HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-22, Page 4- visitins fr"tends in village task week. CORDON +& MCIN"B' B_,, i • tot 2, a.t C1int.Qn Dlessrs C7us McLauchiin, rand M Aik osita , n silt Sunda to pn, sacro boundary Opposite ens, of i iu„Ilam, &p Y X12.50 and X1.50 for a+;tras3a d ay S 1Tmus,i of Goderich: areil visitin ti town.- A beavy rain storm paQBed Weare determined-if out pLileta will ' , W, I LL I A M S. share c.f work $7 ; xegQ'un p friends ill town.—Mr E E, Barrow, o over this village on. I+'r arty Inst. ► dent. lir Jarris reported. culvert on The rerunlns of Mrs Bridge «ere do it••-•to reduce our immetasa• stoolr. of klowick boundary cutxlPtc'te and re- the Tylolson's hauls is a;vay on his poli- boned oil Tuesday last In the burial saasonablo Dry Goods: Gants Pttrnishr comwent, payment of $p8,12, Turn. days,--Mr Jar,les T luuis, of Ggralpll Moved by ivlr Cruick- has seoured n situatiou as telegraph ground on the faint of iVlr Chits Mc' lugs, Ready Made Clothing, Boots anal hemp's share, p Rae. She bad been a sufferer, haven„ seconded b Mr Dirnent, that operator In Coo er'a itooll store. - Dl r fresh Groceries before) —AND— shanll•, P of the farts of Jael.- 1;ept, her bed continually f,r it year or Shoes,, and para, i ' 1 Mr Barris do inspect road ' opposite Tit( Jackson, jr, 'a the more•—Mr Bang°ugh is putting it;; a neat stock taking. DRUGt Ii? st • lots 6 and 7,. coli A• uttd if ne 1V]soved Old countryson Broii, tlastlltewe+ek. -1The employes and, substantial fence it, front of his Sugars by tlaa carload, is the order os,,' let job of repairs—Carried• - b bIr Mundell, seconded by 1VIr Har• of the Clinton Urgan Cla intend tun lot and house. --Services in Methodist . y at as i. is not certain that the i ning an e=tcnratousto Ki caraine ab D out church next Sabbath will be taken by the day, so we are in ane offu to give, ris, that J 1+7 Hunter slid Der lingoes.•—Roc' J the best value that can be otkered, In, } ((1f pine tree charged d to jIL Stood oei'road I S,a s at Andingpt meeting cif rile Ott- Dyke >vill occur y Lha pulpit of t he gems or self sealers. we have a, very largo x i 4A H. TELEGRAPH ' last meeting of cCunCll, lyletl►odlgt 4tlurell, lyin ham, on 5a tario n n of Sat;i. Lath: next. stock--bought at jobbers prices--tvhioly allowance, ie further ii d tio o a l;by tells weekt141`lrs 9IC-Logan, q,oronto Opp. ' iUtl$'~ 11 HoUSQ, in the ma Mich, is at present visitiunwe aro selling very cheap. DIr 1lluttdetl, seconded by ever Cruick- naw, _ Fiuxon9Preabytery. goatee., The high *standard of our Teas will .be llt. that no furtltetiar«edir to .John fletwdeenttile tjuniorslt cif 5eafoxth rand The Fresbyte ry met in If nox church, setupulously uiainttrined, in addition to, Inghaiila. - abort .tho elni tree charged txodorioh, on the lath Inst. Rev J H 1lleTiinnon at last tile, of council Clinton on Vi last, resulkc'•d in a score of 1 to 0. .., ::.., .:.__.:..,;_.. ..,..._. $itu son was, appointed Moderator for our oelejbratad pure Indicia Toa or +' ami rte. y < —Carried. Moved by tNlr tDet tl►e t favor Franlc1Hod elis left on Friday . P g $al s We are the solo agents bore for- d seconded by Mr Daunde the enatiiu + six months. Delegattheir + ;+ Ctl j•the General Assembly repotted their rhojustlypopular"ehoceRussianTilind'. Clerk be instructed to have the Lown last for a ts.o weeks visit to friends in attendance at ilia salve, Messrs cilia Ergiueep inspect the Govern.nent Duluth;--.Dr Ttntayeon, of Detroit, attendance Wilson and Anderson, students, read black-tea, if you have not received a, 8"E}iti tUrou th lot 17; in the 12th sou- formerly of thus place, was v Biking lease call, d se;oulac:s, . ivllich were approved. gainpla of their tea by snail, p ,1 ULY 2, ' 893. cesistUri, and lots 19 and 20,ir1 the 11th friends in'town his weak gA'at tl a on us and k FRIDAY, p `btanding committees were struck for got it. ' concession, au also job o Engineer •oto rresiden a f Mrs lSl► ltouitt Tr , 1►0° the year, with the follotiviug C)onven- drain at once, — -- era ;. Monte Missions, C Fletcher ; l Good 1Gc• Straw Hats for 5e.; Prince at U report to this couueil on 12th screed• I C) (;ooper, of this tower x`celebrated bis BrvIT,ISH BLECTI U.P. Nlr 84th birthday on Tuesday last. 11r ' oc.per yard, and Factory Cotten at 4c. siou drain—Carried. Moved by Y Finance, h Heltderaon•; Sabbath Oh r There have now been elected 667 "Pipe and werv:auue,A McLean ; Sabbath Schools, per yard. IN H +• ll merit; socon tetu1r return Q'rattd gniteesmartly,lelmokes s's ' alk u p town Su eritit ence of .embers of tile' Houset of (}q,rittuons J 11 S*inbi ; P Temperance, GORDON' & Mc TYR pathmaaters grist Stuleiitt;, V Ni Biartin ; P } r at a.f, the 070 coniposirti the body. lists to the Clerk gn or before the 15th converses on live issues. In a : short A Stewart ; State of Religion, Dr The Big Bxown Anchor, the result of North Derry alae- day of August nekt, after that date time 1'r Cooper will haveLepn►a.,h 1J tnaid• TI e'clork was iter t steps will be taken to compell them to 00 years, aild.from p0W.At appearances,.` ;Wingham,.iTuly 21th.,10-2 'oa due Tuesday, the. Notting in "1'ip• P to foward an extract minute .ig the return them —• Carried. Moved by both iia acid Mrs Cooper will Ile spare rttry, 1 bleb tools lace'ruesda ,and Mr Diment, to celebrate ill;it .'VVI t- ! garding tela ----- Ib v ..• p ? 'D1r'tli►rriQ, 'seconded i9y _ _ t presbytery's action ,reti a I Drysdale, property, t° I1av J KeDonnld, Alm9g. li Doubles; Tragedy' ;ie_pollu,g Ili the Orkney Islanas, j that the Trpasure's'Itond sit now read Listowel• . of Varna. The resign%tiou of Dr be accel,ted by this council--Crtrried. A oui,Lrg[ a z3 Pfwt? 11ich .tales plaeie next week; the con. McDonald, of beaforth Was next taken tens viF>, t, D S, attenai.d elle grass will be over. TI►e ar'iiea now The following .accounts were pagse11 : J rat osier, tip Messrs D D Wilson, BallantYlle, P14TS 11la qwx .rHnoAT. 5 p arta orders on `Treasurer issued its ,funeral of leis father at. Hawksville, r O' osi- gravel last weep:—Mr J' J Stewart bas n%Ned J Wilson and (xoventock, appeared for M se, ;and : (conservatives, 314 ; Pp payntect : Samuel Ahdetaou , , , ^ 53. The three remaining alis- 2 80, damaged, i ; \lis Johnston' I leis barber shop t'1 hH Arlici, ton. tl►e Session and conore;;ation• Rego- Guel {►, July 19.—A desperate affair it, 8 • lotions +vers read 'from the corgis- oceured on the corner of oxford and ,srtcta are certain'to return supporters.' rttvel, 82.20; John W 1Val 1c'1'av gh, edeiuw n x ch arch on Sunday lust l g,rtio», ssttiult forth its desire to re- D,lbliu streets ahortty after 6 o'clock ; f :Glads:gne, so the latter's''►uajority X3.75. danrageS BP.ios Henderson'() ra3el, D r John Krug, had the misforhtue to { tain lir McDonald, and offering him tt)jp niornin;, when 1lichael Burrs, ravel, .46; TIhave three of his fingers badly out ; an assistant if he would withdraw his! ;t "AB in Burr Bros funiture f.-Ac- 4 the )text LO Hill be 42. 81.5U, dn►ua„as 50 cents : Georg+ '1 be following totals represent the Pocock, gravel, $2 ; John Harris, while working w the factory , a few I resi,gnatiotl.. Dr McDonald stated Lis tory, attempr.ed to kill his wits and •,ravel, 83.25 ; Henry Wheeler, data days ago.—bliss Clayton, of St Mary's I adherence, to hip resign4tion, but left ( commit 'suicide •trfterwetrcls, About Rrttre, v°tr, cast at tete recent elections: „ravel $2 25, ColieLiate Institute, is viaitil,e her l hin►self entirely in the hands of the rho hour mentioned the neiglibors Sn o.ui5ts, 2,146,946 ; Opposition, gFs, $3.50, Thos Pope, gravel, ,ravel. uresis in town.— Der 4Vi11 Ferguson,,;Y vera our by hearing ;. dan,a +es X1.50; .loseph Leoch,;, p Presbytery• [t was dal moved, se- screat iii, );,417,58(1 Eli •ah iii,+;;ins, Gravel, ti:), of Sarnia, is ept•nding Ills, holidays in corded and Carried, that in view of tits house, the first l ,ei4g (,gorge w $1.20 ; `^, gravel, 4 ; I towu.—D'ljss Rosa Edycombe is visit- congregation's tuinnint us_ desire to Bruce, who folpid uric gwp,akt in they g $ leis hadie, +, dama„pa, 1 ' retain the services of their Pastor, the k;DI2'UP.IAL NUTGS. woman in the bane( y,e34d GoQeretl with d ge i lug friends in {?aria•-illi Thos Band- Andrew Rrid, gravel, 83.1u, ams a, „ Mr Thos P blood. Other ne>iethhurs tyro soon, on, S1 ; Be,,- ban of Buffalo, is visiting Presbytery decline to acce t the resi - :• ')'iii Hon Theodore Davie has been 81 ; A McDonald, sideclatria on side Mal" of ti,is town.—bliss :Mary t nation. `lose presbytery adjourned to the scene. Se far as can be learned ppotnted Pre British Colombia, nett liolwes,5 mpr+t in 13rttcefield, the second Tues- it appears that Rn.rttns wife a;tDd Iles John road , John Vatetter, 65 cents, re- Cliniie,,of Godertch, is spending liar living to rho death of the Hou Jo.tn ,io day of September' next. mother have b,N,ett in the habit of pairs at Gray'^ bridap.; Duff t&h t ricer ; : of Br usaels lis mspeeacli 1 , 1 e 1111oidiclays i drinking, while ie re( Burns Iran dobson. $5 ; boilaing road o _ jj The,Cheese Trade. abstained, and lie had peen brooding ntEs lITC111ILL, editor of Uhe Duff Steiva 1 Broso' 81 50, on olntnber sp itit of in nt a fewdiDtrlitfriends tr Eiawof l . Up to the close of last week the ex- over theirfbehaviar' ani other an,rtters ' , Js, lnidge; Wilson *oii xic{t Stco was arrested ou. Dion- do is visiting •f.iends in' ports of cheese from 'Montreal from to such all extent that it i9 supposed bar Henry Fleath , for culverts ; Cpris Jobb, $9, repair- last wc>ek. his mind was affected. After getting charged with criminally libeling in, approach to Jobti s bridge : Ed Uherlin, 01 , j .11a opening of navigation were 313,- getting „ • ,. town at present. 1000 boxes, ,l;ainst 267,000 boxes for up bis wife trade t11a remark to l►itrt, yQr 2tl C Lauieruu, ex-Ji P. DIr Dlit join;, X1.8, gravplline , Vn, Wright, that lie we, p ;11eii in his paper )stat week r l r a S, culvert and gravelling. ; P 10 Glenfarrow the et,rpespondie>g period last year, e a ti earlier forst usual. HtM Malley, culvert ; Garr Yue, I showi!1$ all iuenease of 46,000 boxes• was sicttng oil the doorstep; at file lurid chargs aartiust ii9r Cameron and ' nravrliin,+ ; (`George Bloir, $8.12, out- \'I r Jno G 'MCPhersdn and wife, of { The elliA fenturr in tile, trade this time. Scarcely had she spoken to Mini, culvert and ,season has been the retnatkably good and turned her Lack than he strtickl :halleu;;etl hits to reset.t iU in Guy vert Will Eliot., X16, Bent, Grp° spending their holixiays with I ll: People will eager. gravelling ; tVm Bradley, 85,bread , w days demand for Cauadialn cheese. owing hep several cruel blows over tits head iutu.ut;r he pleasep „ Y, v '••• friends here-Miss Jennie ttichardson, , with a roiliu p P + g } 4, care , p. to file splendid xeput>itiou it lies ultras in. She escaped of Iiarriston is a craw a few B great con- ' Iv watch the outcome of the arrest, as for ndi„ent Mrs Stewart, R screatniug to too yard. 1VLen the of the charge treterred of it ; 11 Srigley, $3, charity ; J at DIr James Anderson's Thos, ,for itself in En land—the neighbors entered•ti►ey found Burns, ;;iso the rusult •' 1 Grt"eu, 814, Printing voter's lists Higgins has gone to Michigan spend surnpllve centra of the world. After +.lr Dfiiichell, 'i`ile prisoner, was arta notices. Moved by Mr Cruick a few weeks with old acq°pintances•— the heavy shiptt,ents of tile Past two lyiue on the' bed with dila throat cat, r y tl)e pillows, floor and allnust e. et'. ; al;en lit the Mh vor, fill Tueaelay, I chaser, seco►tdpd by DIr Dinient, that :i11. ` m Moffat and datl;hter Lizzie, weeks, amounting to 170,000 boxes, it est used, Mitchell this council do now adjourn rDi to trait u1 I left on Tuesdily, July 9th, for Dakota, was thoualit that prices nu the other think iu fire room lid ial covered witl>; ! Abut the true ,,as ! pside tvonid receive a sliakin Y blood, The theory is 'that after' he, i,' tilterated on Itis own hail to NSCDovald's ball, L'lnevale, on Mon- ryherethey intend residing for some g down, I' 1►ael C'ubbed Lia wife and thought her, !!iter day, August 32nd, 1893, t'itiie with his sou J,rrnes.-111iira Tea- the knowledec that'sucl► heavy sup- re,; dicer when called. Jon BUR61:S8, ('i'd:11C, ail. Ti flax, of Walkerton, spent ►est lies ware ou the guy ; but tile very dead he went to the looking glawa ands _ weep at Dar William GemtY ill's--ltliss slight decline that took plaee iu the deliberately cut hie throat; '1'lte razor, ittrnberrY• Teeswater. r Blry no is visiting friends near Liverpool publi-, cattle lase week de_ was lying beside him in the bed. They e of the coon- Rev leer Malec is %way on a fou Spuforth.--11'lr D *vIeT&vis and Miss m°nstratea that tires cogsuntptive de- ,.agli was a fearful one all d clip flU t oh l Minut«•s of tort me tiro pp blood was stopped with ditnoult au his .Iessie McTavish spent Sunday at Nit lttt►nd is abouo equal td the supply, i d, t;f Ills township ut TurnbNrry, held weeks yacn nt oh1t11Dgroundfor )s , lay ' Fraser a —Der rhos Powell, esper►ally as orders have come to httucl the wound stitched. Flet was lit .once in Mu )ouald's hall, L'luev%le,on Neon- getting m —Blies G Dlct luin, of Her,- D F.entl had LhN misfortune to fall fore prornptie than wail expt'ute;1 at re...oved to St Joseph's Hospital .dav,,July 18111, 1592. All tit" mem• new house. n engaged-to teach in the sr' u load of lea+ arxd re:e;eived raier sibs cloaca of lust week's' prices. 7.he whetE he is lying in w very.,criticitl )tiers present. The It«eve uc the chair. sell, has beefrom a 1 p cecinas iujttries. bay hope to liner.4f make of cheese is said to be very lnr,e, condition. His wife WAS immediated 'Tire itiva°fes of the hist sleeting were fourth cte apartment X90 for the recover —Mt John Geertyntili ailthuntth reports from solus districts ly removed tri 1►e1 niothpr's ootids, ry.cad, npprov,d and signed: lire School ata Y gig sgon e vii, Int a 'oil of re ivainder of the yer. bliss 11411iti jr, fleeted his ny friends toyalt:.i ,re¢rort a decrease in the flow of milk. .ndafter&itrdstatlieG.etier.iI Hovpi, Reeve reported having l iai,e to conies highly reconinrended and We jr, y dip to the present, telt where it was found their she+ had airing approach to J„ bt, s bridge, aces.— Mr E goweo►►. has oreaatn supe er Steewart, of iBl+re ales ,k►aata t1.o Cause fur however, I rec' iv.ed about half a dress scalp. 4C Jobl, tit $9 ; also let t, lob of mak- w)sh her su. 111.assrs ll i ere,C,tia►.gcCrreminills „ remnnetattve tnounda. )hey are sevrire, but "pot, •: Loth lana s old stand. Regult that bread are busily cin pric Navin,. received ratty in:; a road through liver at Geinlnill's 1 opened out anew bakery ill R Cope, brace J price's, and the factories being p nreessnrily fatal. lob sg 01 pDuEl tL Stewart, tit 85 , closely sold tip- It is stated that ,,l completed and recommend pay. (has conic down a cent. ife of tradn Fraser has is hlos,tly all the June maka 'Inas been Stroh Kedicai Association. •s neem. f alio sc 1J a .portion of the tele br ck work of ells 1Dugs completed ' iter chronicle s oc#A of',aod that there is less cheeses The enacting of the Huron Medical, letitk. tluoriug rf tot,. old bridge for the It is fat aA 1? Association at Seafortlr at, Tuesday, g ' r"'p It completed. the death of Al•r rdi ,wtTeest 1n 1)xs in the country than ut°this time est . S10 , elan that fere Ce,mnrinet, of this and isroofing Ue i g tturerwhen co p ,e a • P sx went took place year. his may be Erne, but it is a was larltely nttenclad by membors o1i c+,trltcil uXpointe,l co meet 1' ►ngl►am I hand „ 40th ear. wl►ioh d. •' ..r inert: At —The "Iuvtnciblea (sNcond junior). Thursdta l,ila;t. :lie deeease!d yrett difficult, matter to determine profession from all parte of tbN ootlu; c°tiuc►l, re Grattan brad t , football club went over to lildmny on .'on Ynttml►er ,of u►ontha ha+ with an de res •of. certainty.. On the P 11 inglwni and d, ft+rred action on the and played the club of health, for a y B try. In addition to the contrii►utloll r advice elskrd for Slnnday last P Y been in a very unsatisfactory state, whole the present aeasoll leas pr ved a to the programme by incttl meniberi matter until forthe The that lace,, The reaultc being three: to very cur cass=ful one so far, and there s w 1u ;11atn council to scut, p e foam, There 'TItr. e,team in tvhictl the de's@esed was of the profession, an interest q', pappit ter b ;t lit let oh one favor of tit" hog y pro- appears to bee Ito reason wh it should on El, e,trolysis in Practice;" by DB Den. ty Reeve reported a l,, till te:anis in Tilerwater held fuss ntanif"ted b the. vast ro t continue so, even if they redicted t• P revellnl,,+, in 1litchelt s are three footb ceaaion that followed hi rtttnairis fey 'po C R Dickson, of Toronto, and an'othe'r F of 6 rod 1; •tr t 29 now, juniors, 2nd ltuut,r and seniors, Y 'decline lir value sltoulti ntatertalize. ou „ pill,psy,„ by Dr J Ferguson,'of ' relate dtviatozl, to ;E;dwltrd Tit g a_ I µ nd' "uliiora Haver tukaii into their their last testing place on Sattile Toronto, we re IligIlly, app s s per rod, lair cumpTt ted and re The-, l i the can b,to tow plat, their buinp •Ilearly 200 rigs in the .----• ' ++ rociated. WAS p r u with lleada of late the Y ion, The Foresters= And Sant; There has.11pen recently discovered Arrangs•ments were made for sty an enm)nend'. payment , also a,o g rd . . o of re seniors. Two ttotley coutestted inatcliee E nd of which ,Illi' see gives . a A recess by which Hour may be inacly acral picnic for L'duroic ntl,d cal lneq et a l b l of iscoll% Vawan a,h council Tied 1 , re la .esit betwe'1t lila two tuttat +'d the fuirt;fal it :s b4) y' flranana■, and the importance of Uhe and their taiuilTe s at liayfleld searing iri)ig approach tw patter,on s bridge, I we played ,{ u + in a draw', neither tlrembet attend 6 the drat weeik tit August• 'lite gradu,, i job of 'gravelling. at W, toeing, read ti p a The he►eaved wife, and family have discnvewy ca'►i be reeilizedawT irezraut n Toronto University decided at $'i•5n and ] known tI)a. ,kib scene are sties cif o ou st A,nanosh to _pay half. Mr side sooruly. inti bettltot.s viers at tiles to ath of the eiltlret oornmunity wi,bt had dit,advculea;;t+ its atrtl►e of their ate sympathy , y that will b pounds of %11011. t ort the candidN, ' ant reported that VVtu 1V b . „ to tldsthelw sad Iierettivemeut. +paw forte p i unanilnonaly to snap 71tt► h, -clung on B line %wily, The "ilissonters are Minus - will produce allnually 4;000 lioullds of tareacrf Drs 1Vtiglit, .tlikins, llcrarlanti otompleted ,lob + f gray Q Rel re Vel ulve ttt ilk $20 ; also I a 8rprat Jett) of t11, it conceit ssut:'e the 1►atlatlaK,. and that It Italian plantatiot►t and Cameroi► nt tl►tr coming election Iib $8 3 also yob of a They awe. •conspic- Y Y to t}re aeuate of rig reovincia►l Univer & liasCom feted job of :llildtilay itratelr> y A Sire, Erakitle is v)sittirlg. friends in .afar once started. 111sts twenty +earsI tl►tl►t (}corn✓: Yoe p and re unusi e,'bserlt of late evellihes, P youngP'e.rsian. (I city. availing on g line at >1110 , Y tsotnntended payrl► t!t;t of eael) of the tplegrrrin was recei etl r:ti Blond e teost t,aof prose t~b Ige, 'Iroronto, sl'Itbout { Yeakiu..ult br tr o v R ,r scent aetraltin eft at ellen with Sir front Vii' ttrte err filet ftp Ghtt►lza Fraser drylivercii' a lecture au 'tile ttlnnners oberc C'l1, Con 9, Gray, recently Itr t ee c onrse of a recent to 1410 ire aceroartUti, Aso th t ;and one tlf ivata n„t,,gpeweteti to live wtrlitryllhotd d ciuslotria of tht4 pt opletefPnrNla. eta R Harris had tti+ct the, $eeve ._ 1el ,ki,sm Critic, n1, roasdtt;t AA 1 r'cll est Tuesday :1liadt) a Saler of )reef cattle tlir twatvtlwere usittdsa,d evDritC3ocllralrti aattl there, + Ownsbtp lei er. A like Derpat+f,lie+< re s di' Grey t n” stn ttur't Ist• we,+ ele;►tt, )lie, was the I?regbyteti t i cit t IlusaelI Barr lrrttrl to beat. The puwcrtt:e paid wits ('we're seine people who would slut eliavt' Arid inspastwfAlie boullamiry, opposite+ I ru r R erenlag bast. "VT r n t A and agreed to pay r bnwteel lir 'iVirldsew at 13 p1, t►ti'krres Iitr wee Attd. Chore 2 atltri' n. t ge)rIo to Detroit wrh8re tat+ Iran uecured: Scnt6 .lu ►tones rinse tile p l ...- . a f cod sttttatitrn _Mr 11 Gallagher rnontlts c11r1A steer weigh eci, 1,7t years olinds their i 6elghhot : 4111 t day Ito t►lrave +ql►m lirl +lrt $S (or Turnlikerry sbatrb Of .fray. _ licca corm le,ted. Nir ?Ann- Geer niers antfla paoilla atwho• wt►uld silt plie work w P Tartit,ag Sievntgntnery. et frrn,e+r.wnrtll %pint SurtdaY ttedA butilry BAuld re9aY two yeiar'al 1rt,Tfertt averelltec 1,250, y who r re reel tern. Wm F,llieytt tial their trrrats' Orr S iidm t het 1 p_ 4'i' vel $8,00(), living near Stroetsvrllr; 1)rra Tistrlrly ')rets ut and a 3 .. yrl''t lel 11v`ifa'rr seutla'd f btAb th e " , I rwatei it ",bof ,tpxvvlling ori gel► ,im,Bir v 'wtaaf►,sal+red rrh it' w"[Its' y ,r►trPi ftrwttt"1. r1I1v'1 at $1'iJ, w ln'd ' 'b' ' tnuiitr+ t r rix) iter tli t t ttn artltrt ><n the xt o t a. attili