HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-29, Page 7i
Advice to the Engaged,
1'o rile wan--Tf you think that a
l'}le ud a on the Court,. Convicted out of ills own Mouth
r j gQ of a WestQrn court was John, volt have beell drinking
_,. ,.._.:....�
TRADE ` t`" I�' � TXIIE T'A
WQp1Rn is any Wealcer•rninded than a
not thoroughly posted on the case be- It.was. not yet 11, o'clook but there
�Ltc r In arriveanddepark asligAowss t+
loan stop where you are,
fore him, but he was one of those men was something in the blundering
�--- bs,,a,III_ ..,..voraoroutD.......,�
If you intend t{1 treat yourself any
better than you treat yourself dcn't
• way
You haus probably heard of,whq`th nlcs In which 110• had bumped against
he knows It all. , things In coming through
To Ganoral Dferchants and Bogt and hhoe Storce, ! rP.In...••""".. For gesxatgr...,,
10:45 P- nt +.
Ia DO,inoction with m Leather Business
take one.
the front
You Are charged with horse -stealing, hall that aroused hAr suspicions.
fall Stock of I kct: P a ,------
If you suppose that running the
Ile said. loftily to the rise
p' nor; are you You're mistaken �m'ly, said Mr
r A. C. sTltaTrrnr f., Aox.r, w„
S110 -L' D.r1 ]S'SING � xhrouglltickets toall pohita In Amer
house consists 111 paying the bills dont
guilty ql' 11gt guilty i
g, y 0110ayte steading himself, and dish
7 I ii'eat, Pacille Coast etc,, %la the slio
(Poplilar routes. B41,19a„ o chocked thi
undertake it.
Not guilty, your Honor, responded COYerincy jltfit in time that rile prod.
Whitmore s, Zanoni French Dreasin;;, destination, Lowestfreitlht ratoa.to all p
Relipac. Bjxby's, t'erfect Illd, etc, In 19, 15 and 25e (
If you have an idea that you are
the prisoner,
I went on'which Ile was about t0 hang
sizes, by the gross or dozen, sacquot's French I —TIME TAPLE. yr A
Blacking and Gray's OIL= waterproof, LYAVE womliAI1, . •' All T
too, good for a picked -tip dinner re-
The court looked surprised, lsed, '* Ills hat was only a figure in the wall
I p'
I 1 4G a,tn Torontc,GuoO,ralnte�afrpn, 40.
11.0 "
XL]aill a bachelor,
If you have found it a hard task to
you meth to say the animal
Y Y �y
rodo into town 011 t0•day, ally wh
d45 P.ni ' Clinton, /1
A 7:25 '� ratnlerstoil, 1lixosl...... I
ti,48 a,ni .... ,,,,,,Lon<l,n &c.,,,......I
S c 3:45 p.m. „ '
be happy youself dont try to make
was.ldentiEied by half a dozen citiz ill
11;20 stn •"•.... I{incarolne, aw .. ,.....
in Leather, Horaohidq, Rnglish 1{ip, p. I
anyone else ha
Y l�pY•
was yaur8 ? Ile
No, your Honor.
porpoise, &c. 13.90
cotton and Rifle, in alllony ths,
fasteners and setts, cork soles, &e,
Tf you are marrying her for her
Sure it be
1Ve11 sir, did you hu It Z
I + , Y Y
Scientific A
SHOE. LE AT HEP., Agency t
would wise on your ,art
No, your honor.
to watch .her diet Fel'y closely.
Did the owner present it to you
Slinon Alma, bat ana fll and AIezzonfa Xlp and Calf; ,
also native kip and upper. Spanish and slauhter
If you have chosen a pretty woman
a token of estee-nl ? and the jud
without regard to her other qualities,
Smiled sarcastically. ,id
halt; you are on the Nrond road,
No, your honor, and the prisci `'+
If ,you incline to the opinion that
tie l.imself, Y-
duelled a lit es
Best brands on hand in Oak and hcn1lock. Specla DESIGN PAT.
stock for traces in oak, COPYRIGHTS*
any mariner are hood enough for home
manners don't try to have a home.
Didn't you feloniously enter On
Stable Of the Ownel' Uf the anlm, at
For Information and free Handbook write.
Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A ostal Oldest bureau Ur.seeurl
acrd will secure quotations P ag patents Am
1 rotations or Froin
If you think that a house should
kept, id
where it was ke t ill the dead of t},
n call u
ler. my travel- ISverypntent taken out by us 1s brought
thepubliobyanotice given tree atchume
have only one head, And that head be
night; and remove it forcibly without t' one'side I'm going t' bf>a ,
And NIr Outlayte, now reckless and
�� J, CF�APMAN _7" donfif it
yours, postpone your Weeding iltdegni-
his consent or knowledge?
ge 4 wholly demoralized fell u the stair-
yes, honor,
Largest circulation ofDnvaelentlaepspar i
Tanner and Leather �erchaut t ted: No smell
world, SPlendidlj, illus ra
],f you are of the opinion that mar-
your mare or less, ie- Way one step at a time, and disappear
plied the prisoner boldly, ed in the darksome void.
man aboutd be without it. WeOld y� 83.
1� I�GITAa[ wear; $159 61.x, months. Address 4tUNPT i
hU LISUr zS.8813roadrraF.Now Pork.
riage makes mail and wife ore and
Wel i, don't you call that horso=steal - - • -----
that f ou are to be that one Fetid in
in" ? MEWS Remedy for Catarrh is the
o Best, Easiest to use, and Cheapest.
v a ,(, �f fr1
your regrets at Once.
No, your honor. o e
Ii'y0u arP° 011e Of these men Who
And why not, pray 7e and the judgeT"IS'.1ty drugg(sts or sent bymttil,
longs to the contoftheir income be-
longs to the kap-room, in heaven's
was ,Wore sarcastic than ev,f x. 0..T. Hazelttno.Wnrren, Pa.
Because it Was a mule your Honor.
.��,,99 �•,,l!
name let
and the prisoner guffawed at his own
marriage alone,
joke to the extent of n $10 fine for
To the wo.nan—If you are extreme-
contempt of court.—Detroit Free press. :B—A_T -��E,'�S_
ly fond of dancing you would• du well
to marray it dancing maeter.
If don't Frei that
It was .Ben Johnson,,'vebelieve,who Josephine street - milrbam, Qnt.m
when asked biailocll's question, t/Is
W" BSrr1T2,'1"Pw
"k 9S
ff"I Ill MINI
you you are quell_
J. A. HALHTF:D, J. It. scow,
life worth living?" replied. That de • AiountForest. I Listowel.
111111maj JL:J-.K
fled to be a poor mane wife don't I
pends on the liver." And Ben John.
marry a ride one.
son doubtless saw the double point to Deposits Received and Interest
If you are marrying for money only
the pun. The liver uctive—quick—' alloWed.
life rosy, everything' bright, mountains
gAr`rCi �e��s nS'HI]r��t�
you must expect to het only what
Money Advanced to Farmers and
of trouble melt like inountains of snow. Business Men,
money call buy.
The liver slug-ish- lifo dall,evemything
On lona
If you are going to marry a man
blue molehills of woTr rinse into or-short,tim&, on endorsed notes
+ Y or collateral security. Sale notes, bought
s .
for his looks you musn t be surprised
mountains of allxie,y, and as a result at afair valuation. ;,tone
� y remitted to all
—sick headache, aizzilless, constipa- pares of Canada at reaspliable charges.
b.•tf,-��p ��� K��y��
when he gives you b10.Clc ours.
tion. Two ways l' are open. Cure l :'
If you are going into the thing
permanently, or relieve temporarily. Special Attention. Given .to Col-
( .11
4T --
blindly don't hold up your hands in
`rake a pill and suffer, or take a•pill leering .Accounts".ncjfotes.
and gt-t well. ,Sh6dic the system by an lu''
N 1 y ' I '
holy terrpr a hen you got your eyes
-- k,/
overdose, or coax it by n mild,pleasant
,�j �'
^—�'------ ----_
Agonal in Canada—Theyrehants'' Dam
way, of, Can 0, ;
T -
]f you are marrying a man to reform
hila it behooves you to exercise all
Dr, Pierce's Pipasant Pellets are the -a"
Off ce Hours From 9 in. to 5 m.
mild means, The Work �p
Y+ ��B, Sll�ITHwithout
zeal and pratience o£ the reformer.
pain, and the system
the system ;,,. �,the
strong.One r -coated leerA••ent.`l pe e
If you contemplate taken; ahusband
is ei,ough, although a whole vial costs
only in order to gain greater freedom
but 35 cents. r'
don't be surprised if he should profit-
- Mild, gentle soothing dud healing is L �
by your example.
have been three
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, Only 50 ;
Cents y dts.
�' b druggists.
• '� �- '
If you •engaged
��+ �
�. -
times' before this you had better wait
Uandied rose leaves, which women i• " +',�
��"`��',i�d� � j •+.r.�s
six wunths s this en agement
' perha i 1 g 0so
abundantly eat, are at last declared
, II e' SII
ay be followed by still another.
to be injurious.
- �4 il, iii ill Biu iH
I �
If you have an Idea that aconk-
book and an allowance can make a
Gastronomic writers profess to be + /f f
'I ii�j'i;I,II� Ij i l
happy home you should get yourself
surprised at the royal appetite 08fiP.afi-
p Y p'P p ! �,• 'tt°' 1RA
to a nunnery with all convenient
ed b Queen Victoria.
Y @ !f' , �''
to BU5
Lamb chops for breakfast just now CHH!
rz it ti�
.:RA` al �`"O
are delicious and make the most ill- ¢� j tr�IsT4
',W "'R$'
achs.—The wisest cannot enumerate
one quarter of the distressing symptoms
arising from enfeebled digestion, all of
which might be readily dispelled by
:these admirable Pills. They remove
Il 1 t t f tl til
a unp easatit as es rem to mon ,
•batulency, and constipation, Hol.
lo%day's Pills rouse the stomacll,.liver
and every other organ, helping dives -
tion to that healthy tone winch fully
•enables it to convert all we eat -and
drink to the nourishulent of our bodies
Hence these Piils are the Purest
strengtheners and the safest restora-
tives in nervousness, wasting and
,chronic debility. Holloway's Pills are
infallible remedies for impaired appe-
tite, oruetations, and a multitude of
otherdisagreeable symptom% which
render miserable the lives of thous.
ands. '.l hose Pills are approved by all
A sfasonablr omelet is made of
shade rose, chopped olives and the
-yellow of egos,
Strawberries should'never be aash-
•ed, but simply jumped in it cloth,
Sam Ward u3ed to say a min who
• does not like stewed terrapin is worse
than an infdel,
$ Apptioat>LoriH,
It taken only tllitr to thoroughly remove
Dandruff, stop itching of the scalp, and
Make the hair uoft and pliable. In fact,
Auti-Daudruif is a perfect hair tonic—ail
upyrro who use ii. �...
natured amiable.
' r,a n t
Never drink water in the dark with.
out chewing It well, 00ALi. J rLA
1N�TC -�� '�""• �
_ ..•. ---
. fcl�F .•ice
ADVIcc To Alarnuas.—Are you disturbed at night i [ v 0 A ®��"
and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and H 1,,. D R C 7 S
crying with pain of Cutting Tooth? If so send at
once andgeta bottle of "AIrs.Winslow's Soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is ineal„ul-
able. It will reliove the poor little sufferer
inunedlately, Depend upon it, mothers'; there is no
mistake about it, It ctires Dysontot'y mod Dimrrh(na,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, aures wind Colic,
softens thu Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
tone and onorgy to tho whole system. Airs. win.
slow's Soothing Syrup',' for'children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best omale physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throuz;hout rho world. Trico twenty-llve cents a
bottle. Be sure and ask for ":tins. Wumow's
SOOTHING STRAP• and take nA hhhar Mild
Grated park is sometimes the 'go
between' in the caterer's alleged
chicken sandwiches.
It may he modern gornlatldizers
have read that great men in history
have always been big eaters.
3Lapicl nanof.
DsAR Sltts,-7. lead for years been troubl-
ed with dyspepsia and sick headache, and
found but little relief' until I tried your
Burdock Blood Hitters, which made a per -
feet cure. It is tho beat medicine I ever
had in my life, and I will never bu without
lt. 1:I.ATTIr, DkvIs,
Olintoil, Out.
A French menu,for some, makes
the most ordinary food appear luxur-
Varly Romans reclined while `ilin-
ing. Modern A.m4ricitne lie down
after .the feast,
4�. Arr Wim.•:%.i_ i .._. �,..- -'WL
elf iii r. aF /MI' 7'loNs All intending purchasers of stoves of thi
nyeans the kid-
of the sysieul,
neys are in
"Delay is
trouble, Dodd's
dangerous. Neg-
KidneyPills- glue
ieated kidney
Prompt relief.”
troubles result
1`75 per Cent,
in Bad Blood,
of disease is
Dyspepsia, liuer
first caused by
Complaint, and
disordered kid-
the niost dan-
gerous of all,
"Might as well
Brights Disease,
try tolthhaue a
Diabetes and
heay city
without sewer-
age, as good
7°I,e above
diseasts eannot
health when the
exist where
kidneys are
Dodds• Kidney
clogged, they are I
l5i114 are used.'
Soli by all denlem oritont'6y mall un receipt
of pricer sn ecmts, per Nix or at for sa.z0.
Dr.. L. A. Smith lie Co, Toronto, Svrite fur
book odu#t Kidney Talk, ,
winter will save money by buying from
D. Sam aA./ T H •' R L.A.D o
Havinglbought a very large variety of
fro>l�l: pi.
to choose„
Every stove guaranteed against breakage and
to give complete satisfaction, }
wingbri 1, oetotor 8th 1891,