HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-09-07, Page 50:xecisrtoit1 sEAFoRTH. QNT. sErrt oung yoyageur describe* * TO DAYS Ci111,..0 • BY HELEN ALLEN was a pool which we really app- reciated! The weather had been beautiful - warm and sunny. The students in Montreal said that before our arrival it had rained continuously. We really enjoyed Quebec City. It is much more beaut- iful and clean than Montreal. It has parks which reminded us of Ottawa. On Friday we visited Quebec provincial parliament. Here, also we ate dinner, looking very much at home. We left Quebec City at 6;30 that evening and returned' to Montreal. The next two days were unscheduled so our hosts and hostesses took us to La Ronde, different parks and bea- ches, to' their cottages and var- ious other places of interest around their city. On the first Tuesday in Montreal we were officially wel- comed by M. Masse the organ- izer 'of the Young Voyageurs in Montreal, and received. Quebec flags. The Montreal hosts and hostesses Were given Ontario flags and pennatitsind the escorts Mr. and Mrs. coulter and M. and Mme. Tanguey exchanged large flags. Monday morning weboarded a DC9 and left Montreal airport at 2;45. Everyone enjoyed the plane ride though it was brief and we boarded a bus at Tor- onto which took us to Clinton. We emerged singing from the bus; d a group of boisterous noisy real and Radio Canada.' We saw them, at the latter place, pro- ducing a show. Here was also one of the ships used on the television series D'Iberville. This, ship, only two feet in length, was put in a vibrating pool and thus television viewers thought it was travelling across a,,,storm y sea! - Most of the girls went shopp- ing Tuesday, as it was out free day. We usually went as a group so that -the English Voyageurs could have a chance to talk/ All of our travelling in Mont- real was done by bus and sub- way. The people on these trans- portation vehicles never seemed to notice a group of twelve or so Voyageurs when they broke into a rousing chorus of Give Us a Place to Stand', Place Des Ahs, Al? Canada, and the University of Montreal were among those places we visited on Wednesday. At Air Canada we learned 'about the training of pilots and stewardesses; were taken th- rough a plane and' introduced to the various gadgets within the plane. Early -next morning we left for Quebec City on a bus with our Montreal hosts. We ate at Laval University, saw Montmor- ency Falls, then toured the old- est part of the historic City. That evening we slept in a seminary (where Monks liVe) in' Quebec City. Near'the seminary friends. So many aspects of our ven- ture can't be recorded on paper- They are feelings and memories that only we the Young voYa-• geurs can understand - mem- ories that will remain with us. Mr. and- Mrs. Coulter, our escorts enjoyed the trip as much as we did, and by their pre- sence made it much more en- joyable for us. The Young Voyageurs from this area are; Jayne Niblock, of Parkhill; Sandra Stock of Hur- on' Park, Carol Adams of Wro- xeter; Janice Ballantine of Mount. Brydges; Janet Bishop of Cen- tralia; Cheryl Kennedy of Sea- forth; Mary Ann Glithers of Ker- wood; Lola de Beer, of Granton; Carole Cruidkshank and Susan Freeman of Goderich. The boys on the trip include Jeff Culbert of Lucan; M Miller of Dashwood; Jim ..Fa les of Gorrie; Murray McG of Walton; Gerry Jutzie of Bru- ssels; Donald Ward of Brussels; Harry Arts, Seaforth; Neil White of Granton; Tony Valaitis, Mount Brydges; and Jim Ginn of God- erich. (by Sue Freeman) Now that we are home- the Voyageur Trip seems a fantasy; so hard to believe - All 28 of us. We left CHSS in Clinton Friday AuguSt 11 at noon in a bus that took us to the CNR station in Ottawa. We had met most of the other Young Voy- ageurs at an orientation meet- ing in June, but ? many of us weren't familiar with our es- corts - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coul- ter, who replaced Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ackert of Wingham. The train "' from Toronto reached Ottawa Friday evening. We stayed in the capital 'dity two nights at a University Res- idence which was occupied with various other Voyageur grpups from Cowansville, near Mont- real, Nova Scotia, Hamilton, Ont- ario, the Yukon, and BritishCol- umbia. Each day we saw a new part of Ottawa; the various em- bassieS, the home of our Prime Minister, shopping malls and of course; the parliament buildings, Peace ToWer and changing of the guards. A dog helped the guards while we Were there! Another surprise was the music that acc- omparded the 'guards - the band played "Honey". We travelled to Montreal on a bus with twenty-three other Young Voyageurs from Cowan- sville. They were returning from Calgary - this fact easily recognizable by their white Ste- tsons! Our hosts and hostesses met us as we stepped off the bus - into a French world! I had been to Montreal before, but had stay- ., ed mainly in the downtown area where most people are bilingual, of course, to our advantage. The Young Voyageurs from Montreal for the most part, spoke Eng- lish better than we spoke French, although some people spoke no English at all! It was rare to find a bilingual family, so every- one just was patient and we tried and usually suceeded to•comm- unicate. In my host family only the girl and her father spoke a bit of English., Her mother and I were able to communicate though tres lentemente with my weak french, a dictionary and sign language! The french we learn- at school helps if the , people speak slowly so, we can make out each word they are saying. Monday we visited Old Mont- • • GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Here's a great way to put your money to work: 8% interest, guaranteed on 5-year term deposits. Other terms available. Minimum deposit, $500. Call or drop in and see us today. • • STERLING TRUSTS TORONTO-372 Bay Street (416) 364-7495 BARRIE - 35 Dunlop Street (705) 726-6495 ORILLIA - 73 Mississega St. E., (705) 325-2226 USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS ALWAYS DOES HIS BEST The eager, confident look gives a good idea of Ronny's personality. -This eight-year-old shows a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and determination to succeed. He has demonstrated this repeatedly in activities which were • unknown to him before he came into the care of the Children's Aid Society. He is proficient in swimming and abaseball and he made first string on a hockey team two weeks after he learn- ed to skate! Though Ronny never steps back from a challenge, he is a sensitive, warm, affectionate boy who will be a re- warding son. Ronny is a slender, well-built youngster of FEnglish and French ancestry. He has sandy brown hair,, green eyes, fair • skin and naturally, freckles. •His general health is good but he , has some nasal •problems which may require surgery at maturity. He has a speech irppediment which is being help- ed by speech therapy'at school. If Ronny is attending an open school next term, he will be doing Grade two work in mathematics and language develop- ment ,and Grade three work otherwise. Though he has diff- iculty with reading,, he likes books and enjoys reading or be- or ing read to. Drawing is another favorite activity and he likes any kind of crafts. Ronny needs warm, affectionate parents. They will not be able ,to place too high expectations on him academically, but can , be assured of a loving son who will do his best at whatever he attempts. • To inquire about adopting Ronny, please write-to-Today's Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto. For general adoption in- formation consult your local Children's Afd Society_ WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: DIAL 887-6641 !Om' mf..*oolt ..it!!)-:taii!fillyits 100,06: • ,THERE'S AN IGA. STORE NEAR YOU . EA IG IG an, School society ••••••• 4any, mws.EN FRESHLY Ci5T-WHOLE Back to School Candy Sale (Continued from Page 1) 'budget of $73,785 for the new school year. Parents sending. their ,children will have to pay $780 next school year. Addi- tional donations of $18,500 are expected and' then there stilI will be a $1,465 deficit on the year's operations. Elections -for new board mem- bers took place. Elected for ▪ 'a two year term are: Mr. M. Dykstra (re-elected); Mr. F. Dat- ema (re-elected); Mr. J. Kassies; Mr. M. Klasinga, and Mr, K. Vanden Heuvel. Board members with one year remaining are: Mr. C. Bruinsma; Mr. M. Siertsema: Mr. A. Valk- • enburg and Mr. S. van Wyk.. Orders Taken Now For SEE WHEAT as supplies might be scarce SHOULDER PORK ROAST LB SHIRRIFF'S P TATO CHIPS TOP YALU SPANISH OR BLANCHED PEANUTS NEILSON'S OLATE ASSORTED FAIABARS ILY PACK CHOC NEILSON'S ASSORTED FAMILY PACK CHOCOLATE BA o w NLso s.00.LNDE0 4,99.) LOCK BARS NEILSON'S ASSORTED FAMILY PACK .0 OCOLATE BARS ASSORT E D. TOP VALU , pkg. pkg. oi 14/1 0c, bort r -m-ARTATL-Es-1 saci PIECE II THE BEEF CHUCK . . PFR1MROSE THEB,rNOEUILI‘!ER 0011 BOLOGNA I I BONELESS I I I BLADE I, HAMBURG' PORK 88F 4 07.7glitt BY THE I I ROAST PATTIES. CHOPSs 88`1 I pigs. .4o1 Itors 4 bort and pkg. of I 29,11 89(1 ' 20/S' 34,1 0001 I I I 1-112.. FERTILIZER c I ..•••• .0.1*•• moo. .FIRInr. Save $ on Fall Application WE SELL ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED A BLUE BRAND BEEF! 'PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA TOP VALU-SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 69C LUCAS & ARTHURS'VAC PAC SKINLESS WIENERS 2 A. 99 DAVERN SLICED SIDE BACON • pot.pkg. 1 lb. vac 8.9` , AUSTRALIAN FROZEN SHANK HALF LEG OF LAMB lb. 65` OP FROM THE REEF CHOCr BONELESS CROSS RIB ROAST OR STEAK • fr.99c TOP VALU SLICED MINCED HAM LOAF OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT all0iF89c 164191 79,, VARIETY PACK Your Headquarters for Farm Supplies BURN 5 BEER R PORN STORE PACOD COUNTRY OR BREAKFAST SAUSAGE la, 59 TOP VALU FULLY COOKED 2 1 1 to 3' 2 lb. size DINNER HAM'S • lb. 1 .2 TOP VALU SKINLESS WIENERS' pat pkg. Noir 1 lb. vac C. NQVA SCOTIA FROZEN BONELESS PERCH FILLETS lb. 69c c SEAFORTH FARMERS —1,P571, •-•'` •• A Seaforth "Neyr, was that to excrucia- ting?" o•••••••••••••‘ • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • 5 - '72 Chev.Impalas 2 & 4 dr.H.T's. • • • '2 - '72 Buick Skylarks 2 & 4 dr.H.T's. • • - 2 -, '72 Ventura 4 dr. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1970 GMC one ton stake with duals, • • ,1970'Gl1C 1/2 Ton V-8 engine • or • 1970 GMC Van, long, wheelbase • • 1969 For Super Van • • • • • • U.S.A. NO. 1 LUSCIOUS SEEDLESS GRAPES 2ibti_89C • • • • • • BONUS DISCOUNTS BANK RATE FINANCING PRODUCT DE SOUTH AFRICA , OUTSPAN - Size ORANGES CANADA NO CELLO CARROTS CHICIUITA,OR DOLE GOLDEN YELLOW —1ANANAS LI S NO I WASHINGTON RED DELICIOUS. APPLES 51.,55c CANADA NO 1 ONTARIO SMAli COOKING • 10 lb. ONIONS bag 89c ONTARIO NO I FIELD, MOWERS 28..25` CANADA NO I ONTARIO GREEN SWEET PEPPERS 3 4,25. 138 dot. 50 , CRISP TENDER on all models - new and used Comes To Brussels Motors • - MACARONI & CHEEgr. KRAFT DINNER c pkg. 16 _ KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT_ BUTTER baq 3 lb. 33c 9c 18 et. for purchase, a new or used car. Compare our average No down payment on approval credit. This means added savings when you interest rate of 1i.78% over 36 Months. • • • • 2 Ik. 29' DUNCAN HINES, ASSORTED VARIETIES CAKE BIG "G" COUNTRY CORN FLAKES CANADA NO. 1 NEW CROP Vs:sw ilttp. TURNIPS See Our Selection 01 • • • • 2 1.,.23` 39c )0°- 24c pkg. 19 et. pkg. MAXWELL HOUSE, ALL PURPOSE MIXES h.o, ••••//0 amilmo elaram GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE 10 16 SUGAR bag 1- '71 Pontiac Catalina 4 dr. H.T. 2 - '71 Ford 2 & 4 dr. ILT's. 1 - '70 Pontiac, Parisienne, 2 dr. }LT. 1 - '70 Ford Galaxie 500H,T. 2&' 4 Dr. • • . • • • • • • • '• • Scott Paper Sale GROUND COFFEE .1 lb, a9c bog ogi. S lb. 6 bog 1.27 'SCOTT ASSORTED COLOURS 'BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ;,L59` 1 ISCPTT.ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER TOWELS 2 roll kg. 55 _P U J CUT RITE WAXED g !PAPER REFILL 1 " 29c roll I SCOTT ASSORTED COLOURS, WHITE OR RAINBOW • 1 IFAMIL'Y NAPKINS 1 CUT RITE CUTTER BOX I WAXED PAPER _ 100roftli 42 e el I VIVA WHITE OR ASSORTED COLOURS - "BATHROOM TISSUE 3.f21; 1.001 SCOTT RAINBOW FAMILY NAPKINS 1- '72 Torino 2 dr. H.T. 2 - '71 Chev. Impalas 4 dr.H,T's. - '70 Chev. 4 dr. H.T. LIBBY FANCY LIBBY.S DEEP BUTTERED GREEN PEAS & 'PEAS & CARROTS 12 et . lin 19` HOLIDAY 12 ot. tin 39C LUNCHEON MEAT STOKELY NEW ORLEANS STYLE OR DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS 5 3417n; 1 0 HEINZ VEG. SOUP' 8 ."41- 1,00 C l 39c '9 z 29 41 or. Tin 'DEEP BROWN WITH PORK TOMATO JUICE • • • • 25 other units from '65 'to '69. LIBBY'S BEANS • • • TRUCKS SEA WAVE 0160 Pkg. 27g. 7'...1„ 39c 1969 GMC 3/4 Ton pickup 1969 Chevy Van V-8 Auto 1968 1 ton pickup 1963 Dodge 2-Ton 12 ft. stake PINK SALMON MCC ORMICK S BAG ASSOR4-) vARIETIES • • • 2 lb. 69c bag 10011 .39 SNAPS COOKIES • • '• • 0.11/2 • BY GENERA( FOOD MAITRE 0 INSTANT COME TOP VALU EST GRADE CREAMERY 0°119063c/ \BUTTER ,BANQUET FROZEN ASSORTED VARIETIES MEAT DINNERS FAIRLADY PARCHMENT MARGARINE 11 01. A 7c Oa. 19r lb. 69c kgs. STATION WAGONS W. 1- 1968 Ford Custom 500, 10 passenger 71 c 1 lb. prinf • • 1970- Ford Station Wagon 4.1010, /0000 oporroo. • avit itv; 444,7 ;,s ,.VIII-ES tEP.O.WONtft"t • BRUSSELS MOTORS ; BRUSSELS — ONTARIO • Seatodh IGA is open all day Wednesday and Friday night till 9pm •• • • •.0NONE $874173 • , "The Horne of Better Used Ctrs" OPEN EVERY EVENING • • ••••••••••••••••••5005I• •••••••'• .... •••••••••••••••••••• 00000