HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-11-30, Page 3Supplied and Serviced by M. Loeb Limited tut. and • redeprn . !i) these 4 r vaitiabb, :pup er);" CANADA GRADE4K., • FRESH . FRYING ' Zhto CHICKENS Starting December 4th to December 29th is having a DRAW for TWO HOSTESS HOLIDAY PACKS per" week (Value $8.00 per paCk) FREE CHANCE with every purchase Just sign your cash register tape and put it in the box at the front of the store. APPROXIMATE FAT CONTENT 25% FRESH GROUND BEEF FRESH LEG & BREAST PORTIONS- FRYING WINGS ATTACHED CHICKEN 'QUARTERS FASCINATION ASSORTED VARIETIES 0 Yr • JACK THOMPSON'S FOOTWEAR SERVICE SHOES RUBBERS BOOTS SHOES or REPAIR SPECIALS in DISCONTINUED FOOTWEAR. RUBBER GOLOSHES — HALF PRICE BOYS OXFORDS $5.00 pr. — Also Felt shoes, Police shoes, Oxfords, Work shoes, Rubber boots, Insulated boots, Rubb6r and Leather Safety Shoes. WHILE — YOU WAIT SERVICE 8 Main Street Seaforth marizaka THE TEA THAT DARES. TEA BAGS Mb 79' NU FLUFF FABRIC SOFTENER 128 OR cont. 1.09 DURASHINE ACRYLIC FLOOR POLISH DIET DELIGHT FRUIT COCKTAIL • Apricot Halyes or PEARS 2 V. 88c 27 oz. 4 .35 cont. i 10 ox. IS, 1.99 NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE BONUS DISCOUNTS VIVA ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER TOWELS 2 roll IM,c2 Pkg %IP TANG ORANGE FLAVOUR poly beg CRYSTALS Pkg" 87` SURF (PREPRICED POWDERED DETERGENT Of 4 a 3'A 02, : i 9 LEO D'OR FROZEN FRIED ONION RINGS 1,4z 59c STILLMEADOW FROZEN CHICKEN Ai CHIPS FANTASTIC SPRAY LIQUID CLEANER HERE'S BLANCHED OR SPANISH PEANUTS 2,3:9r 1.00 11 DI 49c pk g, 24 oz. 79c cont. FINE GRANULATED E SUGAR 49c Limit 1 bag per family with a $6.00 purchase. Coupon effective Wed. Nov. 29 to Tues. Dec. 8, 1972 ozle• VALUAHE COLJOH \ CHEER POWDERED DETER- GENT 5 lb. box 1.29 Limit 1 box per customer . with $5.00 purchase. Coupon OWN, Wed. NOS. 21110 Twee. Dec 9,11172 , • Suggest. years :outlook for ogiicultural . products fits may be less favorable in 1973 than this year. Feeder cattle prices will be higher this fall and winter than a year ago, feed costs will likely be some- what higher, and fed cattle prices will average near 1972 levels. In 1973, veal slaughter will continue the downward trend started this year, reflecting a continued strong demand for cat- tle feeding in eastern Canada as well as a smaller supply of dairy calves. Veal calf prices, which have increased sharply since 1965, will remain at high'levels throughout 1973. DAIRY Canadian milk production is expected to increase in 1973 by about three per cent over this year. Increases in feed costs and other farm inputs,-particu- larly labor, may limit increases in net income. Butter production is expected to increase in 1973 and about balance consumption. Cheddar cheese .production and consumption will probably increase only slightly .in .1973. And, Canadiari.:Thade specialty cheeses will likely have a larger share of the expanding Canadian market. Milk used in the production of ice cream mix will probably be up about 2.5 per cent in 1973, although this increase will be largely offset by a decrease in milk going into concentrated whole milk products. Prices for skim milk powder in 19'73 will likely be lower than those in the first half of this year, and skim milk powder will likely require export assistance. HOGS Hog marketings in the first half of 1973 should average below first half levels of this year, while last half totals should be above 1972 last half totals. Next year should see lower hog prices and somewhat higher feed prices. , SHEEP AND LAMBS With strong consumer demand for red meats in 1973, lamb prices will probably average at, high levels, reflecting the general level of beef and pork prices.. Wool prices increased sharp- ly in 1972 from the very low levels of 1971, and prices should remain strong into 1973. POULTRY & EGGS Marketing boards which have been established across Canada are likely to bring more stable prices for poultry and eggs at all levels. Anything more than minimal 'increases in broiler production should be carefully considered for 1973. The Canadian Turkey Co- ordinating Committee has plan- ned to increase total turkey pro- duction in - 1973 to 210 million- pounds, about 13 per cent over their original 1972 allocations and six per cent above expected 1972 marketings. The volume of eggs marketed through registered statiOns in the first three months of 1973 will reach about the same level as in 1972. Unless all provincial mar- keting boards act soon to relate chick placements to ultimate shell egg requirements, it is DAVERN VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON 9.11 0 .85c FROZEN BRITISH COLUMBIA RED SPRING SALMON 3 to 5 ip„ lb, size LB. .1 5 QUALITY PRODUCE USA NO FLORIDA "SUNSHINE' TANGELOS .0e z. 89c, NEW CROP SUNKIST SEEDLESS NAVEL 'ORANGES Doz. 69c U.S.A. NO. 1 OCEAN SPRAY Use One Package LATE HOWE Pr.1 °" " Cranberries 2-89c CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO CRISP MARSH CARROTS 2 gg 49` DOLE OR CHIQUITA GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 1 3g 2 Tbe 25` .CALIFORNIA REDWOOD a - HOUR COLOUR BURNING FIRE LOGS each El5c BONUS DISCOUNTS Betty Crocker Brownie Breterseolch Squares re DATE SQUARES MIXES 16 1:z°41,0 47` CLUB HOUSE Beef, Chicken nr SPereribs CHEF IN A BAG i;z1zoktgo. 39c FRENCH'S SEVEN VARIETIES SEASONING MIXES to n 5c oz. pkg. 415. TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON - 95c TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS g: 1.12 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 38, 16 oz. pkg. VALLEY FARM Frozen FRENCH FRIES 7 t 2 lb. bag LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 CM. tin SUNLIGHT ,""enPsc"4*" or Sunlight 131,11 SOW LIQUID DETERGENT 24 oz: cont. BONUS DISCOUNTS RUPERT FROZEN HADDOCK FISH STICKS 8p4 59c BIRD'S EYE COOL WHIP FROZEN DESSERT TOPPING '2 ,U 67 Sara Lee F1nzen Pere, "o1ree Cate Ao0,0 pares" or CHERRY DANISH e 14 oz 79c cak KRAFT PARKAY COLOURED MARGARINE 89C 3 lb. pkg. LIPTON-Chicken Noodle SOUP MIX pkg. of 2 DEL MONTE Fancy PEACH Halves or Slices 19 oz. tins CRISCO COOKING OIL 38 oz. btl. STAFFORD CHERRY OR PEACH PIE FILLING '.9 % 55` CORONATION 6 VARIETIES ASSORTED PICKLES FRESH GROUND TURKEY 1;.77c I FROZEN NOVA SCOTIA BONELESS OCEAN PERCH FILLETS ib.69c ELM GROVE 170% DAIRY SPREAD 1 lb. pkg. STOKELY FANCY 5 'VARIETIES VEGE- TABLE 12 oz, to 14 02. fins ig SHORTENING CRISCO 1 lb. pkg. ALLENS Fancy APPLE- 28 oz. jar SAUCE 394 BONUS DISCOUNTS MONARCH ASSORTED VARIETIES I CAKE AND ICIN ,,cr;21:1Z' S MIXES . 2 ...°.°.2'39c I I FS rolls 1.00! 3 SON. WESTINGHOUSE 40, 60 or 100 watt EXTRA LIFE LIGHT BULBS ts;c 59c HI-C ASSORTED FLAVOURS FRUIT DRINKS 48 oz. 4131nC I "";' tin h FREEZE DRIED INSTANT CQFFEE oz. MAXIM far MAXWELL HOUSE All Purpose GROUND COFFEE FOURTH WEEK'S SNOWMOBILE WINNER * * * Mr. Clary MacLaughlIn R.R. No. 6 SIMCOE, (MARIO The overall agricultural out- look for the coming year cells for generally higher prices for wheat, feed grates and oilseeds, and general stability for other commodities. This is the central point from *outlook papers prepared by ec- onomists of the Outlook Section of _the Agriculture Canada Ec- onomics Branch. The outlook papers, which cover all the major Canadian agricultural commoditii-S, were prepared as background for the 33rd annual Canadian Agricul- tural Outlook Conference which took place last week 'in Ottawa. The following is a brief sum- mary of the main points covered in the outlook papers,' WHEAT - The outlook for wheat is the * best in years. A high level of export sales is assured to Canda, with strong forward sales already made, Canadian prices have risen in keeping' with world price rises in August and September, and they will likely continue at levels a, well above those of recent years. FEED GRAINS • The international feed grains market has strengthened signi- ficantly in line with the unusual 'demand that has developed for grain. Canada will likely maintain el a high level of barley exports, although lower 1972 production with normal carry-over supplies will necessarily result in lower export movement: • Prices will likely remain at. higher levels than last year in keeping with the overall strength 41 of the world market. Oat exports in 1971-72 de- creased by about three million bushels to 10.5 million. There , will not likely be increased ex- ports in 1973-74.. However, prices will likely remain higher than last year. - Grain corn supplies will pro- bably be appreciably lower than last year. A slightly higher rye'acreage next year should stabilize supply and disposition,' Rye prices in- creased in August and will likely remain higher than last year. OILSEEDS 16 Rapeseed prices have str- engthened considerably since the beginning of the crop year and will probably average higher in 1972- 73 than in 1971-72. Some increases will probably be required in rapeseed acre- acre in 1973 if Canada is to main- , tain her share of world markets. Canada may. have difficulty maintaining exports of Soybean oil and meal at current levels, since Britain's entry into the EEC will eliminate the Common-. wealth preference enjoyed so far. Sunflowerseed acreage is 4// dow-n, but yields are expected to be up substantially. Returns to growers will likely increase slightly. Flax supplies will probably be down at the end of the crop year and prices buoyant. Some • increase , will probably be need- ed in flaxseed acreage in 1973 if Canada is to maintain her share of world markets. BEEF In general. cattle feeding pro- 4-1414VCV possible that egg production even into the second half of 1973 could seriously exceed domestic needs. SPECIAL CROPS In general, grower returns frern the 1972 sugar beet crop should equal or excee those received for the 1971 crop. While the demand for dry beans will likely remain I iriy strong for the next ye so, competition for expor markets will be keen due to 1 rger U.S. supplies. Substantially' reduced pro- duction of ' dry peas in North America this year could mean that supplies can be brought to more manageable proportions. If demand continues at recent le- vels, there should be some price improvement in 1973. Heavy stocks of buckwheat are keeping prices down. Total sales of domesticall:, produced cigarettes will be up about two` per cent this year; a similar increase appears likely in 1973. SEEDS There will be adequate sup- plies of most cereal, and oil- seed varieties to meet expected 1973 domestic demand. Seed supplies of most of the principal forage crops will also be adequate. Retail prices for most forage seeds will be higher in 19'73. The continuing demand in Eu- rope and Japan for certified seed of adapted varieties is expected to result in an expanded acre- age in western Canada under the OECD Seed CertlficationScheme. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, HONEY AND MAPLE PRODUCTS Apple imports should remain similar to those of .last year, while exports in 1972-73 may increase slightly to Britain and other overseas markets. The domestic market. though limited, will continue to be a good one for Canadian-produced, apples. Tender tree fruit pieces will average higher in 1972-73 than in the year previous, and moderate production -increases are fore- cast for 1973. Grape , production wild in- crease over the next few years, although there will be a shift in the volumes of varieties pro- duced. Raspberry and_ strawberry production are both expected to increase in 1973. There' will likely be a re- duction in total North America potato supplies this year. There will be an exceptionally good demand for seed potatoes on the world market. Vegetable production will probably' be well below that of last' year. Supplies of storage crops will be moderate to low, demand strong and prices high- er than last year, with lower production and fairly low steck • level;, returns to producers of processing veg- etables should improve next year. Prices to honey producers are expected to be higher in the 1972-73 marketing year than in the year previous.' • Maple 'syrup prices will be above those of 1971; and will probably continue 'higher into, 1973. WE RESERVE TH E RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 19 CUT FROM THE FLANK FROZEN PORK SIDE RIBS lb. 8 7 C BURNS PORK & BEEF STORE RACKED-COUNTRY BREAKFAST SAUSAGE LB. 63c 32 oz. ler 1210 49c SEAFORTH I G Open all day Wednesday and Friday night till 9 p.m. WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY SPECIALS ESSO STRETCH N SEAL this Christmas , Seal* So others may breathe easier Irdssessials, sespleyssms, theeek itivee eglee rospieitry illumrsat. e. eft. se ex. ass*, sses en. .4. Limit one1/2 gal. cont. per family with $5.00 purchase VAIUAH 01; I I / VALUANE. COIJf Oh, ot .178 .1.1Mlo MA* *ea 11.11/1 OMNI On. MO 11.1151. PRICES EFPECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY DSOIDA 11112 •