HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-22, Page 8lura db. Ire loclllcs at what is left, as well as men was matte for the a riduution c ?„ NeINDOO,rho amcuut elven. Lot us trace Glad's Air Itose in the eveift of his agoeptin, mercies Elam tho, time of our conversion the call, Mr MacQueen was oppolntei ^^^ laud thou iisk'-Wbat shall we' ireudaruuto I'te preside, Ntr Millar to preaeli, M the Lord for rill his benefits." Iii aIle of! Murray t0 address the illnistel, fti1 Ur last years spring sale of Dress our lealiete "•a penny a day for missious"! Ander•aon to address the congregation wile decided success, this year is recommended, as this gives a definite in'k±uplit;ti, Alr r`otttllerland iia (Iailic 'klavo thus fare gained largely upon stint to relueinber, a useful sung for. service i TlAe ditto of ineetinti to he fixed 'by thi •f' ores at 1801 and have again clearly and a constant reminder for daily prayer,' clerks An adjourned inrroting of thi We may find it necessary to. deny our..'Presbytery is to be held at Lueknow ori the great strength of our Dress solves some luxuries in order to do this. ilii Tuesday 26tli ii,st, at 1 p m s department—strength in size of if is estimated that if the money spent for i 6tltnding conrtnittees for the year werf k---11, the enormolis variety in range superfluities and luxurieain Christian lands 1j appointed as follows : Sabbath Obser• qualities, and pre-eminently in low were simply tithed it would bring into the vauct", Alessrs Atariay, G McKay, aur] Tees. To any who are yet unfamiliar Lord's treasury for Christian work not less h1 leltrinlle, r ith i Heir Preshvtery than $400,000,000. It i9 not simply it +'lders. State of religion, Messrs Ula the merits of our goods, We beg to question of money raising for present) Anders.,ii, Fairbairn, A7cQueen, and say: Itis at once a display of every needs but it becomes in our panda an eau- Sutherlrind, with their Presbytf ry 1511v idea,weave and color in Dress Goods, cative force influencirig the hearts of be• IE ld(-rs. Finan e, Alessrs McLennan, )tousle until tree will offerings or voluntary i 1IcI�ay, and MaeNabb, with their tv-e re the moeWes. -ani ztncl grade- love gifts will flow into the treasury as the I Preshytety Elders. Saltbath 'Schools, 've French novelties, -and fill grades fruit of labor and self denial. Then, again � Messrs Geddes, Law. rind Nlaloolm, Wn to the lowest prices. Upon nearly we Ditty try to induce others to join our with their Presbytery Elders. Tem- Wl these`lines special prices !lave been auxiliaries encouraging them to attend peranee, Messrs Iiart!y, Davidson, i Stevenson, and 1ltler, with their Ade fair this month and man ex either as members or visitors, Surely,the y members of our churches ought to be will- Presbytery Elders. llotue llissiotl, iargains are offeree) all along the line of fug to consecrate a least two ents a seek, ylessrs Ross, McQuarrie, �TCi3ae, and 4,Goods, we recommend this oceassion one flour a mouth and it few moments Forrest, with their Presbytery Elders. i:•nn excellent:one upon which to pur- every Sunday afternoon between the hours Superinteudenee of students, Messrs of five and six o'clock to supplicate the Gnd McLennan, iilcQuarrie, and Ross. ease the seasons supply of Dry Goods. I pP The first rained is convener in every sand and loot our fine shoes and gloves of missions for his blessing oil our work, ' ( Also, let us talk about his work. Being case. The Presbytery adjourned to e ask you to examine this speciality. entbused ourselves, let us do all in ouc inegt at Luchnow, oil Tuesday 26all pr.estabirshed.reputation willguarantee power to enthuse others. The thoroughly lust, at f p ill, j ?11 good. qualities and reasonable prices, consecrated and zealous member of on J one MAc1N Anil, Clerk. !teat feast for boys in inour ready made auxiliary will find many and various ways in which she can do service for Christ by 00 ROOK. othing this month. We ask you to in- asking God's spirit to suggest,prompt, SMITH—In Yin ham on Jul 16th the prom t Wingham, y � sects admire, and buy, at direct and ba wisdom and all that is Dec- wife of X.r John Smith, baggageman; a essar to them. 'There is a leaflet galled daCORN r. i y CosxYx—In Wingham, on July 18th, . H. MINDOD S. "That jlSissiouary Baby' who hada moths the wife of T?r Robt Cornyn, a son. who .so thoroughly understood her respou- DIED. sibility that although a very busy woman 7.'OES--In Culross, on July 14th, James (` • y� t ( y tj Tees aged 40 ears and 4 months. r C �1 zI� RIl� t�xttt C )ties a family a care for; 'except help" ." � y she said ,in the kitchen except the baby:' She still thought she must do something WINGHAM. MARKETS. WU:onAM, July 21; 1892 ''� --- Sire could not attend the auxiliary meet. Corrected l:y P. Dears, Produce Dealer. in and liad very limited means but she u=60 b"' 2 25 to 2 25 FRIDA1. JULY 22, 189. Fall Whentper bushel, 70 to 72 cencluded to try and do a little by writing IrIng 70 to 72 _ — out as y invitation each mouth to ever Oats, - - 27 to 28 Burley 30 to 90 member urging.tbem to attend. Un each peas, 50 to 56 (CONTINUED Frtohl FIRST PAGE.). Butter, tub 13 to 13 card she wrote an appropriate verse of do haus, 12 to 12 'nth for tby poesession." •'q wouderouis scripture. Through her silent influence rood perlcord, 1.50 to 1 75 }ver of prayer I We may also circulate , Hay per ton, oleM s oo to u 50 as one of the scattered helpers, ' the mem• asionary literature. What our people Vay per ton, icaw,. - 4 00 to 4 50 d ibete became more regular in their attend- Potatoes, 15 to 20 is enlightenment. It is with mis= + auce and the genera.) interest in missions nary work as with everything else,thoae increased. Let us bey willing to do what - 0 itnorr )Exits, care little; give little. A ever is uearest us. Tke world Iles before NOTICE. TO CREDITORS. tlemao .vvas .Duce asked to pray for us over which Christ wept and for which ran, He answered, "How can I pray Christ died. Let us seek to know some. In the, matter veInglis & Co., ciTthe Town that about which 1 know nothing." We of Wingbam,, in the County sd Huron, thing of the sorrow which weig-bed our Woollen ManiiPaeturers. st deluge the 'church with missionary Master down in Gethsemane's moonlit ° f=lligeuce, let in the light,give the peopleNotice is hereby 1p:aen that the above -:named fn garden aud.seek also to become emmbned solvents have nnade•an assignment to me,.nudor the d pictures, figures and filets, There Isprovisions of R, S. O: 1837, chapter 124, arra amend - with His spirit and to realize the im�brt- ing Acts, for the benefit of alt their creditors. hixg more'thrfllinOy interesting than auce of the work in which we are engagedA meeting of the Cfeditors of the said Dwolvents ie missives from afar. Neal Dow amid wilt be held at my odice, in the said Town of \Ping• as co-workers with Him. ham, on Monday, tha.dtb day of ,hilt', at ofelock ill tt reference to the' Maine Liquor Law, the afternoon, fortho-appointmentof Inspeatorsand i e must sow the state knee deep with ."U to sound out the tidings of pardon,, the giving of dircctkbns for the dispomb of the I From:a risen Bedeemer and friend estate. nature. This is. eminently true of mis- , All.creditos are reopired to ille :their claiias with C, for hearts and hands eager, o erhowinr�, me (as directed by the. statute) before the 10 day of lary work. �Ve can never feel an in- -The tidings—the tid:ngi,," to seud I August, 1892. After lvhreli said last niontioned day ist in any subject of which we know I shall distribute thesaid estate, having rsgwrd only For the Master, who holds in His keeping j tosuch claims as I sbat2 have. notice o, r nd 3 shall e or nothing, but as our knowledge not be responsible for the assets of said estate oil• r � Blessed homes•iu. this bright laud of Dural. any part thereof, to any person or persons whose "our -interest deepens. Let us, thetrt,I' Marks in rmany a well wattered garden. clams or claims shall not have beenfil-d. 31 we can to win all to an intelligent Joy, hope,gratttude bloom; sacred flowers.. f J.. A. MORTON, ASsi;{nee, . for the great cause of missions. Tlrerl And net less,. oyer the millions in tlarltuess j� Wingham P. Ot..0lit. 1 Day give of our means according as With, pitying lave, Le looks down r Dated 25th ,lune, 1811M., has prospered us. The spirit of mis. IDLO sad heathen homes, where lie hidden � IPF STR�LG1 �ERiiIES is the a frit of eharin all that we ' E tarrtofl!gLttlmetsh0�blidashin Hiscrowul ; R f F g I.Let me give you the testimony of a Through: the years, through the years.they t _ G P. Wells has noav for sale any giman k woman from the liberated South,,.: are coming,, ; Strange voices lois p•raases sing I Nty of Ripe Strawberries. They ca:im be Me poor mouton who have not a 1vho1' l; Asad fhali (have a part iu. the glory? bad at his resideizee on Centre street, I even half a loaf to share with• Shall your cr(man gleam with stars for �Gri`ngham, or at lu:is garden in Lower �-sisters in foreign lands, are sharing th9•Kiag? SYGarden. crust and ora ready to give them- t Is to this grand cause�and these colored , , }.ied�eemed t. made- an )sear of glory ! O soul, to tbat.clarion, lfespond ! Garden, pie-nfc or other parties w,1111e1e !en of the Southern States liave mis-• "Telll the newp L send thaglorious gospel Idsrge quantities stet required will be smp- t• four of the West Indian Islands Iz1mr hence—into, re tours beyond." I i�'' y )Oied at a reduced price. II1u n Sierra Leoue, yet these women are t M.. SELLEnY. Red, black and whAe•currants, cultiva- thirty years out of slavery. Some Presbyter of Maitland. ted raspberries andtother fruit and vege- ted will be for sale when in seasom think they cannot -afford to give. We me you cannot afford not to give- 'the Presbytery of 11a,itland 'met at Do not buy impaa<ted stub when: you any find ftdiCannttb make ends meet, Willahatn, July 12th. The Moderator's ztan got it grown a4 home and delivered we not owe something to others, w term of office imving expired, the Rev sea+.your house. Ia l£o to God which et cannot pay, to Mr Forrest, whose n:araii is next on the All orders left M my residence will be directly, but only to others, the roll, was appoiiolted .Moderator. X1 nprompt .ly attendofkto. l hthe poor, the heathen. How much Forrest, being aMst nt, Mr Davidson was requested to. � oec .py the chair. GED. P. Wn=..s. we?Godsayeonetcutla.p In giyiDg ww to Moses, the first mention of the, Elder's commission froi , Hiss session of 1 p� t�ppl�p��,/ ZETLANiD POMP WORKS. ,is rile simple statement "The tithe is. 1,eeawater cougrep�atioal was presented Gordon,in favor of Hy Joan Gsession I wish to Inthuat6:tb, the people of zet1bto •And Su'd's:' Not shall be, but is. There- records were exa aned and attested.. svrrroufiding countrva that. I have comnleaced,.the 26al,ufacture of alLliihds of f e 'day the tenth for the same reason Intimation war; roeeived from the we keep the Sabbath, because it is clerk of the G;,enera,l, Assembly, that. ; EE �OON PUMPS., s law. In Malachi 32nd chap.„ 8th the Presbytery's application in behalf' rth verses, it is said: "Will a inau rob of Rev Dutr¢an rlavi:dsolz for )onus to and can supply tlieut,on the shortest hoti3e Y het yc: h tVe rbbbed nle. BliC y e oily retire from. the active work of the ( Will Also beirmaz los;tion to'su It Iron,audForco Pumps to ordem, L ply Y gin have we robbed thee.? In tithes ministry and to have, leis namelaced f p Itepa icing n4lrind ed to. Prfees reasonable, sfferlugis. Ya are curled with a curse;, oil tile list of antAtants, on the agp6l JOHN, PEI.TON. slavers •even thiswholenati:ou." tttlid � infirm, minis'ter's fund, )tad beou. 2utland, a 1g 5th,1b93. roatwl ito *a- 0 take this chapter and f;ratuted. The clerk reported that 1>e--- ,earefv!lyland prayerfully it) private• httd given. a preallyter•ial Certificatt� to Who )have ever tried; paying the tenth Rev G 33 Howie, Ph 33, at Isis regrlset, � k4fivrum in their testimony that Gad's The cltitit reported that Langslde oott•. kW rests upon their temporal affairs. gregatiot, Waft titlpplipd by Alr'F, i19wc-I ` mit the inestimably greater impar- E enaie, B A, 'l'fie Presytery gcil:`ved `sh+f the spiritual blos:iiug-.s that flow to apply to the H A 0, for a OnDt of tel follow honoring Qod with one $ 2 per Sabl,alh for Latigsido. ° A Galt g, Outside of the tenth we behevs from the cotgrouation of AslifSeld in ivs nxcording as God has fates• in IV favour of Rev John ROSS, of Why- ua then consider this quer- oocotnaif, Cape Breton', N 8, Wilk SLis-, giving inits relation to aur mia-1 tained. The Ball• is unallinlsis and work. Let us give into our cordial signed by 814. Stepin , to lib rally as possible and its give ( promised 1$ $800 atlnultll , with firtl'ts. before God. Ask Him not usd of Manse and glebn find ten 00 �. salvatiow of our •families but of Iatid. They l.tov A Sutherland,. d. May we ito abound in this Fairly was appointed to prosy -dote Ethe tt will be stsia ,,she hath dome; call before this Presbytery of Vi, fiiararl4," 'Tho Lord counts nolo- ao l And Riahmond. Provioutil• [lI `HARNES&AND GOLLARS.AF H vin bought ut'th•e•'Ar{ibler Harness Iiusinesa and started in his old atand, l & g.b. g Q .I am prepared to furufsh the• tubba) with overythirig usually kept in It liaryess shop, such .rile . ,• ' j' HEAVY, LIG11T and TRAM HARNESS, e�y NE'T'S, DUSTERS, W H IPS, CURRY COAT BS, BRU$RES,' SWEA7'00MARS, r !Mh TRUNIfS, VAILISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &o., &C. I make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction, Give me a trial and I will use you right. G-_ A_ N"EWr_r0W_ GEOn E. KING BLEARING SALE OF- ALL-SUMMER F ALL SUMMER GOODS DRESS GOODS, 1'RIl` TS, MUSLINS, DELAINES, •DELAINETTES, BUNTINGS, GRENADINES, BEND ALINES, &c. All must go at Clearing Prices. Beans, Fork, at 8 cts•, &c. FURNITURE DELIVERED .FREE. Not only camyou buy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Latsnges;Mattrasses' Chairs, Ta81es, &c., cheap, but when, bought, in quantiiiiies they will be delivered and settip in your homes free;, anywhere within 10 miles oft Wingham. PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS. I have made•srraitgenients with one of the best artists in the Doniinion for doing Portrait 1%large- ments (any size)3- Air•Brush, india Luk and Water Colors Before giving your order to anyone for such call at my store, ave samples and get prices for the very best. PICTURE FRAMING. Ali styles and rttid4 of Picture and wreath Frames rAde to order, Lots of Lfoaldings to choose from. UNDERTAKING. Notwithstandfowall the opposition in this line, I am still here in Wingham prepared to do as I have been doing for the pst4en years. S_ G-R.•__CE Sr, WAY 13, 1892 Undertaker and furniture Dealer. WINGIHA n GARBLE WORKS.- � MESS eI . VANSTONE BROS., of I{incardi loglty a bought the Marblo,Dusiness of Mr T T Watson, formoslycarried on by W Sinyth. Parties requirluX,work in their line wiH dowell by calling on tnem or secing one of their agents before purchasing. You miRfind our prices are away down slur R'Orlimansliip is unsurpassed. tun hill rise none but the very best stuck and by square dealfnz hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage. Mr T T Watson, w,ao has been running the business for the past year, will representr,us on the road. Call an16e our stock and prices. VANSTOriE BROS. M 1'elW­ L I N E R Y MISS A. BOYD."�`� Wish0s to inAimate to the ladies of Wingham and andd surrounding country that. -op stock of SP1NG AND SUMMER MILLINERY has been received and opened up, consisting of Pattern Hats and. Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, laces,, Ribbons, Chii%n Laces, Gauzes, &e. The-atouk in well assorted and eontaiuus e,11 the fashionable styles for this year, ^t`T �•�i �-�ay �y C .Com. ..f..V V� ' ids-" 0 0 ID S A large stock on iiatfr',.ciorr posed of CHINELLP, CORDS FANCY 0,HI A SILIM •TASSELS, FELTS, EMBROIDERY SIT XS, I'luOSELS, WASHING SILTS, RIEBBONSIis IN, MANTLE. LEPAR'IMENT. The Mautlo It varied assortment of M ! NTLE CLO`1'115, SXLKS, SATINS, SATIN BROCADES YLUSIi +-'S;, V:r1,LV81TS, . &c, to t✓lrcose fl -OM.' M. ANTIlt MAXING A S at.I+`itt L(tttst Styles. $tetfllpifig one to Order. An inApection furilted. llerpember the plaoo-••First door north of a.'a. r4unshaw's jewolry store, Yr f y pill 21,'.i•riW. n o , . 1-