HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-29, Page 1VOL XXT' , N0.31. This month we take Stock, and in c derto make' it as. clean as possible i aro going through every department at whenever we find an end � or remnant anything that has not taken we ba marked it down to actual cost. Come ai look them over. If they please you t right, if not no harm done. At :any ra we will have bad the satisfaction of seen you and that is at all times a pleasure us d ve ' an t 11 oil utmost will db r s to al the visit a profitable one to you, m Just now you housekeepers tire begi ning to put up your fruit. It is almo Aeealess to tell you that 'our stock fruit jars is all here and Sugar, as yc know, is cheap. We are giving a nic dry, clean quality; 28 lbs, for the dolla Something you never dreamed .of, b) the oh caper the sugar the more fruit yc will put up and of course you will requi more jars. Our grocery stock is full a fresh, dried meats and lard pure a fresh. Shop early. Secure prompt deliver This store closes at seven. re an an Y. WINI GRAN, ONT..:FRIDAY, JULY m, -Girls wanted at the Queen's Hotel -Thurso , next i*Blyth's civie poli- day. When will Wiugbam's be ? -Ryes tested mild fitted with proper glasses at 111nitehaw's.' -A new idewolk Is being placed from artin's b ber shop to Griffin's Grocer Y —Baby carriages jgst to bond, 10 per cent off for spot gaeb"at S GnAcrp:'s, —The ov S Sellery of this town, gceu pled the 1pit of the Methodist church s A. qru, o Sunday 144st, , - An a rt is being put forth 'to organize n Lpwo h League in connection with. the Metho ist church of this town.. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north Of the old stand and between Ross' book, st re' and Halsted & Scott's bank,, —A very eat crowd attended the decor. ation en Fri y evening last. The Orango men and Od allows headed by the ban marched in ocepsion to the cemetery.' —Mr Chas ay of Listowel, has accept - ad a position the salt block cooper abo and will remo a his family to town short- ly. We dt not sp k as we pass by, On us she's laiuly down, For we wrot up her wedding But couldu describe her gown. -Cash for 'cod butter and eggs at It A Crraham's, Market Grocery, --Mr W oats, who has been residing !n town fo some time has gone to Clinton who e he I tend running a restaurant, tMr 1 emn.gut, of • this place, has dis- esed o i livery i+cry business to Mc George, Swarts, o Clinton,. —Tire t, ether for the last few days ha been the It ttest this season. Sunday teas a very hot my. Y —..Ines—in Ingham, a three year old red tow, with ind legs white and lower part of tail tv 'te. Any person g!vlug In- formation 'tri t will lead to her whare- aboute will be uitably rewarded. W. GANNETT. =A large umber from town weut to ueknow on uesday last to witness the laorasse mut in that place, —The buil ings at the C P B have been receivingI f sh coat of paint, which adds greatly to tl it appearance. —The C it Factory Cln#t and the �, —The $ami an Times note Appears as era played a football match on the paruesday evening last, The Cedarville[re an eight page aper, !raving discarded the game camin favor of the Cedarville old . blanket a at, and is printed upon a Rovers by 0. ORR & HISCOCKS, " Direst Importers. fast Perfect, ug rens, The. Times is a first class newspape , —Ca to p Markle, of the Salvation The BEAR. June 30th, 1892. �, Army !leisolal farewell services in the —A Strattor young roan gave presents 'barracks ohdmy last. Captain Markle LOCAL NEWS to a young wo u to whom be wan en- gaged. The w dding failbd come off, has been hfor the. past six months and has .,to and he is now uiug her for obtaining madevery good Captain. Hewill be greatlysed. —Dr Sinclair, popular specialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel Wit, h i wr goods under fal pretences. M ` —The own of Mucardine has set Apar Friday, ; ugast lith as .their civic holiday —1t is expected that. a football water will be pl yedzon the park next Thursday afteruoou between the Biyth, and Wing sham tet+. , -•-ltev H Ilvke, of ,Belgrave, accupiai the pulp, of the Methodist church of Sunday 1 St. Fie preached two very fine The 1 crease club of this iown drove + to L eknow on Tuesday last to plo, the club o that place the return nuttel Arid were d feuted by a score of 3 to 1. Wt uuderstt}nd be boys bad to play the whole ton nz,�,iis.tet of playing a lacrosse team. —Or Goo ge Middleton has growing a Ills garden i Lurknow corn that tneasurei from fife to t to the top of the leaf 7i inches bigh. This is a pretty good grov+tb up to the 10th of July. Those who caTURDAY me to see usApi lastJSaturday night understand what our idea of sell - Ing Cheap means, D.om% miss Saturday night at at. H, MCINDOO'S. It is Curren street talk in Parkhill that the two pap rs tbere—the Gazette and Review—will amalgamate. -From bitter exp1rieuce th publishers have learned that .there i not even A living for two papers fn a pl a the size of.Parkhill, and seek the easy sy out—by amalgamation, The Gazette, i 's said, will buy. the Re- view, Mr R T Vbite, the late proprietor, has returned to be Gazette, and taken an tmportmut positi n oq the staff, r HOL �`, Ly O. game was played on between the tt+o club ly entitled to a return not get it? Inside of a arranged that the ref .played an the Winghrt that each club was to lection taken At the y, utl uo w they wa that ,game. Whoev thing? The hovers matches, but still th feat the Wingham second game they s they would slay the place outside of e twenty-five dollars, Now, it the Rovers h again, let them b and accept the challe ; who are the better _ that the Rovers are from Home. Hopin arranged for at all e Uqe Mr R Tindal, wh at the chair factory left for Kincardine has secured a goo Green, editor of the Gorrie, gave the one day this week Joht} Scott, Ham e , g t m, on on- . sTnoDIST GitUnan, W1No8Am.--Rev S Bel- To the kditor of the winghan, Thnee, home oil a visit to day, Auausp 22nd. Consultation Free. —G T It train for . Tokonto ar d east lery, B_ D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath Would you pie se state that the and friends, for a s leave Wingham at 0,35 a In and 11,20 a. m paper port crops irgod in t Don't for et to go to, Prof Scott's con- via W G & B Divtbioti., and at 0,48 a m at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sabbath School and which appeared n your last edition, on a,rb at,Brusels this (Friday) eveu'ug, and 8.45 p m, via Clinton and, Gnat lt, Bible Class at 2.80 p In. General Prayer "Mission Work," rom the en of afro Sel- Mrs T E Bobels, O j "+•• t Good connections by all trains. P meeting every Wednesday eyeuiug at 7 ley, was read at ur last quarterly :meet- ing friends in toW SV1►9n s widow tsltea unto herself a —A mail bout' t his wife a revolver and o'clock, Young People's Prayer Meeting Taylor and sang ,,, k P Y ing, and by regties of the ladies present on Saturday from —Tho the bers of,. Auoh6i of L. made Iter nisei; a at a target, so that Bile every Thursday eveningat 7 o'clock. was ordered publish d. We feel sure that Lodge, I 0.` T� iiitend holding an -feel might be able to eep the birds out of the 'Sunday July S t. Morning aubjert, many will have res with earnest friends in Ayr, G Yi g chert trees and Ne say burglarsiu Itis " g 1 profit stock, eta.. Mr and• oreanr,ferdiv oil 7 nesse Au ust 8th. Y ` Happiness -mak !✓venin Huject;' And trust that a lar; nuatber will hold °i 'c•-=' be TxXES lull! e s n abagnea+ but site bullet tad' .been dug " he liberating p nor -of the truth." th ed home' on Satt T b , e t to any emselves free to aft lid the next union 7' rom now until the end of the year for out of his leg and e: cow buried he said weeks visit to filen '4r Y —TLe fou dation stone, of the new Bt. meeting which will be old in the Metho• S Sheppard, of ; 0 ants. be ;lueased si're'd b ter shoot with at axe Paul's chur will be laid on Thursday, dist church in October est.—Coal. ,X, r T D kson. of this place, intends —AIr Hopkirk, ost Office Inspector of Aug. 4th. Crowell Willson Esq., at 2 friends in Lawn the ,tatting it b tobar shop - in the ,first door Stratford, was in own, a few days this o'clock in th afternoon, invitations have Football C ilertge. Quarrie, of Toront north of the isseK Rush's restaurant, week and was wa ted on by the movers m been sent t 11 the clergy in the deanery To the "Cedarville stovers" ootUntt CIaU: the parental roof the petition to h a the As it is currently Robertson of Bran —A footba snatch was played on Friday P Aust office moved and itis es ,ted that a great number +yill y eported'. that you + y.euiu,t last tweeu it juniot•club of Bell's and by the move a in the petition to have be present take part in the ceremotiy.A have offered to play th W,iitgbam football visiting her cousin,1 factory and tilt Chair factory, resulting in it remain where t is. After some discus- A lawn ctal will he given on tete ReelF club for twenty-five do ars a side, in any ' • Alr and Mrs F G favor of the fo mer by 1 to 0, Bion on the matt r, Mr Hopkirk said he tory groun during the evening, by the Place except Wiugham and that we are of this town, left o c r would lay. the atter before the Post young eo e's uild. Band in attendance. afraid to except the ballouge; this is P,o Grimsby Park when We call r readers attention to the Y g P B in a 'few hollda nett' advertise ants this weep of: Messrs Office Departure for their consideration. (� state as a club we hav never received any g Ys FIRST IiQNC1RF,e3ATIdNAL UHURQIiy such challenge • but 'f the re port was T A Mills, A A Crowston R, Hodgson About four o' lock Sunday morning 1 was in London on 1 ' there was a ver severe thunder storm WIN(3HAM.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser- started by you, and are willing to la Miss Bertie Tilt, of Dr McAsh an the notice of voters list vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. send 7 p. m: Y r, • accompanied by lightening and rain, in any place near t Baud for Lite sum friends in town. a of the Townsh of lurnberry. Sabbath School and Bible class at 2.30. stated we will meet ou at Brussels, Blytb Anderson, of Galt, Many of our Citi us were aroused from t —;VIr D Ruaell liar moved his reatuarant their beds and It ddled in their bouses Prayer Meeting every Wednesday or Listowel, as may a agreed upon by the "Mickey" was in tol to the a c&dtwill store serve, Iu Gregory's block, at 8 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel- taro captains and pl you a friendly game fusel .1Vliss F Mcl where he will serve !latch at all hours, awaiting the final crack of doom while Come. Sunday, He will also kee in stock a large supply of others less timid araded the streets at an- Y July 31st. Morning to decide who tmk s the money, � The visiting friends in tc o anges, lemons bmuanuas, candies, etc, earlier hour than they were wont to on Subject :—"Sum thing impossible for gome to be playe on some day early !u M McLean, of th -�NIr J •.A Al dy, of St. Thomas, has any morning, ee cially on' that of the God to do,'? to ung people :-A sea in August, each tea to cousist of at least friends in and aro P the iugham Woollen Mille Sabbath, a church. Ev link*. "The Righteous- seven of its owu 'm t who played' in either week.. Miss Jennie from Mt, 'Arms nng ands, took possession —The Northwest Tran aportation Coy's mess of God," of the first two m Chea of the seasou in Mlch, is spending he t oa.ltiondo;y last Mr M'ooa;,tUtendp mmk fine steamers, "Monarch" and ''United -The Canada Busibesa College, Ghat Wingham park, a have deposited ten parental roof in, tows ink custom Wor alpe0lalty, and ;we trust Empire" are now running 3regularly be- ham, with a sta of seven excellent Coach dollars with Robe ,Bill, City ltestauraut, E Galbraith, og fhe tiween Sarnia and Sault Ste Marro, Port that the mill e i good hands n@dty. ars and two Le turers, graduates courses . in earnest of our g od faith, and if you are College is spdnding I Arthur; Fort William and Duluth, making willing to 1 t •—A grand pry enw dneart,wil! be aloes conneetiou for all points in Manitoba, of instruction i Business, Penmanship, g P 4Y co r the amount before :,The Misses Cargill British Columbia Pacific Coast Western Pen art Shorth d' and 1 g Tuesday evening , and let both present visiting their ald.In the skat%ii :x#Olc ori' Monday even• ' Typewrltin un Y , ugust 2nd in ,.test, Au uat 1 t, for t to benefit of the 'states, etc. These Steamers are the high equalled in C"•a ada. chis College has Parties deposit t balance with him be- Misses Ella and ° Afa g g Porta bly e , most non, the auk most Com- turned out more rind ass and Assistants fore the day app i ted to play. This will town, are away or Wiugham footbitll. club.. A splendid pro- fortably equipped on, the lakes. Paaseu- P ettrlaavin d of Business C Ieees than all other Col• give you the Opp rtumty of rorlu wheth gramme is befua* 'ran d, consisting of g Wingham by 8.45 G. T. R. P g Detroit and other , Bongs, readings, citations, music fig, afYernoun train eouneet with boat leaving leges in the Do inion, The Remington or the "Rovers" uperior to the N'Vingbam John'Neelands, of tb Refreshments will be served duriis the Sarnia same evening. For stateroom Typewriter Co. f New York want all our buys. 8 reservation lowest rates sailin dates and Ing friends in Londe; evening'. AAmissio , gouU 10 cents, ladies all information, call on G. T, R. Agent. expert Shorthan a for Whom they supply Re ectfully yours, W J Irwin, teacher, fY@e. Refreshment extra. Band in at- During positions. Char a Manderson of Whiter Members o Wingham Football Club ing' .art of his hit la t Week ,Messrs. Duucan p" ten once. church recent! raduated with the re• Wingham, July 20th, 1802. Stewart and T os: Peers shipped by G. T, y g _ al roof to town ' --W 1s Brocltenshira has a lot of O!! R. sixty ]tea of choice fat cattle for the markable speedo 240 in Shorthand and Totleo 1 ditor of tit Trausa, plata, left on t t; Paintings, also.a few Beautiful Artot ed r 89 in Typewritin For any information 11ergtts, etc, on Wt, vP s European rna kat --farcy going •td T,iver. Doer Sir --I last weeks issue of your which 110 IS Selling very cheap. I h"ave a pool and two and catalogue app to Luria, representing large* stock of Atouldina ou hand, mud I am P y to Aberdeen Scotland, ,peeper the;ilio challenge was issued to ki g • . th A.L. GALIIRAITii. Foundry Co Toren ma lu„ •i'icturo I'rarnes to ordar.'_•Pha- use were particularly tine lot and fife Rovers, ut a typographical error y tography in all its branches from rrliilia• should do rna h to enhance tho roputation nappeniu$, as to Lila data of accepting file call on Weeinesday..,t tures to life size, Call and see what 111aJe both of tbis istrict as an excellent beef Montreal eouiy>EForatd. chalionga, th Rovers used this as a means Blyth, Were visiting a when in town, iV F B1loorsNszunl:. producer, an that of the above named :Cha Trow propri ors of the Montreal of bre%king ut s,vd not accepting it. week..Judge Doyle, Beaver Block, Wingham. gentlemen its oalers is the best to be livid. 11'eskly Herald have esolved upon making They were i ormed time and it -mill that town on Wednesday - -At the regular m sting of Anchor of --We clip t a followingfrom last Thurs. that paper a first elmas one in every re- it was, a mi atte And whmt the correct of Sarnia, was visitin Hope Lodge, 10 G T, uTuesday last, the day's, Globe ;= 'he will of the late John G, spect. Tq. enable them to do this they date was, bu no they would not play os;, `this'iueek,.Mr Arai following officers wet, appointed for the Iiolme� was filed yi aterday fdk, the es• have provided fo ample capital and an ceps on their wu grounds. In playing a was in town a fete da ensuing; term : C ',C, B Elliott; P C T eoutor, Tho as Holmes, The property 'entirely new and r oderb plant and are match of a , killo ttr monoy, the compe't� now Sentinel. Mr a' Wm tend; 'V T, M sg 'V" Rush ; It S, 1�' amounted to !early 618;000; ttUti is pafdt'tb now turning Out o e of tho haudaomest ing teams ti or plaq oil either's grauuds VC�in�+itt my spent a Ellis; F S, R B i1 eGpe ; T', Miss L .have been til result of ,filo; protn sing weekly papers in auadtt, To introduce but alwaya hoosie an outside plate. Why filen, "t;1n the villi FVatelier; Chap, Ja McAlpine; M, O young herr; ergs three :,yt<arrr' practice. this flno weekly ate to give every dweller then caun the Hovers do ibis 7 Aro they ;'Maw Titi iirtin, of Detre Johnston :;. tiiaitl,'. :11 Russell ; S, I; ,103d -ad - r The will was town 16 'slitl�ttiy,1890, and in the opp • bility to become ae. timid and traid to go away from home i.• ,this Week,. M !'Tart, G !)swoon.,, leaves All the rtporty to•ti�fatber, Thos, qualnted,wlth it, t ey are offering to send Thou, agai they talk of playing a retarty. loy, Visiting -AhtiiiE o'clock a Tuesday:i►> ger. Holmos of Wi gham, -Ont,, ,,and after his It fro,14 how till to end �of the !;resent M940h for „;t hest one player! between the " this week.. Mr , ;soon lir „ out in the new +banis of death for •tatty obter:r; Mary Lavinia and year outs, To get the reading of .tWd 43 w 4kow, 1 Wish to make this on a visit to his p€ Hatuilton, used 'by' 1e explosion of a, 'Margaret fret !Jt equal shame:' Bush.. at as a YG"aakly Tl'eralelfor alp ;paint Clea alta Gedarvllle hovers play lNtr and Mra It Kenn coal oil stove which tv being used for The .property escribed its follows ice- 10081.. six the or the triflo of 25 cents 'ed in iVln lulu oil May 24th, they did not I onnedy, of A'` w yc heating oil. The fire did considerable Household got , books and law library, is on bliltor ty t at may not scour again May with lie Ivingltatrt team and even if the guests of Roeve 1 damage, in the first flight but the two top 1)800 ; book deb promissory notes and ' hn a lift: tit'abi, T. address is Thr. Mont. they had ey could stat expoot a return past wook,. Mr Prect flights are not at all amttged. About one-half in r in firm, $1,800 -, life In. f real .t7't»rtdd'Vgcr,; 6 saver 110,11 Hill Mont• !match, as t was trot a friendly nhatoh but speh� ca`i�tiday in Ex every palm of glees in th first flee $ t Ivas surettioo; tartlfioatt of deposit, real. a match f, r a ptlzo, offend by an orgauisy Ha** of Aineardine Crracked by the heat, Tei icer is estirnatn $6,600; Cittr�iu nd, 250 ; t non in bank, 13atYtplo copier' r tuspoOtion are sant: hitlon ha tiotknrutg to da taitb the Wing- in tOWU this weals b at t11,11tl0 itosmre+l in tke limix. 46,450; !rani art , $1,000; 017,916.Bred of ahafgo, 1%kca slab Shorbly kher tbta a frierrdlq vinitixtlf ikiiettdw In Tc y It ha Wiugham This was cert atoll, and did t week or two, it ru match was :G i park oil cooit receive half 1, zits Mo. This was do a return mat0h. r heard Cf such were beaten in be think they cal t am; 'Vow, after I erted a report tl Wiugliam,elub, a 4er's grounds, I i'ellce the challeu; ie any desire to p] k up, what they as ;s. This will de'cl tyers and show k of afraid to,00, to sea the mat ly date. I remain, the Win -ham CI has been work! re a number of yea I Monday, where situation.. Mr J JIMES a friendly Oa. Messrs William an 4a, Manitoba, at their mother, siste tort Limb. they re Eat country, Mr an ingeville, were visit. this week -.,Mrs er, returned ha& I extended visit.,t t, Blenheim, Wood Ire R Elliott return- "day,, eturn-"day,. after a thre S in Brantford.,Mr arlin, was visiting week, .Mr W H vie. was visiting under this week..MrsDr pton; !sat present Urs John Neelands. Sparling and fami)y' Ivronday last for they intend spend Mr Charles Loyd, isiness, Tuesday,. istowel, is visiting present. •Mr Wm better known as a Pew days this ay, of Clinton, is n this week. • Miss town is visiting `. nd Bell,*rave this alias, of Detroit, holidays under,tlie at present.,Mr A ha;tham Business vacation in town. of Cargill, Arent cousins iii town.,.. Sadler, of this a1 mouth's visit to aces.. Mr and Mrs '. town, were visit - oro last iveek.. Air is spend- th* I y gave''x Iras a r and bfrs'Curtis,or Mr 6 Gracovolast Gode ich, was in [at, -M1 Job Law, in town a few days .ons, of Toronto, this week. -Luck. Mrs tuck - Airs XcGuire,of otv clays visiting e this weok. , Mrs t is visiting, friel5tis la Tena McDonald, wra J R Ulm. is, 1orone is home tints acid friends„ y and Mrs James •, N J, have boon nun, during the own,`of this town r.- M'isa Maggie visiting friends Lizzie Clarity is liptlwft