HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-10-05, Page 4CGE best buy of the month. Mit figi,(911 gXPO5,it0R, F.AFOrittio ON T, OCT. Brodhagen people asiiit '0:PA For mortgages see us first! - Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligson Mr. and Mrs.AlvinRose,Sar- rda visited Mrs. Chris W. Leon- hardt last weekend. She ac- companied them to their home for three days, and then .returned with them to attend the Inter- national Plowing Match at Seb- ringville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oliver and, Mrs. Harry Tait, Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sunday. Mr. Irvin Hiller, Stratford was the guest speaker at St.. Peter's Lutheran Church onSun- day. He spoke on Mic.51ons and how the churches Mission money is spent. He assisted. Rqv.Horst in administering Holy Corn- mullion. Flowers were placed on the altar by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Diegel on the occa- sion of their 25th wedding An- niversary. The' Men of Brodhagen Ch- amber of Commerce, worked Tuesday morning at the Inter- national Plowing Match taking tickets and parking cars. Sev- Leonhardt; Skits - Susan Scher- barth and Diane Bach. The girls were divided into four groups for cooking. Group number one made "Quick Cheese Pizzas'? and "Chocolate Milk- shakes." surer Jean wurdell; Press - Reporters - Heather Pegg and Laura Schuessler; Telephone girls - Christine Scherbarth and Jackie Williams; Book Covers - Patricia Jarmuth; Chantal Pegg; Virginia ,Leonliardt and Sherri eral ladies from this area work- ed in booths there, too. Monday evening a celebration was held in the BrOdhagen Com- munity Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diegel for their 25th Wed- ding Anniversary. A gift of money was given to them from their friends, neighbours and rel- atives. A smorgasbord lunch was served. Randy Satchell and his orchestra supplied the mus- ic for dancing. Mr. ;:ind hirsi, Herman Leon- hardt visited la.it Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leon- hardt of Thamesford. • BRODHAGEN 4 - H A • When you want money to build or to buy, come directly where money is. Come to your friendly 'peal branch of Victoria and Grey Trust. Eighty years of training and experience in serving people like you are behind the sage counsel and advice you'.11 get at Victoria and Grey - the same place you get the money you need. Come in today - direct to Victoria and Grey. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE - Main Street, Seaforth - Phone 5274400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, WINDSTORM, THEFT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY, ETC. -• COMPLETE FARM COVE,RAGE, including Machin- ery and Livestock Flontirs. - URBAN PROPERTY - We' now offer Composite Dwelling Insurance as well as Homeowners In- surance. - SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER HOMES. CHURCHES, HALLS. Last Wednesday evening, the Brodhagen 4-11 Club held its first meeting. The topic for this fall Is ',Dairy Fare". The leaders are Mrs. Edward Seh- erbarth and Mrs. Earl Benne- wies. Nineteen girls attended. The elected officers are; Pres- ident - Sherri Leonhardt; Vice- President - Nancy Rose; Sec- retary - Vicki Bennewies; Tree- , The Huron Unit Wale Canadian C' wirer Socie , raised 151 per cent of its objective it was learned at the Unit's annual meeting and banquet at Clinton last _week. Tice branch chairmen are shown with the new Unit chairMan Gordon Ridairdson of Clinton t.3i . Left to right are: J. R. Spittal, Seaford:, chairman; Don Jolly, Exeter chairman; Bob Swartman, Calder:1 /4'h chairman; and Marc Forest, vice-chairman of the w Ingham branch. VICTORMand GREY VG Huron surpasses quota in cancer campaign WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 AGENTS: , JAMES KEYS, RR 1, Seaforth; V..1. LANE, RR 5, Seaforth; NVId. LEEPER, RR 1, Londesboro; SELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR 3, Clinton; K. J ETUE, Seaforth; DONALD. G. EATON, Seaforth. TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 ReMember! I t takes• but a • moment to place an Expositor, Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, }fist Dial Seaforth 527 -0240. Seaforth ardson; vice-president; Chester Archibald; past president, Mrs. M. W. Durst; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Rathwell; treasurer, Harry .14-ter riraan; campaign chairman, William Barlow; com- memorative funds chairman, Miss. Catherine Plum tree; ed- ucation, Mrs. Ted Davies; med- ical advisor, Dr. C. T.Doorly; planning and development, Mrs. M. W. Dierst ; publicity, j. Howard Mtken,;, ..,rvi-ce to patients, and transportation, Mrs. Harvey C. Johnston. , The Huron Unit of the Can- adian Cancer Society is one of the hardest working and dedicated groups in the Huronia Division it was revealed at the Huron Unit's Annual Banquet at Clin- ton last Tuesday night. The Huron unit reached and surpassed its goal during the campaign, collecting 1.57.7 per cent of its pledge. More- thin, $28,600 was raised during the campaign dating from last Oct. 1st until - Sept. SD: The Huron Unit received a total of nearly $33;000 in receipts tnetudirig "In M email= s" and bequest s. The 'Clinton Brarich....ralsed nearly $5,000 last year thrpugh campaign funds and donations and assisted 14 patients and made 2.3 trips to the London and Wing- ham Cancer Clinics, Mrs. Har- vey Johnston, Clinton campaign chairman, reported. Nearly $9,000 was raised by the Goderich Branch last year through thie -carata.sigra the hike- , a-thou and Memorial ,dariatli.-ins, Lars. Garwood rotary of the Godertch branch reported. . The Exeter branch raised s commendable $10,4CC while the Seaforth branch raised more than, $3,100. The Wirgtiara branch collected More than $6,4,00 in the last year. Nearly ISO people attended the tantmet at the Clinton. Lett: ex- to hear the reports, to install the new offiCers and to listen to guest speaker Bill Brady. Mr. Brady,t a director of the societfs London-Middlesex unit, told the Huron. Unit that they should climb nue their fight 4-ainst cancer.' ',There will come an answer," he said. ,"Orte we will be freed from this black PL,cc" • 2 He said that' work like the Cancer Society is doing just proves that people do care about other people". Mr. 'Brady said that the g-ov- eriunent should stay out of ch- arity work because tt would de- prive people of loving other peo- ple aid'-caring about other peo- iple is a. gtxd and heart warm- iraa• feeling." ' New' officers were also in- stalled at the banqUet. They include:' President. GordonRich- Our Beef Prices Are Slashed, But the Quality of Beef and Service Remains. the Same. ANNUAL BEEF ROUNDUP "WE SELL CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF ONLY" FROZEN CANADA GRADE 1l'"- News of CONSTANCE - YOUNG HEN OR BROILER. TURKEYS ' WEIGHT 6 to 16 lb. Debbie all of Huron Park, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shad-dick of Lond,esbaro, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bannor.,a_pd Melanie of Strafford. Mr. and Mrs., Murray Scott, , Melanie, Meribeth and Jeffrey cif Belgrave were }*ray even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale. Mrs. Robert Reynolds, Nancy Jo, Mrs.. John Thompson, Betty and Sharon, Mrs. Andy Thomp- son of Vgnastra, attended a shower on Saturday, for Miss: Linda Hunter of Colborne, Town- sblp• Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Prest- cator, Billy and 'Debbie ste-nt Sunday at the Jangle Sa-tt art - Mr. qt.4,-, Mrs. Paul South gate visited on.inday. t. its his mother, Mrs. Ted - Souffate of Seaford. ' , • Mr. McLelland • of Strafford., was. guest speaker for the Sun- day service at the Kinbai rurality Church. Correspondent •Mis.s Mary, McElwain SIRLOIN, WING or T-BONE -STEAKS Mrs. Robert Reynolds, Nancy, So and Bob of Southfield, Mich-. !gar., Miss Betty :Thompson., of Toronto, were weekend visitors with mr: and Mrs. John Manly.-- son, Jim ,.Sfiaron and Sob. Mr. and Mrs. Paul.SOuthirate visited on "Satuday ever.i..- Stratford with Mt. Neil mines and Miss Carol Steepe. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pre=- cator, Diane; and Nan vistt- ed 'or Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pffif and family of Cred- itor- Miss Margaret Hummel of Clinton, visited car.. Sunday with Mr. riand Mrs. Jack 'Mend • aLed K errs. Smalls: visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bet Riley iud f"ttnily were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl, Jack- ie, Kim, and, Shelley, Mr. and Mrs.. )Mug Riley. Wendy tud etittES uncrin YitTL OLSVilla %TIM 1, tin 4 LB. BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS NACAZ160 & CHEESE KRAFT BIOME 15c • SAICO CONCENTRATED FROZEN ORANGE ORANGE JUICE 13 tia 29c P4ARTLY SKINNED (SHANK PORTION) SMOKED HAM FULLY 4 , SKIES rR nuli Da MONTE FANCY PEACHES 39c Axstriei FACELE ROYALE , PAPER TOWELS Timis „ SMOKED READY TO EAT (WHOLE OR HALF) COLEMAN'S HAM g-liflift GAY c.A.NICA GPADF. FRESH , KAm UNCREON MEAT Tot 4a2...! hors, Cwsze4 Grade -a' BEEF RIO ROAST APPLE BROILER ',, TURICEYSE4 rt" BROILER „atm TURKEYS 6-9 49c tko.r.t. LOIN PORK CHOPS Linura.inLy'f, crurnn 1-.5% FRESH GROUND BEEF _ _ . . 181i) SLICED SIDE BACON Li. 57c Ls. 55c .1.09 PIE • ..:141L1L.L GOLIE L cAt.e4DA GEACE s ae,. HEN TUROYStarkli LL 530 FRUERSKEHts= 48c 97c C 4 57' 1.09, ;;:" 8.- 75c 4 59' 459' SKINLESS WIENERS v.444 18141.8 MOO . SKINLESS WIENERS u•Lu ART Main COTTAGE ROLLS • OP 18W 5111 BOLOGNA ten 1/41 COOKED HAM Ent 851 in 184 F'46 _- BOLOGNA .39c SLICED COOKED MEATS HOME FREEZER SPECIALS snEt -ur Plif. 8..0. -pr. -1 KERET, VEGETik.WLES r..k. 55c cotovw lantana 89. , Finest Quality Meats at prices you have been wraith* tar to stock yaw home freezer. ff desired - ve will cut 1:4 your specification. 204 tw 2500 or • Coe o+. or*wo wl ..t¤ 4to SO its. SIDES OF 65. LOINS OF Li. 99c BEEF _ . _ _ BEEF forkrower.......wwww.1 1-20"te, 140 lb, SIDES ---- ,ACC4. 14115W4 STEW . 81' 49' +wow. wow Weer:5. 'We FACIAL TtSSEW • • " "'"' 29' iaga *MI ss'nerr :FACE OATS iota .74•P 4...1 re' X EiC4WET COM41 69' _ _ _ _ r, 79' uw--nn* inurnsn LL" A Mt-Ran pr no 150 'r 2.35 - 0ewoe0, 1.1.4-31,, ORANGE 49' :Luc *emir RAVZ261 CETSTALS 4 T.";;. 79' POW0RED outman • 2. 89. MED DETESINT • 2 69r ,FRONTS OF e BEEF- - IC OF PORK Ls. 55c OSE 4 ox. se•voici -:. 79c COWED WEEF. eca= $1,1X WRAP . rani TOW:AS :un ,Dn‘ DOS F0,00 '100...4mg PIE CREIS7 w.rz ,,, DITENTAi CASSERGII 4 69' 25c .59c .1.19 ":8: 79' CGE 'BEST BUY' WORK SAVERS FOR YOUR KITCHEN! rdf. value yktElla SLICED COOKED MEATS 11.1110 51M+ SIDE BACON 115+'sip W5184 .. PURE PORK SAUSAGE rn.1uuf581 colas DINNER HAMS TU'r vat tt Sint1 8e..00 804 14 - VARIETY PACK '3 1.00 • 495 6 • 79: 55' -.: 3.99 , 53. BEre, BEEF t ZEN HINDS OF LL.1/13c Etteakett5 n9 HIPS OF f::=7-7="--": CHICKEN - BEEF rroor. oaf.. or re-.a per -47 nn" MIMI CROCE:LATE 79c 7C6ir fro& cu mots arstAts • tale. DISPOSISLE DanitS 175.0sa MUT 'TEA 83' • van ra:zrn ;PC` FlIBIC6 MEN BEANS Z AIWA tit w 45c • SI:Mr SOFT WiltrAtne - ..77c LEGS 5.89 QUA TY PRODUCE "FRESHER BY. FAR" Lake aos KEIL Triiv4:4$ szcrz -- COOKED HAM 41.49 ----------- U i N5 1 CALfot2VA' OttSP A.CuoCL ,estirra 32.4' WOOS DEV03117.13 BONUS DISCOUNTS HEAD LETTUCE 29c • 18 SPEED STAtCh mos.-i 531,101100 89- • 6.00 WM POTATOES 5 1.00 Automatic Self-Cleasiing Oven - Set the Cleaning time. then Sit hack and relax. Electrical- y 'Cteans the entire oven. shel- yes and drip pans,. Automatic Oven-Timer - Clod: and minute remind- er. Lets you set oven to start 'and. S'eop whet* you Zo out- Dual Oven Control ProvidE correct tempera- tare and oven seth.np.. Storage Drawers - Keep pots and pans out of the way. 4S. geo, •tea SZta 2, Cannintiel MP 55` suer SOFTWEE .20 slop WWI IOW Root WLI Tr 1.39 PrOMN.itt$ INSTANT COFFEE PIE FILLING • MY'S PUMPKIN ME mums 39c MVO 464 Mk* vP.M.K7 0; pLEN ARO.- OUTSPAN ORANGES tarp sine iaz 19c cr=a 0...01S40.04 3;41.00 nur-nrit Infirn:Lu &MA • 69c 2 .89c ZA4.0,9. WEICr 13 .18.55 us; WM110 TLyu WAXED TWINIF'S • 2 .23* CNNAS FROZEN BM FM 2.43' Egr POULTRY SEASONING 84 43c rE *Si %AU i '':44:4.4zw..mcmort MAME Mg ..c.a.r4 sums. **Ave tars a POUT RIM air ixtric PEPifit 59' sp-s stwaiakur WA la& 39' ROMS u1. - YAMS gaup 7t, MTN& 9, 8.;0, 88 MAIRSCHAO piptitgs 59€ tAnt RUBBED SAGE k t: 35! too, 4ku k tkitkr. tulLtnun BOASTINGFILM `IV; 65` - 77- 141EILLING *Z 69. 981 kk-ktkt - BM GRAPES 2 .39' OCTOBER CHEESE FESTIVAL ANKSGIVING TABLE aoai,voc- 11)WATC1 uwWws Igo (Wawa CEEDDAR OEM stmentes zarwer CHEDDAR OUST CIOFT gVasi .16EM3 Druntnin 1.79 It; 85c 59c it 1.35 MEESE Silas 1.. 79. «it 87c SW% 511.0130 trim poz MOMS OBET.1 SPREAD ~w 85 CAW SAIDETE1666 unns en. at ...nar lonr n MSS tea PiallES .74. or:, in= at eV:. CRANINFWES NOTT Selnettleg 29. 04,..,a,e 999 .111' ikeN19 - GROUND COFFEE 1.19 we. M.Th. Vag° 2 465* CGE 30" RANGE WITH SELF CLEAN OVEN $ 335 00 • SEAFORTH 1 G FRANK XLING: 111?44 $21 Open all d Wednesday and Friday night till 9