HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-11-02, Page 13• MORRITOWNSW - : MUNICIPAL MINATI NS 1 NOTICE is hereby given that NOMIN- ATIONS will be received by the under- signed from 9 a.m. THURSDAY, NOV- EMBER 9th until MONDAY, NOVEM- BER 13th, 1972, at 5 p.m. at my Office in Belgrave, of fit and proper persons for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillors for 1973 and 1974 for Morris Township. Nomination Forms are available at my Office and to be accepted must be signed by at least ten electors of this Township. • . Helen D.; Martin Returning Officer and Clerk of M9rris NOTICE Regarding Municipal Election Offices to be .filled MAYOR, - REEVE, - DEPUTY- ' REEVE, - COUNCILLORS, P.U.0 COMMISSIONERS, - HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, - HURON- PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Who is entitled to vote - Unless otherwise disqualified, anyone may vote • in this election who is: 1.resident in Seaforth or the owner or tenant of land in Seaforth or the spouse of the owner or tenant of land in Seaforth; 2.a Canadian citizen or British 'subject; 3.eighteen years of age or over; and • 4.Iisted on the final polling_list for Seaforth. Nominations for office Nomination day is on Monday, NOVEMBER 13, 1972 4 1.Nominations may be filed in the' office of the Clerk during the period commencing at 9:00 O'clock in the morning', Thursday, NOVEMBER 9, 1972 and ending at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Monday, NOVEMBER 13, 1972. 2.Nominations must be signed by ten electors and the nominee must make a declaration of consent and qualification. ' 3.A nominee may withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5:00 ,o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, NOVEMBER 14, 1972. 4.Nomination papers may be obtained in the"Clerk's office. 5.1f a candidate is nominated for more than one office and does not file the necessary withdravials in writing before 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, NOVEMBER 14, 1972, he will be deemed to have been nominated only to the office for which he was first nominated. Advance palls - will be held in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall from 11:00 o'clock' in the morning until 8:00 o'clock in the evening on Monday, NOVEMBER 27, 1972 and Saturday, DECEMBER 2, 1972. 1.Any elector• who expects to be unable-to vote on polling day may file declaration and -vote at an advance poll. " Polling day MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1972 1.Polls will be open from 11:00 o'clock in the ,morning until 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon. 2.Certain persons may vote by proxy: (a)certain electors medically certified to be physically incapable of attending a polling place; (b)electors who will be absent at the advance polls and on polling day because they are attending an educational institution; (c)electors 'who will be absent at the advance polls and on polling day because of their employment in business of transportation; (d)the person appointed as a voting proxy must be entitled to vote in Seaforth; (e)before 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of NOVEMBER 28, 1972, the voting proxy must apply to the Clerk for a certificate; (f)a voting proxy may not act for more than one person except where the person voting by proxy is the child, grandchild, brother, sister, husband or wife of the voting proxy; • (g)a person voting as proxy for another elector must produce the clerk's certificate. Meeting of electors rsday, , NOVEMBER 9, 1972 eeting of the electors of the Town of Seaforth will, be Id in the_Town Hall at 8 o'clock in the evening on ursdaNT NOVEMBER 9th. The 1971- 72 Council will report and persons non)lnated or seeking nomination for election to office for 1973-74 will have an opportunity to speak.. NOTICE 00 NOMINATION Nominations for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Council members-for represent- ation on the STANLEY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL will be received by the undersigned Commencing on Thursday, November 9 ..and until 5 P.M. E. S. T., on Monday, November 13, 1972 One Reeve, One Deputy-Reeve; and Three Councillors to be electe-d to the Stanley Township Council for the years'1973 and 1974. Required nomination forms may be obtained from the Clerk's office. MEL GRAHAM Clerk, Stanley Township Brucefield, Ontario NOTICE OF NOMINATION 'Nominations of Public School Supporters, for representation on the HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION will be received by the undersigned, Commencing' on Thursday, 4lovember 9 and until 5 P.M.,' E. S. T., on Monday, November 13, -1972 Nominees may be from any of the following municipalities Tovinship of Stanley Township of Tuckersmith Town of Seaforth Village of Bayfield (Two representatives from the above municipalities to be. elected' to the - Huron County Board of Education.) Required nomination forms may be obtained from the Clerk's office. MEL GRAHAM Clerk, Stanley Township Brucefield, Ontario NOTICE of NOMINATIONS For -Township of Tuckersmith UNDER the NEW ELECTION -ACT Nominations for the Positions of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Council- lors for the Township of Tuckersmith, and one Member to the Huron-Perth RCSS Board-for Bayfield, Seaforth, Stanley and Tuckersmith, for the years 1973-74, will be received at the .Clerk's Office. by the Clerk of the Township of Tuckersmith in the period commencing on NOVEMBER -9 and concluding on NOVEMBER 13 at 5:00 p.m. The required Nomination Forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office and must be completed, filed with and accept, ed_by the Clerk by above deadline. For further information regarding the - procedures under the new Election Act, contact the undersigned. James I. McIntosh Clerk-Treasurer, R. R. 4, Seaforth • ' Telephone 527-0358 ..11AcKILLOP TOWNSHIP - MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS' TAKE NOTICE THAT: NOMINATIONS will be received on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 10 and 13, 1972 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on each of these days at the MUNICIPAL OFFICE Winthrop, Ontario of fit and proper persons to be elected as Reeve; Deputy-ReeVe and Councillors for the years of 1973 and 1974. Nomin- ation Forms are available at this Office and to be accepted must be signed by at least ten electors of this Township. Mayion McClure Retursimir„ma Clerk of McKillop Township NOTICE of NOMINATIONS For the Township of Hibbert' Nominations for the Positions of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Council- lors for the Township of Hibbert, and one Member to the Huron-Perth RCSS Board for ilibbert Fullarton and Mitch- ell, for the years 1973-74 and three Trus- tees for the Police Village of Dublin will be received at the Clerk's Office bythe Clerk of the Township of Hibbert in the period commencing: NOVEMBER 9, 1972 . and concluding on 'NOVEMBER 13, 1972 at 5:00 p.m. 'Pherequired Nomination Forms may be bbtained from the Clerk's Office and must be completed, filed with and ac- cepted by the Clerk by above' deadline. For further information regarding pro- cedures under the new Election Act, contact the undersigned. Charles Friend Clerk-Treasurer, DUBLIN: 345-2931 • INFORMATION MEETING FOR THE TOWNSHIP' OP HIBBERT STAFFA HALL, 8:30 p.m. Monday Night, Nov. 13th, 1972 Members of Council and Nominees will be present to answer any questions a- bout the Township, including Athletic Associations. 'V • Holstein club The ppron County Holstein Club, banquet and dance was held in Brussels Legion Hall on Thgrsday evening Oct. 26. USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 SEPARATE SCHOOL NOMINATION of TRUSTEES To all Separate School supporters in the Townships of. Grey, Hullett, Howick, Morris, McKillop and the Town of Clin- ton. TAKE NOTICE THAT NOMINATIONS will be received on Thursday, Friday and Monday, November 9, 10 and 13, 1972 from 9 a.m. to 5 pm. on each of these days at the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, WIN- throp, Ontario, of fit and proper per- ons to be elected to fill the office of one trustee to represent the above mention- ed area collectively on the Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the years 1973 and 1974. Nomination forms are available at any Municipal Clerk's Office and to be ac- cepted, must be signed by at least ten electors from the area affected. Marion McClure Returning Officer. and Clerk of McKillop Township • News of WOODHAM Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland Miss Elizabeth Collins of Cowansville, Quebec and Mrs. Ruth Paige of Alexandria, Ont- ario were visitors on Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler. Mrs. Mildred Mills of St. Marys visited on Monday even- ing with, Miss Jean Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGregor Cathy and 'Paul of Bryanston visited Saturday evening with Mr. and mrs. David Wheeler. Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills visited for several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomson of Parkhill. Mr. and Mr's. George Wh- eeler, Mrs. John Butters, Mrs. Frank Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and . Deanna, Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler and Miss Jean cope-r land were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin. Mrs. Effie Coverdale of Dunville, Mrs. Ethel Walker of Caledonia and Mrs. Vera Moun- tain of St. Marys and Miss Jean Copeland were Saturday even- ing dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna. Mrs. Cover- dale, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Mountain were Sunday supper guests with Miss Jean Copeland, Mrs. Grace Mills visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Arenthals and 'family of Lu- can. Rev. Harry Moore of Bur- lington called on Mrs. John But- ters on Tuesday afternoon. TOWNSHIP of HULLETT Nominations for Council .and School. Board Members NOMINATIONS for the following may be filed at Ile Clerk's Office at Londes- borO from THURS-DAY,—NOV.'1972 to MONDAY, NOV. 13, 1972, at 5 p.m. One Reeve; one Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors for the Township of Hullett to be nominated by qualified electors in the Townshiff)of Hullett: Two members for the Huron County School -Board to represent the Village of Blyth, the Town of Clinton, and the .Townships of Hullett and McKillop to be. nominated by qualified Public School Electors in any of the four above men- tioned Municipalities. Nomination Forms to be used are avail- able at the Clerk's Office at Londtsboro. Clare Vincent Clerk OA , hosts banquet Head table pearl and tile ex- ecutive were inkroduced by Cliff McNeil of 00440. Holstein Club and members from pruce, Middlege$1, and Perth counties also attended. Jim Drennan,Ciub President, presided and after dinner, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey liodgins conducted a humorous sing song "with new words set to old tunes". Presentations were made to the members of the club who won prizes at the Black and White Show held in Seaforth. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in dancing to Ken Wilbee's Or- chestra. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS MUNICIPAL" MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1972 at 2 p.m. In lieu of former nomination meeting the residents of Morris are invited to a Pu Meeting at the Township Hall on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1972, .m. to hear reports of Council and Officials ask questions, and discuss new election procedure. Helen D. Martin -Clerk JMIIIIIIMII=NIMI1111111111110C0- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, 5EAFORTHt QNT NOV, 24 if.77,tAt A OW from the COMpeJ 024stiaP RegormChUrch the singing ,at the song service-Os Sunday evening with Aerie Vau Per gYde tifo deliotional period, Mr. and Mrs. Pert Finlay 40,00403 aiOng with Norman, Speir and Jerry Collins of liaraIrlieW PrOrded: PIA•PallsAc for Monday 'afternoons progratu. VPIPatePra ,from, Christian ROOM church assisted With aPtillitie4. Two new residents from Exeter and Yfingham w.ere welepined IN' 7 , two residents celebrating birthdays were serenatied 4t tb6 Two entertainers who have been'long Oree favourites the folks at the home, Earl and. Martha Heywood, were, on hand on Thursday evening to provide the Family Night, program. The Heywoods blended their "lees for some • old tyme and German songs, then Earl 0411Iedihe.andierme with his magic tricks. Alice Buchanan expressed the appreciation of the residents and guests, for a very en4 joyable evening. By the way it was encouraging to have .a.good attendance of the relatives of some of the residents ' at the program. The craft room is a beehive of activity these days getting things finiShed for the Annual Bazaar on Wednesday, November 8th.