HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-05, Page 2" it, Sleep upon it. Avid thus speak• and we two girls, 1, war. then just•: rapa I Something had told him that Az xngi;yclt�t+ailt Omission, �����;�, tnf;r he• arose and left rife room—and oominq twenty, and your mother was lie would be the first Dna called away, The mother's altspioiopa were arot�s• left the house. eighteen., Father's office as trial just- and every item eets had bset. down in ed and that night where the young The speakers were (leer a and L dia ice, together with work he was, Contin. bitterness df spirit, Nor for himself man lett the house, mrWbe. daughter a r Darwell, husband and wife. The for- wally doing fpr the town and. for the did he ;grieve for while he lived, life Dome up stairs, she interviewed her. FRIDAY. AUGUST'b` 1.892' mer wall thirty years of age, ltoldiug county, had. for several years---in fact, revenue would be sure; but for the El.izatreth, obb said sternly, didnt f the responsible .onsible pasitloa of laying since toy early childhood•••-yielded hint I loved. ones lie must leave behind--for hear 11r, Stmiply kissing you iu. the HAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. teller in one of the .beat and oldest a greater income than bad the farm.. I them he grieved deeply. We looked parlay as I Dame along the hall t �.--, is banks; the latter was two years I,will not tell you bow we managed, tat that-simple record, and thought, No, mamma, you didn't, responded ux, SXLVANus COBB, in. her junior, slid one of the very west We kept the help that had been kept what might have been ! But it Nes the daughter otnphstisnllly. Geos t when will oil ut the new and most adicient of bouseheepers, is father's time -,tw good, strung man too late. We gave the little book one `Yell, didn't he try to kiss you? g ' X- p They had item married seven. year$, and a boy for oat-door pork, sada Inst look ; then kissed it; and then .persisted sire masher; pets on, our hall. Boor ? I wave and had three rbildreu —three bright- girl for work in the House. At the gave it to the dames for we would lea, nratrtma, deisrtyreUy, E12ent ready to put down as soon as • � eyed, happy, healthf . ,laughter-loving slid of six months we let the girl go, not. ltiive itad xtamma -gee it for. the The mother spoke, triumphantly. re through with o r )to se-cleaning. children, the light an joy of the house, At the end of a year qe : lad run be• world, And we neve told her of its Z knew it,'She said. Dpi you permit Lyndia, I wish y u would put off There had been tother occupant hindbund, It was very vident that eri4ence. ltiim to. da so G at bit of expense fur a few years No, rrrtp'!rrrr, Idid net, I told 'hien 1 of the room and listener—Aunt the farm would not pay th biped help Lydia, I thoaebt o that when 1 Ittt'ore" K,aal,y— Susan Drake—I,ydi 'aunt—Caeorge's and support us in the s le itl which heard you readinc slow to your bus- Note. had aliwflys talrglrb me that I i Fut it off l Not `.lit down new car- aunt—and eyeryhod s aunt who knew we had been used to lite. Mother band, that s*vet poem. of VVhittier'e, ahoold not permit ataxy young man to eta this spring 2those those horrid her, She was a idow, Rioter of had no thought of reducing expense by just published, in whi ' 1 occur those, kiss, nae,: rola oil-clotha on d- a for another Lyd.a's mother ; It snowy tresses curtailing her society enjoyments, and, lines :— That was righti ray deaar, said the `611muler 1 You don' hink of it, ;Or, mother Pneottrag.in'gly,• had, what did and deepening for ws iudiontutg a bidding farewell to the Wheats of c'l'oy of all sad words tongue or pear it you do,1 don't. ouk at Lizzie near approach to t late event,,,, of fashion. Your mother a d I made The saddest are" th 0; "It. might lie say to that 4' ° have been I" -The• ivii Witshed,buh was,umdaunted. Ltark`s halls. Do y u want .your life'.old dresses over into ne Dues, but I g ,house to look wore than theirs 2 Lycia I am going o tell you a story, we had not the heart to su est such. Not long after that was married, He nsl4rd mo if youi had, ever told and within u year fro that time the me 4 way; not to, limas, a young man. Certainly, you can affo the expense 1 that 1 have never yet told—something .a shwa to mother. Y y tI as well as Ton, Clark, ! the farm was, sold, and mother carne The, mether:began, to4eel that poo- that only your mother and myself ever I remember well I had rted one to live with me. Abb kept school For that matter,. m dear wife, I knew. And it seems to the though day to tape from our little troll- box P triLly she lead omitted a vital, link in bink I can afford it b ter than Tom providence had directed that I should twenty dollars for the purp a of pay. two terms, boarding with me the the aha'im of her instructions. Cau ; Cir he is in debt d I am not, hear this conversation between you and ing a bill at one of the stores which wo ohne, and then she good ►married, Our What did you tell hiam?' she asked There 1 what did I tell Jou I 1 George in order that I might tell you was due. Mother asked leu how much mother lived to a good ld age, and nervottely. knew you could afford And now, the story. Will yo hear it2 would be left if I took that away. I lived happily. Wheth a knowledge 1, said I• didn't remembers ity, if you we'll have the carpe Don't be Of course I'll he it, aunty. I'm •I told her a little over ten dollars. of that little old accoun book, with its had. mean. Don't, for mer 's sake, let private memoranda, wo d haps der ,The girl sto vedi snq° the• another Glad to.hear anythi you have to tell, 0 ! not for the world wou, she let me ttvaeted from her en o m b Y cannot r, .n our halls be a. fright to ' erybody any always, take that money, Her dress-maker J Y r broke out~ lit xently longer.. Ordinarily Aunt you talked while was coining on the morr , and, Elie say° but I was very th'a kful, never- V�e111• -o on, go on,. Lydia, our halls ar at this mo- her busy finthelless, that she never sa it. I guess that's what you, heard, . gers pli d the knitting- must purchase trimming and sol on, That is 'all my dear. Don't say mother, and the daughter' waited for anent, far better, in eve way—better needles ; but'now sit lain leer knitting for her new silk dress. Abby anI I furnished, more tastef and better oa a snytl{;ing now. Take my stogy to bed the storm to burst. y aside, and folded her lauds in her lap, saved edo8, ,and made extra butter, p over it. �. , with you, and s1Qc , carpeted, and far more inviting, than as she spoke. and spnn.mureyaru d, finally p td lssnpbsh,SpavinLtnimentremoves, all haNyseftor Lydia's onlyresponse was an. affect- were the halls of our areata, which l sire hill to that n a But other' Is s p calloused f u,ups and,Btemishos from horses- Blood Ibly dear Child, 0 . low well prem- Y, innate kiss° after which she went Spa;•ln,.Splinta,rilugr:itone, $weonoy,S,O SVP ins, Sore And, Swollen Throat, Congbs;.ote. Save,b60 by You and I, iv our chi! ood, thought em'der the scene, a onversation be- were ,{rowinf;, How •er,' let:them go, quietly about: her work. use of one. bottle. warranted the moat wonderful so grand. Carpets tl had none: rosea my father an mother 'almost ;and meet me comp t the inoideut I q � BlemiehGdreererknovr�., Sold by A. L. Hamilton. And, further, these of rtloth carpets' exactly 1'ke that whi t oil and George ,wish to'��ive Batt. On the morning of t lollowtn� Y ; Y g day, sifter George had ea n his break- $°t° the; Engagement was.Buak,en. are not woin.to look b at all. Not have jast held. Wit a difference lit One Stormy, df greeable day Nab fast, and lead come to tag hie parting Where are my suspenders, maw 2 warn spot to be seen, In 'fact, they language, the spirit od meanie of and I--so we wee to 'call our mam kiss be%ie going to the uk, Lydia g o, p g Y l shrieked a Jefferson avenue Lel) to her re as good and as ser ceable as they the two conversatiolt are the same•. ' mQ in diose • day, she and I were mother across the stairs hall.. .vers when $ret lit do n. \ threwher arms around !n neck and mother, across It was in the fall of to year, ralatead• ransacking•papaF' lel desk, where lie• Witispened ; Your father bobro fed them wvbile I O, bub ! H11 wants it-cloth car- of the spring, and ,yyy mother set 'kept his private epees, and old 4 George, 1 have slept and dreamed, mended his,.was•the answer. ets, anyway 1 i�obod that is any- her heart upon. a nqWt sleigh for ou•r tern, arta account ooks—and by an alld a°new light has downed upon roe. I can't find my, four in hand tie. Qtly has 'em. Un thing you can span of family hortt� s, and a new set 'by we serine acres a small book the 1 We shaH;not want new carpets elite Your brother Tom wore it last night epend upon : Those sings will come of silver-mounted I rmess. One of ,had never 6e£ure noticed. It was a year, and shall I require very much —you will find it in hi room. p when we get into et halls to clean our neighbors, coot sow' 1l offi as father little bank hoofs•; such, as traders Ilse in the way of dress. I `stead of Sara. But, maw, where's v silk yachting he paint ; and they n't go down. was, had got a spats ew, f1shiunable for pass hooks. found it, and upon toga Wall top, Living ones, I may shirt 2 sin ! And the feme ` ne foot emme sleigh and a set of w harness, wilth o eni�u, it,. arid, ttin the leaves slip ' ' 1 "" g a p G g P spend a. few weeks at t e old home- Algy wore it to the r atta. own with a-stamp, a the femenlne silver trimmings, on% Iona rows of off my thumb, found only four or rtead with Aunt Susan. o, darling, 'There was a brief ails e. Theri•the ips were shut with an phatic tight pretty silver bells.. t other saw Mr. five of the, first avea written on : and. %r you may make your bank ecount as voice wailed across the all agaia ness. Slocum's new sleigh for the, first time this was• what read at the head of Lydia, have you an ea What gond at church, at the t>ittt of the first'earl the first page, written in papa's fullest big as you please. Maw, I can't find my riding trou- Y P g, p P Lydia L. sers. Brussels carpets for ur halls will snow. You know an w came earlier roundest baud,—it was dated, and Hush 1, I mean what I sa h will Obarlea has them on, was the re- cost`? than it does now. 1 thew went on,—Sdms of money that I Ue happier so. sponse. I don't know, nor I n't care. If Well, mother had, een that new niight:have saved for •my loved ones But, m own ! my ' bless il.. are Then a tired loo in Iwo can't have 'em, we c t go without tttrnotit, and from ; at moment she I if only P could Have had help. e, Y young, man y�tt sore you will be satisfied haw been waiting ul:a uounced in the carpets. Let the halls as they are. was dissatisfied offs the grand old I It was dated, as I very soon made More than satisfiede steely happy. hall below arose and ftly stole away. I can stand it if you can. double-seated slei-,h hat had served. 1 out, at the•tlme of the purchase of the I'll tell you all abo.--ut t -sometime. She might waist m boots next, he Lydia, still cairn and kindly, but us ever since I cool remember, and• I new sleigh ai:d the salver-mounted There! One more kiss I Now good- said wearily, and no ie knows why :with a mibbty straggle f self-control, which was just as go then as it ever harness ; but he had sets down many bye ! that engagement is oEf Detroit Free it required nearly eight ware yards was. At any rate, it was just as I items that had been bought before ' And George went aw to his, daily press. of oil-cloth for our two falls. They I good for service. Y `,+ t. mother and l that. Let me tell you flow he wrote task as liappy as happy uld be T and tate very large. .You kl w Brussels I were then girls of elve and four--, down about the ei-h, and that will all day long he thought ow he could warpets is not a yard wi For halls teen ; and we we; present when show you how f rly he kept account.. best mane his wife un erstand how ®�1� ,and stairs we may safely stfmate one mamma gave leer fin order, for an The sura seIn own a•s that which truly ancl. devotedly, he loved her- 1 Hundred yards. Bettye 1 two and order it amounted tagust as a wane n,igbt have beavert', on that occas And so, too, Lydia. She had not P three hundred dollars wi be the ex- expressed by you, an., adhered to, is ion was two hred dollars, because, been so unspeakably happy for a long dense. One more thougl , and I Give l an order to your loving husband. if he bad, waitne year, he could time. And, further, she was surprised '� RESTS st women know all it, into your hands, for y u to do with Father tried all he 'll .w to persuade have purchaser, Sllocum's whole to see how pretty her hall carpi;ts p abo themiserry of wash- it as you please: You t.ow that I leer awav from the ic1 He gave ex- ' new turnout less than one half were. SJnly eflclot to be sure, but TILL day. To many it means ?have a settled autipath against so- seely the reasons for his wish that what it '-costlicn be wreckoned Bac the, Sore Hands, the very best of tl it kind, and as liar Rubbing over a icalled life assurance o insurance, George gave you ; `a i I ecoid see what the mowould have been good as new, ' ��� sees 'ng tuba, and fang: Never inind what my n ections are. that lie had to strug le hard to beep worth to hiuring the years in And• from that; ti a she helped her hour This;�alis to the: They are strong-- so mue a part of the tears'froni comi'u But mother which the oldgh would have all- husband to provide for the future ; furious sot of oaps. who use Dor, cheap, and in Jany nature—that I can t overcome would not give in, ti e got the sleigh steered, every ose. i , and when alis kne that their savings 1bem, But T will do wli t is better, ar-d the old one was. xed over into a Lydia, when I had. looked at the in the bank were rowing, imto thous- FQgaEnr Is ry ;af you will help tile: Yeti_ know that 1 pang, end of that account, and had added it ands,. she felt mora' than ever inclined si°� Res .do not i quander moils I have no Lydia, you know athor was the u i for papa had not done that—1 �° wtaen v<r y. y y f — p P to be, prudent and conotnial: Never ,ANI ' .expensive Habits beyond he absolute first one called from °°f�ur family eircie.• ryas tunderstruck, At first I could mean ; ilever`st}ng. ; but never more • ,mceessaries of life, Eve do:llarJ can. Our neighbors haci- s, pposed imt only not believe it. The amount was over an expenditure of her lixisband's hard ..can save will be put in t bank, there forehanded, but mall. ,, wealt; and ten, thousand dollays. But, mind you, earned money wit, out a roturn of sub• to remain and accunsul until a need he ought to bavr*• save snore , kiwi lie mamina did not coarse in for all of it. t,tantial good and). enefct. not be outer vitae met Eli 1 demand its did. He was not a careless, van ; No, no. Nab and I wero down for ;witbdrawl, Really a truly, the lye had only one• habi that ]toy id; our share, I hall never dreamed what BeWar of Green Fruit.— money I would save is' my loved could call bad ;; Its to d his th6 grand parties had oust which we Now that the hea d terns is approach- .ones Every dollar litI.Yot laid away was not nature thrift and. stirring,, used to give, and which allvays fretted, ing, people shoo pay particular at- .will be in stow for fateuse. I do and had be had 1p he might papa so much', a biggest item Was telitf ave}di g unripe utt and stale yeas- to their d t, above all things Is SES s ryton, We didtu't n ,Mot like to talk of dyin we must have saved a goodly m. As it was our trip to WAsh o tables, which i arfably bring on eaaet the fate when the 11 conies. If he left the farm fres, oral, mortgage, enjoy it; it mad mamma and tine Croops, Cholera orbus, or Diarrhoea. This Soap does ay with Hard :Rub, hil tem called first, it wil brighten the and there was ready atigh money to both aiiak, We w e like fish out of Children are p .ioula'rly subject to btng, Tired Backs, tot Stearn, and Sore .shags snore than I m tell to know pay every debt but t muck snore, water: all the time a were there •, and complaints of t11 and, and no mother Hands. It brings lnfort to millions of can feel safe t a bottleiylalat hom I laitve my loved ones in comfort, After every bill t s paid we Could the ride was Eno 1 li 'to wear it body Dn'vis' PAt;rtvtl ER within F easy use its' and will do to yours if you will ,# bat it; the one thought that influences command about ane uudred dollars out. That was 1 President Jack* reach, It is a fe, sure, and speady RernemGe ithv Nanre i1ae often I lack to , the regulation of in cmh�--no more. id farm was one son's time, betore _ to railroads • had cure tor the dig ders named, stud no Y } r family medicine est is complete with. era ex ensss, lie m dear wife, it of the beat. but small lid our build- feeds trarhl sr1 gas; out at, Ask far 1e big 250, liattto, y li l •,mrt.I alone who must pay far all the inR% tet goad repair. 116 place was But l Won't ell updn it. Ytiu IGRT qI .xiltla e. It comes from well steeked, and tl farming-tools can iniagine wbeth. m at and I ,t sof dor hem g . Y Memory iia n se brilliant as hope, b,1'Ak.,&400u11t of our family. Don't1 were all food. shed any tears, or t, tas we looked but it is more, b utiful,>and a thousand ! � ,*wrre now, plsaaee. Thunk off There wars three o p— crar tiinther over the book, or papa l Pots OWES fears aria �r. err�.xcmr mvxts Tinos,, xrsxrru*. itu.a a otrrt> AIM . _