HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-11-02, Page 12112.--THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, QNT NOY, 1,72. i.,,,awat,AWNANNir USED CAR VALUES Ml 1966 Chev., Certified 196 k Skylark; con , V-8, AT., radio 1967 Chev. Sedan, V-8, AT., radio 1968 Plymouth .Sedan, 6, AT 1968 Plymouth, 2-dr., HT., V-8, AT., R. 1968 Pontiac Sedan, V-8, AT., PS., radio 1968 Chevelle, 2-dr., HT., V-8, AT. radio 1969 Ford Fairlane, 2-dr., HT., V-8, AT., R. 1969 Oldsmobile, 4-dr., HT., V-8, AT., R. 1970 Chevrolet Sedan, V-8, AT., radio We have a limited number of '72 models for immediate delivery. USE HURON EXPOSITOR WANT ADS I a JEWELLERS LTD''. Clinton Seaforth 02:$101.10101.10:Ze: WV: .10t.irner40.Xt:Ogiocivgiv: lotzruor: of, 4 for CoNiaii*** Huron presbyterial meets H _E, "Operator, pteas'e connect me with the lost and found column at the newspaper." .44014.14•Imid•OINOMM. Big '0' Winner Sees Hensall Plant Mac MacDougall, field representative of Big '0' (right) with 'Mr. Ligyd Bender of RR 2, Crediton, winner of the Big '0"10 acres Free Draw' at the International-Plowing Match. Mr. Bender visited the Big. '0' plant at Hensall recently to see plastic drainage tubing being produced and to collect his prize of 8,750 feet of 4-inch diameter tubing. NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Separate School' Supporters for' Representation on the HURON - COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION will be received by the 'Undersigned Commencing on .Thursday, November' 9 agd Until 5 P.M., E.S.T., on Monday, November 13, 1972 Nominees must be a Separate School supporter and may be from any municipality within the Counts' of Huron.. '(Cone Representative to be elected) ' W. C. HORNER Clerk, Hay Township Zurich, Ontario NOMINATIONS TOWNSHIP .of GREY NOTICE is hereby given to the Munici- Thal Electors of the Township of Grey in the the County of Huron that in com- pliance with- The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, Chapter 05, the: period for NOMINATIONS in the said TOWNSHIP of GREY is the period from "Thursday, Novi 9th,: 1972 until Monday, Nov. 13th, 197/\ at 5 o'clock in the afternoon • for the purpose of nominating, fit and proper persons for the office of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillors. to serve the TOwnship of Grey; three Trustees 'to serve the Police' Village of Ethel; two School Trustees by. Public School Electors to ' serve the Huron County School Board for the combined Municipalities of Brussels, Morris and Grey of which all electors are hereby re- - quired to take- notice and govern them- selves accordingly, and ifa greater num- ber of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated -and make the required declarations, polls will be opened on the dates Stated 'be- ' low for the purposes of taking the poll from 11 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. Advance Poll -- First Day:— Monday, Nov. 27, 1972 Advance Poll — Second Day:— Saturday, Dec. 2, 1972 POLLING DAY:- - - MOnday, Dec.- 4, .1972 Given under my hand this 2nd day of November, 1972. Edythe M. Cardiff Returning Officer ADULT FELLOWSHIP GROUP MEET The Adult Fellowship Group of Hensall 'United Church met Saturday evening at the Church for their Halloween party. Amid Halloween decorations old clothes were dumped in a heap and everyone was given five min- utes to pick out five articles and • get them on fast, which proved very interesting. A parade of costumes was enjoyed. Games and contests and bobbing for apples were under the direction of Will Beck and' Moira Couper.- V \ A fr Nit 4;4 dmidolw I / control his vote. He'll switch to Nixon when I come on strong-for McGovern." Savings you move to Victoria and Grey in,the period November 1 to November 15 will receive. full interest from November 1. This means that the savings, account.you open 'before November 15 earns full interest for as much as two weeks before you open the account! So, whethdr it's a 4 c;,-,/, chequing .acCount bearing interest on a minimum semi-annual balance or a fast growing 5% non-chequing account on a minimum monthly balance, bring it to Victoria and Grey now and get • bonus interest. IgCTORRand GREY VG TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 M. •1 t% • Choose a Grandfather or Grandmother CLOCK (ORDER SOON FOR CHRIS1MAS DELIVERY) • AT i$it:30:r W: IP= i0; 2R: ZX 10; iVe: W:2;a1 30:307 .10:.W.107 /0' V' 2;E: 10:J.10:10: 14, President opened the meeting with a poem• and psalm 138 was sung followed by prayer. The nominating committee for 1973 is Guderich to elect officers. The-January meeting is to be herd in Goderich, January 10, 1973. Seaforth ladies led in the devotional. Hymn 374 was sung • TELEPHONE Judged the most fair newspaper in the by professional journalists themselves, A leading international daily: One of the top three newspapers in the world according to journalistic polls. Winner of over.79 major awards in the last five years, including three Pulitzer Prizes. Over 3009 news- paper editors read the, Monitor-. Just send us your name and address and we'll mail you a few free copies of the Monitor without obligation. " n Please Print Name Address City. _ State Zip THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Box 125, Astor Station Boston, Massachusetts 02123 ZISEA followed by scripture from P4F- lipines Chapter 4. Mrs. Pollock introduced the gust speaker MiSs .Ida White, a Missionary from India, who told about her work in India. A question and answer period followed. Mrs. Enright of Goderich thanked the speaker. Mrs. Blanche Dougall and Mrs. Edith Bell sang a lovely duet accompanied by Mrs. Munn at the.piano. C.O.C. CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The C.O.C. -of Carmel Pres- byterian Church met on Sunday morning.. To open the meeting everyone repeated the C.O.C. motto. 10 members answered the roll call ,by naming the cos- tume they' were going_ to wear, for Halloween. The offering was received and dedicated. A story• "Herbert the ghost" was read and a pumpkin game played. For crafts Halloween people were made. The meeting closed with prayer. It was decided that the C.O.C. and the. Explorers would have a fish pond at the Bazaar on November 4,. DonatiOns will be greatly appreciated. Next meeting of the C.O.C. will be held November 19, 4-H club The ' fifth meeting of the "Roaring Twenties" was held at the Legion Hall last Tuesday evening. Everyone made and ate egg, salmon and cream cheese sandwiches. After filling out hand-out sheets the meeting ad- journed. The October 31st-meet- ing was cancelled because of Halloween. Mr. Tony Gelderland, Ridge- town; visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal over the weekend. Miss Linda Mock, daughter of Mr. and MrA. Ron Mock,, is a patient in Toronto GeneralHosp- • • ital where she underwent sur- gery Wednesday' of this week. mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oifr visited with Mr. James Orr in Parkhill on Sunday,, and celebrat- ed their 40th wedding anniversary there. Mr. add Mrs. John Kony- nendyk and Lenora, Woodstock, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal. Bonus interest on your • savings Correspondent' Mrs. Joyce Pepper The Huron - Presbyterial meeting was held Wednesday aft- ernoon at the Carmel Prebyter- ian Church, with President Mrs. Pollock presiding and Mrs. Tory Soldan acting as secretary.' The HENSALL KINETTE CLUB MEETING The Kinette club celebrated their anniversary in London. The Kinettes met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Sharon Hof- fman. The guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. Shirley Weary spoke on "Women in Politics". A donation is to be sent to the C.N.I.B. Plans were started for the arrangement of a Christmas par ty. The raffle was won by Karen Schurman. The next meet- ing will be November 8 at the home of Mrs. Mary Lou Hide. Free copies of one of the world's most quoted newspapers Redken Laboratories INTRODUCES AMINO-PON BEAUTY BAR The first no soap cleaning bar on the market FOR SKIN and HAIR Contains organic proteins, humotants, 'wheat germ oil and vitamins and is acid balanced at APH of 5.5 -4444 VISIT YOUR NEAREST BEAUTY SALON and ASK for BEAUTY BAR — Sold Only at Beauty Salons