HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-29, Page 419 e. waLiams, ' AND - D6 historic landmaik of St John's,. gad �ouggll CanapbPll, Ile to heave. the was the place where Uvglisli service "ravel pit in safe condition when job. was first celebrated in the New World, is done, Clark- McKay Ttiat the account of Messrs 1314ke, Tilsit L, Z appeal for sympathy gild aid to the Cassels, for defenditap this 11111" ]pal - Anglican comixtitu oil,', i the the suit of ctpolity of Calross,e ve outiel paid, '1 iii. blauttcha elections were field I that the tllerk solid a cheque for the ' G' moriling last, --Miss Crisp. has return, ed bows wom Clinton, where she has been residing for the last few months -1tev J A,, Hamilton preached both raoruin g and evening in the Presbyter• inn church on Sunday last;'-•11trThos Pell, of,Dakota, was visiting in the village .last week.. ID RUG�rIST'. on Saturday last. and the leentva) I'amount•-.-Oarried. A1cI ay-Runtx-- Government has been sustained by a � That the Clerk notify the Secrytary- ^----- Quinton. lnaijority of 11• In the last parliallient I Treasurer of school sectiops to have Miss i11eBA!v, of Gan4lnoque,is visit- Holl. Al r, (zt•eenway lead a ruajorty of the amount required to be levied for ins her mother in town. -,111r U D _ I° 29, 'file su1 rises of the da were the Hon. school purposes iii the Clerk's hands not later than tile, 13tH day of August i11,Taggart, of Alontreal, was visiting in town during the past week. -Miss T« �'« N. TELEGRAPH CO. defeat of Messrs. McLean and 1892, other wise they, will have to 1liurray, of this place, is away on a Stuart, members of the Cabinet, and make their own levy-Caeried- Fi- " months holiday to friends in Hamilton. opp. Brunswick "Nouse, Messrs 'Roblin and Hagel, the Opposi. nonce report was read as follows : -Judgo Toms, of Goderich, was in tion leaders. Concurrently with the T►motily orenuan, $3,85; Wm, Roach, builaiuq culvert and ditching lot 5, towtl this week. --Tho Rattenbury street ATethodist church Sabbath �•{�� 0111. ".W,:+'++••4, " ^ elections 4vote suns taken under the !cons ! 6 and 7, $21 ; I�rotcll rt, Framer, school scholars piCnlCPd at GOd@t'1C11 authority of the Legislature, for and J lumber for culverts, $9.31 ; Albert on Tupsd,iy last. -Mr Thos Kidd, of �(�sT •tt against the prohibition of the liquor Dann, building culvert 1st . side line, Seaforth, was iii town this week. -It jj ( i (traffic, The vote was overwhelmingly can •6, 8; John Armstrong, ditching is said that probably $200,000 has in Pavel: of The vote is on hill upposite lot 11, con 10: X11,95; been paid out for cattle this season to ptohibitfor.. Philip Schumacher,. 80 yds gravel, farmers in the vicinity of this place. - . only declaratory, tint operative but as wily �S5 6U ; P O'Malley, Itride lot Mr Thos Ti lin" of Detroit was in Tipling, IMIDAI, JULY 29, 1892. , a result of it the Legislature will prob- 5 and 6, con 1, e14 : John Weighter, town this week on business. -Mr and ��_- --_- ably be asked to pass a prohibitory 150 yds gravel, oon N, Culross share, Nirs D B Calbick,. of Goderich, were law $a.25 ; N Baker, 115 yds travel at . visiting to town this week Mr Thos H SATaT COMBINE REMAINS 18t per yd, $21.28 ; M behiestetl, 20 Redmond, of Winnipeg was visiting in' TN'J'ACY. ^--- Culross yds gravel con 5, ,,x,1.40 ; M Bonn- town last wePlt -DCr Jos Ilattenbury • The fight between the Ontario Salt Fireardine and the Can- iVlr Wm Harkness raised a large . anger, 105 yils gravel con 12, lots 1 and 2, X7.35 ; McAllister, 102 was in Detroit dust week. Mr and Mrs Shaw. and daughter, of Brussels, tr,pauy of is, Salt Association, of which the addition to his barn last week, Mr R MoAnllsh was the contractor at the .Henry "ravel poll 2 l0 30,• ? 14 : Philip t p was in town last wtyek. .mer was a member, came to an ad- raising. The fair sex outnumbered Schumachor, 115 yards gravel; con 12, ,rive, lot 6, X8.05 ; Al 80 yds " -T--1- Seaforth• Vit end at Osgoode Hall yet:terday, p the .a ornor part of the crowd and al. but 5, $5 6 coli 14, lots 1 to 5, �5 GO ; D Bpekitlg, The Sate in C W Papst bolt afore 's association was formed in D'edem- , though they did not' lend a hand I their resence encouraged the boys to P building tic, lot 20 con 10, $400; 1V $ $ for was burglarized last Dlonday, night it lost to fix prices and production. , show off to their best advantage. The pout two weeks ago the Ontario' with a R Thonipsom, lumber culverts, con 6, lot 29, 5.26 ; John, insP ector for, � and the thieves were rewarded with the small gum of p10, made up of pas �mpany gave notice of withdracial proceedings were : wound up social )top in the evenings. --Haying fiQ cents ; John Stewart, cutting hill lot 29, cons 10 and .11, 885 ; Peter tape stamps, coppers and small silver.. They also. entered the premises of ?iii the agreement., all"ging •amort; is about wound up for the season and b`ah , " 2 U Maley, building bride con 1, lot .., Jackson Bros door and tools one Ler reasons that the assootation was it was an enormous cro p' wheat harvest ii, begun,.and it is :in a groat Culross share, $7 ;. John Sehiostell, .next silver and two "old watches, also a itlogal combine: The association many cases going to be a difficult ,job o 82 yds of gravel con" 6, "frown 1 to 5, $6.74 Thomas merahsum pipe, the prizes which were P P mtly obtained sitintoritn injunction on acoomit of its b@lug do.wu.-Thi And damage to road, ;•' Sowey, gravelling 25 side line, con 14, on exhibition in their window for the. bicvcle tournament to be held on Aug restrain the Ontario Company from `tl'P Yesterday weather has. been oppressively hut. Sunday, was a scorcher.-Afr R Strath $35 ; James McGregor, Cutting hilt 5, 'I'hi9 will be quite a beau loss to 9� Y ;t-akn�s iigreement, and Miss Mary Strath are home spend I sou 6, lot 29, 25 ; James AicGrP"or, ill@ Tournament Committee, but life 'e assaci ation asked that the injune• iit,� their vacation under the os►reutal digging ditch, $3 ; A G Stewart, Wm Miller, stolen prizes have, been replaced with jn Kltould .be contiliued. J udgemell root. -Alfas AIrl]cia iJoolt' gild i1'Iiss I � ptinUug by-law, 5 ; cutting hill con 11, Iota 28 and 29, other watches., Strong suspicions are entertaitied as to the guilty parties. coll"kit.was allowed to go for file Maggio. Everette were visiting at bar I $20.25; D Campbell, inspecting gravel . 4ilitiffs, and the Ontario Con►psny J Kellwood's last week. -The two lot 14,.$3 ; W5 Towey, lot Langside. ill tht-rr•foro remain a membf•r of the Miss Mc orinaeks are holue ori a visit. -lir Joe' Wt:Ilwood who got Lis I .Job 82xiug culvert con 14, lots 25 and .3, b2 ; , l We have been favored with frequent sociatioil until the l,greemput ex- ° knee cap Lroken about three weeks 011AS BUTTON, Clerk. showers of lratP,'whielt has greatly re- Y gyres at the end of the year. It wits ago, is slowly recovering; Mr J Me -Blyth. fro -shed the late grain crops, roots, and Breed by the `Council of the two• car- Rao who get several vibes broken is Quite a number of our townspeople other vPgatsbles -The weather was exceeaingl warm last week. -We y .rations that the Ontario Company : about all right again. -Mrs Crowe, sr, is very ill at tt.Pnt her health has P alt@need the social at 1lr J Coulters, " have abundance of everything but ingot apply the Combines Bill to the ' haver been satisfactory since silo sof on Tuesday evening. The Blyth brand apple bo, era --Tlje new otatnes are PP v • P ust,"Ile points at issu•• having been fired with the grip last' winter was in attendance and all present put not worth sour„ai ales. -Th@• farmers p> �Aer:r_ihied in the, case ol.the Ontario The council trot in the town hall ' i ►n it most enjoya,le evening. -A Ips- ture under the auspices of the ,Hope- have just finisher] haying, it was an excellent crop. A number have their P' ,slt. Coul fall against the "Merchi,uts l y Company. -Saturday Globe. Teeswator� July - 16th 1892. The �^ , members till prosect. 11tf. It@ove in fol Gleaners" will be hold in tit An- drew's Tuesday evening,` wheat cut which , also, ver ��ood•- y ;alt ' chair The minutes ww•o thea read church "next by Rev A McLean. A silcerculteat"" Mr Scott, of.lieT ave, 'has purchased q• the house, „ardpn';find blacksmith shop r1I)1TORIAL NOTES, Kuntz-Wolwood-That the minutes a as juA rear] be adopted and signed by cal be taken at the door for missionary of Mr �Vm Walker. Hov. WtLE$ID LAUR'1;R did t10t rltlSg the Reeve and Clerk-Giur]ed. Mc- purposes. -The farntLy of Ur N H Young left on Tuesday morning for Fart of the new Criminal Code. .Isittina of Parliait cut in the session Kay-Welwood-'That in reference to Grimsby, where they intend spt-ndiu; b;-Prybody is guilty of an., afiencP, rtt.OlOaNd. E therequestoAndrF•w AiltamS0li le ditch opposite lot 27. c„u 7. Tuo the rust of the summer months, -firs and liable, oil suary conviction, to summary Nie, Huca CL_Alix, editor of the Reeve and Peter Clark are hereby ap Heller, of Altron, Ohity who has bell', a penalty not, exceeding $50 oho sella 'ineardiup 'Rerlem was arrested on pointed to examine tilt locality acrd re• aisiting her mother, Mrs Creighton, re ftrned to her home on, Friday last. or gives any pistol or air gulf, or any ammuni:iou therefor, to a minor Pensees, . niorndt'1, charged with ' ivkkhiaall libelling Mr. M. C.Cameron, port to next met+ting of•thii board- Carried. Moir-1Vplwood-That a; -Mrs and Mtye Curtis were visiting last finder ilia ago of 16 Yeats wilt], Ile y g ? . lairk is ru bail. r o� ;1 elix Borho Kid �� other rittdDayPCS at Mrs S Orracey's WiugLam, w@ek.•-J 11 Dooke, lawyer, gid a , p @stablisheA to the satisfaction of the justice before whom he is•charget] that o I; mit. N. 6oYD, Conservative,has been have petitioned this board for a sum of looney to gravel sideline between lots visit to his homy in Goderich last week. lie used reasonable diligeuca in on - _cted by acclamation to represent 5 and 26, in the 13th concession, as -W@ are sore to learn that Mr Jas Y 'Slips is serh•usly indi-posed at present. dt-avoring to ascertain tl'H &{aP. Of tllk minor before making; such salt- or gift, arquett@, Main , fn the House of Gil@ roan IS In a lase State,` for cravat ' that the sup► of $20 be granter] to fix Ho P he will soon be round among us, p' and that ha had good .reason to be- g onllklon% owin.•' to the rpsi;;uation of the Baine that Peter I{ nutz let the tis usual. -Miss Bradley and brother, Neve that each minor was not under %lr Watson, P,r•fornwr.sato,: :and by public corupetition--Uarripd, of L tudon, are visiting tit AIr 14 Met- -.hiss 1butio Jamieson, oho has the age of 10 2. EvNrynno is •"silty of an offence, and, tial,lf., :oil sunimary . FA%PAR Wlip ]las been whit trin- Clark -Kuntz -That as Will Boston calf's. been visiting friottds iu- Lfnd-n, re- conviction, to a penalty not ex,eeding oi4IR , ' e „ LbP Toronto pal editorial wet t f and 18 others have petitioned to have the road now up from turned Borne ori Thursday night.-- $25, who sella any past, l or air sun �>uba dnrinr; he post two years, bits t gravelled jots 27 to 30; cons 4 and 5, gravelled I Miss Lottie Hioks Exeter•, who baa � a a••1'P ord of suAi sr1IP without k4opin� C , ! ,eeided to''retirrc from active journal- so as to make it passable in the. full; been visiting Slra S Htrrfn0111, IHit, I for her home on I'desday rifternoon. - the date thereof, and the name of the pnrehaiser, and of the maker's Danit- or I ?sirs for a done and will sever his sou• that a grant of lU..be made and ex- Dr Sloan, formerly of Blyth but now other mark by which such arra way . , ' . 1'r,tton with the Globe on til@ first Clay ended under the su erintpudance of p d P Joseph SVelwood-Carried, Clark- of Toronto, is, here attending to the" be identified if Augnst. Bsr is no truth in the staten►eut 1rVelwood - That the Reeve and 1)eputy•Reeve be appointed to examine harvesting of the crop oil his hi;; farm. We are always pledged to see I -•-� How They Writ Bite. gutty sotit" ons from Montreal to the �ffe" what is known as the Orange bridge, such a "weal hon'd".' face las til@ Dr Q: -Mr John Stoat spent .last week It's prtsifng st eiiien how sortie pe ye s will sign an aateNniene with tliRir eyes that Hou Wilfrid Laurier Was as til@ Sallie is not in a safe state for travel, and report at next meet- visitin" friends in Set,folth rind Olin-' Itots. wide open and live to regret it. Some i,ciat to roafgll til@ leadership of the erlt] party= :tar Laurier is beloved public rn" of this hoard. Clark -Moir --That 11 ss Jaggie Drummond, 'Ot l Detroit, is spending her holidava With j time ago win age11.G of a Toronto corn• mission honrae went through the town- y iris T�arlratnetitur folloati'in atlrf y .,. it► answer to the petition of Thomas Symon and 50 others, Messrs rleTiay her parents hem.-lfissf-4 Zella and • ships and entereil into tan agreement farmers who were to sell -JtrYarto members are especially well and .Kunz are appointed to examine Edna Gar -ler aro holidaying at Win -1 throp.-•-•Miss lay March, Holmosville, with several to his firth all their buttes at. 22 cents satisfiod with his leadership. t the proposed tlow road slid engineer !into all particulars in the matter as to spent Snidely with Miss Annie Rosa. i per pound and tt►pit eggs at so IntiCh l . UAxiroltA. has dentoostrated that expenses and the benefit to he derived -Mrs Garay, St Marva, i•t vis{tin" at I per dozen. They.jthp farmers) also " *ban the people get the chance they ' by the ratepayers of this municipality, t I.er fdther':t, Rev .l D Taylor•':;.- lax 1 pulling is now in full swing and all l agreed to pay dowel -as a Itind of til@ suns of $2a` for which they sre read to show that.. the ex etrsive, • • •p b the proposed road and -report at next meeting of thig board =-LUairied. I the little boy8 Are haq ^ at it and, so t to ; were to reepivF) gf 01is to hp sOleutPd , fswrce, the prohibition commission was I _ at as �l►etlwe are kept out of mischief, which is said ; from samples to he sent to. them, ret what the country desires: Why ac�oss thi►Icreekantz acrossn lots 28rtdUn to be always on ]land f -sr idlerg. Ttsose who thought they were. getting Irr►uld la plebiscite be r_fused for the p • ` the 2 and S cons, 1s to a iyad state of ---i-- ► •Londesborough• I a genuine suap,' art- wondering why 1 the -samplew' erre not fortheoming, hotly Doniinion when it has worked repair that Joseph �'Velwoorl taut t]1rt i ilre a harm in tlse+ Prairip Province 11 name repaired-Oarriod. Moir -Wal. Me W J O.utnetto li'l i Atone to tl:re and are troubled least this supposed "agreement turn up Tata ?d shop of Nefouiialalld has 'world-=�Tllat Peter itttntx furrrfah a I sufficient fficient qutintity of plank and scautl� 4 ��la3rtllsvest on a trip.-•:11fss Br.11r►' : Wilson. of Anbttru, was ill the villii�,e might solnptitne i its a promissory note. Pd ati oppAal for help %hicli ought ing as will be required to put the side l a few idays this wo.k.-The cont6st in 'the wood Templars lodge, by `---` Bost to tell Bride gad e4rodrit. . o luotit wit,) a ready' reAponHe from walk on the boundary "line in li'ortnnsA h captained Rigs E14a Ad tillot , Hua ltiiss Ido Riley I He %I wave carries two flew geipst' alld g . , - ' d 'of (hinsert ftp Wlrrrlo Anglican ba4y . in a prober state of repair, and Lvo three under drains built noross the j resulted il► a victor# for the latter.-=- two utnbrellAs�. -lie tt,ways of ors her "'L'Ite cfturuli of L t ane 9 set's"" u boundary err the lung ]sill"ll) tr,nditloll ,elpi weitthpr for the last few nays has ' his arra. floIs always clear, shaven Pre in ovorwhelmpd ljy deer di4astor that the eorporatlrin of Carrlok bear) been thtt hottest thio► +season, the and wears besides imn'aculate lihon, e IfP Are ilestruvetl the cathedral,':rnie half the expensy, and ,t1mr, the; uleroury on Sunday "turf np to '92 o in Carewori1, worried expression. A# Ill• 'lllo 'w'atli a art; 's hoti-eR, 'tchoilla, 1' Y Clerk 4ond the corporation of OiletleltI' tho shade.-NIr ,,I .Brilimdun & Sotl way.t pulls ,fit, Ilio watch, presumably Hall mild rte hillia iv, The tire f1a ty st y_ 1 tliti" t4f" this ►1►t)tiuil-�Crirrh rl,- o+ • have sold 1"i' isitiaere, 22 laowprrr flail a tea NrP ll'm much of the holleyt11orin is , •1; pratstically allLlyutprl. `l`lle Irk+relief• l any_ 1ark••�Thilit rte ";11r "L'fttlrnpvul, r hair ret orted the 2501 Aid" lint+ road,! I very Iarite ntltuber of athiwtr farill Ian- plpinents' this ripastin. Thin, doer not. left. Wenn he registers at the hotel the •`,tnd'w+ifo" it written twido will large ': Irl f#N,�rhp+IlHlyr J.'sisloell by i�11t4Prt" . 0',nt �tttilon 19;, is lonall 'Iii ilPe'rl of to.. look *ary mach like llttrll timoS.-Mt' *4 )fix owil name. she ilevar kits tC ire 111144 Toolitiv d"lloplatelf sit tat O'de, (fila x swill of $20 bo ntsdw to Ito ShMarts, of Myth, norrilplowl thw pul- ask how tttunl► lttrttiir of sugar he tikkoi M $9.30,000, to tit roiw. If. fa �.ys,p••4t.ip.l ir11dpr r ire mild-rilitenrlanos of pit of tlte! %f«tLc ditit aliorol► ole S,ind4y tit.hflt toiler. +� T GORDON & NuINTYRE, We are determined -if out prices will do it -to reduce our immense stock of seasonable Dry Goods,' Gents Furnish - tugs, Beady Made Clouting, Foots. and Shoes," and pure, fresh Groceries before stock talking, Sugars by the carload, is the order of the clay, so we are in a position.to give the hest value that can be offered, In gems or self sealers, we have a very large stook --bought at jobbers prices -which we are selling very cheap. The high standard of our Teas will bei j scrupulously maintained, in addition to our celebrated pure Indian Tea or "Ram Aal's." WE are the sole agents here for the justly popular "choice Russian BlIndli K black tea, if you ]lave not received a sample of their tea by mail, please call on us and gat it, Good 10e. Straw Hate for 50.; Prints at 5C. per yard, and Factory Cotton, at 4e. per yard. GORDON & McINTYRE', The Bio Brown Anchor, Wingham, July 21th,1892 Sow to Keep Water 099L Here is a wrinkle -how to get ice- cold water in places where there is no for. 1Vrap a jug --a porous jug=one" of those com mor) earthenware things -in flxtinel-wet flannel. -wrap it all round, leaving no place exposed to the air ; place it, filled with water -or claret clip, which some sinners prefer to water -in au open window, exposed to all the air there is. Kapp the flannel wet; in an hour the contents of that jug will bo almost as cool as if . tuey ha,d boon iced. This is a tropical trick, which txicks the tropics, News Items. MrJohn Cowan, an old and respected resident of Wnwanosh, passed away on liVednesday morning, the 20th, at the age of 82 veam While Mrs John Farquhar, of Hill. lett, was visiting in Toronto recently, site met a sister whom she had not seen for 20 years. _ , \intoe Hildred of the south line, Dear Earvie, can boast of the owner- bhip of a very large heifer calf. When weighed tt few hours after birth, the calf wont 118 pounds F W. Wilson, of Chatham, has been. expelled from the 1 atrons of Industry. He was the author of the spruce- tree contract by which so many were de. ceived. -The (sell Telephone Oum.F•any have offered the town council of Galt $200 per annum for a term of yeais, for the suip right to erect telephone polos on the public etreetti. According to the voters' list for Hallett for 1802,there are 580 persons ill tho municipality 4 halified to serve its jurors, The total itumlier of voters is 9*1, and there are d won►en voters oil the list A slick individual has been going through o s8ex county Agreming with farmers to handy their butter at 26 . cents per pound. 1'he agreement turns out to be a promissory note for $260. Look out for film 5 'A farmer successfully , tried a rem- edy for potato bugs as follows: lie pro. cared sono hoards and :placed them here and there among=his potatoea,and on these boards were placed raw pota. toes sliced. At noon oti the first day. of 1ii3 experiment Itis and his hired man found every pipes of potato cover• ed with bugs. He killed thio crop and at night another crop was killed, though not so large and in a week not a bug coull be snen, and his trouble with bum after this was cou►paratively small. Dip the pieces. of potatoss in Paris Grf;on ind. save killing the hums. The crop btillptin of the M%nitoba Department of AgIricylturo just issued, and sumuiarirwpd' rain returns made by ,,, rt, alar curer• C .H t s n +Id td •o the @ a - o P eget 1ntilrt utuler dat,- of .lulu, regarding the wheat crop tia,ya :- '610 crop protrrl ises to be of the. bust. 'Cold welithor during it part of June line thrown it front it week to tell days behind lata year, but it is doing well, field (11rimera are ,jubilant over the prospect of a -rood Crop. Oats ana.barley are mole►g well, and th,%re i.9 every iudleation of Cho Ilsevirat cropi in years. The root crop will ho poor. l',aive stook is In ettcellant 001laitioll ail account of tho abrtniluntro of flood gra•s*elt. 0