HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-29, Page 2- wail wfavorite; but tits delicious tang Poor little Ohtib I lie lay awake a tutor was through with his, story this Chub waa too moth dazed to and of foxbidden fruit was too strotir, and lung ;tine woudering,first, whether the : was, what blr, Armstronb said : stand all this, lint Ile ga and the ziit- ,r ' the vote was for keepinir the feast as boys were caught; but lie was satisfied Tile dehr little rngue ; ho'a pluekyy prossion that be would not he dealt proposed, with ole undo lie that that they had escaped, because, he did isn't he 1 We must get at the bottom with very severely, and took heart. FRIDAY. JULY 29, 1,;192, the invitation remained, open to Chub,' not bear the Pluperfect, say. a word, of. this before we do anything about it, 'Then the master told the story, attd+ end •tbe eeueral opinion was that Ito Vy list should be, say to the Ptueper. That afternoon Mr. Armstrong tool; made Ubub's cheek tinge as lie tett- n� dared how the plaster found. it out,. wotiIa,, be ou hand when he. had nine, feet to the m iruiny, He would, not tE+il a party of the older boys out shooting • CHUB. to titillk it aver.;'A lie, and he certainly was not going to vrith him. Being a ;good shot and And now, he said, in conclusion;. T l won't you 1 Bedtime cause, ane they rvho were tell the truth ; 1►e could not tell hits fond of the sport, lie euoouraged the want t4 say only this : I pardon the. i't1t1.11 be with us, Chub, 0 y that it was none of his business which boys to join him, Oil these excursions offence Of the four boys who broke the ettid a. Oona; fellow of sixteen, who bidden to site feast passed �iiub with , J f ,. y than an of sivui6uilnt node, winks and amaoks .of I be would mightily have liked to do, as they tramped over the fields, be rules for the salve of itis one who kept stood a full bead leiter tl a y the Kips that warmed itis cockles of He volt Id have to keep -still, and this would tell the boys legendary tales of them, where himseli was concerned;, '•tine knot of boys gatl►ered round him y his heart .toward the witching repast, he foresaw waa tin easy thing to do, heroes or reoite'a ballad,and encourage and broke them only for the sake of i Egli the playground of Edaphill scl,hu . But iie kept rt stout face whatever the Let us say this, for Chub, that, amid thein to talk about it, shielding otlierR; a disobedience which Yea ;yes, echoed the others; C inner longings may have been, and all his tossing corm; s and perplexities This age is so mercenary and. utalit- lead so sweet a root cannot bring forth+ otos; -be tliPre.. t • ' it did not once cross is mind to, reg ret a bitter fruit, stepping at his own room, wen, nt and g urian lie would say, an,d boys ought to Ve ,mast Chub, pP a that he had gone to 'tile fellows, knots And love the chivalric spirit of The boys of that school, when. they., The fun of "lie whole thitln is to see shut the door, being careful to latch it a t securely. He ltevrlr uudreased in a He was sorry that hE had not gotten bear of Roland or'Oliver or Olger the. the days when honor and tru4h were Chu4 clip lu, Welt in time, sorry that his mother " ' Dane,are proud to think that they can �i grrater Lorry nor said. soshort spray- Y prizNd above riches un P e,. Yes, I'll be;lthere, What is it, and should think loo had forgotten his dmatch the old heroic stns with the• ►; er, popped into bed, blew out the light, g - 3' Where is it? s id the little red clieokecl I promise, sorry that Ilia �ister 49a did This afternoon lie theta the deed of their own little story, tnelied himself under t;he bedclothes, p + Y storyof Roland and Roncosvalles; l►ow blue-eyed, cul l y. beaded fellow, who screwed his eyelids shut a►id tbought I not go to the same school , but the ono When sister Tsa heard the story,she• was the veno nt bo at school, and 'team of"comfort, in it a l was that ut his dying hour, ttie trust that was hugged and kissed Chub until lie had, g 1 y lie- pleased his ►'a4ther would g answered to the name Of Chub, given him by Charles ld tits skfety be if she could know, but concluded' the fellows were not caught. to say I of his good. sword Dur foal were his He was a sweet little chap in looks. that It would not be exactly nice to The morning light brought to Chub chief thought and lie rew from the Oil I don't, Isa. and temper to,(` nd was the favorite at toll tier, et wished that some one else 'an awakili„, with, tt, coyrsciousness. of " When his ;nether heard it, the tears, F boys a warts respons to the heroic sellool as lie w at home and every- could mention it to her. some thing special to which he awoke cams to her eyes and she said Uod+ , ' etory.' As they restedby a clear bless Olt tt; brave bo yvltFre• and he soon recalled what A. was, On Y Y boy.. The tutor's footsteps` diad away in spring that dripped from a mossy rook i his way downstairs the PI And let u3 all say; God bless it brave But what ts it and where is it 2 the darkness, and now Uhub knew that which was a favorite resting, place on Chub's questionlis waiting for an an- the boys won!d lie sii du in to Phil's halted him at the door and calling him boy. S PF, f= those desultory tramps, he said•: — swer. He hadi,ccepted without liesi- room. He forgot about his mother, in said Boys, this spirit of chlvtth'y is not The Results of Neglect.—A. tation,because y�e knew that whereerer and his thoughts 14 turned to the What were you doing in the Ball, slight attach of crams mit bring on it o s dead. We sometimes tliiulE: that it p Y :- Phil Barton vt ai}ted hits to go, he was ecenP, which was as clear before his Robert after the rent ng hour 7 diarrltcea, which is in many cases tol• lives only where men re dressed out sure t0 Have a OOd time ; hilt Still lie eyes as though the Game mO0u11 !11 1 was running for y rnont,slr, said lowed by inflammation of the stomach Y b g in the trappings of ,e middle ages, and a .dozen, other dangerous com- would like to It ow what Port of a good that fill upon them carried the picture Chub.' As far as lie acould do so, he with coat of ,hail and 1 ace in re,t,and plaints, any one of which a neglected time this partio�;lar one was to lie. right rht on into -his roan. He thought was bound to tell the triatll. s g g t fair ladies looking on • t the j�ttrney; will cause death, All such disorders. It's m box fr4l home,caid Phil Chub That WAS plain P,llUU?,, ,said the tutor „ he heard the lid of ti a box being ln'icd but this is a mistake. 'There is to little Are danoProus in hot weather, And smiling, But what cal d you out of should in their infancy be 1rE,ated «ttli Clad . experience., a Barton Lox, and ori, then 118 was sur that lie heard knight among you ho has-pledged ' knew that it WIN unequalled by any. tube cracltl'e'of paper; resently the air 1 your,room at that hour the best known remedy. The merits thing that he iould remember to fill- was :laden with a rich, spicy perfame Chtib was silent, whi . several an- him".If to a lady; a d lie is as brave of PnRrrit i�evls PAIN I izzntt are so fl and tl*tie as a RolAnd r an Oliver. Nell known that it is recognized all r 1 swers flitted through "a ioind. To a ine. The mi Bled odor, as the lid, that stole ever and tlt ough the cracks a over the world as the standards seise g ' i look at the morn, that ► s re Oster- The boys,. alive wit irigerest,girther- A was lifted, wli'19 the group clustered of the partitions; th:l, was plant catio, , p p fnr cramps cholera rnorbas, cholera,• I ons ; to see t�I1at was . sing an that ed closes about the uls6er. tliarrhoa and d Spt1 aruund it, w as i,t effnble and indescrib- there was no doubt . about it, The y h•ry. All drup;,sts i was dAngerous; because I heard you Tell tcs Mr.. At•mst Ong, said 1P'hil sell the Pali TiILLrr, and directions able ; the array of home dainties odor filled.his nostril , set Ilia mouth /. coming, that was worse s I. so Chub � Barton, who this littl a Irmight is,. and go with, each bottle. Only `?uc. for inside, each in a ;separate pas.eboard watering, stirred etaery pulse of his how we shall ;toot Li 1 when. we see large attic. compartment, %has the very acme of appetite, and made m yearn with Ilia tcvolt refuge in siPexice. You-know, Rvbert, that is against him. temptation, if that can be called hunger of a child. It played havoc g A. West Point Story. ? the rules. I ant 'put here to sew that I can tell you abo the sore- strait � S'• tempting thiol► rices not offer the least with the memory;, of bone and his p of this litrt~lb knight in au narrow a Two plain ordinary citizens visited resistatice. t0 its ilistant eni iy,u6nt. mother and her satisfaction over leer this rule is obeyeol.• T have the sight West Point for the first ime, rind w W r to $now and must insist on your tins- plact0.9 Roland at Runcesvidles•;. and deeply nberestedinthe btt ago,nee When Chu b h e rd what it war , no b')y's strength against temptation. wonder that he at'swered hf artil �l! 1t wering me or it wDl- be ray duty t©, re- if I r istaku not, he prizes lads donor y.. Poor little chap,!] h4 was past the port you to :U r. Armstrong. If you as Rolond &id-bis sword, Dumndal. riplit, 'I 'm with y: u. power of feeling rrything except the ref,ree to give mea explanation I uan Then he ;told them !t}te story that h littite p of t le satire governmei;to Well, then, yet be on Band when lougin, than he ` old not still. Then onlyconclude that ou have no cod lead heard, of~ how hub was o>attght they went: wlitere they pi sed, and were the lights ore out ep-ngtit• and as soon he raised his, 1ui and listened, lie g not interrupted. As the y waned how- ' one to give. flying ds,wrr Elie ba in hi.s n-ght�own over, they draw high forbidden round— as the Pluperfect' ndicative has made could hear the whispered exclamations long after hours a` stoutly d6clined g Yes, sir, said Chobi o r Y a plot sacred to, the embryo generals. As Ills rout,d, you sli a into lay roomsaid of delight G�'anat Me could lint hear, to tell the reason why. they stepped across a line { A:ai• I to understated, hen, that ,fou ,ignorant of Phil. lie could casilyi!sttpply from bis own t Phil Barton um ed to his feet.-That the awful tres ass z mild refuse•to tell lee wh7 ye were out of J pt to , youth with The long dormi ory wits divided. by quickened iiiiii, �lrati'on. He wondered boy's a trump, lie said. �'uhy Mr. spotless uniform and hews musket ran your room after hours• a d so colilpel > board partirion ab, ut seven feet higb, whethfr. lie t ituld• be breaking his Armstrong the'little chap had, I np• into single looms„and at the farther romise + if hEr at'ole tis tits door ;trio me to report you i g' p 'No citizens, allowed re,' said the p i Yea sir, said Chub;„ no at all de;ii ed to mal:o 0,210 at ou feast,because he sentry. earl the tutor slip y whose duty it was asked for a puce• i.+fl t alsp. 1�0l that antly ; n•tit its though• he t s sorry fur had promise& lais mot er not to break The citizens turned sad away. to teach, the gram ar clasp, and patrol ' is inean,he said o• Jhi'mseloi If T don't , the tutor to put upon. him ticlt an un­ ;I toles ; 'and whu he heard the I feel like the sunset i>:,' remarked tits dormitory to nfurco the rule of ,;o in with the shows, t Mavaai't any Pluper—Mr.`4Vintbro , I lnean-woming one; i pleas:reit dirty. , all,lights out, ands visiting the rooms ( right to. hear whlit they stidr so lie got down the halt'' he ran to warn us and • The sentry stopped to listen. after tau o'clock. l7 f tip and o sued KIiia, door in a. crack. Robert, said Mr. Z�anthrop, not U.M. � 'Why V inquired the ogler citizen. p tt, kindly, that would be a ver' ama•1l he got caugh,ri)imsel will wtvgot off; _,• Ji Clint s,face felf'; when he heard the The fees waxed lig-p}w news, w(!. tine boys Y 3 and ho never this Pr d a word+ to any Because 1 e just beeqq, $red off,' was 1} matter;, if you wouasi simply tell me p' the answer; and to the dltizen's delight, invitation. Left tr t come, he said, his ((s ere forgetting; narud�el e.. Chub of us. Let'sygo back And give hits an the face flushing ;at+.d,witll a little tremor j could hear quite dioi•ne til what theyJust wits+; the reason was (on this gotta; sentry smiled. — Htrper's Young r./ l 9 Y ovation. People, h m the Chub could not agree with hila). Baas ln. Ills VOlc + gold and follow 'tl3eray bMmO,Ng, a { i ”' it will+be• a very serous matter.iful That is all very sic ., as between you a W� not f' ch g aced three of the " course of the banquet,• But tlie•Plue- boys, Phil but what' About the rules group. �j## perfect Indicative fi'�dt root falileu asleep liave to sepnrk you tri• Mr. Armstrong y ' + j a: as violit -mfg the ruleZq ud - refusing to of my school"? p Oh, pshaw I Y, u can. What's the , and Ile• too, heard the, distant echoes That's for yon to saj�,MnAirmstrong, �', �r t answer+ may question ,mattes 4 said Phi , of the revel. Chub: aetuud• Ili my gait up, tiVe fellows will cheerfully work out a Yomma•ay go, Roborii, said the tutor, T can't cowe,wf�s all that Chub yen- alio a Mich of tits latxiilu waatutd+ hits an uniahn3ent that you pub upon us sirtrlG i; T strand not report tins to Mr. Aran- y p y p p ' 1 `tared to answer. „You go ahead with that his friends were'ina, clanger. Quick after the example that littie•ffellow has strong; until afternr , ; and, in the Ease and omfort •out me ; and tltga' torsed to leave the as tltaualit 11e was o qft timto• ;lira hall, set ns. group, s and ruili,ing to Phil' Ii"�uton s, room, meaniaIItxe, yr)u can til k it over, itiiid z, Li• A ° Mr. Aru,strone made no answer; if youasee fit to tsat me at the noon " p • recess an will find rr1 in to room but on the Quay home, be spoiled more %;�;%�� Phil .Parton caught hire in his stens 'o Peed the dors. ; Tils rsont•i:g .v)is i " Y Y lI�l:� and sent him on fihe face, near which • grePieri with a st;puressect, ehouths from than once,, and the wa•11s home was i !' �' �; Ili �' I tit ii ready%to• listen to you. ,��/�. �j%/ I '4')l' they Were standing, the boys. Ali I btttie a;clic Ofy�ulm, the , . without oenstraint, the bays talking�II� ;y�,►l� I''I�,I''( , l .Cinank you, sir, smi (lhub, ant8 lie ;/1i q f ii 'We don't propd�e to go ahead with- sceni; of tile cake %as. too m4ich for freely of bite whole, matter•, �• � 4i left thoroom., Y / j, aha, li, ri ,l,irll outi you , and ,f a want to know the ! him. As their came near home, the even-* ven- %A f 'Y✓'' ' +�f1 it; • . reason whyyou a it . us to said Phil, Quick, fellows died, Chub the Plue- ] �ruasg the uiolzariz . session ,"hubing r .1 eet in I can't tome, a swered Chnb, perfoct is coining, i � fife r�s'cllool Qom andle] 11 6atit moned the �niarctloys to mo the,, � , could do little els. say turn o�iilt and i'ca bave rn Mike that remark three Over the artitiEairt,s the .uttled oven D11 his rrltlnd tstE os and cozis,tlie r, • p 1y ifs zlttd buts, of then roblem,- how supper ;table. When tin@,v were assem itftues ;low f,►?s us something Hely, And all was quota; Ori Phil Barton s p , bled, instead of giv)tag;l the order to :said Phil. room, ill less thmo, it ;tines to, toll; but was he to ;et outr. of the straws with move, Mr. Armstrong aid,, Robert i` is ' ' ilij� i, ' �Yll ��f/r 'It i or; With what big mother Would K. ,r 414t�'1 I promised tnoCtier that I tnOUld ti0t Chul) S flying, llttEo-* white .fI LDrP,aS 11e' P1Sher will please come t' the desk, i kr break an of the. rules Of the school, ran back to, iiia rovarli, itched right Call ho►ior, and,, w at the bolt's would � Y A t; Pboar Oliub, how ;is he :rt sank; bout i s iIE 1 is call llotior, ton.. i :arid I'm not Loin i} back on my word into the ar►ns otrOw tutor., I f lie wanted firmly up toj he deal: ex for a piece of cak4i Theret said Chub wh Rot-wrt whit, does, this mean'' no thou rht of c� sultin the boys, p ! Y, g g Y + pettifog nothing lass ilia a seutenea i i — turning very i•ed.0 sold the• tutor. jfiltt discarded tilts a a cowardly plead- of disgrace, perhaps of ti missal froo�� 0h, pebaw I yb mother wouldn't Chub was salpnt, beim; altogether•rn„ of his Own cas , scboo); for his mind was ads tip hitt �— Tl1e boys •Werth abject to tilts, its S not like tile Miler Out of breath. sure to say, e�ive its , way, you slla n t to, tell. , MIT V001, soap.1i and oldfashionodwaya rules there noi�linrg, inulin or wrong Where have you been,R6bert,at•thjg suffer 'tot us: Phil Id go and tell Boys, said Mr. Armst on I want shing,it..la cruel and hardupoii 1. Y gl women of ad ' naln ,About this The Minis is that we are to tittle of lligilt ? the whole story, an �titen wouldn't lie you to look at this the yo ugest boy in �` s scare too Wokpb laundry steric; •tint with the ;aorto. .be in bed at toll O'clock, generally you Chub I►ad trot yet Te,overed Ills feel meati. 1�°, lie ould ratter suffer gchrsl5l, anal lie laid hia lta d on cMitb's famed, labor. aving know,-, butall'the i-ules have ekeeptiiuns breath. as lie ;lid now tit i feel as meat; as curly, lleari, whtle l ti>! nk him for �' uryd' of the exceptions, You tail go to yr,itr ream `�iCrw but T that, So Ile fought out alone and 8 gy �' + teaching Inti and lits Beh lmates that } �� .argued,Phil o (rj shall wish to see colt befor' breakfast, tl+e rest was he tel and la ed ball p Y ,the chivalry also honor tieh %ve ]axe par6tivedp can a a eU: 611 'with cow. Catt't old it, vgws• 0huti's truly oto— to-macro% said the tutor. Then lip as usual, at recess time, though: he, to read about in the libot' s of the old �arativeoa9ebyfello,i11gt1iesimf,ledtreottCnk ;yeti liaised down the li>Yll, b.1t : 'ii] dt9or Itnew Cllat ttSe 1�1U elfeCt was, e3QYl kti1 11t S, lives $)Yt617 , s still, Ill rubb3in U 'I HT"s there'ls leo liar$ I say fellows, shall we fix the time after door and peering in iI but the then, iA.. Mr- Arirtstr g's room telling breaking the rules of tit sellootRobert g' xe knits tie, hot steaia, rot tired to obit Chub's tender orino6pnee Z Paid btight moonlight showed evdry boy,iti him about last tilght backs• trial wtlij etolli6h y0ti, has done me a greater g •vice that, the 'Mil turning to the group, r the dormitory in bed, evary rootarl ill :. On 'thih'point Ile: w right; ttiab was i boy who only keeps : diem frorl a ' is Vordiet VIs ogafou it. Chub order, end Chub thb solitary ofi`ender, dost what was going .:and rvii8tti the tsl'4t+ish fotRlr, '1►�oi'kS1 tits last'iok hl►eat�tevor*hC 68'.1,1thiteeil : , > I-