HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-08-05, Page 1VOL. XXI --NO.3). WIN GR. ,X ONT.. FRIDAX,. AUG ITST WHOLE NO. This month we take stook, and In o)r- —Girls wa ed at the 4�pwq Hotel -eyes tested And fitted with proper .,-Tisa # 1 tq is now publioh. �adr.a der to make i't as clean as possible we are going.' through every department,and � ^Be sure' u read Glee advertismoitt of glasses at blulaebaw'R. ed blr D ATp$ zlr,�d w,q liwve no douKOln Tueada Y wbenovei we find an end. or remnant or GordondC M �nt yrer this week, preseutfu the Tor" ^ �r dei80n, re �, but Haat hew make a ge#W aucceasge number dnything that has•not taken we have --Baby carriages just to hand. 10 per onto Big' has been in town, during the that flrsf•clasa ewspapor, '.' T. Aiegrauiou factory marked xt dowel t0 actual cost. Come and galat. off for a of cash, At S. Qmctcr'e�. past few asks securing filets and tak1bg th.e former cwt ,etas gone' $9 Vernon, in nith au eddres look them over,. if they please you all ;right, if not no harm done. At any rate -.Mr ,T F Mitchell, who formerly run yiows a the , town, Which will appear in Pp' the Sat day 41ai1 in the course• of a. tern DO h Colum , • 'known ing of a: $livor we will have had the satisfaction of seeing, the. Vidette town, is managing editor on . k It may no, o generally that to his departur you and that is. at all times a pleasure to r opie. wee a, longerg , rfinal tdrvi j+ou'see ? ud it> only coats you $1 to its and we will do our utmost to makeT the visit a profitable one.. to you, a Grad Trunk Railway Com a h k 9 P �y —Big drives in, 'Violins, 'Violin striuga, tybutll organs, accordeone at Muehaw's. The adewoo 0clored three e e ivgeks tabiishment Just now you lsousekeepers are begln ming to put up your fruit, 'It t is almosted r1leetrolia aving a railroad bridge in town re. by ha ug Pout. ties placed on it. The B rkhilT eview cleniesthat there ago, and 11 the backs of the iti$ti- the talion stored m d y in the vaults. at CAgoode ( followip made the pre needless to tell you that our stock of •Sugar, The vet a' lists for the Township of inanyrmor its to' its merging into the Holl, Toronto, • here is, therefore, no To GEono>tfruit jars is all here and as sou is cheap, We are giving a nice, Wawan ah have been printed Rud the t. We. would rather except the Review that there i6 m re assets to r eem guy bills that may be in tion: DaAnknow, dry,. clean quality,; 28 lbs. for the dollar. Something you never dreamed of, but 'a notic appears in another column. 7—x, statement no founda on iii the rumor than that there oircul e "Uuiou du IifErnourarCituiacii,lVixoxAu,—RevSbel* factor the eve o the cheaper the sugar the more fruit you A H usgrove is to be congradul- was n such rumor afloat. However eery, B IJ, Paskor. Services every Sabbath u cfulue$s ow home �� will put up and of course you will requir ars. Our Y stock is full and $ted on the cults of the Entrance Ex- a 29,out of the 27 that tried there . ' ears to be no round for the g a ut and 7 p m. t abGenbath School and midst, to to more 7 grocer fresh, dried meats and lard pure and amination have pas»ed; report, d as Par as Can be learned the B l Bible Class at 2,80 p m. General Prayer all your kin as while rah. Logan and H. Stephenson. Refresh- Reviei ill ursue the even tenor of its P meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 w has Shop early, Secure prompt delivery. —Revs,. Me rs. Huuter and Crossley re. -way, and continuo. as of yore. - o'clock, Ycuup People's Prayer Meeting conduct e right, alwa 'This store closes at seven. turned to. St.: homes, on Monday, from a _.,Cush for good butter au¢ eggs at R,A every Thursday evening at 7 ' o'eloelte,... and to asses Jariia L g, formerly editor of flying trip to e principal cities in Great Graham'% Market Grogetty., % Sunday August tli. 1!1'oruing aubjec ord anBritain There were nine m bars of the club. Each girl went in to co er, and used great an to and, They vtere absent —Farm rs who use'steam engines for "Tho,oufferings o Chriat," Sacrament ofmuch Burin regret veryonly prayer Hosting every six we a. threshing hould eammine their insurance the Lord's suppe at th- close. Evening, you leave tl 40 Mr. Thos Idall of -,Lower Wiiighiam, S tt has eu a ed for the Fallermit ,Jas policies to let iliero see if the necessary" "The first of our ord's $even sayings ou that whereProf remains a bachelor; th lub is broken up, atr`Conee Fax Toronto and Miss orcense is attached to or written the Brost;."'` will there Accept fron ion of the Lor Supper at clone of Mary Her ld, Bloeutionist, Hamilton: people t1► teen. arly all fu@urauce compafifes Iie$olutio of Condolence.g and with it -=SAfunDAY':Z+Tioiir I3Aieoeix f ovirx>vit.— to us last Saturday This is a eat in store for the of no rant threshiua g g privilePe under Shortly after ] r husband's death, Mrs- far moreouWiu Attetton Auction Stale of household furniture be• ham' ee taiu rest Eiona and ace nditions, and i4 Tees fare and .P Qjig is first blindfolded. It is pleasant for the to/ see claw tnad The largest,--newest,--cheapest wnd wu]d be w to observe such conditions received t e following cuinmuuica" tion contaipiug- reeoltition of condojeuce departubest and who OUR & EIISCOCKS, stogk of boots and oboes in Winebani is at the Cheap cash, store.--tRemember forehgud a that in the event of loss.the om aniesca ud no round forootn 1`uint P 8 p passed by the to i Camp Sone of Scotland . " are worthy, reward wife Direct Importers. bar at .da s. on ever $06turag and Mon. g u y y Y da y $thin the hottest season. g, or room #or lit ti.oa with•claimtuts. Mrs. M, J. Tee . Calro46: Signed on ` The i3ilAR, June 30th, 1892. , .. "` �i,y13. WILLIS. —W 1• Brood shire has a lot of Oil Dear hladam At the regular meeting' of Camp Ciatnd is ]STo. 4J', Sons of Scot' ing friends in �----- x — •- Ve ar u recce 0 of it Cif' of m beau- p py Paintings; also, few Beautiful Artotypes„ which he is Belli very cheap. I have .a laud, held on M day eveGtng, duly 18th, or, of Listowel, paid LOCAL 1.`tEWS tl€�l,;book, titled, "'flee New Hi hway to � 0 ' ublesh d b the Canadian large stock of A4 lding on hand, and I am makip Picture ar t d PUo- the1ollowiug r lution was unanimously Th n4 RrepivaUtion. e ping last jurat �after 'he employee$ . p ehented Mr .Goo MOT :vnd presentation, coal v for p tcbgr and cups e from town, to Lis opening a retail furuita: r 14",dw.ard Smith r Kassa and ler Geo Te ntatiob t Avian, Log, e, the employees of Like this :apportuuity, wil your depiarttire to mak establil h i, new spher u sire about to louve erto our united thanks words and helpful acteou� have been together. Y an altogether manly and i ready fro Chiampion the g hose in trouble, yourspo ing hand have mccomplis' your sojourn mtmong us, DCII the necessity that l)1 fair town, but feel assur Your lot in life s,castyi ke and keep many frieui a this small token of reps at which we know you pri hearty wishes, for ,your w, sorrowful regrets for ye. ay He who rulds all thir His reward -for those m ve )on an exceedin; gra on are culled higher. half of the employees, Tiros. J. ELLIoT7 R. J. &LALT,, WVat. DoxD. alle� rteu p g , y., . i; .les o or e , $disci Delighted, Dr Stuclmir,popular specialist, wall bd, 1?ylcifie iia' ay Company. The, book con?Uh by in all its ranches from minim. pascal:; The pleas$ effect and the perfect $a ,.. , "Whereas it as plgased.:The Almighty at the Queen's Hotel, Wiughum, oil Bion tliina lift ages and is ver lianasomelto life size. • ll and see what I have g y tywith which he ladieg-iiiay use the liqu, g Y in town. F Baocitzmatns., God ;P his infini wisdom to remove from fruit laxative ts`yrup o riga, under day August 22nd+ Consultation Frde, illuiitrnte _ Be er Block, Wiligbam. our midst b the han of death our well - Ray. Win M re or, of this lacgoc s t< Y d. conditions m e it theft favorite Tamed g P cx Thoi'•annual Excursion to Grimsbelegates from a different Camps beloved brother, am4e Tnes, we., the ofii- It is pletaain the .eye and to the test > — scUpied the pu1R it of Glia Baptist. church Park ,r+^a Nia +aro. Falls will be oil Stuarcare and merabat of Cam f,aledanis No 0 6 , s. Sous of; Scotl d, in the counties of P gentle, yet a Gaal in $$Gino on the ke in Lucknow on S' nday last. da Ari it .Et„ 13th. The fare is the low4 Y g ldu n and Bruce et •'at Winghain on 0, bona of Scot nd, do"deeply deplore net's. liver at: owels. The,3!zhiks will be sent to any address estJ tit " lnngeat and the. programnesday ,_the 3r fust. The. object of our loss, bat bow in humble submission f note ; dtit the; end of the year for wa connote, ants.. c� ins $h best o offgxe(1K See bill$ aumeeting was th discussion of the ad- tothe Host Hi, vrfe comfort ouKeelve$ —The wheat 'arvest is in full blast tibd ask G �`3''J Agents. .,.. , visability of holdings me kind of a demon• with the hope th t. what is our lees is our The Couuci met on. Monday eveni -?Tt time . ke ,il}e p rtgent,to Fay up 'etration at some conv tient place, i? ,which brother's. gain. t q .it therefore resolved last. Member present ; Mayor Cie 0 the: =crop ou a whole ie the beat ever t. , s yo . p; anbAcri fo ixieta1ber '-U00 sub- all of the above, men 'oned . Ummpb%„could that we extend o earnest, and beart-felt Reeve Hanna, and Couucillore, 'Homuti t• grown ih•this s tion. -, > . '' ` ki14i'ersfii' Y ulaKes the join and if the- schem was festisibletnko;, to di widow •and fatnely of Clarke, ;roc shire, HerdsnraD, Goll --The new alvation Army Captmiu, editor'$ yeas aecount short jnat $900. Do action in •the matter. he result was than e Yeas :arrived towLi. He appears to be a, j+ou'see ? ud it> only coats you $1 to it was decided to hold aledonian grimes r fit ,every nice o g fellow. y 11,E%, 'Faso help the a ifi�'Of arrears $900 worth. on a magnificent soul at' Lucknow, on -Eor first•clmss tailoring and '`Pebster ' q r R Y"l `•r Hvuox/The annual Wednesday the 14611 September. y p gents' furuislliugs, try & (;o'r Remember the place, only two doors Borth. • Sunday drool Dxcuraiou will be rix — fie Northwest Transportation C*y'a ;.a of the old Raid and between Ross' book. Goderic on 6Frida:y August 122 Special {ins teamere, 'Monarch” and "United store and Halsted S Scott's bane:,, train to es Cvinnllam at$.55 a. m. Re- Tm ire" are now running regularly be- Sarnia and Sault Ste luth, Sort -]f tlre'perzio11 will send us their name turn fm , adult$ only 65 cents; children A n . A bur, -Fort William and Duluth, making r who wrote . the otnmuuication headed ;45 cents Steamboat, Band oto engtiged so conneetiou for all points in Manitoba, ',Tho New Baby' we will publish the arbi- a big or d will likely go from here. ritish Columbia, Pacitio Coast, Western These Steamers are the high- • ole n t �{'eol;• ,. , —The pro evade concert on Monday the States, etc. est elii8ae��'11, most powerful acid most com- a };D01 has .given judgment fr, evening last, under life auspices of • fortablyi'Lfgnipped on the lakes. Pkssen- favor 1;'ilas acksou, blacksmith, of football club, was a grand success.:The geraleairiug Wtugham by 3.45 G. T. li. train couueot wadi boat leaving. Bri:aseIs; iu CO titian with the suit oyer attendance a very • large. Musio was afternoon Sarnia same eveniud. For stateroom a Dote jiven a patent right for Char-, furnished by a town band; songs by W. reaervation, lowest rates, sailing amiss aua saeonded by Logan and H. Stephenson. Refresh- all information; call on G. T. R, Agent, tow. .-G T It trains for Toronto and east menta were : erved in good '"style. W° -A goodioo'ming, w l to do,yourg back leave 4Vingham itt 0.415p m' and 11.20 m m understand tel boys made Very well out of was being teased by t young ladies of a t via W G & B Division, and at 6.48 am Clinton and Guelph. it. club for not getting n tried. He said I'll and 3,45 p m, via Good connections by all trains. PJAST LoXMEGAT10N� UHURCzi, many -ti a girl of you club whom, on a Jariia L g, formerly editor of W1XGHAlai.--W. H.. W-atsoii, Pastor, Ser- secret vote, you 61 t to be my wife. _Mr the Iiiuctardene Ile ew, while driving in 'a ,vices each Sunday at 11 a. iY . sand 7 p. m• There were nine m bars of the club. Each girl went in to co er, and used great Carriage, was Hiro otic and •had his leg Sabbath School and Bibl a;Class at 12,30. `Wednesday caution in preparing r ballot, and dis- broken, its Nit an Sias bzta his oilier leg prayer Hosting every the hauclwriten The result of the broken it is reit r lJUtkjpr him. p V .,,. ,at• g m, Seats free. Strangers wel- v p guiaed vote was that there w nine votes cast, 40 Mr. Thos Idall of -,Lower Wiiighiam, Cdb. Sunday, gust 7th. Horning "Spiritu help in life's duties.'' .e each Kul receiving on . The young map 09 on .:thq. 4911 r'gi u by Mr T (1 ftoliapi' subject, s+ True • Commun- remains a bachelor; th lub is broken up, * t ts't` ` unci ripe tomatoes. from o Evening subject, joy. and to girls are all we 1 enemies, united r b him. This fs'.prettY plants' turuid ion of the Lor Supper at clone of . in the one determiuu on that they will ne early for ripe tointy as around here. morning service. never speak that nasty an again. -=SAfunDAY':Z+Tioiir I3Aieoeix f ovirx>vit.— to us last Saturday Maskod !'hugg g Parties" are COM 'lities a drmn- _ Salo. Those"who cause Boo night understand what our idea of sell- Dont miss Saturday in vo rue iu some to and are 6 ing carol at church conics. By paying+ 15 Attetton Auction Stale of household furniture be• ing ol?Q. means. i hcbp :l°:• iii.. H. MClrtnoo's. ng : cents a ensu is a11o� d to hug a girl, but he longing to 1Rr. 0. B. 1Villiams,on Saturday, Aug. 13th, 1802, tat L i in lila hawse r llnchoi'$f Hope clge; I 0 G T, held is first blindfolded. It is pleasant for the to/ see claw tnad r. formerly occupied by Bir. Wm. Kincaid, a y Deans t their t6gulat>' meeting Tuesday evening rest of the comp ly married man gets when removing, the opposite the public school. Mr. P, bas received instructions from Mr, Wil. Me brothoi ' 'liis°^hour of their aor- Aolm6s, dude oa and Sutherland, Mi .ew and bereave eat; may, the good God aces of last m ting were read and appro, u his Mercy dri away all grief and fill ed. Comma atiou from the Coun ;heir bearts with Ill hope of a glorious re- Clerk relating' qte at next municipal ele inion beyond t e grave where parting tions on the C_ t;ty Poor House questio shall be no more. ' n .Mir Will was received. ommunicatcou from Count Signed on be If of the officers and Treasurer sta, g that the rate for Couut members of Cam Caeedouim No. 40,'Sous purpose from e- town of Wingba,.-w m of Scotland: 1v[bntroal Weekly �crald Stashing. $585.25. Coe unicatiou front Mr Geor J . �IELDUUU. Chef;. McKenzie re a farm property to be e he Moutr a cal lfi%ekiy their off..r to supply A. GuAnAmi Past Chief; empt from xis, Moved by J Haun A K. CAisEnox, aee'y, saeonded by Holmes, that the cmm�liln; P ac>zaxs, cation of a17: McKenzie be left over fu Mr John Ingli of this town left hast further conit s once comm oration=Carried. The tAl a reconimendedthat the to week for a trip Calder,brother o the lakes..31r James rsFowler,whoisonhis loweug mean nts be paid:F,Davidso way to Manitoba paid Mr Wm Uthgow teaming san Griffin, cha and Old plank, $6.16; C ty orders L McLea a visit on Wed day of this week.. Mr charity orde '1;1.50,, $2-40; L McLean, lumbo, Pearen, teache of Ottawa, is visiting and blocks, 65.05 ; Gordon & McIntyre his brothers in own - -Mr J W Scott, of charity orde . R; John Galbraith, char .Listowel, was n town a few days last ity orders g 0; B L Doyle, holding Cour week.. Mrs R J wan, of this town is at of Revision 6.75; John Gillespie, team present visi tin friends in Listowel.. • ing for chari 50ots John Gillespie, tem Misses Eva and ary Hession, who have ing, for fire d water, $2 ; Will and The been residing in oronto, returned home Moore, war on streeta 1312.75: Rulp on Saturday las .Miss Clara Risdon, of Rogers, wor on streets, 83,76 ; Jos road' Detroit, is visit g friends in town this ringing bell $19; Church of Lnglau week YMiss Bel . of this Place is the , building co nittee dirt, $5.50. Wingha guest of Miss rtie McIntosh, Luck- Blectrio Lig b Co, '1580.40; J W Inglis, par; now, this We .,Mrs Jos Kincaid, of payment on. 7dewatk built by him, recow; Lucknow is v iting frienda in town. mended by reet Committee $8.56; recom; ..Miss M Henn g of this place is visit- mended tela $5.71 be collected from BT' ing friends in cknow this week. "d' Dulmage, a his share on the Brunswic:l H. Back, undor or, of Listowel, paid sidewalk. 1 ved by B' C Clarke, second Wingham a vise this week ..lMr P Gray, ed by W 1 rockeutbiro, that the repor of Detroit, is vi ting his parents in town of the fivau "al committee be adopted- at present.. Ur 'eorgo Mooney Of -But- Carried.,7 ed by E' C Clarke, senoude falo, is ronowi old acquaintances in by * F Br kenehire, that a by-law b ,. v;last,,td new+ ean'didat® vas admatted, an" rlsw :offip "installed. Vurt, rr4nge beudano .tom his ea' lee finds he has " been hugglu." ilia o u wife and fifteen liarrts to sell all his household effects, con- belt is `2 coal stov`es,rcro crockery, it town.. r Geo . Zc'.Cavlsh 1r: of Goder- s s ieh, e t a few days in town this week. Innis strike ; the rate of taxation at 2 mills on th tloflat—Carried, " Movo3 b nteitts ry nade,,•bo the i ni so, cents gone for nothiu except as Ili, revenue odtn se oheu. uta nails,. i&o. .. M . G. Y. D aldson and '.Miss Bury J flauna, s dad by Wm Holmes, tht ' tial on. Tuesday evenln 13631t. "Da to the church. "Jas it, let's go Lome For Sale—The house recently oacupiad a n, of List e?,are Visiting friends in � the job of 1e part of the drain aallotte --T'he, rgnttar whi appWad in.tbe Maria," was what ou ,o# the disappointed, ley Mr. C. B. Williams, opposite the public ' n .Mir Will elikins, of Toronto, for- to the town. by tbo ahne,mau of to .-. ClintogY`.,Mw Era,o4 l t vVaq�Z undek_tlle ouos exclaimed. school, tl erl'y in T Les 's tailor shop, was visit- street comm: e, 4b to becompleted witl hied, 1Tayar Ceeggs lieac •UtWingham. fro t au 06titt 0. r". rpuce. to -yVe clip elle fe owing train tete 1v[bntroal Weekly �crald Stashing. ing fnends'in Fisher, of Pais n this woek,.Mr Arch was in town a few in eve, maul C, r4 parted that a'0 mittee e.ppoinW onaant, withl•'' btri'adC, v tsrrect, and g Druaaels 1'et, wheal a$ reference •tom :brntllor of bars. A. McDonald, of thin , The 1 roprtetare a 13erald us th he Moutr a cal lfi%ekiy their off..r to supply y clays this weal , 1Mr I'v Medlymont of , I n7eet the mittee front Tax�y!bart Greihmm, had met andcot At-, nets ixn q(, t -head were.. r' the .town : "Buburtt Vi 4"f Gri'txlsby, was [uioetn thaat exeellont paper 11 DeCenlber dist for �tli of the Harriet days in Tribune staff $pont a n this weelt..lVCr iVtu Couacil re it I sedated them er and found tlli�gs tvalrtl istibeouse. �Ve i".d priAedut r i such tr . t3 : a CQow Lra tt rig the sCo►mp of a veryeasant gathering on. tv edussdriy aE last ek, wiseu Miss Loma 2v cents is trieetinrX response, Subsori m very gratifying: :aua are panting in few Corn n of tbi Y s lace has gone to Mani- trip.,Mis$ 1Mc11Iul• have to stand ti Way they areFi4r a wh 1 I council thea a elrped ;th ttgll. tlle,colut i is paper, , a ... i C.; Sol rq sat daughte f the ha;to Rev. Wim g J.;. M from all parts of country, and the sub" toba Oil to ole lieu, London to the guest o£ ;�Ii$s H. ,IUF #tteetitt�, t! ' DireatOr$ of •il�'e . Agrioti 1 tclwca'ociety was hei`d Hawke,' WAX United in Warriaga, to Y�azeiwogt� at, aliffo , forttieriy ft# Drug- serelietl+#, tare warm with 'their expressions of a paper, Remember of Fisher this we, i E. W ..Miss Dixtuta Brigden, +.tilndertakor anti Enibaltnerr�`aydpetied of : rt n's llatel r' Saturday last. T'he:• Nil; a -,'.the bride an groom aeb.well aril sattatedtiou the sooner you Aon y yotitr aulaspription, tilt returned to n this , wool{ after a l a first cities ulldertaki+ig atrlor, oppoi*1 friends in Port Elgin. s Drug Stora, tngbatit, $tete 1 #oe•tltefall: Bair was revised and fvarabiy known. by m rge circle of friends more you will get qr your tnoaey, The mOrith's visit Mary t Chisholm rnyn, ol! �aWiltotY, is' prepared take oliarge te apytllih, iu tail ' isles added the list, as well tip a s 'r of prizes iu lis .live stock classes and ac uaiotancea, M aselwood has been q thrice honored by m at in the Clifford p rice at which the about a quarter of paper: is being given is a regular rate. `Sam .. Mess spending her h � hue that may be entrusted to hirii, havl� flays under the parent m put in a stock equal to anything outside n '�ko r ' e' liths will be issued iii sed. 11 r;ouncil and ia. a le ing othoial in the pie o0pls$ for :nap t{oat are sent free, and tal roof..Xinc Win dlns Reporter . Win 1 the city, bot��rr in taste tali$-siiia.14y. Pris is visitilig friends in very moaq, to. First class hearse' alp t dei' . 1 . T'he shag^ held on T'ttes� d;a C17a�dneaday bar 27tH ataAt ,Mgthoaist Church. '1'1 sertitou was pro : formed by tete Rev. 1. slazelwaad, of the address is cha 6 Betaver H ontreal X7eratci Coin- i�i11,1�[atrtraal. Allen, of tow+nr, iii, tstaaaboe�r' L. It, Utt+tssa Dualirilte, brother of tl groom* pauy, a �j