Wingham Times, 1892-08-12, Page 3Jim Rides Behind. � A suxe sign, stat¢ >gna■ ofThought. A Blessiing to Every Household. on - one day I was seated ander a. tree A Detroiter with some apiritualistio It isn't suety dog that would by a spring oil he banks of the pulls- tendency lost his wife some months dure the treatment some women do. p HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ASND QiTI `berland River, not tar from where It at?;°+ and recently he attended a seatliie The rooster does the crowing, but breaks through the Pine Mountains, *berg the spirits were abundant, the. lien lays the eggs, i fal 10 takinga resting sell when a gun I'd like to hear from. the spirit of my p y k Net woman is what an other woman These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Mrdkio, Wife, he said, I';•tmily use, farmer rode �r,,with a buxom country thinks s1iP is, ° ��� ����� • is i 'j` I The median bustled around, find Y 4 t.. girl behind .� p An the same horse, i 'Phare is a rainbow ul a ounce w.o y +7 b lie pulled clp find asked Ins if 1 !pretty soon three distinct raps were roans tears, Parity the breed corinvaluable in disorders ncidental to Ninnies KIDNEYS evil a�eQ�A r°tl 1 I t+, wouldn't hand the gal up'a drink of heard. • a • She, is iters announcer'. the medium Great Wealth. is a great beautifier. T��� (Q=�°''��,-�,i'�''�' water, and While I was doing ally hal- Iant the talked. Those hands are . most beautiful Is the only reliable reu,edy for bad legs, eons, ulcera. and old wounds. FOR RRONCII771s, i ISO on THtfOATS; COUGHS, £'OLDS, GOUT, ItEEIJtIATISM, GLADULAR Sii'ULLINCS ANU ALL ' l]�llle weather for getting married, Is she iii heaven ? inquired the lie• whioh d0 the most good. DISLASES IT HAS NO EtyIUAL, Mnnufnctured gals' at ig, New Oxford. Late 533, oxford Street, L reaVed husband, iVIPn tllltlk unkind t!]ln"S ' wolllen And sold by all Medicine Fentiors througliout the world, ain't it, !le Said, with a grin that gay R tiR-Purbasers Hhould look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the addres the profession away, The medium hustled but could get say them, not 583 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Sant up, Jing, said the girl, giving ' TY" soolf�b. y,1ur "°" While n roan is learning inathe_ _ „>tie earth our allow ; it to d him a jell., Y p malice a woutan 1t4 iearliu,E., manners. ors@Vertu � , " Ah, you're to be married, art, you? p' y' A woman is known by the clothes The medium failed to get an answer I remarked, She wears. AdML i after three or four . Yes, he said, my and Gallie has minutes effort•Words and women are wpddPll, Slip refuses to talk, announced the about recltoned that ain't Iwytlting ---- geU��S better for tis to do, inedium, filially. Ripans'Tabulbs cure biliousllcss- ��'ell, I admire your taste, I yen- Uug l growled the hueband, reach- A recipe for lemon pie vaguely adds: tured with a smile at the git 1. I ins for his hat, that aiut my wife.— Then sit on a hot stove and stir con- l Detroit. Free Press. stonily. Just as if anybody could sit - REGULATE THE Fine gal, ain't she 4 he said admit- I - •. inoly. Had mighty hard work t0 gin Stronger Every Day. on a hot stove without sthring con' STOMACH, V R W ber, Every fellP.r oil the crick wanted GENTLEBIEN,--I have been ill for a long 8tantly. I LI ♦ Ems\ P'�O �O • � ���� time with a lame bath and weak kidneys, her, lied to coax her for six months help. VVllen the Falkland islands were AND and at times could not get up without help. �+ i and finally promise her this !loss we'r'e I tried P B B, and with two bottles rim al- first visited by man the wild dopa PURIFY THE BLOOD. on, afore she shuck the other. chaps an' every dayyy.h You s tru I fid y baok is stronger found tilers approached him wilhont tuck m@. bl@Ube she showed .pore lllis L THoatrsos, Oakville, Uut.. either fear or aversien. I ' A RELIABLE REMEDY 1=0►R jedgment, and lie laughed and chucked — — — Indigestion, Biliousness Headache Constirtation when And what to Read. Lines from Lyons. g ► ► r 1r , her under the chin, •but you can't al Dyspepsia, Chronic. Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad If you are impatient, sit tluwn quiet- nnlAIL SIRS, -For several years my ways tell what sort of pertaters i8 in V, sister suffered from, livir complaint, Complexion,,D seater Offensive Breath and all ly and have a tulle ivitl► Joh. As doctors gave her uo hgl fwe tried B B y y' ' i the hill by the looks of the vine. I disorders of the- Stomach Liver and Bowels. If you are just a little strollg-head B, which cured her aorftpletely. I tau re- , I assured him that both of them had cutnmend'it to all. RipausTabules centers nothing injurious to the most delicate constite- ed, go and see Moses, M198 MAUD GRAHASI, LYONS, ONT. done well, and wishing; thein joy they -__ I tion, Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediaterelief. Sold by rode on and I never expet!ted `to see If you arti gettin; weak-kneed, take medical man tells us that tl►e druggists. A trig► bottle sent by mail on receipt of is cents. Address THE Ri)?ANS them again, but I did. a look at Elijah. CHEMICAL CO., habit among 'woolen of biting ori the >fo Spruce Street, New York City. One Sunday morning about three If there is no song in your heart, thread when sewing is the chief tau:,• months after that I started out from listen to David. of blood-poisol,ing. the place where I was abiding for a If you are a policeman. read Daniel. According to a recruiting sPareeut, I •� 'j' week; to a little church where a meet- If you are getting sordid spend a few igen have lets of equal len,th,and T Y I .�• ON vE, • AL L A � L i N llg was to be held. Half way ther,i .I 1tovAl MAIL Srr.Ausinrs. l while with Isaiah. that is every thousand men in the k overtook my bridal party, pretty much REDUCTION IN RATES. ; \ If you get cllltly, get the beloved Dritish army only eighteen are over as they were at the first Meeting, Only and lie convinced th9t disciple to put his, arms around you. six feet la+ 1161} lt. Steamers sail re,u1ar11 from Callie was in front and Jim behind.PORTLAND arae HALIFAX To LIVE Good morning, I said l! lad to if your faith• is below par, read —SATURDAY NIGHT BARGAIN (,oUNTER.— , really B Those who came to see us last Saturday II & POOL via Londonderry, see th4m, Paul• night understand what our idea of sell- I'am l �n1 fl i ao me w,xraa aioxTas.• n@ttllln lazy watch ing cheap means: Don't miss Saturday; c b ru 1 stili Howdy howdy I they both re- If you are n n night at M. H. MCIND00'S. Cabin, 1I0 and upwards. Sceond Cabin, $.:25, D118d, and we W@lit along to rile tweet• James. Steemureatlowrates. No cattle Carried. a A many mental power is not reaeh- ing house, chatting pleasantly, w,th If you are losing sight of the future, ed before the age of twPut five, and STATE sErtvlbE o� y I+ the finest Wo i Finish knuwt'' ALLAN LINE Callie doing the utast of it. Arrived climb up to Roveldtion and`get a glint the dPi,•lopuirut of talent is ,nest LINE. ) we hitulled our horses, and before go- Fse Of the prommarked hetweeu t promised land. RTF.A\ISHIP�, he ages of thirty and NEW YUIi,K & G4ASGOW`. ing in Ji6i called me to one side.I Auvtoa To 11lorusas.—Are you olsturced at night forty five years, r• I s'pose, lie said, "ticed I was and broken of your restr by a sok child suffering and via Lnndonderrr, every Fortnight. Cabin, C•10 and. f' you nocrying with pain of Cutting Teeth? It so scud at. upwards. Second Cnhio, 36. Steerage at low rates. ridin' behind this nlorniu'. onoe and get a bottle of ` Mrs.Whislow's Soothing The Head 5urgeon' Apply to H. &A. ALL 1N, Montreal, nr Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is Incalml•j r T Y I admitted as much, lint said I had able. It will rellere the poor little Sufferer Of the Lubon Medical Company iR now at RIU aj {. P A iuintcdidtely. Depend upon it, mothers• there isnoToronto, Canada, and may be consulted HENRY DAVIS, �VINGHAM. . not thou'alit of it especially. mistake auout it. It oures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures wind Colic,' either in, person or by letter on all chronic 1 He tdiook ills I.Pad gravely• softens the Gums, reduces inflammation, and Ktvea diseases peculiar to man. ' Dien, youu�I,Old, • l.nittlll' married Nri• be 11' marrl9d 1g tone and onergy to the (+•hole system. Mrs. \Vin• Lor middle-aged, w4io find themselve nerv- 1 snow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is ous, weal: and ext gusted, who are broken TOSEPH COWAN, pie,, t to the taste and is the prescription of one of „ ic the b-st ill the world. 1 doggoned different, mister, lie said the oldest and best eniale physicians and nurses in down from exceeR of overwork, Cesultin^ in > the United States; and is for sale by all druggists mous of the following symptoms. Mental CLERIC 9TH DIv. C dUBT, Co. HURON, sententiously. If they wuzll t, I throughout iho world. Price twenty-five cents a de roggi0u, remature old i g,,Ioss of vital• wouldn't be Tldlll' belilnd. bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas. 1VtNsuox'a 1? p ^ 9ooralxa Srx:w sad hake. nn nthar kind itis; lora of memory,.bad dreams, dimness J• A • CLINE & CO AUCTIONEER, Before I had a chance to offer any —�-- of sight, palpitatiau of Lbeheart, emissions A i ISSUER OF ltfAILR1AGC LICENSES He Told the Truth. lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head consolation, Jini hurried niong to catch scbo, ttitnples on, the face or, body, itching STONE , , I C031missloxER IN H. O. J., ETC. Rpilkins came home the oilier day or peculiar Reni-atioll about the scrotum, v UNP hLOGl , up with Callie at the door, and I had With 'a new coat all.. wastin!4 (ii the organs, dirrinesR, specks be, NItOXETEtI. JNT. something else to think about besidesWhore did on, get that coat 1 asked fore the eyes, twitching of the muRoleR,eye Vin ileal, Y lids, and. elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits the sermon' his wife. of the urine,1oss.of will power, tenderness store. of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby Sole Ageuts for above BANK OAS A.�AAMSLTQXti A Close Call. At ti secon(i•hantl,clothili�r muscleR, desire'to Sleep,failure to be rested _ tV After suffering for three weeks from 011,1 that Coat is your old cost I by sleep, constipation, dulluese.of. hearing, W I N G H A M Cholera iufantutn, s..) that 1 was not expect- gold a peIL week. He has fixed IORs of voice, desire for solitud'e,excitability HAT YOU CAN CIFIT dlaras ed to live, and, mt the time, would even of tempdr.. sunkeb eyes surrounded WHAT with Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $650,000. ' have been glad L•ad death called me, so .it up slid palmed it off on you for . LFAIM, IRCLF, oily looking (,kill, etc, are i AT great was my suffering, it frienl recom• I all Rympto1ll4 of uerit.ouR debility that lead president—Joax STUAeT. mended Dr Fowler's Extract -Of Wild ' "w. a to inRxnity and death unless cured. The• President—A. 0• RAMSAY. Strawberry, whish acted like magic on in By thuhder 2 Now I know what. Rprillg or vital force having lost its tension L. HAMILTON'S s}stem. But for his medicine I would the lryeua meant when he Said it fitted every function, wanes iii consequence. i ■ DIREt:TOYiS Those who through abuse coulinitted ill I fouN PROCTOR, C„ AS. GURNMY, GSC" ROACH, A. T not be alive now. oHN, P W BRADSHAw, 893 DRUGSTORE, I St Paul iv Montreal, 1' Q. i me like as if it had been ulade for mta+ i•�norauce may be permanetltly cured.. lYaoo, A. B. Lasa (Toronto); ,, Send your address for book on :ill disease% Cashier—J. TURNBULL. She tools i'rlde In Him. I thought at the timd he was lyi1;,,, I peculiar to -man. Baps, meat Erse Reeled, tollvi Of v�hicb areWINGHAM. Savings Bank—Hours, l0 to 3 • satundai'9, to It was a good malty nlitlutPs after but I see I was deo in, him. Hest spells purple il,rtpuumbtteRR palpiLa� i 1. Uoposits of s'l and upwards received and'Interest 1 allowed, ' midnight when Mr Sna+ _rs reached rates offal Lepoeits also received at current �, � Itch, Mange and Scratches of cysts knnd, on, tion, glob beatR, !tot flushes, t•uRG of Maud Drl1gS, rates of interest, home and after a 'sod dell of P]s Pri buman or anlinala; cured in So minutes by Wool to the hexa, dull pain in tine heart with D Drafts on Great Britain and the United States + g p ord'sSanitntyl.otlon. This acute fails. Sold by beetR Rtrong. rapid and irregular, Lbs bought and Sold A. L. Hatutltoai' Medicines meeting with the keyhole and the secoudhe'trt:neatgmckerthaM the ii:•Rt,pain latch key, filially let himself in. Edison stat@s that very fen people about rho breast bone, etc, can pnaitively B. yVTL' LSON, AGENT. e be cured, No auto, no pay. Sepal for iYinYEIt & DICKINSON, He went upstairs as stealthil) as he know the sound of their own voictil book. Addmas M. V LUBON, 24 liacdnM• i and Chemicals, Solicitors. Could, but of course 'they cieaked, ard, j An employer of German clerks says all Ave. Toronto. Canada. Fancy and when lie reached the second door his that they work twenty per cent slower- w'ifo was wide awake, than English ones. 11111101 . fl.r 'oils Alrticles, `ZETLANIj SAW MILL What time is it? she asked. Lemons will keep fresh for weeks if ® ® Sponges, A little after mtWeIVA by my watch covered with NNaler ; the water must my dear, but I think its fast. be ohangiod often. s�egtilatcs the Stomach, Brushes,'' • GEORGE THOMSON, proprietor, Llver'and•Bbwels, unlocks Perfumery, Li,V•I Something' like , ita owner, Mrs � A. Audette, proprietor House of Com- the Secretlons,Puriflesthe , auapfis cotuinenttld, in a frigid volae. ber' of andCus tome rstare te boat using notion and Illoo and removes all tm- --- barber Mollsshop ,,Ottawa, Snaggs made nor ply. lldruff, b` r the piOu p ties from a 'Pimple to prescriptions carefully Com- Lumber of all binds, 1 adve bleed. theviiarst Scrofulous Sore. pounded at all hours. inanded� were you to -night ht P hhy tie- •�cousider it u success for I+'1rSti-ClaiSS Shingles, r ,• ep you lllarritd Smith's nidow t lir Our stock: of medicines is corn- n My deur, responde(l Suaggs, in in-. It Did he leave Anythi'19 tete warranted genuine and of r Posts. jurod tones, you don't mistrust your p ' r+ oven husband, l hope 2 [ Nothing but hyr, and I wish lie �. C00�ffs the best quality. �_.� _ send Cedar . hadn't. . DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS'. 1 Not lit all. I ►nerely . lard some - CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE Molxey t0 Loan O)d Notes. l Gtr Load Orders SpeCl it 3 curiosity to know what froih Pxctlssi Sttek to the ILight. t SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA, you hail concocted, tllat'ti "all. -N. Y• ' Right actions sprluK frees right IIr'tuc!' HEART I tJRN. SOUR STOMACH Notes D18cduUted WOOD delivered to any part of 11,PL'ordP,r, p108. 'In tabes of diarrhoea, dyseutery. y CIZZ' INESS. DROPS'Y.. CraloV,;, "calla, dutnmur Complaint cholera al1EUM�\`t'151vt, SKIN-DISEASE:'a" Ar RJEASoXAt tI� ltATZ$ %viut hatil. nlCtbus, ate., the tight roinedy is liowler'S mono atdra 10d on atort>ta�ros at a per rant with I g gulYheb SlsAvht tAninlont removes all hard, soft or ear• 1 drt:er9Ly'mtlil (trbanptly Attended to, oailausott Laatps and lI leniishee lrolri horses. Blood Lxtraet of Wild strawberry,• -an unfailing „ pttviiegt, 8f pi,Yi>tit# ab the on of any y Noted spavlir. Spllaitay King Lions, Sweeney, StlfIl"'spralner turd -merle on the principle tbrtt npturels � � ►rd twcotMttr oollootad. *OAT Me 60, I GIi JltQ7t'Ii omrsobt. � 5ars pad Sivtltt"atY 7'ltrani, Colt be.rtto. Savd$$O b gmadltss art bast. Never travel without oily,. �c�llr lYloek,Wisehtw+. l nl �bwt�t +4p . of ons bottitt. Warranted the rntlt�t;anderfa .it.. Albtilieli fl4t• ewer faro*+;, soli by A. it. Ntavat1 wh. ,