HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-22, Page 7ret+•one for what elata waii doing, and Life Would be IwQprrfer. Iaeslrto to be ra z#� e�liai x. aft _. ,.,.. .m.,._ Elie were. ontil;el satisfgotor to her TRADS SA 4• . li, TXXX'yA zf love y!4 not hind. People �vlto have ileal! bolstered ud paranta, Rlso. Shr was Svillip to iN4 Trains arrive and dvtrar� w follotvr; llur new lovex--atkhough hs ol4ltul�d,' If q were .114atteded all their lives ars Beldam gaol for t,qy. hest-INCO If RitYy wets .>lnliriawn,� tilting in a crixis, t'114n misfortune "" " r0b a. in ° NQr oro„to ...,.. 4140, to be an old One --aft opportuniq It oreed slid teat foster feotif►tz, comae they look raFlnd dor aotnebod al p t” " , . t^orroeBsatar....� to prove, in that way, the sincerity � Ta oenoral alerchaots and 400E land hhtao stores, 1o;5ap p. rn If cooks were more tluYnerotle, It glitlg to or le4n .upon, Once down "ConnkEoln wltlf inY Leather snslneas t keep a ...T_ geld strength of his affection. If livers nover got out of order. � they pre utterly 1+elpless, and cttu L, n� �r �� `� tr'o W��� Again the trial came on, !!na bit g +•�H�.lIN, 1 i `�, rveet o• $Ti3ATf(AI E, AUXANT, iY3lFp. If }voFtlailklllcl was not s0 fielilri. never find their feet a ain without Throughtickotstosi! points In Alnarf �'rbtawin svVore more pointedly than If worth were gitt above wealth, i >Ai;sisttiuce. Such aTilketl £eltaws F,O FIathgwaY, lyhltmoee'a La PoPu, 4elfla C° ast, etc" Jd" tho shoo ever kllitt IIP, liaa IleYer S4vAn the de- > olipae, #3lxba''s, PCKleet lifd�� p� in 14chtArOsstng, destlrration, Lowest freightl'at4stogll 1f duty were worshiped like baputy, more reseTft)tte self trade men who ares, by the ureas Or dozen. it,t10, 15 aniaenet° '"�—^*TiM� TileLZ. fendeot any authority, weittea or If politicos conferred honors iaetsa. [lave .fou lit their way to osiklan Inali- f3iaakingand Gray'selint-ly4terptoot. Aualvx,t s y p 4#Ava 7vl�affAli. verbal, to Sip his name to that guar- 17 yam.Toronl«q,Rtlell�h,I'atgtoratort,Aso; of spoils, lilg dithcu[tirs their stf•},piny'r+ stintes antes. ^ . 3.46 p,nt �' . Clinton +. If there was njore laughing and less and dariving determination from de- t'=t `• . t'ainlcrston, Mixed. The dt r@!!dent being tile!! called, ri s:4sa,m tgn,ton,c..,......, siohinl;, feat, than bushes resomble o,ka - ' + s45P,m.,,,,�,. atiirmea what he ltttd said at file for. It is nowise to delttvr, rr 3:4op,m oardino,&o ...,,, If dyspepsia had been otuitted flea! t youil men In Leather, HeraehldD, Eggllah Hip, porpoise, &o, zq.140P lri1 frt4. Mei' trial, Stating that the letter ,hall " Cotton and !lisle, d nEngliths. p" Elle !tat of ills, of the adMAIIge3 which result, from , Mutton fasteners and setts, pork soles, &c, 1)een �Ost. energetic action 1, 1, But it has been found at 'last he 'If bables. slept• quietly untie the g y oostinl; olein ovf:r —'- Scientltla At ' Malkin and talking period, obstacles which they ought to bf. able SHOE LEATHER Agency added, drawing the letter, from his g n to surmount alnAe, Aid a ni pocket 0.A([ placing it on the clerk's If thiPvt s could be convinced that all i•c pt' Sinton Ahtta, Etat and Ql end hfazzonia Iii and Caif ; learn to swill, well wilt) , ala00411.v,kipand upper. spuDish an slaughter desk. they will slue Lo found cut. plaie t d itis solo. Q4t whole eonlidenue iu a cork jiieket I thisWas this writleA by you 1 said the CONSUMPTIONCURVID. .fudge, taking the letter and exhibiting Ail old ,h slclan retired (min assistance Illav be of atilVatitA' @ for h I Y r practiea, !Eating HAHNEHH LEATHER C�V� v had placed of his hands by an Last India iutasionary few lessons, but lie w•lio w Illd leskril f DB A0 PA ]t t0 NIr Goldwin, who regarded it for the formula of a sits-\-ogctablo remedy for the Best brands on hand In ogle asst hc,uiocls, ,poria pPYRR�.1H a tI141riellt in. blank dismay, dna tl►el i sl?G4dY al)d.l?9rnlailenteuro of C.ousutnption, Talon• t0 care for himself inust cart a:iclr all stocic for traces in Oak. y ostitis, ns, arh,Aathmaand all throat and Lung SL1CIt su 01'tc. ° Forinf MMttonandfree Hnudboekttr bIU�t4 & 40, 361 Bnanvr*Al , NEw ;Said Affections, also n l�ositiv0 and radical cure for 1'1? Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A postal bides bureau toF securing patents 1t} Nervous Debility till'NOrt ons Cotitplalnte, after n tit, o card will secure gantrttrihft pr h Siill trgm ut tr I990ry VIA taken taken out by us a is in L + h having tested its wonderful curative powers In yoitnr, men, ori{, strew Elie;; `211;' 1PC, 141 v1' thopubllobyanottcegiveufreegfoh Yes,it does appeal to be my Wliting thousands of cases, ha. has foltithis duty totualiait moral anra mental facptS?NA had forgotten all about it, kno,vn'tohis deice t 'relieve. Actuated by this 1 R3 ya „ J. CHAPI�IIAN � olfifi; �� n tnot,veanda $cent, to relieve but sttlferinn, I would strengtltelz y0pl' 11I11oi;'a, 4 A somewhat unreliable memer , tile. "'ill send free of chatge, to all who desire It, this virnorous ex6cisp. Learn to coil uer ( i 6 ,l' recipe, ht tierinAn. Preneh or' English, with fun Q Largest clrculatioa of any SCiCntiflo pa judge remarked. directions tot- preparing and using. Sent by mail by circumstances unaided by othors, and 'fanner and Leather 11Mezellant world. 3 lend[$! illustrated. No l address h)g with stamp naming this paper. W. A. L� , �M8arl eboa d be w thou[ it. 'W'eeklY N11"I $lePC'Yel9flleeli Itgch 4ter N Y you will til ep Yql Jude @p4lellb. 1VZ\GFIA31• 1t� LIBIIE S , ontLa. dress W, A few moments m0!'@ OIOSed the g, i t r s :l R , F3roadway.NO rort6 case, and a verdict of acquitted which, A tank poilito lidilmbawfud when Al11111 'under the circumstances, meant a mean -6 010 most miscliidf. It has many 11=41111 e 'OIfTHE E�4TALTl�' triumphant vindication against a false human ii ligators.--2'cxas °ii iitl 3: CUR g WHERE . I:tesGoo . f )9ost cough Syrup. Tastes Good. t7¢e -and cruel charge, was rendered, Mr That you ug' 1rh13ow.!a the yachtilid' fia�i in t me. sold by .rugglats. -Halborson. immediately received the —Ts he a yachtslXyii a ? No, just a Woe- + n 'warin congratulations of his friends, man,-'Iml1anelolat Jo,?&Na1. � CLOTHE,...' (n 'j''j�I' �` Al,JTED & SCOTT ,�.;.! jJE„�p j, j. 1„'11 in which t1lo jury and Peery member Monthly'Fxf2e6 for RQSyf atnd 614s. Of the court united. The "Sunlight,, $cap Co., Toronto, odor the i^t Iotviug prizes every tnonth till furthet notice, to •-�-�—�-;-y A few weeks later there was a boys and girls under le, residhte In the Province of y� ~.4= GO GO TO Ontario, who send the '•reattst number or ••gun. ? -- pleasant and joyful entertainment, at light" wrappers: 1st q10; >nd„ u; 3rd—y0, 4th, 'y�f 61; 6th to 14th, flandson,o Book; and a pretty ti . lliidham, �Ilt. the house of lblr Halborson, Theis picture to Lhose who send not toga than 12 wrnppars. J(188phlne _Street ' Send arappetsto' Sunlight" Snap Ultice, 43 Scott marriage of his daughter Susie to one St., Toronto,'uOt laitet than 30th of each tnonth, and f, A, IFALs9Ntl, "j'� J. W. ScoT'r, markt$ "Cbmpatitloa also give fait nauto, ad. } Listoweh who had no fear that IItS Own (;OOd WEB ERS dress, age and mmnber of ,vrti \V' >ETottnt t�orost } pps rs. uners names w,ll'be published in the TorontoStall oil first 3lame, or the honor of !tile family, Saturday fn Da("h month. Dep6gliLf� iIGi81V9d and xY1L.9rest even!$ be damaged by that alliance. • I don't see, Said Aunt Sary, why they sallowed- HATS) Nor had he afterwards any reason to should want adivorce --their tempers are lyj - CAPS, SHIRTS� ,apprehend a result of that sort. entirely combatible.—Columbus Post, oneY ACTMAnCed to FsrtneTs and mistime, n e d (OOLLARS C17 ° ' , As for stock speculations, it'Tr Taal- The woman you would call a poem i on long or short time, on endorse 3 notes +boisoil dropped them forever; and lie not the woman you would call ill the or collateral security, Sale notes bought ,wasnever afterward known to ac- morning to kindle the breakfast fire and a a air valuation. Money rernittet I to all f•y4_ �a� n�� ����� 1 fl' the sla asks. parts of Canada at reasonable obarpf, 's Vjj z comodate anyone, w,y writing his name I y pt _ , -for him, unless a formal and legal 1 • A.Ch4a saved- Special .A.ttentlon Given to C, ol- —AT -- authority for doiq; so accompanied the My'littlo boy was take!, very ba with lecting Accounts and Nates. m 7�i t signature. diarrhoea, he was very -delicate acid of so Jl L� f I ►� low we lead no hope of his life, but a lady ---- friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Extraot '4�oate in Canada Morohants•'8anlr! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS,—Weakness and of Wild atrawbarry, and although he could of, Canada--- Debility,—Unless the blood be kept only bear a fCw drops at a time lie got well. OlaeC,13ours—k'roat,a a. itt. t0 5 p it saved my child. in a pare state,, the constittition must NJIM IV.% Srawani, oAmpbellville, Ont, A. E. SMITH, E)toves,Stoves,"Sto^'bo weakeut:d and dist•ase supervene, Agertt, These wonderful Pills possess the Spatts—Do you think New York city , power of neutralising and removinn is entitled to be called a watering place? - contaminations of the blood and sys- Bluebutup—Why not? Isn't Jay Gould's tem generally, They quietly put cer- ioliice in that city? � tainly overcome all obstructions tend. I Some of the troaserings exhibited in )rrV W pp' LZR 7!i ing to produce ill -health, and institue windows of tale importing tailor are so A . k regular actions in organs that are faulty from loud that you can almost hear them pant, WILD r derangement- or debility. Ar"The dyspeptic, weak and nervous may Rapid Relief. � �� J rely on these Pills its their best friends DL,trl .S'Ias,—! hitd for years been troubi- COs and comforters. They cimprove the ed with dyspepsia, and sick headache,. and / CURE: S found but little relief until I tried your appetite and thoroughly invigorate the Burdock Blood Bitterg, which made aper- �d,� � ' digestive apparatus. Holloway's feet cure. It is the beat medicine I ever �� ~ Pills have long, been known to be the lead in my life, and I will never be without � surest preventives of liver complaints, it' adt:TTIL DAYze, p �'O E:RORBUS° a, dreadful dropsies, spasms, colic, coil- Clinton, out. CHH SRA-- %} = stipation, and many other diseases Mrs.Hinkleyhasi~ us�tbuziedjlerseventh ��,���+ p always hovering round the feeble and husband. She is going to have Last but �,,! ,0140 Ry, infirm. not least engraved upon the headstone. / pn"M r �j j' What Pleases a WWomau. She ought to have We Are Seven on AuoALL �0 Gam"' "P," AIN , Ili pleases her to be coiled a sensible it UMM of 1 little ivon�an• A bloominn, Shaine --a rule blossotrt. ECV 0''p►D fLTS. It 1@ries her to be called a well. ~Bosto>t cmfrier, CHLILDR e 3 cTs S. - p 1 ADVICH To alointsaS -Arc you at fill a at tit •ht o IN/ ° dressed worn an, and broker. of your rear by a sink child at tt'cring t rd eEWAR F All intending urehasers crying ,vit[i pain of Cuttin Tooth ? fl o send at. I pleases !ler to be told that gh,l is once and get , bottle oP 'r\Iis.lVinalow' Soothing Syrup for Children .roctbtng, Its values incatnu• .A ,A)f 'stoves for dangerously fascinating a t It will re [CIO the poor little suIforor , winter will save money by buying fri,-)I . b' immediatofy Depond upon It, utothers; t ere Is uo Hr4�i/E YOU Julateke about it, It cures T)ysentery and iarrhma, It pleases her t0 depend oil some regulates the Stornachand Botrels.curavwl $Colic + man and pretend she is ruling him. It pleases her to be told that she improves a man by her companion- ship, It pleased her to be treated court, • eously and with respect, and talked to reasonably, It pleases her to be treated sensibly and honestly, to be eonsulted and questioned and not to be treated as it 1 butterfly, with vo,head, no heart, t It pleases ilei to be loved and ad. ,1 ° f mired by a man who is strong enough p to rule and subdue 'tier and iliaIto 116 Way her, way; - to lead her find hike t ° Cake of leer.-•'-11121sic and Drama. Via onjy_uotauedy, F G/" Ps NL''1� k;N TL ,.•�.1 !lave used Bardaok "t + Blood $ittets for tiny blood and for Mde VA out a of n y case. , isthea 61yralut ytfr l 8, cooule #nA to•help me, u, u14Ctas t tit itrli ti, Tretitou, oat. a Is kd gi,•og ht WI`ti h'-WI` is �f .e of it es in rugg d -S cents a uott:e. tie sure and asst for "Alas, wt:rst,Ow's iOOTWN* St'q^n. ,End take no ntitnr kind Do canter—Is there any sure wily of yelling the ago of a horse? Do Trotter•-•- tes. Ask the dealor and multiply by two, .1.. Cavell, Toronto, Travelling pas- enger Agent, C, P. R., rays : Auti•Dan- !lute is a perfect remover of Dandruff••{ -its ction is tuarvellous--in m;y own case a, ea, applications not only thoronglay ra.' xoved excessive dandruff aceumulxt-lou, """'o falling It the hair, rude it Oft and I:liable ane'► promoted a visible rocvth-. %et roe have tit five pleilkM I Want y go' to, it church social, wily, it's free YOU don't ami sirs Then yatt'd bet lr let nice' have lz ten. h.Ard, D. -SUTHERLANDi Having bought a very large variety of r... r.r o to choose from Even stove ,guaranteed, against breakage give complete satisfaetiou. D. StJTR19RLA1vD. Uctobar �tll 11391. tem generally, They quietly put cer- ioliice in that city? � tainly overcome all obstructions tend. I Some of the troaserings exhibited in )rrV W pp' LZR 7!i ing to produce ill -health, and institue windows of tale importing tailor are so A . k regular actions in organs that are faulty from loud that you can almost hear them pant, WILD r derangement- or debility. Ar"The dyspeptic, weak and nervous may Rapid Relief. � �� J rely on these Pills its their best friends DL,trl .S'Ias,—! hitd for years been troubi- COs and comforters. They cimprove the ed with dyspepsia, and sick headache,. and / CURE: S found but little relief until I tried your appetite and thoroughly invigorate the Burdock Blood Bitterg, which made aper- �d,� � ' digestive apparatus. Holloway's feet cure. It is the beat medicine I ever �� ~ Pills have long, been known to be the lead in my life, and I will never be without � surest preventives of liver complaints, it' adt:TTIL DAYze, p �'O E:RORBUS° a, dreadful dropsies, spasms, colic, coil- Clinton, out. CHH SRA-- %} = stipation, and many other diseases Mrs.Hinkleyhasi~ us�tbuziedjlerseventh ��,���+ p always hovering round the feeble and husband. She is going to have Last but �,,! ,0140 Ry, infirm. not least engraved upon the headstone. / pn"M r �j j' What Pleases a WWomau. She ought to have We Are Seven on AuoALL �0 Gam"' "P," AIN , Ili pleases her to be coiled a sensible it UMM of 1 little ivon�an• A bloominn, Shaine --a rule blossotrt. ECV 0''p►D fLTS. It 1@ries her to be called a well. ~Bosto>t cmfrier, CHLILDR e 3 cTs S. - p 1 ADVICH To alointsaS -Arc you at fill a at tit •ht o IN/ ° dressed worn an, and broker. of your rear by a sink child at tt'cring t rd eEWAR F All intending urehasers crying ,vit[i pain of Cuttin Tooth ? fl o send at. I pleases !ler to be told that gh,l is once and get , bottle oP 'r\Iis.lVinalow' Soothing Syrup for Children .roctbtng, Its values incatnu• .A ,A)f 'stoves for dangerously fascinating a t It will re [CIO the poor little suIforor , winter will save money by buying fri,-)I . b' immediatofy Depond upon It, utothers; t ere Is uo Hr4�i/E YOU Julateke about it, It cures T)ysentery and iarrhma, It pleases her t0 depend oil some regulates the Stornachand Botrels.curavwl $Colic + man and pretend she is ruling him. It pleases her to be told that she improves a man by her companion- ship, It pleased her to be treated court, • eously and with respect, and talked to reasonably, It pleases her to be treated sensibly and honestly, to be eonsulted and questioned and not to be treated as it 1 butterfly, with vo,head, no heart, t It pleases ilei to be loved and ad. ,1 ° f mired by a man who is strong enough p to rule and subdue 'tier and iliaIto 116 Way her, way; - to lead her find hike t ° Cake of leer.-•'-11121sic and Drama. Via onjy_uotauedy, F G/" Ps NL''1� k;N TL ,.•�.1 !lave used Bardaok "t + Blood $ittets for tiny blood and for Mde VA out a of n y case. , isthea 61yralut ytfr l 8, cooule #nA to•help me, u, u14Ctas t tit itrli ti, Tretitou, oat. a Is kd gi,•og ht WI`ti h'-WI` is �f .e of it es in rugg d -S cents a uott:e. tie sure and asst for "Alas, wt:rst,Ow's iOOTWN* St'q^n. ,End take no ntitnr kind Do canter—Is there any sure wily of yelling the ago of a horse? Do Trotter•-•- tes. Ask the dealor and multiply by two, .1.. Cavell, Toronto, Travelling pas- enger Agent, C, P. R., rays : Auti•Dan- !lute is a perfect remover of Dandruff••{ -its ction is tuarvellous--in m;y own case a, ea, applications not only thoronglay ra.' xoved excessive dandruff aceumulxt-lou, """'o falling It the hair, rude it Oft and I:liable ane'► promoted a visible rocvth-. %et roe have tit five pleilkM I Want y go' to, it church social, wily, it's free YOU don't ami sirs Then yatt'd bet lr let nice' have lz ten. h.Ard, D. -SUTHERLANDi Having bought a very large variety of r... r.r o to choose from Even stove ,guaranteed, against breakage give complete satisfaetiou. D. StJTR19RLA1vD. Uctobar �tll 11391. ,A)f 'stoves for dangerously fascinating a t It will re [CIO the poor little suIforor , winter will save money by buying fri,-)I . b' immediatofy Depond upon It, utothers; t ere Is uo Hr4�i/E YOU Julateke about it, It cures T)ysentery and iarrhma, It pleases her t0 depend oil some regulates the Stornachand Botrels.curavwl $Colic + man and pretend she is ruling him. It pleases her to be told that she improves a man by her companion- ship, It pleased her to be treated court, • eously and with respect, and talked to reasonably, It pleases her to be treated sensibly and honestly, to be eonsulted and questioned and not to be treated as it 1 butterfly, with vo,head, no heart, t It pleases ilei to be loved and ad. ,1 ° f mired by a man who is strong enough p to rule and subdue 'tier and iliaIto 116 Way her, way; - to lead her find hike t ° Cake of leer.-•'-11121sic and Drama. Via onjy_uotauedy, F G/" Ps NL''1� k;N TL ,.•�.1 !lave used Bardaok "t + Blood $ittets for tiny blood and for Mde VA out a of n y case. , isthea 61yralut ytfr l 8, cooule #nA to•help me, u, u14Ctas t tit itrli ti, Tretitou, oat. a Is kd gi,•og ht WI`ti h'-WI` is �f .e of it es in rugg d -S cents a uott:e. tie sure and asst for "Alas, wt:rst,Ow's iOOTWN* St'q^n. ,End take no ntitnr kind Do canter—Is there any sure wily of yelling the ago of a horse? Do Trotter•-•- tes. Ask the dealor and multiply by two, .1.. Cavell, Toronto, Travelling pas- enger Agent, C, P. R., rays : Auti•Dan- !lute is a perfect remover of Dandruff••{ -its ction is tuarvellous--in m;y own case a, ea, applications not only thoronglay ra.' xoved excessive dandruff aceumulxt-lou, """'o falling It the hair, rude it Oft and I:liable ane'► promoted a visible rocvth-. %et roe have tit five pleilkM I Want y go' to, it church social, wily, it's free YOU don't ami sirs Then yatt'd bet lr let nice' have lz ten. h.Ard, D. -SUTHERLANDi Having bought a very large variety of r... r.r o to choose from Even stove ,guaranteed, against breakage give complete satisfaetiou. D. StJTR19RLA1vD. Uctobar �tll 11391.