Wingham Times, 1892-07-29, Page 3Affections, a so a posit v a am rat rata cure or
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after A Child Saved.
When Widows Marry. having tested its wonderful curative powers in '
thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to make it
My little boy was taken veru bad with s
`y119n a widow Calces unto hCl'SP,kf' a known to his enffering follows. Actuated by this diarrlcoa, be was ver delicate aid got so A
� 1
I motive and a desire to relieve human suffoi-hur, I M' (O (O ( ��� I (�Q
second husband, no matter if she, is , will solid free of charge, to all who desire it, this low we had tin hope of his life, but a lady a � (� 11414
recipe, In German, French or' English, with full 'friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Extract
Only twenty years old, she must have directions for preparing and using. Sentby mail by of 'Wild Strawberry, and although he could
addressing \vith stamp, naming this paper. W. A.
the ceremony conducted on princil•las Nolss sac Pc -vers Block Roicheater, N, Y. only bear u• fc%v drops at a time he got well.
that correspond with the important It saved my Child. Is the linest Wit, I Finish known.
• MRS. W11. STEWk]IT, Campbellville, Ont.
fact that she is not a blushing bride An Ambarrassment of Riches. I I
Who goes to the 'alter for the first r He was worried. She was worried. I --
liipans rI"abnlo,.: for torpid liver.
time. , Their sons and daughters all a orried
The inairl of 30 unit don pure white every day of their lives, although they The head .iurl;eon. ••qq�,
'. ,garments, hide her somewhat mniure were rich and posessed good health, Of the Lubou Medical Cornpaily is no”, atR P A
charnla under a veil of tulle, be follow- ,,vllieh Choy did not know how to enjoy. Toronto, Canada, thud may be Cousulted D D C
either ill person nr by letter on all chronic
ed by h procession of young ;Tris and They lived in a handsome home, on diseases peculiar to mail. Men,. young,olrlr °
have little boys fbr ushers if she so haudsomo grounds, upon the farthest I or middle-aged, who burl whoa elve ter n
P ons weal: and exhausted, who aro broken
tP at l icm
POOL viaLoodunderry.
aL'luxO Tull wdN'TE11 aleN•roa. '.
Cabin, $40 and upwards, Second Cabin, `5"l5;
Stec raZe at low rates. No Cattre Carried.
fiT1;A 11Sn IPs.
via Lnndonderrr, every lrortuirbt. Cabin, fi40 and
ups•ards. Second Cabin, q2.5. Steerage at low rates.
i apply to IL &A. ALG 1N, Montreal, nr
111 T1 HENRY DAVt& WIx,,, Ailr.
wills, but the widow of twenty musk corker of whichwas It heat onstage,
down from exceFs or Overwork, requiting ill
is the 09st in the world.
remember thar she is a woman of cox- • Iu the cottage a servant of the. house
a c
1� r
ell Ave, Toronto, Canada.
perience. lived with iii family,
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions
Boodle Patron,
'the ward heeler had secured a nom-
Fever called her pet names, eitber,1 for we have no faith ill arty banit, fund
A' Blessing to Every Hou,sel old.
Stdppose ? whiles I sit up with it, and whiles my
acho, pimples on the face or body, itchiusl
ination for a city office, and the reform.
NO, sir, wife do, and we daren't• leave the
candidate, a very rich man, was sore
about it, One day they suet in a
Now, as a matter of fact, didn't you house alone a rninate : an' oil, sir
i fore the eyes, twltci)itg of the musclei,eye
the second venture mutt be 1llytP.d Sometimes lie hear a woman's voice
lids, and elsewhere, bushfuh,ess, deposits
( of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness
with a certain dignity. Therefore none singing about the house, often R man
of the scalp a,rd spite, weak and flabby
muscles desire to sleep failure to be rested
call her after you had .been to we're vorry in,eeserable and would To
Mistaken Confidence.'
inalter one way or the othor, so the
Liver and*Bowels, unlooks
,terty>aCratry matC rtrnrrptt� att�nde� to,
The attorney pi~osecuting in a breach
master had his way and gftvo Johtl tilt.
the Secretfons,Puriflesthe
saloon and the rich ratan bocame very
see her only three or four times and be ruindin' if we gave: the money back These
always after' that, whell you knew you to yourself, sir, 4eein' we've no use for
remedies have stood rho test of fifty years axptitialco, and are pronounced the best 4NIArd clnux foe
lr'amny rrso,
I'll beat you, sir, he said to the
should have called tier Miss smith if it and it is such,a care,
TT --3E P L2►�
heeler, excitedly, if it costs rate >r2G,,
000, I'll spend that much 'rather
you had not been seeking to /Yin her The plaster took it back, and John Purify
trusting heart 7
the blcod,' correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOUACH, RIVNEI'S AND VOW
fnraluablu lu rrlj culoplaints incidental
pounded at all hours.
young and whistled and Mary p4m,, as they had
to foluales ot;ull ages,
than see you elected over are. i
-No, sir, I did not. done before, and the application of the
rZl-T-1:-li' c-) 12'M,miNZ'
The heeler was quite patient.
Don't fl the traok,ho said soathing.
Y a
The plaintiff palled the attorney's Story, so wise and yet so simple, did, Is the only 1•e114bla rouiedy for bad lel;s, eons, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR iIRONCIIIIIS, 4L IIE
SiQQve hitt lie paid no attention t0 her. IIOt frill t0 work for lli4EAS1•;s IT HAS NO UAL, 31anufactured
l , I'd like to talk with 'ort a minute
Y 3
An, indeed, presume you never
only at 7'3, New Oxford, Late 533, Oxford Street, i.onden.
and sold by all blcdicino vendors throughout tile
i'- privately.
Mothers and nurses.
called her Lizzie in you life ? All who have the care of children should
f. Purl)users should look to the Label oil the Boxes and Pots, if the, address
not 533 Oxford Street, London, they tate spurious,
Tile rich loan followed hill) into a
I Never did, sir, know that Dr, Fowler's P1xtract of Wild
"" "-'-•'-"""•
Again Lire laintitl caught at the Strawberry spay be coi ldeutiy depended,
M P o on to cure all summer complaints,diarrhoea,
You are dead set on, defeating +n e,
attorney, but he honored her. dysentery, cramps,colic, cholera infantuin,
are you inquired the heeler.
I Now once lno+'p sir, I ask you c1j, you morbus, canker. etc , ill children
' or adults.
I ala, indeed, replied the. reformer,
pact►y to state to the Court whether —
getting warm again,. and Pil spend
you did, or did not, call this young lady
Never eat marma'ade in Paris,
$25,000 doing it.
by the endearipg name of Lizzie, Re.
Much -of it is made from orange
Um -um, Velltlll'ed the heeler,
member, sir; you are oil your' oath, and
peel found in thH streets.
cautiously, dwant to malce $15,
on o
Y y
� the attorney retired back itt his chair,
)ten, nrararo and Sernteboa of every kind, on
000 during rile campaign t0 ilei a
P Pay
while the plaintiff' mado another In
human or animals, cured hi 30 minutes by Wool
ord'sSnnitoryLotion. This 'never falls. Soldby
es ense9 i
effectual clutch at flim.
A. 1.. FIamtiton,
The reform candidate looked rat the
heeler for two.
I The defendant smiled slightly.
The greatest enemy to health in the
curiously a second or
I never did, he said firmly,
tjonth is the frying pan.
Nell, yes, of course, lie admitted a
au is always ready to lnalre an honest
The attorney sat • forward with
I wa
the legs the
sharp r;racic of chair on
The only itemody,
And he ouglit to be 15,000 times as
I floor.
1 I'd like to know why you never did I
GENTLEMEN, -I have used Burdock
Blood Bitters for my blood and for
ready to male $15,000, suggested. the lie asked, with the air of It man rvho
pimples, and two bottles made a complete
cure of my Dasa. It is the only remedy I
Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, �
heeler. knew he had` the facts
could find to help me.
Dy spepsia, Chronic laver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad
The rich man gave er lased nod of tn
p P p I Because,and the wiess was as cool
Miss JULIA ViaLa. Trenton, Ont,
Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all
absent. as a fan could make bins in
The new testament was first print-
disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
- We] 1, now, reSUllled the heeler, in a.� June, bechuEe that wasn't her name,
ed ni Irish in 1602.
RipansTabules contain n othing injurious to thm most delicate constitu.
whisper, yon gne me $;10,000 and I'll Then it was the attorrt heeded the
I tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual., G•iveimmediate relief. Soldby'
druggists. Atrial bottle sent by mail on receipt of rs cents. Address
withdraw and leave, you the field
ipand laintiff's wild clutchings anrf wanted
X15,000 to the good, See 4-DJtrojt
A Canadian .favorite.
The season of green fruits and summer
to hit himself in the neck with a law
drinks is the time when the worst. forms
to Spruce Street, - - New York City.
Free Press. book, but it was everlaetinaly too hemi
of cholera morbus, diarrhoea said bowel
NIONTEFAI,, Aug. 4th, 1891. -Detroit Free Press.
complaints prevail. As asafeouard Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
My head waa literally full of Daudruff _ ,!
and nothing applied gave visible relief until i
should be keret in the house. For 35 years
it, has been the most reliable remedy.
u Ti�1 N '� 1
TRY i Oi.� C a • • AL A
using Anti -Dandruff, a few applications of
.Y. l j .b.l
which has so thoroughly removed the dao- An old physician, retired from practice, ha,ing
d0.'uff Chore Is nota grain fonud' had placed in his an Last India missionaryItovAL
The cost of making a $1 bill is about
i the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for th
' mI
W. H. C'1SLOAN, speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron-
2-10 mills.
anti be cmn weed that REDUCTION IN RATS.
Ry. Mail Clerk. i chltis, Catarrh, Asthma and till throat and Lung
1 t i' ] f
' Steamers sail r • • I i P
Affections, a so a posit v a am rat rata cure or
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after A Child Saved.
When Widows Marry. having tested its wonderful curative powers in '
thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to make it
My little boy was taken veru bad with s
`y119n a widow Calces unto hCl'SP,kf' a known to his enffering follows. Actuated by this diarrlcoa, be was ver delicate aid got so A
� 1
I motive and a desire to relieve human suffoi-hur, I M' (O (O ( ��� I (�Q
second husband, no matter if she, is , will solid free of charge, to all who desire it, this low we had tin hope of his life, but a lady a � (� 11414
recipe, In German, French or' English, with full 'friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Extract
Only twenty years old, she must have directions for preparing and using. Sentby mail by of 'Wild Strawberry, and although he could
addressing \vith stamp, naming this paper. W. A.
the ceremony conducted on princil•las Nolss sac Pc -vers Block Roicheater, N, Y. only bear u• fc%v drops at a time he got well.
that correspond with the important It saved my Child. Is the linest Wit, I Finish known.
• MRS. W11. STEWk]IT, Campbellville, Ont.
fact that she is not a blushing bride An Ambarrassment of Riches. I I
Who goes to the 'alter for the first r He was worried. She was worried. I --
liipans rI"abnlo,.: for torpid liver.
time. , Their sons and daughters all a orried
The inairl of 30 unit don pure white every day of their lives, although they The head .iurl;eon. ••qq�,
'. ,garments, hide her somewhat mniure were rich and posessed good health, Of the Lubou Medical Cornpaily is no”, atR P A
charnla under a veil of tulle, be follow- ,,vllieh Choy did not know how to enjoy. Toronto, Canada, thud may be Cousulted D D C
either ill person nr by letter on all chronic
ed by h procession of young ;Tris and They lived in a handsome home, on diseases peculiar to mail. Men,. young,olrlr °
have little boys fbr ushers if she so haudsomo grounds, upon the farthest I or middle-aged, who burl whoa elve ter n
P ons weal: and exhausted, who aro broken
tP at l icm
POOL viaLoodunderry.
aL'luxO Tull wdN'TE11 aleN•roa. '.
Cabin, $40 and upwards, Second Cabin, `5"l5;
Stec raZe at low rates. No Cattre Carried.
fiT1;A 11Sn IPs.
via Lnndonderrr, every lrortuirbt. Cabin, fi40 and
ups•ards. Second Cabin, q2.5. Steerage at low rates.
i apply to IL &A. ALG 1N, Montreal, nr
111 T1 HENRY DAVt& WIx,,, Ailr.
wills, but the widow of twenty musk corker of whichwas It heat onstage,
down from exceFs or Overwork, requiting ill
is the 09st in the world.
remember thar she is a woman of cox- • Iu the cottage a servant of the. house
a c
many of the following symptoms : Nlentral
depression, premature old age,losa of vital•
ell Ave, Toronto, Canada.
perience. lived with iii family,
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions
��Tq� p. ry
No white gown or veil for iter, no The owner of this whOlt place often
lack of euer;{y, pain io the kidneys, head.
bridesmaids and no ushers unless they strolled past; the cottacre and some-
acho, pimples on the face or body, itchiusl
be ritai'rjed min, times stopped to note the look of pease
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wastin, of the Orgkois. dizziness, specks be,
® ®
Yrs, the verdict lin$ ;lone forth and and OOntentTnent the plus(- wore.
i fore the eyes, twltci)itg of the musclei,eye
the second venture mutt be 1llytP.d Sometimes lie hear a woman's voice
lids, and elsewhere, bushfuh,ess, deposits
( of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness
with a certain dignity. Therefore none singing about the house, often R man
of the scalp a,rd spite, weak and flabby
muscles desire to sleep failure to be rested
Sole Agents for tabnve
but married people can form a part of whistled a inerr tenor witbin. One
y by steep, con4tlpration dullness rlf heariu�
the bridal party.. da he in trirpd : I loss of voice. desire for solitride,escimbility (�% �7� m (%L�q� CAN
:rhe lnl'idQdfrlaulS must be tnatrol]3 Y q t � of temper, sunken eyes' surrounded with _ � 't t A `J v CAA, GET
John, how id it-th it you and your LrADLN 111CLP., slily looking skin, etc, are AT
and the usher's and bast inen bl�nedits, wife are alwilys °o Ilappy 4 I Ileal' you 1 all symptoms of nervous debility that lead
i to insanity and death unless cured. Tile
Gray is the nearest, approach t, 'the. singiu,n or tallciug ur l+lughill;;