HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-29, Page 6;. t Skin Tight Rantf�,
Their First Separation,
kt 1. x li They lead been. married but six l noult� lace went into or ,�3ololl,oir
Own dear, blessed I anlortlon;s place tt weelf of so ago and V� I
weelis, alld her oar
.— _ .. 1 r,Solomon's
a ' ,
" Geor i>, gas ata aw , to be gena i said he watlted to have a p it of S
.,,,.�..-.�-.-.-- ...._.... ,-...,_,_.� n ,. g • if y '
Y { b8�. three whole, .dreadful days, She ]lads trousers Made, That s 1aalotnou s
D: �, JT1T. d`�, I ' t e and ho soot, had roll after
gone to the atation in see him off, and I „usln se, at I
was clinging tgtltly to itis ern; as l roll of material down. for inspection.
t. sL1SOERTI]aL•E PARSON, they walked up and, dOW11 the 1?latfor"I" When the choice had been made and ti
i k foto ,ilei tht� rneasurintr wrls bealin the young
1II;A:IDD;t II,'bX,iHAW, wiliting, for his tFa n to bac
itiousidared tile. parse], a trifle too Statics, Both of then" were as Solensn I marl said on
pun,, as they woultl have been lead Ile be0i11 1 �vltnt you by tnakrs then, skin tif:ht, GYM �\ 1In
s ritatd ceugregtttiou pa'd settled , about to lir Solouton rolled his eyes all from t o
i z ii
C' a � n
wC ,
an. 1 . � c.�
,. � r
be1'la \ �
Orifi; called t0 ,,t
Ie deacon acknowledged lie never had srnrt for that delectable country. bis stooping position, 'ua �i.W
and You'll write every day, won't you, Skin dight 1 he rc+geared z;rhast. IVY t OW6 to
a Natural reading of hos word—'% In
darling f she said• ,nein front, dot vos not the shtyles I ye
the voice of the Bout with the tong a
I the bell! indeed, And cu must rite' Ve ;;all t ruins our pizuess by darning oxttpOf Pigs its teand al en; it islts when pleasant n
Yes, y y
A ud tiro verdict so justg 1 out anydtn� dot vos not in de si,tylos 1 and refreshing to the taste and hots at,
Wrl�stakeu in trust Ise a lona latter to -night- n
e good deacon's (laughter, the beau- I y 1 enily yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iful Nell ()ll, twill. And you ll take real s ,stein Erect Ott don't want dot skin g
good care of yourself ? di llt Giver and l30lvcls, cleanses the syn- $
llatldsolne young pastor was modest' p' . I Will. I .vent 'ear skin tight.' I don't care tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
evout,. Ol,, yes , , aches and fevers and cures' habitual 1.
,a 's traadiny the path which he pointed 3 constipation, Syrup of Figs is the d
y 4 p Uh, you ,east. R'Iiilt would 1 do if noth n shout no 9t le, T m (loin this
,thou, out; here busifiess to I suit m self. If you a
Tac -
the best of his sermons, by ecmuiou .anything should happen to zuy boy 7 t t Y only remedy j of its liincl ever gro- p
accord, Oh, uothiug will ltnppen to tae, Jar• don t tit to make ern tbr+ way I dutied, pleasing to the taste and acs
au. able discourse on "Tile Love of ling. want 'em you make 'ern at. all. Now ceptable to the stomach romp, in t
the Lord; r would I take our ciroitse. its action and truly benefi)ci.al in its t
he treated his subject remarkably ph, Uut somethill-, int,ht. It Y effects, prepared only from the most
welt, ' k.ill me it au till,_, should happen to Ur Solomon raised Isis shoulders in. healthy and agreeable substances, its
But his thougltis often eau I y to his neck and turned out the alma;
Bu the love of a nrttn— t Ott. T p manyeacellentqualiti,escommen It
the love of a clergyman young for Nell. y t0 all and have made it the most
,on foolish little girl to be so fond of ilia hands. O ular remedy 1„ sown.
sermons grew tender and so did his ofBut I'll be all right. Yell, well free,, ssltust as you say. ]isyrup .of Figs •is for sale in 75c
heart' g I;e su careful getting on and off the S.tnalce 'efn shin dight. But yeti trod bottles by all leading druggists.
goting arrows of truth, .yetreiceiviu the
dart J Any reliable druggist who lacy not
m the soft eyes of Nott, with their aim cars. Fromise me that, you won't get be sadiafite alit 'ova. But I do 'oat as have it on hand Will' procure it
us lobee,A de him titnidl yet faint made I off or on a car while it is in motion. you say. r rem tl for any one who wishes
I Oh, I won't. You take good care A few days later the young. man to try ilyNzanufactured only by the
him bold. ,ailed autl'sot the articles and took;
d the secret retrained that he never of yourself, darling.. CAUFOROIA FIG SYRUP CO.+
d&red tell-•• Uh, 1 shall juin sit and cry all the them home. From a cursory inspec- 1
He could preach well and pray tion it, the shop he said he 'thought SAN z•p,arla_3co, CAL.
it his heart would but stay tinge, y �Oxs, N.
the pulpit,. and not fu the pew there Shall you miss me so much ? they were just right. But in all hour
itb Nall, he was back again.
A1iss you ? Oh, George !
is preaching bseame such a labor of love, See here lie Cried,' rushing up to
ith its constant communion below and 11y Darling 1 the See,
NI r .Solomon. What J V S�" Q V�
above Tile minutes' will seem to Ins like r C
bile he in @lie pulpit ere service i years I Won't You miss me kind Of thillga d0 VOn Call these 4 And HAVE YOU SEEN IT?
ith big, head on his hand, alis commonly ferias "you 1 I shall. think of you he shook the trousers out of the paper THE BIG BOTTLE
done;., wrapper and held then, up.
`f he peeped through his fingers, why, no i every minute. Dose ? iu uirQ i lir Solomon, care-
one could tell! Xott dell, old boy. Ub, that is your q }
e could ha know it was human
To gaze on fair woman, train coming ill 4 fully adjusting his ey.glasses. Dose 4
111 deelned,rt not wicked to gaze upon Tres, I gall dose shin dight pands.
Nell. Oh, George I but what did you 'stake 'erg like
4or the youth of his flock he was fervent You must. be a brave and strong, this for 7
iu prayer; Like dot I Veli, inv frendt, 1 told I
lit one mnruin,.; in the church, certain little ,woman.
;,,ossipKaeclare, How can I when you are go -go-go- you. f gan'tt help it. Iron dold me
div a slip of the tongue, by all error of
speech, Ing a -a -way ? to ma1.N 'eut schust so dight ns your Q
'1Yhlle the pastor, undoubtedly meant to There, there, don't Cry ; you'll at- skin.
:The rood Lord to keep all the young men tract 80 mach attention. I I:now I did. But bully gee l T
from—well, j—I—don't carer how much atter can sit done !tI my skin 1—New York
That eternal slitide,
He certainly prayed, tion I attract, and I-1—have to cry I Recorder,
,-Tire rood Lord would keep all the young NO �Uu i'.lti5tn't. Game nett, kiss �---•—"
legs fres, «Teil1't s Group of Good Things.
I' ,Us aood•1, e
Tv ouirsulc Ishii oil matters of church and n } I It is a good thing . to wear clothes
of state, Uhl George 1
Aa we term a church fair and no truth Good-bye, darling that foo CO►llful'table as w(:11 as look
virlate, at hSh.
Nell had r tiled at the study. The door You'll hit no careful. I Y
Broca ajar; Ye;, yes. Good live 1 To change the socks from one foot
The pastor wvaa kneeling, as often they And ) oli'll be sure to come home
are, to the other --unless you wear anato-
And she could not retreat without breaking 1, ridgy 1 roieal seeks,
the spell—
Ivith her eyes on the floor, Yes, indeed, Good-bye,. sweet- , To keep more umbrellas oil 1Taud
�Vaitina at cite door, ltf art.
Like a vision of peace, stood the beautiful than jus; ltttrely enough.
Nall, Good— Oh, I shall. be so anxious To dress your boy as comfortably as
Ile was pleading for all, but, as one might about you. you dress youi self.
infer. Oil, 1'11 eoure home all right. (rood.
Grew more eloquent wbeu he was praying I To wear as high grade underclothes
for her, 1 bye 12, volt can afford to.
why he singled her out she 0061(1 not uu- Good-bye, darling• 1
derstaud, Good -b e. To have the respect of your feet.,
Till she heard him ask heaven for her heart y
and her hand. Oh, George, how cart 1 let yott g01 T•• have a pair or tivo of fresh gloves
No petition o'er suited a maiden so well.
It is piety rare You must, Inv pet. Good-bye. in reserve,
When Cupid's at prayer— Gond-bye, my treasure buy. ti�`ave I To find the collar that suits you and'
For he told to his God what he should vour handkerchief from the window, they buy a dozel.i or two of that kind. � Old POpuiar �JC. �i1L'8•
slave told Nell.
bsorlptignprice, $1 por yenr,in acv 211Oer
me 18 mo, ! 1 n,o
e Column Su0 00 $84 90 ! '20 00 till o0
If " 3,00 2000 12 00 I 4 00
peter „ 24 00 I 12 40 7 00 A OP
•, 100,
c inch 6 OQ 8 00 .. 04, _
r first bloo tion, aid So, poriiho Y ro ch sabs041404
Lpei line for each subsequent lit sertici-, No 'local;
no twill be charged lose than 240.
Id Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 Ihlea
empareil, $1 per luonth
houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines,
l for filst month, wo. per subsequent month ,
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for longer advertisements, or tot
to periods.
Advortisoments and local notices without speclf e'
erections, will ho'lmortod till forbid and charged
ecording$•, Transltory advertisements must be,
aid 111 advance
Changes for contract advertisements must be 111
ho 011ie. by Wednesday noon, In order to appear
hat w•ook •
W, B. TOWLER, 1f,D.C.M.,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons; Ontario
—Coroner for County of Iluron—
,001CO tlp•etalrs, ,text to Mr Morto's's office, Wing-
hau%, Out.
OrvtoR Hones. -4 to 12.a. in., 1 to 0 p., in., or at
Residence, DiagonalSthet.
DR. J. A. 31ELDR1331,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Dlember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons or
Office and Residence—Cornor of Centro and Patrick
streets, formerly ooeupied by Ar. Bethune.
Private and Company funds to ion's st tow'ost rate
R d tarps property boutrht andrsold es, town
OFFICE—Beaver Block WIXONA31, Cxr .
As angels appeared to the Baintetl Of yore,.
She knelt by his side on the carpeted floor, I
Put icer soft hand ill Itis as a tical amen.
Ile soon found the v,siou•waa tuortud, and
He, blushing, oarreyaed her, nor eouid she
For Was she not there
Iu answer to prayer?
Thus God aoius i together Lite pastor and
It was heaven to hint gazing' into her eyou;
It was heaven to him with the blue of the
In the thought of an angel becomiug his
Ile forgot all the angels but her at his side,
And love's sweet forketfulue:rs over there
Till Bhe sitid,'", declare,
Wa'forgot the church fniri"
•611m. uoly "ilolaing the fair l" Ise rel:lied
...._ h01t3tust'�„iI
The Irttiyist pyratuid in Egypt i'
488 IVot, high.
Hire 111P.1fr height of 11th above s,
l,,t,,t trl'L',L'.3l feet.
.Nrr flavor than '629,13!lg peopl
11410i'd tlrltller arir UOW liv►ng in Got'
I'Wnitry words Per Minute is th
It"rtags at witioft long and is writte
,t>—a i<,,,.,,, iva:tuur,t raatnv,rr all hard, soft
won't you, darltrr;. To turn, the points of your collars k 1.
yes, yes. I must go now ; the bell vou wear that sari) as soon as they
is ringing Good-bye. Come from that laundry --as it mny _ _-_
Good-b•b-hya• t save time some morning when you area �
.There, there ; don't cry, Bye, Oyer I •
rn a hurry. BRISTOWS!
(rood -bye. Be just—as—careful—f rn, went tvllat is brcentnlrnri to yn'u,•
its—Goad-bye, l
irrespenttve' t,f whether It would liettu- .l :r � � R-0 � � T E D.
G00d•bye I lie shrieks irons the ^I�l tif6 auy otherlirrinan beinRa.
window. She waves her hauilkerchief
excitedly, and Ili.; own flutters from To [s:torr Ixi,llx'garrnants ties, will
the car window its long as the train is insure the urmost &-gree of repore..-- ,
in sight., and she ; oed tellifully 1101110,
provided, Of CSttr$f�r that hedd1flg and
Willie he—wall, the ways of a man ares ventilation are ttlso properly arranged.
,, e, r st While ex -
past findilrg out, last let us slope that
to i`eop' tilt, li .I l+ ,freer
he is blinking only of her.—brinne• }toned to tile sure ort hot clays',':: lit e0b•
1 apolis Timos. Mtge leaf ill ,the' hilt, wag the old-time •^
prescription, silty it wilt a good one,but
sevou � onriv suft'ering. r gilded youth Bart attbstitil A rode Gx.7.
our „ } ,
s GEN'l~l.N:'}tEN, I have sufferoa very � lea yea and do liar tvrsll,i! only. rhe° Nerve
much from inflammatory rheums t } y l% i
tism, Which through wrong treatment left t eriouoh of th,+trl,
a ugly running gores .*Oil my hands and feet. !
With this 1 suffered for seven years.during, 1'o barren All rile sl.ytlliny !'fioad. Ittrd
which tient, I had neither sine not B'took. light und,.r that ferwrnt l,a•tttt of spilt y
fig oft. I commenced using 11. 13, U. ex. I:1er
e ternally and interually, using the pilot.
1*3:1,Z s
' •
also, cud. I cart nrlw say that rile cores late rl�u walk slowly,. keep.tet the ,rlladrl,
entirelycured, and have beer, for ,eons
time. t believe the bitters were the rleaug (lorry » dlpiq .far iltr�ltl�i, Igta tk lC1GiAfi` r f,ir, .i
e of navies, my hie. , MAN autl i1omad dineddsiolls•-•• an on h.
Mus Moor, 1lxfnl, ,
n. Orewson'a Corners, Actors P, u., 0.1t. 9tl•degrpo days--�-'risen s Otdtfitter.
ORrNf.. Pit, l
`� � •�nl�rebrlrly It>ha trrsawirad t< trrttiettrtit 1 �; toil,. rlf gtYad riu�a�flrlfrea in its afro,
!!E itl�i` ttlstl Q�t1l s � I' .l yt°lll+f
whlgham . Ontario
H...LW. C. MEYER. Q. C.;i E. L. DIOWNSON. t3• A
lienors for Bank of hlamlitoa. Commissioners for
taktug atfidavits for blauitoba. b,arm, ;rolvio
villageproperty bou;tht and sold. A100 y (p'rl a
foods) lotnled On urort;;ago Security at 6'.�, per coat.
,,loney invested for priyats persons, upon the beta
tacit age securities without any 0x13011311 to the
leader• Lands for sale in Manitoba and tilt:, North -
Olfice—Bent's Block, tr ill haul.
1i Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
' vuleauite plates of the besttnatertal
as cheap as they can be got in the
Dominion. All work warranted.
Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electl!W-
ity or Vel•otable Vapor.
TARD N Ties.. -1 will extract- teeth for 25 cents
OFFICE: In the Bcaverp Block, • op}iottto the
Brunswick House.
Wm. F:. Macdonald, L. D S.,
opposite the Queen's Ilote1,'Whigham.
Will visit Gorrio 1st and 3rd 141onday'S
of each month.
Wlr.traat, ONrAaln
Sales attended in any part Of bile Co. Chargee
011-T CURItIL', WINGnnnl, ()ST.,
1 Jrnl.ts> n AllorilONlnvlt Fo,t 'TUE COUNT71 OF
- �I'r1RON.
th.. All orders left at the Truss office promptly att0hd•
ed to. Terms reasonable
1+y i,iCRSARb A100TIONX914, Yon 000TIRs UVROIT AND'
b* All sales attell4d' to promptly* and• air 4110 Shottesr
Charges Moderato and Satistoction Guaranteed.
lj• All necessary •arrangements can bo ntadi nt the
Tmys' Miles ONr
1101.1 ff 7i IIAW (INR
lr'. 101 91Invf•.v0as AND CIVIL PSOINRRlttl
�,lry LISTOWEL AND WINfillAbt•
eche 0001-11
00Propact tan ,!rico of the Titus w111 re«
.. -_ tentW-
aawisArttwr Ali RI(Ilrfil MVMfatr 11411hT, 104"4 01~ %(A*-
Tr1Ati I,loklslkp,
� • 15iNallAN ONT.
r» ;,
' Iq'VMirC1° ION '"ll on PIUO, Oroku
_tom wilt im trttarmwty
06 t