is
not a bit like an early
Christmas present. Dutch
tradition deman-4 that all
packages be camodflaged in
some imaginative way, and
.that each gift be accompa-
nied by a fitting_ poem. For
" the essence or 8mterklaas
is sheer fun -- with kidding
expected between all ages
and social groups, Presents
are often hidden all over
the house — and those who
get them must be willing to
work hard for their sur-
prise, The poems that come
With the gifts are expected
to play good-natured jokes
on the giftees and they
must be read aloud. After-
ward, each person says a
loud '-'Thank you, Sinter-
klaas!" — which is indeed
the way the Hollander feels
about this merry and very
special Christmas festivity,
HaNey Hood Game
Haxey is a place in Lin-
colnshire, where they still play this famous old hood
game, on January 6. Its ori-
gins hark back to pagan
times, and the "hood" it-
self is thought to represent
the head of a bull.
In the game, 13 men take
part, one called the "fool,"
another the "lord," and the
eleven others, "boggins." A
two-team scrimmage takes
place, the object being for
each man to succeed in
placing a folded canvas
hood into a particular goal,
one after the other. The
very last hood, the 13th,
called "The Haxey," has to
be fought towards the final
goal an inn where there
are drinks for all.
PHONE 5274 990
Phone 527-1420
gip- New modular chassis ...
* reliable, rugged ...
a top performer
A major breakthrough that's the only way to describe
Rogers Majestic Modular Color T.V. The object was to
simplify the circuitry and to improve reli ility. The need
to improve resulted in the design and dev opment of a
modular or building block technique in whi h four major
parts of the television circuit were localized o four
panels. These four panels are the heart of th chassis.
Makes servicing a snap
The modular chassis is a marvel of electronic cratf man-
ship and engineering imagination. It has been tested
and perfected. It has also been designed so that if prob-
lems do occur, servicing is a snap. The modular concept
makes it possible. The technician simply locates the fault
in one of the four circuit panels and replaces it with a
new one which he carries with him as part of his tool kit.
To do so, he unplugs the defective unit and snaps in the
new one. Chances are most repairs can be done right in
the home.
Model 26PL1O
Fit C:10
Sea fOrth 11A
Three other 26" Cabinet
Models now in stock 1,
to choose from.
a• .151.,
mas c