HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-05, Page 8n H. MCIND00'. Tau Ishow Diatem, Nvingliam) Sept 2.7-28. Culross, at XeeswRter, $apt 2041. 41ma at Attwood, Sept 29. Alontreli,l B 'post tion" Sept 15.23, Industrial at Torout" Sept 6-17. 0or last sale of Dress , Sept 15-24. r , years spring Western at London I B was It decided success, this year North Perth at i3tratfor4o Sept 29,80, scuill Hurou at Seatorth, Oct 415. 0 "�.Je t�kklave thus tare gained largely Upon .Bast Huron at Brusaehl, Oct 617- ,aiu Clearly Clinton, Sept 21-23. Gobrieb Sept 28-30. ftures, of 189.1 and have 89 'rtll at St Milrys. Sept 27-28. prokvola the great strength of Our Dross South Pe in SiZO Of NoraNgton at Blilvertou. Sept 27 Goods clep(liTtment—strength Northern at Walkerton, Sept 27.30. in range Southern at.13rautftrd, Sept 27-28. :ttlk .toolp_m the enormous varietyNorth Braut at plqie, Oct 4-5. of qualities and pre-emiffiently in low %VIluicit at Now Hamburg, Serlb 29.30, unfamiliar itc,1611 at Mitchell, Sept 27-28. To all who are 'yet Palmerston Horticultul6il,. Sept 20-27. with the merits, of our goods; we beg to South Waterloo [it Galt, Oct 6-7• t�Q say; Itis at once a display Of every North Vestern sit Goderich, Sept 28-30. North Oxford at Woodstgckt Sept 28-29. now idea,weave and color in Dross Goods, Beat Wawilicosh at Delgrove, Oct 44. Wellealay and North E"athoPe at Wel- inau'aing the most lidatiful and eaten-lesley, Sept 20 21, 47tve French 'novelties, and all grades do Upon nearly down to the lowest Prices- U The Low bout Betting- t have been The new Crim &I law consolidation lilill these lines special prices with q extream. bill, aniong othe things, deals wade for this. month and mar wing terms : Every - the line of betting ill the fol wing bargallpq are 'offered all along Ono_ is guilty of a indict0kble OftenoO, Dry Goods, we recommend this Occassion and liable to one eilli's - imprisonment as, an excellent one upon which to Pur- and to a tine no xceeding OnA thous- ' chase the season's supply of Dry Goods. and dollars, who sex Or knowingly an3 prewl§es ander 11alia and foot, our fine shoes and gloves allows env Wt his control to be Pd for the purpose P examine this speciality. of recording or r stering any bet or we ask you to .our osta�lished reputation will guarantee wager, or recor tig any pool ; or exhibits 0 eloploys, or know yoll.,good qualitiesand reason able prices keeps, exhibits 0 o b apt, exhibited or Great feast for boys in in our ready made ingly allows to b employed, in any art of ally premises month. We ask You to In- y device or appar- clothing this in. uncle IT 0 r I'i' control any spect,idmire, and buy, at attiv for the purp e of recording W_ bet or %vaaer, or IiiIii or 0 1 , iii)y pool ; M. H. NIGIND001S. becomes the cust an or depository of r valuable any money, pr etty, 0 of things staked) wa ed or pledges records or register any bet. or wager, am QL till es or sells any p6ol u n the result of an political or y political or nicipa) election of any race of any 0 test or trial of skill or endurance of n or beast. the provillion of Ibis a tiou shall not ex-, U FRIDAY. AUGUST tend to any perso by roason of Ili$ becoming the oust San (.r depository Via Lake. X& o for 414gu oney, pr arty, or valuable of 06u,y m staked, to bo aid to the winner The first numberas been issued of a t in :iies, pub. df any horse ongag in any lawful new high-class Ca isu maga race, or to bets bet on individuals or lished by The Luke liblithing Company of Toronto. Ill its gate and elegant ap- Madn on the race c urNe of an incor. p I earance it rivals i best .of its Atuericau porated association uring the.iietual Progress of a race eling. contemporaries, w Is in the churact6r and popular into t of its contents It scores a decided s cess. The magazine Half Way t the Xeon. is devoded in politi science audgeneral The various Gov rnments of the literature, and p Hoses filling iii -some world own together 80 cables, having measure, 'in the d nBsion of public ques a total leugth of 14 80 miles and ,con- tious, the place fel a in Britain and the taining 21,500 mi S of Conductors. 'United States b he leading reviews of The French Gbveri int, which takes these countries. e greater portion of the lend as to I gth of cables, has the ma.-azille will, owever, be given to 3,400 miles in 54 tiles. As to num- articles, fiction and oetry, similar in kind her, the Norwegia - overnment comes to the contente,of t best literary mouth- first with' 255 cites; having a total lies. I political ticles will be contrib- length of . 24$ in s. Fin0y, as to The poll sited by leadhiog sta smeu and writers of tile length of.' con t,,,rs, the Elighsh both political parti and appearing under Government' corn . first wifli 5,468 C, tho uunies of the i vi I dual as full and ex. miles of condn'toIr divided with 116 haustive discussic of,tinisly topics and cublos, having, a t I length of 1,588 public concern, wil oAess unusual inter - eat and value; in f4 no intelligent stud. Private. componi to the number of 0 '28 own 288 cables, avina ant of political affai call afford to neglect a lenryth of reading them. In tl e present number are 126,864 miles and ntaining 127,632 i articles on Canada, d linperiml Feder- miles of conduk(irs. lie French com- atiou, Edward Blake nd Ireland, 6 Cheap palsies, only two in inber, the Colli - and Simple Frauchi e, fropa the pens of permit, Francilise Teleataphe de leading Canadian j urnaliLts, and also Paris a New York, nd the Societe articles on the Laud 1� I Mariana, A Canad- Francaise des T egraphes Sons - fall Literature, Seco id Sight Along the Marins, have eight cables, with a Wires, Art in CNuaJa to -day, The Doc• total lenl-th of 7. 9 nautical roiles. Aritie of Handicaps - 11 interesting and The most imports, of tli(y private well written. Two at ries and two poems companies is. the stern Telegraph ,of superior merit, in , dition to the num.. COMPRIIV, which 0 aces 75 cables, ,of illustrations compto the list ofcon- with a total length 25,347 miles. IT tents. Tire total illimber f cables in the wood is 1,168, with total lenath of :Neto Undertalang and Furniture EstRb- milen. and A9,199 miles of , co d' �X 1. not sufficient to lishmont. 1) actors.' This I SIR RELPR Hoj)asox has openeda reach to the tnconf, t would ,,extend Furniture -and Undertaking est more than half way ere.--Ellaetrical went in the old furniture store, nearly AVcrId. -opposite the Queens Hotel Wingh" ;and, has a full stock: of rurnitot1q, Lines fr yons.. Mouldings, and Undertaking goods on: EAR SIRS,—For several I years my hand. Call and inspect goods and got D sister suffered frQjTi liver complaint. prices. Picture Framing done promptly 'As doctors gave her no help we tried 13 B B, which cured her Completely. I can re. and well. Special attention given to C Imend it to %J1. jobbing and repairing, and guarantee all on' M148 MAUD GivmAar, LyoNs, 0-;T. 'work done. Having had long experience itithe furniture, and undertakingbusi, 'D I-1PIATn.1—In DIED. bass; July 31st, ness, I am sure I can give satisfaction. K tu in.. (j,", A splendid new hearse for hire. 10 of Cholera infX1 _'. r I)ufrield, I only child 61 Mr. fto Mrs. H., Heath, o RELPu HODGS02; Ottawa, aged 6 months. 1(,.,kquLLrN_1.n Lower ghain. on Tba b-the'r S, . 11 ministe Of very .August 3rd, Mary Earma, ught6r or )k Short, stature was Wet by 1 3 pastoe Mr Goo NjcMilleb, aged 26 y s. J`IVILLIAMS—In Bolgrave, 0 1 July 31, of anOtIlcr 011urch fill 'i's Pillfi't for 1892, Dr. A. A, B. William (lost soft the day. Tho.ill atiou was accepted, of It. W. and :`opohiii Maine - of . Bampton, and grand6ou 0 be late J. and SunilfV mor jo, saw 'Mr. —111 S Williams, D. D. the pulpit. it 11,f1ppent-d that the osvAx.—In Morris-, 0 lily 25th, Mary Jennie, daugbt,- pulpit wlito a ver liull one, alla Ilorkrl 5; years. n Bosman, aged I hid tile J inis r from view. Dvxr%&w.—Ia GrOY. .on ly 27th, Margaret, `beloved WH6 of 5 Ij Duke - However, the litre' at;oli mi1naged I rl WH6. t, ]aw, aged 67 yehrs. to keep their T: I)till 110,01i until 4110,801 sxapsox,—In Ethel, on, butsday, ver r la h if happened re I n over 28th, Christona, rolibt the late erred two L'yor, ;Je ly TIE Thomas P. SiMPOON 1196d years, 3 I 'J the topof, a, illp, t And it spea king. months and 10 days, voli roal �raWIIIOU$ Vol C: m nasal tau## the tax " 0 of Good oheor ; i 300X.—At the I ot ist soniagal nd, If the wif In no id.11 A general roa Riplay an July io I er(1, 0 1 ed X. A gt,aitulkto W W'INQIIAAI UATIRETS, 'D, GOLI v.• n.WlroltAM,Aui;u.t4, 1892 14ARNESS AN Alour T 011"I"ll � lbs, 2$ to 2 25 411 wheat por bushel, 73 to 75 Bring. 73 to 75 Aw. 27, to 28 lirloy 30 to 40 klas, 50 to 68 Butter, tub 13 to 11 13 do U0118, 1Z to gg�q per Ill. 6 to 004 per cord, I 5Q to. 1 75 Hay per toll, oil], 6 oo to 7 00 flay per toil, 110wo 4 00 to 4 60 Potatoes, New 1 60 to 00 D R. J, MCAS11, M. B. Toronto, Member Coll'"Ve r1hysteialls and Surgoolis, otitarlo, , ollice, -Over Clitw'AllardwIlTO Store- osephine St. . . . . . 11 rsotrAM. The Improved hesley Clothes Reel, he most complete durable A14 simple ulanulaptue, d. This reel call be got only through XcLean Son, 11anufacturcre, of CROWSTON Agent, Largialkle. NOTIVE OF VOTERS', LIST. Voters' List,1892.—Municipality Of the TownskiP of East Wawanosh, County of Huron. Notice is hereby givell that I haze tk'lkhsihl delivered to the pers(kiiii mentioned ill sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario voters' List Act, 1889, the coplea required 1;ly said sections to be to transmitted or delivered of the list undo pursuant to sm:d Act,of ILI] persons AppearIn6 by the last revised Absessmoit Itoi, of the said Municipalities at Elections for ruem. hers of tho Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list WL first posted up at in) office it MaragollP. O.on tile qnd day'qf, August, 1892, and remains there for, inspection; tile said list, Electors are called oil to exal"IfIc and it any oulmissiorui or other errors are found therein, to take ituakediate proceedings to have the .id errors corrected according to Ift PETER. pOILTERVIELD, Clerk of East Waw -110 Dated this 2nd day of August. 1092. i. Dated Illi(I started in his 01" 81,411 1 Having bought out the 4nibler Harness Iluslucss t in a harness shop, to furul)ih the publiq with kep Ara Prepare enGli 44 HEAVY, VY, LIGR'V and TR—AIDK HARNUSS1 NETS, DUSTERS, WHJPS, CURRY L CO11JBS, BRU$B.ES, SWBAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VAJjISUS and TRA WING BAGS, &Q., 40- I make all my own Collars and guarantee sat i4taotion. Give me. a trial pd I will use you right. Gr_ G A. on N C G SAL19 _0F_ ALL SUMMER GOODS DR)"OSS =A FOODS, p -DT .LIU.LNTSI MUSLIMS, DELAINES9 DISLAINETTESi, MAJ. BUNTINGS; WESTERN FAIR 1GRiONADIIIES " ", winter,if desired, and same price will be ;� 13EWGAL11% I LONDON, e____---- . - SEPT. 15th TO 24th, 1892. ,t go,, Clearing Prices. J, _R I Beans, Pork, at 8 cts-v-&C- ZETLANDi PUMP WORKS. 0 Canada's favorite Live Stock Exhibition. manufacture of all kinds of $2,000, added to the Prize List. t 11VERE1 URNITU' D FREE • Chairs, Tables, &C., boards Lounge es free, anywhere I Not only ran To" In' Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Side, I ana set kip In your 110111 butiviien botlAtyn quantities they will be, deliver&,., Over $1,500 going to the Horses, Cattle, Sheep' Pigs and Poultry' -�Iltlhn� 10 miles of Wilig-hal". tc,-EME 11TS. pORTRAIT ENLAR , I. classes. Visitors and Exhibitors are premised more for in, Portrait Enlar i,oakhaork for dc Re I have made arialigoments with one of the, best artists In the ivill-yourordQr to anyone for such menta (any 131zo) in Air-Ryushi India Ink and Wirier Colors Beiloro g., for the very• best. their money this year than ever before. call at my store, see samples and get prices Stabling and space allotted on Receipt of entries. Special attractions will be of all attractive and PICTURE FRAMNG.'- ell kind. Excursions on all Railways. Mouldings to chotiga frOlu- I styles and sizes of Picture anti Wreath Fram,(%, made to order. UU of I I - . Special tu For Prize List and all inforatic A. Brow'ne, I . UNDERTAKING. d bavd in Wing-blw ii�epa%,Rfl AO OW,48 Capt. A. W. Porte, Thos. President. Secretary. Notwithstandiriv all the opposition in this line, I am- stif I beye been doing for the past,ten years. gENBI Fns C3 'BARK 'WANTED Undertaker ankl FLA1`1;LV May Is- 'Bog WINGHAM' MARBLE .,WOFI 1500 cords Hemlock Bark WMW :FTLI 1\/I - Wanted at the Witigham Tannery. MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., $5.00 PER CORD I of Kineurdine have bought the, Marble'nusluess of MrTT Watson, formerly carried On by SMYth- &on delivery. Will be paid in their line, Nvig do Well by calling on them or ono of their agents before' Parties requiring work `urpaEsed. We Nvill, use none rkVeIJLaqIng-. YOU IN1711find our prices are away, down, Our workmanship isuns gut the very best stock and by square0calinir. hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage- Mr T T Watson. who has been running the builixiege. for the past year, will represent I's on the road. Can tin.1 see Our stock and prices. Parties peeling, 15 eords or overr call deliver half in summer, and balance in VATSTMINE BRO$� winter,if desired, and same price will be paid. WINCHAM, TANNING CO. M N.Z.;J R Y4 Wingham, April: Mi. 1892. MISS A. B O Y D ZETLANDi PUMP WORKS. I wish to Intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding country that I hayo commended the Wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and and surrounding country that her stock of SPINE AND SUM1 E11 MILLINERY has been received,aild opened up, manufacture of all kinds of Consisting of WOODEN PUMPS, Pattern .Hats and Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers., and can supply them on the shortest notice. Laces, Ribbons, Chiffon Laces, Gauzes,k &c. W111,61so be in a position tosupply Iron and Force, I Pumps to order, The stock is well assorted and contains a.11 the fashionable styles for this year., Repa irin.- attended to. Prices reasonable, 4011N I'VITON. MT 0 Z -� 0 0 3D S Zuland,May. 5th, lho%. , )lA large Stock Ali and, 60111POSed Of CIENELLE CORDS FANCY CHINA SILKS, TAMMS, FELTS, 14ADEMS S EiN.1,13ROIDDIRY SILKS, FILLOSELS, IVASHING 9 SILKS, RTMONSEEN, Sm. gENBI Fns MANTLE DEPARTMENT. filustiated Gatalogtia of Ladies' The mantle Department coutaius si varied assortment Of 111 :1 N TU, 0 L OT 11 S, . SILKS,' SATINS, SAIIN 131100ADES Specialties. PLUSHES, VELVETS, U,: to clwose froln. XIANTLE MAKING AlAr'lTmy, Perfect Fiti Latest Styles. Tiiir PARISIAR, M' Stamping Done to Order. To, 'NTo, OXT, 'Miliatiolo thI6 paper. All iul,4060tiou invited, Remember the plans --First door north Of 1 X 10,0, April U, IM, PhIlAwla jawalry mrai a