HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-08-17, Page 9REV. REMI J. DURAND Rev. Remi Joseph Durand, 74, of St. joseph's Roman Cath- olic Chqrch, Stratford, died in the rectory Saturday. lie was born in St. Joseph's Ont., the son of Remi Durand and the former Rachel Laporte. Father Durand served for may years as the Dublin parish priest. He resigned two years 11 ago to work as an associate pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Ordained in 1928, he had Veen pastor of churches in Brussels, Wingham, Harrow and Windsor. He is survived by five broth- ers,. Gilbert, of Leamington; Charles,'of Lansing, Mich.; John. of Detroit; Joseph of London; and Rev. Anthony, of Zufich, Ont. six, sisters, Mrs. Michael (Ver- oniCa) Havrigan, and Mrs,Maith- ew (Videll) Murphy of Detrpit; Mrs. Joseph (Mary) Hurley, of Stratford; Mrs. C. (Loretta) Hartlieb, of Kitchener; Mrs. Ar- o thur (Lenore) •Montpetit, of Mont- real; Sister Mary Rachel (Anne) of Chatham. The body was at theGingras funeral home where a service was held at 11 a.m. Monday. Removal was made to St. Patrick's Church, Dublin where • the body lay until 11 a.m. Tues- day when concelebrated mass was held. Burial followed in the church cemetery. BARRY A. HULLEY Barry Arthur Hulley, a res- ident of 1695 Boundary Road, Nanaimo, passed away on Satur- day, August 6, 1972, at the age of 18 years. Born at Seaforth, Ont., he came to Nanaimo two "t:1 years ago and was employed as a service station attendant. Barry received his early school- ing at Calgary, where he re- sided of 16 years, and in June, 1972 graduated from Nanaimo Senior Secondary School. He leaves to mourn his passing, besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bell, at home; a bro- ther, Larry, Nanaimo, two sisters, Miss BrendaHulIey,Nan- aim°, and Miss Connie Tinley, Red Deer: paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hulley, Clinton, Ont.; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. McCallum, Clinton, Ont.; uncles, aunts, cousins. Funeral services, Thursday, Aug. 10, 1972, at 3 p.m., from the Westwood Chapel of Flowers (Sands) with Rev. Peter New- berg of South Nanaimo Combined Congregation of United Church of Canada officiating. Ifiterment, Nanaimo Cemetery. People attending the funeral . from this area were 'Mr. and Mrs. John Glanville, Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glanville, Mitchell and Russell McCallum, Mitchell. - • 0 she was married in Henson in 1915 to Milton Stewart. The couple farmed in McKillop Town- ship until retiring to Seaforth in 1954: Mr. Stewart. died in 1962. For more than 50 years she had been a member of the Local Orange Lodge #712 and the Lodge• held, a service on Sunday evening. She was a mem- ber of Northside•United Church, Seaforth. The body was at the R. S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth. Funeral service was held Monday at 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Rev. M. E. Reuber assisted by Rev. J. C. Britton officiated. Burial followed in Maitlandbank Cemetery, Sea- forth. Pallbearers were, Arnold Scott, Max Carter, Russel Cole- man, Ross Gordon,Robert Tyn- dall and Wm. Campbell. Flower- bearers were Ross Murdle and • Arthur Wright. MICHAEL FRANCIS WILLIAMS The death occured inSeaforth Community Hospital. on Monday, August 7, 1972, of Michael Fran- cis Williams of R.R.#4,Seaforth. He was 66. Born in Hibbert he was a son of Mrs. Mary.williams, the for- mer Mary Walsh and of the late Patrick Williams. Following at- tendance at Dublin High School he farmed in Tuckersmith Twp. He is survived by his widow the former Pearl Catherine John- son to whom he was married at St. Colemban in 1934 and a daughter Joan, Mrs. Gary Bet- ties, Seaforth, and two sons, Joseph P. of Calgary and Ron- ald M. of Guelph. He is also survived by 8 grandchildren and by his mother, Mrs. Mary wil- Hams of Marion Villa, London. Mr. Williams is also survived by four sisters, Mrs. Margaret McMillan, Flint, Mich., Mary, Mrs. Wm. McMillan," Seaforth, Katherine, Mrs. Allan Heeney, Niagara Falls and Ann, Mrs. Al- lan Riches, Brantford and by five brothers, John of Florida, Dan- iel of Detroit, Frank, ,Dublin, Joseph of Flint, Mich. and Thom- as of . Dublin. The remains rested at the R.S.Box funeral home until 2 p.m. Thursday when a funeral seriice was conducted 'at . St. James Roman Catholic Church by Rev. H.J.Laragh. Pallbearers were Theo Mel- adV, Sylvester Flannery, Warden Haney, John Oldfield, Frank Nigh and Leonard Strong. Flowerbearers were Lloyd Haney, John Williams, Maurice Etue and Arthur Devereaux. In- terment was in St. James Ceme- tery. USE EXPOSITOR. WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 Two barns lost on Dykstra farm Loss • is estimated to be between -.$76,000 and $100,000 as the result, of a fire •kwhicir, levelled two large barns on the dairy farm of Leo Dykstra of R.R. 2, Clinton, Sunday after- noon' The farm, one of the largest dairy units in the area, is lo- cated on Highway 8, about six miles west of Clinton. It is believed at least fifteen calves were lost in the fire, the other twenty-five were rescued from the fire which is believed• to have started in the hay mow from combustion. Lois also includes the sea- son's hay crop, a 45-house power tractor, forage blower, silo =loader, manure spreader and other far m equipment. The sixty cows the family milks were taken to the farms of 'relatives and neighbours for milking. The fire, which broke out at noon on Subday, was too far ad- vanced for the Goderich Fir e Department to save the older two- storey barn which was recently renovated or the my one-storey barn built last year to hold 85 cows. The new milking parlour was damaged in spite of the efforts of the firemen "to save it. The water ,tanker frpm the Clinton Fire Department was called for to help supply water.* The firemen were called back again in the evening when it was feared that sparks from the smouldering hay might ignite the farth home which was close by in the direct line of the smoke. Fire Chief Ted Bissett of • Goderich said he and some of his men would remain at the scene during the night. • Your new home- use our money to get it now! 'The home you've always wanted—you donq need to wait for it. You can have it now—whetheryou're buying or building—with a quick, tailored-to-measure mortgage loan from Victoria and Grey. With seasoned experience gained through eighty years of AciAccvkaed ,ser,vice to hoxne,... seekers, Victoria and Grey can arrange all the details. Make sure -you're,right, Come right to Victoria and Grey. VICTORIA and VG GR TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1989 Ttlg HORON EXPOSITOR) sE000014, CANT; 14114WS of. A AP/ PPM MacAllister is a PatiePt in Wingham g9014t0A Oct when- he recovers is going' to Pine Crest home lonelt044- Ile is his ninety. first year. and mrs. TOM Bally,'4 Clarence and Dona Jean of Oak Lake, ManItObs, 'visited Mrs. Bailey's, uncle DaV14 MaC•41/10", ter. The symPathy of the comma,. ity goes out to Franken family on the death of John Franken who died suddenly in Vlctoria Hospital on Tuesday in his 40th, Year. lie leaves wife, and nine children. Miss Louseal St., Marie was )4;104 .In Augustine 004 40Aty. afater, 14.-1/11.4! At. VaT194 died iivota;„ •• 0101/getragt. 4ara 4tkvulegi a .r§c010.04: .414c100./ )41010.M. #0.11 4;4. F1140, PtAKtOr *17, . Mrs. 'BM ' wed*. Sister Mary .44'A/00'140011 rfor*P0r4 ,01?,040P,g holidays with there brothers Joe 444400 Nor-. man rpm, Miss gen1,440..N,01044 turned, fro* TOrPec0a,ttor.ape.4.0- 14 tInwa WeelPf with ller•144C0 and aunt Lewis Kennedy. Miss Marie Eeyle vislted'her aunt in ChathaM last • The last load of stone frdin the old furniture factory on thg corner of Market and Jaivis Streets is shown _being loaded into the truck. The contractor, Jahn McLlwaln, removed the building in eight weeks. The site is now ready for erection of the new`senior Citizens Home. (staff Photo) ARNOLDSTINNISSEN Life — Health and ACeident Registered Retirement Pensions — Income Tag De4Petable Registered Retirement Annuities' Representing Sun- Life Assurance. Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 --117 GODERICH ST. EAST L- SEAFORTH Arriving Daily Baskets of Peaches 8. Tomatoes AosieRvr aumalms 1. P1 (LOSING SATOI .1 • CANADA WHITE 0 VINEGAR CANADA WHITE U.S. NO. 1 RE GRAPES D 79c VINEGAR Pic kiln SALT SIFT() WHITE SUGAR GRANULATED FINE OR EXTRA FINE PICKLING & CANNING SALE MASON JARSJARS PAROWAX Small 2.39 . U.S. NO. 1 THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES MOP. Medium 2.79 lb. 800:. plastic 's ' 128 oz. • plastic jug • box 33b. ZWC t 001 baa l 2.59 Large .5,s 3,29 "b. 297 pkg. 1 50:,hog6.49 Jelly Tumblers I 3 lbs or more I I loth. bog 1•35 wee oe.01. I FRESH I I GROUND ! I BEEF I r--- APPROXIMATE —1 FFRESH LEG & r CUT r CUT FROM THE FAT CONTENT 25% I • I BREAST PORTIONS I I FROM THE I I BEEF CHUCK BEEF CHUCK ..I i BONELESS Boneless ! I CROSS MB, BLADE I !ROAST or ROAST I ! STEAKS it I I I _I I LT.__ I bLk ••••••• QUARTER LOIN (9-11 Chops) LOIN PORK CHOPS 1 -55t FRYING I CHICKEN I I QUARTERS I lb. C ONTARIO NO. I GAROEN FRESH HEAD LETTUCE 21.E 49c, CANADA NO. I CRISPY telh o CARROTS 2 ks. lb. 234 GOLDEN YELLOW CHIQUITA OR DOLE BANANAS. 13c ONTARIO NO. I GARDEN FRESH GREEN PEPPERS 104 ONTARIO NO I GARDEN FRESH -Field Cucumbers 2 f..29c CANADA NO I ONTARIO GROWN ONIONS • cello Pk291.b. 451c PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA—NEW CROP ORANGES Doz. ;ii 49c U S No 1 NEW CROP, - YAMS'2 onsiodeeiiiiiiinis irons. *Werra esseien area. teenier PICKLING & CANNING SALE lemenenivinnereireirm• CROWN RED OR WHITE JAR RUBBERS BERNARDIN A.l TWO-PIECE CAPS BERNARDIN STANDARD LIDS BERNARDIN 63 (0.1) TWO-PIECE CAPS RERNAROIN 63 (0.21 LIDS WIDE MOUTH CAP ctn. of 12 17c ctn. 59 c c 0 12, of 1229c' tn. ctn. 59c of 12 ctn. 31c of 12 ctn. of 12 /MIXED 'oboe CHOICE PEAS & CARROTS OR 01, I VEG. 5 1.00 CAPRI ASSORTED OR WHITE PAPER TOWELS r'21?.7: 55c GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE SUGAR PUSS 'N BOOTS, ASSORTED FLAVOURS CAT• FOOD 6 "fit 1.00 11 OZ. 6,0 A 3c CAPRI ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE p4rolls 49C Bathroom Tissue 4 :IV 1.00 IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT CORONATION STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES KLEENEX 2 PLY, ASSORTED COLOURS 3 1110 1.00 4 pia: 88c •;"' -4 •4.• • 4, BERNARDIN 2-PIECE C-1 I BETTY CROCKER, ASSORTED VARIETIES 6 % to FROSTING MIXES 2 1p1::: 88c "b• 68c . bag 8 Ct t SHIRLEY GAY RASPBERRY e . LLY ROLL. •-• CASHMERE WHITE, PINK OR YELLOW 32171, 7 plastic 9c 12 or. 59c jar FACIAL TISSUE MOM'S COLOURED ^ Seaforth IGA is open all day Wednesday and Friday night 'till 9pm FROZEN FOOD SALE VALLEY FARMS FROZEN FRENCH FRIES BRIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE PANTRY SHELF CHOICE SLICED ,,PINEAPPLE WE SELL ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF,! AUSTRALIAN - FROZEN - SHANK HALF LEG OF LAMB (UT -FROM:4-1-1EEENTRE LOIN PORK CHOPS' COLEMAWS.WHOLE OR HALF Fully. Cooked SMOKED HAM football Style DAVERN - VACUUM PACKED.--SLICED SIDE BACON NOVA SCOTIA, BONELESS Ocean Perch FILLETS Ih. 5: 099c 1 89c 1 lb. Pk9. 87c. lb. • ib.69c 9 or. 10C pkg. 1P) 5c tin '11e, 19 oz, 19c tin BANQUET FROZEN, ASSORTED FLAVOURS. CREAM PIES 3 1,1;:: 1.00 HAPPY VALE SUB STANDARD KERNEL CORN OMO POWDERED DETERGENT giant "il 7c she boo alf 12 oz. 1 4C tin TOP VALU VACUUM,PACKED - SLICED SIDE BACON . pkg. 1 lb. 97l iSszrOR KITCHENER PACKERS , BOLOGNA ri -y the piece lb. 35c TOP VALU • VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS 'WIENERS pkg. 1 lb. 59c • SCHNEIDER'S —VACUUM PACKEG 67c pkg. Red Hot WIENERS. 1 lb. MARY MILES - RIND-ON SIDE BACON By the piece lb. 69c 189 Seaforth Main Street Phone 5W-0680 as low as NOW IS THE TIME TO TRADE FOi2 Banish Washday Blues With a Westinghouse DRYER Come in, let us show you BOX FURNITURE 4 Ilr • iti-AREA FUNERALS-- MRS. MILTON STEWART Mrs. Milton. Stewart, 79, of Seaforth, died Friday 'in the Seaforth Community Hospital. She was the former Mary Jane Coleman, daughter of the late William Coleman and Sarah Jane Consitt of -Tuckersmith Township. She attended school in Hay Township.