HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-09-07, Page 8•IWIROIN• AXPOSITOR, SBAFORTH, ONT., SePT. 7, ly72r* NOws of Staffa 'strict curator addr esses. institute fj Attend barbecue and ball game Perth Pork Producers sponsored a pork barbecue at Brod- hagen Wednesday night. A highlight after the -barbecue was a ball game between Brodhagen BrewerS and the girls Monkton Softball Team which these spectators. caused keen interest on the part of, (Staff Photo) Holiday visitors in Dublin h LET OUR er EXPERTS KEEP YOUR CAR IN PERFECT TUNE: • TUNE-UP SPECIAL C ,.;"' ,: ' 1 ' , •4?"....--- •-'-\ ....er.y.,,...- -.......:;2- oalr • __•-r-•:.:1— '4;4' ...t.!‘",, er"4/7 * % :',...11,'•' —4.,,• / .1% ,' Complete tests and adjustments of eng+ne electrical system, including carburetor idle and speed adjustments. ALL WORK PONE BY FACTORY-TRAINED. GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS. QUALITY ).ELIARDIAN WAINTENANCE SERVICE' ' " CA1011944 SALES vino!. SERVICE EI:=17 1404,527-1750 • SEAFORTH WE USE GENUINE GENERAL MOTORS PARTS This /i All Quality Flooring It's The Only Kind We Sell/ Patterned Completely $700 Installed - SQ. YD. ENE* Af Huge Savings You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Our Open House This Thurs., Fri, & Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and -until 9:00 p.m. on Fri. & Sot. Free Coffee, Soft Drinks. and Donuts See Our Modern, New Showroom 'and Warehouse • Cleaning and Drying Facilities •3 Fitters To Serve -You • Hundreds of Samples To Chbose From WE OFFER A COMPLETE SERVICE Deep-Steam Cleaning • Repairs • Installation' *Sales Reg. $ I 0 00 '12.50 Completely Ins+nlled With 60 oz. Underpod Om' In And Browso Around Phone Exeter 235-1451 A ALI. COLORS Reg. 510.00 up Reg, '14.95 Blue Green . Herculon Indoor-Outdoor $750 SQ. YD. Reg, $cso „„54. SC). YD, $ I 0 5° SQ. YD, OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS VINGS I Inlaid Cushion 50 0/0 Bedroom Carpet 100%,Continuous Filament Nylon Reg, 57.95 $!coo allir SQ. Yd, Completely Installed Including 60 oz. Underpad 5775 SQ. YD. Gold Acrilah Twist Huron's Complete Flooring Service HURON CARPET Just West of Conklin Lumber — Highway 83 EXETER Purple Shade , TO Shag Carpet News of Dublin WI meets Dublin . Women's . Institute celebrated the 75th anniversary • when members and former mein- bers were guests at a meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Pethick. The president, Mrs. J. Burch111 opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. Tnibute was paid two de- cease0 members Mrs. H. Britton and Mrs. J. Nagle with a poem ready by Mrs. J. Burchill and each member paid tribute in her own words. Mrs. B. Pethick read the minutes, Mrs. A. Burchill the treasurer's report. Thank you notes were read from Britton and Nagle 'families. Letters were received from former members who could not attend. The "4-11 'Achievement Day was held in the Colliseum in Stratford on August 24 for Home 'Beautification and Vegetable Garden when 14 girls took part in the project. Guessing contest was con- ducted by the hostess and won by Mrs. A. Whetham' of Galt formerly of Dublin. Courtesy remarks were extended by Mrs. J. Dorsey. A picnic lunch was served by Mrs. H. Pethlek, Mrs. J. Burchill, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. F. Kay and Mrs. R. Aikens when a decorated cake With 75th An- niversary on it was served. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. W. Minis. on September 26. The August meeting was held in the form of a motor trip to Harntlton to Dundurn Castle and the flowe r gardens. The ' group also visited and toured ,the Earlyn Lee Homestead. ' 0 fs Correspondent Mrs. John Templeman Miss Olive Spears, Mrs. Ed. Chappel and Mrs, Cameron INSURANCE Auto, Pim, Life Donald G. Effitoni Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527.1610 Seaforth 1 Vivian were hostesses for the August meeting o f the Staffa Womens Institute held in the township hall on Wed., August 31 at 8:30 P.M. Guest speaker for the evening„ - was the District Curator, Mrs. Norman Coulthard, St. Pauls who spoke on Tweedsmuir history. The roll call was answered by everyone handing in a signed written memory for the Tweeds- muir book. The Motto - The past cannot be changed but the future is in our hands - was given by Mrs. Carter Kerslake. A 4-HprCv- incial honour winner, Miss Julie Ann Elliott was presented with a gift for successfully complet- ing 12, 4-11 homemaking projects. Staffa No. 1 4-H garden club had a display and commentary was given by Miss Ruth Jeffery. Quiet time on the Mary StewartCollect was given by Mrs. Carter Kers., lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man and Geraldine attended the Canadian National Exibition in Toronto where Geraldine repre- sented Perth County in the Ont- ario Dairy Princess competition. Douglas Norris has been hol- idaying with his grandmother, Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Murray Haines has complet- ed his training at Victoria, Big- gish Columbia and has been hol- idaying with his family Mr. and Mrs. Philip James before start- ing his training this fall at King- ston. Misses Christine Hotson and Rosemary Budge, Orillia visited last week with Miss Kim Eaton and also attended the Exibitiori in Toronto. Misses Karen Miller, Nancy Scott, Janice Vivian, Jill Her- burn, Betty Ann Miller, Barbara Meikle and Bonnie Norris all appeared on the Big Al T.V. show over Kitchener on Sunday, Philip James is visiting with relatives in the Western Prov- inces. Brian McNeil, Cornwall visited on the weekend with Dar- lene Templeman and was a guest . Saturday at the Templeman - Capling wedding in Cromarty Presbyterian church. Mrs. Hazel Sadler, Sault Ste. Marie, visited this past week with relatives and friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Dianne and Ron, Misses Eleanor Kemp and Bonnie Miller were guests at the Templeman - Cap- ling wedding on Saturday. HOW'S Your Hearing? Chicago, Ill.—A free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced bY Bel tone. A non-operating model of the smallest Beltone aid eves .made will be given absolutely . fr.ee to anyone answering this advertisement. Try it to see how it is worn • in the privacy of yOur own, home without cost or obligation of any kind. It's yours to keep, free., It weighs less.than a third of an ounce, and, it's all at ear -level, in one unit. No wires lead from body to head. These models are free, so we suggest you write for yours now.. Again, we repeat, there is no cost, and-C'ertainly no obligation. Write to Dept. 5:1.51, ,Beltone' Electronics, 3637 Metropolitan Blvd., E., Montreal 88, P. Q. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maloney of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. Mr. Ed. Krauskopf of Sea- forth called on old friends during the week. .` Mrs. Rose O'Rielly and Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Rielly and family of Kitdhener spent last week end , with Mrs. Marie Melady. • Cronin Bros. are having their garage and office building walls stuccoed and are making a •big improvement, on -Main Street. Visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Dan Codtello on the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cos-. „ tell° and family of Westbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Costello and '-family of Camp Borden. Mr. Peter Maloney Sr. was in Toronto visiting his brohter, Mr. Denis Maloney. ' Mr. Thos. Feeney of London spent the week end with Louis and Elmer Feeney. Mr. and Mrs: Ed. Byers visi- ted with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgar at Molesworth on Sunday. Quite a number fr6m here spent Sunday at Family Paradise Park and took in the show, The Country Cusans of Atwood. Mrs. Heman Juirlink and three children, Charles, Mary- Anne and Helena of Nova Scotia arrived at Paul DeKroon's on Monday. They attended with the- De Kroon's family the wed- ding of Herman Juirlink Jr. their son, Saturday, ,September 2nd. They will be leaving for Nova Scotia on Wednesday. They visi- ted at Niagara Falls and sur- rounding areas, also their daugh- ter Trudy and husband visited De Kroons to-day and have left for Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary and family of Toronto spent the week end with- Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hall- man of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacRae of London spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan and, family of London spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan. Mr. Joseph Looby is a pat- ient in Seaforth Hospital. Staff at St. Patrick's school at Dublin for the coming year are: Sister Florence Kelly, Prin- cipiii,drade 4 & 5; Mrs.Joan McIver, Principal's Relief; Mr. Dick Rester, Grades 7 & 8; Mrs. Celeste MeOreight, Grades 5 & 6; Mrs. Anna Irwin ,Grades 2 & 3;, Mrs. Helen Krauskopf, Grades I & 2; Mrs. Margaret Rowland, Kindergarten; Mrs. Denise Culligan, Special Educa- tion; Mrs. G. Blanchette, French in Grades 7 & 8. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams who have sold their farm in Hib- bert Township have moved to Dublin last week to the house formerly owned by Mrs. Mary Jordan. we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Williams -and family . to Dublin. The funeral of Mrs. Ja3u1se Eckert was held on Saturday and was largely attended. Our-sym- pathy to all the members of her family. Mrs. Rita . Newcombe of Barrie spent a few days in Dublin visiting friends and relatives last week. • We are sorry to report Mrs. Theresa ceville has again re- turned to Seaforth Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Misses Glenna and Catherine, Brown have returned home after spending- three ' weeks in Scot- land Order Your SEED WHEAT FERTILIZER Requirments NOW We have all the popular' varieties available Also Dover Barley and TP Rye for plowdown FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE, Come To Mitchell 348-8433 Hensall 262-2527 It 4 News of Brodhagen Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen Miss Rebecca Rock, Dart- mauth, Nova Scotia visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock last week. She came here after attending the Lutheran Youth' Conference at Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe, Steven and Jamie and David Mc- Manon, London visited with Mr. and 'Mra. -Lavern Wolfe, other visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burns, Gadshill and Miss Edna Gel ,;e Waterloo. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Schutt, Port Colbourne, visited with Mr. I and Mrs. George Mueller. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were dinner guests of Mr. and 4 Mrs. Milton Bode on Sunday. They also attended the Decoration Service at First LutheranChurch Logan township. • Mr. Ivap Eickmeier return- ed home last Friday from Vic- toria Hospital, London, having been a patient there for two weeks. Miss Cheryl Bennewies spent seven weeks of her summer va- cation on a Trafalgar tour holi- daying in Belgium, Holland, Ger- many, . Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Scotland, and England. She was accomp- anied by Miss Marry Goodanetz, • Toronto. Mrs. Adeline Bennewies and Cheryl visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrd, Maurice Diamond, and Mr.• and Mrs. John Vipond at Plattsville. p