The Huron Expositor, 1972-11-16, Page 13VOLTAGE
If you drive a ear, you have more than the steering wheel
in your hands.
As a motorist, your actions or lack of'action can help deter-
mine the state of the motoring world in which yoti drive. And
in doing to, you can make owning and operating a car a '
happier proposition.
In the simpler world a generation or so removed, car
Ownership vas a relatively uncomplicated matter. Laws gov-
ernirig the automobile mainly dealt with Its safe operation --and licensing.
It is almost superfluous to note that things have certainly
'changed. Today, hardly a week passes that some legislative
body is not weighing the passage of a new restriction on car
ownership or car manufacturing. It's practically a full-time
activity keeping up with new developments.
Reasons for this fixation on the car are not difficult
to fathom. Traffic fatalities and injuries continue to re-
main at the same dismally high levels. Damage to the ▪ environment, resulting from vehicle emissions remains
a serious problem:
'While the auto makers have made and are continuing to
make dramatic strides in solving these problems, the man
and women behind the wheel have dernOnstrated little interest
in carrying their share of the burden,
AM If 'this were not so, why do half of the cars undergoing
simple vehicle safety checks fail in at least one critical com-
ponent? If this were not so, why do three out of every five
cars require simple engine maintenance that could reduce
harmful emissions by a startlingly high percentage?
This lack of maintenance on the part of the Car owner
could almost be understood, if it were merely a4matter,
civic pride or good neighborliness.
Careful attention to little picks and scratches oh your car will
help them from becoming large rust holes. having a professional
• do the needed repairs may save you hundreds,of dollars in trade-
in value for that's the difference between a car in top shape and
one that shows body damage. (Photo Courtesy of The DeVilbiss
Preserving that New Look
* Enhances .Value of Car
For All Your CAR
NEEDS . . . We Are
Tire Specialists
es that could release
12. Check water,pump bear-
13. Check fan blades and
pulley for alignment and
14. Inspect all hose and
clamps for deterioration.
15. Check core plugs and
drain cocks f9r leakage.
l6. Refill system with cool-
ant and cheek for air-
17. Recheck entire system
for leaks.
18. Check and adjust tension
of V-belts.
fledge Trucks
and once again, we at
are ready to help. you through a
carefree winter with our excel-
lent mechanics at your service.
d WE
;snow tires:
Come In And See Us At
Seaforth and Area Dodge, Chrysler. Dealer
Put Yourself in the Driver's S
the car
4. Clean floor mats and re-
place them if badly worn
5. Clean upholstery
6. .Clean the headlining and
dash hoard area
7. Clean scruff marks from
the door siding
8. Make certain all lights
and turn signals are work-
9. Polish chrome trim and
remove rust from pitted
tMfritin°N tEXPOSITt" SEAFoRTne ONtf Y; 145 • Oyi.o.
Make Motoring a Pleasure Once More with Car Care
And Safe Driving Habits
Wouldn't you know that
day you couldn't get your car
started you alSo got a letter,
from your bank saying your
account was overdrawn?
• Strange as it may appear,
there is a parallel between
these two unfortunately com-
mon misfortunes.
It's easy to see why you got
that overdraft from the bank.
Your income couldn't match
your outgo. The same situa-
tion probably occurred inside
the engine of your car and
resulted in the starting trou-:
ble, says Champion Spark
Plug Company.
System 'Explained
The ignition system income
is called Voltage Available.
In simple terms, that's the
voltage that is provided by
the electrical system and
beefed up by the coil to fire
the spark plugs. The "outgo"
is called Voltage Required, or
the juice needed to fire the
spark plugs efficiently.
A healthy system would
provide about2;000 volts to
the plugs: -When the plugs
are in good• condition, they
require about 7,000 volts to
fire. .All things being equal,
there should be plenty of
Voltage Reserve in the igni-
tion bank.
Even with your engine in
top condition, when winter
comes there is an extra strain
on your car's starting ability.
Cold or damp weather takes
its toll. For example, at freez-
If you're thinking of trad-
ingin your car, a few dollars
and a few ounces of elbow
grease can increase its value
considerably, Assuming your
car is in good mechanical
condition, the following cos-
metic touches shouldj help
bring you top dollar on your
1. Clean engine block of ex-
cess grime
2. Scrub out the trunk
3. Touch up nicks and wax
ing temperature, the battery
is only working at 80 percent
of its strength.
So there is less voltage
available. •
Deteriorated ignition sys-
tem components also cut in-
to. the voltage available to
the spark plugs. For exam-
ple, spark plug wires that are
worn or cracked leak away
vital voltage. Distributor
components like points, rotor
and cap must be in top shape
to help provide a healthy
When Voltage Needed
Fresh spark plugs should
be able to function well even
with reduced voltage avail-
able. But when the plugs
A minor scratch can de-
velop into a serious infection
when left unattended. This
applies to cars as well as hu-
man bodies.
Possibly you have experi-
enced something like this
with your car. The minor
parking lot dent or split up,,
holstery seam, which upset
you considerably 'at first,
gradually becomes part of
tt the scene.
You get used to it after the
initial jolt and tend not to
worry about it after that. The
same with subsequent dings
and dents.
▪ Unfortunately, the apprais-
er will not find these things
particularly appealing when
you start shopping for a new
car. A well maintained auto-
mobile may bring several
hundred dollars more at
trade-in time than one that
has been allowed to. deterior-
Imagine a world without
traffic lights and think of the
total confusion that would
• • If a proposed bill passes
the U.S. Congress, every car
manufactured will have its
own version of traffic lights
Mounted on the rear end.
Should the proposal be-
come law, automobiles would
be equipped with a Tri-light
system. The lights would sig-
nal the actions of the driver
to other drivers in cars to the
' This light cluster would in-
clude the, following:
1. TI O present rear red
• lights whittle signal the appli-
cation of brakes. -
2. Two 'tear amber lights
that are activated when both
the gas pedal and brake ped-
al ate not depreisel (Or
• Sometimes, the neglect of
a car's appearance is not de-
liberate. A few scratches you
may not have noticed, cov-
ered with dirt and salt
through . the winter, suddenly
appeaf as rusty gouges when
you get around to giving your
car its spring clean-up.
Rust, which • usually does
more to depreciate .a carthan
any other single factor, is
ravenous. It moves in fast,
feeding on chips and scratch-
es, until what started out as
a minor scrape (possibly one
that you might have been
able to fix up yourself) now
may require considerable
g-14tading and refinishing to
make the car presentable.
In terms of protecting the
substantial investment you
probably have in your car,
quality body repairs can pay
big dividends at resale tine.
Watch for minor scrapes and
scratches and take care of
' them before rust does.
when the driver is about to
stop or about to start up
3'. Two rear green lights
activated by, a depressed gas
pedal. (Or when the driver
has started up again.)
4. Amber rear turn sig-
nals, integrated with the am-
ber lights in Point 2.
It is estimated. the system
would cost $15 per car.
Purpose Of the system is •to
create more exact communi-
cation between drivers. It is
hoped by proposers of the
legislation that the number
of rear-end collisions would
be markedly reduced.
About half of the accidents
occurring on the highway are
of the rear-end collision va-
riety. and ten percent of the
fatalities result from rear-
end smash-ups.
.. •
A cooling system tune-up
doesn't take long-:--only about
an hour and a half. And the
cost is small Compared to
that of emergency service or
major repairs.
In case your, service.statiOn
attendant or garage mechan-
ic doesn't know about -Tune-
Up No. 2, ask him to check
his flat-rate manual, or write
to The Gates Rubber Com-
pany, 999 So. Broadway, Den-
ver, Colorado 80217, Or, hand
him this list of service points:
1. A visual check of coolant
level for indication of
leaks or excessive oil
2. Check with pressure test-
er for internal and ex-
ternal leaks. •
3. Visual check of oil for
water content.
4. Test thermostat for
proper opening and clos-
• 5. Check of heater valves.
6. Check heat gauge for
7. Drain and back flush
cooling system.
8. Clean radiator core of
bugs and check for clog-
9. Clean engine if heavily
covered with grease and
' oil.
10. Test radiator pressure
11. Check radiator neck cap
seat for nicks or scratch-
themselves • are worn, the
voltage requirement goes up.
A set of plugs with 10,000 or
mote miles usage can require
several thousands more volts
to fire them. If they are bad-
ly fouled, they may not even
fire ,at all.
No Co
The end result is ignition
bankruptcy and a starting
So to assure starting suc-
cess this winter add to your
ignition system bank account
with a complete tune-up in-
cluding new spark plugs.
That's especially true if it's
. been more than- a year or
10,000 miles since your last
csNow Too
It is obvious that self preservation ranks head and shoul-
ders above concern for one's fellow man.
But caring for one's car pays handsome dividends in help-
ing oneself. Perhaps the concern for one's family's safety is
not that tangible an idea. It's comforting to believe "It can't
happen to us." The non-use of seat belts is but one example .
of this apparent lack of concern.
On a dollar and cents basis, car care doe's pay tangible
dividends. That low-emission tune-up will do more
than help clean up the air. It will also save on gasoline
consumption and on time and money expended when the
car won't start.
Simple, low-cost procedures such as changing oil and filter
and lubrication on a regular basis° can forestall costly engine
and drive train repairs. Cooling system attention can prevent
mishaps that in some cases .would ruin an engine completely.
Attention to the cleanliness and soundness of the car's body
actually can mean several hundred dollars more at trade-in
But perhaps if each of us were to care for our cars and
drive them safely another bonus could befalkus. Taking the
automobile out of the problem area takes it put of the legis-
lative arena. The long,list of "thou musts" and "thou shall
nots" could even, dwindle to a mind-easing level.
Who knows, a lot of the pleasure of owning and operating
an automobile might reappear.
Take the first step by bringing your car into your favorite
service outlet for a thorough check-up.
Touching-up Before Trading-in
Should Help Increase Car Value
Rear-Mounted Light Cluster
Signals Exact Driver Action
Healthy Voltage Reserve Like
Having Extra Cashin the Bank
"Voltage Available" in your car's ignition system, much like a
checking account, can sometimes- beconie overdrawn. Chart (left)
shows a healthy system with 25 kV available (5 kV required to
start and 20 kV reserve), A worn system.on a damp or cold day
has less "VA," though with old spark plugs more is needed. Chart
(right) shows such a system with 20 kV available (15 kV re-
quired to start and only 5 kV reserve). Avoid ignition bankruptcy
. . . let your favorite service man _check your "voltage account."
Cooling System Check Can • Forestall Emergency
19. Check a4 reset ignition'
timing to eliminate ping.
20. In cases Ithire "cooling
system continues to Oireer
heat, check either pos.
Bible causes. .
• 21. Replace belts, hose,
- chimps, thermostat and
cap as necessary.
• •
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1966 CheV., Certified
1967 BUick Skylark, con, V-8, AT., radio
1967 Chev. Sedan, Vt8, AT., radio
1968 Plymouth Sedan, 6, AT
1968 Plymouth, 2-dr., HT., V-8, AT., R.
1968 Pontiac Sedan, V-8, AT., PS., radio
1968 Chevelle, 2-dr., SIT., V-8, AT. radio
1969 Ford Fairlane, 2-dr., HT., V-8, AT., R.
1969 Oldsmobile, 4-dr., HT., V-8, AT., R.
1970 Chevrolet Sedan; V-81 AT., radio
We have a limited
number of '72 models PRICED for immediate delivery.