HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-11-09, Page 4The Brodhagen Swing Bowling League held its annual banquet and awards presentation Friday night. No. 2 team in the , upper picture, won the team event- Bowlers are (front left) Eleanor Horst. Martha --Rapien, Roma Smith (back) Elaine wickie, Sarah Wagler, Kathleen Schwindt. Individual winners of the Brodhagen Swing Bowling -Leque are (left to right) Mrs. Dave Vickie, High Sing., Kathleen Schmidt, High ay.. Highest Av., Mrs. Harold Elligsen, repre- - senting Harold Elligsen for High Sing (men); Jack Burchill, High Av., George Diegel, who won the Men's trophy, was absent. • (Staff Photo) ' `'• a • • • • • • • • • • a • • • . ... .. • • MERCURY 1972 Pinto, Demonstrator 1972 Olds. Stationwagon. Cus- tom Cruiser, 9.000 miles. - loaded 1971 Ford, 4-dr.. ITT,. loaded 1970 Ford Galaxie 1969 Plymouth Fury. II, 4-dr. 1969 Mercury, 4-door McLAUGHLIN MOTORS 1968 Ford LTD. 1967 Comet 1966 Ford, low mileage 1966 Plymouth Fury II • *t,rderndrig Lrr..t&d tio4..A.Sk LmIted 1972. BOSN' SHOP BRUCEFIELD — 482-7222, The smoothest-riding sports-model snow- mobile ydu can buy. Where it meets the ground, it's tough. Where it meets you, it's smooth. motoski Meet the Moto-Sid S' VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT SEAFORTH — 527-01204 a • This, is the sports machine that's unbeaten in the 400 and 440 grass drag races. The performance machine for '73. 14 Models to choose from . . . $595 to $1495. NO DOWN PAYMENT — un- til the snow flies! Only Moto-Ski gives you a 2-year track warranty (on .,all single cylinder models). • a ID BANK r• I d • a If you don't recognize this man, it's time you saw us about a Cash-flow Loan. the amount you may comfortably borrow. Cash-slow is the realistic way to borrow because it's based ,mainly on, what you earn, not what you own, If you 'feel you'd like to . get.to know Sit' John A..a little better, (he's on Canada's new tense drop in and sec your Toronto Dominion Bank Manager, he'll introduce you -the Cash-flow way.. Borrow the TD way. , . and smile all the way from the hank„ • Cash-flow. It's Toronto Dominion's modern way to bdrros.v. Here's how it works. You're probably basing many of yt;ur major expenditures on a - cash-flow system right now. For example, you figure how much money you'll have coming in over a period of a year, and how much you platrto spend during the same period. This difference between income and expenditure is your guide to • TORONTO DOMINION the bank where people make the difference 4 HURON XPOSITQR., SEAFORTH, OW NOV, 9, 1972 Celebrate 25th wedding anniversary News of CROMARTY • News of Brodhagen CorreSpondent Mrs. Ken -Elligsen • On Wednesday. November 1. the Brodhagen Dairy.Queens had their final meeting. Gourmet dishes and dishes made witto cream were featured. The girls discussed cream and \4ts care. The roll call was "What is your favorite gourmet-dish made with cream?" Some answers were: Cheese Pizza,, Cream Puffs. Baked Alaska. Peanut But- ter F'idge, Chicken .a la King, Chocolate Eclaires, CheeseFon- due and, French OnionSoup: Achievement Day is to be held on Saturday, November 15, at Upper Thames Elementary School. The,Dairy Queens will be doing a skit on "Cheese Please". The next project will be "Sportswear for Knits.". Mr. and ?Ars. Lavern woLre attended the funeral of the late George Young in Stratford on Wednesday „and -visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mickey McCloy. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen were guests oef the Laframboise- Cooper wedding in Clinton on Saturday evening. Flowers were in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday from the funerals of the late George, • Young, John. Mogk and Norman Beuerman. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved families. potted mum s . were placed on the altar in loving 'memory of the late Edwin Mogk by his family. ' • Kory Barry, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dietz was baptized during the service. His sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dietz, R.R. 1. Bornholm and Mr. and Mrs. Lyl e Prneter. Acton. Mr. and Mrs- Michael Con- nelly, Watburg and Mrs. Stanley Bald and, Dare n. Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sunday. , and Mrs. Carl Vock and Bill accompa'rtied Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen and Warren to Tor- ontd un Sunday and attended the Silo-Go Show at ExhibitiOn park. Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 5274240 Many well wishers from Dub- lin and community attended' a reception 'in Brodhagen corn- munity,,,•hall on Saturday night to help celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan. of MCKillop.. Visitors with Mr. Michael .Eckert-on the weekend were Sis- ter's Margaret and Mary Eckert of the Ursuline convent ofssex.E Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kelly and family of Kinkora, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckert of NicKillop, Alphonse and An'nie Cronin of St. Columban Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert of Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Eckert of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eckert of Owen 4-H. clubs DUBLLN COLLEENS NO.1 Dublin Colleens No. 1 met at the home of Mrs. Charles Friend on Wednesday when mem- bers talked about a buffet -dine ner for the mothers. Mrs. Fri- end discussed record books and how they should be organized. She said there should be approx- iniately five recipies in the re- cipie books. A trip to Lannon's Farm was organized for „Wed- nesday • of this •.reek. Mary- Helen O'Rourke and Theresa De- laney demonstrated how to make cream puffs and Karen Cronin and Pat Steinbach made a Cheese Cake. Mrs. Friend talkethabout butter and cream and the diff- erent types. DUBLIN. COLLEENS NO.1 Colleens met Oct- ober 30 at the home 'of Mrs. Charles Friend. The meetinn was opened with a demonstra- tion, by Karen Cronin and Mrs. Friend on hen to' make Lemon Chiffon. Maureen Delaney de- monstrated how 1C+ make Cheese -Drop Biscuits. and Mrs. Friend discussed highlighting deserts and the nutrit ions value in cer- tain deserts. Mrs. Steinban,h talked about frozen deserts suet' as ice cream, The Dublifd Cclieen's n2 met at• the home of Mrs. Van Bergeh aria discused 5 kinds of cheese • Dianne Brown demonstrated macaroni and cheese and Snsa:-. Maloney and Catherine Dekroo7.- brought lunch. The' last meeting was held at Mrs. D. Brown's .on Wed- nesday when Cynthia Looby. Sus- an Maloney. Catherine and Pau- litae Dektoon. demonstrated Dandy Candy and Lemon Chiffon, and Gleans Brown demonstrated "cheese fondue. • The Dublin Women's Institute donated $5.00 to the club. ROYAL SUGAR" For centuries. sugar rerna:n- ed a luxurth of royalty and the rich. In' 14th century England, two pounds • of sugar were , crth One stout Or- Sound also Mr. and Mrs: Keith Kelly of Strafford. Nix. and Mrs. Bruce Hallman of' Waterloo and Mr. •and Mrs. J. D. MacRae of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae. Mr. and Mrs. John King of Goderich . have moved to the apartment formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan of Kitchened called on old friends in the village and took in the 25th Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan in Brodhkgen on Saturday, night. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cor- 1.n-eau of Kitchener spent the weekend with friends and rela- tve-s in Dublin and vicinity. Miss Theresa Ryan of London with Mrs. Mary Ryan and Alice. Mr. Thomas Feeney-of London with his brothers Louis and El- mer Feeney. Mr. and•Mrs. Wilfred Maloney spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney inStrat- ford. Sister M. Cajetan who is techmtion at St.Jomph's hospital London is. spending a week with her Sister Mrs. 'G. Kramers. Mr. and Mrs. Doug ' Mc- Gillivray of London spent, Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cos- tello. . Mr. Clem Kriauskopf spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Price and family of Stratford ..here they celebrated his birth- day. Others present were Sister Maly Immaculate of Kinkora and Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Moser of. Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Parsons and daughter of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Kramp. Mr. Paul Horan , son of Mr. Fer.enis Horan of Dublin is pre- sently studing at the Univesite De Paris:A La Sprbonne. Mr. Horan is involved in a program for international students which is devoted to the study of French language and civilization. Mr. - 4nd Mrs. Ed. Stapleton visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Agar at Essex and Windsor, also at the Jack Miner, Bird Sacuary at Kingsville. ' Rev. Fr. Gordon Dill ts busy this week settling in the new recory. We wish Fr. Dill many years to, enjoy it. CorrespOndent Mrs.John Templeman STAFFA BUTTERCUPS The Staffa Buttercups /held the sixth meeting of their 4-H homemaking club on Dairy Fare at the kgrie of their assistant leader, Mrs. Jeffery with all girls present. Mrs, Jeffery dis- cussed Spot lighting dairy dea- serts and Mrs. Butson whipped News of St. Columban Correspondent Mrs. Joseelh Kale Tom Melady 16ft with a party of hunters for Northern Ontario where they will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Lou- and boy s were in Sarnia recent.' ly visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Melady, Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Our sympathy is extended to the family of Mr. and Mrs. The) Van Bakel on the .death of Mr. Van Bakel's brother in Holland. skim Milk powder. Orange cake top pudding 'and lemon chiffon were made by the leaders. Two of the girls made a cheese pizza and two made hot chocolate. All this was sampledby all present. Meeting seven of the Staffa Buttercups was held at the home of the leader Mrs. Butson. Mrs. Butson discussed cheese, the gourmet choice. Mra.Jeffery made cream puffs and these were served with a cherry cheese sauce. This was the last meet- ing so final plans were made for the achievement day at Upper Thames school on Nov. 18. . Staffa. Women Institute held a family night in the township hall entertaining their families .to a pot luck supper followed by a contest and several step dant- ing numbers by. Karen Miller, Betty Ann Miller, Nancy Scott, Janice Vivian, Barbara Meikle and Jill Harburn. Following this cards were enjoyed by all. During a short business meet-, ing the members accepted -in invitation to attend a fun day 4 at Carlingford on Nov. 7. Mrs. John Templernat visi- ted on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Robert Duncan at Huron- view. News of STAFFA Correspondent Mrs. Ken MOKellar Mr. and Mrs. Glen Linfi- say and Serena St. Marys visited recently with Mrs. 'Lindsay's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner after a trip to the West Coast, California, and Disney Land. ' Mr—and Mrs. Roy. McCulloch visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wad- dell and family of Guelph. • Mr: and Mrs. John Forrest elf Seaforth and baby sOn Dwayne were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Grace Scott Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramsey 6. Tracey of Kitchener visited on Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs.- R. McKellar visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning and family of Mitchell: Mr. and Mrs. Neil Moore and Wayne of Guelph visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. • Scott. Mr. Alec Scott 'was hothe from Belleville for the neek end.' Mrs. Shirley Cdther of Hen- sall was guest speaker for the Thankoliering service of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of Cromf,irty church which was held on Sunday. Rev. W. D. Jaryis conducted the service and a spec- ial number ',Forth- lie Thy name- we go", was provided by the choir, under the leadei-ship of Mr. Hodge organist and choir lead- er. to tF W. D. Stdphenson, Manager geftforth, Ontario