HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-05, Page 6Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts, gently yet Iiromptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem, effectually,, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its Lind ever pro- duced,, pleasing to roduced,,pleasingto the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most ipopular remedy ? ,nown. Syrup of Figs la for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly.- for any one who wisheE to try, it, Manufactured only by the CA FORMA FIC SYRUP CO., SAN FUANC3ISCn, CAL. At night is always a trouble, and itis often an entirelyy unnecessary -frotli% if Perry Davis, pruN K1LLl is kept in the bpuse. - A few drops of this .old rerfiedy in -a, little sweet ened `water or milk, brings prompt relief. Sold everywhere., Have you seen the Ne* SIG BOTTLE Old. Price 2s Cents. DELICATE XURUIT ,Ta.k, dear aol�, I'm ;lad you carte. The old lean who Wept. tr �r (� l warlt to see the boys. I was driving along the highway in Little Jao* •almost flew down. the a buggy, when a. man came running stair, and soon returned, followed by across the field and stopped me to say 41,. AVGL'ST 5, 1803, four or five little paper sellers. Tlie there had Ilaen an accident tit' a barn ----.�•— simklt of the Company revived the dy- raising. Dao c=lan Matt been killed 41immy's Slate, iug boy ; he tallied to then, as long as and two hurt, and hP wanted a ride 'ttle Jimmie Ilial wag just twelve he could, Sign the,pWdge and believe on Flim) with Ire slid brim; the doctor. We had gone about' half a mite when we lis olll when I first saw him, and (for He is right here now) that said, came to a country church, On the very lame Eton, a hard blo\v his Uotne unto me, and them as is tired Weather-beaten steps sats a shaby, .or had given 1titYl what, low was or o lie iven h can come and .get rest, rest, rest for- grey -!leaded old trap, with nn old,fash As me was Jim- iotaed rifle across his knees. Ho began spllinn papers in the street, .ever' spi The light was very near. Tears fell motioned for us to stop and carne hob - d, altar lag was very lame, rte ver cotnpla}nad; but runny times lie fast from the -eyes of his little cote- bling clown to the buggy to ask pd llittHrly when &Int of bad boysrades, 1-1-e stopped talking. T. thought Do either one of you live a't'oui)d lowed hitn down] the street Inimick- it was Over, but once more lie opened her 7 !link. But they soon•had reason his large. blue eyes and murmured, l Yes, I do, replied my companion, ba sorry for this, for Jimmie often hears Him .a tellin' me h0ome unto me, Been here fail,7 cared his supper with some boy who ata'—an'--1.'ln ,goiug to get rest. About twenty years, d not been so successful as he was. Tho eyes closed, and be was gone— Well, do you know a Dian around tllie wished very much that he gone to be at home forevar,but I often Here clamed Arnold—Ben Arnold? ,Iini ould get a slate, to count up how think of the faith of the dear little boy Yes ; 'I know Ben Arnold. itch he made in a week, lie said; but who died so happy. Tall man with very large ears and was a lot,- time before he not it. His First Slerping Car. a freckled face 7 o Yea vory•bit of honey lie earned had to He ;vas astockily built young Brit - Mighty toil; legs on him ? a, to buy bread, or was taken away lsher and this was his first visit to Yea cont hirci by his father. Jilnmie's America. His home is in Yorkshire, r I Whistles so much 1!se a mucjting But one morning poor told him if he sold exough pa- and his English brogue could be cut bird you can't tell the difference 7 y . !other era tliat day he ,night get a slate. up in chunks as slippery and infinite- ice. That's the loan. ow eagerly lie worked all day! When simal as our summer I struck my first sleeping car an the One more question. Did he ever ight carne he counted his money, and night of my arrival in Canada, he said. live in ITexas Yes, he did. He came here from ouud that lie had just enough to buy It was the first time I. ever was ,n an , Texas ahotiten ears ago. ) slate and per-dil. Where can 1 ut it 7 lie thought, for I American sleeping cdr though I had heard of them. To ;4 g'urprise'there • ' T!'aak 11etven 1 1 havo hint at lAst ! e knew his father would take it away 'were no seats visible. Whose myster- fervently pxcla i tried,the old pilgrim As f he saw it; so be told the clerk Lia I , taus entrains h'nDg on bo' h aides of a lie rolled his eyes upward. trouble, and he tq!d flim be might narrow aisle stud the lig!Aq wQte turn, !lid you walnt to see hill, very par• leave it there if he liked. ed down low., I Itlie\V then those car ticularly ? aSkvd the man beside ala. He hodnot gone far on his Nvay t9ille, for 1 directly 110ard a snore. I 18bould say I dirt ! I've been llom wllen he snot bis father,who wag' lead i,o idea �, here my bed ,vas, don't searching for hint for twenty-one•long very drunk: Give me all you got to- you know, and ft.r rumnnagilig along .years to shunt him down ! Hr railed 'day; J must get something to walnt indiscriminately—the cool chills went me a liar when I lay sick on illy bell rte lip, lie said. creeping nlong my epino at the very in Texas, and I vowed to kill hien. So I (lave tint a peeny left, father. idea. Some American would kill me. I llnve found him at last. How far up `r haat have ynu done with your Where do I sleep ? I finally asked the, road i ,it 7 money ? the porter, compelled at last to display ` My friend you ire too late ! O, father, I bought a slate with it, my ignorance, l NU ! Did he hear I was'. after hint Yott did, he said, knocking him I That black man ]coking at me a and skip out last night-? h down.. minute his eyes getting bigger No. He was killed at a barn rais- Poor Ji,vinie vas earried home quite and whiter all the time, and his mouth ing two hours ago. A whole big bent insensible and put to bed, where he finally spread so muchI was alarmed. fell upon•bim and he was smashed lay for some time without even open- He tool, illy check. . flit. iy1,� his eyes. Number fo'teen, said he, 'light ]can' You—you wouldn't deceive a poor ' The.father, having; seen him coming side, uppah. old man lilte n,e, Who had followed ` out of the shop, hurried on, and,goiug Thgnkino, hill% apologetically, I l,in) twt'nty one long years 7 pleaded ' in, asked the man for the slate, went carefully along the curtains un• the• pilot -iii, - A boy took it away n little while til 1 came to one with a card hanging No, sin ago, said the clerk, turning to a lady u) front of it with lily number. 1 had He's really and truly Jrad, is he 7 who had come in. beard that Americans usually undress-' He is, sir. Fre lever laiew what Jimmie lay very 'quiet for nearly a Pd and went to bpd just as if ,they Ilurt hint. qan we do anything for were at home ; but 1 saw no place to yotl 7 week ; then there caths a day when he sit down tonl ill of sboes and so i p } No—nothing. illy !tapes have end - sat up in lied, and the first thing he thuagiit I just lie down as I wits. ed in ashes ; the future is nothing to asked for was his slate... The clerk explained that the `boy who took it Pullin,, !ny Curtains aside, I nearly ire. DC,Ve i't ht Ota, slid don't tnlnd ;- said Jimmie had sent for it. Pilot fainted when I discovered a lady ill my this poor old man, who has . spent so little- )t,nmle c Gild not help crying,fnr berth. She discovered ane at the . ,rally years to fine, his man, and then lie had worsted so hard for it. same time, Rnd'uave a yell that woke. find him. dead I I was his teacher in the Sabbath everybody in the crit• but the .man who snored. You could hear Bina blowing And as we dinve on he went back school, and when I went to sen him array ,note distinctly in ,lie, painful to his seat on th«t church steps and I sat down and wept. the first glance at his face told the silence of that moment. At that mo - that he was very near the end of the 1 merit I heard the prolonged ring of end of the journey.Wanted ilia alarm bell in the porter?s room. Something Safer. The next mornin•, Jitnmie could That individual came 8hutfiing down 1 The ballson was tugging at the ropes hardly speak, but ))a held out hi -4 poor the aisle anioug the tousled hBads that I that held it as if eager to bound upward into the trackless depths of space.. little fevered hand, were sticking out here and there, and The aeronant, pale but ' self-possessed, Jinifnie, said I, do you know whare wanted to know what was the matter. stood at the side of the basket giving his you are going ? I say, porter, said 1, I don't under« final directions to the men in charge of Yes, lie said,with a poppy t•milo, I stand this—=here's a lady in my berth. TOpes' ` ' ala going right hoxe, right rtrnght to Yo' berth is uppali, still—I said I As he was preparing to take his place in the frail vessel in which he was about Jesus. Do know how I uppah I the porter explained, and he he tied to navigate the air, an excited yoling you to pray, limmie7 &0 allowed ase a shelf with a man with -a htintedlook in his eyes rush - No, said lit=. upon it right above the lady, ed tip and asked him hurriedly s Then I repeated the words of our Dear me 1 said I, quite innocently, I Will Ibis balloon take two men Y- Saviatitt 00tpe unto rile all ye that I never saw one.befot'o, and you'll par.' It will, answered the,neronant. labor, and are heavy laiden, and t will don rte, I'm sure. I heard snore gig I iii the basket atronjr enou;;h for two? give you rest, filing and rint�lug along the aisle. Yea. I Then 1 want to make the trip Mith Uh I did Jesus His own Self may while I was it trifle embarrassed, you , you ! that? That's, what I call precious kind, know. The lady I' had disturbed �. i Young man, do you know anything , n, rest. 'Ilt nredr I'm laughed p1E�asalttly and forgave ,tie. about the clan '6 'f3 of i3' a balloon vOyage? The pocrlittte f,±iloty was fast sink- cllurteous! . y No, sir; but 14Mnotafraid of thein, illaf. I bent over to hear what ho- wain Haw nrlt'i.to get tip there, porter ? Do you see thin its+gtitting ctrudy in the west, that the wind in rising and a saying, and it was, over incl over Olitlle, saah, clime, replied tho black, storm coming up that Way carry or, SW agaiti: Come onto me all ye that labor Goods, gracious, she eXelainiod, as l miles from bare before we tomo down 7 and are heavy laden and I will give hoisted myself tip, if the I3ritisht•r 'chat's all right. It doesn�t Beare me YOU rest. l;asn't gone to bYd with iris b'Tots on I it cent's wtirth. -Al rather go than stay Just thea tits dont, oponAd, and in Bver Rod was now laughing at ii: and I'll, toady to climb ih right now, is ,yer. Dian Y carne It little Loy carrying A slats: atld exPellse, You kllow—andx to telt tilt Pall vile Pall newspaperuwant �rencil, Going to Ehe lrwdardw, hrw itlnelt trattll, I wag to intich nmused at era � y Adve),taoto I uauld hardly rolfrain 0010 Oh ;you,vant to go along'te.write the tgo along l%kwi le little a+latnlie 'canal 8.611 I stoste laughter myself. tiling up y , %aur slate an1,d polivil to tease yon, tiff � No l said the you,, , g man, mildly. I w, I vire rr v 0h, do rorgivs,tile, i A faflA to writ, a atVomirs of a tiovel trying to dercigtl thtr city editor. %relit looking for a reportee ta r th writic a wo- i ffTg3br'. r!a 'br. �Ya�+alnr tiro iterkw i 'a fforhms,. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts, gently yet Iiromptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem, effectually,, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its Lind ever pro- duced,, pleasing to roduced,,pleasingto the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most ipopular remedy ? ,nown. Syrup of Figs la for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly.- for any one who wisheE to try, it, Manufactured only by the CA FORMA FIC SYRUP CO., SAN FUANC3ISCn, CAL. At night is always a trouble, and itis often an entirelyy unnecessary -frotli% if Perry Davis, pruN K1LLl is kept in the bpuse. - A few drops of this .old rerfiedy in -a, little sweet ened `water or milk, brings prompt relief. Sold everywhere., Have you seen the Ne* SIG BOTTLE Old. Price 2s Cents. NERVU —iS PUBLISIIE�i-..r„ i;,�'F,Rx I+1amy rdoltmNC ---AT T119-^• MMES OFFIOE, JOS9PHINE %TMEE.T NNINGi3AM, ONTARIO, subeo>ripttott prion, $l pc+g year, i>n adTalsrq� _ ADVERTISING RATES: u^Space ( 1 yr. m( 6 mo. ! 3 mo. (i lila Oleo Colnin'nn $00 0000 $36 Ori fS20 00� 00' Half " 86 2000 12 OQ b 00" quarter 40�0 00 12 00 7 00 4 00" Ono Wuh I 6 00 I 8 OQ L 00 E 0� Leal and other casual advertlseuTents, Ke• per tine for fin at insertion, and 3c. per line foreach subsequent alsortion. Local notices 100, per line for firsttion, and 5o, per line for each subsequent hlsert4ll No local notice will be charged less than 26c, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, $1 per month ' Houses and Farina for Sale, not exceeding 8 linee, $1 for that month, 60c, per subsequent month These ternns l 111 be strictly adhered to Special rates for longor advertisements, or toi longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Tawaitory advertisements must be paid fn advance Changes for contract advartisenrants must be In the otHec by Wednesday noon, in order to appeat that week R, ELLIOTT _---�PROYRIRTOR AND PUBLI—deixllER. T 4R• MACDONALD, IL! a JOSEPHINE STREET, \r1SQItAII1. ONTAR[CA B. TOWLER. sl,v,C.M,, o r r . —� e Member Colloge Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner for County of Huron— Ofice'Up•stairs, next to AIr Morton's office, Wing.. ham, ont, 01MOE Itouas,-9 to 12 a, in,, 1 to 6 p. in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street, DR J. A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduato of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ofliceand Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, iornlerlyoccupied by Dr. Bethune. WtNerlAnl ONT R. VANSTONE. LL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Etc Private wad Company funds to loan at lowest rate Interest. No couunlssion changed. Alovtgages, town and !arm property bouvht and sold. OFFICE=13 graver Bloch WINOHADI, OXT J, A. MORTON BARRISTER &c , whigham Oniarto !v( EYER & DICHTNSON, H. W. C. MEYER. Q. C. i E. L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Eta, Etc., Sb licito•s for Bank of Ilainaton. Counissioners for* taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned ai mortgngo security 4t 6 per cont. Money Invested for priyate persons, upon the best mortgage securities without nny expwso to the louder. Lands for sale in Mauitoba and the North- west. Office—Bent's Bloch, N Ingbnm. DENTISTRY.— 3 S: JEROME, w1Noa AM, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanito plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be, got In the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extractfon of teeth by the use of'Elcctr,w ity or Vegotable Vapor. , TAKE NoxicE.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver, Block, opposite the Brunswick House. W m: H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - • MASON'S BLOCKI Apposite the Queen's Ilot«:1, wingham, Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. J CHN ulTCIIIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WIN011AN, , ON'rARtn Q ,DEANS. JR., WraaaAM, Ll(i',&SED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY . A OF HURON. Sales attended III any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN MIME, NVINGRAat, ()NT., 35109NARD AUCTIONREU roil Trig COUNTY OF k,U11ON. All orders left at the Timm otflee promptly attend ed to Terns teasonable. JARM 11PN1iERSON, Llonaso Acovoxxsn iron C60Tlns 11UR0k AND Bnucx All silos a Notice, ttended t0.1146111pil5• and on the Shtirt'eef Charges Moderate and satfstaotlon oaatAnteed, All necessary arrdngelmcnts 1-411 be anadr at th¢ TIMES' etltec 1v,xbnAM ort BOLTON & AAWKINS P. 14, & D, Int S"V%;YO" AM) CIvi1, ENGINIX94 1,18TOWEL ANb JVJN.CIIIAM, All orders left,at the oflled of £ho Tlirke q'Ill rt. eelve prompt attentlnn PATEI;box, . _. -.. SAIMFp or Etlirlrrt D17n,idx CoalItI, jfi cin oPUA#• HIAGf LictiNBRR 1t \4;�t{Nfiy1#�Ay1a�N��yy�y ON!'. ��p + bl 11A4k7+7t A7 W AT86N. INSTP-TICTION given ou Plarir5,o rgan hold violla, Alto In akenrony ttetitl 'P= can ulirrola fArtnrt% "Pat" flat .�6�r ilrg, l It I I. DELICATE XURUIT .4 LAMAN S 4ic7C•,\0 �i�i . 'PURE .'RICH SWEET ,#ARE LASTING :PUNGENT [ ] ON 0V �H FLORIDA. WATis it STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR PAYOR, SEWARE OF IMITATIONS. FI AD RANT NERVU —iS PUBLISIIE�i-..r„ i;,�'F,Rx I+1amy rdoltmNC ---AT T119-^• MMES OFFIOE, JOS9PHINE %TMEE.T NNINGi3AM, ONTARIO, subeo>ripttott prion, $l pc+g year, i>n adTalsrq� _ ADVERTISING RATES: u^Space ( 1 yr. m( 6 mo. ! 3 mo. (i lila Oleo Colnin'nn $00 0000 $36 Ori fS20 00� 00' Half " 86 2000 12 OQ b 00" quarter 40�0 00 12 00 7 00 4 00" Ono Wuh I 6 00 I 8 OQ L 00 E 0� Leal and other casual advertlseuTents, Ke• per tine for fin at insertion, and 3c. per line foreach subsequent alsortion. Local notices 100, per line for firsttion, and 5o, per line for each subsequent hlsert4ll No local notice will be charged less than 26c, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, $1 per month ' Houses and Farina for Sale, not exceeding 8 linee, $1 for that month, 60c, per subsequent month These ternns l 111 be strictly adhered to Special rates for longor advertisements, or toi longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Tawaitory advertisements must be paid fn advance Changes for contract advartisenrants must be In the otHec by Wednesday noon, in order to appeat that week R, ELLIOTT _---�PROYRIRTOR AND PUBLI—deixllER. T 4R• MACDONALD, IL! a JOSEPHINE STREET, \r1SQItAII1. ONTAR[CA B. TOWLER. sl,v,C.M,, o r r . —� e Member Colloge Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner for County of Huron— Ofice'Up•stairs, next to AIr Morton's office, Wing.. ham, ont, 01MOE Itouas,-9 to 12 a, in,, 1 to 6 p. in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street, DR J. A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduato of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ofliceand Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, iornlerlyoccupied by Dr. Bethune. WtNerlAnl ONT R. VANSTONE. LL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Etc Private wad Company funds to loan at lowest rate Interest. No couunlssion changed. Alovtgages, town and !arm property bouvht and sold. OFFICE=13 graver Bloch WINOHADI, OXT J, A. MORTON BARRISTER &c , whigham Oniarto !v( EYER & DICHTNSON, H. W. C. MEYER. Q. C. i E. L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Eta, Etc., Sb licito•s for Bank of Ilainaton. Counissioners for* taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned ai mortgngo security 4t 6 per cont. Money Invested for priyate persons, upon the best mortgage securities without nny expwso to the louder. Lands for sale in Mauitoba and the North- west. Office—Bent's Bloch, N Ingbnm. DENTISTRY.— 3 S: JEROME, w1Noa AM, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanito plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be, got In the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extractfon of teeth by the use of'Elcctr,w ity or Vegotable Vapor. , TAKE NoxicE.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver, Block, opposite the Brunswick House. W m: H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - • MASON'S BLOCKI Apposite the Queen's Ilot«:1, wingham, Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. J CHN ulTCIIIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WIN011AN, , ON'rARtn Q ,DEANS. JR., WraaaAM, Ll(i',&SED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY . A OF HURON. Sales attended III any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN MIME, NVINGRAat, ()NT., 35109NARD AUCTIONREU roil Trig COUNTY OF k,U11ON. All orders left at the Timm otflee promptly attend ed to Terns teasonable. JARM 11PN1iERSON, Llonaso Acovoxxsn iron C60Tlns 11UR0k AND Bnucx All silos a Notice, ttended t0.1146111pil5• and on the Shtirt'eef Charges Moderate and satfstaotlon oaatAnteed, All necessary arrdngelmcnts 1-411 be anadr at th¢ TIMES' etltec 1v,xbnAM ort BOLTON & AAWKINS P. 14, & D, Int S"V%;YO" AM) CIvi1, ENGINIX94 1,18TOWEL ANb JVJN.CIIIAM, All orders left,at the oflled of £ho Tlirke q'Ill rt. eelve prompt attentlnn PATEI;box, . _. -.. SAIMFp or Etlirlrrt D17n,idx CoalItI, jfi cin oPUA#• HIAGf LictiNBRR 1t \4;�t{Nfiy1#�Ay1a�N��yy�y ON!'. ��p + bl 11A4k7+7t A7 W AT86N. INSTP-TICTION given ou Plarir5,o rgan hold violla, Alto In akenrony ttetitl 'P= can ulirrola fArtnrt% "Pat" flat .�6�r ilrg, l It I I.