HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-09-07, Page 10Larry Ferguson of Hensall, was among, the 400 student delegates to The Straight Goods conference on the Environment August 28, 29, 30 at Queen's University in Kingston. Everett Biggs, deputy minister of Environment Ontario was keynote speaker at the con-.' ference sponsored for high school students from across Ontario by the Ministry and the un- • iversity. The three-day conference was brOken down into four segments, dealing with population, pollution, resources and action. Shown in the picture are (left) Linda. Cliff, Alfred; Eva Stewart, Harrowsmith; Larry Fer- guson, Hensall; Stephen Saunders, Peterborough; Marian Kosciuw, Leamington; Harriet Mac- Millan, Hamilton. MON.— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. TUE, 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. CLOSED Your Money Supermarket When sour ell and IN concerned with money, time to V ictoi la and Gres I rust where one visit glAN y ou the NCrr ft'e you need. imiuding! Swings generous into est • Guaranteed Ins estment certificates Lit high. Ingh interest . tgages • Registered rcurciuent sLo lugs plans . Sale deposit hares • Lstate executorship and agency administration • Investment funds ON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT.; SEPT. 7, 1272 KIPPEN • Correspondent Mrs.,Rena.Caldwell Mrs. George Blake and Roxy of London with Mr. and M re. Vivan Cooper. Mrs. Isabelle Seifert, Bram- alea with Mr. and Mrs. w. L. Mellis. Mrs. Ed. McBride visited with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pine, Sault Ste Marie. Classified Ads pay dividends. A record attendance is ex- pected when the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society meets in Clinton September 19 for the annual meeting and ban- quet. The guest speaker will be one of Canada's best known radio and television personalities, Bill • Brady. A director of the London Middlesex Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. Mr. Brady chairs their special events , committee. Huron Unit president Mrs. Durst say's they are expecting branch office members, vol- unteers throughout the County and other interested citizens to come and hear Bill Brady speak. Huron County has raised $28,631 in donations so far for the 1972 campaign. Officers of the unit warn that there is little time left before it will be over. Cancer victims need research if they are going to get better and they can only con- tinue' research through your money. Those wishing to attend can contact the society offices in their community -cr Mrs. Gor- don Rathwell at the Cancer soc- iety office at 10 King St., Clin- ton for tickets. SEAFORTH 5 HOLDS FIRST MEETING The first meeting of the Sea- forth 5 Home Economics 4-H Club based on -the 3rd meal was held at the ..home of Mrs. Van Doornik on Tuekday. Many things were discussed at the meeting including a selec- tion of officers. Pres. - Brenda Haney, Vice- Pres. - Jackie Van Doornik, Treas. - Cindy Dorssers, Press Rep. - Dianne oldfield, Sec. - Open to each member - Leaders Mrs. John Van Doornik and Mrs. Robert Wallace, Jackie and Dor- thy Van Doornik demonstrated how to make a pizza. WANTED Mothers to help with Northside United Church Nursery School Thursday mornings beginning SEPTEMBER 14th CONTACT BARB OSBORN Ph. 527-;0642 ••••••••••••- ..•••••••••••••••v-... u. Bill Brady to speak at Cancer mee0no - Canada vs Russia/ Watch the game in living, color Engineered and designed with your league in mind. SPECIAL HOCKEY SERIES PRICES AT GINGERICWS SALES & SERVICE SEAFORTH 527-0290 'ZURICH 234-4351 7 1O THE Flu . . plus 80 scars of experience in satisfs mg the money needs of a constant Is growing list of Lustothers. Come in today to Victoria Lind Gres VICTORIA and VG GREY TRUST COMPANY S ,NCE '8139 Classified Ads pay dividends. t ' TXF COUNTRY MARKET. DISCOUNT FOODS Council hears delegation on storm sewer and drain -OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ARE THURS.-9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. .ML— 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT 9 A M• TO 6 P M• AT VANASTRA (FORMERLY C,F.B; CLINTON AMPLE FREE PARKING DETERGENT KINGE $ 24 SWISS -STEAK LB. 79c BURNS S.P. COTTAGE ROLL L • _69c 47Adekt det:ed -omeiza LB. PKG, David Schurman and John Sangster appeared befoleHensall council at a meeting Tuesday evening 'on behalf' of Boise Cas- cade with reference to a drain and a storm sewer on Oxford Street. •They were assured by the Reeve,. , ,John Baker, that council was working on the matter and would invite tenders as, soon as a 'gp ahead' Was ob- tained from the engineer. The Reeve promised that the matter will be fixed this fall hopefully by, Oct. 31. E. R. Davis reported the necessity for "No Exit" signs at the west end of Queen Street and for steel posts for street signs. He had purchased two flasher lights. and four, traffic cones. He told council a lady had fallen on the new sidewalk and that the west side of the spacer might be a little high. REQUIRED BARTENDER Experience not necessary Preferably 30-50 yrs. of age. Ph. 527-0820 Reeve Baker will check the sidewalk. Correspondence dealt with deer,hunting in Huron and advise that All appeals • regarding assessment now gotoNewmarket instead of London. Other corres- pondence advised applications for subsidy on the proposed drain must be in by Nov. 30, 1972; ' Sohn Beer's lot is suitable for a septic tank and tile bed; Bilion COunty Board of Health must know the Nriumber and value of all residential and commercial increases in Hensall. A letter from the Town of Clinton sought support for an inquiry into the processes of justice in sguron. Councillor Knight felt that something more concrete was needed and that it was a large step to take to ask the attorney general to inquire into the Judicial System of Huron County. It was a Clinton problem council decided as it took no action. A by law to ...assess Hay and Usborne Townships for their share of the Black Creek Drain was approved. Counell approved plans for Severance which the engineer proposed in oider , to straighten out property lines between Boise. Cascade and the Presbyterian Church. Building permits were issued to Mrs. Rose Broderick and Lloyd Venner to put siding pn their houses; to David Sangster for Agro Priss to build a chimney and small renovation; to Cecil Pepper to instal a picture win- dow; to John Sangster„to remodel a shed; to Boise Cascade to build a n extension on the west and south-east of the present No. 1 building. Accounts totalling $3626.81 were ordered ,rtaid. Clerk Earl Campbell will attend a seminar to be held on Sept. 19 at Victoria Inn, Stratford when election pro-. cedures will be explained. It may not be necessary to hold nomination meetings in future. LOCALS , Hensall worn ens Institute will resume the fall season by start- ing on Wednesday evening Sept- ember 13, with the first meeting. This will be a public relations meeting and the roll call is to be a current event from the day's newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins, Kitchener, have returned from their two-week wedding trip to Northern Ontario and visitedSun- day with the latter'43arents Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. The summer Joint Church services being ended, regular Sunday Services will commence in Hensall United Church as us- ual Sunday morning and Sunday School will also begin. Lloyd Monsseau has been moved from St. Joseph's Hos- .pital, London, to South Huron Hospital, Exeter where he is much improved. CANADA BRANDED BEEF COUNTRY STYLE SHORT RIB it BLADE ROASTS LB. 0 '',Zio•rimsomPsrairamim „gm: ..,:imonarammem GOLDEN YELLOW—CHIO UITA LETTUCE LARGE SOLID HEADS FRESH ONT.. CABBAGE 2 HEADS 39c FORD vou can't miss NEW CROP POTATOES 1: AL: 47c :AL: 89c GROCERIES WITH THESE RE/10Yr°. GO USED CAR BARGAINS 1971 Ford F100 1968 Rambler, 2-dr. NON-FOOD FEATURES 10 LB. REDPATH 1971 Ford 4-door, HT., Loaded 1967 Comet 1970 Ford, 2-door, 11T. . '1967 Ranchero 1969 LTD.: ,,,,,,, HT. 1966 Plymouth Fury II 1969 Plymouth Fury II, 4-dr. RAINBOW DISH CLOTHS Si 99c FIRST QUALITY McLAUGHLIN MOTORS Ford .• Mercury Dealer PHONE 527-1140 SE A FORTH "If you didn't buy your last car from us, you prob-' ably paid too much" 26 O2.—PLUS DEPOSIT F^OR 89c COKE . 6 'FOR $