HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-05, Page 3iii TEDaPERANCE COLUMN. with® he sat behind and held th; girl Tlieu thfl lady manned in her misery Blessing t0 Every xQuse Q d � in his armsl suer the tears came afresh. � V _. Thiel Signal. All through the lonely Cherokee The strong arm on which to lean torture that wretched is sadly sus the tall gentle HOLLOWAY' S �.S AIS OINTMENT* PILLS and were one day strip, what niust gone, ,sated _ ,k father son . walking beside the railroad. when tliey ,father have barna. sleeplessly watch- man. lug his dying child 1 And the Leaps be bobbediah 1 head.These remedies have stood tine test of fifty,y�ears rionce, acrd are pronounced the best Airdi(rines to uI enticed a man standing by the track, i rind heaps of white boine.s, that bleacbecl y wilerlt] yatl k"pe holding in his hand a red hast. 4 and aces eel beads tile trail what y , reigned supreme, T��Z GZ,i 'POW What. is that inan doing with t1lav Purit a death must Lo.00• I ominous remindersbe the blood' correct all disorders of .the I.1VL•'lt, STOMACH, iiIDNEYS AND I I S r r '' invaluable in all complaints incidental to foluaies of 411 ages, flag, father? asked Frank, e to G There is danger ahead, my eon,. and. they have been to old Gunderson l And the cherished lips with their 4 words of comfort. . '_ 1_T:M 0,11 m�-�MT'_ How is she, Gunderson? asked as soon as the train appears the "lain i Oh, oil, A, Poo -boo. Y -yes, yes. Is the only reliable Foinedy for bad legs, sor,•s, ulcors, and old wounds; FOR BRCNCIMIS, Se 1tN someone in a whisper. 1'IOw to t•te11 me TIIItOATS, COUGUS, ('OLDS, GOUT, RF.'EUNATIS1l, GLADULAR SiMINGS ,AND ALL 1'3lint than'e's Street, LOnaft 0 warn tile engineeC to And n rt0 One A. will wave it a DISLASA:S IT HAS NO EQUAL. 31anufactured rnil,r at733, Now oxford. Late 533, Oxford H tarried Itis bloodshot eyes up- _.•.Her sorrow Overwhelmed her for a and sold by all aledlehip vendors throughout the \vorld, •Stop• ward for a mbmeilt and his face, moment, tg'Purbasers sXiould look to the Label on the Boxes and Fors, If the addrers the approached to ford Ertl°Earp LDn(10I7, they are spurious. Father and son ( Unt f,33 0 and pinched and drawn with grief, was Coll rnalln l , with-'"—^-"�'�: - . _ .. _..m.. _....._._•----_.__."^ . _ _.. - The tall gentleman noticed where the man was standing gen ems learned that a piece of'the track,arvund mute answt•r to the words, uneasiness that the p!nmp lady was I' I+'atller? `.Chc;,soufid Nail just aubible, in the road just ahead, had growing hysterical. a curve been washed out by a heavy (11117 rile and little Lue`ll eyelldS raised slowly. Do tell if In.m, my hat's on straight! e night before, and that wurkmen were What is It, floury? asked the old After she had cried a few milintes The. mnn, pragsing his bearded. lips to the longs( they changed the subject.-- busy repairing the damage. ex child's. Detroit Trihuue � — e press is now due, said the flagman and 1112d such a beautiful dream,fatlher. MONTRIIAL, .Aug. All, 1891. h as they are not qu!te through mending 147 head wits literally full of Dandruff k I w itjn to 6i nal the It was night, it seemed like, and all at audyothiugapplied gave,visiblereliefuntil + g e hr uta 4 # once a great big star fell from up using Anti -Dandruff, a few applications of trian, a which has so thoroughly removed the dan- there and lutn0 in the ally just over druff there is not a grain to be found, REGULATE THE In a few minutes the express was my Head. Then I heard mother's W. H. O'1;. Mai along at a tearful rate of speed, It Mail Clerk, y � CH, i IVER, P v, BOWELS9 STOMACH, LIVER, L.i � ♦ �' ( coming but the ever -watchful enginet,r, seeing voice --Oh, so sweet and sad ! and she come, deary ; kiss your father Wife-lVomen are often criticized ,(yj[��,/ - AND said the signal of danger, whistled down for wearing loud colors. What would come to Inc. h PURIFY THE BLOOD. brakes, and brought the train with its and Little Lue's words became inaudible you call a loud color? Ansbnnd—Ye1- precious freight of human lives to a ler,-1 suppose. this, she sank down wearily ppose. A • RELIABLE REMEDY FOR after Arid _ stand still. ,Soon, however, the track rte Wt lrll $tOQd A Close Call, t,aiu ill Il@i �{itllel'R t> Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, 1 was.repaired, and the rushed - its jourizey� sadly by and s to the child, at last, After suffering for three weeks from infanturo, so that 1 was not expect- Dyspepsia, Chronic, Liver Troubles, 'Dizziness, Bad over it agBill, g9ptinuing cholera lift herself with a quick effort and put ed to live, and, at the, time, would even Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all ill safety, wasbeen glad bad euatth � allepa le, so his father, �v11en Iptptll arms around her father's neck. have disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. • x Now, i'rank, said Then she kieaed him and murn7urin�, ((tended Dr Fowler's Extract Of Wild RipansTabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- the last oar had disappeared, what I am so tired, she again lay quietly on' Strawberry, whieli noted like magic on my that engineer, if s}atem. But for this medicine I would I tion. 'Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give irnmediateYelief. Sold by druggists. Atrial bottIc sent by mail On receipt of s5"cents. Address ( ' would you think of instead of stopping when 1►e saw the old Gunderson's breast. not be alive now.—JOAN W BnAnsnAw, 3(93 to hull fro, the Old St Paul St, &lontreal. P 2, THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CQ., Street, - New York City. slowly,rociciug _-� signal of danger he had Rept right ou, ►nun !ie t Ins eyes on her face and The \lors(i, collection of Japanese train, carrying not only P y 10 Spruce I " and Burled the never once removed them. Then we Pottery, 4;600k specimens, which has himself, but many others, to dPstruc a for X70,000 by the ? drifted away one by cue and attended been purchases heavy hearts. Museum' of Fine Arts is the _ A N L I T. TRY g� O Com, I tion finestBoston ,lnPat ill- the. world. why father, I should thiel; 1 e was l to our camp duties with till someone came and .ALL ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. I [t was not long n ;t;e crazy, exelatuied. 1 Stronger Every Day. REDUCTION IN RATES. Ye•s and so would everyone else ; said to me ; I '• d d and old Gun- GE1vTLEarFN,--I have been ill for a long' and be conL•tl;cad thKt St' '1 . • I• •1 f ' $en, tittle Lue la ea i time with n lamp back trod weak kidney!, camera sur rt)n a 7 rcni for no person but a madmen would delson doesn't know it 1 and at times could noitget upWithout help, PORTLAND IAND HALIFAX -ro LIVER disregard such warning. Life is a disregard continued his father serious. I walked back to the old men Khere ptorB�dwB B Biaifina with ytbaok tiaeatronger �, ,'A 1� �//}jjJ ! PO L via Loadunderry, �,I� bb ��L ill �(i� I` DrRI\U, 'fllk 1YIxTNit MOxTlla. be as still rocking his hprden, and every day. Yours truly. ' 'LLLJJJj'jjj r''�oi.,-I] r(C(�iJl�` Illl••rr%%„il rL'r] Cnbin, $40 and np\vur�ds. Second Cabin, ly, anA we are the engineers, guidina- Tells L TliobrPsoN, Oakville, Out, , the trains. You carry for passengers one glance of the child's face proved steernze at low rutes. No Cattle Carried. that she had passed away. Jacic—'Toni, were you at Cha.rley's v I $TATEl the parents you should love and honor, little sELtvlcE or Gunderson, 1 said husltily, wedding, ? Tom—Yes; but the, father Ia the 6nesC Wit I Finish lcnowO• ALLAN LINE and the sisters and brothers aria I LINE. } friends who claim your affection. The Lue is gone. of the bride did a very t? mean thing. STEAblSnIPS. train that bears you bears them too. He looked at Inw vacantly a ince- Jaak-1InN was that ? Tom—�ti by i NEW YORK &. GLASGO he cave her awn before the whole if you do not heed the signals ui da Il— ant ; then, with a start, he peered into y company. ItaLwndonderry, every Mnrtni ht. Cabin $40 ai his child's face. He realized the upwards. Second Cabin, a?5, Steerage at los rat er ulong the trach that YOU see; and The Head surgeon. Apply to U. & A. ALLOY, )lontreal, or g hurl yourself of destruction, yuu cause truth, laid the dead child down , and n n .� l i dashed Off into the ni.,,bt with a cry of Of the Lubon Medical Cempany is now at 1uJ 'i -J( HENRY DAVIS, WiNGuAy them more or less suffering by the Ruguiah. Toronto, Cam.ida• and may be consulted wreck. Will(', beer and all iutoxicitt•, eitherin person or by letter on all chronic There i9 a rude grave on the prairte, diseases peculiar to man. Men, youm:,o(d, ing drinks are soma of the brokeD rails TOSEPIi Cow AN, or breaks in this railroad over which just at the border of what was once ous,or iweak and a itausted,'Nhoiare vbroken is the b-st in the world. J your train mu -t speed. the Cheveline and Arapahoe reserve- down from excels or overwork, reKultinoju CLrnx 9TH Div, COUItT,Co, HunoN, deproasiou, premature old age,loss of vital• AUCTIONEER, - You. must mend these brenlcs.witll tiers', and a clumsy .headstone marks many of the fotlotrmg symptomsdreams, dimness r T � p ,ryln the s ot, sacred to tho memory of ity, loss of memory, bad . J, A. CLINE t74 L1J the mills of temperance—total abstin P K al itatiou of the heart, emissions f ISSUER OF i11ARMAGE LICENSE little Lue and her father.—for; we of sight, p p airs jn the kidneys, liead- ence--or else you cannot pursue your lack of energy, p Now to found old Gunderson dead the next aelle, pimples on the face,or body, itching • ISTONE BLOCK, Coliulssioxrm iN H. 0. J., 1.Te. �UUYI)P.y with pP1tPCG safety. NO WIloXETFR, .XT. wasting of the organs, dizziness, specksbe• �Vinshanr, you 1 am the flagniau, and war❑ you morning, killed by Ilia Own hand.-- or peculiwr sensation about the scrotum, I fore the. eyes, twitching of the mu+alea,eye of the danger of niter perstier. elle Detroit Free P)ess• lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, 'deposits you going to be a wine, a ►Wad, or a of the urine, -loss of will Power, tenderness Sole Agents for above BANK OF IJ &91LAM, Her Great Loss. of the scalp Hud spice, weak and flabby crazy en�iiic:er? -'-- W I N G H A M. by sleep constipation, dullness of hearnigy' WHAT YOU CAN 0z�T Y nn(lerstand you, father, said tb8 Dever before bird thN tall gentleman mLiac►es, desire to afeep,failure to be rested V J, I A loss of voice, desire for soli tude,excicabilit Capital, jh1,L0U,000. Rest, 8600,0 boy, smiling, and, be added pr+�udly, I with the Iron -gray moustache been of tern er, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN IIICLE,'Oily looking i•kin, etc, are AT President—Joos SWAM whenever I see liquor of ally,kind I more deeply impressed with the reals• P p p y all symptoms of nervous debility that lead HAMILTON'S Vice-Presidout—A, G• AAMSAT. will think of the engineer and rite Hess of a widow'(; lot. The lute las to insanity and death Liiiiesrr cured. The man waving the Cert sigiml of danger. lag black was oil Clic verge of tents, and spring or vital force having lost its tegaion As Ls a DIRECTORS every word of her and story see uied every function wanes IH consequence. p �"' 70211 PROCT7, CHAS. Guillm. GSo RoAou, A• Those wlin through abuse committed in, DRUG 5' 1 O RE, Icon, A. B. Lxu (Toronto). Lilies from Lyons. like a knife thrust into her grief sore permanently cured. ignorance mai' be P p Cashier -J. TUIINBULL. Spud your address for boolc nu. all diseases TNGHAM. Savings Bank-llours,10 to 3 • Saturdays, DEAR SIRS,—For several years my soul, peculiar to man. Books heat free sealed. 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and inter sister suffered from livsr complaint: "When I look forward- - Heart disease, the sytnpt"oma of which are allowed. As doctors gavel her no help we tried B B Her voice was tremulous, here es -- special Lepostts else received at carr B, which cured her completely. I can re• y faint spells, purple lips, numbuess,palPita" Lion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood Drugs, rates of intorest. Commend it to all. y. to .the Roan dull pato in the heart with bought land u Great Britain and the United St4 MISS BAUD GnAH01, LYONS, ONT. I dew To the future, life seems— beats strong. rapid and irregular, thin e Medicines 13. WILLSON. Aon second heart beat quicker than the f r8t,P11 The Death of Uttlt3 LAO- )♦;niotloll wns choking her utterance. about the breastbone, etc, can Positively 1)1EY911 & DICKINSON, whirr -topped was;onB Like a dreary waste. be cured. No cure, tic pay- Send fort and Chemicals, q Our ghostly, book. Addrbas M. V LUBON, 24 1lacdoh• solicitors, had roauded into camp Haar Moo- the :Pres ed her somber•friuged ell Ave, Toronto, Canada. Fancy and fisher, the sun had set and there , was handdttirOhief to her eyes. _ `Toilet Articles, ZETLAND SAW Ml a golden blush on the western sky-- Be calm, madam, be calm. TN� p@ '�'� NUNN all ! 1, renlvluber the Beene well 1-=115 The tall geutlelnan with the iron- ii 1I��G Sponges, it we all gathered around old Gunderson, gray niuustaebe felt very sympathetic who sat on tt►e ,prairie with his head indeed, J � e a a Brushes, HOW THOMSON, Propriett bowed and Ills atnggling gray hair P•pardon tae. falling over » childish frig.', and mingl• Thee lady aLCUwAed to repret•s her >t perfumery, &C. ing with unrles that seemed like spun feelings with indifferent success. prescriptions carefully com- ]Lumber Of all kinds, gold'. He btJd ilia daughter ill his f My door tnadltm, the tall getltletllan Tjnloalts till tbo clogged avenues of trio pounded at all hours. arms and at every faint rt!ap'rtttion the hastily declared, your grief doers you Bowels, Kidnoiys and Liver, onriying P First-class Shing,'l off gradually wjt lout weakening the is Our stock of medicines is Com- old nlafi's sinewy hand( clutched eon -1 credit. war the l tom+all the nnpurities and foul humors and Cedar pOsi sting' secretAciions-, at't et1 mo ti e C hr Pletet warranted genuine a,nd of vulsively 115 though he realized lnaw An trnintelli ible Inttrnlur ' the best quality. vain teas all t+la swat ii to sav�i his only reply. curing Biliousness, Dy lip a+ _ .. The rude sevtritig of the Most Bs,atlaahos, DizzinoS9, Heartburn, Liar loan orders a Special child, y sof trio Skin, Money to Lort,n on Notes. Drthe yness doulh f'i't+ were ►,00lners' aria rind heeii nil iii dsuf death— relations by chi. dr e, g It Rhourt Of eltt9, Sero- 1�CQ1�iiiiei l ( frt to Cald•erill, little Lu pl cries or'tho leant, Nero Qte8 , 1�'OOD delivered to tiny }1al iug. Her favi+ lir+ w paler nt►d her The plump tittttre in lilaek shook Vollignesso and il6ner�tl Dbbility` `all X asOIgAHL� RATES y titin llnrll, cheeks flusltod a brighter crirnBnlr clay I tyitll eobll. �t those and ninny other similar Cum ]anti fi �S1ja0l)ID BI°ra�l�s. prlvilega of privies s+t the cud of Any year. Nota+ 1 d' ornate by'nril llrnrnl,try Atlnnded ftp ;, by Clay. She could not rapport, her. ' Must, rIr relate the SUM,(ing heart. laid to the ha tP . iniZuonDcaf 13UI1 +� Asa Accnrrite nonan it ilortgn err itt e'Par runt with r (,yes, 1 luilis hire more than w•w.or bgOltlhtdUti, R''B�'r I,Ireit>!tlt>t1lY' ' (elf fo'trttrdr the lriltt, tints one of she' "Ye � � L'���Ol'� Ittar u,riyyi.-•lgtaceir 1:1(tA.t'tlAithwtr,tyfot„ r WtrtitlrletaL�' boyfi drova old ;�tttrdorson a Wagon words Gaut t•tel, .i of 4 t 1 "" n aL iL e%A., "ALL. _ .u'•: �iL 3 , "•.�..,r .�a�.�..:wiyii- z.3►\, •.:'r...-.:..,�,___...�'_ _ i _.mill,-